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Multiple-choice English Test 6 PU Ut ward Englishy (0 Love 2” Year of Study 1 “Do well and have well.” means: A) Vorba dulce mult aduce ; 8) Bine faci, bine gasesti; ) Din greseli se invata; D) Cu 0 floare nu se face primavara.. Complete the sentence: 2 “They .. from London, aren't they?” with the correct verb form: Alis; Care; B) has; D) goes. The sentence “Peter is younger than Sue” means: A) Peter este mai tanar decat Sue. B) Peter nu este mai tanar decat Sue. C) Peter este mai putin tanar. D) Sue este mai inalta decat Peter.. Turn into the plural: “This is my bad tooth.” A) These are my bad teeth. B) This is my bad teeth. C) These are my bad tooths. 1D) These are my bads teeth. Write the singular form of the verb “to speak” in the Present Continuous Tense: A) lam speaking; 8) We are speaking; C) lam speak; D) I speaking. 6 London is the biggest city in the: A) Italy; ) Great Britain; 8) Spain; —_—_D) France. You can see actors at the .. A) theatre; C) hospital; 8) shop; D) school. Find the synonyms of the following words: talk, large, work. C) sing, big, job; D) see, massive, labor] A) speak, small, wild; 8) speak, big, job; 9 Jennifer... carrots. A) like; B) ride; C) likes; D) rides. © Which one is an English name? A) Johann; C) Jacques; B) John; D) Carlos. 1 1 190 to schoo! ... bus. A) by; 8) with; Cat; Dj in. 12 You go there to study. A) cinema; 8) shop; €) school; D) factory. pee | Bune ‘is the correct question for Bire following answer: “I ive in Bucharest.” A) “Where do you live?” B) “What do you live?” C) “Where do you study?” D) “What do you study?” The first letters of: Thomas, Eddie, Danny, form .... A) boy's name; 8) a book; C)atown; D) a colour. 1 oO My... is my mother’s mother. A) grandmother; 8) aunt; C) grandfather; D) uncle.

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