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8epublic of the bilippines
3Department of bucation
Caraga Region
Olee or Ee Schools DIHslon Superlatendent
Date: February 02, 2022

No. 0777,s. 2022



To : Public Schools District Supervisors/ In charge

District DRR / Alternate Coordinators
School Heads
This Division

1. Pursuant to Joint Memorandum Circular No. 01 s. 2013 between

DILG ,DSWD and DepEd, known as Camp Coordination and Camp
Management(CCCM), RA 10821, otherwise known as Children's Emergency
Relief and Protection Act and DepEd Order 033 s. 2021 also known as School
Based Disaster Preparedness and Response Measures for Tropical Cyclones,
Flooding, Other Weather -Related Disturbances and Calamities, all schools
should have a MOA as to utilization of classrooms as Evacuation Centers by
the LGUs.
2. Relative thereto, all municipalities shall have one (1) MOA which would cover
all pre-identified schools as Evacuation Centers in a certain
municipality/ district.
3. Attached is final MOA including the attachment to be edited by respective
municipality/ district in terms of the name of schools, number of classrooms
to be used as evacuation center, address and signature of concerned school
head and barangay captain as part of general MOA.
4. After all concerned signatories in LGUs, BLGUs and School Heads have affixed
their specimen signatures, the MOA including the attachment should be sent
back to Division Office for the signature of Schools Division Superintendent.

5. Immediate and widest disse · a'ion of this memorandum is desired.

ion Superintendent
Encl.: None
JMC No.l, s. 2013, RA 10821 and D.O 033 s. 2021
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:
DRR MOA Evacuation Centers
077 /Feb. 02,2022

G Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

( (086) 211-3225
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This Memorandum of Agreement is executed by and between Deped

Division of Surigao del Sur, a government office under the Department of
Education (DepEd) with principal office at Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City,
Surigao del Sur, represented herein by the Schools Division Superintendent, JOSITA
B. CARMEN CESO V, hereinafter referred to as "Deped".


MUNICIPALITY OF _,a Local Government Unit (LGU)

created under the Philippine Laws, with principal office at
Surigao del Sur represented herein by
Municipal Mayor, hereinafter referred to us "LGU",


The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council, a barangay

under BLGU with office address at _'Surigao del Sur,
represented herein by its Barangay hereafter
referred to as "BLGU":


WHEREAS, Elementary School was identified by the

MDRRMC/BDRRMC as one of the evacuation centers in case a calamity may
occur in Barangay _

WHEREAS, Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 dated May 6, 2013 signed by

DepEd, DSWD, DILG and DOH entitled Guidelines on Evacuation Center
Coordination and Management. The circular mandates that "Schools shall not be
the primary choice and option for evacuation centers. However, in events that
schools need to be utilized, the local government units, with the support
from national government agencies shall establish transitional shelters to house
the evacuees for an extended period of time. Usage of schools should be up to
3 days for short term displacement, medium and long term displacement which
is up to 15 days or u,al such time that the respective ueUs are able to establish
the alternative transitional sites .. "

WHEREAS, RA 10821 entitled "Children's Emergency Relief and Protection

Act", which stipulates in Section 4 that LGU "shall establish and identify safe
locations as evacuation centers for children and families", and in Section 5 that
"only in crises where there is no other available place or structure which can be
used as general evacuation center may a school or child development center
be used as an evacuation center."

WHEREAS, Per the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of the Republic
Act 10821 or the Children's Emergency Relief and Protection Act of 20 16 Rule S
Section 4, LGUs are responsible for facilitating general cleaning, fumigation,
payment of utilities, and repair of schools used as evacuation centers. Damages
incurred by schools used as evacuation centers shall be immediately reported by
their respective School Heads to the LGU for appropriate action. Repairs and/or
replacement of damaged facilities and materials of damages to schools used as
evacuation centers shall be immediately undertaken to ensure the safety and
well-being of internally displaced persons, such repairs and replacement shall be
monitored by the School Head and Schools Division Superintendent in
coordination with the LGU. LGUs shall also provide clean-up kits.

WHEREAS, DepEd Order No. 033, s. 2021, known as School-Based Disaster

Preparedness and Response Measures For Tropical Cyclones, Flooding, Other
Weather-Related Disturbances and Calamities that school personnel shall focus
on providing education services, particularly education continuity for children in
affected communities; they shall not be assigned as camp managers.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and

the terms and conditions herein set forth. the parties hereby agree as follows:

Section 1: Roles and Responslbllltfes

1.1: LGU and BLGU

1.1. 1 LGU and BLGU are hereby enjoined to render full

assistance and cooperation and mobilize the necessary resources and undertake
critical, urgent and appropriate response and measures in timely manner in any
hazards or disasters.

1.1.2 LGUand BLGU take charge the management and

maintenance of the School used as evacuation center or quarantine/isolation
facility under the supervision of the municipal health officer, school head with
stakeholders concern and in accordance with the applicable MEMORANDUM
OM-OSEC-2020-002 and other applicable laws, rules and guidelines.

l .1.3 LGU and BLGU shall deploy their personnel to secure IDPs,
maintain peace and order, cleanliness of school environment before, during and
after evacuation period.

1.1.4 Provide/repair appropriate number of facilities for IDPs,

like Comfort rooms, handwashing facilities, water and electricity.

1 .1.5 Pay the utilities and damages incurred during

evacuation period.

l . l .6 LGU and BLGU shall already pre-identify the specific

names/families be it by purok or zone who will occupy permanently
the pre-identified classrooms to be used as evacuation centers with
a maximum of 15 IDPs, especially for common disasters /calamities
like typhoon where high risk and vulnerable groups/areas are mostly
affected and pre-identified to ensure smooth flow of evacuation
procedure, establish responsibility and accountability among IDPs
and for fast and easy tracking of constituents in a certain community.

l . l .7 LGU and BLGU seek first clearance before classroom

used as evacuation center be turned over to SDRRMC to ensure that
everything is back to normal condition.


2.2. l SDRRMC ensures that keys of pre-identified classrooms to

be used for evacuation centers are readily available anytime in the custody of
either school security personnel, PTA president, purok chairman or anyone
entrusted and designated to safekeep the keys.

2.2.2 Post names of individual IDPs on the door of designated

classrooms as evacuation centers.

3.1 Both DepEd and LGU/BLGU

3.1.1: The LGU, BLGU and SDRRC jointly pre-identify classrooms

to be used as evacuation centers.
3.1.2: The LGU, BLGU and SDRRMC shall jointly conduct
inventory of classrooms status, equipments and other items inside the classrooms
before and after evacuation period.
3.1.3 The LGU, BLGU and SDRRMC jointly read the water, and
electric bills of the school before and after evacuation period to determine the
difference of consumption for appropriate charging of excess to LGU and or BLGU
as stated in this MOA.

3.1.4 The LGU, BLGU and SDRRMC shall jointly monitor, assess
and make daily report as to findings during monitoring.

3.1.5 The LGU, BLGU and SDRRMC shall conduct joint final
inspection of classrooms used as evacuation center after evacuation in order to
ensure that damages of structures and loss of some items/equipments could be
determined, addressed ,replenished , repaired and back to its status before it
was used as ECs.

Section 2: Terms
This Memorandum of Agreement shall be effective when
signed by concerned authorities and still in effect with in and during
the incumbency of Schools Division Superintendent and Municipal
Mayor being the principal signatories of this MOA unless revised,
revoked and or cancelled in a proper forum.

Section 3: Capacity and Authorization. The parties herein warrant that they
have the capacity, power and requisite authorization to enter into
this Agreement.

Section 4: Separability Clause. Should any part of this Agreement be judicially

declared null and void, such nullity shall not affect the validity of the
remaining provisions hereof.

Section 5: Breach of Contract. The violation or omission of any of the provisions

of this Agreement shall be ground for the cancellation or rescission of
the same without need for legal or court action.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties present have signed hereto this
Memorandum of Agreement on this day of 2022 at
__________ School., Surigao del Sur.

Department of Education


Schools Division Superintendent


LGU/MDRRM Chairperson


PSDS/ Schools District In-charge MDRRMO

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in the above jurisdiction personally appeared
the following:


are known to me as the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
and acknowledged to me that the same is their own free will and voluntary act
and deed.

This instrument consists of six (6) pages this page wherein this
acknowledgement is written and is signed by the parties and their instrumental
witness on each and every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, this day of 20__

in the municipality/city of Philippines.

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