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Guide questions: Answer the following questions.

1. On land we can breathe freely anytime we want, but in the water, when we swim it is not
possible. According to the video tutorial, what movement can be done to be able to breathe in
the water? (for freestyle in this case)
- As it states in the question breathing is different when in the water. The movement that you
need in order to breathe while in the water is to lift your head or turn your head sideways.
Like in freestyle, you can breathe certain times by turning your head to the side.

2. What is there commended way of breathing in and breathing out in swimming?

- In inhaling use only your mouth because it will be difficult if you use your nose in performing
drills. In exhaling, it can be done by both the mouth and nose, but the nose is much more
using in exhaling. This will help keep water from getting into your nose.

3. What is the reason why swimmers need to learn to take a large breathe?
- Swimmers tend to take large breathe because it will help increase their lung capacity and
can help them swim in a long distance without needing air. This will help increase their
performance if they going to race.

4. When is the proper time to exhale or breathe the air out?

- Once you have inhaled, hold your breath and swim for a time not breathing out. If you feel
that you need to take a new breathe, you need to start breathing out all the air and then
take a new breathe. It really depends all on the swimmer if he/she will inhale or exhale.

5. For beginner swimmers, it is advisable to practice the drill of exhaling through the nose. Why?
- It’s advisable for beginners to use their nose while exhaling because it will help keep the
water from getting into your nose, and will help breathe out all the air for a longer time then
the mouth.

6. What is the common breathing mistakes of swimmers?

- For beginners, they do not breathe out the air in the water
- While swimming, they lift their heads to breathe out and then take a breath. This will reduce
their momentum.

7. In watching the video of different drills, what can be the importance of performing the drills in
- This will help, especially to the beginners so that they can make this learning process
comfortable, easy, and effective.

8. Considering your personal level of breathing skill in swimming, how can these drills help you?
- Regardless of the breathing pattern you select, practicing breathing pattern drills will
improve your lung capacity by making you breathe more effectively.
9. In performing the drills, how do you plan to do it? (Explain how you may be able to do the drill in
your place)
- If I was the one performing the breathing drills, I would face the wall, and take a deep
breath or take as much air I can handle, then do a squat in the water while breathing out all
the air that I have, and then go back to the surface then repeat it again. Another one is that,
if the pool is deep, face the wall and then use your hands to hold an edge or something to
pull you in the surface.

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