Capstone 4

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Capstone Update #4

Grace Fandrich

This week I only had one day to work on my project, so I only had limited time to work on it, but
as planned, I was able to pick out the woods, line them up to create a good pattern, and laminate
them together and planed them down to the thickness I wanted it to be. I talked with my mentor
and decided to change the door’s design slightly. My original plan was to cut out a square in one
side, but now I have decided to cut off a while side of the box and make it flap down to access
the inside. It will be more convenient for me since it is less wood wasted.

Since the woodwork shop will be closed during the break, I probably will be focusing on the
presentation and connection to the core competencies. Once I am back in the woodwork shop,
the first things I will be doing is cutting the laminated pieces to the size I want and glue the box
together. Once I have done that, I will be moving on to cutting out the door.

I am extremely happy with the progress I made this week since I had limited time. I am also
grateful that I found the wood types I wanted to use such as walnut and cherry. Although not
many people will notice the difference, I am hoping that my cousin will appreciate the wood

I don’t think I had any challenges or specific core competencies that I used.

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