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#1-Concept Development

This story follows Jade Veril, a 17 year old girl who lost her mother at a
young age by a criminal. Their life changes/ begins when she was granted
the power of Aqua. This causes her to be obsessed with her hero work as
Aqua in which she began neglecting her family. They wish to give their
mother justice by catching the killer but are held back by responsibilities
in her family and the agency she works for.

PART ONE: CHARACTER- This story follows Jade Madison Veril.

 Concrete detail (occupation, skill, lifestyle, etc.):
As Jade: a senior high school student, critical thinker (analyst)
(inherited the trait from her mother) , chooses to not have friends
As Aqua: superheroine, endurance, agility, strength, speed and
flexible, overworks herself to the point she doesn’t get to see her
family and sleep in her house anymore.
[ Jade doesn’t have a hobby or passion because of lack of time]
[ Truly cares for her little sister but lacks the time to spend time with

 Emotional trait or problem: has too much guilt because of her

mother, anxious to make friends because of fear of getting hurt again
(and hurting others), overworking as Aqua, neglecting her family

PART TWO: PLOT- When her mother died she became obsessed with
her superhero work, which causes her to neglect her family.
 Inciting incident: She became the superheroine Aqua who is required
to protect their city.
 Problem: She faces too much criminals in the city that causes her to
neglect her school work, family and her main goal; justice for her

PART THREE: GOAL-They wish to […]

 Goal: to find the criminal that killed her mother.

PART FOUR: ANTAGONIST- Held back by [antagonistic forces]

 Internal antagonist: not asking for help from others(wanting to be
 External antagonist: the agency, their city’s criminals, Mallory

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