Indian Financial System

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SHRI GURU RAM RAI UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of MANAGEMENT AND COMMERCE STUDIES INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM A TOPIC- ROLE OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTED TO- Dr. Gurleen Kaur SUBMITTED BY- RISHABH MALETHA iW DEX Mow lLEDGEMENT © WHAT 1s A _fivAWCIAL SYSTEM? © Lele of FINANCIAL Sys TEM jn Eloworm se DEVELOP MENT © FWANCIAL DEVELOP mMEWT - EloWer jc aks T4 Miws ¢ A CASE Stun y OF BANGLADESH © Congluslonw —_ Dal 2 eee TACK Or LERGEMENE Sa re ee TL WMowl2 LiKE To FXPRESS my SPECIAL THANKS OF GRATITUDE Jo_mv TEACHER Dk bite GAvE ME TH OPPO RToMITY To Do TH ASSIGIVIMEN DEW LAWDERFOL LUDIA NW FINANCIAL SYSTEM iw Elonlamie DEVELOPMENT: Whe AL lo pu PED ME 1A ComAeT/NMe ___ bey ASSIGNMENT .) CAME Te KiIe by 4 AbOvT 60 many Web THINAS 1 Am REAuwY THAN KELL To THEM CfCeWOpy | woyle Like Te THANK My PARENTS AND FAMILY WHO HELPED ME AlLeT si FINAL ¢) Wve, THIS ASSIGNMENT VTHINW THE GIVEN TIME FRAME. Date _> pAL SysTEM ? LtbadlisS acd _invedtob A C&changt ttted— Pusch defi briance PA jecté.ditoes fe and to fitsue gq Abfibls an thes firace tal aphids Tht frac (al S4gSkbrs ‘alka _inchudis Lets of hudid aad Phacticts faa foots aud Lends _ L ta dtoict bihich Phapectat get wi ost Eman ; DEVELOPMENT e © SavingA jnveddmtnt Rebadinrs hip = Tinamciak dy tees haa fs ied of ing A ip ae fn Phe ceanangy Wea eas indtY4ution’ Ltt panka-T PL k oe a Major oo —- alts LALO Sa ee Vahrois A Ds as eee tive Latts of e Abst bhution + Ras kA b, er ee Pr Aiharcts acrkass 2 4. LA Lhe fp ibe CO aati ap copied abeabh = Budbinedh buintdd cae ds a o Zu Coa Oo ae Aue; es tape Aud hang peh. ra _paargy Jeg ae Diamond Date_S |* Foswg sre paabiketd i= The fetusg | Ee enange pobket hebpA Cx postzhs OA jmpZAtes Lach ancl Secbit fucdld poke biting +3 arbacdord - alin Chahhs onks Bo. Wr Monty ad Phovial oppabsunidss foal te bfphtns Sa Ste prety Sa Vabs rd feign uot Lhe doeblas8 ob 4! Cuba Tee mabkkhter alda Pali ded oa ee foes id baa A 42 24 Lh A 2 fuk au Cab Lift. es BoVihArrtrts hay, bLuLf, LA ab pe on mitt fosergea hase Apter tal bS cough 7S masRep 7 ° J The Jrranaciak — hy Stee ie godt nnacnt Anise fs hetbiug a ata uss ? see int thd Fee and jie Corthal — oe _ Caos aad ut Clio eae pes Govthurnee Anno bor As — ZF OVA bead ahicotjout fuold prance fi ae tid fe oo oe. ae ee ea es le Diamond ° laff bth uct isl and LAoutth :- The ee es hh abt uctyAk has a ff fiwancial beohirg On bs bale 9 ea beth The $i nant fT phan Belen 4g Lod tre Prnascial 2theds, tre Jira cial Pe eet an al He fita oat etn Aah nhc Al be AS ee main Ptht of ft e Z2LOvom al Sbthvicts Plog ox Phowaleug ee se ie a we SEE, 4 AgAirg AL ties bttisek 1 ea mee And ~Vbo powc! Litctia LO bf ao Bphaubecit bibuser, Gros a7 e Loft’ wy ste Dies jn phe Aeshna of ae ga as. a ud pthc’. Jot Fai (fitters Pile ats Fo thakiss iene tee bivancial “paah kot Dia pie pe old fincas al [rbd u per cde Like + bills Pe oe prkrp andl fost Bia fila Acial bonks btdfad frst sei Ltt chedi'} pS (a | farveh af f rapatt Diamond So Bera Re eg qt auado’ z= A rl gees ae | 4y Stern bifhS ver oe Boe, obo Abie 1 thiu ee 2 Ores Ie Proncial Sadpem pbb and fod the 4 hovivug bubreds i iY, T seks bes je it L, $A. OTE ait a4 pl Opps les 4 iam [Na 24g cee Cee es ae es thL [no bhCto4 - TincAtasé tr bisdsjutse Tndesthunl tushy Lads to VaS ous Loacd rent ee ba hhe Sabi. Shaki deny Gud Sa oe - @ Vertité capi ame Stas tips bask Anata oe stale decitey Pai ant Lal Pra 0 oa tahtigs$ The ran Atabou jt J iA OA fo wot ony TEEY) ale bect cox bt Sobvtol bom rhe be Waal eA td pyaes Cont At bopt afatef tiwA the Pomoion of toler flirts ts Jun fred Let, pa tel by 247. 2 Lge e bon pf bt ss Mpidal. | Diamond ANC? S&L DEVEL Ltonomi, GRowTH NEXUS? A_ CASE sTupy DF BANGLADESH Bs = Mp HABiguR RAYMAN exid ty a) Peet A chap Lt. Baan COND Loud ih “will Ltablitledl by tak thepsatical as 2 ipiSccal Goa Tht P4tde ree of L. os bet ttl, gains yy) Z b Out 4 initia Lipsaos [abide wlatecl by) clay. Lo 4 Z ee lls tal tc. Hi i aS L S bau CVA Ob es aoe At bastion fihed 7: a / EL # 5 WA 2 ; aod ee PP if a a 4 ues Cabal nx. eq) Hae Bae ong : CoAsphs di Gy aspin berth hese La ae nh Lak ~counté oa: tic hn nordic Share acbiocaHe by Latlo: bahyvd ot "pedi gf oy - ee nchbtads Lasting had Diamond ee a priya Mrs whl fx : w Yoh, Lato

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