Mastermind 1 Student's Book Audioscript

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class audioscript LEVEL 1

01 I: Food isn’t on your list anymore, then?

Unit 1, Section 1, Exercise B A: No. Now I love eating all kinds of food. Miami has great
food from so many different countries!
I = Interviewer; A = Armando
I: Yes, it does. OK, Armando, thank you very much.
I: Today I’m talking to Armando Gurrola about how he defines
who he is. Armando is 28 and married. He’s Mexican, and he 03
lives in Miami, Florida. Unit 1, Section 2, Exercises B and C
I: Armando, how long have you lived in the United States? A = Anna; S = Sean; K = Kayla; M = Matt
A: For almost two years. A: How important is it to be an individual, to express your
I: When you were living in Mexico, which factors were most personal identity? Sean?
important to your sense of personal identity? S: I think it’s really important to be yourself. If we don’t have
A: Well, number one was definitely my family. In Mexico, family a strong sense of our own identity, then it’s as if we were
values and traditions are extremely important. And then all made in a factory.
I guess number two for me was my job. K: Well, yes, to a certain extent, but don’t you think we have
I: Which was …? to respect the people close to us, like our family?
A: Actually, I was studying and working. I was an architecture S: Yes and no. Family members should respect each other,
student, but I also had a job in a construction company. but that also means respecting each other as individuals.
Work was always more important than studying! I don’t think your family should ever force you to dress or
I: And why was your job so important to your sense of identity? act in a certain way.
A: Well, in Mexico, your job really defines your social status, K: I’m sorry, but I just don’t think that’s true. I think parents
so it’s really important to us to have a good job. have the right to expect their kids to conform to certain
I: OK, I see. And what else influenced your personal identity? family values.
A: Probably my social group. M: And what about at work? For example, you like to wear your
I: What things gave you and your friends a common identity? hair really long, Sean, but if you get an office job, that might
A: Well, we had similar family backgrounds and values, and also not be appropriate.
similar interests and life goals. S: I just don’t think a job should force you to go against who you
I: Sure. So your family, your job, and your social group. are. I would never take a job that wouldn’t let me be myself.
A: Yes. Oh, and food! K: I’m afraid I can’t agree. People have to make compromises.
I: Food! Why food? My older brother was always saying that he would never
A: Because I never wanted to eat anything that wasn’t Mexican change because of a job, and he would make fun of people
food. When I traveled, I was unhappy if I couldn’t get it! who did. But then he got an office job and he had to start
wearing a suit!
A: Sean, do you think you lose your individual identity if you
Unit 1, Section 1, Exercise C
change your hair or clothes?
I = Interviewer; A = Armando
S: Well, you don’t change who you are, but you’re letting other
I: OK, Armando, a few questions about your life now. You live in
people pressure you to do what they want you to do.
Miami, so I know you have a lot of contact with other Spanish
M: In a way, you’re right, but if you think life is going to be exactly
speakers, but there aren’t many Mexicans there. Do you worry
the way you want it, you’re just going to be disappointed.
about losing your Mexican identity?
K: I couldn’t agree more. And it isn’t sensible to do things that
A: No, I’ll never lose my sense of being Mexican; being Mexican
offend other people just to show how individual we are.
is a really important part of who I am, but it has been really
S: Yeah, but …
interesting to learn about other Latin American cultures.
I think I’m more open to different ideas than I was in Mexico. 04
I: So are the most important identity factors on your list the same Unit 1, Section 5, Exercise A
as they were when you were in Mexico? A: Do you think it’s important for friends to share the same
A: No. Well, family is still number one, but other things have values and life goals?
changed. For example, my job is not a main factor in who B: No, but I do think it’s important to share the same sense
I am anymore. of humor.
I: And why has that changed? A: You went to Somalia last year, didn’t you?
A: Because right now, I’m studying and working part time in B: No. I did go to Africa, but I didn’t go to Somalia.
a restaurant. My job isn’t what I want to do long term, so it’s 05
a lot less important to me than my studies. Unit 1, Section 5, Exercise B
I: That’s interesting. So apart from your family, what things do A: I don’t have a big social group, but I do have a few
you consider most important to your identity now? close friends.
A: Well, two things really. First is my native language, Spanish. B: Did you meet your friends at school?
In the U.S., being a Spanish speaker forms part of my identity, A: No. I did make some friends there, but we’ve lost touch now.
firstly as a Latin American and secondly as a Mexican.
The second thing is school. I’m studying to become a project
analyst in Florida, so studying is a big part of my life here.

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masterMind LEVEL 1

06 09
Unit 2, Section 1, Exercises A and B Unit 2, Section 4, Exercise B.
Speaker 1 1 There are many vast new emerging markets.
I think that globalization is having a beneficial effect. I mean, 2 We do want to take part in the global conversation.
it’s easier for countries to export goods and that means some of 3 There’s a rapid pace of development.
the world’s poorer countries can develop their economies. In some 4 Large companies can drain skilled workers.
Asian countries there’s been huge economic growth in recent 5 There’s a new international coal agreement.
decades and the standard of living has increased dramatically. 10
Speaker 2 Unit 2, Speaking workshop, Exercises A and B
But is that always the case? It seems to me that multinational This is a picture of a modern-looking café that is popular with
companies increase their profits by, like, setting up factories in young people. There are lots of people in the background,
poorer countries because the workers aren’t paid very much. and the café looks really busy. In the foreground is a group of
I think it’s unfair that there’s such inequality; the company owners three young women, sitting in a row. The young woman on the
become millionaires, while the majority of people live in poverty. left is using her laptop and the young woman in the middle is on
Speaker 3 her tablet. They’re both smiling, so they’re probably not studying.
That’s a good point. And multinational companies are completely Maybe they’re reading emails from friends, or maybe they’re
taking over—you know, you see the same fast-food restaurants, watching videos. The young woman on the right is on her phone
coffee shops, and supermarkets wherever you go. And small and using a tablet at the same time. She’s smiling too, so she’s
independent companies don’t stand a chance. probably chatting to a friend. They’re sitting close together so
Speaker 4 they probably know each other, but they aren’t talking or looking
Yeah, I completely agree. I kind of think it’s sad that regional at each other at all. They all seem to be very involved with their
cultures are disappearing and countries are becoming more similar electronic devices.
to each other. The same music and movies dominate popular
culture everywhere and it all starts to look the same.
Unit 3, Section 2, Exercises C and D
Speaker 5
In the late 1990s, an American journalist named James Ulmer
I know what you mean, but don’t you think that globalization
figured out a scale to find out how valuable movie stars are to
also has some positive effects? For example, it’s so much easier
any movie they work on. It takes into account factors such as
to communicate with people in other countries. The internet
talent and willingness to promote a movie. He called it
facilitates information sharing and … well … that helps everyone.
“the Ulmer Scale,” and it is widely used in the industry. But now
07 this term is being used to order celebrities in terms of how famous
Unit 2, Section 3, Exercise B they are. So, at the top of this scale are people on what is called
I = Interviewer the “A-List.” Those are people who have been very famous for
I: Everyone agrees that people are becoming increasingly a long time, like Tom Hanks, as well as the hottest stars of the
interconnected through the use of social media. We can moment, like Beyoncé. A-listers are often famous celebrities like
communicate with more people and we can communicate actors or singers, but they can also be people who are not exactly
wherever we are. But what do people actually think about it? celebrities, but they are famous. For example, they might run
What do they think are the advantages and disadvantages? a global company—like Bill Gates. Or they could have broken
We’re here in a local shopping mall to find out. a world record, such as Usain Bolt, or written a best-selling novel—
Hello. We want to know what people think about social media. someone like J.K. Rowling.
Do you use any sites regularly, and what are their advantages And then further down this list are the celebrities who aren’t quite
and disadvantages? as well-known, the B-listers. They tend to be famous in their own
A: Oh yeah, I love using social media—my favorite is Twitter. country or profession, but may not be known to the general public
The best thing about it is that I can send short messages all day around the world. A good example would be someone like, uh,
long and I get tons of messages from my friends, so it’s like a Leona Lewis. She won the X Factor in the U.K. and is well-known
conversation going on all the time. in the U.S.A., but she’s not an international star—at least not yet.
I: How about you? Do you use a lot of social media? Or they might be people who are famous, but not in an
B: Yes, I like to share pictures and videos on Flickr. It’s really great “I’m-a-celebrity-look-at-me!” kind of way. These are people who
because when I went on vacation to Australia last summer, have done incredibly important things, such as discover a cure for
I could show my friends all the fascinating places I was going a disease, or come up with an amazing new invention.
to. It’s getting easier and easier to send and share information. Tim Berners-Lee, for example, invented the World Wide Web,
I think it’s great. but he doesn’t get on the front pages of celebrity magazines.
I: Excuse me. What do you think about social media? And the ones who are even less valuable on the social scene are,
C: I don’t use it very much. I think there are lots of advantages, of course, on the C-list. C-listers might include people who’ve
but I think it’s too easy for people like companies and done something like appearing on a reality TV show, causing
advertisers to get ahold of your personal information. It’s not a scandal somewhere, or just inheriting a fortune. A lot of these
a good idea to put all that stuff on the web—you just don’t people don’t really have a particular talent or do anything special,
know how they’re going to use it, do you? but we see them on TV a lot.
08 Of course, the whole idea of using the Ulmer Scale for ordering
Unit 2, Section 4, Exercise A people in terms of their social value is completely subjective,
vast fast based completely on opinions and not on any real factors, but
do too it’s kind of interesting anyway.
base pace
drain train
goal coal

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masterMind LEVEL 1

12 15
Unit 3, Section 5, Exercise A Unit 3, lifeSkills, Exercise B
numb, debt, doubt T = Tanya; E = Elaine; B = Bob; Ev = Evan
psychology T: Good morning, everyone. We’re here today to discuss my
known, knot proposal to cut the Lifestyle and Entertainment section from
rhyme, hours, when the paper. Who would like to start the discussion?
foreign, sign E: I’m afraid I disagree. We get dozens of letters to the editor
could, should each week with comments about articles in the L&E section.
13 In fact, last week we got 50 letters related to that section.
Unit 3, Section 5, Exercise B If L&E disappears, we’re going to get lots of complaints.
comb designer ghost honest B: Yes, but we get hundreds of letters about the news stories
knee knife knock resign and editorials, far more than we get for L&E. We have to cut
something, and I agree with Tanya that L&E should go.
People want to read real news.
Unit 3, Section 7, Exercise B
Ev: I don’t know. Do we have good data on who our readers
Conversation 1
are? Tanya, I know you gave us some facts and statistics on
A: I sometimes feel sorry for celebrities. Imagine being chased
newspaper readership, but those are generalizations for the
by the paparazzi every time you left the house.
whole country. I’m not sure the numbers would be the same
B: You feel sorry for them? Really? Most of them seem happy
for our local paper. I think people in our community want a
with the publicity when it suits them!
newspaper that offers a variety of content.
A: Well, what I meant was, it can’t be easy living in the public eye,
E: Yes, and also, several national surveys have shown that when
that’s all.
young people do read the newspaper, they tend to read
Conversation 2
the L&E sections. If we cut that section, we’ll lose any young
C: I think a lot of very famous people lose a sense of reality,
readers that we have!
don’t you?
B: But look at the facts, Elaine. First, the population is getting
D: I’m not sure I understand what you mean …
younger. Second, newspaper sales are getting smaller. I think
C: What I’m trying to say is that they forget how to behave
the reason is that most young people do not get their news
in a normal way.
from newspapers.
Conversation 3
T: OK. You all have some good points. Why don’t we investigate
E: Seems to me that rock stars and celebrities are never happy.
further before making a decision? Let’s talk to a large sample
F: Of course they are! You’re telling me these people wake up in
of our subscribers and find out who reads the paper and what
the morning worrying where the next dollar is coming from?
they read. Here’s what we want to know: First, how many
E: Maybe I’m not making myself clear. I’m not necessarily talking
people in the family read the paper, and how old are they?
about money. Look at the number of famous people who have
Second, what sections of the paper does each person read?
personal problems when they’re at the peak of their careers.
Based on that information, we can decide whether to cut the
Conversation 4
L&E section, or any other sections. Do you agree?
G: Downsides? You bet. Imagine having all that fame and all that
All: Yes, yes …
money and not knowing who your real friends are anymore.
T: Fine. I’ll design the survey and we can discuss it at the next
I think being famous must be awful. I’d hate it.
meeting. Now, is there any other business?
H: Seriously?
G: OK, maybe I should rephrase that. I wouldn’t hate all of it, 16
but I don’t think it’d be easy … Unit 4, Section 1, Exercise A
Conversation 5 Good morning … good morning, and welcome to today’s lecture.
I: So you’re saying that celebrities don’t enjoy their fame? This is the third in this series of psychology lectures, and today
J: Actually, that’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean that celebrities we’re going to be looking at happiness, or more specifically the
never look for fame. A lot of celebrities love all that attention. relationship between wealth and happiness. Does having more
But I was talking about famous people who don’t really enjoy material wealth increase or decrease your happiness?
the celebrity part of their jobs. You know, the ones who always
try to avoid reporters and photographers. They really just want
to have normal lives, and they’re not going around looking
for attention.
I: Oh, right. I see what you’re saying.
Conversation 6
K: It’s people like Jay Z and Beyoncé I feel really sorry for. I mean,
all that pressure to perform, to keep your fans happy, to try and
keep the paparazzi off your back long enough to spend time
quietly with your family. I think fame comes at a price. Put it
that way.
L: Did you say that you felt sorry for them?! I think it would be
great! You’d have tons of money, a private jet, you could do
anything and go anywhere.

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17 19
Unit 4, Section 1, Exercises B and C Unit 4, Section 4, Exercise A
Good morning … good morning, and welcome to today’s lecture. T = Tom; U = Uncle
This is the third in this series of psychology lectures, and today T: Do you think I should take a year off before going to college?
we’re going to be looking at happiness, or more specifically, I think that if people take a year off, they’re more mature
the relationship between wealth and happiness. Does having when they start school, and they get more out of it.
more material wealth increase or decrease your happiness? What do you think?
It would seem to be common sense that more money will make U: That’s a good question. If I had taken a year off, I would have
us happier. Most of us aim to increase our income throughout our traveled around the world. I think it can be a very good idea
lives, to enable us to buy more material comforts such as a car or if you plan it properly and do something useful with it.
our own home, or provide the resources to raise a family and so T: I know! But mom thinks that if I travel for a year, I won’t want
on. And we think that all of this will make us happy. If we didn’t to go to college when I come back.
think money would make us happy, why would anyone try to get U: Yes, that is a risk, but if I were you, I’d go for it. Just make sure
rich, right? you keep your main goal in mind and don’t get distracted!
Well, as expected, the results of an international study confirm 20
the idea that, in general, people with higher incomes feel more Unit 4, Section 6, Exercise A
satisfied with their lives. This was the case when comparisons were 1 a What would you do?
made between people in different countries, as well as between b What did you do?
different income groups within the same country. 2 a Why would you go?
However, other surprising research has indicated that people with b Why did you go?
higher incomes are not necessarily happier than those who earn less. 3 a When would you leave?
Although these two studies seem to contradict each other by b When did you leave?
saying, on the one hand, that wealthier people are more content, 4 a How would you find out?
and, on the other hand, that wealthier people aren’t happier, b How did you find out?
both offer some very interesting insights into the connection
between wealth and happiness. Nevertheless, the first thing to
Unit 4, Section 6, Exercise B
consider is the possible explanations for the differences in the
1 What would you do?
findings of these two studies.
2 Why did you go?
The most crucial factor is the terminology used. Quite simply,
3 When did you leave?
“satisfaction” and “happiness” are different things. Various factors
4 How would you find out?
have an influence on happiness, and “satisfaction” is just one
element of happiness. 22
So why do people with higher incomes experience lower levels Unit 4, Section 7, Exercise B
of happiness? A recent study has investigated this question. A = Alex; L = Luis
Research suggests that in addition to satisfaction, another element A: How was the workshop you went to last week?
of happiness is enjoying the simple things in life, like a beautiful L: Oh, yeah! The positive thinking workshop? Yeah, well, I was
sunny day, or a great cup of coffee. People with lots of money really skeptical at first. I mean, how can someone teach you
can purchase lots of positive life experiences, like exotic vacations how to be positive? But I thought, why not give it a chance?
and expensive meals, and as a result, they may enjoy every day A: And? Are you happier?
pleasures less. L: You know, it was better than I thought it would be … to start
Another issue is thought to be … off with, we all had to think of one aspect of our lives that we
want to improve. I chose the problem I had at work, you know,
18 about that promotion? If I’d taken that extra training course,
Unit 4, Section 2, Exercise A
I would’ve been promoted! But because I hadn’t taken the
R = Rita; M = Michelle
course, they gave the job to someone else.
R: Look at this! Laughter therapy!
A: Yeah, that was a tough situation.
M: Yeah, I’ve read about that. Apparently, laughing can help
L: So, when we had chosen our situation, we had to explain it to
people feel happier and less stressed, so now they’re using
a partner and explain all the reasons why it was bad and why
it as a therapy!
it was absolutely impossible to do anything about it.
R: That sounds really interesting. Do you know what it involves?
A: OK …
M: I’m not sure exactly, but I think they explain how laughter could
L: And then I had to switch roles with my partner, and she had
help you deal with a problem. I think you learn techniques to
to pretend to be me and explain my situation to me as if it
see the positive side of a situation.
was her problem.
R: That sounds useful! I wonder when they’re holding the
A: I see! But how does that help?
workshop. Does it say where we can get more information?
L: Well, that’s the interesting part. Every time she said a negative
M: I’m sure there’s more information on the website. I think we
thing, I had to say something positive.
need to register online, and we might need to explain why
A: Err … and did that work?
we want to attend the course.
L: Well, it was kind of strange hearing someone talking about
R: So, do you want to try it?
my problem. But after a while, it did make me think about it in
a different way, and I came up with one or two ideas about how
to change things.
A: Did they work?
L: I don’t know yet—I’m going to try them out today!
A: Well, good luck with that—and tell me how it works out!

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23 RH: OK, so what does that mean in practical terms?

Unit 4, Speaking workshop, Exercise A J: Well, for example, in many parts of Africa, girls don’t get access
Although many people believe that money is the key to happiness, to an education because they have to travel long distances in
I don’t really agree. Personally, I think family and friends are more order to collect water for their families. And as adults, women
important. There are two main reasons why I think this. spend up to 12 hours per day searching for water or looking
First of all, it’s clear that a person can have lots of money and after children who are sick because of diseases caused by water
plenty of ‘stuff’—they can own houses and cars and nice clothes pollution. So we’re investing money to increase the number
—but in the end they are not necessarily happier. Let me give you of faucets in these areas. The aim is that no villager should be
an example. My friend’s grandfather worked for a big financial farther than one-half mile from their nearest source of clean tap
company. He had a good position there and made a lot of money, water and that no child should die from a disease that’s easily
but he spent all his time working and never had time to enjoy the preventable.
money he made or spend any time with his family or friends. RH: And is there a reason why our attention is being drawn to this
When he was old, no one came to visit him, and he became now with Stop Water Poverty week?
very lonely and depressed. J: Yes, absolutely! Climate change has made a bad situation
My second reason is that money is very temporary, but friends and much worse. The amount of rainfall has been affected by rising
family last a lifetime. For example, I had a neighbor once who had a temperatures so that many parts of the world see no rain from
lot of money, but one day her house burned down in a fire. She lost one season to another. Some areas are experiencing severe
all her possessions. Just like that. But friends and family are always drought, and this can cause famine because farmers cannot
there for you whether you are up or down. Relationships with other grow enough food to feed all the people in the region. In areas
people are therefore more important to happiness, in my opinion, that do experience a regular rainy season, there have been
because they last longer. They aren’t necessarily damaged by things floods, and crops have been badly damaged. So famines can
like economic crises, or losing your job. be caused by too little water or too much water. There’s an
To sum up what I’ve been saying, I don’t believe money can bring urgent need to act quickly to end this crisis. That’s where the
us happiness by itself. Spending too much time worrying about public comes in …
money just takes time away from your relationships with family and RH: OK. I was just going to ask you what people can do to help.
friends who are more likely to make you happy in the long run. J: Water Watch is a charity. It doesn’t receive any government
24 funding. The only money we get is from public donations.
Unit 5, Section 4, Exercise A In order to prevent many, many more people from dying, we
clean drinking water need to raise $15 million. This seems like a lot, but there are
public water systems around 115 million households in the U.S.A., and if everyone
trendy water bottles donated only 15 cents, we’d reach our target. We’re also
large fog nets looking for more volunteers. We already have about 3,500
underground water tanks volunteers around the world, but we need more! Training
new marketing techniques is offered to all of our volunteers whether they are actively
working in the affected countries or offering their services here.
You can give a donation or sign up to volunteer on the Water
Unit 5, Section 4, Exercise B
Watch website, or call us at 1-800 …
We all want good public water systems with clean drinking water.
New marketing techniques include designing trendy water bottles. 27
Underground water tanks and large fog nets are two ways to Unit 5, Section 7, Exercise B
collect water. A: Wow, I was really moved by that documentary about water
pollution. I think we should do something to help Pure Water
Action. They’re doing amazing work for people who don’t have
Unit 5, Section 6, Exercises A and B
access to clean water.
RH = Radio host; J = Jenny
B: Yeah, I agree. Let’s get involved! I’d suggest donating some
RH: This week is Stop Water Poverty week. My guest today is Jenny
money to Pure Water Action.
Bryant, spokesperson for the charity Water Watch. Jenny, first,
A: Well, we don’t have much money right now, so we wouldn’t
please tell us generally what water poverty is, what Water
be able to donate very much. We could try to raise some
Watch does, and what appeal you’re making this week.
money, though.
J: Sure. Hello. There are 884 million people in the world living
B: OK. How would we do that?
without access to clean water, and 5,000 children die every day
A: Well, we could get sponsored by people to run a marathon
because of this. A lack of sufficient clean water to meet your
or something and then send the money. Maybe that would
basic needs is known as water poverty. Water Watch aims to
take too long to arrange, though. There’s always a garage sale.
prevent water poverty and provide communities worldwide
You know—have people donate things like household items,
with clean drinking water, but we can’t do it without your help.
books, clothes, unwanted gifts, that kind of thing, so that we
As you said, this week is Stop Water Poverty week, and we are
can sell them. Then we send the money we make to
making an appeal to the public to donate money. Even a small
Pure Water Action.
donation can make a huge difference to people’s lives and help
A: I’m not sure we could charge much for stuff if it wasn’t in good
in the fight against water poverty.
condition. What if we do some volunteering instead?
RH: What are some of the specific goals of Water Watch?
B: Yeah. Volunteering’s another option—and you’d feel more
J: Well, Water Watch has several different goals, Lucas.
involved in the whole issue. Do you know much about what
The primary purpose of the organization is to prevent water
they expect you to do?
poverty, of course, but we also work to improve hygiene,
A: Not really, but we could find out.
education, and the standard of living of the people in the
B: Yeah. Let’s look online.
regions we are active in.

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28 Interview 2
Unit 5, lifeSkills, Exercise D I: Do you think it’s important for society to maintain traditions?
My family—my husband, my five children, and I—live in a small B: It depends on what you mean. We need traditions, but they
village in Ethiopia. There are about 30 people who live here. can’t stay the same. All traditions in all societies change over
Most of the men are farmers. My day starts at about 5 a.m. time, and I don’t think we can expect new generations to keep
I get my eldest daughter, Ashmi, out of bed. Her job is to go doing things in exactly the same way they were done in the past.
and collect the water from our nearest water faucet, which is I: So you don’t object to changes in traditions like weddings,
two kilometers away. It takes her about two hours to make the graduation ceremonies, or other traditional ceremonies?
trip because she often has to wait while other villagers get the B: No. I’m a professor at the university, and every year I love
water they need. When she gets home with the water, I can begin seeing what the kids do at the graduation ceremony.
making the tea and the food for the family’s breakfast. Ashmi is They do some pretty nontraditional things, but the essence of
very young, so she can carry only 10 liters of water at a time. the ceremony, the joy of it, stays the same. Each generation has
Sometimes I ask her to get extra water in the evening, especially to make the tradition relevant to themselves and to their lives.
if it hasn’t rained and my husband needs water for washing. I: Thank you for your comments.
As for washing ourselves and our clothes—well, I go with Ashmi B: You’re welcome.
and the baby twice a week to the river and we wash there. It’s not Interview 3
very clean, but we don’t have enough water from the faucet for all I: How important do you think it is for a society to maintain
our needs. certain traditions from generation to generation?
29 C: I think that traditions are one of the things that give society,
Unit 6, Section 1, Exercise A and groups within a society, a sense of history and continuity.
I: And do you think young people feel the same way? I mean,
H = Harry; B = Brandon
H: So, Brandon, I’m going to be in the U.S.A. for Thanksgiving
are they interested in maintaining traditions?
C: Some are, but for the most part, no. Look at the city history
this year. Are there any traditions or customs I should know
about before I go? festival, which we’ve had every year in this city for the last
B: Well, the main tradition is that everyone gets together with
40 years. The kids aren’t interested in it. They think it’s boring.
the whole family and has Thanksgiving dinner. There’s lots Nowadays, kids avoid getting involved in anything to do with
of traditional food, like turkey and sweet potatoes. history or traditions. It’s a shame because the traditions will be
H: I’m used to big family meals, but I’m not used to eating that
lost soon.
I: Thank you for your opinion sir.
kind of food, so that’ll be interesting! Anything else?
C: It was a pleasure.
B: Everyone watches the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV.
Interview 4
That’s a really important tradition. And one unusual tradition
I: Do you think traditions are important and should stay the same,
is that the President pardons a turkey.
H: Excuse me?
or is it OK for old traditions to change or disappear?
D: Well, I know that most people my age aren’t really interested
B: The President goes on TV and there’s a ceremony with a live
turkey. That turkey is allowed to live, instead of being eaten in keeping traditions, but I think it’s important.
I: Why is that?
for Thanksgiving dinner. It’s a kind of joke tradition, really.
D: Traditions are important in order for our society to maintain its
H: I’ll never get used to the President pardoning a turkey,
and I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the American sense of identity, and also so that there are connections and similarities
humor, either! between one generation and another. For example, if I were
B: You’ll have to get used to a lot more than that in my country,
getting married, I would want to have a really traditional
believe me! wedding, just like my parents, you know, with a white dress,
and dancing, and everything. I guess some people might think
30 that was old-fashioned, but that’s what I believe and that’s what
Unit 6, Section 2, Exercises B and C
I’m used to.
I = Interviewer
I: Thanks for talking to me.
Interview 1
D: You’re welcome.
I: Excuse me. I’m doing some interviews for KTMU radio.
Can I talk to you for a minute? 31
A: Yeah, sure. What about?
Unit 6, Section 4, Exercise A
I: We want to know if people think it’s important to
K = Keith; L = Lorena
K: So, how’s your new job?
maintain traditions.
L: Oh, it was strange at first, but I’m getting used to it! They allow
A: Do you mean like traditional weddings or whatever?
I: Yes. Do you think traditions are an important part of
people to arrive at any time they want, and they don’t ask us to
our society? work exactly eight hours. I end up working more hours because
A: Well, I think they used to be more important, but I think a lot
there’s no specific quitting time! They say they don’t force
of people, especially young people, don’t really care about people to work if they aren’t feeling creative. They even ask us
a lot of old traditions. not to work at our desks all day. They encourage us to move
I: What about you, personally?
around, talk to people, and work in different places. If someone
A: No, I’m not into all that traditional stuff like formal weddings.
needs you to do something, they text you. It’s nice, I guess, just
I: Why not?
not what I’m used to.
A: They’re not relevant to today’s society. Young people aren’t
used to dressing formally and going through rituals that don’t
make much sense to them. We want to do things in more
creative, interesting ways.
I: OK, thanks for sharing your opinion.
A: Sure, no problem.

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32 36
Unit 6, Section 5, Exercise A Unit 7, Section 3, Exercise B
tradition initiation institution RH = Radio host; T = Tony; M = Marianne
permission distraction graduation RH: OK … we’re talking about celebrity designers. What do you
33 think of celebrities who bring out their own ranges of products?
Unit 6, Section 5, Exercise B We’ve got our next caller on the line, and it’s Tony. Hi, Tony.
There’s an initiation ritual at our institution which is a very old What do you want to say?
tradition. All the freshmen have to take a test while the sophomores T: Hi. I just wanted to say that I’m not a big fan of celebrity
make noise and throw water at them. You have to try and ignore all designers. I just don’t really rate them very highly. These days,
the confusion and the distractions, and it takes all your powers of it seems that anyone whose career takes off decides to produce
concentration! It’s a fun occasion and a real celebration! a line of clothes, or a perfume. Look at people like Sarah
Jessica Parker, or Gwen Stefani. They might be good actresses
or singers, and sure, they are trendsetters when it comes to
Unit 6, Section 6, Exercise C
fashion, but does that mean they can come up with good
Speaker 1
ideas? It doesn’t. I also think that some of them are cheating
I had never thought about personal rituals, but I guess I do have
the public, in a way. I think a lot of the time they don’t even
some. For example, I allow myself to eat exactly three cookies
draw up the designs themselves. Somebody else does it and
while I watch the news in the evening. That’s because I love
the celebrity just puts their name on it.
cookies, but I have to be careful not to eat the whole package!
RH: Thanks for your opinion, Tony. Next up we’ve got Marianne on
What else? Oh, before I go to bed, I always have to plan out the
the line. Marianne, I think you’ve got a different opinion.
next day. If I don’t, I don’t sleep well. I write down the things
M: Yes, I disagree with the last caller. I think it takes real talent to
I have to do the next day. In the morning I go over my list,
create new designs that catch on, and some celebrities have
and that makes me feel prepared for the day.
that talent. Look at Victoria Beckham, for example, or Penélope
Speaker 2
Cruz. Millions of young women look up to them for what
Let’s see. I do have some rituals, I think. I always go through my
they’ve achieved. When you’re famous, you spend a lot of your
mail while I eat breakfast, and I line it up in three piles—trash,
time thinking about producing the right look, and that means
urgent stuff, and other stuff. Of course, I don’t do anything about
you understand the effects that clothes have on people and
it, but at least I feel organized! Oh, and I always get coffee at the
you know about the latest trends. Even if a celebrity doesn’t
same place on my way to work every day. And I get the same
actually create a design, they choose it because it fits their
thing every day—a large latte with caramel. I drink it in the car,
style. And if you like that person’s style, then you can look
and I finish it just as I arrive at the office parking lot.
like that, too.
Speaker 3
RH: OK. Well, thanks for all your calls. We’ll hear some more of your
My working life can be very varied, and every day can be different,
opinions right after the next song.
but I do have one ritual. You might think it’s a little strange,
though! OK, here goes … I always put on all of my work clothes 37
for the next day before I go to bed. Well, I mean I try on the Unit 7, Section 5, Exercise A
clothes to see how they look. I don’t sleep in them! C = Celine; A = Austin
C: Thanks for agreeing to help me decorate, Austin. I had been
planning to ask you for a while. I was wondering if you could
Unit 6, Speaking workshop, Exercises A and B
come up with some suggestions for this room.
Well, let me see. Both pictures show something connected to the
A: Well, I was thinking you might use a very bright color scheme
idea of tradition. While the first picture is of a traditional meal,
in here, maybe bright yellow and green.
the second is of a traditional dance. One thing the pictures have in
C: That’s a great idea! I was hoping you might also be able to help
common is that they both show people doing an activity together.
me choose furniture.
In the first one it’s a family, while in the second they might be from
A: Of course. I wanted to suggest looking through some
the local village or neighborhood. The pictures are similar because
magazines together, and checking out some ideas.
in both of them the people are enjoying themselves in a traditional
C: Fantastic! I’ll make some coffee and we can get started.
way. In the first, they might be eating special food to celebrate
a festival. In the second, it might be a dance they do on a 38
particular day of the year. In contrast to the first picture, the Unit 7, Section 6, Exercise A
second picture shows people in unusual costumes, which is Josh’s apartment
probably a kind of traditional dress. The first picture is a more Max’s studio
relaxed situation and the people are wearing their usual clothes. Liz’s camera
I think these traditions are important to these people because Chris’s shoes
they remind them of their history, either their family history or their 39
national history. These traditions bring them together and remind Unit 7, Section 6, Exercise B
them what they have in common with each other and with other Pat’s brother
people around them. Chaz’s friend
Rick’s car
Beth’s sister
Ros’s teacher

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40 Now, let’s move on to how fair trade works. You are probably
Unit 7, lifeSkills, Exercise C familiar with the way fair-trade products are labeled. Each
I’ve been here for almost two years now. Before I started here, has a symbol that shows that they have been approved by an
I’d been working in much smaller companies, and they didn’t really organization, so the buyer knows they are making a fair-trade
have an annual performance review. You know, a meeting where purchase. The most familiar to most people is the organization
they ask you how you feel about what you’ve done well. Here, simply called Fairtrade. The key thing about the symbols is
though, they rate your performance every two years, and I’m really that they allow fair-trade products to be easily identified in
not looking forward to it. I’ve been talking to some of the others, supermarkets. Customers don’t have to wonder which coffee is fair
and I know they’re going to ask me about things like leadership, trade and which isn’t, and they don’t have to go to a special store.
and showing initiative. I’m really not sure what I’m going to say in They can buy their fair-trade coffee at the same time as buying
answer to that. I need to come up with some good ideas over the their other groceries. This has made fair-trade products much
next few weeks. more popular, and the organization works with 1.3 million people
There’s a conference next week. I didn’t want to go, but maybe in more than 70 developing countries.
that would be a good opportunity to show initiative. I’m not sure Let’s turn our attention now to some of the criticisms of fair trade.
how, though. There must be lots of ways. I need to think of a few Producers may benefit in the short term, but some economists
and then go to my boss with some suggestions. say that fair trade actually makes the situation worse in the long
And the following week we’ve got to attract new clients. But how? term. They argue that fair-trade products introduce a high price
The managers really didn’t give us very much guidance on that. for goods such as coffee. This encourages the producers to make
I’m sure they’re waiting to see how we do on that task just before more, so then there is too much coffee, and the price generally
our performance reviews. So I need to come up with something drops. This makes life even harder for the coffee producers.
good. But what? Now, I’d like to look in detail …
41 44
Unit 8, Section 1, Exercise A Unit 8, Section 4, Exercise A
K = Kate; J = Josh 1a I would prefer them to give money to local people.
K: I think we should get more involved in campaigning for social 1b I’d prefer them to give money to local people.
justice and equality. 2a I would give money to this organization.
J: Do you mean donating money to charity or something? 2b I’d give money to this organization.
K: No, not really. I’d rather we didn’t just donate money. I’d rather 3a It would be better to provide medical equipment.
we took some positive action ourselves instead. You know, like 3b It’d be better to provide medical equipment.
collecting clothing for the homeless, or starting a food bank. 45
J: So does that mean you’d rather not work through a charity? Unit 8, Section 5, Exercise A
K: Yes, I think I’d prefer not to do that. I’d rather get directly If we want our society to be fair, we have to help poor people.
involved and start our own campaign. I believe this for three main reasons.
J: Yes, I’d prefer to do that, too. I think most people would prefer First of all, a fair society is one where everyone has enough food.
charities to organize campaigns, but it would be cool to start Some people live on very little money every day and they can’t
our own! afford to buy enough food for their families. The government
42 should provide benefits so that no one goes hungry. We should all
Unit 8, Section 3, Exercise A have the right to eat.
Good morning, and welcome to today’s lecture about fair Second, we should remember that anyone can lose their job and
trade. I’d like to start by saying a little about what the fair-trade then be unemployed. In a fair society we take care of the poor
movement is, before looking at its history, its successes, and the because we know that one day we could be in that situation
criticisms of the system. ourselves. We should help people now so that we can get help
43 when we need it.
Unit 8, Section 3, Exercises B and C Finally, we all have a responsibility to help the next generation.
Fair trade is an attempt to avoid exploitation and inequality in Many children are born into poor families. In a fair society we
business between the developed and the developing world. should give them a chance for a good education. In that way,
The developed world relies on products from developing countries the society of tomorrow will be better off than the society of today.
and spends huge amounts of money on products like tea, coffee, 46
and sugar. The companies selling these products make plenty of Unit 8, Section 6, Exercise A
money, but very often the people who actually produce them live J = Joe; L = Lisa
in poverty. In other words, the coffee or tea farmers only receive J: Unemployment is a real problem for young people these days.
a very small part of the price you pay in the supermarket. What’s really difficult for them is getting their first job, because
Buying fair-trade products means that the people who produce employers always look for people with work experience.
them receive a fair price. L: That’s right. And if you don’t have experience, you can’t get
The next point I’d like to discuss is the change in focus of fair a job in the first place! It’s really unfair. What students need is
trade. From the 1960s until the 1980s, fair trade was mostly about good work experience while they’re in school, so they have a
buying handmade objects, such as traditional fabrics or jewelry. better chance of getting a job after they leave.
However, by the 1980s many of these objects started to seem J: That’s a good point. How students prepare for work is so
old-fashioned. At the same time, international prices of products important. Who gets the best job very often depends on
like coffee and tea were falling, making life very difficult for the already having the right skills and experience.
producers. Most fair-trade organizations shifted their focus to L: Yes, I agree. And where you get your first job can influence
agricultural products, and today, fair-trade products include your whole future career.
not only tea and coffee but also cocoa, sugar, honey, bananas,
and cotton.

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47 49
Unit 8, Speaking workshop, Exercises A and B Unit 9, Section 3, Exercise A
The problem is that the rents in her city are very high. 1 record record
She complains that the rents go up every year and soon she 2 present present
won’t be able to afford to live in the city. 3 produce produce
This problem is very common in many cities. In my opinion, there 4 increase increase
are a couple of ways to solve this problem. First, the landlords 50
need to stop raising the rent so much. I think it would be good to Unit 9, Section 3, Exercise B
limit their raises to just 1 or 2% per year. Also, they should have to 1 There is no record of any studies on this topic, so I’m going
explain why they want to raise the rent. If they don’t have a good to research it for my thesis.
reason, the rent should stay the same. 2 The paper presents two theories about why our brains produce
Secondly, what the city council should do is use taxes from rich certain chemicals.
people to provide low-rent housing for people who are on low 3 This machine records data about when there is an increase
incomes. Then people can save money to buy their own homes, in the levels of dopamine present in the brain.
instead of spending everything on high rents.
These are two possible ways to solve the problem of high rents
Unit 9, Section 4, Exercise C
in the city.
Speaker 1
48 I read an interesting study on how young adults’ success in both
Unit 9, Section 2, Exercises B and C sports and academics is affected by the amount of peer support they
M = Moderator; Dr. C = Dr. Carson; Dr. B = Dr. Banks receive. When young adults receive praise and encouragement from
M: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the third session of the their teammates or classmates, there is an increase in self-esteem,
Conference on Healthy Kids. Our two guest speakers this which results in higher motivation, which in turn, results in higher
morning are Dr. Jane Banks and Dr. Leo Carson. achievement. The conclusion is that praise has a positive effect, even
They are both educational psychologists, and they will when the person’s performance wasn’t great.
present opposing theories on the effects of competition on Speaker 2
children and adolescents. After their presentations, they will I’m not convinced. There are plenty of other studies that indicate
take questions. Dr. Carson? the opposite, which is that excessive praise has no effect, or even
Dr. C: Good morning. We all know that competition is a fact of a negative effect, on performance. We all know when we’ve done
life, but is competition healthy? Recently there has been well, and if we haven’t, then having people say “Good job!”,
an increase in the number of studies that have led me to or whatever, is actually sort of insulting. There is also a theory that
conclude that competition is terrible, especially for children. too much praise results in decreased effort. If people are praised
Think about it: in our society, personal value is measured for basically just showing up, then they start to think that’s good
by how many competitions a person wins—in sports, for enough and they stop trying to improve.
jobs, to get into the best colleges. Schools award gold stars
or other prizes for top grades on tests, so even getting an
Unit 9, Section 5, Exercise A
education becomes a competition. Very few people can be
S = Sandra; R = Rick
winners, and if you are not a winner, what are you?
S: You know how my brother always laughs at me when I watch
A loser. Competition makes children anxious and unable
reality shows? Well, last night he was watching Hunting Heroes!
to concentrate well. “Winners” become more aggressive,
R: Seriously? That has to be the worst reality show in the world!
and they often feel ashamed or angry when they don’t
Who would want to watch a bunch of guys hunting wild birds
win. “Losers” become discouraged and often stop trying
and animals?
because they feel that they won’t win anyway. The solution?
S: Yeah, I have trouble understanding why people waste their
We need to experiment with ways to teach kids to work with
time watching shows like that.
others, not against them. Cooperative games and projects
R: I’ve seen you watching other reality shows though.
produce feelings of high self-esteem and the satisfaction
S: Sure. I like some of the competition ones, like The Voice and
of being part of a group. Thank you.
Project Runway. It’s interesting to observe the competitors
Dr. B: Good morning, everyone. My colleague has some
going through the process of learning and growing in their
legitimate concerns about competition, and I agree that
field. You can just feel their confidence increasing every time
there are some negative effects when competition is
they pass another round. I could spend my life watching those!
taken to extremes. However, I would argue that there is,
R: Not me. I can’t sit at home watching TV. I have more fun doing
in fact, healthy competition, and that it is necessary for kids
outdoor activities.
to grow into well-rounded adults. As Dr. Carson himself
mentioned, competition is a fact of life. We compete in
sports, for jobs—even for the person we want to date or
marry! While it’s true that competition can produce anxiety
and damage self-esteem in some young people, there is no
proof that competition is bad for the majority of people.
In fact, a number of psychologists have conducted research
and recorded results that indicate that when kids are not
allowed to experience failure, they respond very negatively
to failure later on. Competition helps kids develop important
life skills such as problem-solving, recognizing strengths
and weaknesses, creating strategies, and perhaps most
importantly, knowing how to win and how to lose. Thank you.

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53 57
Unit 10, Section 4, Exercise A Unit 10, Section 7, Exercise A
L = Lili; N = Neil R1 = Reporter 1; R2 = Reporter 2
L: I’ve just been reading about Felix Baumgartner; you know, R1: Wait until you see this next clip, just in from Janey Cusack.
the guy who did the highest skydive ever, from 24 miles up. Here we go …
He reached over 800 miles per hour. That’s faster than the R2: What’s that guy doing?
speed of sound! You may have seen the video of it. R1: Well, apparently he managed to ascend to an altitude of
N: Yeah, I know who you mean … He must have been terrified. 16,000 feet in a lawn chair by tying balloons to it.
I mean, he can’t have been sure he’d survive diving from R2: Are you kidding?! Why would anyone want to do that?!
that height. Look, he even took his lunch with him!
L: Exactly! He couldn’t have known what to expect. In fact, R1: Who knows why people do the things they do? He may have
halfway through the dive he started spinning. He must not always wanted to be a pilot, but couldn’t get his license.
have expected that to happen. R2: So he decided to fly a lawn chair. Why did he have a pellet gun?
N: So what did he do? R1: No idea. He might have wanted to shoot at birds. Stay
L: I’m not sure. He might have put out his arms and legs, maybe. tuned for the story of Larry and his lawn chair, right after the
Or he could have used his body weight in some way. commercial break.
Anyway, he got the dive back under control and landed safely. 58
N: His family must have been relieved. Unit 10, Speaking workshop, Exercises A and B
L: I bet he was, too! In general, I would much rather do something quiet than an
54 exciting extreme sport. There are three main reasons for that.
Unit 10, Section 5, Exercise A First, I find quieter activities much more relaxing than extreme
Affirmative sports because of the danger involved in activities such as
must have gone mountain climbing. Unlike some people, I don’t like the idea of
might have taken putting my life at risk for no reason. Relaxation for me means
may have been reading a book or watching TV, not risking serious injury.
could have given The second reason I tend to prefer quieter activities is that my
Negative job is very active—I work outdoors with horses. I might have had
must not have gone a hard week, so on my days off, I like to watch movies or meet
might not have taken friends, and I don’t really have the energy for extreme sports.
may not have been Finally, quieter activities appeal to me more because they reduce
couldn’t have given the amount of stress in my life. Some people like the excitement
55 that more stress brings, but I don’t. I much prefer to do activities
Unit 10, Section 5 Exercise B that don’t cause me more stress.
1 Baumgartner must have known the risks before he jumped.
2 He may not have known how fast he’d fall.
3 He couldn’t have known exactly where he’d land.
4 He must have been very brave to do it.
Unit 10, Section 6, Exercises B and C
E = Evan; J = Jenna
E: Hey, Jenna, did you hear that David Blaine almost got
J: Evan, he’s an illusionist! He’s really good at making people think
he’s risking his life when he isn’t.
E: No, this really happened! Here’s the video. You’ve got to see it!
J: OK, OK, play it.
E: Look, that’s a million volts passing through him. What do
you think?
J: It couldn’t have been real. He must have practiced a lot
of times before they filmed it. And what’s the metal suit
he’s wearing?
E: I don’t know. He looked scared to me. I’m going to find some
pictures of it.
J: OK, but I think it was all fake. He might have found a way
to just get the electricity to go right around him.
E: Look! Here’s a picture after the stunt. See? He needs help
walking! And I heard, that the doctors at the hospital found
that he’d developed an irregular heartbeat. Look at how
exhausted he is!
J: I don’t know, but I don’t want to see the picture. Look,
I’ve got to go.

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59 61
Unit 11, Section 2, Exercises B and C Unit 11, Section 6, Exercise A
J = Jackson; P = Penny You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the
J: Hello, and welcome to Click, the number 1 photography act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you
podcast, with all the latest news from the world of photography, have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.
and this is Episode 23, with me, Jackson Wood, as usual. You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again.
P: And me, Penny Green. So, what have you been up to this You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.
week, Jackson? 62
J: It’s been such a busy week, Penny. I did a very special wedding Unit 11, Section 6, Exercise B
shoot, and I’m going to be talking a little bit more about that What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment
later, and I attended the opening of an exhibition of local that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.
photographers. Man, I was blown away by the level of talent The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see
we have in our local area! without a camera.
P: I know! It’s easy to think that photography these days is all
selfies and snapshots on social media, isn’t it? But some people
Unit 11, Section 7, Exercise A
are really putting a lot of effort into their work. Did you have
Hi, this is Erica. I just wanted to see if you could send a memo
a favorite?
around to everyone about the images for the website.
J: There were lots of great shots in the exhibition, including some
We’ve decided to do things a little bit differently this year, so
fantastic landscapes of the local area, but I think the one that
instead of having a professional photographer, we’re going to get
really impressed me the most was a photo by a local woman,
everyone to do a selfie, you know, to give the website a much
Judy Anderson. It’s a portrait of a local homeless man. In the
more modern feel. They need to take a shot of themselves in a
foreground, you can see his dog, and, on the left-hand side, a
situation that means something to them—in the kitchen, cooking,
small sign. The man, the dog, and the sign are all in focus, so
or out on their bike, that kind of thing. And they should email it
you can see them clearly and that’s where your eye is drawn.
to you, so you can check it before we use it. In addition to that,
In the background, there are people moving around, but it’s out
we need them to write a few sentences about themselves, their
of focus, so you can’t really tell what’s happening. That means
interests and hobbies, just to give the website a human face.
they don’t take your attention away from the subject, this man
Can you ask them to do that, please? Oh, and we need everything
who lives on the streets. The photographer has managed to
before the 22nd of the month. Thanks! Bye.
capture his expression and, for me, it makes me wonder about
what his story might be, where he came from, how he ended 64
up on the streets. It also says a lot about the recent economic Unit 11, lifeSkills, Exercise A
problems that we’ve been facing around here, so it’s like a M = Manager; P = Paul
piece of local history. M: Thanks for coming in today, Paul. I just wanted to give you
P: Mmm … that sounds really interesting, and I believe that some feedback on your presentation the other day. Now, don’t
exhibition runs until the end of the month, so get on down to worry! The first thing to say is that everyone thought you did
the Mayweather Gallery to see some great examples of local a very good job, particularly since you had such a limited time
work. Now, Jackson, tell us about this wedding. I thought you to prepare.
said you’d never do another wedding. P: OK … thanks.
J: Ha. I did, but this one was a little bit different. M: And we thought you had some very good ideas. We liked your
suggestions for increasing sales. You’ve given us something to
60 think about. What did you think about the presentation?
Unit 11, Section 3, Exercises B and C
P: Um … well … I thought it went OK, you know. I mean, I did my
M = Mike; B = Becca
best and I really didn’t have very much time to prepare for it
M: Hi, Becca. What’ve you got there?
because the last speaker dropped out.
B: Oh, just a couple of pictures for an article I’m writing. I need to
M: Yes, I understand that. Now, I’d like to move onto one or two
choose one to go with the article, which is called “The Art of
ideas to improve your presentations in the future. There’s
Photography.” I’m just comparing them and trying to choose.
always room for improvement, and I’ve made a few notes. First
M: Well, both pictures are alike because they’re pictures of groups.
of all, you seemed pretty nervous. It’s important to relax and be
The first is a family portrait and looks like it’s been taken by
confident, you know.
a professional photographer, while the second shows someone
P: That was because of the rush to get things done. It was
taking a selfie with their friends. Everyone’s taking selfies
Damian’s fault, really. He was giving the presentation, then he
these days!
got sick, and so I had to quickly …
B: Yeah, that’s right. And I talk about the selfie phenomenon in
M: Yes, as I said, we understand that. Still, just try to relax a little bit
my article. Another similarity is that the people are posing for
more next time. Besides that, there were one or two problems
the camera and smiling in both pictures. However, maybe the
with the technology. I know computers can be tricky, but you
first situation is a little formal for my article, whereas the second
didn’t seem to have any idea how to solve the problems.
situation is much more informal. The people in the second
P: It’s that IT woman, Sylvia. She never explains things to me, and
picture seem more natural than in the first, and that would fit
I keep asking her for more help. I don’t think I should have to
with the article well. Another point of difference is the reason
figure it out for myself.
they’re having their picture taken. The first group probably
M: Well, I know Sylvia is very busy with a lot of people. All I’m
wants a picture they can put on the wall at home. In contrast,
saying is that I’d like you to be more familiar with the computer
the second group wants a picture they can send to friends or
next time. I think that’s all. Thanks again for coming to see me,
put online to show people what a good time they’re having.
and I look forward to your next presentation.
I think the second one’s going to suit the article better, isn’t it?
P: Oh, OK. Great. Thanks.
M: Yes, I think so. Both pictures are similar in that the people want
to record this moment in their lives, but the second one is more
modern. It’ll appeal to younger people, unlike the first one.
I’d go for the picture of people taking a selfie. LE
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Unit 12, Section 4, Exercise B Unit 12, Section 6, Exercise A
G = Guide next time
Extract 1 good day
G: You’re going to want to take some pictures of the houses in electric car
this neighborhood. It looks kind of like your home country, will live
England, don’t you think? These are San Francisco’s famous love Venice
Victorian houses, and they were built in the late 19th Century, Club Bayview
when Victoria was the Queen of England. same manager
Extract 2 68
G: We’ll get out of the car here and walk around. The downtown Unit 12, Section 6, Exercise B
area of San Francisco is called the “Financial District.” It’s the 1: The weekend is the best time to travel.
heart of business, trade, and finance in northern California. 2: We will live in a city where electric cars run on tracks.
Extract 3 3: They love Venice and had a great trip there last year.
G: Would you like to have some of the best Chinese food in the 4: They might also visit Turin and Dolo next time.
world? This is the place for it—Chinatown, San Francisco! 5: Club Bayview has had the same manager for a long time.
Extract 4
G: OK, big change of scenery here. This area is the Mission
Unit 12, Section 7, Exercise B
District. San Francisco has a large Hispanic population, and
A: Whenever I think of cities of the future, I think of some of
people from a lot of different Spanish-speaking countries live
the futuristic cities that already exist or that some countries
in this area.
will be building in a few years. The main characteristic of all
66 of these cities is that they are environmentally responsible.
Unit 12, Section 4, Exercises C and D One example is Pangyo, in South Korea. It’s an eco-friendly
G = Guide planned community near Seoul. It has lots of green areas, and
G: You’re going to want to take some pictures of the houses in it is extremely energy efficient. I think Pangyo and communities
this neighborhood. It looks kind of like your home country, like it will be the models for the cities of the future.
England, don’t you think? These are San Francisco’s famous The emphasis is going to be on creating cities that are carbon
Victorian houses, and they were built in the late 19th Century, neutral and use natural sources of energy like the sun and the
when Victoria was the Queen of England. wind. This has to happen if we want to continue living on the
A: Yes, it does look quite a bit like some British neighborhoods. Earth. We all like modern conveniences like air conditioning
B: I don’t know. The architecture is similar, I suppose, but the and cars; nevertheless, if we don’t make our cities greener,
colors are a lot brighter here. Also, lots of these houses are they may become uninhabitable in the near future.
built of wood. B: By the 23rd Century, I think most city dwellers will be living
… below ground. I don’t say that because I think it’s a good idea,
G: We’ll get out of the car here and walk around. The downtown but I think all of the world’s biggest cities will be too crowded,
area of San Francisco is called the “Financial District.” It’s the and there’ll just be nowhere else to go. I imagine that future
heart of business, trade, and finance in northern California. cities will have enormous areas that serve different purposes.
B: Uh … I heard it can be a bit dangerous downtown. So, for example, there might be a large central area with office
G: Where did you hear that? Well, maybe if you walked around buildings, shopping malls, or whatever. There will be tunnels
down here at night alone, but there’s no problem at all during that go from the business center to different neighborhoods
the day, don’t worry. Now we’re going to go to the top of the where people live. I’d like to think some cities above ground
Transamerica Building. You’ll see stunning views of the city and will stay as they are in spite of the fact that people no longer
the bay from there. live there. These cities could become memorials to the past.
… Maybe people will even go on vacation there and talk about
G: Would you like to have some of the best Chinese food in the how they didn’t like the climate or the food, or how strange life
world? This is the place for it—Chinatown, San Francisco! in the past was!
A: Great! Perhaps we can have lunch around here. Of course, C: My idea of a city of the future is really just the same as a city
we have amazing Chinese food in Britain, too. of the present day—except there’ll be lots more people, more
G: Yeah, but you’ve got to try it here in San Francisco, right? cars, and fewer green places to escape to. I honestly don’t
B: Yeah, sounds good! think that 200 years into the future we will be driving flying cars
… or living in underwater cities. However, I think the spaces we
G: OK, big change of scenery here. This area is the Mission live and work in will definitely change. Yards may disappear
District. San Francisco has a large Hispanic population, and completely, and more and more people will be moving into
people from a lot of different Spanish-speaking countries live small apartments. The biggest change is going to be in rural
in this area. areas. In fact, there won’t be any rural areas anymore, just a lot
A: What countries do people mostly emigrate from? of mega-cities with suburban neighborhoods in between them.
G: A lot of folks come from Mexico, and of course, San Francisco Farms are going to disappear, so all of our food will be artificial.
was originally a Spanish settlement. These days there are I’m really glad I won’t be around to see it!
also a number of people from El Salvador and Nicaragua.
In Chinatown all the signs are in English and Chinese,
and around here the signs are in English and Spanish.
B: So San Francisco is a very international city.
G: Oh, yeah. Name any country, and there are people here from
that country!

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Unit 12, Speaking workshop, Exercises A and B Communicative wrap-up, Units 5 and 6, Section 2, Exercise A
I live in Dallas, which is already a very modern city. Of course, Z = Zaid; C = Claire
lots of things will be changing between now and the 22nd Century, Z: Claire, that poster says “Team Spirit Pep Rally.” What’s that?
mostly because of new technologies that we can’t even imagine C: Well, you know that next week is Freshman Orientation
yet. However, I think that many things will be pretty similar Week. That’s when we introduce freshmen to college life
to the way they are now. I’m going to talk about three areas: and traditions.
entertainment and going out, architecture, and transportation. Z: Kind of like an initiation process?
I’m starting with architecture because that relates to the whole C: Yeah, kind of, but we don’t force the freshmen to do anything
appearance and lifestyle of the city. We already have lots of dumb or embarrassing. Mostly, you’ll get to take part in
skyscrapers in downtown Dallas, and I believe those buildings activities with your sophomore buddy; that’s me in your case,
will still exist in the next century because they’re very functional. obviously, and the buddies show the new students what to do.
I mean, there are lots of buildings still around from the last century, Z: OK, that sounds fun. So what’s this Team Spirit Pep Rally?
right? I think the main change will be that more and more people C: That’s when the sports teams and the band lead a procession
will want to live in the city, and as a result, the downtown area around the campus, and the cheerleaders do yells and sing
will get much bigger. The new buildings will probably all be built the school song and stuff. Lots of students join the procession
from environmentally friendly materials. I think they’ll renovate old and the cheerleaders get us to yell and sing along. It raises
buildings, so they will be much greener. I’m sure that houses and spirit and support for our teams and gives the freshmen time
apartments will all be “green” and “smart” by the 22nd Century, to get used to doing the yells and singing the song. Of course,
but apart from that, I don’t think there will be any huge changes Wonder, the college mascot, is in the parade, too.
in architecture. Z: Is that the black horse I’ve seen pictures of? I’m looking forward
The area that I imagine may have the least changes is to seeing him!
entertainment and going out. The main changes to this area will C: Yes: the horse is symbolic of a war horse, because we’re the
definitely be related to new technologies. For example, movies Warriors. And a senior member of the band gets to ride him,
might be holograms so that you feel like you’re actually in the dressed in red and black.
movie instead of just watching it on a screen. Sort of like 3D Z: Ah, I get it. This should be interesting. In my country, we don’t
but even more real! In spite of the new technologies, I don’t do things like this at our universities.
think people are really going to change what they like to do for C: Well, I think most American universities have a lot of rituals and
entertainment. People will still be going to movies, going out to traditions. I like them because I think they help students identify
eat, and going dancing or to listen to music. with the university and the other students there.
The area of transportation is where I believe the biggest changes Z: You know, I guess a lot of people from my country might think
may happen. We already have a light rail system in Dallas, but these kinds of rituals are silly and not taking education seriously,
I think it will grow to cover a larger area, and it will become much but I see how they encourage people to get involved with their
faster. Nevertheless, I think people will still have cars; people in university in lots of different ways.
Texas love their cars! But I imagine that car designs are going to C: Well, a lot of students here can’t stand doing these things and
change a lot. The other day I saw a prototype of a car that can they usually avoid participating in team spirit activities, but I’m
fold up to fit into a very small parking space! I’m also sure that cars glad you think they’ll be fun. I always get excited about doing
will be completely automatic by then, so drivers won’t actually this stuff! Now, I need you to wear red and black to the pep
drive. They’ll just program their destination and the car will drive rally, OK?
itself. Finally, there will be no need for oil or gasoline because all Z: No problem! And we’ll meet tomorrow to plan out what we’re
vehicles will run on natural resources. doing next week, right?
C: Sure. Listen, it would be a good idea for you to write down any
questions you have so far, and we’ll go over them tomorrow.
Z: OK, thanks, Claire. See you tomorrow.

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