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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Inawayan, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur

Oral Communication In Context

First Quarter Examination

Name: ______________________________________________________Date: ___________

Grade and Section: ____________________________________________ Score:__________

I. Multiple Choice. Read the following questions carefully and silently. Encircle the letter that
best describes the answer.

1. Oral communication is the interchange of _________between the sender and receiver.

a. cues and clues c. written messages
b. verbal messages d. signs and gestures
2. Body talk is also known as:
a. physical communication c. overflow
b. leakage d. noise
3. Oral communication is better than written communication for:
a. conveying feelings and emotions c. saving time
b. providing an opportunity to refer back d. conveying facts and opinions
4. The limitation of oral communication is that:
a. it is not affected by the speaker’s feelings, stress, or excitement levels
b. it is irreversible-what is said cannot be taken back
c. it is easy to be aware of our body language
d. it does not require on-the-spot thinking
5. The foremost barrier to oral communication is:
a. humility c. poor listening
b. concentration d. interestedness
6. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication model?
a. A group of teenagers planning for a big event
b. The committee finds ways to reach the less fortunate in their barangay.
c. The Philippine President delivering his SONA
d. a, and b
7. You ask your sister to put on her mask every time she goes out and she nods in reply.
Which model of communication is presented here?
a. Interactive c. Conversational
b. Linear d. Transactional
8. Which model of communication portrays a multilayer of communication processes where the
characters and environment change over time?
a. Interactive model c. Transactional model
b. Linear model d. all of the above
9. Which communication model focuses on the message sent to the recipient?
a. Interactive model c. Transactional model
b. Linear Model d. a combination of a and b
10. A strong wind struck as Arnold and his father took turns in pulling the fishing boat to the shore.
Arnold cannot hear his father’s voice. Which affects the flow of the communication process?
a. Arnold’s voice c. father
b. boat d. wind
11. Myra submitted her report to her teacher online because of the enhanced community quarantine.
Which element is missing in the process?
a. channel c. feedback
b. encoding d. receiver
12. Angie works for a fast-food company as a cashier. A customer comes in to order sandwiches and
drinks. What model of communication is best described in the given situation?
a. Conversational approach c. Linear
b. Interactive d. Transactional model
13. Which element is NOT found in the Shannon-Weaver model?
a. barrier c. feedback
b. channel d. receiver
14. Which of the following is an example of Interactive communication?
a. A jeepney barker persuades the commuter to Pacita Complex
b. A social media influencer gets millions of views from her debut video.
c. A TV anchor interviews lawmakers over the MECQ in the metro.
d. A vendor starts a small talk with his customer and latter gives in to it.
15. Which of the following must be avoided in communication breakdown?
a. Ambiguity c. personal interpretation
b. focused attention d. both A and B
16. Which barrier includes the mental conditions of the listener?
a. cultural barrier c. physical barrier
b. linguistic barrier d. psychological barrier
17. Which is the best option to avoid misinterpretation that causes a communication barrier?
a. Be familiar with the topic of the speaker. c. Disconnect with your emotions
b. Do not be conscious of gender or status. d. Inquire about the meaning.
18. In which barrier does gender be classified in communication?
a. cultural barrier c. physical barrier
b. linguistic barrier d. both b and c
19. The following statements are correct about speech context EXCEPT
a. Communication may be classified into different types based on the number of participants.
b. Speech context depends on the relationship between the communicators and the situation.
c. Speech takes place in a vacuum and is always contextualized.
d. There is always a reason to speak which includes the purpose, audience, and the situation.
20. An intrapersonal communication involves …
a. small group c. one speaker
b. a speaker and an audience d. two speaker
21. The following are under public communication context EXCEPT
a. delivering a speech c. delivering an oratorical piece
b. delivering a letter to speak d. delivering campaign speech
22. Which among the following is NOT an interpersonal communication?
a. talking to a counselor c. talking to a stranger
b. talking to a mirror d. talking to a superior
23. According to Martin George Joos, what are the five speech styles?
a. Assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, and declaration
b. Frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate
c. Interpersonal, intrapersonal, mass and public communication
d. Locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary, performative, and interaction.
24. This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members or individuals.
a. Intimate c. Consultative
b. Casual d. Frozen
25. Common examples of this speech style are Allegiance to the Flag, Prayer, and Preamble of
a. Formal c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Casual
26. A carefree way of communicating, and one in which those who know you can easily understand.
a. consultative c. intimate
b. casual d. frozen
27. This is a communicative strategy that we use when we want to establish a topic in a conversation.
a. Nomination c. Repair
b. Topic control d. Termination
28. It involves moving from one topic to another.
a. Topic shifting c. Repair
b. Turn taking d. Restriction
29. Which of the following responses uses repair as communicative strategy?
a. “By the way, I need a few personal details about yourself.”
b. “Best regards to your family! See you around.”
c. “Excuse me, can you please repeat the question?
d. “Please enlighten me about the solution to the issue you are suggesting.”
30. You want to make a conversation with the new student in your class. Which is the best way to
establish a topic?
a. “I have heard that you are from Palawan. I think the beaches there are great.”
b. “Do you want to join our club?”
c. “Can I talk to you?”
d. “Why did you transfer to our school?”

II. Read the given situation and fill in the grid below by identifying the elements of communication
in the situations.
31. Rosa instructs her little brother to water the plants in their garden. However, she did not notice
that her brother was wearing headphones when she gave instructions. She learned too late that
her brother did not do what she told him.
Barrier (if any):

32. Gerry bought a can of milk from a nearby store. As it was handed to him, he checked its
expiration date. He found out that the product is already expired and reported to the storekeeper.
Barrier (if any):

33. Trina’s mother sent her a ring and requested a video call. The poor internet connection did not
make it possible. They sorted to just texting each other.
Barrier (if any):
34. In a classroom setting, you are grouped into five or six members for an activity. Your task is to
give an opinion or reaction to the closure of the biggest television network in the Philippines.
While having the activity, you also heard the JHS graders having their dance practice for the
upcoming event. That noise did not interrupt your discussion as you give your own views.
Barrier (if any):

III. Explain why there is a communication breakdown in the given situations.

35. Jay and Michelle started talking about their plans for Christmas Vacation when their classmate,
Moy, interrupt them.
36. Livy encounters a participant who is very eager to share with others her views and opinions. She
does this without asking permission.
37. “Mama, I will buy this cake for you. I am very sure that you will like its taste. It’s from our
favorite cake store!”

IV. Identify the type of speech context and speech style appropriate for the following situations.
38-40: Intrapersonal; Interpersonal; Mass Communication; Public Communication
_________________38. You are having a meeting with your group mates.
_________________39. Ana is the speaker during the student’s assembly.
_________________40. You are thinking on how to pass the exam.

41-43: Frozen; Casual; Consultative; Formal

_________________41. Leading a prayer before meal.
_________________42. Talking and laughing about memorable experiences.
_________________43. Delivering campaign speeches

V. Identify the type of communicative strategy in each statement.

_________________44. “Do you have anything to say?”
_________________45. “Have you heard the news about the latest achievement of our

------------------------------------------------ GOOD LUCK! 😊 ------------------------------------------------

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