Storyboarding 101

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Animating, Acting, Cinematography (The Visual Storytelling)

1. Things to have beforehand

2. Planning
3. Execution (Actual Boarding)

-Have your sequence in written format (Preferably screenwriting/script format)
<A GENERAL RULE OF THUMB: 1 Page= 1 Min. of Footage>\
Write down bits (emotions, comedy, drama, describing angles)

-What is the point of your sequence? (Story, Context Building, Etc)

Think of what to prioritize (THE FOCUS)
Read inbetween the lines

-Planning your storyboards!
Draw a map or blueprint of the world and sequence (Draw an overview map!)
Establishing the Staging Line (Thumbnails and shots)
-Thumbnailing your boards!
Board out your shots in Small Panels with loose drawings
To see how each shot connect to each other
Board along your script! Match the timing of the screenplay


-Copy and Paste your thumbnails, resize them for your storyboards!
Clear up your boards but still draw loose
Just get what's happening on the shot
Add tones (gray colors-shadows)

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