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 5 (possibly) positive qualities:
 Quick thinker
 Truly cares for her family
 Has a realistic view in life
 Has a strong determination
 Became matured and responsible at a very young age

 5 (possible) negative qualities:

 Takes things too seriously
 (Unintentionally) neglects her family
 Overworks to the point she doesn’t have time for herself
 Can’t move on from the past
 Doesn’t allow herself to have fun or be distracted from it

 Personality type:
 ISFJ: The Protector (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)
This personality type is given the nickname "The Protector" or "The
Defender," and for good reasons. People who have ISFJ personalities are
known for being warm-hearted, responsible, and reserved.

 Belief System:
 There’s no time for fun and laughter until I finish the job.
 It’s my fault why our mother died. I’ll do anything just to give her the
justice she deserves.
 I believe that I can handle problems all on my own.
 I choose not to get close with anyone, even with my family.
 I deserve to be alone as punishment
 I don’t think I deserve fun and laughter.
 Crying or taking a break makes me weak.
 A day will where I’ll be able to be there for my family.

 Aspirations and goals:

 To find the criminal who killed her mother
 To spend more time with her family
 To take a break
 To develop real and strong relationships with people
 To support and help her sister

 Significant life events & backstory:

 A criminal killed her mother (she’s guilty because she was supposed
to go with her in her mother’s lab but chose to stay at home)
 An agency and her mother’s partner(scientist)/ best friend told her
she’s the next chosen hero for their city. She’s the new Aqua.
 For chapter 2: Her sister becoming Pyra.

 Appearance:
 Black hair
 Heterochromia
 Buff body
 Quite short

 Skills:
 Quick/Critical Thinker
 Endurance

 Mannerisms, body language, speaking style:

 Always crosses arm as Jade
 Always puts both hands on hips as Aqua
 Close body language as Jade
 She uses high vocabulary words from time to time but tries as much
as possible to use small words

 Jade

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