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Se BF tet states conttation 18 an ameng. dower in the history of world constitutions The constitution 1s Frain as a bold step fo Strengthen the democracy conel Secures the Riuman liberties in the Thittoy of the united states. ie consirtution has three main _damam dost rt creates a natimal gwernment compraing legislature, epecubive conch jucliciary with the system of check and balance among tee branchet; recond 1) diades between central goremment ancl the shapes Hund 14 _prteds the varioug powers. indiidwal freedoms of ae eaedone American citizens The constitution framesok obliges much the history in aretting process: The ivmitadton Dlawecl an federal 0” federal govemment ancl balonce of powers Smog cach branch was @ seactim of British tyranny omel audociacy in ‘alanial Aro Se. tenstitution con bes ichanged, by On amendment protest There are 27 amendments t done in YS constitution. The fust ten amendments vey mpoitant en as “Tie Bill of Rights”. 8 with the Declaration of tndependente ,publuped only JUG A ITE ,wisitten by thomas Fetferson on July Ul, 1776 4 Committee under Tehn Dickenson eat appointed which Guatted the Articles of Canfedsiahign which were ayproved by congress. = BRO UEAE A, acai et Ha are saleassciay OF UIA war colectvely rined 121 sorte mbey 87. The constitution was odepted on zis¢ Tune, amd enforced on me i! considered as thy Pomay American constitution is a written Constitution eR eae consisting Preamble 4om bord Zarticles, 10-0 pages anct , ee dealt, power of legislature, Article - Precative | Article-3-Tudiciay -Article- y pos! Han of States- Article-5 -modes af _amvadmencl- Artrcle-6 Sepermaty af nakimal paler - Arbele 6 rat ticalin constitution poids that constitution is the uowpngifsUo? 50 aut of te land Article one is the longest ond canmi ba _amencted Mouse of Representatives hat 435 members whe me elected by people though aclult franchise fur 4 _perrod of two yeas on population party bass uornHe sue? sa au. a member of senate are. elected by Sede legislature ach State has to senators Tnese senators are ected by ta the period of Six years The doctrine of the separation of power drde powers between +he thee min legislafure, judiciary and evecutive. eo at owes ensures he balance ct pave —— tt pomen onmy Hale mSULAHOE Aad! ‘Prevent Hha_wie-forenca of one Institutim# in matter state prltars °F other institutions a ery (ar entorce and admnster the laws He 15 insisted by his Bnet but solely responsible far all his deasims cinel actions - Tudical powers are exercised by the supreme Gourt which interprets ans, guarcian of +e citizens yphle and reipauble ta gaarchan tHe constitution. Fe us constitution is the cheks constitution of and balants to prevent the by any branch z S = s misuse a0, oF th gavernménd for example, Congress pui mm tial on prendeat and wige', or without He senate approval, te ngnly stficeal appartments mate by ‘te President com not put into efpect = pretident tin velo the ils pasred by congrocs Ueda He sippeme Coli? tom clears a tame Raised by He congres? Invalid. ici ® The us constitution prondles the _feclere form which elaborates that powers are vernments » Gmidied —ameg central and SE Goa Ss Acearcling to the Arhcle-1, the federal government has jursdiction of 18 matferr states cre autonomous bodier amd centre cannol meddle in they offans In case of corgi supreme court will decades the chspute. between thera. “& Peeiterto! sytem, 3 The vs constitution provides the preridentral form of government the President 16 nerghter elected by Congrets nar responsible to answer /t 3 s 8 3 & 5 a president Secretanot and cabnet donot belong to the congress. President ts the head of the state emo head of the government. He holds many executive powers and toy fned tem of 4 years He cannat dissolve the Cangress: president har 4 tabmet ts assist tuo to run enecutwe affairs eee ea 10 Dual ctzenshp He constitutin grants the cual cideonshp to the people of the wnvted sfales. The concept of the dual cetweenthp was mt defined! in the anginal ca btution tt was intrduted by the ut Amendment in the constitution of He unrted states of America The constitution of the Ameica provides He juckictal review. te federal judiciary can declare any jegslation or executive action ruil if id finds 1 agamel the prwsims of constitution Sa erway acts as the wattodian ancl _guawctian of the Conttitulian umd bane nights of the citizens NB tech iirprrtent peatine af the Amenrcan constitution is thal Hf ensines tundamentel GMS of erry American catleen of which tosh @ can not aeprved by any lawful authority Breccom oF relgout, freedam st speech end pr rgnt 10 assemble peactfully cma prperly vighFh are same basic rights enjyed by the US cikizens Another important feature of us iS the oloctrine constitution of limited goremment Unlimited POWEH of tha government cowd make 1 audcratic eehich woul lead t tyranny ancl pastility SS corstreution 1S the are the sources Sepreme law mel _peaple of all Jaws. Crvornment cil EEE It pecters tind phe defined imu ts of constrtution and be wornyifsue2 50 2UL answerable 40 peaple — Pele! According 4a the canstituton, the Uunjted states " @ secular state anol based on euialty of au religian Pewshtutrn grants amd respects the rengious freedom to Hs ethene belong to olitferent back qrouncl. Ee PRON tines ah dole x im te region of the faa US and sefg) no_rile jn state attairt a a

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