Antología Level 5

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ed to + infinitive
1 Complete the sentences with these words.
didn’t use to used to use to

1 What did you throw away?

2 We throw things away. ✘
3 We keep things we might want later. ✔

2 Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

200 years ago …
1 … people used to / didn’t use to make their own clothes.
2 … people used to / didn’t use to have mobile phones.
3 … people used to / didn’t use to read books.
4 … people used to / didn’t use to watch TV.
5 … people used to / didn’t use to drive cars.
6 … people used to / didn’t use to walk everywhere.

3 Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1 Why did people mend their clothes?
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
2 I like watching football, but now I do.
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
3 What did you like doing when you were young?
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

4 John like Mary, but he doesn’t now.

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
5 People produce as much rubbish as we do nowadays.
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
6 Did you collect anything when you were young?
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

4 Complete these sentences with used to or didn’t use to.

1 I play the guitar, but I do now.
2 I ride a bike, but I don’t any more.
3 I collect stamps, but I don’t any more.
4 I enjoy getting up early, but I do now.
5 I be worried about the environment, but I am now.
6 I be afraid of flying, but I’m not anymore.
7 I know how to use a computer, but I do now.
Rewrite the sentences using USED TO:

1. When she was a child, she lived in a small village.

……….When she was a child, she used to live in a small village. ……………….
2. When he was a young man, he enjoyed playing basketball.
3. In ancient Rome, wall paintings were a popular form of advertising.
4. Before she learned to read, her parents read stories to her.
5. Before he came to Ankara, life was cheap in Turkey.
6. Jim spoke German ar school, but he has now forgotten.
7. Susan was a nurse before she got married and raised a family.
8. Sally played tennis when abroad, but she prefers swimming now.
9. Before they bought their house, they lived in an apartment.

10.While she was going to university, she worked in a doctor’s office.

11.Before he married his second wife, he was quite happy.

C) Complete the text about Ziggy Starr when she was a child using USED TO / DIDN’T
USE TO and the verbs in brackets:

I didn’t use to have (not have) many friends when I was a child so I …………………………. (play)
with my toys all day. I ………………………………….. (worry) about things a lot but
I ……………………………………… (not bite) my nails or suck my thumb. I remember that I
……………………………….. (cry) a lot and I ……………………………. (be) really afraid of the dark.

D) Complete the text using USED TO and the verbs in the box:

do give have learn read wear

School has changed since I was a student. We used to wear school uniform and I didn’t like
that very much. We …………………………………. a lot of lessons and most of them were difficult. We
………………………………….. homework every day. We ……………………….
lots of books and we ……………………………………. everything by heart. And our teachers
…………………………………… us a lot of tests and examinations. Some of them were impossible! I
think school is easier now than it was 50 years ago.
Answer the questions about you (when you were a young child). Use ‘used to’ in your answers.

1. What did you use to watch on TV?


2. What time did you use to go to bed at night?


3. What time did you use to get up in the morning?


4. What games did you use to play?


5. Who used to be your best friend?


6. What did you use to think about school?


7. Where did you use to live?


8. Did you use to walk to school?

9. What favourite food did you use to eat?


10. What subject used to be your favourite?

Will vs Going to
Holiday itinerary to CDMX
A. Remember to use WILL when you make spontaneous decisions and when you write
your plans in the itinerary use BE GOING TO.

Think about: Where you will go? What food you will eat?

What you will do? Where you will stay?

What you will show your friends? What souvenirs you will buy? Etc.

B. Now, present your planned itinerary to the class using BE GOING TO or the
modifications done using WILL.
WILL for predictions or spontaneous decisions
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the boxes above.
1. The movie ___________ start soon. Let’s find a seat and sit down.
2. A: ___________ your friend be at the party? B: Yes, she ___________.
3. Hello. Mr. Smith? This is Peter. I ___________ be at work today because I’m sick.
4. Those bags look heavy. Let me help. I ___________ carry the big one for you.
5. My brother ___________ speak to me because he’s very angry!
6. What time ___________ the sun rise tomorrow morning?
7. A: _______ you be twenty years old next month? B: No, I _______.
8. Flight CX793 ___________ depart from Gate 12 in ten minutes.
9. Do you think people ___________ live on the moon in your lifetime?
10. Yes, maybe I ___________ bake some cookies tomorrow.
11. A: Are you ready to order, sir? B: Yes, thank you. I __________ have a hamburger.
12. It ___________ be midnight in a few minutes. It’s time to go to bed!
13. When do you think we ___________ have our next test?
14. Maybe it ___________ rain tomorrow, and maybe it ___________.
15. A: __________ you marry me? B: Yes, I ___________!

GOING TO for plans

Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the boxes above.
1. I ________________ meet my friends after class. Would you like to join us?
2. A: _______ your brother ________________ travel next week? B: Yes, he _______.
3. Alex ________________ go to work today because he is sick.
4. Bob and Cathy ________________ see a movie tonight. It starts at seven o’clock.
5. A: _______ you ________________ do your homework? B: Yes, I _______.
6. We’re too busy, so we ________________ have lunch.
7. A: _______ you ________________ watch TV tonight B: No, I _______.
8. Where _______ they _______________ stay when they visit Paris?
9. My classmates and I ________________ have a test next Monday. We have to study!
10. What _______ you _______________ buy for your sister’s birthday present?
11. We ________________ go to the beach today because the weather is bad.
12. I’m tired, so I ________________ take a short nap.
13. My cousin doesn’t like her boss. She ________________ look for a new job.
14. It’s almost three o’clock. _______ we ________________ leave for the airport soon?
15. Look at those dark clouds! I think it ________________ rain soon.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS for Future Arrangements
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.
1) I did really well in the interview, so I __________________ a new job on Monday.
2) My wife and I __________________ a party this weekend. We've already bought the drinks and
sent the invitations.
3) Celia __________________ to Chicago later this month. She got a job there.
4) Marla __________________ to the meeting today. She has to catch a flight at 2.30 p.m.
5) What __________________ on Friday evening? Do you want to catch a movie?
6) When __________________ to visit us? I miss her.
7) Why __________________ us on this trip? You're a great travel companion, and we'd love to have
you there!
8) We __________________ shopping later today to buy Shawn a gift. Do you want to tag along?
9) I __________________ at the MGM in Las Vegas. I booked a room two months ago to get a good
10) I can't wait to get to France. We __________________ a tour around the South to visit the

PRESENT SIMPLE for timetable or scheduled activities

Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.
1. The plane (arrive) ________________ in London at 11:45.
2. The lesson (start) ________________ in five minutes.
3. The film (begin) ________________ at 8 o'clock.
4. My brother's birthday (be) ________________ on Wednesday.
5. The train (leave) ________________ Manchester at 7:23.
6. The festival (end) ________________ on Sunday.
7. The next bus (come) ________________ in 35 minutes.
8. Which day (open / the exhibition) ________________ ?
9. What day (be) ________________ it tomorrow?
10. What time (close / the zoo) ________________?
The deadline
Maggie: Hi Tom, have you finished
your homework?

Tom: Oh, hi Maggie. No, I haven’t.

Maggie: The deadline is tomorrow you know

so you have to submit it tomorrow.

Tom: I can’t make it. I haven’t even started it

yet. Can we hand it in next week?

Maggie: I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Mrs

Robinson about that. I think you must finish it
by tomorrow. She probably won’t accept
projects after tomorrow.

Tom: I’ve had so many other things to do. I

couldn’t even start it. I don’t know what to

Maggie: Don’t worry. I’ll help you. It’s not

very difficult. I finished it in one day.

Tom: Really? Great!

Maggie: First, you should read the article that Mrs Robinson gave us. It’s about the Mohican Civilization. Then, you
have to design a poster for a play about them – the Mohicans – for the theatre.

Tom: Yeah, I know but it looks a bit difficult.

Maggie: Not at all. You don’t have to make the poster from scratch and it doesn’t have to be a work of art. There are
lots of templates on the internet. You can just use one of those designs to make your own poster.

Tom: Well, I think I can do it. What title shall I use? Can you help me?

Maggie: Yeah, I can give you some suggestions but you mustn’t use the same title as anyone else in our class. You
have to create your own title.

Tom: Okay, I can come up with something, I guess.

Maggie: Alright?

Tom: Yeah, I’ve got to go now and make a start on it. I’ll follow the project guidelines as you said. Thanks, Maggie.

Maggie: No problem. Good luck!

Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text.

1. Maggie has completed her project.

2. Tom has submitted his project. _
3. Tom must ask Mrs. Robinson if he can hand in the project after the deadline.
4. The poster must look great when it’s finished.
5. Tom must design the entire poster by himself.
6. Maggie can’t help Tom with the poster in any way.
Talking about abilities and permission
You You
He can He can’t
drive. drive.
She could She couldn’t
It It
We We
They They
Yes, No,

you you you
Can he he can. he can’t.
Could she drive? she could. she couldn’t.
it it it
we we we
they they they

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box.
CAN (Ability)
 How many languages can you speak?

 What can you do well in your major?

 What can’t you do in your major?

 What songs can you sing?

 What kinds of food can you cook?

 What can you do to make yourself feel happy?

 What can you do to improve your English?

 Tell 3 surprising or funny abilities about you can do.

 Which student(s) in our class can tell funny jokes?

 Can you remember what you dreamed about last night?

 What six animals can eat you?

 Can you make a sound like a bird or an animal? Which one?

 Can you say “Hello” in other languages?

 What can your favourite hero do?

 What can you do in pandemic situation?

 What kinds of things can you do when you feel bored?

The ability of echolocation
a) Do you know that there are people who have super human abilities?
b) Read about some of these real people and choose the correct person who can do the activity according
to the text and justify your choice.
Creating a superhero or a superheroine
Let’s create a superhero with specific abilities and lots of imagination. Think about a name, the
abilities he or she has (what he can do and what he can’t do), You can invent your superhero or
supervillain anyway you want. Make sure you use the correct structure (affirmative or negative),
include the words but, and, also, too to connect your ideas.
Giving and asking for pieces of advice

Do you ask for suggestions in forums when you plan your trips?
Joshua wants to travel to London. She wrote her questions on a traveling forum. Read some
posts that answer her questions. What suggestions did she receive?
Topic: Suggestions for my London trip
Posted by: Joshua
Hello everyone, I’m traveling to London next summer, but it will be my first time in Europe.
Could you give me some suggestions?
Re: Suggestions for my London trip
Posted by: John
Hi, Joshua!
You will love London. It is very easy to go around the city by public transportation. If you
stay in London for a few days, you should get the ‘Oyster Card’ to pay the Tube and the
Re: Suggestions for my London trip
Posted by: Tom
Hello, Joshua!
To get an overview of the city, you should take a walking tour. There are many types of
tours around some pubs, landmarks or if you like literature and detective stories, you should
take the Jack The Ripper Walking Tour
Re: Suggestions for my London trip
Posted by: Mike
Hi there!
If you want to experience how cosmopolitan London is, you should visit Candem Town.
There are many cool and weird shops and you can eat food from different countries. You
should spend some money on eccentric artworks.
Re: Suggestions for my London trip
Posted by: Ana
Mike mentioned Candem Town so if you plan to buy souvenirs, you should buy them there.
They are very cheap and unique. You shouldn’t buy alarm clocks or any souvenir made in
China because they are poor quality. In case you want some food, you should check out the
Borough Market, it is the best place to buy items like craft beers and truffle honey.
 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of SHOULD grammar.

1. Thomas wants to travel to Europe 9. (A) … my books?

next summer. He … his money. (B) Over there, on the desk.
a) should save a) Where should I put
b) shouldn’t save b) Where I put
c) should saves c) Should where I put
2. (A) Should he go to school today? 10. You … the truth because telling a
(B) Yes, he …. lie can bring you a lot of trouble.
a) should goes a) should tell
b) should go b) shouldn’t tell
c) is should go c) should to tell
3. (A) Should I fix the sink? 11. I want to become rich and famous.
(B) No, you … the sink. …?
a) shouldn’t fix a) What I should do
b) shouldn’t fixing b) How I should do
c) shouldn’t to fix c) What should I do
4. Oh, no! I have a really big problem. 12. … always look both ways before you
What ….? cross a street.
a) should I do a) You are should
b) I should do b) You should
c) I should to do c) You should to
5. When you have a cold, you … lots 13. I think … a doctor. You look very
of water and get lots of rest. sick.
a) are should drink a) should see
b) should drinking b) should you see
c) should drink c) you should see
6. (A) … meet you at the store? 14. (A) … I eat that candy?
(B) At six o’clock. (B) No, you ….
a) Should when I a) Should / should
b) When should I b) Shouldn’t / don’t
c) I should when c) Should / shouldn’t
7. That road is very dangerous. They 15. You … very much noise. The baby is
… there at night. asleep.
a) shouldn’t drive a) should make
b) should driving b) shouldn’t make
c) shouldn’t driving c) shouldn’t making
8. I want to improve my English. What 16. Excuse me. Who … to about my
…? school grades?
a) should do a) should I talk
b) should I do b) I should talk
c) I should do c) should I talking
SHOULD – Asking for advice
 I want to improve my English grammar. What should I do?

 I want to meet the love of my life. What should I do?

 I’m afraid of cats. What should I do?

 I think I saw a ghost last night. What should I do?

 I want to become rich. What should I do?

 I want to become famous. What should I do?

 I often get lost. What should I do?

 I’m sick. I have a cold. What should I do?

 I want to have more friends. What should I do?

 I want to quit bad habits, but it’s difficult. What should I do?

 I want to live a very long time. What should I do?

 I often argue with people. What should I do?

 I can’t find my pet dog. What should I do?

 I’m often late for class. What should I do?

 I want to lose weight, but it’s difficult. What should I do?

 I want to find a good job. What should I do?

'must' and 'have to' Differences

For each space, choose which is better - must or have to.

1. Professor Watkins told me today that I __________ give in that assignment by Friday at the latest.
2. John! This is a one way street. You __________ turn back and use Smith Street.
3. My back has been hurting for weeks. I __________ go to the doctor's.
4. My company said that if I want this promotion, I __________ go to the doctor's for a thorough
medical check-up first.
5. I went to see "Alien 9" at the cinema last night. What a great film! You __________ go and see it!
6. Jane. Thanks for everything. It was a great party. I __________ go now. I am really tired.
7. Jane. Thanks for everything. It was a great party. I __________ go now. My husband is waiting for
me outside.
8. I am taking out a bank loan this month. I __________ pay a lot of taxes all together.
9. Hey, you boys!! You are not supposed to be in this room. You __________ leave now!!
10. The local council is really strict about protecting that piece of lawn! You __________ walk around

Fill in the blanks with affirmative or negative forms of must or have to & has to.
1. It's raining outside. Tim __________________ take his umbrella.
2. I can give you my car, so you __________________ buy a new one.
3. They __________________ be in a hurry, because they have got more than
enough time.
4. You__________________ stop at the red light.
5. Tomorrow is Sunday. You__________________ get up very early.
6. Mrs. Parks can't see very well. She __________________ wear glasses.
7. You __________________ return them. They are too small for you.
8. I am broke, I __________________ borrow some money to buy a car.
9. You __________________ stop smoking. It is very harmful.
10. Mr. Dickson is travelling abroad this summer, so he __________________ get his passport soon.
Mustn’t (Must not) Don’t Have To
Use mustn’t when you mean that it is Use don’t have to to say that you can do
important NOT to do something. something if you want to – but it is NOT
necessary to do it. You can choose.
Examples: Examples:
(1) “You mustn’t forget about the test.” (1) “You don’t have to add sugar to tea.”
(2) “You mustn’t drive too fast.” (2) “You don’t have to watch that TV show.”

 Choose the best way to complete the sentences. Use “mustn’t” or “don’t
have to”.

1. You have a pet cat.

2. You get to class late.

3. You leave toys on the floor.

4. You play tennis.

5. You forget your airplane ticket.

6. You go to bed at nine o’clock.

7. You eat spaghetti.

8. You become rich and famous.

9. You watch TV all day.

10. You get too close to a lion.

11. You make lots of noise in a movie theater.

12. You swim at a beach.

13. You cheat on exams.

14. You eat apples.

15. You buy a house.
Check the signs and discuss them in pairs. Next, in accordance with the picture, write a
Writing about obligations and responsibilities
Provide a description taking into consideration the situations below, include sentences using: Must,
Must not, Have to, or does not have to, depending on the situations listed in Libby’s occupation:
0. Wear a uniform.
1. During the rain.
2. Smoke in the police office.
3. Ask money to a citizen for providing him or her protection.
4. Answering a phone call from a seller who offers items.
5. Answering an emergency call of a robbery.
6. Answering a phone call from his boss.
7. She is injured in her job.
8. She finishes her working hours.
9. Graduate from an agency police academy.
10. Patrolling designated areas

Now, write about the responsibilities of your profession using Must, Must not, Have to, or does not
have to.
Perfect people
Get in groups of three and discuss what qualities each person on the worksheet should have. Then,
complete the sentences, according to how they would like the people to behave in a perfect world.

A good friend has to

A good friend mustn't

A good teacher has to

A good teacher mustn't

A good classmate has to

A good classmate mustn't

A good brother or sister has to

A good brother or sister mustn't

A good waiter has to

A good waiter mustn't

A good doctor has to

A good doctor mustn't

A good neighbour has to

A good neighbour mustn't

A good shop assistant has to

A good shop assistant mustn't

A good politician has to

A good politician mustn't
HAVE TO – External obligations / MUST – personal duties

 What do you have to do after this class?

 What do you have to do in the mornings?

 I want to become rich. What do I have to do?

 I want to improve my English. What do I have to do?

 What do you have to do next week?

 Why do people have to go to school?

 Why do people have to go to work?

 I want to be happy. What do I have to do?

 What things do you have to do – that you don’t like to do?

 I want to be a famous movie star. What do I have to do?

 I want to have lots of friends. What do I have to do?

a) When you buy a new device, what mustn’t I do?

b) What is the strongest rule from your family that you must do?

c) You want to get healthy. What must I do?

d) Do you have pets? If yes, mention 2 things you must do for it.

e) Mention one rule you must do at your university.

Talking about possibility
‘May’ and ‘might’ are used to talk about the possibility of something happening.
‘May’ is often more possible than ‘might’.
Examples: “I’m not sure what to do. I may watch TV.”
“You might not like that TV program.”

 Complete the sentences below by using ‘may (not)’ and ‘might (not)’ to describe possibility.

1. There are some dark clouds in the sky. [may]


2. It’s nine-thirty and Jack feels tired. [might]


3. My class starts soon, but I’m not sure where the classroom is. [may not]

4. Sarah has some money, and she is at a clothing store. [might]


5. Kelly and Jenny are friends, but they live in different cities. They are both
traveling to Washington this summer. [may]


6. It’s cold outside, but James isn’t wearing a jacket. [might]


7. My brother is at a restaurant, and he feels a little hungry. [may]


8. I should go to work today, but I feel a little sick. [might not]


Directions: Circle the correct auxiliary modal verb in each sentence.

1) When I grow up, I (may, might) become an engineer.

2) There is a small chance the we (may, might) go to the beach this weekend.
3) There is a good change that we (might, may) have to postpone the meeting.
4) Billy and I (may, might) cook dinner tonight.
5) The airplane (might, may) crash.
6) You never know, I (may, might) become president one day.
7) (May, Might) I have a piece of bread please?
8) It (might, may) snow tonight, but I doubt it.
9) If Jane studied harder, she (might, may) have gotten a better grade on the test.
10) I (might, may) not be coming to your party tonight. I told my mother that I would
stay home and make cookies with her already. I’m sorry.

Complete the sentence using MAY (NOT) / MIGHT (NOT).

- __________ I have a drink?

- She asked if she __________ have a drink.

He __________ have arrived yesterday.

- Can I play now, mum?

- No. You __________ finish your work.

I was afraid that I __________ be late.

You __________ have gone with them.

You __________  shout in class!

-I love you, dad. You __________  be

the best father in the world.
MAY/MIGHT (lower or higher possibility)
 Answer the questions about you. Use ‘might’ in your
1. What may you do after class?

2. What time might you get out of bed next Saturday?

3. Where might you live in ten years?

4. What may you do next weekend?

5. When may you get a (new) job?

6. When might you get married?

7. What may you dream about tonight?

8. How much money may you spend next week?

9. Mention one famous person who you might date if it was possible.

10. May you be a superhero? Which one?

A) Complete the following pieces of conversation.
1. ‘I’m tired.’ ______________________________________________________
2. ‘I was late.’ ‘______________________________________________________
3. ‘I didn’t like that film.’ ‘______________________________________________________
4. ‘I didn’t finish it.’ ‘______________________________________________________
5. ‘I like coffee.’ ‘______________________________________________________
6. ‘I can swim.’ ‘______________________________________________________
7. ‘I’m staying for another two days.’ ‘________________________________________________
8. ‘She has a degree in physics.’ ‘__________________________________________________
9. ‘I don’t have his number.’ ‘______________________________________________________
10. ‘I found the problem very hard.’ ‘________________________________________________
11. Maria can sing beautifully and ‘________________________________________________
12. ‘I had never seen so much food in my life.’ ‘‘________________________________________
B) Add a response to the statements 1-8 using SO or NEITHER according to the + (agreeing)
or – (disagreeing) symbol.
1 I love using my imagination to tell a story! +
2 I can’t play the saxophone. -
3 I’m not in the mood to study at the moment. -
4 I went to the jazz evening last night. +
5 We didn’t make the pub last night. -
6 I had a great night’s sleep. I feel really energetic! +
7 We couldn’t see the stage properly from our seats. -
8 I really enjoy seeing live music! +
C) You’re having a conversation with Jenny. What she says is true for you too. Put in ‘so --- I’
or ‘neither --- I’, choosing which auxiliary verb you need:
1. Jenny: Sarah loves chocolate. Me: _________________
2. Jenny: I can’t play the piano. Me: _________________
3. Jenny: Catherine is English. Me: _________________
4. Jenny: She isn’t coming to the party. Me: _________________
5. Jenny: Lucy will come early tomorrow. Me: _________________
6. Jenny: I have to study this weekend. Me: _________________
7. Jenny: Dan lives in Madrid. Me: _________________
8. Jenny: She doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. Me: _________________
9. Jenny: I’ve been to Mexico. Me: _________________
10. Jenny: I’m going home now. Me: _________________
11. Jenny: I didn’t pass the exam. Me: _________________
Complete the following with the correct form of agreement using the words given.
e.g. I like pizza. (Jane) —> So, does Jane.
a) I can play tennis. (Jerry) _________________________________________
b) I love chocolate. (my brother) _________________________________________
c) I am tall. (my friends) _________________________________________
d) I haven't done my homework. (Sue) _________________________________________
e) I don't like loud music. (my neighbour) _________________________________________
f) I wrote a letter. (Teddy) _________________________________________
g) I have tidied my bedroom. (Peter) _________________________________________
h) Mary and Tom are good students. (Susan) _________________________________________
i) Mat and George haven't arrived yet. (Kate)
j) We can't speak Italian. (our friends) _________________________________________
k) My aunt read a book. (my uncle) _________________________________________
l) I don't have a computer. (Betty) _________________________________________
m) Tim rode his bike yesterday. (Jim) _________________________________________
n) My father didn't wash the car. (my mother) _________________________________________
o) Sophie is very clever. (her children) _________________________________________
PASSIVE (with present simple)
 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.
1. English (speak) in many countries around the world.
2. Much of the world’s coffee (grow) in Brazil.
3. Many photos (take) of the beautiful scenery near the mountain.
4. The flowers (water) every evening by the gardener.
5. How many books (check out) from the library every week?
6. Millions of dollars (make) on the stock market every day.
7. My friend’s salary (pay) by his company every two weeks.
8. Many criminals (catch) with the help of modern technology.
9. The department store doors (open) to customers at 9 a.m.
10. Letters and packages (pick up) by the postman every day.
11. The rooms (clean) by the hotel maids every morning.
12. Canada (know) for its long, cold winters.
13. Patients (give) very good care at that hospital.
14. Monopoly (play) by people in many parts of the world.
15. A new president (elect) every four to eight years.

Look at the Hotel Information table and write sentences as in the example:
Hotel Information
Breakfast Rooms
In Pierrot’s Restaurant 7-9:30 Maid Service daily
Dinner Hot water
In Main Restaurant 8-10 pm 24 hours a day
Newspapers – Telephone calls Hotel Cinema
At the Reception Desk Film every night at 10 pm
1. Breakfast / serve – where and when?
Breakfast is served in Pierrot’s Restaurant between 7 and 9:30 am.
2. Dinner / serve – where and when?
3. Newspapers / sell – where?
4. Telephone calls / can make – where?
5. Rooms / clean – who by and how often?
6. Hot water / supply – when?
7. Films / show – where and when?
Current inventions
Write about the following inventions using IN, OF, FOR and BY.
1. Name three apps that 2. Name three things that 3. Name three e-coins that

.............................. .............................. ..............................

(employ) in cellphones. (use) by artists. (trade) in 2022.

4. Name three programs that

5. Name three sports that 6. Name three things that cannot
.............................. ..............................
(install) on your computer.
(play) in teams. (do) alone.

7. Name three animals that 8. Name three things that 9. Name three languages that

.............................. .............................. ..............................

(find) in Africa. (produce) in your country. (speak) in Europe.

10. Name three popular TV 11. Name three famous 12. Name three national dishes

shows that cartoons that that

.............................. .............................. (watch) ..............................

(watch) in your country. By young people currently. (eat) in your country.

13. Name three videogames that 14. Name three things that 15. Name three films that

.............................. .............................. .............................. (show)

(set up) in different devices. (make) of leather. in the cinema nowadays.

PASSIVE (past)
Positives, Negatives and Questions
 Re-write the sentences below – use the Passive form (without the subject).

1. Egyptians built the Pyramids thousands of years ago.


2. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.

3. Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930.

4. The Chinese first used paper money over a thousand years ago.

5. Steve Jobs didn’t introduce the iPad in 1986.

6. Karl Benz designed the first car in 1885.

7. People watched the first TV in the 1920s.

8. People made the first McDonald’s hamburger in 1955.

9. Newton formulated the notion of gravity as a universal force.


10. Frida Kahlo painted the picture of The Two Fridas.


11. Mozart composed “The Marriage of Figaro” in 1786.

Fill in the PASSIVE in the appropriate tense:

1. (TV / invent / Baird) …….. TV was invented by Baird. ……………..

2. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians) ………………………………………………….
3. (milk / produce / cows) ………………………………………………….
4. (coffee / grow / in Brazil) …………………………………………………
5. (chopsticks / use / in China) …………………………………………………
6. (plants / water / every day) ………………………………………………..
7. (the thief / arrest / policeman / yesterday) ………………………………………………..
8. (the injured man / take to a hospital / now) ………………………………………………..
9. (the car / repair / tomorrow) …………………………………………………
10.(the letter / send / last week) …………………………………………………

Put the verbs in brackets into PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE:

Two men ….. were seen ……. (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police
…………………………. (call) and they arrived very quickly. One man ……………………….
(catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he ……………………………. (find) very soon. Both men
………………………………… (take) to the police station where they …………….
………………………. (question) separately by a police officer. The two men ……………………………………….
(charge) with burglary.

Fill in the passive voice (simple past tense).

How a film (make)……………………………………………….
1. First a producer (appoint) …………………………… by a film studio.
2. A scriptwriter (choose) …………………… and the script (write) …………………
3. The actors (hire) …………………… and they learn their roles by heart.
They (tell).………………………… how to act by a director.
4. The location to shoot the film (choose) ………………………., the settings and
the costumes (make)…………………………………. .
5. The camera and the microphones (install) …………………………………………..
6. The film (shoot) ………………….and the dialogues (record) ..………………. .…
7. The film (edit) ……………………and the soundtrack is (add) …………………….
8. The film (process) …………………………… and copies (send) ………………….
to cinemas all over the world.
9. There it can (see) ……………………………… by the public.
Product process
Talk and write about chocolate and tequila process.
Another, Other and Others Exercise
⚫Do you have another question? – singular and general
⚫Do you have any other questions? plural
⚫I prefer the other one – singular and specific
⚫My boss and your boss really hate one another – a shared condition
⚫ We need to think of one other possible solution – an alternative
⚫I like one or two of his songs but the others are awful – the rest

A Fill the gaps with another, other and others.

1 If he is a good person or not, is...........................matter.

2 Dogs and their owners tend to be very similar to one ............................... .

3 There’s only one.................................way we can do this.

4 Germany will need to have..............................election soon.

5 Some of them have strong religious ideas and the.........................have undemocratic political views.

6encouraging change is that solar panels are getting much better.

7people might think you’re crazy if you wear that hat in public.

8 That evil corporation manipulates the price of milk and.....................types of food too.

9 Their action might provoke retaliation by.........................governments.

10 Their cakes are so good that I went back the next day and

11 We spent the weekend doing a bit of this, that and the ............................... .

12 His dogs are too friendly. I pushed one down and then jumped up on me.

13 I’ve still got a headache. I need...........................aspirin.

14 Some veggie restaurants are awful but..........................are fantastic. Try Tastaolletes in Valencia. Their
salads are truly awesome.
15 We stopped for a coffee and then we stopped again at 7

16 I ran into an old friend in the market.

17 We spend a good deal of money on maintenance and one thing and ............................... .

18 Proposals for economic union are just...........................phase of the journey toward a united South
19 If you say.................................word about it, I’ll go ballistic on you.

20 Her cats are all very different from one ............................... .

Match the options.
You’ve met Linda, but I have sister who you haven’t met. another
I've got one lot of photos. Where are ? other
Mandy and Charlotte stayed behind. girls went home. others
He was always somewhat indifferent to the feelings of . the other
Some music calms people; music has the opposite effect. the others
This one’s too big. Do you have it in sizes? another
She's going to be Madonna. other
These boxes are for books. boxes are for clothes. others
Jake's arrived. I must tell . the other
Some designs are better than . the others
Complete the crossword by using other/ another/ the other…

1. The desk needs _____ application of pain

2. Repatriation and _____ assistance to returnees
3. It lists some organizations but not _____
4. However, _____ simply are not good enough
5. New structures have been constructed and _____ are under construction
A. Neither offers promising results without _____
B. His vocabulary’s good compared to _____
C. Combating gender – based violence was _____ priority
D. Exceptions under all ____ categories decreased
E. One cannot function without _____
For each gap choose one of the words: another, other, the other,
others, the others.

1. The embassy website has general information about visas.

2. What books by Charles Dickens have you read, apart from ‘Oliver
3. The applications are examined by one committee, then passed on to .
4. Here are only two magazines. Where are ?
5. I don’t like the red one. I prefer colour.
6. I don’t like this place. Is there café around here we could go to?
7. Jeremy is at university; our son is still at school.
8. He never thinks of .
9. He got 100% in the final examination. No student has ever achieved
10. After a month in Bolivia, I was ready to move to country.
11. 11. There’s one thing we need to discuss before we finish.
12. We have to solve this problem, more than any , today.
13. I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll send tomorrow.
14. This computer here is new. computer is about five years old.
15. D’you know the Indian restaurant in Palmer Street? — Yes. — Well, the gift
shop is on side of the street, directly opposite.
16. Would you like drink?
17. 'Finished?' 'No, I've got three questions to do'.
18. Joel and Karen are here, but where are kids?
19. Where are two dinner plates? I can only find four.
20. Let's do it time.
21. He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of flowers in .
22. She has two kittens, one is black and is all white.
23. Would you like cup of coffee?
24. The room's too small. Let's see if they've got one.
“if” / “when” clause main clause
If/When it rains, the grass grows.

main clause “if” / “when” clause

The grass grows if/when it rains.
The zero conditional is used to talk about things that are always, or generally,
true; it is also used to talk about scientific facts.

 Match the clauses below.

1. If I am late for class, (A) if they don’t eat.

2. When he stays up very late, (B) I always look left and right.

3. People get hungry (C) my teacher gets angry.

4. If you study hard, (D) when he is happy.

5. When she watches a movie, (E) I take a taxi to work.

6. When I cross the street, (F) he is very tired the next morning.
7. I can’t do my homework, (G) the librarian gets angry.

8. He always smiles (H) if you want to lose weight.

9. If I miss the bus, (I) she likes to eat popcorn.

10. When you make lots of noise, (J) when it rains.

11. Tea tastes sweet (K) I watch a funny movie.

12. You should eat less (L) he listens to music.

13. I always take my umbrella (M) you get good grades in school.

14. When I’m sad, (N) if you add some sugar.

15. When he cleans the house, (O) if I don’t have my glasses.

Read the next text and answer the below questions.
The Zero Conditional Exercise
Use the conditions and results in the box to complete the phrases below.


you've got a headacheyou get pink you don't wear a crash helmetA dog bites
you heat it to 100 ºcthe dvd player comes on

she comes home very lateButter melts you leave gates open in the country it

scratches you
you add sugarYou have more chance of being killed

1 Water boils if ..................................................................................... .

2 If you mix red and white ......................................................................................

3 if you leave it in the sun.

4 If.............................................................................................., take an aspirin.

5 If.............................................................................................., it tastes sweet.

6 if you go near its food when it's


7 If you pull a cat's tail, ......................................................................................

8.........................................................................................if you don't wear a seat belt.

9 You can end up brain damaged if


10 If you press this switch, ......................................................................................

11 If...................................................................................., her folks get very angry.

12 Farmers get very angry if ......................................................................................

Finish …you can't
…you get
…there is …people push in
sleep at night? nothing to watch front of you in a
sunburn? on TV? queue?

…you receive Oh no!

bad service in a Go back to the …you cut
restaurant? start yourself?

…a shop
…you don't
assistant Super Skip! …the Internet
want to do
gives you Move Ahead goes down?
too much

…you need to …you want

…you feel borrow some to do some
sick? money? exercise?

What do
Miss a turn
…you don't
understand your
…you get a
you do
…you feel …you
bored at can't find Move ahead 2
home? something? spaces

…you are …you feel …you forget

locked out of sleepy during your
your home? the day? homework?

…you feel
hungry at Oh no! …you wake up …you eat too
night? Go back late for class? much?

…you have to near you in a Start
Move ahead 2 prepare for an
spaces cinema
exam? makes a lot of
“if” clause main clause
If it rains, … … he will bring his umbrella.
… he won’t play outside.

main clause “if” clause

He will bring his umbrella… … if it rains.
He won’t play outside …
The first conditional is used to talk about things that may possibly happen in the future.

 Complete the sentences below by making First Conditional

statements. Use your imagination!

1. If we don’t arrive on time, __

2. I will watch TV _
3. If he gets up at 5 o’clock,
4. We will be hungry _
5. If the phone rings,
6. I will laugh
7. If our exam isn’t tomorrow,
8. They won’t buy a new car
9. If you hit me,
10. I’ll give you ten dollars
11. If he doesn’t take a bus,
12. The glass will break _

13. If I don’t watch that movie
14. My boss will get angry __
15. If the weather is nice tomorrow, __
Verb Tenses in First Conditional Sentences
Directions: Choose the correct verb tense in each of the following sentences.

1. If she goes to the birthday party, she a present. a) takesb) will takec) take
2. I the doctor if my stomach still hurts tomorrow. a) will callb) calledc) call
3. She will do the exercise again if she a lot of mistakes.a) will makeb) makesc) make
4. If they practice a lot, they the game. a) wins b) win c) will win
5. I will take my umbrella if it tomorrow. a) rains b) rainingc) will rain
6. She will marry him if he her. a) will askb) askc) asks
7. If we go out tonight, we the door. a) will lockb) are lockingc) lock
8. I will make a sandwich if I hungry. a) beb) will bec) am

Directions: Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb

1. If Robert (go) to bed late, he (sleep in).

2. If he (sleep in), he (miss) his bus.
3. If he (miss) the bus, he (be) late for work.
4. If he (be) late for work, his boss (be) angry.
5. If Robert’s boss (be) angry, he (fire) him.
6. If Robert (lose) his job, his girlfriend (get) upset with him.
7. If Robert’s girlfriend (get) upset again, she (break up) with him.
8. If she (break up) with him, he (be) lonely.
9. If Robert (feel) lonely, he (call) some friends.
10. If Robert (call) his friends, they (ask) him to their party.
11. If Robert (go) to the party, he (drink) too much beer.
12. If Robert (drink) too much beer, he (need) a ride home.
13. If Robert (need) a ride home, he (have to) stay until the end of
the party.
14. If Robert (stay) until the end of the party, he (get) home very
15. If Robert (get) home late, he (go) to bed late.

And you know what will happen if Robert goes to bed late again!
 What will you do if you can’t sleep tonight?

 If your TV breaks next week, what will you do?

 How will you feel if you fail your next test?

 If you get lots of homework, how will you feel?

 What will your teacher say if you are late tomorrow?

 If you feel bored next Saturday, what will you do?

 What will you eat if you are hungry at midnight tonight?

 If you want to relax after class, what will you watch on TV?

 What medicine will you take if you catch a cold next week?

 If you decide to eat out, which restaurant will you go to?

 When will you go to bed if you are really tired tonight?

 If you don’t eat breakfast tomorrow, will you feel hungry?

 Will you ask our teacher for help if you have a question?

 If you have some free time on Saturday, will you study more?

 Will you get a cat if you decide to get a new pet?

 If it rains tomorrow, will you bring an umbrella?

Second conditional reading

Read the story and complete the test at the bottom of the page.
If I won the Lottery…
I can imagine what my life would be like if I won the lottery. Wow! I could do so many things, and my
life would be so different. I would love the chance to change my life with the money. The first thing I
would do is buy a big, new house. I live in a small apartment, and I have always dreamed of living in a
big house in the country. With all that money, I could buy anything I wanted. I don’t have a car right
now, so I would buy a new car. Or, I might even buy a new motorcycle. I like motorcycles, and I can
imagine myself driving down the highway with the wind in my hair.
Of course, I if I won the lottery, I should give some of the money to charity. I would probably give my
money to a charity that helps sick children. Also, if any of my friends needed anything, I could help
them pay for it. I know many people that have student loans, and I could help them pay the loans
back. That would make them very happy. Plus, if I won a lot of money, I would certainly save some of
it in the bank.
Also, I think that if I won a huge amount of money, I would open a business. I love to cook, and I have
always wanted to open a restaurant. With all that money I could open a fancy restaurant.
However, I know one thing I would not do is travel. I have a friend who won $100, 000 in the lottery
three years ago. She took the money and travelled for three months. I think she is crazy. Travelling is
nice, but then she had nothing left after her vacation.
I think, however, that the only problem with dreaming about the money I could win is that I have never
even played the lottery before. As they say: “You can’t win if you don’t play.”
1. Question: What would the person NOT She would be left with no money when she
buy if she won the lottery? finished.
House Her friend did not have fun travelling.
Motorcycle She has travelled a lot before.
Car It is too expensive.
Apartment 5. Question: Do you think she will win the
2. Question: What would the person NOT do
if she won the lottery? No. She did not buy a ticket.
Give money to friends No. It is too difficult with only a few tickets.
Pay off student loans Maybe. It depends on her luck.
Give money to charity Yes! She is lucky.
Save money 7. What would you do if you won the
3. Question: Why would she open a
She is a great cook. _____________________________________
She likes to cook. _____________________________________
They are a good investment. _____________________________________
She likes fancy restaurants.
4. Question: Why would she not travel?
NOTES: (1) The second conditional is used to talk about future events that are hypothetical or
improbable. (2) To form negative sentences, add ‘not’ after ‘would’, ‘could’ and ‘might’. Eg “ … I
might not give it all away.”
Complete the sentences with these phrases:
* If I had a motorbike * If I lost all my money * your English would
* If Peter ate less * I’m sure she’d tell me * If I were a famous model
* my uncle would stop too * my English teacher would be surprised

1. If you practiced more, ……. your English would improve. ………………………………

2. …………………………………………….., it would be easier to go and visit my friends.
3. ……………………………………………………………………., I would feel miserable.
4. If I started writing poetry, …………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………., he wouldn’t be so fat.
6. If my little sister did something wrong, …………………………………………………..
7. …………………………………………………, people would see my photo everywhere.

G) Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

Example: I’m not ill, but if I ….. were ….. ill, I wouldn’t go ….. to school. (be / go)

1. The weather report says there will be snow tomorrow. If it

I ………………………………………… at home. (snow / stay)
2. Do you need some money? Let me look in my pockets. If I ……………………………….
some, I …………………………………………. you some. (have / lend)
3. No, sorry. I haven’t got any money with me. But you know I
it to you if I ……………………………………… any. (give / have)
4. I’m sure of it. You ……………………………………. the test next week if you ………...
………………………….. hard. (pass / study)
5. Would you like to go to the cinema? If you ………………………………… to go, I
……………………………………. with you. (want / come)

H) What would you do in each situation? Write UNREAL PRESENT situations.

* call an ambulance * complain to the manager * run away
* try to catch it * ring the police *kiss him/her
* walk to the nearest garage to get some

1. You find a fly in your soup. If I found a fly in my soup, I would complain to the
2. You see a burglar breaking into your house.
3. You see a mouse in your kitchen.
4. Your car runs out of petrol.
5. You see an accident.
6. You see a ghost in your room.
7. You meet your favourite famous person.
 What would you do if you could travel back in time?

 What would you do if you could travel into the future?

 What would you do if you saw a ghost?

 What would you do if you were the richest person alive?

 What would you do if you had a pet dinosaur?

 What would you do if you had a 3D printer?

 What would you do if you were a robot?

 What would you do if you could fly like a bird?

 What would you do if animals could talk?

 What would you do if you were the leader of your country?

 What would you do if spiders could fly?

 What would you do if androids existed?

 What would you do if you were the leader of your country?

 What would you do if you forgot your own name?

 What would you do if you could travel anywhere?

 What would you do if you had a space ship?

Non-defining Relative Pronouns


Three things about Non-defining Relative Clauses.

1. The relative clause is closed off by commas and is quite similar to information in brackets.
2. Non-defining relative clauses are NOT used in spoken English. It would sound unnatural.
3. The relative pronoun can never be omitted.

Combine the sentences using non-defining relative pronouns. 1

Valencia is a great place. Valencia is due east of Madrid.

.................................................................................................................................... .
2 Jimbo is living in Thailand now. Jimbo got divorced last year.
.................................................................................................................................... .
3 Clare is a good teacher. I don't like Clare very much.
.................................................................................................................................... .
4 The Flaca pub rocks. I met my girlfriend in The Flaca. (use WHERE)
.................................................................................................................................... .
5 My greasy neighbour stinks of after-shave. My greasy neighbour is a bus driver.
.................................................................................................................................... .
6 Almeria is very dry. The beaches of Almeria are wonderful.
.................................................................................................................................... .
7 The school was built in 1907. The school has about 800 students.
.................................................................................................................................... .
8 The government handled the diplomatic crisis badly. The government is facing corruption
.................................................................................................................................... .
9 The Plaza Rodonda square is near the cathedral. They hold a market in The Plaza Rodonda
square every Sunday. (use WHERE)
.................................................................................................................................... .
10 Samantha is coming to the party. Samantha's mother is mayoress of this town.
.................................................................................................................................... .
The man was tired. He fell asleep. The man, who was tired, fell asleep.

The little boy lost his ball. He began to The little boy, who lost his ball, began to
cry. cry.

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box.

1. My classmate studied hard for the test. She got an A+.

2. The man fell down. He broke his leg.

3. The policeman shouted at the man to stop. He was very angry.

4. The doctor told me to sit down. She looked worried.

5. The waiter dropped the dishes. He was embarrassed.

6. My uncle opened a new store. He made a lot of money.

7. The children like TV. They are watching cartoons.

8. All the passengers are on the bus. They are travelling to London.

9. The people are standing in line. They want to see a movie.

10. The woman has a toothache. She wants to see a dentist.

The girl is watching TV. Her brother is
That is the man. You know his playing a computer game.
That is the man whose brother you The girl, whose brother is playing a
know. computer game, is watching TV.

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box.

1. The man can play the piano. His wife knows how to play the violin.

2. That is my classmate. I bought his car.

3. The Smith family lives in Canada. Their son moved to England.

4. The woman lives across the street. Her dog is barking.

5. I know the baker. I love his apple pies.

6. The policeman talked to the children. Their mothers were outside.

7. The students are reading. Their teacher is writing on the board.

8. My friend wants to talk to you. His father wants to give you a job.

9. The man is in a hospital. His car crashed.

10. I helped the old woman. Her books fell on the floor.
A Little / Little / A Few / Few
Choose a little / little / a few / few.

1. I have water left. There's enough to share.

2. I have good friends. I'm not lonely.
3. He has education. He can't read or write, and he can hardly count.
4. There are people she really trusts. It's a bit sad.
5. We've got time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?
6. Julie gave us apples from her garden. Shall we share them?
7. She has self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people.
8. There are women politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be
9. It's a great pity, but the hospital has medicine. They can't help many people.
10. I've got cakes to give away. Would you like one?
11. There's milk left in the fridge. It should be enough for our coffee.
12. children from this school go on to university, unfortunately.
13. Do you need information on English grammar? I have books on the topic if
you would like to borrow them.
14. She's lucky. She has problems.

15. London has sunshine in the winter. That's why so many British people go on
holiday to sunny places!
16. There's spaghetti left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?
17. There are programmes on television that I want to watch. I prefer to
download a film or read a book.
18. He has free time. He hardly ever even manages to call his mother!
19. Unfortunately, I have problems at the moment.
20. Are you thirsty? There's juice left in this bottle, if you'd like it.

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