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Dictionary of
Business and Management
Dictionary of
Business and Management

George Thomas Kurian

American Management Association

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kurian, George Thomas.

The AMA dictionary of business and management / George Thomas Kurian.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8144-2028-7
ISBN-10: 0-8144-2028-1
1. M
 anagement—Dictionaries. 2. Business—Dictionaries. I. Title. II. Title: Dictionary of business
and management.
HD30.15.K894 2013

© 2013 George Thomas Kurian.

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Dictionary of
Business and Management

A1  In life and marine insurance, rating counterproductive because they are founded
given to person or property in perfect on misperceptions and poor communica-
condition. tions. Proposed by Jerry Harvey, Professor
Emeritus of Management, George Washing-
AAA  Prime rating given to securities by ton University, in 1974.
Standard and Poor’s.
Abnormal return  Rate of return for a risk
AAP  Affirmative Action greater than that required or expected by
Program analysts.

Abandonment  1. Final stage in a product Above-the-line  1. Entries in a profit-and-

life cycle when the decision is made to dis- loss account that are within the ordinary
continue it. 2. Relinquishing a product to a activities of business. 2. Entries in a balance
third party with or without a settlement or sheet dealing with revenue, as opposed to
compensation. capital. Compare Below-the-line. 3. Ad-
vertising through television, radio, newspa-
Abandonment option Choice of termi- pers, and Internet.
nating an investment before its scheduled
closing date. Abreaction channel  Mechanisms for em-
ployees to express dissatisfaction with their
ABB  Activity-based budgeting work or their superiors.

ABC  Activity-based costing Absence culture  Corporate culture in wh­

ich absenteeism is condoned.
ABC  Audit Bureau of
Circulation Absenteeism  Unauthorized leave from
work, especially repeatedly.
Abilene paradox Theory that some deci-
sions ostensibly based on consensus are Absolute cost advantage  Cost of producing

American Management Association
A 2 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

particular products as influenced by certain ween a change in output and the level of
advantages, such as cheap labor or abundant investment spending. The capital to output
natural resources. ratio is known as the Accelerator.

Absolute cost barrier  Built-in obstacle to Accelerator  1.  Company that supplies off­
entry into a new market, such as the advan- ice space, marketing space, and infrastruc-
tage held by established or large firms. tural services. 2.  Capital-output ratio that
indicates changes in output and level of
Absolute market share  Per capita income. investment.
See Relative share.
Acceptance  Agreement to the terms of a
Absolute monopoly Severe form of mo- bill of exchange certifying that the person
nopoly in which production and distribu- on whom it is drawn accepts the condi-
tion of a product or service is in the hands tions of the bill, denoted by the person’s
of a single corporation. signature.

Absolute performance standard  Theoret- Acceptance bonus  Bonus paid to a new

ical standard of performance, such as Zero employee upon beginning a job; part of a
defect, against which actual performance Golden hello.
may be judged.
Acceptance sampling  Quality control
Absorption costing Accounting process in technique that uses statistical methods to
which overhead costs of production are ap- examine a sample before acceptance of a
portioned on the basis of seven elements: batch.
unit, weight, or volume; labor hours; ma-
chine hours; direct labor costs; direct ma- Acceptance theory of authority  Principle
terial costs; prime costs; and standard that defines Authority in terms of its ac-
hours. ceptance by subordinates and not as inher-
ent in the office.
Abusive dismissal  Termination of an em-
ployee that is technically legal in some Accession rate  Measure of the number of
countries but violates accepted standards of new employees joining a firm over a given
fairness and equity. period.

Accelerated depreciation Rate of depre- Accident analysis  Use of Ergonomic ana­

ciation of assets that is faster than useful- lysis techniques to identify causes of ac-
life basis. cidents and potential hazards in the
workplace, so as to create a safer working
Acceleration principle Relationship bet­ environment.

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 3 A

Accord and satisfaction  Legal device de- Accounting event  Internal or external tran­
fining a contractual obligation and the sat- saction or charge, either credit or debit, rec-
isfaction and discharge of that obligation ognized as a valid entry in an account.
under the law of tort.
Accounting period  Time frame of an ac-
Account  1. A statement of transactions. count, usually a month, quarter, or year.
2. In advertising, marketing, and public re-
lations, a client from whom a commission Accounting process Act of recoding, pre­
or fee is obtained in return for services. paring, and analyzing financial transac-
tions for the benefit of accountants and
Account executive  Professional in an adver- auditors.
tising, marketing, or public relations agency
responsible for liaising with a client and im- Accounting rate of return  Ratio in acco­
plementing the client’s business program. unting that expresses profit before interest
and taxation, usually for the accounting pe-
Account reconciliation  Procedure for en- riod as a percentage of the capital.
suring reliability of accounting records by
verifying authorized amounts and actual Accounts payable  Amount owed by a busi­
payments. ness, person, or supplier, classified as a
Current liability in the balance sheet.
Accountability  1. Relationship in which
each party is responsible for the discharge Accounts receivable  Amount owed to a
of assumed responsibilities in compliance business by customers for invoice amounts
with proper legal and ethical standards. classified as current accounts in the balance
2. Clear presentation of financial informa- sheet.
tion that makes it possible to identify the
legitimacy of transactions. Accretion  Growth or increase in value.

Accountant  Trained professional in a co­ Accrual  Estimate in an account of a lia­

rporation or business responsible for col- bility not supported by an invoice at the
lating, recording, analyzing, and commu- time the account is prepared. It is classified
nicating financial information. as a Current liability in a balance sheet.
In accrual accounting, revenues are cred-
Accounting controls  1.  Procedures for mo­ ited when earned and expenses are debited
nitoring the accuracy and integrity of ac- when incurred.
counts and their compliance with accepted
regulations and practices. 2. Procedures en- Acculturation  Process of adapting to, fun­
suring that expenditures and costs conform c­tioning, and flourishing in new, foreign
to projections and plans. cultural and societal environments, espe-

American Management Association
A 4 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

cially without long preparation, and deal- organizational theorist and consultant, au-
ing on equal terms with those who have thor of Ackoff ’s Fables: Irreverent Reflections
different cultural mores. on Business and Bureaucracy (1957) and
Introduction to Operations Research (1957).
Accumulated depreciation.  Total deprecia- He was Anheuser-Busch Professor Emeri-
tion written off the cost or valuation of a fixed tus of Management Science at Wharton
asset since it was first brought into the balance School, University of Pennsylvania.
sheet. Also known as aggregate depreciation.
Acquisition  See Acquisition
Accumulated dividends  Dividends not paid management
to the shareholders but carried forward to
the next balance sheet. Acquisition management Acquiring and
managing an established product or com-
Achieved penetration  Extent to which a pany as a means of growth and diversifica-
product or service has gained market ac- tion, thereby overcoming the disadvantage
ceptance, expressed as a percentage or ratio in time that growth by internal develop-
of actual customers to potential customers. ment presents. This is a painless way to
enter a new market that may be difficult
Achievement culture  Organizational cul-
otherwise to penetrate. In industries where
ture that fosters achievement, a sense of
Competitive advantage is held in as-
accomplishment, and a positive attitude to-
sets and reputation, and back orders are
ward success.
built up over time, acquisitions can help to
achieve a strong market position immedi-
Achievement motivation theory  Princi-
ately. Foreign companies especially find it
ple that defines achievement as exhibiting
easier to acquire domestic companies as a
certain social and personal characteristics,
such as devotion to the task at hand, ac- way of breaking into unfamiliar markets.
ceptance of responsibility, desire for profes- Financially acquisitive growth is attrac-
sional growth, proper motivation, ability to tive for a publicly traded company if its
interact positively with peers, expertise and price-earnings ratio is high relative to that
training, ability to multitask, and espousal of the target company because it enhances
of ethical standards and values. the acquirer’s earnings per share; also, it is
positive when the goodwill element of the
Acid test ratio  Financial proportion of liq- acquisition costs is treated as reserves rath-
uid assets to current liabilities, which shows er than as an asset. However, acquisition
how far a company is able to meet its debt presents substantial risks, with failure rates
obligations. approaching 50%. The success of an acqui-
sition strategy depends on two factors: the
Ackoff, Russell Lincoln (1919–2009)  Pio- acquisition must create or add value, and
neer of operations research and systems, the acquired company must be successfully

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 5 A

integrated into the parent company. The interdependence between the acquirer and
purchase value of an acquisition typically the acquired. It is also necessary to preserve
includes a bid premium of 30 to 40% over the autonomy of the acquired company in
the market value of the target company, order to retain its distinctive character and
which makes it difficult for the acquisi- culture.
tion to be financially viable. Many acqui-
There are three types of acquisitions
sitions fail because the perceived benefits
integration: (1)  full consolidation of op-
of increased market share fail to meet the
erations, organization, and culture of both
estimated profit margins, turnover, or cash
companies so that there are no boundary
flow, and fail to meet the additional costs
lines; (2)  partial consolidation in which
of integration.
the autonomy of the acquired company is
There are four mechanisms that achieve retained while strategic capabilities are in-
value creation and offset the downside:
terchanged; and (3)  full autonomy of the
(1)  Resource sharing, by which operating
acquired company, which becomes a stand-
costs are combined and rationalized, lead-
alone subsidiary. There are five ingredients
ing to cost reductions through economies
for successful integration: (1)  Mutual un-
of scale and scope. (2)  Skills transfer in
derstanding of the strengths and weakness-
production technology, financial controls,
es, history, culture, and management style
and distribution and expansion of cross-
of the two companies so that the values of
company pool of expertise. (3) Enlargement
each part are not destroyed. (2)  Cultiva-
of size, which creates market dominance
in sales and expertise; increased bargain- tion of a shared vision and camaraderie by
ing power over suppliers, bankers, and cus- employees of both companies that is strong
tomers; reduction of competition; and use enough to overcome the natural distrust
of tax credits. (4) Restructuring by closing accompanying the changes. (3)  Willing-
down surplus capacity, reducing head office ness to share data and information and
staff, and rationalizing unprofitable prod- skills. (4)  Recognition of the extent of the
uct lines. Another form of restructuring post-acquisition changes and willingness to
is through Unbundling, whereby parts of confront the problems and opportunities
the business that are unprofitable are spun that such changes present. (5) Management
off. In many instances, acquisitions fail be- communicates openly with employees
cause the planned values cannot be realized about the cost-benefits of integration.
owing to organizational issues. Key person-
nel may depart and clashes of Organiza- Acquisitive society  A cultural group that
tional cultures may lead to mistrust, places a premium on the acquisition and
lack of communication, or poor control possession of material things as the path
systems. The degree of integration and suc- toward happiness and fulfillment. See Con-
cess will determine the degree of strategic spicuous consumption.

American Management Association
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Across the board  Characterization as ap- Activity analysis  Process of identifying

plicable uniformly and without distinction appropriate output measures as activities,
to all participants. resources, and other cost drivers and de-
termining their effects on the costs of mak-
Action-centered leadership  Technique of ing a product or providing a service. This is
management development devised by lead- one of the three techniques first propound-
ership thinker John Adair, which trains ed by business guru Peter Drucker for
leaders by practical problem solving. discovering the optimum organizational
structure for a corporation; the other two
Action learning Management development were Decision analysis and Relations
technique devised by business thinker R. analysis.
G. Revans, which focuses on group process
and solution of real problems encountered Activity-based budgeting (ABB)  Account-
in corporate settings. ing procedure that identifies the costs in-
volved in running each sector of a business.
Action research  Work that furthers the
study of organizational processes by in- Activity-based costing (ABC)  Method of
fluencing the activity being studied and costing products that links overall cost to
controlling the input and output under in-
the total cost of all activities that contribute
vestigation. It is based on the premise that
to their manufacture. It is designed to con-
the act of investigation itself changes the
trol Indirect costs and to reflect actual
nature of the subject being studied.
rather than paper costs. The method as-
signs costs to products based on resources
Active management  Management style in
actually consumed and efforts actually ex-
which managers are involved in initiating
pended. It identifies costs for each unit of
corporate bonding, setting goals, and moti-
task, such as machine setup or job sched-
vating colleagues.
uling. As a result, ABC is a component of
Active partner  Stakeholder who provides the strategic planning process, and unlike
capital and who contributes skills to the conventional accounting, calibrates future
management of the company. Active part- costs instead of simply measuring past his-
ners are also often involved in day-to-day tory. It identifies areas for savings and cost
operations. reduction through streamlining processes
and activities, and it measures cost driv-
Activity  Operation in an organization for ers. While ABC assigns material costs to
which costs are incurred. The operation products in the same manner as conven-
may be at several levels, such as to produce tional accounting, it does not treat direct
a product, operate a business unit, or mar- labor and direct materials as elements that
ket goods to customers. Each activity is a generate overhead. Rather, it premises that
unit of budgeting, management, or costing. products incur indirect costs because they

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 7 A

consume resources and these are treated as and business process costs to activity cent-
distinct elements, not as a function of direct ers. First-stage cost drivers are assigned
costs. In a traditional cost system, costs are to products. The analysis of second-stage
related to volume and are triggered by in- cost drivers is more rigorous, where costs
dividual units, but in ABC, batches rather are proportional to the batches produced
than individual units are the bases of meas- and, in the case of design engineering, to
urement; for example, doubling the vol- the products themselves. Activity centers
ume does not proportionately double the may be product driven or customer driven.
number of machine setups. Purchasing is They may be homogenous processes, as
another cost driven by batches whose costs in an assembly line, or business processes,
are allocated in traditional accounting by such as marketing. In ABC, second-stage
material costs; in ABC, costs are directly drivers such as direct labor costs, material
related to the number of purchase orders costs, and machine hours are supplemented
and are allocated in proportion. It thus by setup times, inspection costs, warehouse
reflects Economies of scale, taking into costs, and sales calls. ABC also distinguish-
account materials handling, setups, ware- es among hierarchical product-driven costs
housing, and other factors. In addition, at three levels: individual, batch, and mar-
ABC assigns Below-the-line costs, such ket or product. Customer-driven activities
as sales, marketing, R&D, and administra- are distinguished at four levels: (1)  order
tion, as divided by class of customer. That level, including order entry, shipping, bill-
is, customer costs vary substantially as a ing, and freight; (2) customer level, includ-
result of the type of customer, order size, ing sales force, credit and collections, and
service levels, product size, and distribu- service; (3)  market level, including R&D,
tion channel and territory. Cost-reduction advertising, promotion, and marketing;
policies can thus be generated based on and (4) enterprise level, including pensions
the average number of units per customer and management.
order, number of locations, type of sales ABC is generally applied to manufac-
promotion, pricing strategies, returns, turing, but it is becoming important in the
channels of distribution, number of sales service sector as well. It is growing criti-
calls, and speed of bills payment. Pareto cal in capital-intensive industries where
analysis (see Pareto rule) is used to sep- time-based costing is considered repre-
arate customer-driven and product-driven sentative of cost utilization and labor costs
costs. are assigned to the process rather than the
Because ABC uses more cost pools and product. Capital costs and change-over
assigns costs to a broader range of factors, costs tend to be high in capital-intensive
it can reflect the complexity of costs more industries. Because fixed costs are high in
accurately. ABC assigns key manufacturing capital-intensive industries, profitability is

American Management Association
A 8 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

determined by high-capacity utilization. vational elements, encompassing favora-

In such cases, variable pricing is called for ble working conditions, job security, and
and the cost of excess capacity should not remuneration.
influence pricing decisions. Large fixed
costs are annually assigned to production Actuals  Real costs rather than estimated
lines rather than spread over all depart- costs.
ments. In some process industries, logis-
tics costs can skew overall costs. Costs Actuarial return  Return on investment
to specific customer segments will vary as measured by discounted cash-flow anal-
widely. Customer sales volume, location, ysis. Also known as internal rate of return.
high-capacity utilization, limited produc-
tion flexibility, and product mix also affect Adair, John (1934–)  British academic and
logistics costs. By allocating indirect costs leadership theorist. Visiting professor at
more accurately, ABC identifies profit- the University of Exeter (1990–2000) and
able opportunities and permits exit from Chair of Leadership Studies at United Na-
unprofitable activities. Thus, the key ele- tions Staff College, Turin. Author of How
ments in ABC are cost drivers. Because to Grow a Leader: Seven Key Principles of
ABC leads to a significant rethinking of Effective Leadership Development (2006),
policies and overall corporate strategy, it is Effective Teambuilding: How to Make a
more realistic and simpler than traditional Winning Team (1987), The John Adair
costing systems.
Handbook of Management and Leadership
(2004), Leadership and Motivation: The
Activity-based management  Management
Fifty-Fifty Rule and Eight Key Principles of
based on analysis of the various activi-
Motivating Others (2007).
ties that contribute to the running of the
Adair, John Eric Management expert kn­
Activity ratio Financial ratio based on own for his three-circle model of leader-
the relationship of sales revenue to assets, ship, representing the task, the team, and the
showing how well the assets are being used. individual, known as Action-centered
leadership. He was Professor of Leadership
Activity sampling Work-sampling techni­ Studies at the University of Surrey (1969–
que in which observations of workers, pro- 1984).
cesses, and machines are made and analyzed
over a period of time. This technique is used Adams, J. Stacey  See Equity
by industrial engineers to determine the ef- Theory.
ficiency of each step in a large operation.
Adams, Scott  Cartoonist and creator of the
Actualization-atmosphere factors  Moti- Dilbert principle.

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 9 A

Adaptive control  Form of self-regulation Adminisphere  Department of a company

in an industrial process, designed to ensure that deals with administrative matters.
continuous performance at optimum level
through a changing environment. Administered price  Set by the seller, a price
that is independent of market conditions.
Adaptive expectation In Macroecono­
mic theory, forecasts of future values based Administered vertical marketing sys-
on past values. tem  Marketing scheme in which a major
retail chain acts as the captain, coordinat-
Adaptive isomorphism  Experimentation ing marketing activities at all levels, includ-
with new products and processes to catch up ing planning and management.
with technology or meet emerging markets.
Administrative management Traditional
Adaptive management Style of manage- school of management associated with busi-
ment that is flexible and supple in modi- ness thinker Henri Fayol and sociologist
fying a company’s goals and plans to take Max Weber. It emphasizes the importance
advantage of changing environments and of formal structure and hierarchy.
market conditions.
Administrative receiver  Person appointed
Added value  See Value added by a court to administer and manage all the
assets of a company, including the power to
Add-on  Accessory or replacement part of sell assets. Also known as administrator.
a product sold to a customer.
Adopter  Consumer who adopts an inno-
Adhocracy  Organizational structure char- vation introduced by a corporation.
acterized by an absence of bureaucratic
rigidities, enabling managers to think and Adoption curve  Graph showing the rate at
act out of the box. Term coined by futurist which a new technology is embraced by
Alvin Toffler. consumers.

Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) Mort- Adoption of new products  Process by wh­

gage for which the interest rate is adjusted ich consumers adopt new products and ser-
at periodic intervals to reflect prevailing vices, align them with meeting their needs,
rates of interest in the money market. and make them part of their work life and
Adjustable-rate share Type of preferred
stock whose interest rate is linked to Treas- Adoption theory  Principles behind the dif-
ury bill interest rates. fusion of innovations over time, including

American Management Association
A 10 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

the time frame for their acceptance, varying or response based on emotion and desire,
with innovators, early adopters, and laggards. rather than on objective analysis.

ADR  Alternative dispute Affiliate  1.  Company associated with an-

resolution other company through common owner-
ship. 2. In broadcasting, a local station that
ADR  American depository carries the programs of a national network.
Affinity card  Credit card issued to a mem-
Ad tracking research Market research ber of a group that carries with it certain
that periodically measures the impact of advantages.
an advertising campaign, including brand
awareness. Affirmative action program (AAP)  Pro-
cedures to achieve or remedy an imbalance
Advanced manufacturing technologies in hiring and employment as applied to
(AMT)  High technology adapted for minorities and women. Often mandated by
manufacturing such as Computer-aided government, it sometimes includes quotas
design. governing the percentage of minorities and
women represented in an organization.
Adventure  In business, a speculative com-
mercial enterprise. AG (Aktiengesellschaft)  Abbreviation used
in German-speaking countries to designate
Advertising  Promotion of ideas, goods, or a publicly traded company.
services through a commercial medium
with an identified sponsor. The purpose Age analysis  Breakdown of outstanding
of advertising is to inform, promote brand Accounts payables, divided by the time
awareness, and create confidence in the the accounts have been overdue.
product or service offered. An advertising
campaign is a systematic and orchestrated Age and life-cycle segmentation  In mar-
program with stated strategy, objectives, ket research, a demographic breakdown of
and budget. the customer base by age, gender, and mari-
tal status.
Advocacy  Promotion of a better public im-
age, or the building of customer good-will Age discrimination  Action showing bias
by linking a product or service with a well- against older people and senior citizens
known cause or movement that enjoys pub- when providing services or recruiting em-
lic support. ployees. As an attitude, termed ageism.

Affective  That which deals with an attitude Agency relationship Relationship in which

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 11 A

a principal engages an agent to perform Information asymmetries inhibit effec-

some official duty or service on his or her tive delegation in two ways: (1) information
behalf and delegates the necessary author- may be withheld by the agent deliberately
ity for this purpose. The costs of monitor- to increase his or her own value; or (2) in-
ing and bonding in such a relationship are formation may be hidden by the agent by
known as agency costs. When the interest of contrarian actions. The former is known
a principal and an agent collide, it may lead as hidden information and the latter as
to an agency problem. Agents may be either Moral hazard. These factors play a part
special agents or general agents, depending in the most common agency relationship
on the scope of their authority and purview. between shareholders and management,
See also Agency theory. where the delegators are too dispersed to
exercise effective control and the delegates
Agency shop Requirement that nonunion or managers have extraordinary discretion
employees in a bargaining unit pay the to pursue policies that may be against the
union a sum equivalent to union fees and interests of the delegators. Managers may
dues, even if they are not members of the take unwarranted risks, build personal
union. empires, and build up expense accounts.
To reduce the temptation to do so, share-
Agency theory  Delegation of responsibil- holders may introduce Share options and
ity from one party to another, and the re- Profit-sharing schemes as incentives for
lationship between the delegator and the managers to perform better.
delegate; see also Agency relationship.
Such relationships exist between manag- Agenda  Items to be discussed in a business
meeting or goals included in a plan of work
ers and shareholders, employers and em-
or other nature.
ployees, professionals and their clients, and
politicians or civil servants and citizens.
Agent  1.  Person or company authorized to
Delegation need not be explicit, and may
act on behalf of another. 2.  Vector of an
cover a wide range of transactions. There
action that is carried out, as in agent of
are costs associated with delegation, in-
cluding: (1)  monitoring costs incurred by
the principal to regulate the agent’s con- Agglomeration economies Benefits occu­
duct; (2)  bonding costs to insure against rring when a large number of consumers
mala fides; (3) residual costs, including loss live in close proximity or in clusters.
against actions by the delegate that cause
loss; and (4) communication costs incurred Aggregate demand  The sum of demand
to maintain the flow of information be- for all goods and services in an econo-
tween the delegator and the delegate. my at a particular time, a key concept in

American Management Association
A 12 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Keynesian economics. It comprises in- Agile manufacturing Production system

vestment, government expenditure, and that meets the demands of customers by
imports less exports. adopting flexible schedules without sacri-
ficing quality or incurring additional costs.
Aggregate planning  Efficient planning pro- It emphasizes customer satisfaction and
cess designed to produce the optimum out- the establishment of flexible supply pipe-
put at the right costs within the best lead lines.
time. It contains long-term targeted sales
forecasts, production levels, inventory lev- Agility  Organizational ability to respond
els, and customer backlogs, and is designed with flexibility and speed, as a source of
to satisfy the demand forecast at optimum competitive advantage; recommended by
cost. Aggregate planning begins with a de- business writer Tom Peters and professor
termination of demand in relation to cur- Rosabeth Moss Kanter.
rent capacity. Demand may be increased
through pricing, promotion, back order- Agreement corporation  Firm that con-
ing, and new demand creation. It may also ducts international banking transactions
be increased through other means such as that are exempt from normal banking
hiring, overtime, part-time or casual labor, and Antitrust laws; Also called edge
inventory, subcontracting, and cross-train- corporation.
ing. Aggregate planning strategies include
a Level-output strategy that maintains AI  Artificial intelligence
a steady production rate and a Chase de-
mand strategy that matches Supply and AIDAS  Acronym for attention, interest, de-
demand period by period. sire, action, and satisfaction, regarded as
components of effective communication
Aggregate supply  Total supply of all goods and marketing.
and services in an economy, as determined
after Deregulation, Competition, and Alderfer, Clayton (1940–)  American psy-
unrestricted labor supply. chologist who developed Maslow’s Hierar-
chy of Needs by categorizing the hierarchy
Aggressive  In management or investment, into his ERG theory (Existence, Related-
a willingness to take high risks to realize ness, and Growth) in his book Existence,
higher than average gains. Relatedness and Growth: Human Needs in
Organizational Settings (1972). He further
Agile development  Process of develop­ developed his ideas in The Five Laws of
ment that is not rigid, quickly adapts to Group and Intergroup Dynamics (2005).
changing circumstances, and incorporates
implementation. Alienation  In human resources manage-

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 13 A

ment, source of employee dissatisfaction re- Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)  Av-
sulting from any of several factors: (1) pow- enue for settling business disputes in for-
erlessness, or the inability to influence work eign countries other than through their
conditions; (2) isolation, or the absence of legal systems, including Arbitration,
human interaction during working hours; Mediation, and Conciliation.
(3) meaninglessness, or the absence of rec-
ognition for work well done; (4)  low self- Altman, Edward (1941–)  Professor of Fi-
esteem, resulting from lack of individual nance at Stern School of Business at New
worth; (5)  loss of identity with corporate York University. He is best known for his
culture or brand; (6)  lack of prospects, or development of Z-score for predicting
the sense that there is little chance for ad- bankruptcy, which he published in 1978.
vancement within a group; and (7) lack of His other books include Corporate Finan-
equality, or discrimination based on factors cial Distress and Bankruptcy (2005) and Re-
extraneous to work. covery Risk (2005).

A-list  Top names in an industry or pro- AMACOM  Publishing division of the Am­
fession. erican Management Association.

All-inclusive income concept  In account- Amalgamation  Merger of two or more co­

ing, inclusion of all items of profit and loss mpanies under one of several scenarios,
in an earnings statement. such as: (1)  the dissolution of an existing
company and the formation of a new one,
Allocation base  In management account- (2) the acquisition of one company by the
ing, cost-allocation basis used to assign other, and (3)  the straightforward merger
costs to each cost object. of two companies to form a new company
with a new name.
Allotment  Method of distributing unis-
sued shares in a limited company in ex- Ambit claim  Exaggerated demands on an
change for a contribution of capital. Arbitration board to leave room for sub-
sequent concessions.
Allowable marketing costs  Optimum mar-
keting cost under which a healthy or desir- American depository receipt (ADR)  Re-
able profit margin can be maintained. ceipt issued by a bank that may be traded as
a security in the financial market.
Alpha-release  First stage in release of a
product or service in which lead users and American option Financial Option that
company employees participate. can be exercised until the expiry date.

American Management Association
A 14 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Amortization  In accounting, a form of de- ment of a corporation, by law published

preciation in which the annual amount annually and including profit and loss, bal-
deemed to waste away from a Fixed as- ance sheet, cash-flow statement, director’s
set is treated as an expense. In the case of report, and auditor’s report.
a lease, the cost is divided by the number
of years of its term and is treated as an an- Annual general meeting Obligatory meet-
nual charge against profit. Goodwill may ing of all the shareholders of a company for
be amortized as debt and front-end fees approving the annual report and voting on
charged for a loan. In mortgages, interest proposals.
payments are divided on a sliding scale by
which they take precedence over the prin- Annual hours Practice of averaging em-
cipal in the repayment schedule. ployees’ working hours over a year rather
than the traditional number of hours per
AMT  Advanced manufacturing week or month.
Anomaly  In financial markets, abnormal
Analysis  Set of accepted procedures that returns that influence the prices of many
examines issues as a whole and in part, us- financial obligations, such as Derivatives.
ing mathematical techniques, setting ex-
pectations, and creating ratios to determine ANSI  American National Standards
whether the expectations have been met. Institute

Analyzer strategy  Strategy in strategic man­ Ansoff, Igor (1918–2002) Russian-Amer-

agement that is less risky than prospector ican mathematician and father of Strategic
strategy. It analyzes emerging markets for
Management. Professor of Industrial Ad-
possible opening before entering them.
ministration at Carnegie Mellon University
(1963–68) and Professor of Management,
Angel investor  Backer in a high-risk en-
Vanderbilt University (1968–73). Ansoff is
terprise, such as startups or theater.
known for his research in environment tur-
Angyal, Andras (1902–1960) Hungarian- bulence, contingent strategic success para-
born American management specialist who digm, and real-time strategic management.
coined the term biosphere, which he de- Author of Strategic Management (2007) and
scribed in terms of interlocking systems gov- Corporate Strategy (1965).
erned by autonomy and homonomy. Author
of Foundations for a Science of Personality Ansoff matrix Classification device for four
(1941). basic marketing strategies, developed by
mathematician Igor Ansoff: (1)  mar-
Annual account Audited financial state- ket penetration, (2)  market extension,

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 15 A

(3)  product development, and (4)  diversi- in which a person faces two potentially sat-
fication. isfying but incompatible goals.

Antagonistic cooperation  Temporary co- Appropriate technology Low-level tech-

operation between two parties who are nor- nology that is feasible and applicable to
mally rivals. lesser developed countries that lack the
infrastructure necessary to sustain higher-
Antitrust laws  Any of several laws passed tech operations.
by the U.S. Congress making illegal any re-
straints on trade and any monopolies that Appropriation  1. Allocation of net profits
inhibit or interfere with Free trade and in an account after determining its costs
Competition. and expenses. 2.  Allocation of payments
to a particular debt out of several existing
App  Application for a computer program. debts.

Applied research  Market research aimed A priori segmentation  Process of dividing

at solving a specific business problem that markets on the basis of conventional as-
will lead to a better understanding of the sumptions rather than on market research.
way a market works, how it responds to
a particular strategy, and how to reduce Arbitrage  Financial operation that takes
uncertainty. advantage of a difference in interest rates
or commodity prices between one market
Apprenticeship programs  First developed and another. It is nonspeculative because
in Germany, these are on-the-job training the trader, or arbitrageur, enters into the
programs of four or five years’ duration, transaction only when there is a clear dif-
during which participants are also enrolled ferential in price and both prices and rates
in school. The coursework is equal, rather are known.
than supplemental, to the on-the-job train-
ing, and often there is compensation for the Arbitrary allocation Cost assignment in
work or the promise of employment follow- which the costs are based on variables that
ing completion of the training. Apprentice- cannot be controlled.
ships are distinguished from internships,
which are more common in the United Arbitration  Settlement of a civil dispute
States and are unpaid, shorter-term on-the- using an arbitrageur or arbitrator or tribu-
job training programs, sometimes with the nal. The judgment of an arbitrator may be
prospect of employment afterwards but no either binding or nonmandatory.
guarantee of it.
Argyris, Chris (1923–)  American business
Approach-approach conflict A situation theorist, Professor Emeritus at Harvard

American Management Association
A 16 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Business School, and a Thought Leader at under the double bookkeeping system in
Monitor Group. He is best known for his which the retained earnings in the Profit-
seminal work in the area of learning organi- and-loss account equals the increase in
zations. In his book Action Science (1985) he the net worth of the business.
advocated solutions to practical problems
by generating new knowledge. Other terms Artificial intelligence (AI)  Computer soft-
developed by Argyris includes action- ware that exhibits or mimics intelligent hu-
able knowledge, ladder of inference, and man behavior, including a capacity to learn,
double loop learning. His books include reason, analyze, discern relationships be-
Flawed Advice and Management Trap: tween facts, and communicate ideas. AI is
How Managers Can Know When They are divided into two categories: (1) knowledge
Getting Good Advice and When They Are representation systems, also known as Ex-
Not (2000), On Organizational Learning pert systems, that capture and encode ex-
(1993), and Personality and Organization:
pert knowledge; and (2) systems that create
The Conflict Between the System and the
new knowledge by extrapolating data and
Individual (1957).
ARM  Adjustable-rate
ASA  Attraction-selection-
Arm’s length  Characteristic of a transac-
ASCII  American Standard Code for Infor-
tion in which the parties are unrelated and
mation Interchange, a standard code for the
neither party receives any special terms or
preference. transfer of information between computers.

Article  In law, part of a document that Ascribed status  Social status that a per-
governs the status of a corporation, associa- son enjoys outside his or her professional
tion, or professional body, which details the circle.
rights, duties, powers, and privileges of the
members and the officers, the authorized A shares  Most important class of Ordin­
share capital, and the conduct of meetings. ary shares. Compare B shares.

Articles of Association  Numbered clauses Aspirational brand  Product or product line

in a document serving as the constitution that lends prestige to its users and sets them
of an organized group, stipulating the con- apart as connoisseurs.
ditions, purposes and procedures govern-
ing the group. Aspirational group Reference group in
market research consisting of peers who
Articulated accounts Accounts prepared have common interests and aspirations.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 17 A

Assembly line Means of mass production Asset stripping  Acquisition or takeover of

invented by industrialist Henry Ford, a corporation whose shares are valued be-
based on the ideas of management think- low their real worth and whose subsequent
ers Frank Gilbreth and F. W. Taylor. It sale of these assets is done without regard
dominated manufacturing in the first half to the wishes of shareholders, employees,
of the 20th century and helped to reduce suppliers, or creditors.
dependence on skilled craftsmen.
Asset substitution effect  Situation in wh­
Assertiveness training  Courses designed to ich the major portion of a risky investment
is borne by bondholders rather than share-
help employees develop potential abilities,
exercise initiatives, enhance self-esteem,
articulate cogent ideas, and exercise bold-
Asset value  Total value of a company’s
ness in translating vision into action. It uses Assets less its Liabilities, divided by the
behavior modification to enable people to number of Ordinary shares in issue.
overcome inhibitions.
Assignment  Act of transferring a proper-
Assessment center  Human resources pro- ty, material interest, benefit, or right.
gram by which employee behaviors and
abilities are evaluated, including planning Assumpsit  Common-law action to recover
and organizing, leadership and communi- damages for Breach of contract.
cation, tolerance for stress, and initiative.
Participants are assessed while engaging Assurance  1. Conveyance of a property and
in such activities as In-basket training, the instrument by which it is conveyed.
2. In the U.K., insurance.
leadership group discussions, Role-plays,
interviews, and management games.
Asymmetric information Information po­
ssessed by one party to a transaction that is
Asset  Tangible or intangible possession that
not available or accessible to the other.
has Value in economic terms and can be
listed on the positive side of a Balance At call  Money lent on a short-term basis
sheet. For example, securities and funds that must be repaid on demand.
are generally backed up by assets.
Atkinson system Wage incentive plan all­
Asset management  1. Management of the owing payment of 1.3% for each 1% of
financial assets of a company to maximize production, with a 5% step bonus on
Return on investment. 2.  Investment completion of the task, with only base
service offered by banks and other institu- wage when production drops below 75%
tions for wealthy customers. of target.

American Management Association
A 18 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

At limit  Instruction to a broker to buy or vidual’s control. Attribution is a three-stage

sell shares of stock, commodities, or cur- process: (1) the behavior is observed over a
rencies at a specified price. period of time; (2) the behavior is deemed
intentional and deliberate; and (3) the be-
Attachment  1. Proceeding that authorizes havior is caused by external or internal
a creditor to secure an amount due from a factors. The assessor then examines the be-
debtor on the basis of a judgment. 2. Data havior for three key elements: consistency,
file embedded in an e-mail message. distinctiveness, and consensus.

Attention management  Method of ensur- Attrition  1. In human resources, the decline
ing that employees are focused on their in employment through retirement and
tasks and are in tune with organizational resignation rather than dismissal or layoff.
goals. 2.  Gradual decline of equipment and ma-
chinery through wear and tear.
Attitude  Mindset or perspective that de-
termines behavior and conduct. An atti- Audience  Total population who can access
tude may be Cognitive (involving percep- and receive a particular mode of communi-
tion or thinking), Behavioral (involving cation and is receptive to its message.
measurement of behavioral responses), or
Audience research  In the communications
industry, research concerned with the goal
Attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) Cha­ of discovering audience interests, tastes,
and habits.
racteristic of management culture in which
individuals are attracted to an organization
Audit  Independent examination of the fi-
that has value systems comparable to their
nancial state or health of an organization,
own and in which organizations select em-
usually on the basis of accepted accounting
ployees based on similar compatibility. As
principles, policies, regulations, standards,
a result, employees who do not conform to
rules, or controls. Audits may be external or
this management culture are attrited. internal. Generally, audits are conducted by
licensed professional or chartered auditors.
Attribution  Theory of leadership that pays
attention to the performance and behav- Audit Bureau of Circulation Organiza-
ior of employees and learns what motivates tion representing advertisers and advertis-
them. Attributions are critical to manage- ing agencies, charged with scrutinizing and
ment because perceived causes of behav- verifying the circulation of newspapers and
ior influence judgments and actions. Thus, periodicals.
leaders determine whether success or fail-
ure is due to causes that are within the indi- Audit trail  Sequence of documents, files,

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 19 A

and other records examined during an made to synthesize or integrate oppos-

Audit, showing the legitimacy of trans- ing viewpoints. Opposite of Democratic
actions. management.

Auditing by rotation  Pattern of auditing Autogestion  Management by a committee

in which parts of a company are subject to of workers.
in-depth Audits every three years.
Automatic stabilizer Trigger mechanism
Autarky  Policy of economic self-sufficiency in fiscal policy that kicks in automatically
advocated by a country’s nationalists to dis- when certain targets are reached. It coun-
courage imports and investments abroad. terbalances the undesirable feedback effect
of changes in economic activity.
Authoritarian management  Style of man-
Automation  Independent performance
agement that emphasizes discipline and
by machines of tasks that are traditionally
obedience to a person of superior rank, rig-
done by humans.
id adherence to tradition, highly personal
and undemocratic methods, and low toler-
Autonomous work group (AWG) Form
ance for consensus. of work organization in which workers have
limited autonomy and manage their affairs
Authority  Right derived from legitimacy to
without direct supervision of management.
command others to act in a desired fashion.
Autonomy  Degree to which a job provides
Authority of knowledge  Right to issue or- an employee with the discretion and in-
ders, held by a person most intimately in- dependence to schedule his or her work.
volved in a situation or with most knowl- Managers tend to have increased autonomy
edge about its details. in decentralized organizations. Increased
autonomy gives workers a feeling of greater
Authority of situation  Right to issue or- responsibility for their outcomes and thus
ders, held by a person closest to an emer- greater motivation and sense of accom-
gency situation. plishment. The degree of autonomy is gov-
erned by the Corporate culture and the
Authorized capital  Shares that a new com- management style of the boss.
pany is allowed to issue under the terms of
its Articles of association. Avant-garde  New and original, as in the
fine and performing arts.
Autocratic management  Leadership style
involving unquestioned authority and per- Avoidable costs  Expenses incurred as a re-
sonal decision making; there are no efforts sult of a management decision, usually

American Management Association
A 20 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

involving risk, rather than costs that are Avoidance conflict resolution  Strategy
normal to business operations. that ignores the causes of a conflict and in-
stead focuses on controlling its fallout.
Avoidance  Risk-management strategy that
eliminates or reduces political risks by AWG  Autonomous work group
calibrating the possibilities of political in-

American Management Association

B2B  Business to business, denoting direct of 1935, dealing with labor representation
trading without intermediaries. procedures and unfair labor and manage-
ment practices.
B shares Category of Ordinary shares
with limited voting power. Backdoor financing  Procedure by which
U.S. government agencies borrow directly
B2C  Business to consumer. from the U.S. Treasury.

Babbage, Charles (1792–1871)  Patron saint Backflush accounting  Method of costing

of operations research and management a product based on minimum inventory
science. His inventions include a mechani- and sales. Costs are allocated after actual
cal calculator, a computer, and a punch-card costs are determined, and there is no sepa-
machine. His most successful book, On the rate accounting for Work-in-progress.
Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers
(1835), described the tools and machinery Backscratching  Reciprocity in granting
used in English factories. By analyzing the favors.
operations, he was able to suggest improve-
ments. Babbage was also an advocate of the Backselling  Sales promotion in marketing
division of labor and of Profit sharing. whereby a product or service is promoted
at a point outside the selling chain.
Baby bond  U.S. bond with a low face value.
Backward integration  Process of add-
Baby boomer  Person born during the im- ing more items to a company’s portfolio
mediate World War II period, especially in by moving further back along the Supply
the later 1940s and 1950s; considered as a chain and eliminating intermediaries.
discrete demographic group.
Backwardation  Situation in which the spot
Baby Wagner acts  State and territorial laws price of a commodity is higher than the
based on the federal Wagner-Connery Act Forward price.

American Management Association
B 22 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Bailout  Financial aid given to a corpora- and nonfinancial criteria. Developed by

tion by a government or institution to help business professors and writers Robert
it avoid collapse. Kaplan and David Norton in 1992, it
evaluates performance on four levels: (1) fi-
Bait and switch  Deceptive retail practice nancial, including costs and operating
of advertising low-priced products to lure profits; (2)  customer satisfaction, includ-
customers to a store, only to let them know ing market shares; (3)  internal business,
that the advertised products are out of stock including development of new products
and persuading them to buy higher-priced and markets; (4)  learning and growth
substitutes. curve, including employee satisfaction,
productivity, and value. Of these, the first
Balance of payments National accounts
is a Lagging indicator and the others are
representing all transactions with the out-
Leading indicators.
side world, divided into current account
and capital account. The former includes The score card provides a mechanism for
the trade account, which records the bal- management to examine the business from
ance of imports and exports. Overall, the four perspectives: (1)  customer—How do
accounts must always be in balance. A customers perceive the firm? (2) internal—
deficit or surplus requires purchase or sale What are the firm’s strengths? (3)  learning
of foreign currencies, monitored by the and innovation—How can value be cre-
International Monetary Fund. ated or upgraded? and (4)  financial—How
will stock prices react? BSC forces manage-
Balance of trade  National accounts that ment to look at the operation comprehen-
represent a country’s trading position, in- sively and to optimize output; it integrates
cluding Visibles (commodity exports and available information and simplifies and
imports) and Invisibles (services). highlights performance data such as qual-
ity, teamwork, capability, and innovation.
Balance sheet  Statement of the total assets It places corporate vision and strategy in
and liabilities of a corporation in a fiscal pe- foremost position, and managers are typi-
riod. The first part shows the Fixed assets cally involved in the design of BSCs, rather
and Liabilities, and the second part shows than accountants and financial executives.
how they have been financed. The two parts Each score card pits perspectives against
must be in balance. The balance sheet rep- measures and goals, and pairs strategy with
resents the accounting equation of a com- implementation, as follows:
pany that satisfies the formula that Assets =
liabilities + equity. Internal Business
Financial Perspective

Balanced score card (BSC) Management Goals Measures Goals Measures

evaluation on the basis of both financial Survival Cash Flow Productivity Value Added

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 23 B

Internal Business currency, marked by ceilings and floors or

Financial Perspective
upper and lower limits.
Goals Measures Goals Measures

Success Sales Growth Cut Waste Bandcurve chart  Breakdown graphic that
Prosperity Market Capital separately magnifies the details of some of
Share Intensity
Design Engineering the elements in the chart.
Productivity Efficiency
Bandwidth  Total spread of a workday un-
Customer Perspective Innovation der a flexible hours system.
Goals Measures Goals Measures
New % Sales Technology New Product Bank  Financial institution that takes de-
Products Leadership Design posits and extends loans on a commercial
Speed of On-time Product Revenue per
Response Delivery Efficiency Employee basis. It also provides money transfers and
Preferred Customer Motivation Staff a number of other services. Banks are su-
Supplier Satisfaction Attitudes
pervised by a Central bank, which sets
Share the terms and interest rates and oversees
fiscal solvency.
Baldridge, Malcolm (1922–1987) Secre-
tary of Commerce under President Reagan. Bank of England  Central bank of the U.K.,
The Malcolm Baldridge Award is named a branch of the Treasury established under
after him. the U.K. Banking Act of 1979.

Baldridge award The Malcolm Baldridge Bank of International Settlements (BIS) 

National Quality Award is given annually by Bank that acts as a mechanism supporting
the U.S. Department of Commerce to cor- the financial operations of Central Banks in
porations and other organizations that have international monetary transactions. It is
excelled in quality in six categories: manufac- headquartered in Switzerland. Founded on
turing, service, small business, health care, 1930, it is one of the world’s oldest financial
education, and nonprofit. The criteria in- organizations.
clude leadership, strategic planning, custom-
er and market focus, measurement analysis, Bankruptcy  Legal state of a delinquent
knowledge management, workforce focus, creditor who is unable to repay loans and
process management, and results. Named has declared insolvency.
after a former U.S. Secretary of Commerce.
Bankruptcy Reform Act Act of Congress
Balloon payment  Irregular or large install- in 1978 giving bankruptcy court judges
ment of a loan repayment. greater powers and making it easier to
file petitions. It also reformed tests of the
Band  Trading range of a commodity or ability to repay. Under Chapter 11, a

American Management Association
B 24 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

company can apply to a court for protec- Bargaining zone Area of overlap in the
tion from its creditors while undergoing interests of two negotiating parties within
reorganization. which Bargaining can occur.

Banque d’Affaires In French-speaking Barnevik, Percy  Swedish-born business ex-

countries, the type of bank that handles ecutive, former chairman of Asea Brown
both the business of a merchant bank or an Boveri, who introduced the term Matrix
investment bank and a clearing bank. management.

Bar code  Universal product code, or UPC, Barometer stock Widely held security,
consisting of an array of parallel rectangu- such as a Blue chip, regarded as an indica-
lar bars and spaces, printed on a product or tor of the state of the market.
package for sale in a retail outlet. An opti-
cal scanner or reader reads the code at the Barriers to entry  Factors that prevent or
checkout and displays the pricing informa- inhibit competitors from entering a market
tion on a screen. and competing with established producers.
These may include artificial road blocks,
Barnard, Chester (1886–1961)  American red tape, subsidies, patents, control of dis-
management expert who made contribu- tribution networks, Economies of scale,
tions to the Classical school of man- and brand loyalties. One of Porter’s five
agement. He was particularly interested forces, barriers to entry put potential en-
in the functions of the executive, which he trants at a disadvantage. These are addi-
defined in his book Functions of the Execu- tional costs that must be incurred by new
tive (1938). He developed the Acceptance entrants, which give existing firms an un-
theory of authority, which states that fair advantage.
authority is legitimate only if accepted by
There are three types of deterrents:
structural obstacles, risks of entry, and re-
Barnard’s unit  Idea developed by manage- duction of incentives. There are natural
ment expert Chester Barnard that an barriers, such as existing Monopolies,
organization should be made up of small and there are barriers based on size. Size-
departments of 10 or fewer members. independent barriers include subsidies, tar-
iffs, trade restrictions, anti-dumping rules,
Bargaining  Negotiations of two or more quotas, regulatory policies, licensing, spe-
parties with different targets and expecta- cial tax breaks, restrictions on pricing, fa-
tions, with the goal of arriving at a mutually vorable location, proprietary information,
satisfactory settlement through rational and restricted access to banking, raw mate-
discussion. rials, and other inputs, as well as regulations

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 25 B

governing technologies and know-how and Barth system  Term used in Work study
reduced access to distribution channels and developed by Norwegian-American engi-
markets. Other barriers include regula- neer Carl Barth, in which payment due
tions governing safety, language, product is calculated on the basis of standard times
standards and testing, accreditation, and per unit of work.
plant safety. Access to raw materials can
be limited by competitors’ tying up suppli- Bartlett, Christopher Professor of Business
ers through long-term contracts, and labor Administration, Harvard Business School.
costs can be driven up through artificially Author of The New Global Business Manager
high union demands. New firms may find it (2002), New Game, New Rules: Developing
difficult to compete with established firms Manager for a Competitive World (2000),
because of policies that militate against Companies, Cultures and Transformation
economies of scale. There are certain in- to the Transnational (1999); and Managing
dustry characteristics that affect the surviv- Across Borders: The Transnational Solution
ability of new entrants. For example, high (reissued 1988), named as one of the 50 most
industry concentration makes incumbents important books of the century.
more powerful and the price of failure
higher for new entrants. For new entrants Base currency  Money used as the basis for
to leapfrog over older firms, they need to an exchange rate, as, for example, the U.S.
have a technological edge and knowledge of dollar.
what makes the markets tick.
Base year  First of a series of years in an
Barriers to exit  Factors that make it diffi- index.
cult for a corporation to exit a country be-
cause of legal requirements that discourage Basket of currencies Group of selected
Capital flight. currencies used to determine the value of
another currency.
BARS  Behaviorally Anchored Rating
Scales Basle Convergence Accord  1968 agree-
ment reached by the Group of 20 and en-
Barter  Trade in which goods and services acted through the Bank of International
are exchanged without the intermediation Settlements governing capital adequacy.
of money. The group recommended that banks have
specific liabilities covering a minimum of
Barth, Carl Georg Lange (1860–1939)  8% of their capital at risk. The accord was
Norwegian-American mechanical engineer updated by Basle II (2004), which set new
who popularized the industrial use of com- conditions for assessing risk and disclosing
pound slide rules. risk-related information.

American Management Association
B 26 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Bata system  Participative system of man- sidered bearish. A bear dealer sells Short
agement developed by Bata Shoe Company by buying at lower prices certain com-
in the 1920s. modities, currency, or securities that have
already been sold at higher prices. Contrast
Batch production  Manufacturing process Bull.
in which products are made in batches
rather than continuously, and production is Bear hug  Approaches by a company to the
carefully scheduled to maximize utilization board of another company that an offer is
of capacity and minimize capital locked up about to be made for its shares. A friendly
in Work-in-progress. bear hug is known as the teddy bear hug.

Bathtub curve  A graph showing the fail- Bear raid Practice among unscrupulous
ure rate of machinery, which takes the stock traders to spread false rumors relat-
shape of a bathtub, with three phases: (1) a ing to a sell-off of stock in order to bring
burn-in or startup phase; (2)  a normal down its price.
phase in which the machinery is at peak
performance; and (3)  a wear-out phase at Becker, Gary Stanley (1930–) American
the end of its design life. economist, professor of economics and
sociology at the University of Chicago. He
BATNA  Best alternative to a negoti- won the Nobel Memorial Prize for Eco-
ated agreement nomics in 1992 and was awarded the Presi-
dential Medal of Freedom in 2007. He was
Bayesian methodology  Statistical analyti- one of the first economists to branch out
cal technique, named after British mathe- into sociology. He argued that many types
matician Thomas Bayes, used in forecasting, of human behavior are rational in that they
which treats the best estimate or probability maximize utility. He is also among the fore-
as a firm certainty. most exponents of human capital and is
credited with the theory of Rotten Kids.
BCM  Business continuity
management Bedeian, Arthur  Management professor at
Louisiana State University and a historian of
Beachhead demand  In collective bargain- management. His best–known publication
ing, a demand made not in hope of gaining is Management Laureates: A Collection of
immediate acceptance but for use in future Autobiographical Essays (1992).
Beer, Anthony Stafford (1926–2002) Bri­
Bear  Reference to a market in which the tish theorist and professor at Manchester
prices are falling. A person who sells or Business School, best known for his work
does not buy when prices are falling is con- in the fields of operational research and

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 27 B

management cybernetics. He was a visiting that relies heavily on psychology, particu-

professor at 30 universities He was the first larly drive and motivation and especially in
to apply cybernetics to management, defin- times of change and stress. It developed out
ing cybernetics as the science of effective of the Hawthorne study experiments of
management. the early 1930s, which linked workers’ at-
titudes with productivity. It describes the
Behavior  Characteristic conduct of a per- workplace as a social system dependent
son, group, or corporation in response to a on collaboration among its participants.
set of circumstances, including motivation, Important in such a system are improved
expectation, attitudes, and actions. means of communication, leadership, mo-
tivation, and group behavior. The think-
Behavioral attitude  Amalgam of beliefs, ers who helped to develop this school of
tendencies, and feelings that influence management thought were Mary Parker
behavior. Follett, Chester Barnard, Abraham
Maslow, Kurt Lewin, Rensis Likert, and
Behavioral economics  Economic research Keith Davis. The growth of the behavioral
based on the behavioral sciences, such as sciences during the 1940s also helped the
sociology and psychology, to explain and theory to gain a larger following.
predict economic behavior.
Behavioral theory of the firm  Principle,
Behavioral finance  Study of the psycho- developed by economist Richard Cyert
logical factors in financial decision mak- and business professor James March, that
ing, and on the overall market outcomes a business organization is a coalition of dif-
and ways in which these decisions deviate ferent interest groups representing a variety
from the rational pursuit of self-interest. It of ideas, whose members are constantly
covers a range of cognitive and emotional bargaining for power. The colliding inter-
biases affecting decision making, including ests make decision making an uncertain
errors in judgment in estimating probable exercise.
outcomes, underreaction and overreaction,
and an inability to assess market anomalies Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BA­
and uncertainties. RS)  Measure to evaluate the job perfor-
mance of employees. It involves breaking up
Behavioral observation scale  Measure used a large task into constituent smaller parts,
in assessing the performance of employees, each with a range of possible behaviors that
in which workers are evaluated on the basis are then ranked on a scale calibrated from
of how well they perform under stress. ineffective to excellent.

Behavioral school  Management theory Behaviorism  Branch of social psychology

American Management Association
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dealing with human behavior in response accounts, transactions relating to capital as

to defined stimuli. opposed to revenue. 3.  In advertising, ex-
penditures in which no commission is pay-
Beige book Report on the current eco- able to an agency.
nomic climate, prepared by the Federal
Reserve Board. Benchmark job Job used as a reference
point in setting remuneration, retirement,
Belbin, Meredith (1926–) British theo- benefits, and compensation packages.
rist and researcher known for his work on
management teams. He was visiting pro- Benchmarking  Comparative process of
fessor at Henley Management College in identifying the best practices in relation to
England. He is best known for his book, products both within an industry and out-
Management Teams (1981). He was the side of it, and using them as desirable ref-
first to describe an effective team with eight erence points and goals. It is part of Total
members among whom were the investiga- Quality Management. Such benchmark-
tor, shaper, evaluator, and finisher. ing is usually applied to customer satisfac-
tion, cost reduction, and productivity and
Belbin group  Team of workers in a cor- effectiveness. There are 10 generic catego-
poration that addresses a specific task, ries for designing benchmarks: (1) custom-
working in competition with other similar er service performance; (2) product/service
groups. Named after Meredith Belbin, who performance; (3) core business process per-
studied work groups. formance; (4) support processes and service
performance; (5)  employee performance;
Bell, Daniel (1919–2011)  American soci- (6)  supplier performance; (7)  technology
ologist, futurist, and professor emeritus of performance; (8)  new product and inno-
Harvard University, known for his studies
vation performance; (9)  cost performance;
on post-industrial society. He was one of
and (10) financial performance.
the leading intellectuals of the latter half
of the 20th century. His best-known works Benchmarking should create uniform
are The End of Ideology (1960), The Com- standards that are consistent with corpo-
ing of the Post-Industrial Society (1973), and rate culture and achieve the corporation’s
The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism strategic objectives. It is supported by ac-
(1976). tions to collect actionable data. The infor-
mation should be collected on a Radar
Below-the-line  1.  In accounting, the en- chart, sometimes called a spider chart.
tries in a Profit-and-loss statement that In addition to careful design, benchmark-
separate items relating to profit and loss ing should be accompanied by manage-
from those that show distribution of prof- ment support, training for the project
its and sources of financing. 2. In national team, management information systems,

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 29 B

appropriate information technology, and where existing processes are un-

adequate resources. In the 1970s, Xerox satisfactory.
pioneered a 12-step benchmarking process 6. Redesign processes.
in five phases, as follows:
7. Make provision for continuous re-
1. Phase 1  Launch Planning Identify improvement.
what to benchmark, identify com-
parative companies, and determine Beneficial interest  Right to enjoy the Usu-
data collection methods. fructs of a property in addition to a legal
2. Phase 2  Organize Analysis Deter- ownership.
mine current performance gap,
project future performance levels. Benefit segmentation  Dividing a market
on the basis of the benefits expected by
3. Phase 3  Reach-out Goals Estab-
consumers from a product.
lish functional goals and commu-
nicate them to the staff and gain Benefits realization Translation of pro-
their acceptance. jects into perceived benefits for its users.
4. Phase 4  Assimilate Action Develop
action plans and implement them, Bennis, Warren  Management guru and ex-
monitor progress, recalibrate bench- ponent of leadership theory and group dy-
marks. namics, especially Sensitivity training
and T-groups.
5. Phase 5  Act Maturity Integrate
practices into processes.
Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois (1822–
1900)  French mathematician who is also
Benchmarking may be integrated with
noted as an economist. In the field of eco-
Reengineering in seven steps:
nomics he revised the oligopoly theory,
1. Identify value-added strategic pro- specifically the Cournot Competition
cesses from the customer’s per- Model, using prices rather than quanti-
spective. ties as strategic variables showing that the
2. Map and measure existing process equilibrium price was simply the competi-
to identify areas of improvement. tive price.
3. Implement the easy ones.
Bertrand competition  Situation that oc-
4. Benchmark for best practices to curs in an Oligopoly whereby compa-
develop solutions, approaches, de- nies producing undifferentiated or homo-
signs, and innovative alternatives geneous products compete against each
to the existing system. other in terms of price. Named after Jo-
5. Develop alternative approaches seph Bertrand.

American Management Association
B 30 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Best alternative to a negotiated agree­ particularly attractive asset. In the third

ment (BATNA)  In a collective bargaining variant, the stock lockup, a major share-
situation, when industrial action would be holder is asked to buy shares in the
more beneficial to either management or the open market to prevent a hostile bidder
union than would be settling the dispute. from gaining a controlling share.
The self-tender defense. A firm under-
Beta coefficient  Measure of the volatility
takes a tender offer for its own shares,
of a stock, indicative of its associated risk.
which are then retired as treasury
stock. This is especially effective against
Beta testing  Trial run of a product in the
the two-tier or front-end loaded hostile
field, under conditions that approximate
takeover, in which a raider acquires
the actual market conditions.
majority control and then forces the re-
maining shareholders to sell out for an
Beta version Trial version of a product
undisclosed amount. The self-tender is
that allows customers to test it and provide
usually for fewer shares than the hostile
feedback to the manufacturer.
bid because of legal constraints. Self-
Beveridge curve  Ratio between total unem- tenders are used in conjunction with
ployment and total job vacancies. Named other defenses, such as Golden para-
after Albert Beveridge, historian and U.S. chutes. Staggered board elections also
senator from Indiana. discourage raiders and give the firm an
advantage of time. Self-tenders raise
BHAG  Big, hairy, audacious goal the cost to an aggressor.
The Kamikaze defense. There are a
Bid defense  Defensive tactic against a hos- number of Kamikaze defenses, all of
tile takeover attempt. As the number of which involve the loss or sale of at-
hostile bids to take over companies have tractive assets. In a Scorched-earth
increased in the post–World War II era, policy, all or most of a company’s good
so have defensive tactics against such at- assets are sold; this is done when the of-
tempts, as follows: fer is below the market price. In the sale
Lockup strategies. There are three types. of crown jewels approach, key assets that
In the first variant, a White knight are of interest to the raider are sold. In
is given the right to purchase author- the fat man strategy, the target company
ized but unissued shares of the target itself purchases the assets sought by the
company, thus increasing the cost of hostile bidder. The Poison pill is a le-
acquisition to a hostile bidder. In the thal dose for the aggressor; the compa-
second variant, the asset lockup, the ny issues stock dividends to the target’s
white knight has the right to purchase a stockholders with special redemption

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 31 B

and conversion features that reduce the agreements designed to protect senior ex-
raider’s ability to control the board. To ecutives can add costs to the bidder. Some
be effective, the authorization of a large companies issue bonds that are convertible
block of blank-check preferred stock with shares of common stock; another tac-
must be authorized by the stockhold- tic is relocation to a more friendly state, like
ers. The common stock dividend can be Delaware.
converted into shares of the acquirer.
The employee benefit plan. This defense Bifurcation  Divestment of part of a busi-
consists of four methods. A company ness to enable the principals to concentrate
may use the stock held in benefit plans on the remaining part.
to assist a Leveraged buyout. Or, the
employee plan can refuse to render its Big bath Worst year for a company in
shares or tender them only to a friendly terms of financial losses.
bidder. The plan may also buy the tar-
get company’s stock and the plan’s sur- Big-bath accounting Corporate strategy
plus assets may be used to shore up the of taking a large write-off or writing off
defense. unprofitable lines in one quarter to report
higher earnings in the next quarter.
Many companies have certain amend-
ments to their articles and by-laws that Big Board  New York Stock Exchange.
deter undesirable bids, called Shark re-
pellents. Among the most widely used Big business Colloquial term for large cor-
are: (1)  Staggered directorships under porations that represent the corporate sec-
which the board of directors is divided into tor and act as the dominant part of an econ-
three groups, each of which comes up for omy. Contrast Small business.
reelection once in three years. As a result, it
will take up to five years to gain control of Big, hairy, audacious goal (BHAG)  Very
the board. (2) Limited dismissal or size, in ambitious, long-term objective consistent
that board members may be removed only with a company’s core values and purposes
for a specific cause and not by majority that serves to galvanize all resources in its
vote; or the size of the board may be limited pursuit. Term coined by Jim Collins and
to prevent a raider from packing that board Terry Porras, of Stanford University.
with its nominees at a single annual meet-
ing. (3)  Fair-price amendments are used Bigelow plan  Wage-incentive approach that
to protect shareholders who have not ten- provides for a step bonus between the min-
dered their stock in the first step of a merg- imum wage and the standard wage, with
er, so that they can obtain a fair price in the 1% additional salary for each 1% additional
second round. (4)  Golden parachute output.

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B 32 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Bilateral dependency In collective bar- Black capitalism  Entrepreneurship among

gaining, the phenomenon in which labor black people as a solution to depressed eco-
and management are dependent on each nomic conditions.
other to survive, even when their immedi-
ate interests collide. Black economy  Economic activity outside
of the national accounts and that yields no
Bilateral monopoly Contract between one taxable revenues. Also termed underground
monopoly seller and one monopoly buyer. economy. See also Black market.

Bill of exchange Unconditional written Black Friday  Friday following Thanksgiv­

order authorizing the payment of a speci- ing, which marks the beginning of the
fied sum of money to a third party Christmas holiday shopping season; refer-
ence is to stores being “in the black” be-
Bill of lading  Receipt listing goods shipped cause of the high volume of sales.
signed by an agent of the shipper or issued
Blackhole engineering  Design or assem-
by a common carrier.
bly of complex machinery in which the
BIMBO  Buy-in management original designer leaves blanks where he or
she expects outside specialists or suppliers
to supply the missing design.
Biological asset  Living plants or animals
Black knight  Person or corporation mak-
considered an asset on a balance sheet.
ing a Hostile bid.
Biotechnology  Use of biological organisms,
Black leg  Nonunion employee who refus-
cells, and systems in technological or ma-
es to join a strike. Also scab.
chine-driven processes.
Black market Unregulated and untaxed
Bird in hand  In finance, the preference on
market outside normal market oversight,
the part of investors for dividends rather populated by Rogue traders.
than capital gains.
Black Monday Either of two Mondays,
Black box  Element in a system not observ- October 28, 1929, or October 19, 1987,
able to a researcher or an observer, which marked by extremely large one-day drops
controls other elements or inputs. For ex- in prices on the New York Stock Exchange.
ample, the psychological motives of a con-
sumer are not quantifiable or observable to Black swan  Event that is improbable under
market researchers. normal circumstances but not impossible.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 33 B

Blake, Robert R. (1918–2004) Manage- Blau, Peter Michael (1918–2002) Austrian-

ment guru, author of The Managerial Grid born American sociologist and theorist,
(1964). He developed the Blake-Mouton professor at Columbia University. He is as-
managerial grid model, which concep- sociated with theories describing upward
tualizes management in terms of leadership mobility, occupational opportunities,
styles. heterogeneity, and population structures.
Blau Space is named after him. His books
Blake-Mouton managerial grid Scale of include Bureaucracy in Modern Society
managerial behavior, leadership, and per-
(1956), American Occupational Structures
formance developed by management
(1967), On the Nature of Organizations
experts Robert R. Blake and Jane S.
(1974), and Inequality and Heterogene-
Mouton. Management is measured on a
ity: A Primitive Theory of Social Structure
9-point scale along two dimensions: pro-
ductivity and interaction with people.
There are a total of 81 possible styles, rang-
Blau typology Technique used by soci-
ing from Laissez-faire to Authoritar-
ologist Peter Blau to classify formal or-
ian and Country club.
ganizations on the basis of the answer to
Blamestorming  Concerted efforts to allo- “Who benefits?” It distinguishes four types
cate responsibility in the case of a blunder of benefits: (1) mutual, as in clubs and po-
or disaster. litical parties; (2)  business, as in banks
and shops; (3)  service, as in hospitals and
Blanchard, Ken (1939–)  American man- schools; and (4) commonweal, as in fire and
agement expert. His book, One-Minute police services.
Manager (co-authored with Spencer John-
son), sold millions of copies. He wrote 30 Block release  Form of a training program
other books, including Raving Fans: A in which employers permit employees to
Revolutionary Approach to Customer Ser- take time off with full pay to undergo
vice (1993), Leadership and the One-Minute training.
Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through
Situational Leadership (1985), and Whale Blow-off top  Rapid increase in stock price,
Done: The Power of Positive Relationships followed by an equally sharp drop in price.
Blue chip stock  Ordinary share of the
Blanket  Relating to situations or activities most highly rated companies in a stock
with broad scope, covering an entire indus- market. Name derives from the color of the
try, such as blanket coverage, blanket agree- highest value chip in poker. These stocks
ment, or blanket policy. are regarded as virtually unsinkable.

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B 34 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Blue collar Relating to workers on the product development. Named after Barry

ground, often engaged in menial labor, as Boehm, American software engineer.
distinguished from executive office person-
nel, or White collar. Bogey  Informal standard set at a low lev-
el, often used by labor unions to restrict
Blue-sky law  Law providing for state regu- output.
lation and supervision of investment securi-
ties and involving licensing and registration. BOGO  The sales offer of “Buy one, get one
Blue-sky research  Theoretical high-risk re-
search aimed at discovering or establishing Boiler room  Part of an organization where
fundamental principles rather than inno- day-to-day business is transacted.
vations. It involves a high degree of uncer-
Boilerplate  Part of the text of a docu-
tainty, but may yield some profitable break-
ment that can be used repeatedly in draw-
ing up similar documents, with suitable
Board of directors Group of elected or
nominated persons charged with the gov-
Boldfaced  Used to describe conspicuous
ernance, supervision, or management of an
and unapologetic action or language.
institution or company.
Boll weevil  Nonunion worker.
Body corporate  Corporation consisting of
a group of persons considered a distinct en- Bolton, Alfred  (1926–2007) Born in Can-
tity, such as shareholders of a company. ada, Bolton was a management historian
and worked with researcher Ron Green-
Body language Nonverbal communication wood in a seminal study of the Hawthorne
through facial expressions, gestures, eye experiment; see Hawthorne study.
contact, and body movements, also known
as kinesics. Some gestures convey different Bond  Type of financial security with a
meanings depending on cultural context. nominal value, on which interest is paid
until it is redeemed, at which point the
Body shopping Practice whereby a con- nominal value is returned to the holder
sultancy supplies people to work on a tem- with a premium. See also Baby bond,
porary contract basis in lieu of permanent Gilt-edged bond, Performance bond.
Bonus  1.  Extra payment to employees or
Boehm’s spiral model  Development mo­ others in recognition of work well done,
del adopted as part of strategy for new or as an extraordinary compensation at the

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 35 B

end of a special term. 2. Extra money dis- (2) Stars, which are businesses or products
tributed to shareholders outside of the pro- that exhibit high rates of growth and are
ceeds or dividends. beginning to generate substantial revenues.
(3)  Question marks, which are products
Bonus culture  Corporate culture that thr­ or businesses that have a low market share
ives on excessive bonuses, even when the and doubtful prospects of growth and that
company suffers losses. face extraordinary competitive pressures.
(4) Dogs, which are questionable business-
Book value  Worth of a company calculat- es that operate against considerable head-
ed as its total Assets less Intangibles and winds and face an uncertain future.
Bottom-fishing  Investment strategy of buy-
Bootstrap  1.  Leveraged buyout by a Pri- ing up low-priced shares in order to flip
vate equity firm. 2.  Takeover strategy them at a profit when the circumstances are
in which a two-tiered offer is made to the more favorable.
shareholders of a target company. 3. Com-
pany started with little capital that meets its Bottom-up  Relating to an approach that
operating costs out of its revenues. relies heavily on input from the bottom tier
of management and makes strategic deci-
Borderless world  Globalized world in wh­ sions and identifies opportunities based on
ich national regulations and barriers do lessons learned at the ground level.
not inhibit multinational business activi-
Bottom-up design  See Top-down or
ties, and where businesses are free to follow
Bottom-up design.
profitable opportunities wherever they find
Boulton, Matthew (1728–1809) Associate
of inventor James Watt, who helped develop
Boston matrix  Performance analysis and
the first steam engine, and a partner in the
assessment tool for business units in large,
engineering firm Boulton, Watt and Sons.
diversified corporations, developed by Bos-
ton Consultancy Group. It parlays market Boulwarism  In industrial relations nego-
shares and growth rates to develop an over- tiations, a fixed and unyielding position
all business strategy, and identifies the most taken by management on what are reason-
profitable units in a company. The matrix able concessions to be made to the unions;
divides units into four categories: (1) Cash name derives from that of a General Elec-
cows, which are mature businesses or tric executive.
products with low growth rates. Typically
they generate substantial cash flow, which is Boundaryless organization Organizational
used to support investment in other areas. structure in which there is a deliberate

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effort to deemphasize hierarchic bound- Bracket creep  Transition from one income
aries and barriers, and to empower em- group to the next higher group as a result of
ployees, create cross-functional teams, income growth; refers to federal income tax
and delayer responsibilities. brackets.

Bounded rationality  Ability to make com- Brain drain  Emigration of skilled profes-
plex decisions on the basis of incomplete sionals from developing countries to devel-
and fluid knowledge. It deviates from the oped countries, thus draining the available
model of self-interest, in that it accepts talent from the former.
what is possible and feasible as an alterna-
tive to what is ideal and perfect. Brainstorming  Free-ranging group discu­
ssion in which the purpose is to explore
Box-Jenkins model  Forecasting technique the terrain rather than to erect structures.
that feeds back data from earlier forecasts It creates a buccaneering atmosphere in
to refine later ones. Named after analysts which participants are emboldened to
George Box and Gwilym Jenkins and de- think outside the box and exercise uninhib-
scribed in their Time Series Analysis: Fore- ited actions. The goal is to generate as many
casting and Control (1970). ideas as possible without evaluating them.
Technique originally developed by adver-
Box store  Retail store that sells a limited tising executive Alex Osborn. Compare
assortment of groceries in their original Delphi technique.
boxes or cartons at lower prices. Large elec-
tronics stores selling televisions and com- Brand  Trade name of a product that is
puters are known as big-box stores. promoted as a handle by which consumer
loyalties are created. Brands are part sales-
Boyatzis, Richard Eleftherios (1946–)  manship, part psychology, and part media
Dean, Case Western Reserve University. He seal of approval. They are ultimately about
has published numerous books on emo- quality, reliability, and trust, and they re-
tional intelligence, behavior change, and inforce the bonds between consumer and
competencies. Author of The Competent manufacturer.
Manager: A Model for Effective Performance
(1982). Brand loyalty  Attachment to a particular
product marketed under one name. Brand
Boycott  Concerted effort by an aggrieved loyalty often reduces competitiveness by
group against a business or political entity discouraging consumer desire to experi-
by discouraging economic activity, such as ment with new products.
buying and selling, thereby applying eco-
nomic pressure to achieve a stated goal. Brand management  Marketing of one or

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 37 B

more Brands and their images as distinct costs to determine the optimum produc-
from the products. tion, sales, or level of activity at which the
business begins to be profitable.
Brand mark  Unique glyph or graphic sym­
bol that often identifies a Brand. Breech, Edward (1909–2006)  British ma­
nagement historian who popularized the
Brand personality  Creation of a man, wo­ theories of Henri Fayol and F. W. Taylor.
man, or animal to represent a corporate Author of Principles and Practice of Man-
image, as in the case of the Colonel for fast- agement (1953).
food enterprise KFC.
BRIC  The four largest emerging econo-
Brand recognition  Extent to which con- mies: Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
sumers can identify a Brand with the as-
sociated products and recall it readily when Brick and mortar  Relating to businesses
they need it. with physical facilities and structures, as
distinguished from an Internet business.
Brand value  Worth of a Brand to its ow­
ner, based on its market penetration and Brick by brick  Form of forecasting based
the Brand loyalty it enjoys. This often on an unsophisticated sampling of the
appears in company balance sheets as an opinions and views of salespersons and
Intangible. customers.

Branding equity Corporate equity derived Bridge loan Short-term loan that spans

from the brand name as an Asset, apart the time gap between the purchase of one
from its physical assets. asset and the sale of another.

Breach of contract Failure by one party Briggs, Katherine Cook (1875–1968)  Man-

to a contract to perform the obligations agement specialist who, along with daugh-
as detailed in the contract. A statement ter Isabel Briggs-Myers (1897–1980), de-
that a contract or any of its clauses will be veloped the Myers-Briggs type personality
breached in the future is called a repudia- test, commonly used to evaluate applicants
tion breach or anticipatory breach. for employment.

Breadth of market  Theory that the health Bright lights and trumpets  Celebrity status
of a market is measured by the relative value accorded highly paid corporate executives.
of items that are going up or down in price.
Brinkmanship  Act of taking risks routine-
Breakeven  In management accounting, ly to outsmart opponents and gain difficult
the separation of Fixed costs and variable objectives.

American Management Association
B 38 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Broadbanding  Pay structure consisting of assigning an experienced employee to

a small number of pay bands or scales, each train a novice.
applicable to a given level of performance,
skill, or achievement. Budget  A quantitative statement or struc-
tured plan for money management, re-
Broker  Agent who acts as a middleman flecting accurately the financial state of an
between two principals in a transaction. entity in a given fiscal period. From medi-
eval English meaning “wallet” or “leather
Broking  Buying and selling on behalf of purse.” Budgets are subject to Audit. They
others. are prepared by accountants, and budgetary
control is exercised by a group of financial
Brown goods  In retailing, goods such as
professionals. Budgets may be of several
televisions, radios, and stereos.
kinds, such as capital budget and cash-flow
budget. Budgets allow corporations to bet-
Brownlow committee  U.S. committee ap-
ter utilize and anticipate the financial re-
pointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
sources available to them. They enable
in 1937 that advocated for the first time the
accountants and managers to compare esti-
application of management principles to
mates with Actuals, and thus plan for the
public administration.
imponderables in operating a corporation.
BSC  Balanced score card
Budgetary control  Methodical control of
Bubble  Unstable financial situation, in wh­ operations through establishment of stand-
ich prices are artificially inflated through ards and targets regarding income and ex-
Irrational exuberance. penditure and continuous monitoring of
performance against them.
Bubble economy  Period of economic ac-
tivity marked by Irrational exuberance Buffering  Practice of isolating external or
and wild and uncontrolled Speculation. internal operations from exogenous un-
certainties, a technique used in Conflict
Bucket shop  1.  Negative term for an or- management.
ganization that operates at the fringes or
outside the mainstream to offer commodi- Buggins’s turn  U.K. idiomatic expression
ties, Credit-default swaps, securities, describing promotions and rewards based
or contracts at a discount. 2. In the U.K., a on seniority alone.
positive term for a shop selling discounted
airline tickets. Built-in obsolescence  Design of a product
so that it has a limited lifetime and needs to
Buddy system Management practice of be replaced within a short time.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 39 B

Built-in stabilizer  Fiscal mechanism that Bureaupathology  Underbelly of bureau-

is triggered automatically by every down- cracy characterized by red tape, inability to
turn as a way to mitigate the market’s make quick decisions, and hesitancy to take
downward plunge. advantage of emerging opportunities; also
by passing the buck, resistance to change,
Bull  Reference to a market in which prices reliance on rules and regulations rather
are steadily rising, driven by profits and fa- than innovation, and confused response to
vorable economic reports. People who buy uncertainties.
when prices in the market are rising are
termed bullish. A bull dealer trades up in Bureausis  Resistance to Bureaupathol-
expectation of growth. Compare Bear. ogy on the part of customers.

Bulling the market When a speculator Burnout  Work-related psychological con­

trades to push prices upward artificially. dition characterized by emotional exhaus-
tion, decreasing efficiency, and loss of inter-
Bumping  Demotion of a senior employee, est in meeting professional goals and making
which in turn leads to the dismissal of a rational decisions. The situation is brought
junior employee. on by unrelenting pressure of work, in which
the subject finds no personal fulfillment.
Bundling  Marketing strategy of incor-
porating similar products into a single Burns, James MacGregor (1918–)  Histo-
package, targeted to a specific customer rian, political scientist, expert in leadership
base. As a competitive strategy, market- studies. His trailblazing book, Leadership,
ers may bundle a newer or less successful introduced two types of leadership: trans-
product with a stronger one, resulting in actional leadership and transformational
cost savings. leadership.

Bureaucracy  Organizational mode that Burns, Tom (1913–2001)  British sociolo-

relies on a cadre of managers and direc- gist noted for his study, The Management of
tors selected on the basis of their expertise Innovation (1961).
to run administrative affairs and provide
leadership. Bureaucracy is characterized by Business agility Ability of a business to
permanence and stability, experience, prec- adapt rapidly and cost efficiently to changes
edent, and impersonal decision making. in the business environment. It incorpo-
rates ideas of flexibility, balance, adaptabil-
Bureaucratic management Management ity, and coordination.
that is steeped in Authoritarian phi-
losophy and run on the basis of hierarchy, Business buy behavior  Factors governing
order, discipline, and precedent. the decision to buy equipment, services,

American Management Association
B 40 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

products, and raw materials; these include licy that pays claims for financial losses re-
cost, loyalty to regular suppliers, the emer- sulting from exogenous factors such as fire,
gence of better brands or suppliers, and the flood, or riots.
need to meet new needs.
Business-level strategies  Three generic str­
Business continuity management (BCM)  ategies popularized by Michael Porter in
Risk management plan to avoid possi- the 1980s: The low-cost strategy emphasizes
ble disruptions resulting from unforeseen lower costs, although not necessarily lower
breaks in administrative personnel, includ- prices. The differentiation strategy focuses
ing death of key managers, national calami- on development of a unique product for
ties, terrorism, and sabotage. Emergency which it can charge a premium price, It fo-
plans must specify the sequence of steps cuses quality, innovation, and sensitivity to
to be taken to restore normalcy. Business customer needs. The third strategy focuses
continuity and disaster recovery planning on serving the needs of a limited group.
can demand a great deal of resources. The
Business plan  Detailed scheme setting out
average annual cost of computer network
the stated mission of a business. It is the
downtime was $42,000 in 2011. Out-
first step before incorporation and before
sourcing has become a standard practice
raising capital and securing loans. It also
to add flexibility to the Supply chain and
forecasts activity volumes, cash flows, and
avoid disruptions.
anticipated profits. The U.S. Small Busi-
ness Administration recommends that a
Business cycle Repeating mode or pat-
business plan include four main elements:
tern in business history, whereby upturns
(1) overview, (2) marketing analysis, (3) fi-
are followed by Recessions and gains are
nancial plan, and (4) management plan.
followed by losses. Cycles introduce uncer-
tainty in business plans because they have A business plan should provide the fol-
different durations. lowing details.
1. Personal details on the founder,
Business game Management training pro­ owner, partners, and directors and
gram consisting of exercises designed to their qualifications and experience.
build business skills, encourage partici-
2. Structure of business—that is,
pants to develop problem-solving and whether it is a corporation, part-
decision-making abilities, hone ideas and nership, or proprietorship.
abilities, and bond with other members of
3. Business activities and details of
the team.
the product or service.
Business interruption policy  Insurance po­­ 4. Commencement date.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 41 B

5. Objectives, especially in terms of and the proposed location with in-

sales and profits. formation on local and municipal
6. Information on prior history and zoning laws.
antecedents. 15. Manufacturing equipment for pro-
7. Number of employees and antici- duction, including purchase price
pated staff requirements and their and depreciation. Cost of servicing
salary ranges and possible sources and the nature of the acquisition,
of manpower. whether lease, rent, or purchase.

8. Products and services offered, pric- 16. Trading equipment, including vans
ing policy, and competing products and cars, their value and purchase,
and services. Information on the rent, or lease terms.
market for the product or services 17. Sales forecasts on monthly, quarter-
in the context of the competition. ly, and annual basis, including sales
Testing of products for quality. prices and agency discounts. Com-
9. Existing market for the product parative sales data on industry-wide
or services, whether it is growing basis from government and private
(sunrise) or declining (sunset) or business experts.
static and seasonal. 18. Sources of funds, such as sales of
10. Names of competitors, their pric- stocks, loans, and debts with long-
ing policy, and strengths and weak- term and short-term projections.
nesses. Quality of the competition 19. Cash-flow projections for at least
and ideas on how to overcome three years.
their advantages. 20. Convincing projections showing
11. Ideas on marketing the product when and at what stage the busi-
or service and costs of doing so ness will be self-sustaining.
including budgets for advertising,
promotion, and public relations. Business process reengineering  Appro­
ach to organizational Corporate re-
12. Marketing opportunities and their
structuring based on a radical reassess-
costs, including names of potential
ment of the reasons the business exists. It
suppliers and their terms.
asks the questions, “What are its core com-
13. Real estate costs involved in setting petencies?” and “What are its strengths in
up offices and facilities, whether terms of the market and its products and ser-
lease, purchase, or rent. vices?” It seeks to reinvent the business, tak-
14. Nature of the real estate, whether ing advantage of the information technologies
it is storage, office, or retail space, that allow simultaneous processing of tasks

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B 42 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

that were conventionally done sequentially. Business structure  Legal form of a com-
It links inputs and outputs more rationally so pany as defined in its charter. Business
as to enhance efficiency and productivity and could be a sole proprietorship, a partner-
the learning curve of employees. The essential ship, a private company, or a public limited
elements of reengineering are: company.
1. Initiation from the top from some-
one with a vision Business system  The quality of the busi-
ness environment as governed by the politi-
2. Leadership
cal and economic philosophy of a nation.
3. New value system that focuses on In most capitalist countries (see Capital-
adding value for the customers ism), this system is called the Free mar-
4. Rethinking the way people per- ket system, in which there are minimum
form their work regulations and state control, and where the
5. Emphasis on cross-functional market is self-governing and makes its own
work teams structural adjustments.
6. Enhanced information dissemi-
Bust  Severe decrease in stock prices and
business activity, as part of a business cycle.
7. Training
8. Involvement of all participants Buy-back  Act of buying back the shares of
9. Rewards based on results a company from an investor, for purposes
of Corporate restructuring or to re-
Business school  Graduate school for busi- move the threat of a Hostile bid.
ness management and related disciplines,
commonly awarding a master’s degree in Buyer’s market  Market in which there is
business administration. an oversupply of goods and where the pric-
es for them are falling.
Business strategy  Protocol statement out-
lining the plans, principles, and policies of Buyers’ remorse  Emotional response in-
managing a business. It sets the direction of volving confusion or regret on the part
the firm and seeks to maximize the inter- of a buyer in a sales transaction that was
nal competitive advantages and strengths. based on poor information or misleading
It specifies the ways in which this is done, advertisements.
whether through internal growth (expan-
sion of existing products) or through in- Buy-in  Purchase of more than 50% of a
novation or external growth (mergers and company by an outside group, with inten-
acquisitions). tions of a full takeover.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 43 B

Buy-in management buyout (BIMBO)  Buzz group  In market research, an infor-

Buyout in which the management of the mal group, of not more than four or five
company invests in the venture along with persons, chosen from a larger group to
Venture capitalists, who exercise mana- discuss ideas developed during larger
gerial control. sessions.

Buying on margin Purchase of an asset Buzzword  Term for a fashionable but over-

by paying the margin, or initial down pay- used word or expression that describes a
ment, and borrowing the balance from a current idea or concept.
bank or broker.
Byham, William C. (1936–)  American or-
Buyout  Acquired rights or ownership to ganizational psychologist. He is the co-author
a company or product through monetary of Zapp: The Lighting of Empowerment. He
compensation in full; buyouts can be by promoted the use of the Assessment Center
employees, management, or outsiders. Method for the selection of managers.

American Management Association

Cabinet crowd  Section of the bond trad- up to a given date or the expiration of the
ing unit of the New York Stock Exchange contract. It is the opposite of Put option.
that handles active bonds.
Campaign  Series of organized actions
Cadbury report  In the U.K., the report of with a set goal, especially in advertising,
the 1992 Cadbury Committee on the finan- sales, marketing, and public relations.
cial aspects of corporate governance. The
report established a Code of Best Practice Cannibalization  Market anomaly in which
that has influenced management thinking. the increased sale of one brand results
in the decreased sale of another related
Caesar management Autocratic, power- brand.
oriented corporate leadership.
Canvass  To interview a large number of
Cafeteria benefit  Employee fringe benefit, people together to garner their opinions on
such as food from the company cafeteria. a particular subject without any filters, es-
pecially used in market research.
Cafeteria plan Flexible benefits package
offered to employees that enables them to CAP  Code of Advertising Practice
customize their benefits by selecting among
alternative options. CAP  Common Agricultural Policy

Call center  Office that handles large num- Cap and trade  Environmental policy tool
ber of incoming and outgoing calls for tel- that imposes a mandatory cap on emissions
ephone sales, customer service, or market while allowing polluters some flexibility in
research. how they comply.

Call option  Option that gives the holder Capability gap  The difference between ca-
the right but not the obligation to buy a pabilities in house and those actually need-
stock at an agreed-upon price at any time ed to accomplish a task.

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Capacity costs Fixed costs of running a the time it is sold.

Capital gains tax Tax on gains achieved
Capacity planning  Process used to deter- through a realized increase in Value—for
mine how much capacity is optimum for example, from the sale of stock or a home—
any given output and for the efficient use of most often at a different rate than tax on
material and personnel. In the short term, earned income.
capacity planning concerns issues of sched-
uling labor shifts and balancing resource Capital market  Exchange in which money
capacities. It also involves unexpected cy- is raised by governments and corporations.
cles of demand. The capital market is populated by private
investors, Hedge fund managers, insur-
Capital  1.  Total value of the Assets of a ance companies, pension funds, and mer-
company less its Liabilities. 2. Total paid- chant banks. Capital markets are a feature
up shares of a company. 3.  In economic of Free market economies.
theory, the financial factor in production as
distinct from its Human capital, or labor; Capital movement  Transfer of capital be-
the latter usage is considered exploitative in tween countries, as governed by exchange
Marxist philosophy. controls and regulations. It consists of both
long-term and short-term transfers; the lat-
Capital account  1.  Account in corporate ter are speculative and take advantage of
financial records showing the cumulative temporary movements in exchange rates
subscription of the shareholders or part- and interest rates.
ners, considered as part of the net assets of
a company. 2. Account in the financial re- Capital structure Balance between As-
cords noting expenditures on such material sets and Liabilities, especially the com-
assets as land, buildings, and machinery. position of the assets and borrowings. The
assets may be Fixed (tangible or intangi-
Capital budgeting  Appraisal of a range of ble), or Current (stock, debt, or credit),
investment projects to determine their fi- while the borrowings may be long or short
nancial returns. term, fixed or floating, secured or unse-
cured. Ideally, the capital structure should
Capital flight Transfer of currency from be in balance.
one country to another to escape taxation
or political instability. Capitalism  Economic system in which the
means of production are owned by private
Capital gain Increase in the value of an individuals rather than the state. Contrast
Asset between the time it was bought and with Command economy.

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Capitalist  1.  Pertaining to Capitalism. attitudes to achieve those goals. Also career
2. Individual who invests money in a com- management.
pany in return for part ownership and some
of its profits, without participating in its Career ladder Recognized upward path
management. of promotion and advancement within a
Capitalization  1.  Amount representing the
total financial investment of a company. Career path  Sequence of jobs that a per-
2. Structure of the capital investment—that son holds or plans to hold during a career.
is, the extent to which it is divided into
Ordinary or Preferred shares or into Carrying costs Expenses of maintaining
shares and loans. 3. Conversion of the re- an inventory, including Opportunity
serves into capital by a scrip issue. 4. Ac- costs, wastage, and insurance.
counting practice of treating capital as
fixed expenditures. Cartel  Association of independent com-
panies that conspire to set the prices of
Captive market 1.  Group of consumers products or services they own or offer.
who are obliged to buy a product or ser- Cartels are illegal in most developed coun-
vice because there are no comparable al- tries, although there are numerous ways in
ternatives. 2. Passive or involuntary audi- which the law can be circumvented. Differ-
ence, especially of a broadcast or theatrical ent from an Oligopoly, a cartel represents
program. Collusion rather than mere cooperation.
Such collusion may be overt, as in the case
Carbon credit  Environmental reward that of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
can be exchanged between industrial firms. Countries (OPEC), or it may refer to price
The credit is based on the amount of harm- synchronization. A cartel may be, in prin-
ful gases emitted and consequent penalties ciple, profit maximizing or market sharing.
for exceeding those quotas. Also referred to Profit-maximizing cartels maximize the ag-
as Cap and trade. gregate profits of all firms by making the
same pricing and output decisions. The dis-
Career anchor  Pattern of skills, interests, tribution of the market between the firms
and value developed early in a person’s ca- is determined by marginal cost considera-
reer that directs the trajectory of his or her tions, and agreement is reached between
career. Term coined by management pro- the firms as the redistribution of profits,
fessor Edgar H. Schein. with the firms producing the most output
and the lowest-cost firms making pay-
Career development Establishment of a ments to the higher-cost firms in order to
career path directed by clearly defined goals reduce the incentive of the latter to expand
and including development of the skills and the output. Market-sharing cartels, on the

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other hand, allow each member to retain a among cartels is socially undesirable and il-
certain segment, defined in terms of either legal, but they can survive across national
market share or geographic area. This divi- boundaries where they face less political
sion is governed by historic patterns or the stigma. They reduce the forces of competi-
power and influence of each member. tion, constrain production below the opti-
mal levels, and raise prices. In short, they
A successful cartel must be able to
gain obscene profits and encourage politi-
defend itself against threats from buy-
cal corruption in the highest levels of office.
ers and suppliers. In addition, the cartel
Because they have less competition, they
must ensure that each member adheres to
have no incentive to be efficient or to re-
the terms of the agreement and retaining
duce costs.
membership is more profitable than leav-
ing it. This is difficult when cartel-operated Cascade  1. Series of events or transactions
Monopolies face inelastic demand or when that build momentum with time and con-
members face the temptation to exceed their stitute a continuum. 2. In production, mul-
quotas to increase profitability. Excessive tiple operations in which each stage is the
cheating can destroy a cartel. On the other output of the previous one.
hand, a number of factors can increase the
stability of a cartel. These include cycles Cascade briefing  Technique of top-down
of growth and prosperity when the regu- communication through an organizational
lations regarding pricing and output are pyramid.
less onerous, limited membership as fewer
members are more manageable, a slow pro- Case study  Management training method
cess of innovation and change, similarity based on real-life situations. Unlike busi-
and symmetry in the producers’ cost func- ness games, case studies have no action
tions, production of more essential items component, but they encourage people to
that are more price-inelastic, marketing of believe that every problem has a solution
more homogeneous products, marketing waiting to be discovered. Case-study analy-
of a smaller number of products, and the sis offers multiple solutions to a given prob-
availability of uniform price information. lem and introduces ways in which real life
impinges on theory.
Cartels affect the sector in which they
operate in three ways: They alter the struc- Cash cow  Marketing situation in the Bos-
ture of influence, they are more efficient in ton matrix, in which a product with a
the allocation of resources, and they are steady income stream may be used to gen-
more efficient in production. In a cartel, erate cash for investment.
weaker firms have a disproportionate in-
fluence because they can upset the delicate Cash crop Agricultural produce that is
balance of power. In principle, the collusion sold in the market, as opposed to one that is

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 49 C

consumed by the producer. Compare Sub- the manager is also a cheerleader and moti-
sistence crop. vator-in-chief.

Cash flow 1.  Movement of cash in and Catch-22  An inherently contradictory sit-

out of a business, consisting of inflows uation that cannot be solved. From Joseph
and outflows. Cash flow is liquidity that Heller’s novel of the same name.
enables an uninterrupted ability to meet fi-
nancial requirements. 2. Net income from Catchment area  Geographical region from
a transaction after meeting expenses. Typi- which a recruitment or sales program draws
cal cash flow takes into account payments most of its participants and that therefore is
from customers, cash from investment treated as a valuable asset.
activities, and cash from financing activi-
ties. Cash flow statements facilitate decision Category discounter Aggressive off-price
making by providing an accurate mirror of retailer that offers branded merchandise
the profitability and financial health of the in certain products at heavily discounted
company. prices. Category discounters are popular
with consumers but are bringing the death
Cash trap  Strategic position of a business of mom-and-pop stores.
that spends all the cash it generates and
has little or no reserves to be transferred Category killer  Brand that achieves such
to shareholders. Such a business exhibits a complete domination in a market that it
low share value and high capital intensity in becomes synonymous with the category it-
markets with low product differentiation. self, for example, Xerox (copier) or Kodak
Cash with order Fully paid-up purchase
order. Causal quantitative model Forecasting
technique that uses a causal relationship
Cashless society Society in which eco- between two or more variables to create a
nomic transactions are carried out and reg- growth model for products. The technique
istered electronically with the help of credit relies heavily on mathematical techniques
or debit cards, without recourse to paper such as Regression analysis.
currency or specie.
Cause-effect diagram Also known as a
Casualization  Process of reducing full- Fishbone chart or Ishikawa diagram,
time employees in favor of temporary staff from its inventor Kaoru Ishikawa, the
who do not get fringe benefits or pensions. cause-effect diagram generates lists of spe-
cific possible causes of a problem, as part
Catalyst  Managerial role identified by man­ of a Total Quality Management pro-
agement guru Peter Drucker, in which cess. It involves four steps: (1)  identifying

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the problem; (2) identifying the main cat- Census tract  Small geographical and demo-
egories of possible causes; (3)  identifying graphic unit of about 100 households with
the most likely causes under each of these common socioeconomic characteristics.
categories; and (4)  diagramming the steps
to discover possible linkages among these Center of gravity  Ideal location for ware-
categories and their solutions. housing and manufacturing based on
transport costs.
Cautious shift  Tendency of employees to
be more cautious when working in a team Central bank  Bank established by a na-
than when working on their own. tional government for purposes of gen-
erating, implementing, and overseeing
Caveat emptor  (Latin, “Let the buyer be- monetary and fiscal policy. The bank su-
ware”) Principle that places the burden on pervises the commercial banking system,
the consumer to verify the credentials of a sets the interest and discount rates, deter-
product before purchase. mines the size of the national debt, prints
money, controls the money supply, holds
Caveat venditor  (Latin, “Let the seller be- the country’s reserves of gold and foreign
ware”) Principle that places the burden of currency, manages dealings with other
the conditions of sale and the quality of the central banks, conducts negotiations with
merchandise on the seller. the International Monetary Fund,
manages national accounts, accepts de-
Cellular manufacturing Process that pro- posits from and grants loans to commer-
duces families of parts in a single line, cell cial banks, manipulates the exchange rates,
of machines, or production units within a periodically reports on the economic and
large factory that has complete responsi- financial health of the nation, and acts as
bility for producing a family of like parts lender of last resort to the government and
or products. The cell is self-contained or the banking system. In the United States,
standalone, and although the machines the central bank is known as the Federal
are dissimilar, they are placed in close Reserve Board; in the U.K. as the Bank
proximity to one another. This enables a of England, and in the European Union
continuous flow-line with resulting high as the European Central Bank.
CEO  Chief executive officer
Cellular organization  Organization com-
prising a number of independently run Certificate of deposit Negotiable certifi-
companies linked by common manage- cate issued by a bank for a specified period
ment or interests. of years with competitive interest rates.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 51 C

CFO  Chief financial officer Chainsaw consultant  Outside expert bro­

ught in to reduce or rationalize the labor
Chaebol  Large family-owned conglomer- force; see also Rationalization.
ate in South Korea. Similar to the Zaibatsu
of Japan. Samsung, founded in 1938, is the Chairman  Usually refers to the chairman
oldest of the four largest groups. About 30 of the board, the highest title and rank in a
chaebol control about 40% of the Korean corporate hierarchy, with generally no day-
economy. There are three types of chaebol. to-day responsibilities.
In the first type, the ownership is direct and
complete, and the founder and his family Chamber of Commerce  Voluntary organ-
own all of the group. In the second type, the ization in a territorial unit, such as a town
family controls a holding company that, in or city, representing the interests of the par-
turn, owns affiliated subsidiaries, as in the ticipating businesses, especially with regard
case of Daewoo. In the third type, there are to the local authority.
interlocking directorates and foundations
that link companies through shares, as in Champy, James A.  American management
Samsung. As chaebol have evolved, there guru and a leading authority on reengineer-
has been a gradual move from the first type ing, organizational change, and corporate
to the third type. Even where there is no renewal. He is the former chairman of Dell
direct ownership, more than 30% of the ex- Services. His books include Reengineering
ecutives are from the founding family. Un- the Corporation (1994), Reengineering Man-
like the Japanese Keiretsu, chaebol have agement (1995), Fast Forward (1996), and
neither powerful trading companies nor Arc of Ambition (2001).
financial services or institutions.
Chandler, Alfred D. Jr. (1918–2007)  Pro-
Chain of command  Flow of authority down fessor of Business History at Harvard Busi-
from the top to the bottom along demar- ness School. He wrote extensively on the
cated organizational lines. The concept is scale and the structure of modern corpo-
usually depicted on an Organizational rations and redefined economic history
chart that identifies superior and sub- in terms of industrialization. He received
ordinate relationships in a structured hi- a Pulitzer Prize for The Visible Hand: The
erarchy. The duties and responsibilities Managerial Revolution in American Business
are clearly defined and each subordinate (1977). His other books include Managerial
reports to only one superior. Originally a Hierarchies (1980), Scale and Scope (1990),
military principle, it was adapted to busi- and Shaping the Industrial Century (2005).
ness by management innovator Henri
Fayol. Also called Scalar chain; see also Change agent  Person or institution cha­
Scalar principle. rged with the task of suggesting or im-

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plementing changes in the structure and panies. Unless the court rules otherwise,
conduct of a business and its business the debtor remains in full control of the
practices. operations, even as debtors and creditors
negotiate the restructuring of the debt, pay-
Change management Art and science of ments, and loans.
promoting innovation in management
practices through the introduction of new Chapter 13 Statute of the Bankruptcy
ideas and techniques. Reform Act (1978), governing the repay-
ment of debt by individuals over a period
Channel  Trade and distribution path or of time.
avenue, consisting of wholesalers and re-
tailers who enable the flow of merchandise Charge  Legal or equitable interest in prop-
from point A to point B. erty granted to a debtor, giving that person
priority over unsecured creditors.
Chaos theory  Theory originally developed
by mathematicians and later adapted by be- Charge what the traffic will bear  Pricing
havioral scientists. It posits that underneath based not on the production costs but on
the apparent disorder and unpredictability the demand for the product and the will-
of human behavior there is an underlying ingness of buyers to acquire it.
order and rhythm, and that events have a
dynamism and fluidity that lend themselves Chargeable assets  In the U.K., India, and
to creativity. The theory can be applied to Commonwealth countries, property not
management and organizational structure specifically designated as exempt from
as an attempt to harness chaos under con- Capital gains. Exempt assets in these
ditions of radical change and to seize op- countries include automobiles, principal
portunities that this change presents. residences, individual savings accounts,
National Savings Certificates, life insurance
Chapter 7 Statute of the Bankruptcy policies, and Gilt-edged securities.
Reform Act (1978), governing liquidation
of assets that provides for a trustee appoint- Charisma  Quality or aura of a leader who
ed by a court to make management charges, is able to not merely manage people but also
secure additional finances, and operate the inspire them, using his or her ability to com-
business to prevent further bleeding. municate ideas and generate excitement.

Chapter 11  Statute of the Bankruptcy Charismatic management  Management

Reform Act (1978), governing the reor- based on the Authority invested in a per-
ganization of partnerships, corporations, son with Charisma and other leadership
and municipalities, as well as private com- qualities.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 53 C

Charter  To hire a whole ship or aircraft for Chicago School Group of neoclassical

a specified period or for a specified voyage economists, including Milton Friedman
or flight. and Herbert Simon, who at one time
taught at the University of Chicago.
Chase demand strategy  Approach to ag-
gregate planning that matches supply and Chief executive officer (CEO)  Business of-
output with fluctuating demand, giving ficial ranking below Chairman and above
the manufacturer lower storage costs and all others in a corporation.
the ability to respond to the time-sensitive
needs of customers. Chief financial officer (CFO)  Highest-
ranking executive in charge of finance, re-
Cheap money Monetary policy of keep- porting to the Chief executive officer.
ing interest rates artificially low to spur
economic activity in times of Recession Chief operating officer (COO)  Highest-
and to reduce the costs of borrowing and ranking operations executive, responsible
investment. for production, distribution, and person-
nel, reporting to the Chief executive
Cherry picking  1.  Selection of the cream officer.
of the crop, leaving aside products of in-
ferior quality. 2.  Selection of an upmarket Chinese wall  Information barrier between
segment to offer a service or package supe- parts of a business, erected to avoid con-
rior to current offerings and thus provide flicts of interest.
competitive advantage; companies such as
Harley Davidson offer the desired bells and Choice criteria  Critical attributes in eval-
whistles to make their products stand out uating consumer products, especially in
from others. relation to available options. These criteria
reflect consumer desires and expectations,
Chicago Board of Trade Exchange for as well as past experiences.
trading in commodities and financial fu-
tures, founded in 1848 and owned since Choice-shift effect  Change in opinion, or
2007 by the Chicago Mercantile Ex- effect thereof, produced by participation in
change. a group discussion on courses of action that
are more extreme or riskier.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange  Major Fu-
tures and Options market for trading in Chronic unemployment  Recurring and pe­
financial and commodity contracts, found- riodic unemployment lasting for periods of
ed in 1919. more than six months.

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C 54 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Churning  Brokerage practice of encour- attempt to apply scientific principles to a

aging investors or clients to change their systematic study of work methods and
portfolios frequently in order to generate change the mindset of employees in favor
more commissions and agency fees. of efficiency. It called for the selection of
the best methods for accomplishing each
CIFCI  Cost, insurance, and freight, plus individual task. Among its organizing
commission and interest, which are costs principles were (1)  scientific recruitment
appearing on a Bill of lading. of workers based on their training and ap-
titudes; (2)  genuine cooperation between
Cinderella business Business, or a divi- management and workers based on mu-
sion of a business, that has demonstrable tual self-interest; and (3) fair performance
potential but does not receive adequate standards and implementation of pay for
resources for growth. This neglect occurs performance incentives. It also called on
most often during mergers and acquisi- management to take complete responsibil-
tions, when certain parts of a company are ity for planning.
left out of the budget process.
Administrative management is associ-
Circuit breaker In finance, a method of ated primarily with Henri Fayol. In con-
suspending trading in a particular market trast to scientific management, which is
when certain extreme price fluctuations concerned more with jobs and performance,
take place, instituted by the New York Stock it provides a general theory of manage-
Exchange in 1987. ment and is concerned with the theoretical
groundwork. According to Fayol, manage-
Classical school of management  A group ment consists primarily of several layers
of experts in administrative manage- of functions, such as planning, organizing,
ment and organizational behavior, includ- commanding, coordinating, and control-
ing Chester Barnard, Mary Parker ling. He distinguished these functions from
Follett, F. W. Taylor, and Lyndall Ur- the more traditional tasks, such as account-
wick. It is the oldest school of management, ing, finance, production, and distribution.
dating back to the 1880s, and it covers three Fayol presented 14 principles of manage-
fields of management: Scientific manage- ment, stressing unity of command, direc-
ment, Administrative management, tion, centralization, initiative, and team
and Bureaucratic management, all con- spirit.
cerned with efficiency. Bureaucratic management, associat-
Scientific management began in the ed with Max Weber, focuses on ideal forms
late 19th century and was spearheaded of management. Unlike organizations based
by F. W. Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gil- on personal ties and loyalty, Weber proposed
breth, and Henry Gantt. It was the first a bureaucratic organization characterized by

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division of labor, hierarchy, formal rules, CLO  Collateralized Loan

and impersonal selection and promotion of Obligation
Cloning  In management, tendency in ed­
Clawback  Money, usually bonuses or gra­ ucation to train managers who hold iden-
nts, reclaimed by government or other en- tical opinions, preferences, and approach-
tities, when deemed to have been paid out es and who are unwilling to stand out from
without justification. others.

Clayton Antitrust Act Key legislation Closed corporation  Public corporation in

passed in 1914, placing restrictions on which all the stock is held by a few share-
mergers and acquisitions and barring indi- holders or by members of a family.
viduals from holding directorships on the
boards of competing companies. Closed economy Economy that neither
imports nor exports, and is therefore free
Clean float  Monetary policy that allows a
of exogenous influences. Primarily a theo-
country’s currency to fluctuate in the for-
retical model, as this is almost impossible
eign exchange markets without interfer-
today. See also Autarky.
ence. Compare Managed float.
Closing bell  Signal to mark the end of a
Clear days  Full days, referred to in a con-
trading session at a stock exchange. Com-
tract, excluding the starting and ending
pare Opening bell.

Closure  Process of bringing a meeting to

Clearing bank  Member bank of a Clear-
inghouse, which routes checks and directs an end by taking a vote on a motion to
financial traffic. do so.

Clearinghouse  Centralized source for set- Club culture  See Corporate

tling accounts between members of a finan- culture.
cial network.
Cluster chain Informal communications
Clicks and bricks  Business that combines chain in which information is passed along
traditional retailing in a physical location on a selective, need-to-know basis.
with an Internet presence through a web-
site and/or social media. Cluster sampling Method of selecting a
sample from a target group, utilizing clus-
Clique  In business, informal group within ters rather than random choices, an ef-
a larger organization that is protective of its fective technique when sampling a whole
interests and excludes outsiders. population is expensive or impractical.

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Clustering  Tendency identified by man- Social Cost” (1960). The first introduces the
agement expert Michael Porter for concept of transactional costs and the second
companies in the same industry to cluster suggests that well-defined property rights
together in the same geographic locality. could overcome Externalities, known as
the Coase theorem.
Clutterbuck, David  British authority on le­
arning and coaching programs and visiting Coase theorem Economic principle de-
professor at Sheffield Hallam University. veloped by British economist Richard
His books include Coaching At Work (2005) Coase, dealing with Transaction costs,
and The Situational Mentor (2004). Externalities, and government regula-
tion. It holds that government regulation of
Coacting group  People who act to reach Externalities increases social costs, such
the same goal, without recognizing or com- as pollution and income disparity, and that
municating their mutual interest. the most efficient economic outcomes are
produced in a society in which there are
Coalition bargaining  Bargaining in which well-defined property rights, there is per-
two or more unions present a common fect competition, and there are minimal
front in negotiating for their employers. transaction costs.

Coalition building  Act of forming tempo- Co-branding  Arrangement between two

rary alliances among nontraditional allies or more companies whereby they jointly
in an organization to achieve a common promote their products using their logos
goal. Coalitions help us understand behav- together.
ior in complex organizational structures.
Their principal features are that they (1) act Cobweb theory  Supply and demand ana­
as a group, (2)  have a common purpose, lysis that reflects disruptions in the supply
(3)  are independent of the organization, of goods and services, following extraordi-
and (4) have an external focus. nary incidents such as a strike.

Coalition power  Degree of influence that COD  Cash on delivery.

results when a number of persons, institu-
tions, or groups act together. Code of conduct  Set of guidelines denot-
ing ethical principles and standards of
Coase, Richard (1910–)  British-born Amer- professional and employee behavior. The
ican economist and Professor of Economics at code has no legal standing, but it may be
the University of Chicago. He won the Nobel cited in a court proceeding regarding, for
Memorial Prize for Economics in 1991. He example, sexual harassment.
is best known for his two articles, “The Na-
ture of the Firm” (1937) and “The Problem of Cognitive attitude Positive or negative

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 57 C

evaluation of people, objects, events, and Collective bargaining Negotiations bet­

ideas based on empirical or factual knowl- ween employers and employees regard-
edge derived from the cognitive faculties. ing wages and terms of employment when
employees are represented by a labor
Cognitive dissonance In business, the union.
conflict between a consumer’s expectations
of a product and its actual performance, Collective-effort model  In psychology, a
which may influence buying decisions. theory that working on a task as part of a
group tends to weaken individual motiva-
Cohort effect  In advertising and market- tion, as it diminishes the subjective value of
ing, the common characteristics of people
the goal and the expectation that an indi-
in a similar age group, reflecting their simi-
vidual’s actions can materially change the
lar life experiences and expectations.

COLA  Cost of Living

Collins, Jim American writer and busi-
ness consultant. He is the author of such
best-selling titles as Good to Great, How the
Colgate doctrine  U.S. Supreme Court de-
cision in 1919, later incorporated into the Mighty Fall, and Built to Last.
Robinson-Patman Act (1936), recogniz-
Collusion  In antitrust law, an agreement
ing the right of a seller to choose dealers
between two parties for an improper pur-
on the basis of a set of criteria and to re-
fuse to sell to others without giving further pose that prejudices a third party, as when
reasons. two firms reach a clandestine agreement
excluding competitors from a market.
Collar  In business, an arrangement or sale
by which the maximum price (cap) and Collusive duopoly  Form of Duopoly in
minimum price (floor) are fixed in advance. which producers collude to fix prices and
thus form a virtual monopoly.
Collateralized debt obligation (CDO) 
Structured financial instrument consist- Collusive effects of research  Idea held by
ing of a bond or note backed by a pool of business theorist Chris Argyris that re-
fixed-income assets. A different class of the search programs develop an unconscious
instrument, known as a Tranche, has var- bias toward reinforcing existing beliefs and
ying levels of credit risk based on cash flows practices while discounting unorthodox
from the pool. ideas.

Collaterized loan obligation (CLO) See Comfort letter  Statement from an accoun­­

Collaterized debt obligation. ting firm to a company preparing a public

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offering that the unaudited financial state- theory of cognition that explains why peo-
ments in the prospectus conform to Gener- ple tend to make commitments without
ally accepted accounting principles. thinking deeply about what such commit-
ments entail.
Command and control organization  Tra-
ditional organization with a rigid and Commodity  1.  Economic good or article
multilayered hierarchy, with emphasis on of commerce shipped for delivery. 2. Goods
top-down communication and centralized that are fungible, meaning they are not dif-
decision making. ferentiated by producer, such as agricul-
tural items (soft commodities like corn) or
Command economy  Economic system in resources (hard commodities like copper);
socialist countries whereby the produc- generally, prices for fungible goods are uni-
tive sectors are controlled or owned by the versal, determined by global supply and
state, and the right to own private property
is severely curtailed. Also termed planned
Commodity broker  Broker who deals in
economy. Compare Free market.
Commodities, either independently or
on behalf of principals in a commodity
Commercial bank  Privately owned bank
that provides a full range of financial ser-
vices to individuals and firms. It may also Commodity market An exchange where
compete with Merchant banks and In- Commodities are traded, as in London,
vestment banks. Its services are regulated Chicago, and New York. Some commodi-
by the Central bank. ties have markets in their countries of ori-
gin; for example, tea is traded in auctions
Commercial bill Bill of exchange other after it has been inspected for quality. How-
than a U.S. Treasury bill. ever, most commodities are simply classi-
fied according to conventional standards
Commercial paper  Any relatively low-risk, before trade. Commodity brokers trade
short-term borrowing instrument, matur- in both Futures and Actuals. Most fu-
ing at 60 days. tures trading is through clearinghouses that
handle Options trading.
Commission  Payment made to an inter-
mediary, such as an agent, broker, or sales- Common agricultural policy (CAP)  Poli-
person, usually as a percentage of the goods cy adopted under the auspices of the Euro-
sold. pean Union to support free trade within the
Common Market and to protect farmers in
Commitment theory In psychology, a member states. The European Commission

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fixes a threshold price below which produce ment and integration of all channels of com-
may not be imported and sets an interven- munication within an organization, ensur-
tion price at which the EU buys surplus ing the free and seamless flow of information
produce to maintain a target price, which is across all levels.
considered an average fair price. It also gov-
erns the sale of agricultural products to non- Communicator credibility Receiver’s de-
member countries. CAP also subsidizes the termination of the trustworthiness and ex-
modernization of farms. pertise of a communicator regarding the
content of a message sent.
Common law Legal system dating back
to Anglo-Saxon times and still used in the Company  Commercial enterprise. A com-
U.K. and in countries with Anglo-Saxon pany may be private, public, limited, joint-
antecedents, such as the United States. It is stock, chartered, or registered, whether
also called case law because it is based on incorporated or not. Companies are super-
judicial precedent, as distinguished from vised and regulated by government author-
legislation or statutory law. ities and their structure is well defined in
law. See also Corporation.
Common market Economic association
of nations formed to remove trade barriers Company town  Geographical area whose
among its members. economy is dominated by a single employer.

Communication  The sharing of informa- Comparability  Accounting principle and

tion by oral, written, or nonverbal means. The tool that requires financial information
key element in communication is clarity— be presented in a manner that enables
that is, the receiver of the communication comparison with similarly structured
acknowledges the same meaning as intended companies.
by the sender. This is not always the case,
however, because language in itself does Comparable worth  Any two or more th­
not always have the exact words to convey ings of equal value. In regard to employ-
the intended ideas. Also, every person has ment, this principle mandates equal pay for
a perceptual filter through which words are equal work, for both men and women and
passed; this filter may sometimes skew the for employees of different national or racial
meaning or alter the context, while non- backgrounds. The doctrine extends to pay,
verbal signals may add nuances or suppress title, and privileges.
meaning. These problems are exacerbated
by cultural differences. Comparative advantage  Competitive edge
in production and marketing that is gained
Communications management Manage­ through efficiency in manufacturing and

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specialization in specific areas, which other Competitive advantage  Edge a company

countries or companies cannot claim. has in reaching its target audience because
of its marketing strategy or natural supe-
Compensation  Payment for work consist­ riority. Three generic strategies through
ing of remuneration including salary in- which companies gain such an advantage
creases, bonuses (paid or deferred), perqui- are cost leadership, Differentiation,
sites, stock options, added life insurance, and focus. Cost advantages accrue from
medical benefits, and the like. Efficiency; differentiation is achieved
through attention to the quality of the
Compensation package Grouping of
product, quality of service, creation of a
Com­pensation items, including salary,
distinct image, and innovation; focus di-
benefits, bonuses, and allowances.
rects all efforts toward maximizing mar-
keting efforts.
Compensatory consumption Tendency of
people with relatively limited incomes to
Competitive intelligence  Information that
splurge on luxury items, creating an illu-
has been analyzed and is therefore ready
sion that they are materially well-off.
for use in decision making. Information
Competency  Skills, talent, or traits dee­ becomes intelligence only when and after it
med adequate for performance of a given is analyzed and prioritized. It is the link be-
task. To avoid discrimination, competency tween raw information and business strate-
is defined as bias-free. gies based on information.

Competency bundle Theoretical concept Competitiveness  1.  Ability of a company

of a company as a conjunction of technolog- to produce and sell products similar to
ical, cultural, and managerial competencies. those produced by other companies. 2.  In
world trade, the ability of an economy to
Competition  In business, a situation in maintain exports, supply increasing aggre-
which companies producing similar prod- gate demand, and outperform other coun-
ucts and services try to gain business from tries’ economies. See also Competitive
the same potential customers. A competi- advantage.
tive market inhibits the natural tendency
toward formation of Monopolies and Completion risk Inherent possibility in
keeps prices down. financing a construction project that it will
not be completed.
Competition analysis  Assessment of a com-
pany’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as Complex adaptive system Application of
of its competitors, forming the firm’s mar- Chaos theory that overrides conven-
keting strategy. tional human controls in a system, in favor

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of more intuitive and natural ones. That is, a special resolution by its directors, stating
organizations that are subject to too much that the company is unable to meet its debt
control run the risk of failure. obligations. The court then appoints a pro-
visional liquidator or a receiver to negotiate
Complexity theory  Variant of Chaos the- with creditors and distribute assets.
ory whereby the natural progression of
random events is toward complexity rather Computer-aided design (CAD)  Use of
than simplicity. Used in business as a way computers to draw up designs for machin-
to encourage innovative thinking and real- ery operations, tools, architectural plans,
time responses to change by allowing busi- and the like. In conjunction with virtual
ness units to self-organize. The belief is that reality and computer simulations, CAD al-
business moves in nonlinear fashion with lows potential customers to view products
little continuity. However, this view is not in their beta stage and to test them before
a theory for all organizations. Companies investing in plants and materials. CAD usu-
that embrace complexity may also lose ally works in conjunction with computer-
some of the stability found in traditional aided manufacturing (CAM). Both systems
systems. are designed to work in all steps of a typical
product life cycle and involve both a design
Compliance  State of being in accordance phase and an application phase.
with all legal requirements and obligations;
also, the department in a business that en- Computer-integrated manufacturing sys-
sures operations are compliant with all ap- tem  Common operating system combining
plicable laws. Computer-aided design, computer-aided
manufacturing, and information-processing
Composite demand Situation in which a systems.
product’s demand is shared by different
groups who need it for different reasons. Concentrated segmentation Identifica-
tion of the most promising segment of
Comptroller  Financial director of a com- a market on which to focus marketing
pany or group of companies. and promotion efforts. Also termed niche
Compulsory arbitration  Process whereby
disputes between companies or organiza- Concentration  1. Existence of a large gro­
tions are referred to a third party, whose de- up of companies engaged in the same busi-
cision is binding and may not be appealed. ness in the same geographical area. 2. Use
of many resources on a single project.
Compulsory liquidation  Court-directed
elimination of a company on the basis of Concentration ratio Ratio that indicates

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the relative size of firms in relation to their results, as in consumer confidence.

industry as a whole. The four-firm concen-
tration ratio, which consists of the market Confidentiality clause  Section in an em-
share (expressed as a percentage) of the ployment contract that stipulates certain
four largest firms in an industry, is the most types of information to which employees
commonly used concentration ratio. have access but may not transfer it or pass it
on to nonemployees.
Concept test  In market research, techni­
que used to assess the reaction of consum- Conflict management  Control or resolu­
ers to a new product or a proposed change tion of intramural conflicts on the basis
to an existing product. of any of three philosophical approaches:
(1)  Traditionalist, whereby all conflict
Conciliation  In labor relations, effort to is viewed as inherently destructive and
bring two opposing sides together by find- should be avoided at all cost. (2)  Behav-
ing common ground and making appropri- iorist, whereby conflicts are viewed as in-
ate mutual concessions. evitable and should be harnessed positively.
(3)  Interactionist, whereby conflicts are
Concurrent control Management of the
signs of organizational vitality and should
performance of an operating system at
be encouraged. The principal avenues of
every stage of a process, in contrast to a
conflict management or resolution are
Feedback control system in which man-
avoidance, competition, accommodation,
agement is not initiated until the process is
compromise, and collaboration.

Conflict of interest  Situation in which a

Concurrent engineering  Conducting de-
velopment processes in parallel rather than person has discrete responsibilities that im-
sequentially, as a way to reduce lead time pinge negatively on the others. The conflict
and control cost. In doing so, each stage may be between an employee and a firm, or
can be run earlier and will provide feedback between two firms one of which is compet-
that can optimize the preceding stage. ing with the other for the same outcome or
resources. In such cases, the person makes
Conditionality  Terms under which the In- full disclosure or recuses him- or herself.
ternational Monetary Fund provides
Balance-of-payment support to member Conglomerate  Diverse and disparate gro­
states, usually to solve an underlying struc- up of companies under a common hold-
tural problem in the economy. ing company. In most cases, the individual
companies have unrelated businesses. Con-
Confidence  Belief supported by facts that glomerates often lack a clear strategic fo-
a certain action will be followed by certain cus and the operating subsidiaries are thus

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unable to derive synergy from their com- ad hoc basis for the achievement of com-
bined operations. mon goals.

Conjoint analysis Statistical technique to Conspicuous consumption Purchasing

determine the relative importance that con- and using multiple products and services to
sumers attach to salient attributes of prod- impress others and signal social status.
ucts and the associated utility they expect to
derive from them. The technique is based Constable, John U.K. management con-
on the finding that consumer products sultant and co-author with Roger McCor-
must meet certain felt or well-defined mick of The Making of British Managers
needs in the simplest and most economical (1987).
Constraint  Circumstance or limiting fac-
Consensus management  Process of over- tor that prevents an organization from
coming or ending conflicts by reducing the achieving a higher level of performance.
margin of disagreement and finding com-
mon ground. Constructive conflict Theory developed
by management thinker Mary Parker
Conservatism  In business forecasting, the Follett that industrial disputes involving
prudent anticipation of trends and out- relatively minor issues can uncover more
comes that errs on the side of abundant important problems.
Constructive dismissal Involuntary ter­
Consistency  In accounting, one of four mination of an employee, which is technical-
fundamental concepts, requiring that each ly described as voluntary so as to minimize
item within an accounting period be treat- legal consequences.
ed in the same manner and subject to the
same principles so as to give a true and Consultant  Outside expert brought in to
fair view of the company’s financial state. offer independent professional advice on
Consistency is key to the comparability of a project or on some aspects of corporate
financial statements. management.

Consolidated  Regarding financial state- Consultative management  Style of man-

ments, the combination of accounts of sev- agement that stresses the need to consult
eral related or jointly owned companies so with associates before making company-
as to present an integrated balance sheet. wide decisions.

Consortium  Combination of two or more Consumer  1. Person or group who spends

organizations or entities on a temporary or money to acquire goods that are for sale

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in regular trade channels. 2. Relating to a Contingency school of management  De-

consumer or consumers, as in consumer veloped in the 1960s by Joan Woodward,
credit, consumer goods, consumer adver- Paul Lawrence, Jay Lorsch, and Fred Fie-
tising, Consumer protection, consumer dler, this was an attempt to build flexibility
research. into a management system so that it is able
to meet unplanned situations, challenges,
Consumer durable Manufactured prod- and crises calling for different responses. It
uct, such as a car or an appliance, that has applies management principles to individual
a relatively long useful life extending over a situations based on such variants as envi-
number of years. ronment, personality, and situational pecu-
liarities. There are no universal principles of
Consumer protection Attempt to safe-
management, but each situation is unique
guard consumer interests in terms of qual-
and must be addressed independently.
ity, price, safety, and compliance with laws
relating to health, truth in advertising, and Contingent  Relating to an event or out-
come that is dependent on the occurrence
of another event.
Consumer rights Protections granted by
law to consumers regarding purchases, as
Contingent strategic success  Theory de-
well as guarantees regarding quality, price,
veloped by mathematician and business
and safety; considered part of fundamental
thinker Igor Ansoff to explain why a
human rights.
company can be successful in one area and
unsuccessful in another area.
Consumerism  Movement that places the
interests and safety of the consumer ahead
Contingent theory of leadership Devel-
of the interests and profits of the manufac-
oped by management thinker Fred Fie-
turer, and that emphasizes quality and du-
dler, a theory that leadership is effective
rability of consumer goods.
only when compatible with the work situ-
Consumption  Demand for acquisition ation and there is a correlation between
of goods and services that are produced leadership style and organizational culture.
and marketed within a given economy. Task-oriented leadership is effective in both
Consumption is limited by product sup- favorable and unfavorable situations, while
ply and available disposable income of relationship-oriented leadership is effective
purchasers. in more Laissez-faire situations.

Content validity  In education, the extent Contingent worker  Nonpermanent wor­

to which the content of a training program ker hired for task-specific purpose. In-
has real-life application. cludes temporary workers, contract workers,

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college interns, part-time or seasonal em- agreement stipulating the conditions of

ployees, and consultants. an exchange between two or more parties,
usually for a consideration specified in the
Continuity program Offer of inducements terms. The parties to a contract must be le-
to customers to remain loyal, such as airline gally and mentally competent to sign the
frequent-flyer programs. agreement, and the contract may be voided
in cases of misrepresentation or mala fides.
Continuous flow manufacturing (CFM)  Contracts may be for property or for ser-
Integrated production system that remains vices, including employment.
constant throughout, utilizing minimum
stock levels. Contractarian theory  From management
development, a view of the company as the
Continuous improvement Management ef- nexus of contractual relationships.
fort to improve quality and services, reduce
costs, and eliminate waste, as distinguished Contractual vertical marketing System
from sporadic efforts to do same. See also in which different levels of distribution or
Kaizen. production join together for greater econo-
mies of scale.
Continuous learning  Belief that learning
is open-ended and never completed; stress- Contribution  Share of the cost of a trans-
es the need to regularly replenish and refine action borne by one of the producers; the
one’s skills and knowledge, through either total contribution is the sum of all the unit
formal or informal learning. contributions.

Continuous processing  Method by which Control chart  One of the seven basic tools
high volume is continuously produced of quality control that determines the stabil-
in a dedicated plant; for example, in a ce- ity of a manufacturing or business process.
ment operation or electric generating plant, Also, Shewhart chart or process-behavior
where shutdowns are expensive and waste- chart.
ful. These operations are largely automated,
requiring few personnel. Control process Method to determine
whether tactical goals or operational plans
Contra preferentem  From Latin, regard- are being met within a given time and what
ing the interpretation of documents; a prin- adjustments should be made to fine-tune
ciple that, in case of doubt or ambiguity, the them if not.
law is interpreted as against the party that
drafted the agreement. Controllability  In management, the con-
cept that managers are responsible only
Contract  Legally binding oral or written for controllable costs and investments.

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Labor costs and entitlements are beyond Cooking the books  In accounting, deli­
the control of managers, and thus are not berate misrepresentation of financial in-
factored into an evaluation of managerial come or expenditure to create illusory
performance. profits in violation of traditional reporting
Controller  Chief accounting executive con­
cerned with financial reporting, taxation, Cooling-off period  Time granted for par-
and auditing; also Comptroller. ties engaged in negotiations to reformulate
a response after the initial response has
Controlling interest  Ownership of a sub- failed to gain acceptance.
stantial bloc of shares in a company, which
enables that shareholder or group of share- Cooper, Cary (1940–)  Canadian-born Bri­
holders to have the decisive voice in com- tish psychologist and Professor of Organi-
pany matters. zational Psychology and Health at Lancas-
ter University Management School. He is
Convergence  In business, the increasing the editor of the Blackwell Encyclopedia of
interdependence among communications Management (2004), Leadership and Man-
platforms and formats, including com- agement in the 21st Century (2004), and
puters, telecommunications, and social Employee Morale: Driving Performance in
media. Challenging Times (2009).

Convergent marketing  Strategy by which Copyright  Legal protection for the owner
a number of goods are sold through the or originator of an original work, which
same channels using the same promotional extends to licensing the work for use by
mix. others. Copyright covers many forms of
Intellectual property, including books,
Convergent thinking Method of think- artwork, drama, film, media broadcasts,
ing along conventional lines in an effort to speeches, magazine articles, and music
find the best solution to a problem; distin- compositions and performances, as well as
guished from Divergent thinking. computer programs. Protection is granted
by the copyright acts in various countries,
Cooke, Morris (1872–1960)  Champion of as well as the International Copyright Con-
efficiency in nonindustrial organizations vention, and extends beyond a country’s
and instrumental in extending management borders. Terms vary worldwide, but in the
efficiency to professions as disparate as U.S., copyright protection lasts for 75 years
teaching and urban government. His book beyond the author’s lifetime.
Our Cities Awake (1919) was responsible for
a movement to reduce waste in municipal Core competency Unique or distinctive
government. capability that endows a business with a

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 67 C

strategic and competitive advantage over its and application of these core advantages
rivals and defines its principal mission. The that distinguish leaders. Thus, the concept
core competency is the basis for competitive of core competencies is useful to identify
capabilities and sustainable competitive ad- company strengths and to plan diversifica-
vantage. If the advantage is technological, it tion, so as to preserve the will to compete,
may be protected by patents if it is vulner- to sharpen focus, to build strategic alliances
able. The concept of the core competency that complement the core competencies,
is associated with Resource-based theory, and to balance company strategy with core
which regards companies as bundles of re- objectives and mission statement. To man-
sources that can be configured to provide age core competences well, leaders must
specific competitive advantages. The theory transcend the individual Strategic busi-
addresses a number of issues, such a di- ness units (SBUs) and inform and support
versification, and covers changes in the the company’s overall mission, because
competitive environment, including from there is potential for conflict between SBU
globalization, deregulation, and techno- goals and company goals.
logical change—factors that are eroding
traditional sources of competitive advantage. Core job competency  Key job characteris-
Core competencies have well-defined tics that define a well-motivated employee,
characteristics. They convey functionality including skills, identity, significance, au-
to the consumer and are unique to the firm; tonomy, and feedback.
they are sustainable, they are products of
innovation and learning; and they are ge- Core process  Set of linked horizontal ac-
neric. There are three types of core compe- tivities that take an input and transform it
tencies: (1) market access, which links the into an output of economic value. In tradi-
firm with its customers; (2) integrity, which tional businesses organized by functional
enhances quality; and (3)  functionality, departments like production, procurement,
which confers distinct consumer benefits. logistics, sales, marketing, and accounts,
Technological core competencies focus on work flows upward for approval and down-
objective capabilities, while institutional ward for action. This bidirectional flow
core competencies focus on managerial pro- leads to natural inefficiencies that increase
cesses. The core competencies are broken as more cogs are added to the system. Core
into four elements: employee or human process, on the other hand, removes un-
knowledge and skills; technological exper- necessary organizational layers and adopts
tise; managerial systems; and corporate val- a cross-functional horizontal mode.
ues and norms. When companies have few Also known as Reengineering, core
unique advantages and have to work within process reduces the organization to three
the same parameters and environments as to five critical processes that determine
other organizations, it is the configuration competitive success. The process focuses

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on (1)  product design and development, petitive edge may be compromised by the
(2)  procurement, (3)  logistics, (4)  manu- elimination of competent personnel.
facturing, and (5)  shipping. Each process
involves a number of key activities that cut Corporate brand licensing Licensing of
across traditional functional layers, either trademarks, trade names, and goodwill for
generic or industry specific. The purpose is a fee or royalties.
to yield breakthrough improvements, opti-
mize interdependent activities, and elimi- Corporate culture Complex of attitudes,
nate unnecessary functions. For example, practices, beliefs, norms, and ethical stand-
it should define performance requirements ards held by a corporation and its execu-
by benchmarking. It should include a diag- tives, which colors and governs behavior.
nostic study to seek out the causes of inef- The culture determines what kinds of be-
ficiency and identify the opportunities for havior and lifestyles management will ac-
change. It should involve Process map- cept and what they will proscribe.
ping, an analysis of existing information
Corporate governance  Manner in which
and technical systems architecture. Prior-
a company is governed internally and the
itization is essential. Finally, management
nature of managerial accountability vis-
has to develop a vision and a set of specific
à-vis the shareholders and general public.
change initiatives, both long term and short
Important to corporate governance is the
Chain of command and the way in which
authority is dispersed. Corporate govern-
Core time Under flexible work arrange-
ance differs from firm to firm and from
ments, the period during which all employ-
country to country, with varieties charac-
ees must be present at the workplace.
teristic of each system. It may be individual
Core value  In management, an aspect of a or collegiate, confrontational or coopera-
corporation’s activities upon which every- tive, selfish or social, legalistic or bound by
thing else is anchored. traditions of honor and obligation, short
term and impatient or long term and pa-
Corner office  Executive suite in a corpo­ tient, and rigid and hierarchical or flexible
rate office reserved for the top-echelon and open. The key element in corporate
personnel. governance is the role of the Chief execu-
tive officer or the Chairman. Also im-
Corpocracy  Corporate bureaucracy. portant is the role of the unitary executive
board, which comprises most nonexecu-
Corporate anorexia Malaise that affects tive members with only a supervisory role.
a business after a severe Downsizing and Day-to-day management is exercised by an
period of cost cutting. The company’s com- executive committee.

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Corporate image  Way in which a corpo- tention of taking it over and Cannibalizing
ration is perceived by the public and the it or forcing a Corporate restructuring
markets. Public relations is used to create a by which the target company becomes a sat-
persona or image that is helpful in market- ellite of the predator’s company.
ing goodwill. A corporate image is always
damaged by scandals, and therefore these Corporate responsibility Corporation’s so-
have to be downplayed or avoided. On the cial, moral, and ethical responsibilities to
other hand, a corporation tries to hitch its the public. Part of Corporate govern-
image to popular movements, such as the ance, this covers responsibilities beyond
environment, to enlarge its constituency. the stockholders and connotes the subordi-
nation of purely economic interests to the
Corporate plan  Document that maps out broader obligations of the environment,
the future of a corporation and is used customers, and local communities.
to formulate strategies for achieving de-
sirable goals in the context of economic Corporate restructuring  Implementation
realities. of an alternate business strategy following a
period of poor performance and increased
Corporate profitability matrix A device dissatisfaction on the part of shareholders.
for delineating cost by customer group. The restructuring may consist of Divest-
Prices are determined not merely by costs, ment or Downsizing and a change in the
and different customer segments may be core business.
best served by adopting a flexible cost
structure. Normal accounting systems Corporate strategy Plan establishing the
do not reveal the differences in costs be- direction of a company and its position in
tween different customer groups; however, the market, as well as ways in which it ful-
Activity-based costing does. The costs fills its public responsibilities.
may be allocated on the basis of variations
in presale, production, distribution, and Corporate transformation The orchestrat-
after-sale service cost. Two common cus- ed redesign of the genetic architecture of
tomer groups used for drawing up a cost- a corporation. The concept considers the
profitability matrix are carriage trade at corporation as an evolving organic entity.
the very high end and bargain basement at The model for corporate transformation
the low end. Costs also vary according to consists of four major transformational
whether the sale is aggressive or passive. activities: (1) reframing, or refocusing self-
perception and mission; (2)  restructur-
Corporate raider Predatory entrepreneur ing, or reevaluating corporate fitness for
who buys up a substantial number of shares competitive activities; (3)  revitalization,
of a vulnerable target company, with the in- or harmonizing the corporation with the

American Management Association
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new environment through recommitment carries on its business activities despite an

to goals; and (4) renewal, or boosting the ill-defined legal status.
morale of employees and reinvigorating
their striving for excellence. Corporation de jure  Corporation that is
in full compliance with all legal and statu-
Twelve steps lead to total transforma-
tory requirements.
tion and rebirth: (1) mobilize; (2) create a
new vision and a sense of shared purpose
Corporatism  Replacement of owners of a
that permeates the organization; (3) build
private company with professional man-
a measurement system to benchmark
progress; (4)  create an economic model
that translates ideas into value; (5)  al- Corruption  Prevalence and tolerance of
low physical infrastructure to reflect the unethical practices as the standard for fi-
new realities; (6) redesign the work archi- nancial gain, especially involving bribery.
tecture; (7)  achieve a market refocus on
growth; (8) create new businesses through Cost accounting Branch of accounting
cross-fertilization of ideas; (9)  exploit in- that provides financial information to cor-
formation technology; (10)  create a re- porate decision makers. Also termed man-
ward structure and remove demotivators; agerial accounting.
(11)  encourage learning as an ongoing
process; and (12)  learn to adapt and use Cost allocation Process of assigning the
change itself as a catapult to attain the de- overall costs of a product or service on the
sired goals. basis of cost drivers. Two systems are used
for assigning costs: (1)  traditional, which
Corporate veil Immunity from a firm’s focuses on Fixed costs; and (2) Activity-
debt obligations, enjoyed by its share- based costing, which focuses on variable
holders. costs. Traditional systems include Absorp-
tion costing and Marginal costing.
Corporation  A legal entity, operated by
persons authorized to conduct a specific Cost-benefit analysis Technique used in
business, to raise money for this purpose, capital budgeting that takes into account
and to acquire or sell property. A corpora- the estimated costs incurred by a proposed
tion may be a sole corporation or a limited investment, as well as its estimated benefits
liability company, and may be public or to the bottom line. Such benefits may be
private. Corporations are taxed at different monetary or they may be intangible, as in
rates from individuals. See also Company. the case of increased goodwill.

Corporation de facto  Corporation that Cost control  Technique or device to ensure

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 71 C

that operating costs do not keep rising with- crease in government assistance as a result
out discipline and that they remain within of rises in the Cost of living index, based
acceptable limits. on current market prices for selected goods
and services.
Cost convention Accounting protocol us­
ed for recording the costs to be charged Cost of living allowance Additional pay
against profits for an accounting period. offered to employees who work in places
The convention may be based on historic away from home, especially in foreign
costs, current costs, or replacement costs. countries.

Cost cutting  Action to reduce the amount Cost of living index  Official government
of money spent on corporate operations index showing increases in the average cost
or on the provision of products and ser- of basic consumer goods and food, relative
vices. This may lead to layoffs, reductions to the same costs in a base year.
in amenities and bonuses, and/or salary
freezes and rollbacks. Cost of quality  Any of four categories of
costs associated with maintaining qual-
Cost driver In Activity-based costing, ity and standards, either as mandated by
any factor, such as the number of units, government or voluntary to gain market
number of transactions, or duration of acceptability: (1)  prevention costs, includ-
transactions, that drives up costs. This fac- ing training, planning, process controls,
tor determines the allocation of costs to and market research; (2)  appraisal costs,
that particular activity. incurred in inspection, testing, and quality
audits; (3) internal failure costs, incurred in
Cost-effectiveness  The degree to which recalls, repairs to defective products, and
any commercial activity is viable, in terms downtime; and (4) external failure costs, in-
of its corresponding expenditures of time, curred as a result of consumer complaints,
money, and energy. including investigations, replacement, and
Cost object Item or unit that is treated
separately for Cost allocation. Cost-plus contract Agreement with a sup-
plier, in which goods and services are
Cost of capital Return on investment com- charged at cost plus an agreed percentage
pared to the cost (interest rate) an organi- markup.
zation has paid to secure capital. This is
used as a Hurdle rate in calculations of Cost-plus pricing  Pricing method by wh­
discounted cash flows. ich markup is added to the unit cost of
production, thereby arriving at the retail or
Cost of living adjustment (COLA)  In- wholesale price.

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Cost pool Agglomeration of costs from Country club management Managerial

various sources, assigned to a cost center. style that is focused on public relations and
the maintenance of Old-boy networks,
Cost-price squeeze Situation in which rather than on profits.
prices cannot be raised but the costs of pro-
duction cannot be reduced. Cournot competition  Situation in which
Oligopolies compete on the basis of
Cost-push inflation  Increase in the price quantity.
of goods and services, caused by an increase
in production costs, wages, and raw materi- Coverdale, Ralph (1918–1975) British fo­
als, as well as an increase in the money sup- under of the Coverdale Training Programs.
ply resulting in higher consumption. He is the author of Real Thinking (1977).

Cost-volume-profit (CVP)  Analysis me­

Coverdale training Sensitivity training
thod to highlight the relationships between
program based on group dynamics devel-
costs, gross profits, and net profits; used to
oped by writer Ralph Coverdale. This
calculate which products and services are
method emphasizes the performance of
contributing most to a company’s overall
real group tasks rather than Role-playing
and is designed to enhance social skills.
Cottage industry Business characterized
Covey, Stephen (1932–2012)  Management
by many small-scale units with low capital-
ization and few workers, widely dispersed consultant who offered a holistic approach
over a region. to work based on Mormon principles; au-
thor of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
Counter purchasing  Arrangement in in- People (1989). He was a professor at the
ternational trade whereby trade in one di- John M. Huntsman School of Utah State
rection is balanced by trade in the other University.
CPA  Certified public accountant.
Countertrade  Payment for imports in a
form other than hard currency, as, for ex- CPA  Customer profitability
ample, in a barter. analysis

Country risk  Volatility associated with in- CPD  Continuing professional

vestment or conduct of business in a coun- development.
try where the political regime is unstable or
unfriendly, or where the government may C2 principles Code devised by Thomas
not honor international obligations. Dunfee and David Hess of the University of

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 73 C

Pennsylvania, on handling corrupt practices and companies are always overtaken by

and the solicitation of improper payments. new ideas, products, technologies, and
CQ  Cultural (intelligence) quotient.
Creative financing  Euphemism for any un­
Crash  In finance, a disastrous fall in stock orthodox arrangement for obtaining a loan
market prices, usually preliminary to a from a commercial lending institution. It
Recession. includes loans from the seller, balloon pay-
ment loans, wraparound mortgages, land
Crash cost Additional cost involved in contracts, and sale leaseback. It is usually
producing a desired outcome with a short employed where the interest rates are high
lead time. or the buyer is not creditworthy.

Creative accounting Euphemism for ex­ Creativity  Application of imagination to

tralegal accounting practices to manipulate finding solutions to problems and deci-
assets and mislead investors and auditors. It sion making, including Brainstorm-
involves taking advantage of loopholes and ing and Lateral thinking. Creativity
ambiguities in accounting law, which ena- is managed like other facets of corporate
ble smart accountants to suppress the truth culture, through means such as Decen-
without suggesting a falsehood. Creative ac- tralization, providing resources for new
counting usually involves the separation of initiatives, encouraging experimentation,
legal titles from risks, the linking of several accepting freedom to fail, reducing bureau-
transactions with a view to obscuring the cracy, rewarding excellence, and encourag-
financial impact of each, and the inclusion ing risk taking.
of options. Also known as Off-balance
sheet or Window dressing. Creativity management  Management tech­
nique that stimulates and enhances the
Creative conflict  Technique of conflict reso- level of creativity and innovation in an or-
lution associated with management thinker ganization.
Mary Parker Follett, which encourages
opposing views as a means of exploring Credit  1.  Reputation and/or financial stand-
new ideas and integrating them into a solu- ing, as established by past behavior. 2. Sum
tion that is a synthesis. of money that is granted by a lender, to be
repaid in stated amounts over time. 3. Entry
Creative destruction  Term devised by eco­ on the right side of a double-entry book-
nomist Joseph Schumpeter to describe keeping system, showing a positive balance
the destabilizing effects of Free market
capitalism, in which traditional markets Credit card  Plastic card issued by a bank

American Management Association
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or mercantile firm to approved customers, Credit line  Extent of credit available to a bor-
allowing them to pay back the amount bor- rower, as set down in the credit agreement.
rowed over time. Card users receive a state-
ment of money owed and either pay the full Credit rating  Assessment of creditworthi-
amount or make a minimum payment and ness by credit-reference agencies, based on
pay interest on the outstanding balance. information collected by them from banks,
debt collectors, bankruptcy proceedings,
Credit control  Credit policy of a business credit card companies, and courts. This
in which clients are rated for creditworthi- information, known as credit reference,
ness on the basis of certain criteria and de- provides a financial history, including de-
linquents are dunned for repayment. linquencies, mortgages, payment history,
delayed payments, and debt-to-resource
Credit crunch  Period during which lend-
ers are unwilling to lend money to borrow-
ers with less than a sterling credit rating or
Credit risk  Possibility associated with chr­
during times when interest rates are rising
onic defaults or delayed payments, as an
indication of a party’s inability to meet its
financial obligations on time.
Credit-default swap (CDS) Also, credit-
derivative contract. It is a transfer of credit
Credit squeeze Reduction in economic
exposure and is generally considered an
activity by a government, brought about by
insurance against nonpayment by the pur-
restricting the money supply and reducing
chaser. The seller of the swap guarantees
the amount of borrowing in an effort to re-
the creditworthiness of the debt. CDS is
unregulated. It is generally used against duce Inflation.
default of municipal bond, corporate debt,
Credit union Cooperative bank that en-
and mortgage-backed securities and are
rolls people as members and makes loans
sold by banks, insurance companies, and
hedge funds. to them. In the U.K., called building society.

Credit enhancement Act of raising the Creditors’ committee  Group of creditors

credit rating of asset-backed securities, us- of an insolvent company or an individual
ing various techniques; done by the issuer representing all the creditors; oversees
(internal enhancement) or a third party the actions of the Administrative re-
(external enhancement). ceiver.

Credit guarantee  Insurance of creditwor- Creditors’ voluntary liquidation  The dis-

thiness provided by the state or a commer- solution of an insolvent company by a spe-
cial organization. cial resolution of its members.

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Creeping expropriation  Gradual imposi- number of customers or users needed to

tion of regulatory controls over private or sustain the growth of a product or service.
foreign companies, which in effect makes it
more difficult for them to survive. Critical-path analysis  Form of operation-
al research in which a project is represented
Creeping inflation Steady and gradual by a diagram containing a time schedule for
Inflation that, over a period of time, leads each segment of the project, then a line is
to a decline in purchasing power. drawn showing the sequence of tasks and
the cost and time factors involved.
Creeping takeover  Accumulation of a com-
pany’s shares by purchasing them over a Critical success factors Organizational
period of time, preliminary to a Takeover strengths and weaknesses seen as affecting
bid. the success of an endeavor.

Crisis management  Form of management CRM  Customer relationship

focused on isolating each crisis so as to ad- management
dress it separately, and not allowing crises
to coalesce into bigger and more complex Crony capitalism Business activity that
ones. thrives on favoritism and nepotism and
other undemocratic values.
Critical event  In Critical-path analy-
sis, an event such as the start or completion Crosby, Philip (1926–2001)  Management
of an activity. guru who promoted quality as the essen-
tial ingredient of business success. Author
Critical-event technique Analytical me­ of Quality Is Free (1979), Quality Without
thod used to identify the factors that were Tears (1984), and Completeness (1994).
critical to the success or failure of individu- Trained as a physician, Crosby became
als or systems in a given setting in the past, an engineer and worked in a number of
so as to improve response to future prob- companies, such as Crosley Corp, Bendix,
lems. Also termed critical incident technique. Martin Marietta, and ITT. He then estab-
lished the Crosby Quality College, in Win-
Critical management studies  Radical app­ ter Park, Florida, and became a consultant.
roach to management, based on environ- He is associated with many quality-related
mentalism, feminism, and poststructuralism, concepts, such as Zero defect, quality
that seeks to discredit traditional organiza- management, Maturity grid, and cost of
tional theories and assumptions. nonperformance.

Critical mass In business, the threshold Cross fertilization  Use of successful ideas

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from one department or agency in another, tolerance of diversity, and a means of avoid-
in the hope of gaining similar results. ing prejudice and Xenophobia.

Cross licensing  Collaboration in research Cultural noise Impediments to success-

and development between two institu- ful verbal and nonverbal communications
tions or firms, resulting in synergistic in­ across cultural barriers and verbal idiosyn-
novation. crasies.

Crossing the chasm  Attempt to close the Culturalist  One who upholds the theory
gap between the use of technology by early that organizations are cultural microcosms,
users and its later reception by more expe- with their own symbols, norms, codes, and
rienced users. values.

Cross selling Practice of selling related Culture lag  The difference between older,
products and services to an existing captive learned values and habits and a newer Cor-
clientele. Cross selling reinforces customer porate culture.
loyalty and retention.
Culture shock Feelings of disorientation
Crowdsourcing  Delegation of a task, such that employees sent overseas experience
as research or a problem solution, to the when they arrive in another culture with
general public through the Internet. different values and traditions. This adjust-
ment involves learning the cultural alpha-
Crown jewel option Form of a Poison bet of the new country and adapting to its
pill, in which a target company defend- different mores.
ing itself against a Hostile bid allows a
friendly company to acquire its most prof- Cumulative timing  Delays in the onset of
itable assets so as to make the takeover less an event that results in a proportionate de-
attractive to the predator. lay in the duration of an event. It is used to
ensure that the length of the entire event is
Cultural intelligence  Ability and sensitiv- close to its desired duration.
ity to the cultural diversity of a globalized
market and the ability to adapt to cultural Currency future Financial futures con-
differences and take advantage of them. tract in which a currency for forward de-
livery is bought or sold at a given exchange
Cultural literacy  Familiarity with the cul- rate.
tural values, norms, mores, and traditions
of a country that is not native. It is the first Currency option  Contract to buy or sell
step toward developing empathy for and a currency at a fixed exchange rate within

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 77 C

a certain period. The agreed-upon price is Curriculum vitae (c.v.)  Document listing
called Exercise price or Strike price. the educational and professional qualifica-
tions, achievements, and background of an
Currency swap  Exchange of specified am­ individual, used to determine suitability for
ounts of one currency for another, at an an open position.
agreed-upon price. If both currencies bear
interest at a fixed rate, it is an ordinary swap; Custom of the trade  Practice or conven-
if both currencies bear interest at a floating tion that is peculiar to a trade or business,
rate, it is a basic swap; if one currency has a as applied to legal disputes.
floating rate and the other has a fixed rate, it
is a cross-currency interest-rate swap. Customer database  Information on indi-
vidual customers or prospects, including
Current assets  Fluid business assets that geographic and demographic data and buy-
may be cash or goods. Compare Fixed ing habits, preferences, and behavior.
Customer-delivered value  Difference bet­
Current-cost accounting  Method of acc­ ween total customer value and the total
ounting in which assets are valued at their customer cost of a product.
current cost, their replacement cost, or
their net realizable value. This separates Customer profitability analysis  Examina-
gains from operating profits, thereby pre- tion of profits by customer rather than by
venting their distribution to shareholders. product; helps to identify the relatively small
The method makes several adjustments to number of customers who account for most
the historic cost-accounting profit-and-loss of the profits.
account, such as for depreciation and mon-
etary working capital. Customer relationship management (CRM) 
Integrated and computerized database sys-
Current liability  Amount owed by a busi- tem that provides salespeople with avail-
ness, due and payable within the fiscal year. able information on customers.
Includes taxes, trade credits, bills of ex-
change, Social Security, dividends, accru- Customer satisfaction Degree to which
als, deferred income, overdrafts, and bank customer expectations of a product or ser-
loans. vice are met or exceeded, so that customers
return to the same products or services to
Current ratio Relationship of Current meet their future needs.
assets to Current liabilities, used as a
test of Liquidity. Too low a ratio indicates Customer service  Actions by a company
poor liquidity and too high, poor manage- oriented toward meeting the needs of its
ment of working capital. customers, including providing product

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information, making repairs and doing Cyclical time  A period of time measured
maintenance, offering guarantees, dealing in a pattern of repeated events occurring at
with complaints, and providing after-sales regular intervals, as in the seasonal work of
follow-ups. a farmer or the repetitive work of assembly-
line employees. Opposed to Linear time.
Cutthroat competition  In a market where
the supply exceeds demand, efforts by sell- Cyclograph  Method of studying work
ers to undercut the competition in order to movements, developed by work-study ex-
get rid of their stock by any means. perts Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.

CWO  Cash with order Cyert, Richard Michael (1921–1998) Ame­

rican economist and statistician and presi-
Cycle  In economics, a period of business dent of Carnegie-Mellon University. His
activity characterized by a wavelike rise and books included Models in a Behavioral
fall, with growth and decline. Anticipating Theory of the Firm (1959), Management De-
business cycles can help reduce the negative cision Making (1971), and Computational
impact of these cycles and create a more Organization Theory (1994).
stable, productive trajectory.

American Management Association

Daisy chain  In finance, buying and selling Data file Computer file, divided into re-
the same commodity several times over as cords and fields, that contains data as distin-
a way of inflating its trading activity on a guished from a file that contains a program.
stock exchange.
Data mining  Process of extracting usable
Danger pay  Compensation offered to em- information from raw data through the use
ployees who work where prevailing unrest of algorithms and statistical models to form
poses a great danger to their physical well- predictive models that can identify signifi-
being. cant patterns of use.

Databank  A collection of Data protection Safeguards for personal

Databases. data in a company’s files to prevent potential
misuse, especially without permission. The
Database  An organized electronic collec- protections conform to the privacy rights
tion of information according to a schema and laws in force, in that data are obtained
that is built into a database management fairly and lawfully and used only for speci-
system. fied and legal purposes; personal informa-
tion is not disclosed or used in a manner
Database marketing  Marketing based on inconsistent with the purpose behind its
extensive use of Databases to attract new collection; it is not exploited excessively;
customers and explore new markets. it is accurate and up-to-date; it is kept no
longer than necessary; it is protected against
Data capture  Insertion of information into unauthorized and unlawful processing and
a computer system at the point of sale or against accidental loss or destruction; and it
other means. is not transferred to a foreign jurisdiction.
Data subjects have the right to find out what
Data dredging  Process of drawing conclu- information is held about them and to rec-
sions from data not warranted by the data tify, block, erase, and destroy data that are
alone. inaccurate and irrelevant, so as to prevent

American Management Association
D 80 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

their disclosure or sale to third parties, and payable by a fixed date that pays a fixed
to be compensated for infringement of pri- rate of interest. Payment of interest on de-
vacy rights. bentures takes precedence over payment
of dividends. Perpetual debentures are not
Data warehousing  Assembly of data from redeemable. Secured debentures have a
multiple sources into one, single file for fixed charge on the borrower’s assets. Some
easier access. debentures are convertible into ordinary
shares at a specified price. The advantage
Dawn raid Attempt by one company or to the debenture’s issuer is that it carries a
investor to acquire significant holdings in lower rate of interest than overdrafts and
the equity of another company by acquir- has a longer maturity date. Trustees may be
ing all available shares as soon as the stock appointed on behalf of debenture holders.
exchange opens, before the target company
suspects a Takeover bid. Debit  In Double-entry bookkeeping, an
entry on the left-hand side of an account,
Day in the sun  Time when a product or is- showing the amount owed to creditors.
sue is most successful in the marketplace.
Debit card  Bank card issued to a customer
Daybook  Book in which specific transac-
enabling that person to pay for goods or
tions are recorded for prime entries.
services by directly debiting his or her bank
Dead-cat bounce  Temporary, inexplicable
rise after a fall in stock prices, which does
De Bono, Edward Charles Francis Pub-
not indicate an upward trend.
lius (1933–) Maltese-born British physi-
cian and thinker. In his book Six Thinking
Dead time Unproductive time spent by
Hats, he coined the term Lateral think-
workers waiting to begin work.
ing. He founded the Cognitive Research
Deadline  Time by which a contract must Trust in 1969 and the Edward De Bono
be completed or a sale must be concluded. School of thinking in 1979. He is the author
of 82 books including Mechanism of the
Death valley curve  Movement on a graph Mind and I am Right, You are Wrong.
that tracks the decrease in Venture capi-
tal invested in a company as that company Debt-equity ratio  Percentage of a com-
meets its startup expenses and before its pany’s equity in relation to its longer-term
income reaches predicted levels. At this debt, including Preference shares.
point, the company becomes less attractive This ratio is an indication of the finan-
to new investors. cial health of a company and is used by
banks to determine that company’s credit
Debenture  Unsecured business loan re- worthiness.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 81 D

Debt-for-equity swap Transaction in wh­ Decision analysis  Consideration of the key

ich debt is swapped for equity during the decisions in an organization, as opposed to
reorganization of a troubled company. holding unexamined assumptions. This is
one of management guru Peter Druck-
Debt rating Level of creditworthiness of er’s three techniques for crafting the best
an institution, based on generally accepted organizational structure for a corporation.
criteria such as economic and political sta-
bility. The company’s debt rating affects the Decision band method Job-evaluation
interest rate when it borrows money. technique developed by sociologist T.
T. Paterson, in which all job levels in an
Debt restructuring  Adjustment of a debt organization are analyzed and graded
through a rescheduling of payments and according to six decision-making crite-
terms, either under court order or through ria, in descending order of importance:
negotiation, to give a company more time policymaking decisions, programming
to meet its financial obligations. decisions, interpretive decisions, routine
decisions, automatic decisions, and veg-
Debt-service ratio  In international trade,
etative decisions.
the proportion of annual export earnings
needed to service a country’s external debt Decision making  Act of making rational
obligations. choices among multiple options or cours-
es of action, based on experience, tradi-
Debureaucratization  Breakdown of the hi-
tion, available means, and Critical-path
erarchical structure of authority, with re-
analysis. Seat-of-the-pants decisions are
definition of managerial function and de-
based on gut feeling. Similarly, many deci-
volution of responsibility downward.
sions are made in the absence of complete
Decentering  Process of relying on old pri­ information and without knowledge of the
nciples and guidelines in a rapidly chang- intended or unintended consequences. Un-
ing market, with new players, products, and certainty always increases the number of
needs. possible outcomes to a decision. Decision
trees can sometimes clarify the problem
Decentralization  Delegation of decision- by assigning probabilities to each possi-
making authority to subordinates and ble outcome. Principled decision making,
subsidiary units to encourage greater local whereby problems are reduced to a man-
responsibility. The advantages of decentrali- ageable size, can be used to assist analyti-
zation are greater relevance to the imme- cal decision making. Decision support
diate environment, greater efficiency, and systems use available information to arrive
better motivation of associates. The disad- at better decisions. Sharing of information
vantages are wasteful competition, duplica- can lead to collective intuition. Addition-
tion of functions, and loss of central control. ally, conflict may stimulate better decision

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making by fostering creative thinking and Decision tree In decision making, a dia-
yielding better understanding of available gram that illustrates the choices and possible
options. outcomes of each possible course of action.

Decision-making unit  Informal group in an Deconglomeration  Split-up of a conglom-

organization vested with the task of making erate through the devolution of power to its
purchasing decisions based on price, need, constituent parts.
and availability.
Decouple  To separate two corporate units
Decision model  Simulation of elements or that were bound together.
variables inherent in a business decision,
based on consideration of negative and Decruitment  Placement of senior staff
positive factors. Decision models include on reduced pay with lower responsibilities
Decision tables. in the years immediately preceding their
Decision science  Application of accepted
scientific principles and models to decision Deed  A written, validly executed, duly sig­
making and problem solving.
ned, witnessed, and delivered document.

Decision support system (DSS)  Comput-

Deep discount An interest rate higher
er information system that performs com-
than 15% of the redemption value of a loan
plex data analysis that helps users make
informed decisions.
Deep market  Highly liquid market for a
Decision table  Way of graphically present-
commodity, currency, or security with a
ing the estimated probabilities of outcomes,
each with its maximum and minimum ben- large number of transactions in which the
efits, to aid decision making. spread between bid and offer is narrow.

Decision theory  Theory in which various Deep throat Anonymous source of top-

mathematical techniques, such as Game secret information; allusion to informer
theory, Risk analysis, and Sensitivity during the Nixon Watergate scandal.
analysis, are used to forecast likely out-
comes of different decision options. Deep web  Secure classified data in govern-
ment and military websites. Also invisible
Decision to participate Behavioral the- web.
ory that people participate in an organi-
zation’s activity so long as the benefits to De facto  Applied to a situation or thing that
them of doing so outweigh their expected exists as a matter of reality, rather than as es-
contributions. tablished by law, as in de facto discrimination.

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Default  1. To fail to do something as req­ which fiscal policy is used to promote eco-
uired by law, especially to make a payment nomic growth through government spend-
on time, comply with the terms of a con- ing, is based on the premise that the resulting
tract, or observe the rules of legal proce- growth in economic activity will bring in the
dure. 2. Predetermined setting in computer funds needed to offset that debt.
software to facilitate use.
Deflation  State of economy in which there
Defender strategy  Competitive tactics that is a decline in prices, accompanied by fall-
protect a company’s market share by con- ing levels of employment, output, and trade.
centrating on existing products, improving Opposite of Inflation.
quality, and offering lower prices and supe-
rior customer service. Compare Prospec- Deflationary gap  Difference between the
tor strategy. theoretical level of spending necessary to
maintain full employment and production
Defender takeover bid Hostile bid for and the actual spending by public and pri-
takeover of a company that is opposed by vate sectors.
the directors of the target company.
De Geus, Arie  Dutch business consultant
Defensive interval ratio  Relationships be- whose book Living Company (1997) de-
tween income and assets on the one hand scribed the characteristics of a long-lived
and expeditures and liabilities on the other, company as one of financial conservatism,
which demonstrates the ability of a busi- sensitivity to the natural and social envi-
ness to meet its current debt obligations by ronment, cohesiveness, and tolerance for
calculating the time for which it can oper- unconventional thinking.
ate on current liquid assets.
Deindustrialization  A decline in the man­
Defensive investment  Strategy for invest- ufacturing sector resulting from a loss of
ment with the primary goal of avoiding risk competitiveness, loss of skilled labor, and
rather than maximizing return. Opposite of flight of capital.
Delayed gratification  Act of forgoing im-
Deferred  Delayed. In accounting, relating mediate gratification for the sake of greater
to payments that are payable only at a later or more genuine satisfaction in the future;
date and not in the accounting period un- often applied to market research.
der review.
Delayering  Removal of some middle lay-
Deficit financing In government, spend- ers of management in an organization so
ing that is financed through issuance of debt. as to create a more flexible and responsible
This Keynesian economic concept, by hierarchy.

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Del credere agent A selling agent who Demand elasticity Extent to which de-
guarantees to pay for goods sold on behalf mand for a product influences its price.
of a principal if the buyer fails to do so. When demand is inelastic, price changes
have no effect, and when demand is elastic,
Delegation  Process of giving decision- even small changes in price affect the vol-
making authority to subordinate employees. ume of sales.
The delegation of authority or responsibil-
ity must be accompanied by empowerment, Demand inflation  Economic condition in
selection, and planning. The manager needs which prices increase because of increased
to specify the performance standards of the demand that cannot be met.
assignment, and the authority and respon-
sibility must be balanced. Demand management  Stimulation or re-
duction of demand to achieve a desired lev-
Delegatus non potest delegare  Legal prin- el of employment and economic stability.
ciple that a delegate cannot further delegate—
that is, that a representative or delegate with Demand-pull inflation  An increase in pr­
vested authority cannot grant that power, ices created by excess money for too few
trust, or authority to a third party without commodities.
authorization from the principal.
Demand-pull innovation Development of
Deleveraging  Sale of a company’s assets new products triggered by unmet needs.
and the Retrenchment of its staff to re-
duce debt. Demarketing  Actions aimed at discourag-
ing consumers from buying or consuming
Delphi technique  Qualitative foreca­ a particular product, such as cigarettes.
sting technique by which a panel of ex-
perts respond to questions from a fore- Demerger  Split-up of a large company or
caster or coordinator, who summarizes the conglomerate into a number of units or
responses and repeatedly resubmits them sold off in an effort at consolidation.
to the panel until the process yields an ob-
jective assessment. Deming, W. Edwards (1900–1993) Ame­
rican champion of Total Quality Man-
Demand  In marketing, the need for a pro­ agement, who formulated 14 points for
duct, translated into a potential purchase, quality control that revolutionized Japa-
which in turn determines the volume of its nese manufacturing. He was subsequently
production and its price. responsible for a quality revolution in the
United States and many other industrial-
Demand curve  Movement on a graph that ized countries. Edwards reminded man-
illustrates the relationship of a product’s agement that most business problems are
price to its sales. systemic and that management more than

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 85 D

labor should be responsible for correcting alone to ensure quality; (4) do not look to
them. His books include Out of the Crisis the price tag alone but value long-term re-
(1986), The New Economics (1993), and lationships, loyalty, and quality; (5)  con-
Statistical Adjustment of Data (1943). One tinuously improve production and service;
of his best-known theories is the System of (6)  train on the job; (7)  have supervisors
Profound Knowledge, which encompasses be coaches, not dictators; (8) create a fear-
(1) appreciation of a system, (2) knowledge free environment; (9) break down internal
of variation, (3) theory of knowledge, and barriers through better communication;
(4) knowledge of psychology. His theory of (10) avoid slogans; (11) eliminate numeri-
optimization states that the goal of an or- cal goals, standards, and quotas; (12) foster
ganization should be to maximize the entire pride in workmanship; (13) encourage self-
system and not merely the constituent sub- improvement; and (14) engage the manage-
systems. His theory of variation states that ment in implementing these 14 points.
companies should eliminate variation in
quality by focusing on certainty and stand- Deming prize Award established by the
ards in production and design. He said that Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers
most variations are due to common struc- in honor of W. Edwards Deming, father of
tural and design inadequacies, but about Total Quality Management. The prize
20% are due to assignable external causes. is given to companies that have shown a
His theory of knowledge states that knowl- strong commitment to quality control as an
edge is not possible without theory and ex- imperative in management.
perience alone does not constitute a theory.
Democratic leader  Egalitarian leader who
And his theory of psychology delves into
successfully delegates authority and pro-
the forces that drive human interactions,
motes consensus decision making as a de-
which are based on psychology.
liberate management policy. Organizations
Deming then described what he termed with democratic leaders tend to be more
“the seven deadly sins or diseases of man- flexible, innovative, and motivated.
agement”: (1) lack of constancy and purpose
to plan, (2) emphasis on short-term profits, Democratic management Style of man­
(3)  performance appraisals and merit rat- age­ment that emphasizes consensus, per-
ings that discourage the fearful, (4)  job- suasion, and consultation at all levels of
hopping, (5)  management based on quan- decision making.
titative results alone, (6)  excessive medical
costs, and (7)  trial lawyers. He formulated Demographic segmentation Division of
14 points to counter these seven deadly sins: markets into groups based on demographic
(1) have consistency of purpose; (2) do not variables such as age, gender, family size,
accept delays and mistakes and poor work- life cycle, income, occupation, education,
manship; (3) do not depend on inspection religion, race, and nationality.

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Demography  Study of growth, decline, stock market crash, high unemployment;

and transitions in human populations, es- sometimes accompanied by Inflation.
pecially by race, gender, age, fertility, mar-
riage patterns, and mortality. Depth interviews  In marketing, unstruc-
tured interviews as part of a market re-
Denationalization  See Privatization. search project. The interviewer encourages
the interviewees to offer their candid re-
De novo (Latin, “begin again”)  In com- sponses informally and then compiles their
puter system design, new cost burdens responses for a formal report.
brought on when attempting to eliminate
inequalities. Depth of product line  Description of the
number of items in a product line.
Department  Traditional unit of an organi-
zation, devoted to a particular segment of Deregulation  Elimination of regulations
the business activity and led by a depart- and rules governing business activity in
mental head. stipulated areas of activity. Deregulation is
often a reflection of both political and eco-
Department store  Retail organization that nomic developments. It may come about
sells a wide variety of products and servic- as a more conservative political base gains
es, often part of a chain of stores. power; or it may be the result of growing
globalization and increasing influence of
Departmentation  Establishment of sub- multinationals, who are relatively immune
units charged with specific functions or to domestic pressures; or it may accompany
oversight of specific territories, products, a realization that certain regulations are con-
customers, or tasks. tributing to inefficiencies in the marketplace.
Technology also makes certain existing
Depreciation  1.  Diminution in the value
regulations obsolete. Lastly, producers and
of a fixed asset owing to wear and wear
manufacturers have powerful lobbies that
and/or obsolescence. 2. Fall in the value of a
craft legislation privatizing industries that
currency with a floating exchange rate rela-
had been historically under state control.
tive to other currencies.
Deregulation can have a profound im-
Depressed area Region where economic pact on the marketplace by reducing bar-
performance is low and unemployment is riers to entry, encouraging diversification,
high relative to the national average. and enhancing competition. New firms
bring cost-cutting technologies essential
Depression  Extended or serious Reces- for survival, additional capacity, and more
sion in business activity, characterized by consumer-friendly, competitive practices.
falling production, falling prices and sales, As new companies enter the marketplace,

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 87 D

prices and profitability fall and there fol- future. The main types of derivatives are
lows a period of consolidation marked by Futures contracts, Forwards, Credit-
mergers and acquisitions, as well as the default swaps, and Options. They are
departure of many new entrants. For larg- traded on derivative markets or Over the
er companies, Unbundling as a result of counter.
deregulation gives customers greater abil-
ity to make product/service and price/ Derivative department  Department spun
performance tradeoffs. The post-deregu- off from a major department but still acting
lation reorganizations last characteristi- as its unit.
cally about five years.
Descriptive research  Market research that
Corporate culture changes in the pro- explores the potentials of a market, the at-
cess of deregulation. Companies become titudes and buying habits of its consumers,
more opportunistic, adopting a number of and the demographics of the group.
strategies: (1)  Broad-based distribution in-
tegrating operations information gathering Descriptive statistics  Branch of statistics
and marketing over a wide geographic area. that provides marketers with a summary of
(2) Cost-focused strategies to achieve econo- available data, including consumption lev-
mies of scale and segment-focused strategies els and other variables.
that provide expensive or premium services
at premium prices; segments include niche Designed capacity  Maximum theoreti-
markets that are more profitable with fewer cal output of an operating system in units,
providers. (3)  A striving for synergies by based on technical capability, setup times,
Rebundling products and using alternate maintenance, and schedules.
delivery systems, sale of high value-added
items or personalized or customized ser- Desk audit  Work audit.
vices, and exploitation of small community
Desk research  Market research that uses
markets. (4) Sharing of utilities by offering
available data in the company files rather
services to smaller firms that, if done alone,
than collecting new data from the field.
would be unprofitable. In short, deregula-
tion is both a challenge and an opportunity Deskilling  Process by which an operational
to restructure and gain new momentum. system is automated, thereby requiring min-
The initial turbulence may introduce some imal human intervention and characterized
uncertainty for a few years, but appropriate by simple and standardized procedures.
strategies help companies survive and grow.
Devaluation  Reduction in the value of
Derivative  Financial instrument, devised a currency in relation to gold or the U.S.
in the 1990s, that links the price of a com- dollar. A bold move in monetary policy
modity or currency to its demand in the designed to offset a serious crisis brought

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about by high Inflation, adverse continu- for each 1% of the production above the
ing Balance of trade, and decline in task, with a bonus of 10%.
exports. Its goal is to promote exports and
discourage imports, although in practice it Differential analysis  Assessment of the im­
can have the opposite effect. Devaluation is pact on costs and revenues of specific man-
a drastic option available only to currencies agement decisions that identifies differen-
with a fixed rate of exchange. For currencies tial cash flows—that is, cash flows that are
with a floating exchange rate, devaluation impacted by a specific decision.
and Revaluation take place continuously
and automatically. Differential pricing  Method of pricing a
product with different customer bases at
Development stage  Point in the develop- different prices. The method is based on
ment of a new product when the concept is the principle that maximum market pene-
transformed into a prototype and a market- tration is achieved when prices are custom-
ing strategy is developed. ized to the particular market.

Deviation  Departure from a quality stand- Differentiated marketing Marketing de-

ard and the extent of the departure. signed to meet the unique or peculiar needs
of a niche audience, such as dieters. Each
Diagonal communication In manage- market segment has not only a product
ment, the crosswise flow of information modified to meet its needs but also a cus-
between departments and hierarchic levels. tomized strategy that highlights the distinc-
tive features and benefits of the product.
Diagonal expansion  Business growth re-
sulting from the creation of new products Differentiation  In Organizational the­
with the same equipment currently in use. ory, the process an organization under-
takes to cope with an increasingly complex
Dialectics  The attempt to solve a problem environment by way of multiple speciali-
through dialogue involving differing points zations.
of view.
Diffusion of new products  Process by wh­
Diamond-water paradox Adam Smith’s ich innovations and new technologies
question as to why diamonds are in such spread through society and become accept-
high demand and water in such low de- ed, as well as commercially viable.
mand when the former is a luxury and the
latter is a necessity. Diffusion of responsibility  In social psy-
chology, the way a call to action or a request
Diemer plan Wage incentive plan that for assistance is spread and generalized so
calls for a 50% salary over and above wages that no one feels a responsibility to respond.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 89 D

The term is stretched to apply to decision- From “double-income-no-kids.”

making responsibility in business.
Direct costs  1.  Production costs that can
Digerati  Experts in computer operations be directly charged to the producing unit,
and cyberspace, as in literati. such as labor and materials. 2. Production
costs incurred by the cost center that can
Digital brand  Brand identity or logo that be allocated directly without being treated
is different from the company’s traditional as overhead.
one. Also termed online brand.
Direct marketing  Sales and marketing of a
Dilbert principle Associated with the car­ product from producer to consumer, with-
toon character Dilbert, this states that out an intermediary. Traditional direct
corporations allow their employees to rise marketing is through mail order; televi-
to their highest levels based on their in- sion, radio, and social media; telemarket-
competence rather than their competence. ing; websites; and related formats.
The implication is that the workhorses of
a company are its middle-level employ- Directive interview  See Structured
ees and that the higher echelons are show interview
horses. See also Parkinson’s laws, Peter
principle. Direct taxation  Schedule of graduated tax­
ation imposed on personal income, as dis-
Dilutée  Worker who has received short- tinct from indirect taxation such as a sales
ened training and is therefore considered tax or Value-added tax.
Director  Person legally entrusted with the
Dilution of equity  Increase in the number conduct of a company, with legal responsi-
of ordinary shares of a company without a bility for all its actions and assets and liabil-
corresponding increase in assets or profits, ities. Under the articles of association, the
leading to a fall in the value of those shares body known collectively as the Board of
and lower dividends. Directors is the executive of a company.
The day-to-day operations of a company
Diminishing returns In economics, the may be vested in a person elected by the
point beyond which any additional input board of directors known as the Manag-
of resources will result in a proportionate ing director. Directors are required to
increase in outcome. See also Law of di- submit an annual report to the company’s
minishing returns. shareholders.

Dink  Affluent couple with no children, Director’s report  Annual report prepared
considered a prime marketing prospect. by the Director of a company, as required

American Management Association
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by law. It must provide information on the Discotectic state Confusion, uncertainty,

principal activities of the company; current and instability created when companies un-
position in relation to the industry; likely dergo rapid change with which they are ill
prospects and future developments; prin- equipped to cope.
cipal risks and uncertainties likely to affect
future performance; sale, purchase, and Discount  1.  Reduction or deduction in
valuation of assets, dividends, and transfers price in return for a specified benefit. 2. A
to reserves; employee statistics; and gifts to method in capital budgeting to predict fu-
charity. ture streams of cash flow.

Disaster management  In business, man- Discovery  Period before a contract comes

agement of the aftermath of a large-scale into force, during which either side may
natural or manmade disaster in an effort to gather information to verify that the facts
contain the fallout and reduce its ill effects as represented are accurate.
on human resources and corporate image.
Discretionary account  Account placed with
Disciplinary takeover Direct control taken a stock broker, commodity broker, or secu-
in response to a chronic problem or poor rities house in which the agent is empow-
management, either by the board of direc- ered to carry out transactions within cer-
tors itself or with its support. tain parameters without referring back to
the principal.
Disclaimer  Clause in a contract or adver-
tisement that reduces a company’s direct li- Discretionary costs Costs attributed to
ability in the event of harm caused to the managerial decisions in certain areas, as re-
user or buyer. search and advertising. Also termed man-
aged costs.
Disclosure  Obligation in legal proceed-
ings to communicate all relevant facts and Discriminating monopoly Form of mo-
not suppress any information that might nopoly in which products or services are
have the effect of distorting the resultant sold to consumers at different prices, charg-
decision making. ing each segment the maximum price it will
bear; for example, when a utility company
Discontinuous innovation  Product or ser- charges different rates for its private cus-
vice that represents a breakthrough in tech- tomers and its industrial customers.
nology, or is likely to enhance consumer
satisfaction and lifestyle, that calls for new Discrimination  Practice of favoring one
forms of consumer behavior and responses. group over another, based on race, gender,
Introduction of the home computer in the age, sexual orientation, religion, or dis-
1980s is an example. ability; illegal with regard to consumers.

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Indirect discrimination results when proportionate to the size of the stratum.

the universal and objective application of a For example, a group that accounts for 80%
legal provision or practice puts one group of sales may be 20% of the population, and
at a disadvantage. therefore may not be appropriately repre-
sented in the stratum.
Discriminatory pricing Setting different
prices for a product in two or more places Dissatisfiers  Term coined by theorist Fre­
or markets, reflecting the peculiarities of derick Herzberg to describe events that
those markets and not additional costs. create dissatisfaction in the workplace and
that demotivate people. See Herzberg’s
Diseconomies of scale  Proportional costs two-factor theory.
of gaining additional market share that off-
set the Economies of scale. Disseminator  Managerial role identified
by business thinker Henry Mintzberg,
Disempowerment  Elimination of special
whereby the manager acts not only as the
privileges that had been previously accord-
gatekeeper of information but also the dis-
ed to certain consumer groups.
penser of information.
Disequilibrium  State of instability, flux, and
Distance selling Sale of goods indirectly
change, characteristic of markets subject to
through the mail, television, telephone,
new forces or undergoing rapid change.
e-mail, or Internet, as distinguished from
Disflation  Reversal of inflationary pres- sales in a brick-and-mortar retail outlet.
sures, brought about by appropriate mon- Many Consumer protection laws apply
etary measures. to distance selling.

Disintermediation  Elimination of mid- Distancing  Subcontracting to outside con-

dlemen, such as brokers and bankers, from tractors work that was formerly done in-
financial transactions as a consequence of house.
new technologies and globalization.
Distribution  Payment made to sharehold-
Dispatching rule  Any of five rules used in ers in a company or someone with an enti-
deciding the priorities in fulfilling orders: tlement to the proceeds, profits, or reserves
(1)  first come, first served; (2)  by earliest according to an agreed-upon formula.
due date; (3)  by shortest processing time;
(4)  by longest processing time; and (5)  by Distribution management Management
ratio of time until due date. of the resources of and the planning for
efficient transfer of goods, materials, and
Disproportionate stratified sampling Meth- finished products, including warehousing,
od by which the size of the sample is not handling, inventory, and packaging.

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Distributive bargaining Form of collec- production. Vertical diversification occurs

tive bargaining in which the subject’s re- when firms integrate operations at a differ-
sources are limited and therefore one side’s ent stage of production.
gain is the other side’s loss, as in a Zero-
sum game. Diversity management  In human resourc-
es, the concept of maintaining a harmoni-
Distributive leadership  Delegation of le­ ous workforce that is culturally disparate
adership functions or sharing of authority and heterogeneous in its composition, lan-
as a matter of policy. guage, race, and religion, and in massaging
those differences. The challenge is to make
Divergent thinking  Creative and original diversity an asset rather than a liability in a
thinking that, by definition, deviates from company’s operations.
conventional thinking and produces mul-
tiple solutions to a problem. Distinguished Divest and exit strategy  Strategic option
from Lateral thinking and Conver- to sell an asset or close down a product line
gent thinking. in order to exit an unprofitable market.

Diversification  Expansion of the scope of Divestment  Business retrenchment strat-

business activities into markets outside tra- egy in which parts of the company are spun
ditional interests, especially to avoid over- off to create a more homogeneous organi-
reliance on a narrow range of products. zation with more focused objectives and
Growth and diversification are parallel strategies. Generally, the parts sold are the
developments. Diversification is driven by less profitable ones.
a search for Synergy and may be achieved
through several strategies: (1)  dominant Dividend  Distribution of part of the earn-
business strategy, (2)  diversification strat- ings of a company to its shareholders.
egy, (3) conglomerate strategy, and (4) ac-
quisition strategy. There are a number of Dividend reinvestment program (DR­
risks associated with diversification, espe- IP)  Program for investors whereby divi-
cially that of lack of integration capacity, dends are used to buy additional shares in-
lack of board follow-up, unrelatedness, in- stead of issued as cash income.
correct market identification, clash of cor-
porate cultures, lack of synergy, inadequate Divisionalization  Creation of self-mana­
skills, and imposition of the wrong style of ging units within an organization, accom-
management. External diversification takes panied by devolution of authority to these
place through mergers and acquisitions. units. In large corporations, the functional
Diversification may be vertical or horizon- structure grows unwieldy and inefficient. In
tal. Horizontal diversification involves inte- the 1980s and 1900s, superior information
gration of operations at the same stage of technology and trends toward Delayering

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extended the concept to small businesses. on different strengths, resources, or skills;

Earlier, the divisional form was important (4)  dominant-unrelated, or businesses in
in the development of an international which a preponderance of nonvertically
strategy; as industries moved from regional diversified activities are unrelated to the
orientation to global, complex and multiple dominant business.
reporting relationships became common,
and country executives reported to both Dominant-element job evaluation  Tech-
area and product divisions. nique in job evaluation, in which only the
most important element in a job is consid-
Dog  In business, an unpromising and un- ered relative to others.
profitable product that is a drag on a com-
pany’s profits. Doomsday strike  Strike at the end of a pe-
riod covered by a wage agreement or on the
Dollarization  Adoption of the U.S. dollar eve of negotiations.
as a national currency, usually as a means of
controlling Inflation and Interest rate Double-dip recession  Period of recession
volatility. characterized by brief economic growth,
followed by a slide back into recession.
Domicile  Place of residence or business or
professional activity, irrespective of citizen- Double-entry bookkeeping  Method of
ship. The country might require work per- re­
cording transactions twice in account
mits and business or resident is subject to books, as a credit and as a liability. All
local tax laws. Under Common law rules, a books are required to balance.
person’s civil status is determined by domi-
cile and not by citizenship. Double-loop learning Organizational lear­
ning in which the emphasis is on learning
Dominant business strategy  Business ope­ how to learn. It involves critical examina-
ration in which 70% or more of the prof- tion of the assumptions underlying corpo-
its come from one key product or busi- rate responses in times of high uncertainty
ness, as in the case of oil companies such and unpredictability.
as Exxon. There are four types of dominant
businesses: (1)  dominant-vertical, involv- Double taxation  Taxation of the same in-
ing selling a variety of end products, none come in two different countries or contexts;
of which contributes more than 85% of the for example, in both the country of domi-
sales; (2)  dominant-constrained, or busi- cile and the country of nationality, or taxa-
nesses that have diversified nonvertically tion of corporate profits and shareholder
by building on the original dominant activ- income taxation. International double taxa-
ity; (3) dominant-linked, or businesses that tion is governed by treaties and agreements
have diversified nonvertically by building that provide relief to varying degrees.

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D 94 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Doughnut principle  Formulated by busi- Downstream  1. Reference to a latter stage

ness thinker Charles Handy in his book in the production process or the value
The Empty Raincoat (1994), theory that chain. 2. Funds borrowed by a parent com-
presents organizations as doughnuts pany for use by a subsidiary. Compare Up-
whose hole represents their core activities stream progress.
and values.
Downstream progress  Movement toward
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI)  In- more realizable goals that involve going
dex of security prices issued by Dow Jones with the flow and riding a wave. Compare
and Company, using New York Stock Ex- Upstream progress.
change listed stocks. The DJI is a narrow in-
dex of only 30 constituent elements. It was Downtime  Period of time when an opera-
begun with 11 companies, had 41 in 1932 tion is idle or suspended.
when the market crashed, and tracked over
14,000 stocks in 2007. Downward communication Communi-
cation from senior management to lower
Downsizing  Reduction in the size and levels of employees. Compare Horizon-
footprint of an organization to improve tal communication and Upward com-
profitability, gain traction in the market, munication.
and improve focus and strategic lever-
age. It is distinct from Reengineering or Doz, Yves  French management expert wh­
Corporate restructuring and may or ose book with Gary Hamel, Alliance Ad-
may not be accompanied by staff reduc- vantage (1998), tackled the complexities
tions, departmental consolidations, and of globalization and focused on strategic
office closings. While companies imple- partnering.
ment downsizing plans to increase prof-
itability and productivity, these steps do Dragon market  Any of the emerging mar-
not always yield those benefits and may kets in the Pacific Rim, especially Indone-
lead to loss of skilled workers, decline in sia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.
customer service, and loss of morale. See
Rightsizing. Drawdown  Depletion of funds from a line
of credit or transfer from one account to
Downshifting  Lifestyle change in which another.
an employee exchanges the bustle of corpo-
rate culture for a temperate routine that af- DRIP  Dividend reinvestment
fords more time with family and less stress. program

Downstairs merger  Merger in which the Drip-feed  To fund a new company in stag-
parent corporation become a subsidiary. es rather than with an initial lump sum.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 95 D

Drop lock Bond initially issued with a Dumping  Sale of goods abroad, below
variable rate of interest, which converts to their marginal cost, in order to gain a foot-
a fixed rate if the index or rate falls below a hold in the market. Dumping is illegal un-
set amount at a particular date. der international trade agreements because
it is against fair trade.
Drop shipment Goods shipped directly
from the manufacturer to the consumer or Dun and Bradstreet Largest mercantile
retailer. agency in the United States, offering credit
data and ratings.
Drucker, Peter (1919–2005) American
management guru who popularized the Dunfee, Thomas W. (1942–2008) Profe­
concept of Management by objectives ssor of Legal Studies and Legal Ethics at
and introduced the concepts of Activity Penn State University and President of the
Society for Business Ethics. He was one of
analysis, Decision analysis, and Rela-
the foremost scholars in the field of busi-
tions analysis.
ness ethics. His path-blazing work, Ties that
Drum-buffer-rope  Manufacturing pro- Bind: A Social Contracts Approach to Busi-
ness Ethics (1999), is an influential text.
cess that factors in possible delays or
Dunning, John Harry (1927–2009) Brit­
ish economist who specialized in the eco-
Dry test  Prior to large-scale manufactur-
nomics of international direct investment
ing, a trial run during which consumers are
In 1980 he published the eclectic para-
asked to use a product and express whether
digm or OLI-Model/Framework. His best-
they would be interested in purchasing it.
known works are Globalization of Firms
If the test is negative, the product will be
and Competitiveness of Nations (1990), Alli-
cancelled. ance Capitalism and Global Business (1997),
and Making Globalization Good: The Moral
DSS  Decision support system
Challenges of Global Capitalism (2005).

Due diligence  1.  Inspection of a compa-

Dunscore  Index developed by Dun and
ny’s financial or other records prior to its Bradstreet to measure the position and
sale or merger, as required in the Law of ranking of industries over time.
Contracts 2. Level of care and judgment
that a reasonable person is expected to ex- Duopoly  Market in which there are only
ercise in a given situation to prevent mala two producers, thus reducing competition.
fides. See Monopoly.

Dumbsizing  Reducing the size of a compa- Duopsony  Market in which there are only
ny so drastically that it becomes inefficient. two buyers.

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D 96 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Dupin, Charles (1784–1873)  French en- ness environments quickly and nimbly to
gineer who pioneered industrial education gain competitive advantage. The strategy
in France. His Discourse on the Condition combines innovation, boldness, sharper
of the Workers (1873) introduced such con- focus, consumer feedback, and reconfigu-
cepts as time study and balanced workloads. ration of a company’s structures, as well as
its competencies.
Dutch auction Auction sale that begins
with a top price, which then is successively Dynamic equilibrium Economic state in
reduced until an acceptable buyer is found. which all the factors of production and con-
sumption are so matched that there is a sta-
Dutch disease  Deindustrialization fol- ble rate of growth.
lowing the discovery of natural resources,
such as oil and gas. Such a discovery leads to Dynamic pricing  Method of pricing goods
a boost in the economy and the value of the and services that changes in line with pat-
currency, making exports of manufactured terns of demand.
products more expensive. This phenom-
enon occurred in the Netherlands following Dynamic theory of profit Developed by
the 1959 discovery of North Sea gas. economist Frank Knight, a theory on the
relation between assumption of risk by en-
Duty to bargain  As stipulated in the Taft- trepreneurs and their rewards.
Hartley Act, an obligation of employers and
employees to bargain in good faith before a Dynamically continuous innovation  De-
lockout or strike. velopment of products through marginal
improvements in shape or design, without
Dynamic administration Management altering function or use. For example, Ap-
theory that focuses on changing human ple issues and markets new versions of its
relationships. It helped to develop such iPad without significantly enhancing its ba-
concepts as empowerment and visionary sic design or product life cycle.
Dystopia  Place where misery prevails; the
Dynamic capabilities Resource-based busi­ opposite of utopia.
ness strategy that adapts to changing busi-

American Management Association

E  Prefix for “electronic,” as in E-business, and fertility is dependent on income rela-

E-commerce, e-banking, e-learning, e- tive to aspirations.
mail. Takes hyphen, although wider use
will bring elimination of the hyphen. Easterlin paradox Theory proposed by
economics professor Richard Easterlin
Early adopter Company that is quick to that increasing wealth does not produce
recognize the potential of innovative tech- corresponding growth in happiness.
nologies and procedures.
EBIT  Earnings before interest and taxes
Early retirement  Cessation of work before
reaching the mandatory retirement age, ei- EBITDA  Earnings before interest, taxes,
ther voluntarily or as part of a company’s depreciation, and amortization
EBQ  Economic Batch Quantity
Earnings per share  Company’s consoli­
E-business  Electronic direct marketing us-
dated profits divided by the number of
ing the Internet. Also termed E-commerce.
ordinary shares, used as a measure of per-
formance. EC  European Community

Easterlin, Richard (1926–) Professor of ECB  European Central Bank

Economics at the University of Southern
California. He is known for his “Easterlin Echo-chamber effect Limiting effect of
paradox,” which states that happiness at the junior staff parroting the ideas of senior
national level does not increase with wealth management uncritically.
once basic needs are met. He is also known
for the “Easterlin hypothesis,” which states Eclectic paradigm Model developed by
the positive relationship between income international business expert John Harry

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E 98 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Dunning to explain variations in the scope cost of subsidies, and costs of interruptions
of foreign direct investment. in services during construction.

Ecocentric management  Ecologically aw­ Economic efficiency  Theory that no one

are management approach that treats envi- can be made better off without at the same
ronmental issues as a core concern rather time somebody’s becoming proportionate-
than as a peripheral one. ly worse off.

E-commerce  Electronic commerce or Web- Economic growth Expansion of an eco­

based commercial transactions. nomy in terms of output and income, usual-
ly measured as Gross national product
Econometrics  Branch of economics spe- and Gross domestic product per capita.
cializing in studies of quantitative relation-
ships between economic variables. Economic man  In economic theory, a per­
son who makes right, informed, and ra-
Economic appraisal Method of capital tional decisions in regard to individual eco-
budgeting that uses discounted cash-flow nomic activities and thus maximizes their
techniques to identify preferred invest- Economic benefits.
ments. In addition to cash flow, it factors in
anticipated economic benefits and annual Economic and Monetary Union of the
costs over the lifetime of a project. European Union  Group consisting of the
17 members of Eurozone and 10 non-Euro
Economic batch quantity (EBQ) Opti- states. These are states that have demon-
mum size of a production batch to justify strated successful economic convergence
production costs. by maintaining limited deviation against
the Euro.
Economic benefits Inventory of mate-
rial and financial benefits accruing from a Economic sanctions  In international rela-
project as a measure of its rationale. For ex- tions, a tactic by which a more powerful na-
ample, the construction of a new road may tion or group of nations imposes on a less
mean a reduction of driving time, fewer powerful nation an embargo or restrictions
accidents, and lower insurance costs as its on imports and exports, as well as financial
economic benefits. transactions and travel; done as a means of
applying pressure on the less powerful na-
Economic costs  Inventory of material and tion to either act or desist from acting in a
financial costs to be offset by Economic certain manner.
benefits. For example, the construction of
a new road may mean budgetary deficits, Economic theory of the firm  Belief that

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 99 E

the only external duty of a company is to nomic efficiency or productive efficiency is

its shareholders and its only function is to the ability of an organization to produce
make profits. and distribute at the lowest possible cost,
regardless of its production costs. 3.  Al-
Economic union  Common market or trad- locative efficiency derives from the ra-
ing bloc of neighboring countries or coun- tional, timely, and productive allocation
tries with strong affinities. of resources. 4. X-efficiency is the extent
of market exploitation by the company;
Economies of scale  Reduction in the av- it has three main components: intraplant
erage cost of production and concomitant motivational efficiency, external motiva-
unit costs that accompany an increase in tional efficiency, and nonmarket input
output. Economies of scale may lead to a efficiency.
cycle in which prices go down and sales go
up, resulting in a gain in market share. For Efficient market hypothesis In manage-
the economies of scale to be effective, costs ment finance, a principle that market yield
must remain stationary. Economies of scale is conditioned by the availability of and ac-
can be internal or external: internal econo- cess to the right information; formulated by
mies may be plant related or organizational; economist Eugene Fama.
external economies are benefits experienced
EFT  Electronic funds transfer
through improved infrastructure and the
location of ancillary industries. Economies EFTA  European Free Trade Association, a
of scale provide a competitive edge over former common market.
new entrants, who must operate at a cost
disadvantage. Egoistic need  Individual needs for job sat-
isfaction other than remuneration.
Economies of scope  Increase in costs in-
curred as a company diversifies its products Eight-hundred-pound gorilla Crucial pl­
and services to serve a broader market. ayer in a situation whom everybody ig-
nores for fear that he or she may create
Edutainment  Education + entertainment, further complications or prove too difficult
a term used in the media industries. to manage.

EEO  Equal employment Eighty-twenty split  Developed by Vilfre-

opportunity do Pareto, the principle that only 20% of
all business activities contribute to its prof-
Efficiency  1.  Technical efficiency is the abi­ its and that 80% are dead weight. The prin-
lity of an organization to produce maxi- ciple also applies to personnel, advertising,
mum output with minimum inputs. 2. Eco- and inventory. See also Pareto rule.

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Elasticity  Sensitivity of one variable to an- the development of theories of Industrial

other. The common use of elasticity is in democracy.
regard to price, when an increase in costs
leads to a decline in demand. Emoticon  Expressive symbols used in Inter-
net communications, such as J for a smile.
Electronic data interchange  Electronic ex-
change of structured information, such as Emotional capital Shared experiences, val-
invoices, between different organizations ues, and aspirations among employees,
using industry standards. seen as a morale builder.

Eleemosynary  Charitable, not-for-profit Emotional intelligence (EQ)  Ability to con-

work engaged in by quasi-public corpora- trol emotions and articulate them, and to
tions. respond appropriately; seen as a sign of ma-
Elvis year  Successful year for a product
or company, when it reaches the peak of Emotional labor  Work of managing one’s
sales. emotions in the course of dealings with
customers or employees.
Embargo  Interdiction of trade with certain
countries, or in certain commodities, or in Empire building  Pursuit of power through
information in certain sectors, as a form of dominance in a field of endeavor; in busi-
political punishment and ostracism. ness, the acquisition of more corporations.

Emergent change  Approach to organiza- Employee  Person who works under the
tional change in a complex organization direction of another in return for wages or
operating in a volatile, unstable, or uncer- salary. Employees have legal protections,
tain environment. Its conceptual core are unlike independent contractors.
the interlinked ideas of Kaizen, a Japanese
term for continuous improvement, and a Employee buyout Transaction by which
learning culture that encourages continu- employees buy up all or most of a compa-
ous relearning by managers. ny’s outstanding shares.

Emerson efficiency plan  Employment com- Employee empowerment  In human re-

pensation plan in which workers are paid a sources, motivational strategy to reengineer
minimum salary and given financial incen- organization structures by channeling more
tives to increase production. responsibility to employees. Empowerment
gives more personal satisfaction and fulfill-
Emory, Frederick Edmund (1925–1997)  ment, and in some cases may lead to greater
Australian psychologist who contributed to monetary rewards and enhanced prospects

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 101 E

for promotion. It also helps to identify and Engels, Friedrich (1820–1895) German-

develop hidden talents and abilities. born associate of Karl Marx. He worked
with Marx on his Communist Manifesto
Employee evaluation Formal assessment and supported him financially to write
of an employee’s professional performance Das Kapital. His major works included The
and conduct as measured by certain objec- Condition of the Working Class in England
tive and fair criteria, with the goal of estab- (1844), Socialism, Utopian and Scientific
lishing eligibility for promotion. (1880), and The Origin of the Family, Pri-
vate Property and State (1884).
Employee participation  Right of an em-
ployee to buy shares in the company (em- Engels’s law  Developed by economic theo-
ployee stock option plan) and thus gain rist Friedrich Engels, the principle that the
membership in the governing councils and lower the household income, the greater
boards, and be able to express opinions on the proportion of income spent on food.
matters pertaining to company policies and
programs. English disease  Supposed predilection of
English labor unions to strike to gain their
Employee wellness In human resources, demands rather than to negotiate.
management attempts to address employee
problems like alcoholism, divorce, smok- Engross  To purchase a large quantity of a
ing, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, obesity, good so as to obtain a monopoly on its re-
and stress, which affect performance and sale at prohibitive prices.
efficiency in the workplace.
Enlightened marketing  Five layers of ef-
Employment agency  Private business en- ficient marketing, including consumer-
gaged in introducing suitable candidates to oriented marketing, innovation marketing,
employers in return for a fee (usually a per- value marketing, sense-of-mission market-
centage of the initial salary) or to provide ing, and societal marketing.
temporary staff who work at hourly rates.
Employment agencies that specialize in fill- Enterprise culture Economy that favors
ing managerial and executive positions are initiative, innovation, private enterprise,
known as Headhunters. and personal responsibility.

EMS  European Monetary System. Enterprise resource planning  Strategic

approach that integrates all the business
Endogenous  Relating to factors or influ- activities and processes throughout an
ences within an organization; opposite is organization, including project manage-
Exogenous. ment, supplier management, product data

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management, and scheduling in a seamless, opportunities and marshaling resources so

real-time program to streamline operations, as to create new products and services for
eliminate overlaps, and save money. which there is a felt need, in anticipation of
subsequent profits.
Enterprise zone  Geographical area set aside
by a government exclusively for private- Entropy  In information theory, the degree
sector activity and granted exemption from of openness to change and the lack of rigid-
certain fees and taxes, as well as statutory ity in an organization and its structure.
Environment costs  Expenses associated
Entitlement  Right to stipulated benefits, with compliance with environmental legis-
as determined by prior laws and agree- lation, including appraisal costs, prevention
ments and as earned over time. Often ap- costs, internal failure costs, and external
plied to social programs. failure costs.

Entrapment  In business, the resource lim- Environmental audit  Financial review of

itations that inhibit growth and innovation. the impact of any development or activity
on the immediate environment, both short
Entrepot trade  Trade that passes through
and long term. Its purpose is to ensure that
a certain port or airport on its way to an-
the development or activity is in full com-
other destination, and that makes use of its
pliance with prevailing legal requirements
warehouse and customs facilities or uses
and environmental laws. Areas covered by
them for re-export. Some of the world’s ma-
the audit include energy usage, wastage,
jor entrepot trade centers are Rotterdam,
recycling, conservation, and pollution.
Singapore, and Hong Kong.
Also termed green audit. See also Social
Entreprenerd  Blend of the words entrepre- audit.
neur and nerd, slang for an Internet startup
capitalist. Environmental ethics  Application of prin-
ciples of honor, dignity, conservation, and
Entrepreneur  Someone who starts his or preservation of the natural world and its
her own business from scratch. Also, some- ecosystems, especially as they apply to pol-
one who invests capital in the development lution, resource depletion, animal exploita-
of a new company and assumes the accom- tion, waste disposal, erosion, loss of species,
panying risks in the hope of realizing prof- and climate change. It replaces an anthro-
its. Entrepreneurs are the building blocks of pocentric ethic with a holistic one, in which
capitalism. all species are given equal weight.

Entrepreneurship  Process of identifying Envy ratio  Ratio of the number of shares

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 103 E

available to individuals to the number of was first developed by J. Stacey Adams, a

shares available to institutions. psychologist. The structure of equity in the
workplace is based on the ratio of inputs to
Ephemeralization  From futurist writer outputs.
Buckminister Fuller, the theory of increas-
ing the rate of a product’s obsolescence in Equivalent mean investment period  Pe-
order to increase the recycling of its con- riod of time between the commencement
stituent materials. of a project and its breakeven point.

EPS  Earnings per share Ergonomics  Discipline that merges physi-

ology, physiognomy, and psychology to
EQ  Emotional intelligence design work environments for optimal ef-
ficiency and safety. Ergonomics has par-
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)  ticular application to emerging technology
Legislation that prohibits discrimination by defining the workplace and the use of
based on religion, gender, race, or color in computers. It studies the physiological, psy-
hiring, promotion, and firing. chological, and engineering design aspects
of a job, especially as affecting fatigue and
Equal pay  Legislation that bars discrimi- safety, and governs the placement of tools
nation based on gender, race, religion, or and instruments on the basis of ease-of-
color as it relates to compensation or sal- use, intuition, and posture.
ary; the legislation stipulates that equal
pay must be guaranteed for work of equal ERG theory  Existence, relatedness, and
value. growth theory

Equilibrium price  Price that reflects a bal- Escalation of commitment Increasing co­

ance of Supply and demand. mmitment to a project that is falling apart.
This stance is generally adopted to save
Equity  1.  Beneficial interest in a prop- face after a project has misfired, in an at-
erty comprising its value less its liabili- tempt to recover some of the lost invest-
ties. 2.  System of law developed parallel ment or reputation. Often termed throw-
to Common law in which the focus is on ing the helve after the hatchet or throwing
fair performance rather than on damages. good money after bad. Also called creeping
Equity Theory Theory that attempts to
explain relative satisfaction in terms of Escalator clause  Contract paragraph that
perceptions of fairness or unfairness in permits adjustment of prices or wages in
the distribution of resources in society. It accordance with certain accepted indexes

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of productivity, increased cost of living, or Etzioni, Amitai (born Werner Falk)

greater material costs. (1929–)  Israeli-American sociologist and
intellectual. His principal contribution to
Escape clause  Wording in a treaty or ag­ sociology was his theory of communitari-
reement that permits one or both parties anism, which sought to create a common
to opt out of meeting an obligation or to ground between liberalism and conserva-
suspend portions of the agreement if they tism. He is the author of 24 books of which
become too onerous or impractical to en- the most influential were The Spirit of Com-
force. munity: The Reinvention of American Soci-
ety (1993) and A Responsive Society (1991).
ESOP  Employee share ownership plan.
Etzioni model Organizational theory
E-tailer  Retailer operating through Inter- developed by sociologist Amitai Etzioni,
net sales. See also E-business. who classified organizations in terms of the
kinds of power they wielded, such as coer-
Ethical behavior Application of moral cive (prisons and army), utilitarian (busi-
and ethical imperatives to the conduct of ness), normative (schools), and mixed.
business and adherence to principles of
behavior and standards to judge outcomes. EUREX  Largest futures and options mar-
In its elementary form, it is the compliance ket in the world dealing primarily with Eu-
of business to the laws governing business ropean derivatives. It is run by Deutsche
transactions, and in its societal form, it is Borse AG and SWX Swiss Exchange.
the focus on public welfare underlying
business decisions. A company’s codes of Euro  Currency used by the members and
ethics spell out the ethical imperatives of its institutions of the European Union as the
operations and personnel. official currency of the Eurozone, which
consists of the 17 members of the European
Ethical investment Socially responsible Union: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia,
investment in a company in terms of its Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland,
goals and strategies as distinguished from Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
investment driven solely by profit motive. Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. It is
the world’s second largest reserve currency
Ethnic marketing Marketing directed at and the second most traded currency after
an ethnic minority community and that the U.S. dollar.
focuses on culturally relevant products and
services, often using the language of that European Central Bank (ECB) Central
community. bank for the Euro System.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 105 E

European Community (EC)  See Euro- a tough challenge and enhanced perfor-
pean Union. mance; opposite of distress.

European Monetary System (EMS)  Euro- Evaluation of training Assessment of the

pean Monetary System. effectiveness of a training program, as fol-
lows: (1)  what the trainees think of the
European Union Supranational commu- program; (2)  what they learned from the
nity of 27 European nations with common program; (3) what new behavioral traits or
economic, political, and social bonds; cre- skills have been imparted; and (4) what are
ated in 1993, from the European Com- the overall benefits from the program.
munity. The original 12 nations—Belgium,
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ire- Evergreen fund  Mutual fund that provides
land, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, capital for new companies and acts as the
Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom— midwife for new ventures.
were joined by Austria, Sweden, and Fin-
land in 1995; by Cyprus, Czech Republic, Evolutionary economics  Study of econo­
mics that incorporates biological dynamics
Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,
and considers the corporation as a biologi-
Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia in 2004; and
cal organism.
by Bulgaria and Romania in 2007. The un-
ion has a constitutional framework with a
Evolutionary management Management
parliament and an executive, known as the
style that adapts itself to change and in-
European Commission, as well as a judi-
corporates new protocols in response to
cial arm known as the European Court of
emerging needs and opportunities.
Justice. Monetary cooperation is under the
auspices of the European Economic and Ex ante  (Latin, “before the event”) Relat-
Monetary Union, which oversees the Eu- ing to a budget based on anticipated calcu-
ropean Monetary System and regulates and lations that are later revised on the basis of
stabilizes the currency exchange rate. actual figures.

Eurozone  The 13 member countries of Ex gratia (Latin, “by favor”)  Payment or

the European Union that have adopted favor made out of gratitude, moral obliga-
the Euro as their national currency: Aus- tion, or voluntary acknowledgment of a
tria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, service, rather than because of legal right or
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the liability.
Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain.
Ex post facto (Latin, “after the event”).
Eustress  Positive impact of stress, as stim- Label for financial data generated after
ulation and excitement gained in meeting payments have been made.

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Exception principle  Belief that managers Existence, relatedness, and growth theory
should concentrate on problems that are (ERG)  Developed by American psycholo-
the exceptions to the rules and let subordi- gist Clayton P. Alderfer, a theory of
nates handle routine matters. workplace motivation involving a hierar-
chy of three motivational drivers: existence
Exchange  1. Trade in goods, stocks, shares, needs (physical and material), relatedness
commodities, currencies, or other finan- needs (relating with peers), and growth
cial instruments. 2. Place where such trade needs (desire to be creative and productive
takes place. and for recognition). The theory is applica-
ble to multiple environments, as in home,
Exchange control Restriction on the sale office, and society.
and purchase of foreign currencies or
bonds. Existential culture In business, a corpo-
rate culture in which the organization ex-
Exclusive territory  Geographical area as- ists to serve the individual rather than vice
signed exclusively to a distributor or retailer. versa; coined by business guru Charles
Executive compensation Remuneration of
principal company officers, including base Exit interview In human resources, the
salary, bonuses, long-term incentives, ben- interview conducted with employees before
efits, and perquisites. they leave the organization.

Executive director  Working director who Exit strategy  In finance, a plan by an in-
is also a full-time employee of a company, vestor to dispose of assets in an orderly
generally in charge of a department. fashion. Also termed harvest strategy.

Executive search Process of identifying Exogenous  Relating to factors or influenc-

suitable candidates for senior positions, es that are external to the organization and
done by recruiting agents or consultants therefore outside its control.
known as Headhunters.
Expectancy theory  In human resources, a
Exercise  In law, the right to carry out a theory of motivation that people perform
transaction based on previously agreed- better in accordance with the value they
upon terms. place on the outcome and their expecta-
tions of benefit or gain.
Exercise price  Price at which a specified
security can be purchased in a call option Expected monetary value  In decision mak-
or sold in a put option. ing, statistical term for the sum of outcomes

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 107 E

in monetary terms multiplied by their re- nique used in quantitative forecasting

spective possibilities. whereby more weight is assigned to the
more recent data when charting trends.
Expected value  In decision making, statisti-
cal term for the sum of possible quantitative Extended market mix  In marketing, the
outcomes in quantitative terms multiplied by 6 Ps: price, place, promotion, physical evi-
their probabilities. dence, people, process.

Expense account  1. Heading for each item External environment Institutions out-

of expenditure in an accounting system. side the business environment that have a
2.  Amount paid to executives for out-of- strong influence on the conduct of busi-
pocket expenses when on business travel. ness, such as government, nonprofits, trade
unions, and political parties.
Experience curve  Statistical curve that il-
lustrates the inverse relationship between External growth  Growth in the size of a
costs of production and employee expe- business by means of merger, takeover, or
rience. Costs go down as personnel gain joint ventures, rather than through inter-
more experience. nal growth. Typically, external growth ac-
companies can increase in market share
Expert system  Tool of artificial intellige­
through Horizontal integration or
nce that captures the expertise of knowl-
Vertical integration. The benefits of
edge workers and makes it accessible to
external growth are often offset by the clash
of cultures when disparate companies are
brought together and by the organizational
Explicit costs  Direct cost outlays, such as
changes and costs of implementing such
for raw materials and labor.
Exploitative leadership Authoritarian lea­
Externality  Cost or benefit to a company
dership that looks upon employees as means
that is not matched or compensated by pro-
for reaching their own ends.
portionate financial reward. For example,
Exploratory focus group In marketing, a a new housing development may increase
group of representative users and customers the number of residences and purchasing
who aid in pilot-testing a product by defin- power of the neighborhood, but it may
ing its problems, asking questions, generat- result in overcrowding on roadways, in-
ing hypotheses, and suggesting new ideas. creased pollution, and more demand for
social services. Some other types of exter-
Exponential smoothing Statistical tech- nal costs are pollution on public waterways

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and the impact of built-up land on wildlife. Extinguish  In business, to settle or termi-
Externalities also impinge on individual nate an obligation.
rights and groups in public settings.
Extraordinary  Relating to an exceptional
Also called spillover costs, external
event or account unrelated to the normal
costs are borne not by the company initiat-
activities of a company, such as a meeting
ing a project but by third parties and thus
or resolution, or costs and expenditures.
are subject to legal remedies. Also, they are
sometimes self-correcting and sometimes
Eyebrow management  Communication by
carry benefits as well as damages. Beneficial
management whereby an idea is summarily
Externalities include the beautification
dismissed by facial expression without giv-
of a neighborhood or an increase in prop-
ing a reason.
erty values following a new roadway.

American Management Association

Fabless production Production subcon- ducer, thereby assuming the risk of debt

tracted under strict supervision to outside collection and accepting the credit risk. In
firms. service factoring, the Factor assumes the
risk and collects the debt, while in service-
Face-to-face skills Effective verbal com- plus-finance factoring, the factor also fi-
munication skills, particularly in small nances up to 90% of the debt.
Factors of production  Resources required
Facilitator  Person who helps groups to to produce material goods, such as land
identify and solve problems by structuring and natural resources, labor, capital, raw
the discussion and intervening to guide the materials, and managerial ability. For each
participants to arrive at solutions. factor there is an associated cost: for land
and natural resources, there is rent; for la-
Facility-sustaining activity Operations bor, there are wages; for capital, there is in-
whose performance helps to sustain an terest; for raw materials, there is cost and
organization as a whole, such as security, inventory; and for managerial ability, there
safety, and physical maintenance. are human resources costs.

Factor  1. Business engaged in Factoring. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) 
2. Person who acts as an agent for a com- Technique of analysis showing why sys-
mission, or factorage. tems fail and at what stage or point, as well
as the consequences of failure. It also helps
Factor-comparison method Type of job in establishing preventive maintenance and
and pay scales evaluation in which jobs are contingency or emergency plans.
compared in terms of compensable job fac-
tors, such as skill, effort, decision making, Fair presentation In accounting, the re-
working conditions, and responsibility. quirement that accounts presented do not
misrepresent the true situation of facts,
Factoring  Buying trade debts from a pro- suggest falsehoods, or suppress the truth.

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Fair trade  Exchange of products between Fast track  Career path for quick advance-
developed and developing countries, based ment, characterized by special training and
on guaranteed fair prices. rapid promotion, designed for people with
management potential.
Fallen angel  In finance, a security that has
dropped below its original value. Fatigue  In business, the point at which
either workers or machines exhibit signs
False market Market in which buyers or of stress, owing to wear and tear and
sellers act on false information or on reports overwork, either because of aging or poor
of a glut or scarcity, which distorts prices. environment.

Fama, Eugene Francis (1939–)  American Fault tree  Analytical technique illustrat-
economist known for his work on portfolio ing the ways in which components of a
theory and asset pricing. He was Profes- system are likely to respond or behave
sor of Finance at the University of Chicago under stress.
Booth School of Business. He coauthored
the textbook, The Theory of Finance. Fayol, Henri (1841–1925) French pioneer
of organizational theory and management,
Family life cycle In marketing, the six who established the structural principles
stages of family life as they relate to sales of formal management. He introduced
of goods and services: (1)  young and sin- the concepts of Chain of command, Job
gle; (2) young childless couples; (3) young description, Management audit, Or-
couples with infants; (4) couples with older ganizational chart, and Span of con-
dependents; (5) older couples with no chil- trol. In his book General and Industrial
dren at home; and (6) older singles includ- Management (1916), he identified the ma-
ing widows and widowers. jor elements of management as planning,
organization, command, coordination,
Fannie Mae Federal National Mortgage and control. His principles of management
Association, founded during the New Deal included esprit de corps and Security of
era in 1938 to expand the secondary mort- tenure.
gage market by securitizing mortgages in
the form of mortgage-backed securities. It is Fayol ladder  The organizational chart or
a government-backed enterprise, although tree developed by Henri Fayol, with dotted-
it has been publicly traded since 1938. In line paths to indicate channels of commu-
2011 it had total assets of $3.2 trillion. nication and hierarchic links.

FAQ  1. Frequently asked questions. 2. Fair FCPA  Foreign Corrupt Practices

average quality. Act

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 111 F

FDIC  Federal Deposit Insurance and the presidents of the 12 Federal Re-
Corporation serve Banks; they meet at least four times
a year.
Feasibility study  Investigation into the vi-
ability of a project or undertaking based on Federal organization Organizational str­
its risks and benefits, including compliance ucture in which departments and subsidi-
with laws and regulations. aries have considerable autonomy and are
permitted to initiate projects, with overall
Featherbedding  1. Restrictive labor prac- authority resting in the central corporation.
tice whereby more staff are employed than Many multinational companies have a fed-
necessary as a conciliatory gesture to labor eral organization demanded by their wide-
unions. 2.  Lax legal regulatory climate in spread operations.
which companies make excessive profits.
Federal Reserve Bank  Any of the 12 banks
Fed  General reference to the Federal Re- that constitute the Federal Reserve Sys-
serve System or Federal Reserve Bank. tem. They are located in Boston, New York,
Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlan-
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ta, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas
(FDIC)  U.S. government corporation op- City, Dallas, and San Francisco.
erating as an independent agency created
by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. Federal Reserve Board Main governing
body of the Federal Reserve System
Federal funds Non-interest-bearing de- charged with overseeing the 12 Federal
posits held at the Federal Reserve Bank, Reserve Banks and with helping shape
which are traded between member banks. national monetary policy. Governors are
appointed by the President of the United
Federal fund rate  Overnight interest rate States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate for
paid on federal funds by member banks of staggered 14-year terms. The board oper-
the Federal Reserve System. It is a highly ates independently of the administration
volatile money-market interest rate that af- but is required to report annually to the
fects every other financial transaction. House of Representatives.

Federal Open Market Committee  Policy Federal Reserve System  Central bank of
committee of the Federal Reserve Sys- the United States, created by the Federal
tem, which controls the level of money and Reserve Act of 1913. It sets monetary poli-
credit in the U.S. banking system and regu- cy, regulates the cost of money, and moni-
lates the money supply. Its members are the tors the money supply. The system is run by
governors of the Federal Reserve Board the Federal Reserve Board.

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Feedback  Information or opinions about Fiedler Contingency Model  Leadership

the quality of products and the perfor- theory of organizational psychology devel-
mance of employees, obtained from clients oped by Fred Fiedler. According to Fiedler,
and customers or associates and considered there is no ideal leader. Both task-oriented
essential for evaluation, quality manage- and relationship-oriented leaders can be ef-
ment, and continuous improvement. Feed- fective if their leadership fits the situation.
back can be upward or downward. The Contingency Theory can predict the
characteristics of the appropriate situation
Feedback control  Management of the per- for effectiveness. A favorable situation is
formance of an operating system, achieved when there is a good leader-member rela-
by monitoring outputs and comparing tion, a highly structured task, or a high lead-
them with the system’s design parameters, er position power.
then making adjustments for more efficient
operation. Field  In marketing, a district or region
where research is conducted by a sales team
Feedforward control Management of the or manager.
performance of an operating system,
FIFO  First-in, first-out cost
achieved by forecasting future problems
and glitches and taking steps to avoid
Fifth discipline One of the characteris-
tics of a Learning organization, which
includes (1) systems thinking; (2) personal
Feigenbaum, Armand Vallin (1922–) 
mastery; (3) mental models; (4) shared vi-
American quality control expert who de-
sion; and (5)  team learning. The concept
vised the concept of total quality control, lat-
was formulated by MIT scientist Peter
er known as Total Quality Management.
He is the author of Quality Control: Prin-
ciples, Practice and Administration (1945), Finance  1.  Management and manipula-
Total Quality Control (1951), The Power of tion of money. 2. Capital as a factor in the
Management Capital (2003), and The Power conduct of a business or in a business trans-
of Management Innovation (2009). action. 3. Branch of economics dealing with
money and its management.
Fiedler, Fred (1922–)  One of the leading
researchers in industrial and organizational Financial appraisal Evaluation to decide
psychology. He was a professor at the Uni- among a range of alternatives by which
versity of Washington. He is the author of money can be obtained or spent. The ap-
the Fiedler Contingency Model, which is praisal usually includes Cash flow tech-
used to assess the traits and personal char- niques, Ratio analysis, Profitability
acteristics of leaders. index, and Risk analysis.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 113 F

Financial crisis  Collapse of the financial Financial year  Year accepted by a business
market and its lending institutions, leading as constituting the accounting period for
to a Recession, as in the Wall Street melt- which its budgets are established. Also Fis-
down of 2008. cal year.

Financial distress Situation in which a Fire fighting Reactive management style

failing business enterprise contemplates that expends considerable effort in dealing
insolvency and bankruptcy, leading to a with petty crises rather than taking broader
restructuring and a search for working actions to prevent them.
Firewall  In a conglomerate, a barrier be-
Financial futures Tradable contract for tween the funding or ownership of one en-
future purchase of currency, interest rate, tity and other entities in the group so as to
or other financial asset. Financial futures avoid spreading problems across the corpo-
enable traders to manage risks more ef- ration. Also, in computers, a protective wall
fectively and to gain additional profits, but against viruses and worms.
they are subject to great volatility.
Firm  Business organization or partnership
Financial institution Establishment that as a discrete entity.
provides financial services or trades in fi-
nancial products; for example, banks and Firm commitment In finance, an agree-
savings and loan associations. ment by which the underwriter of an issue
agrees to buy all unsold securities at the of-
Financial instrument  Contract involving fering price.
a financial obligation, such as a stock, bond,
loan, and derivative. First-in, first-out (FIFO)  Accounting sys-
tem in which costs for raw materials of each
Financial modeling Construction and use finished batch are determined as their earli-
of planning and decision models based est invoiced value.
on financial data to simulate actual condi-
tions. The models include discounted Cash First-mover advantage  Head start gained
flow, Decision tree, Learning curve, by the company that is the first in the mar-
and Budgetary control. ket with a new product or product line, in-
cluding an enhanced reputation for being
Financial statement Annual review and innovative and the ability to set industry
report of a business’s financial health, in- standards. First-movers may exploit their
cluding profit-and-loss accounting, a bal- head start to provide superior service at
ance sheet, a statement of gains and losses, lower cost, pre-empt the competition, and
and a cash-flow statement. displace traditional leaders, and thereby

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achieve customer loyalty There are also posed by industries producing substitute
disadvantages to being first, such as invest- goods and services; and (5)  competition
ment in perfecting the technology. from rivals within the industry. In this
model, suppliers can influence profits by
First-tier market Main market in which raising prices, reducing quality, and re-
the equity of a large company is traded. ducing output. A supplier’s influence may
Compare Second-tier market. be strong if there are no available substi-
tutes for the products offered, if there are
Fiscal agent 1.  Representative for a na-
switching costs, if the supplier has a domi-
tional financial institution. 2.  Individual
nant position, and if the product is unique.
empowered to collect revenues on behalf of
Buyers can threaten profitability by forcing
the U.S. Treasury.
prices down and demanding higher quality
or more service. They are classified as com-
Fiscal drag  Deflationary impact of an in-
mercial buyers or end consumers. Buyers
crease in tax revenues under a progressive
tax regimen. have an advantage when the market enter-
tains many sellers, when the products are
Fiscal policy  Use of government spending undifferentiated, when there are available
and taxation to influence Macroeconom- substitutes, and when the purchase repre-
ic conditions. sents a significant portion of the buyer’s
cost, turnover, or income.
Fiscal year  Accounting period, also known The more powerful the buyer, the
as a tax year or assessment year. greater the leverage. New entrants dilute
profitability by forcing a reconfiguration of
Fishbone chart Diagram that identifies
the cost structures and development of new
problems at each step in a problem-solving
competitive strategies. The threat of substi-
tute products is an ever-present danger that
Fishbone technique  Problem-solving destabilizes the market. Intense rivalry may
method employed in Total Quality result from the existence of a large number
Management. of competitors with comparable resources,
making it difficult for a winner to emerge
Five forces model Formulated by theo- and dominate the market. Slow industry
rist Michael Porter, a model that de- growth may also encourage rivalry for mar-
scribes the five main forces of competition: ket shares, as do lack of product differentia-
(1) purchasing power of suppliers; (2) pur- tion, high fixed costs creating a temptation
chasing power of buyers; (3) threat of a po- to reduce prices, and increased capacity
tential new entry from outside; (4)  threat utilization and high exit barriers.

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Five Nines  In marketing, implication that prices move inversely with the general lev-
a product is almost perfect, as in 99.999%. el of interest rates.

FiveS Methodology A workplace organiza- Fixed pie Assumption that the market

tion method that uses five Japanese words— for a product is finite and that an increase
seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke—to in one segment will be at the expense of
describe organization of a work space for another.
efficiency and effectiveness by identifying
the items used and maintaining the work Flag of convenience  National flag of cer-
space. It has five primary phases: sort- tain small countries, such as Panama or Li-
ing, straightening, systematic cleaning, beria, flown by a ship owned by nationals of
another country. Flag is flown to avoid pay-
standardizing, and sustaining. Devised
ing high taxes, incurring high labor costs,
by Japanese business consultant Horoyuki
and meeting stringent safety and environ-
mental regulations.
Fixed asset  Valued resource or investment,
Flagship  Headquarters of a large retail
whether intangible or tangible. Tangible as-
chain that also serves as its largest and most
sets include real estate, plants, and machin-
prestigious store.
ery, and they must be written off through
depreciation to the profit-and-loss account Flat organization  Company with relative-
over their useful economic life. Intangi- ly few levels in its hierarchical structure.
ble assets include goodwill, patents, and Compare Tall organization.
trademarks, and they are amortized. Also
capital asset, durable asset. Flat tax  Tax system with a single tax rate
for all payers, with no exemptions except
Fixed capital  Amount of money tied up in for standard personal allowance. Its advan-
Fixed assets. tages are simplicity, reduction of adminis-
trative costs, and elimination of loopholes;
Fixed cost  Expenses incurred in produc- it also has a high income threshold at which
ing goods and services that are independ- taxes become payable. Its disadvantages are
ent of the volume of production, such as that it militates against the ability-to-pay
rent. principle and shifts the tax burden from the
wealthiest to lower and middle classes.
Fixed-interest security Type of security
that gives a fixed rate of interest, including Flexible firm  Company that follows a flex-
Gilt-edged securities, bonds, preferred ible model in its division of employees (into
shares, and debentures. They offer less core and noncore), number of employees,
scope for capital appreciation and their and pay and fringe benefits.

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Flexible manning Work arrangement that Flight of capital  Movement of money out

allows variations in regard to hours worked, of a country in response to political or eco-
payments scheduled, and number of workers nomic instability.
Flight risk  In business, an employee who is
Flexible manufacturing system  Automat- likely or planning to leave an organization.
ed and computerized production line that
can be easily reprogrammed to manufac- Flight to quality Movement of invest-
ture any product in response to consumer ments to safer assets, such as gold, in times
demand. It consists of a group of numeri- of economic volatility and uncertainty.
cally controlled interconnected machine
tools, run by a central control system. Its Float  In business, to launch a new company.
benefits include less waste, fewer work sta-
tions, quicker changes of tools, reduced Floating  Denoting a debt, exchange rate,
downtime, better quality control, reduced interest rate, or warranty not tied to a
labor, more efficient use of machinery, and fixed correlate but, rather, is allowed to
less turnaround time. It is best suited for move up and down in unison with other
high-volume production of many parts. indicators.

Flexible working hours (FWT) Work Floating labor  Migrant labor that has no
schedule without fixed starting and closing fixed company affiliation and shifts between
times. The workday is divided into a core places of employment, taking on whatever
period and several flexible periods from work is available.
which an employee may choose the most
convenient to complete the total number of Floor  1.  Minimum price or rate at which
hours per week or month. The period be- a transaction can take place. 2.  Area in a
tween the earliest permitted starting time stock exchange set aside for face-to-face
and latest closing time is known as the transactions.
Bandwidth. Additionally, an employee
may carry forward a credit or debit of hours Flow chart  Diagram that shows the flow of
to the next work week. In French, this sys- materials, people, or information through a
tem is known as Horaire Dynamique and in system and the hierarchic importance of
German as Gleitzeit, or gliding time. each level.

Flexibility  Ability to adapt to change, ma- Flow production  Continuous manufactu­

neuver in troubled waters, and take advan- ring during which raw materials are fed at
tage of new opportunities quickly. one end of the process and finished prod-
ucts emerge at the other end, as in petro-
Flextime  See Flexible working hours. chemicals, sugar, and steel.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 117 F

Flow theory  In human resources, the de- Follett, Mary Parker (1868–1933) Brit-
scription of how people interact under stress ish management writer and an adherent of
or when faced with imminent change, and the Classical school of management.
how they try to synchronize their actions Follett was particularly interested in how
with those of the external environment. conflicts are resolved, and she coined the
term Law of the situation to describe
Flurry  In finance, a burst of speculative the depersonalization of conflicts. Her
activity in a market. book Creative Experience (1924) advocated
integration as a means of reducing conflict
Flyback timing Work measurement not-
without compromise or domination.
ing each element of a job separately, as op-
posed to Cumulative timing. Followership  In human resources, the
study of followers and their psychology and
Flying-geese model View of economic
development in which the developmental
status of one nation has an impact on the
Follow-the-leader strategy  Pricing strat-
economy of its neighbors.
egy in which the bellwether or the market
leader sets the price increase or reduction,
FMEA  Failure mode and effect
and the others follow suit. This is com-
mon in industries with a weak competi-
Focus group Exploratory research group tive base.
of 8 to 12 paid participants headed by a
moderator, who meet for in-depth discus- Football-bell  Shape of ideal business or-
sions of problems and ideas in which they ganization, recommended by management
have an interest. In marketing, usually they analysts Harold Leavitt and Thomas L.
meet during the conceptual stages of new Whisler in 1980; the model has more in-
product development. novators in the top layer and fewer middle-
and lower-level managers.
Focused improvement  Betterment of total
performance, resulting from a study of con- Footprint  Physical space or premises oc-
straints and bottlenecks, and with deliberate cupied by a commercial unit.
efforts made to eliminate them, one by one.
Force majeure  (French, “superior force”)
Focused strategy  Business tactic by which In a contract, an event occurring outside
firms divest themselves of their noncore the control of either party, such as a riot,
activities and investments in an effort to war, or revolution, that may excuse either
maximize performance of the core compe- party from its liabilities or from fulfilling
tencies. Opposite of Diversification. the contractual obligations.

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Forced choice  In performance appraisal, a Forensic accounting 1.  Accounting un-

method of rating staff by providing descrip- dertaken in relation to a case pending in
tive phrases to be selected by the respond- a court of law. 2. Accounting with the aim
ent as the most applicable. of uncovering fraud in past business trans-
actions, initiated on the basis of partial or
Force-field analysis Analytical technique whistleblower information.
identifying negative and positive factors,
and presenting them as a chart. Form 10K Annual report mandated by
law to the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Ford, Henry (1863–1947)  Founder of the Commission by companies listed on any of
Ford Motor Company and the 1913 inventor the national stock exchanges. Form 10K is
of the assembly-line model of production. abbreviated quarterly return.

Fordism  Management philosophy of as- Forrester, Jay Wright (1918–) Pioneer

sembly-line mass production, first initiated Ame­rican computer engineer and profes-
by Henry Ford. sor at MIT Sloan School of Management
He is the founder of Systems dynamics,
Forecasting  Art of predicting future trends which deals with the simulation of interac-
and creating alternate scenarios, based on tions between objects in dynamic systems.
extrapolation of current trends or a study of He developed ideas and theories that later
past behavior under similar circumstances. became the foundation of Supply chain
Forecasts are based on methods such as the management.
Delphi technique or market research or
polling. Forward price  Predetermined delivery price
of a commodity or currency or asset to be
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)  paid at a predetermined date regardless of
1997 Act of U.S. Congress prohibiting the market conditions.
use of bribes to facilitate the conduct of
business in foreign countries. Forward contract  Contract related to the
futures contract but is not traded in an ex-
Foreign exchange market Institutions change.
where traders buy and sell currencies
electronically. The principal foreign ex- Forward integration  Extension of a com-
change markets are in New York, London, pany’s business operations further down
Tokyo, Singapore, Switzerland, Hong the chain of production and retailing.
Kong, and Berlin. Nearly 85% of all for-
eign exchange transactions are in dollar, Forward market  Exchange for dealing in
which is the numeraire. Forwards contracts.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 119 F

Forwards  Contracts for commodities or Franchise  License granted to a manufac-

securities for delivery at a future date, at a turer, dealer, or trader to use a brand name
price agreed upon beforehand, called the in a particular area for a stated period, in
forward price. These differ from Futures return for royalties or fees. The licensee
contracts in that they cannot be closed out may also receive from the licensor techni-
by matching transactions. cal expertise, financing, and inventory.

Four-firm concentration ratio Measure Frankfurt Stock Exchange Oldest and

of the combined market share of the four largest of the eight regional German stock
largest firms in a particular industry. A exchanges, founded in 1820. It accounts for
concentration of 40% indicates an Oli- 75% of equity trading in Germany and has
gopoly and a concentration of 80% is a four markets, of which one is for bonds and
Monopoly. one for small companies.

Four Ps Four fundamental principles of Freddie Mac  Colloquial name for the Fed-
marketing—namely, product, price, place eral Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
(or channel of distribution), and promotion. (FHLMC).

Fourth level of service A company’s Free cash flow  Measure of positive cash flow
highest level of service provided to its that is generated or consumed by a company,
consumers. often defined as after-tax operating profit
less net capital expenditure. It can be used to
Fourth market  Exchange in unlisted secu-
pay dividends, acquire other companies, in-
rities, with trading conducted directly be-
vest in new opportunities, and reduce debt.
tween investors.
Free enterprise Economic system asso-
Fourth World  Least developed and poor-
ciated with Capitalism in which private
est countries of the world. Term modeled
business operates with minimum state in-
on the Third World, or the nonindustrial-
tervention. Free enterprise is self-regulating
ized world and the First World or the in-
and autonomous in terms of the control and
dustrialized world.
ownership of businesses.
FRAC  Frequency, recency, amount,
and category Free lunch  Allusion to a free benefit, wh­
ich in the negative (“no free lunch”) carries
Fractional unemployment Temporary un­ a hidden price tag. The expression comes
employment even in conditions of full em- from the British pub tradition of offering
ployment, occurring when transitioning free lunch so long as the consumer buys
from one job to another. drinks at a hefty price.

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Free market  System of commerce that op- Frequency, recency, amount, and cate-
erates free from government interference, gory (FRAC)  Four characteristics used to
characterized by prices governed by sup- calibrate consumer behavior. Frequency is
ply and demand. Companies in a free mar- the time elapsed between purchases, recen-
ket succeed or fail based on their ability to cy is the date of the last purchase, amount
compete. is the average value of the customer’s pur-
chase, and category refers to the product in
Free ride  In finance, a situation in which which the customer is most interested.
traders or investors benefit from develop-
ments to which they do not contribute any- Friction-free capitalism Term coined by
thing. Microsoft founder Bill Gates to denote
market efficiencies introduced by innova-
Free trade Unrestricted trade across na- tions like the Internet, which has abolished
tional borders, including absence of tariffs the physical distance between seller and
and quotas. Free trade is guaranteed under buyer and has provided easy access to prod-
Gatt agreements, as well as regional trade uct information.
agreements such as Nafta and Efta. The
most important component of a free trade Friedman, Milton (1912–2006) American
agreement is the Most-favored-nation economist, Professor of Economics at the
clause. University of Chicago, and winner of the
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. He is
Freedom of contract  Eligibility and right best known as a conservative thinker and
to enter into a legal contract. In the U.S. the father of Supply-side economics. His
Constitution, it is called the obligation of research into consumption analysis, mon-
contracts. etary history and theory, and stabilization
policy forms the basis of supply-side eco-
Freeze-out  Attempt to pressure minority nomics. He was opposed to all forms of
shareholders of a company that has been Keynesianism and promoted an alternative
taken over to sell their stock to the new macroeconomic policy known as Monetar-
owners. ism. His most influential book was Capital-
ism and Freedom (1962).
Freight absorption  Pricing applied to all
or part of the shipping costs as a service or Friedmanite  Follower of economist Milton
bonus to customers. Friedman, the high priest of Supply-side
economics, representing the conservative
Frequency marketing  Strategies for mar- wing of academic economists and promoting
keting designed to encourage customers to monetary theories that emphasize manipula-
make more frequent purchases, such as of- tion of the money supply as a driver of eco-
fering frequent-flyer miles. nomic activity.

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Fringe benefits Additional compensation cating tasks according to function. Those

for employment beyond salary, such as performing the same or similar kinds of
health insurance; fringe benefits are not work are grouped together based on their
viewed as taxable income. aptitudes and skills and placed under a
common manager. Other kinds of depart-
Front office, back office  Traditional divi- mentation are by numbers, time of duty,
sion between the parts of an organization, product, process or equipment, customer,
with front office being open to scrutiny by or location.
the public and back office being off-limits.
There is more concentration of authority in Functional leader  Member of a group who
the back office. emerges to take on a leadership role and is
accepted as such by other members.
Frozen assets  Assets of a government, cor-
poration, or person seized by a government Functional organization  Form of organi­
as a hostile act pending the resolution of a zational structure in which specialists car-
dispute. ry out their functions without authority
over the people outside their jurisdiction.
FTSE 100  Index of the 100 leading shares The natural arrangement is by specialized
on the London Stock Exchange, compiled Functions, including a general manager,
by the Financial Times. research and development, production, hu-
man resources, marketing, and finance and
Full employment  Complete labor utiliza- accounting. As firms grow, the functions
tion in a country in which all able-bodied become more fully developed. Finance and
persons have gainful employment. accounting are separated, as are sales and
marketing; exports become an independent
Full-line strategy Tactic by which com- division. When multisite operations com-
panies saturate the market with all kinds mence, they are placed under regional man-
of variations of a particular brand so as to agers. A number of variants are introduced,
preempt competition. Also termed deep- such as product divisions.
line strategy.
Functional strategy  Approach utilizing
Function  Discrete activity to which a de- Functions to achieve organizational goals,
partment in a company is devoted, such as as a means of maximizing Synergy.
advertising or legal services. Budgets are
prepared by departments oriented toward Fund  Money managed on behalf of a cli-
functions. ent by a financial institution or to support a
designated activity.
Functional departmentation Policy of
segregating organizational work and allo- Fundamental analysis Evaluation of a

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security by examining all macroeconomic Future shock  Term introduced by futurist

factors (such as the overall economic con- Alvin Toffler to describe the disorienta-
ditions) and company-specific factors (such tion caused by too rapid change, not giving
as the financial condition and manage- people time to adapt or assimilate.
ment). The most important tool of funda-
mental analysis is the financial statement. It Futures contract Contract between two
uses top-down or bottom-up methods. The parties to buy or sell a specified asset for
former will include a study of the entire a price (known as the futures price or the
market, the specific technology sector, the strike price) with delivery and payment at
industry as a whole and the performance a future date (the delivery date). These con-
of the stock, competition, and price move- tracts are exchanged at a futures exchange.
ments. Opposite of technical analysis. The buyer is known as the “long” and the
seller as the “short,” reflecting their respec-
Fundamental term Key word or phrase tive expectations. The assets being transact-
in a contract that defines the essential con- ed may be commodities, bonds, stocks, or
tractual obligations. currencies as well as intangible assets such
as stock indexes and interest rates.
Fungible  Good or product that can be re-
placed by another without loss of value. Futures research  Identification and study
of alternative future scenarios to help in
Fusion  In business, the melding of em- anticipating and planning for future de-
ployee outlook with that of management, velopments.
as a result of indoctrination.

American Management Association

GAAP  Generally accepted making techniques to a business problem

accounting principles or transaction.

GAAS  Generally accepted Gantt, Henry (1861–1919)  American en­gi­

auditing standards neer and colleague of F. W. Taylor. Gantt
was a pioneer in management consultancy
Gain sharing Form of output-based in- and developed the Gantt chart. He em-
centive that links rewards with the measure phasized the human element in manage-
of value added. Value added is derived ment and the role of motivation in increas-
from the total profits minus the value of ing productivity.
labor, raw materials, energy, and overhead
and is considered a reliable index of per- Gantt chart Graph devised by Henry
formance. Gantt to measure work progress along a
time scale. The planned activity is shown
Galloping inflation Rapid, out-of-con- on a horizontal line and the completion
trol Inflation that augurs an economic date is shown on a vertical line.
Gap  In finance, the difference between in-
Game theory Mathematical approach to terest rates on loans and interest rates on
predicting the outcome in situations where deposits. This is a measure of risk used in
participants have incomplete information banking.
about each other’s intentions. Introduced
by John Von Neumann and Oskar Mor- Gap analysis  1. In marketing, a tabulation
genstern, and developed by John Nash, of all known types of consumer desire for
John Harsanyi, and Richard Selten. a category of goods, cross-listed with com-
plementary features in existing products.
Gaming  In business, the application of The analysis reveals the gap between con-
computer-based simulation and decision- sumer expectations and their fulfillment.

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2.  In management, the difference between pany that creates opportunities and grows
mission and realized performance, and be- by more than 20% annually.
tween aspirations and quantified objectives,
with the goal of bringing performance up Gazump  To raise the price of or accept a
to the level of the goals. higher bid in a situation where a lower sale
price had been orally agreed to before a
Garage  In finance, to transfer assets and contract had been signed.
liabilities from one nation to another, with
the goal of achieving lower tax liabilities. Gazunder  To accept or offer a lower price
before a contract is signed.
Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) Slang
GDP  Gross domestic product
expression capturing the belief that the
quality of the output will match the quality
GE matrix  Tool for analyzing the relative
of the input.
strengths of brands within a large diversi-
fied corporation. Two measures are used
Garden leave clause  Wording in an em-
to score the items: (1) attractiveness of the
ployment contract that provides for an
industry or service and (2) strength of the
extended period of notice on leaving em-
product. Individual products are shown as
ployment, during which the employee is
pie charts of various sizes, where the di-
on full salary but is not required to report ameter of the pie indicates the size of the
to duty. This clause is invoked when an market and the size of the slice indicates
employer wants to prevent an employee the market share. Also known as McKinsey
from joining a rival firm or divulging matrix.
trade secrets.
Gearing  For a company, the ratio of funds
Gatekeeper  Manager who determines what available from ordinary shares to deben-
information should be disseminated and tures and preference shares. A company
what should be kept secret or suppressed. has high gearing when the majority of its
funding is derived from fixed-rate interest
Gates, Bill (1955–)  Cofounder of Micro- charges and it has low gearing when its capi-
soft, the world’s largest personal computer tal is predominantly in ordinary shares. If
software company and the world’s richest the company does well, the ordinary share-
man. holders share in the windfall.

GATT  General Agreement on Tariffs Genba shugi  (Japanese, “respectable shop

and Trade floor”) Name for a career path in Japan,
where top managers start their careers as
Gazelle  In business, a fast-growing com- shop-floor workers.

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Gender segmentation  Division of a mar- for learning are encouraged. See also Baby
ket and its target population on the basis of boomer.
Generic advertising  Advertisements for a
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade broad industry or a class of products, such
(GATT)  Trade treaty supported by 95 as autos or wool, rather than a brand.
world nations, with an additional 28 na-
tions accepting its jurisdiction. Its goal is Generic strategy  Approach to marketing
to expand world trade and provide a fo- products or services, using three basic el-
rum for the resolution of disputes. GATT ements: cost reduction, product differen-
is periodically revised in discussions called tiation, and focus. Introduced by Michael
rounds. Porter, this approach is aimed at secur-
ing a long-term, sustainable advantage for
General needs description  Statement sent new or existing products in new or existing
to vendors inviting them to submit bids to markets. (1) Cost reduction should be con-
supply products a company intends to pur- tinuous, so that the cost differential over
chase, with specifications and prices. competitors is maintained and reflects all
stages of the value chain. That is, the great-
Generalist  Person with no special skills er the market share, the greater the cost re-
but who is proficient in all fields and can duction. It is a strategy that works best in
therefore function in a variety of roles. Op- stable environments. (2) Product differen-
posite of a specialist. tiation is achieved either through market-
ing or through innovation. Differentiation
Generally accepted accounting principles should involve all parts of the value chain,
(GAAP)  Standards and concepts of ac- and the markets should be able to be sub-
counting that are applicable to all compa- divided. This strategy is more appropriate
nies in a particular country. to dynamic industry environments. (3) Fo-
cus exploits the differences in cost behavior
Generally accepted auditing standards in some segments and the special needs of
(GAAS)  Rules and guidelines set down by buyers in those segments. Porter suggests
the Auditing Standards Board of the Ameri- that all three strategies should be pursued
can Institute of Certified Public Accountants. together, but they should not at the cost
of the firm’s primary mission; otherwise,
Generation X  Men and women born be- the company will be “stuck in the middle,”
tween 1963 and 1981, as constituting a par- without any choices.
ticular cohort in terms of expectations and
motivations. They are said to be looking for Gentleman’s agreement Verbal contract
new but undefined challenges and a work- that depends on the honor of those in-
life balance in which new opportunities volved for its implementation.

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Geodemographic segmentation  Market Gilbreth, Frank (1868–1924) American

segmentation that groups consumers ac- management scientist who pioneered the
cording to demographic variables, such as time-and-motion study. Along with his
age, gender, or age, and identifies them by wife, Lillian Gilbreth, he invented the
postal code. The goal is to highlight affluent Simo chart and Therblig.
neighborhoods where people are likely to
have solid buying habits. Gilbreth, Lillian (1878–1972) Wife of Fr­
ank Gilbreth and his partner in many of his
Geographical departmentation Alloca­ studies. Her book Psychology of Manage-
tion of tasks and organization of work ment (1914) was one of the earliest dealing
according to location. See Functional with industrial psychology. As Professor
departmentation. of Management at Purdue University, she
wrote about worker fatigue, scientific man-
Gesellschaft mit beschrankter hafting (GM agement as applied to home economics,
BH)  In Germany, a company with limited and disabled workers.
Gilt-edged bond (g-bond) Bond that is
Ghoshal, Sumantra (1948–2004)  Manage- attractive to investors because of the pres-
ment guru who formulated the Three P’s— tige of the issuing company.
purpose, process, and people—to replace the
Three Ss (strategy, structure, and systems) Gilt-edged security High-grade bonds iss­
as a new model for transnational enterprise. ued by a government or a corporation.
They are highly rated investments with very
Giffen, Robert (1837–1910)  Scottish stat- low risk.
istician and economist. He gained a repu-
tation as a financial journalist and later Ginnie Mae  Colloquial name for the Gov-
became controller-general of the Board of ernment National Mortgage Association,
Trade. His principal publications include which is the principal government-backed
American Railways as Investments (1873), mortgage provider and guarantor in the
Essays on Finance (1884), The Progress of United States.
the Working Classes (1884), and The Growth
of Capital (1890). Giro  Method of money transfer in Eu-
rope, used for clearing and settling small
Giffen paradox Observation of Sir Rob- payments.
ert Giffen that consumers buy fewer
goods when prices fall and more goods Give-back  Agreement by which employers
when prices rise. persuade workers and unions to take a cut
in wages and benefits in times of economic
GIGO  Garbage in, garbage out downturn.

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Glacier studies Research conducted at ence, like Coca-Cola, Nike, McDonald’s,

the Glacier Metal Company, in London, and Levi’s. The nomenclature and logos of
by management thinkers Elliott Jaques these global brands must have universal
and Frederick Emory from 1948 to 1965. applicability.
Their goal was to investigate the develop-
ment of group relations and changes in Global bond  Bond that is issued and trad-
employee roles and responsibilities. Out ed in a country other than the one in which
of the study came a methodology called it is issued.
working through, which examined social
and personal factors in disputes. It also was Global custody Safekeeping of securities
discussed in Jaques’s book The Changing by banks on behalf of clients.
Culture of a Factory (1951), where he intro-
duced the concept of Time span of discre- Global firm Multinational company that
tion, which stated that all jobs have some operates in several countries, with its head-
level of responsibility that requires discre- quarters in one country.
tion and judgment.
Global information system  Database that
Glass ceiling  General term for the invis- captures, stores, updates, manipulates, ana-
ible barriers that hinder career advance- lyzes, and displays a whole range of infor-
ment for women. mation on a particular field of activity.

Glass-Steagall Act 1933 legislation that Global localization Strategy adopted by

separated commercial banking from in- global corporations to have a global reach
vestment banking in the United States and but also be sensitive to local needs. Also
that established the Federal Deposit In- termed glocalization.
surance Corporation. The legislation
was introduced as part of the New Deal to Global village  Term coined by communi­
curb the speculation that led to the Great cations thinker Herbert Marshall
Depression. The act was repealed in 1999. McLuhan to describe the worldwide cul-
tural convergence, propelled by a border-
Global branding  Globalization of trade- less world communications system.
marks and trade names so as to be sensi-
tive to regional differences and national Globalization  1. Removal or breakdown of
pride. Generally, neutral names are pre- national barriers to trade, commerce, and
ferred to those with cultural ties to par- industry, with business activities of all kinds
ticular ethnicities. flowing from new technologies, instant
communications, deregulation, transnation-
Global brands Consumer products that al investments, and better modes of travel
have established a near-universal pres- and transportation. 2.  Internationalization

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of consumer products, tastes, and skills as a Gnomes of Zurich  Term coined by Brit-
result of broadened educational systems and ish politician Gordon Brown to character-
the growth of English as lingua franca. ize Swiss bankers, who have considerable
financial clout and who use their laws to
Globalization has rendered businesses
protect the identities of depositors who
less reliant on national markets and has
keep vast amounts of illegal money in Swiss
given them considerable leeway in choos-
bank accounts.
ing industrial sites as well as greater access
to cheap labor markets. They are able to GNP  Gross national product
offset losses in one country with profits in
another country, while also avoiding puni- Go private  Decision of a company to re-
tive taxes. On the plus side, globalization move itself from a stock exchange and buy
has introduced ethnic diversity into man- back all outstanding shares.
agement and staffing, and has encouraged
devolution of power to local units outside Go public  Decision of a company to sell
the home country. Globalization follows six shares to the public, as listed on a stock ex-
patterns: (1)  licensing; (2)  operation as a change.
domestic corporation with exports through
agents or distributors; (3)  adoption of a Gordon, W. J.  See Synectics.
multicountry strategy; (4)  become a low-
Go slow  Form of industrial action, often
cost supplier to buyers around the world;
considered illegal, in which workers delib-
(5)  adoption of a global differentiation
erately reduce their output by alternating
strategy to create products under a single
periods of physical inactivity.
brand; and (6) establishment of a strategic
niche in important countries or regions. A Goal convergence  State of harmony in a
result of globalization is the increasing ho- business organization, achieved when top
mogenization of demand and supply, which executives are in agreement on the goal and
can be exploited through radical economies direction of the company and there is lit-
of scale. Trading blocs such as the Euro- tle or no power struggle, internal strife, or
pean Union and Nafta also promote in- other friction.
cremental globalization.
Goal divergence State of disharmony in
GMAT  Graduate Management a business organization that occurs when
Admission Test there is open disagreement among execu-
tives on the fundamentals, such as the goal
GmbH  Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haf- and direction of the company, and progress
tung, the abbreviation in Germany for a is hampered by power struggles, internal
limited company. strife, and other friction.

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Goal-setting  Determining individual or fered to key executives to persuade them to

collective performance targets for employ- remain with the firm. Also Golden para-
ees, based on four criteria: (1)  challenging chute.
but realistic; (2) specific, not vague; (3) meas-
urable; and (4) inclusive of employees. The Golden handshake  Compensation for loss
three most common goal-setting procedures of office, including severance pay, made to
are top-down, bottom-up, and interactive. an executive, especially one who is forced
to retire before the expiry of a service
Godfather offer  Tender offer from a take- contract.
over firm that is so high that the manage-
ment of the target company is compelled to Golden hello Payment made to induce
recommend its acceptance. a person to accept employment and sever
connections with a prior firm.
Goffee, Robert  Emeritus Professor of Or-
ganizational Behavior at the London Busi- Golden parachute Financial benefits pro­
ness School. Author of Why Should Anyone mised to executives in the event their em-
be Led by You? ployment is terminated, usually as a result
of a merger.
Gogo fund  Slang term for a mutual fund
aimed at high returns at high risk. Goldilocks economy Ideal economic st­
ate, with low inflation, steady growth, and
Going concern  In accounting, description high employment. Term is allusion to the
of a sound enterprise that will continue children’s story Goldilocks and the Three
to operate for the foreseeable future and Bears, in which the porridge is not too hot
therefore all assets are shown at cost and nor too cold, but just right.
not at their breakup value.
Goldratt, Eliyahu Israeli management guru
Going-rate pricing Method of pricing who formulated his Theory of cons­
goods that is based on prices of compet- traints.
ing products rather than on Supply and
demand. Goodhart’s law Principle developed by
economist Charles Goodhart that the va-
Gold standard  1.  Monetary system or cur- lidity of an economic law is in inverse rela-
rency based on the price of gold held in tionship to its general acceptance. Thus, the
reserve by a country. Almost all countries value of a specific variable as an indicator
of the world are now off the gold standard. of economic activity decreases when it be-
2. Ultimate standard of excellence. comes a target of study. Formerly applied to
when the money supply is used as a measure
Golden handcuffs Financial incentives of- of economic growth.

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Goodwill  Intangible asset built up by a Grapevine  Word-of-mouth form of com-

business over the years, reflecting custom- munication, often characterized by rumor
ers’ trust and confidence in the products and and unconfirmed reports.
the company’s reputation for fair dealings.
Graphology  Study of handwriting as an
Gopertz curve  Name for the curved line indicator of character, personality, work
on a graph tracing the actual or potential habits, and performance.
sales of a new product over time, show-
ing discrete stages of growth, plateau, and Graveyard market An extreme form of
decline. bear market ruled by fear on the part of
both buyers and sellers.
Gozinto chart  Graphic illustration of how
complete assemblies are built and the se- Graveyard shift  Nighttime work shift, us­
quence of the assembly. ually from midnight to dawn.

Grade creep  Tendency in a corporate hi- Great man theory  In business, the belief
erarchy with grades distinguishing levels that every corporation owes its existence
of positions and functions to move those or preeminence to a single leader, who was
classifications upward to allow for increas- instrumental in its success.
es in pay.
Green currencies Currencies of mem-
Graduate Management Admission Test bers of the European Union using artifi-
(GMAT)  Standardized test used by busi- cial rates of exchange for the purpose of a
ness schools to determine admission to common agricultural policy, which serves
graduate business programs. as insurance against wide variations in
Gramm-Leach-Billey Act 1999 Financial
Services Modernization Act, which re- Green marketing  Sales of ecologically safe,
moved restrictions on banks entering the recyclable, and biodegradable products,
securities and investment markets that had known as green products, targeting environ-
been imposed by the Glass-Steagall Act mentally friendly consumers.
of 1933. This act empowered the banks to
set up holding companies to supply bank- Greenmailing  Purchase of a large bloc of
ing, insurance, and investment services. shares in a company to be sold back to the
company at a premium over the market
Grandfathered in  Transactions or activi- value in return for a promise not to launch
ties permissible to those already engaged, a takeover bid.
or completed in the past, that are now pro-
hibited to newcomers. Greenshoe  Option given by an issuer of

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 131 G

securities to an underwriter, guaranteeing drives out the good, developed by Sir Thom-
the latter’s right to buy and sell extra shares as Gresham, a financier.
if there is a high initial demand.
Gross domestic product (GDP) Lead-
Greenwash  In public relations, accentuat- ing economic indicator, showing the total
ing the pro-environment policies and pro- value of business activity—production, in-
grams of a company to gain the accolade of vestment, services, and property—within
an environmentally concerned community. a nation.

Gray-collar  Worker who is neither Blue Gross national disproduct (GND) Total

collar nor White collar. of all social costs and reductions in existing
benefits incurred in producing the Gross
Gray economy  Informal economy com- national product, such as pollution.
prising unpaid workers whose profits are
not reflected in the national accounts. Gross national product (GNP) Leading
Most home-care workers are in the gray economic indicator that adds the Gross
economy. domestic product to the total value of
national income emanating from outside
Gray knight  In takeover battles, this is a the nation.
bidder whose intentions are undeclared,
unlike the White knight, whose advances Group  In business, two or more compa-
are welcomed and the Black knight, who nies in which one company (the parent)
is considered hostile. holds more than 50% of the shares of the
other (the Subsidiary).
Gray market  1. Legal market for goods in
short supply. 2. Market for goods and ser- Group decision making  Participatory pro-
vices for senior citizens. cess in which several individuals act col-
lectively to arrive at decisions, evaluate op-
Gray wave  Company with good long-term tions, and select the appropriate course of
prospects but unlikely to be profitable in action.
the near future.
Group discussion  In marketing, a meet-
Green card  In the United States, a card is- ing of between six and eight respondents
sued to resident aliens granting them per- who discuss a marketing problem under
manent resident status, thereby eligible to the guidance of an interviewer.
work and to apply for citizenship.
Group dynamics  Study of organizational
Gresham’s law Principle that bad money behavior within groups and the interactions

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G 132 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

of individuals within groups, especially as it Groupthink  Tendency of members in a

applies to corporate functioning. It studies group to adopt homogeneous views and
how groups form based on common inter- opinions, partly in deference to peer pres-
ests, as well as the types of groups—such as sure and partly in an effort to get along with
task groups, status groups, age groups, gen- others.
der groups, cultural and ethnic groups—
and group cohesiveness. Growth  In business, relating to or con-
tributing to an increase or expansion, as
Group norm  Behavior expected of mem- in growth curve, growth rate, and growth
bers of a group working as a team, especial- stocks.
ly in terms of productivity.
Guanxi  In China, a relationship in a busi-
Group role  Set of behavior patterns expect- ness and professional context, and a net-
ed by members of a professional corps, part- work that develops through such relation-
ly in response to the expectations of others. ships.

Group technology Arrangement of ma- Guaranteed annual wage Plan whereby

chines in batch production in which all ma- an employer agrees to provide the employ-
chines that make a particular product are ees a specified minimum amount of em-
grouped together. ployment or income yearly.

Group of 20  Major economies of the world Guerrilla marketing Surreptitious mar-

represented by the European Union, Chi- keting designed to ruin a competitor and
na, India, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, the reduce its market share.
United States, Canada, and others. They
account for 80% of the GGP (gross global Guest worker Foreigner allowed into a
product) 80% of the world trade, and two- country on a temporary visa, permitted to
thirds of the global population. They meet join the workforce as a way of meeting la-
annually. bor shortages.

Groupism  Japanese business philosophy GUI  Government-university-industry

that puts the interests of the group above partnership.
those of the individuals who constitute the
group. Gun jumping  Insider trading.

Groupo  In Mexico, a family-owned con- Guru  Expert in some particular area, con-
glomerate. sulted as a problem solver; similar to a pundit.

American Management Association

Habitual buying behavior  Pattern of con- whereby incentive bonuses are paid when
sumer purchases done out of habit or in- production targets are exceeded, but not
ertia, and not as deliberate choices or after necessarily in proportion to the increase in
study of product information. production.

Hackman-Oldham job-enrichment model  Hamel, Gary  Management expert who in-

Assessment of employee relations, guided troduced the concept of core competencies,
by certain job characteristics that enhance and who stressed the need for strategizing
personal satisfaction and work outcomes. as an ongoing, radical, and inclusive pro-
cess for shattering assumptions about cor-
Halal  Acceptable under Islamic law, espe- porate governance.
cially in regard to injunctions against usury
and applied to banking. Hammer, Michael Management consultant,
co-author with James Champy of the book
Halo effect In social psychology, the re- Reengineering the Corporation (1993).
sult of one dominant characteristic creating
a favorable impression among associates. Handy, Charles Management consultant
Compare Horn effect. known for his work on management struc-
tures and the future of work. Among the
Halsey, Frederick A. (1856–1935)  Engineer concepts that he has introduced are Sham-
and economist, father of the Halsey-Weir rock organization, Federal organiza-
incentive scheme, by which incentives tion, Doughnut principle, and portfolio
are introduced based on past production working. Author of the book Understanding
records. This was a revolutionary idea at the Organizations (1976).
time, and was supported by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers. Hang Seng index  Arithmetically weighted
index based on the capital value of selected
Halsey-Weir incentive scheme Program stocks on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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H 134 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Haram  Forbidden under Islamic law, es- also contributed to the study of equilibrium
pecially as relating to banking and the selection.
charging of interest on loans.
Harvard case method Teaching technique
Hard-core unemployed Segment of the developed at Harvard Business School, in
labor-age population that is willing to work which students learn business operations
but cannot find jobs. by examining case studies.

Hard currency  Money that is easily con- Harvesting strategy  Technique for making
vertible into other currencies, such as the a short-term profit from a product before re-
U.S. dollar and the pound sterling. ducing the marketing support, such as adver-
tising, and withdrawing it from the market.
Hard landing  Sustained period of econo­
mic growth that ends with the economy no- Harvey, Jerry B. Professor Emeritus of
sediving into a Recession. Management at George Washington Uni-
versity. His research dealt with the ethi-
Harrad Domar model Standard develop- cal and moral issues of organization. He
mental model for economic growth, devel- published two books: The Abilene Paradox
oped by Sir Roy Harrod in 1939 and Evsey and Other Meditations on Management and
Domar in 1946. How Come Every Time I Get Stabbed in the
Back, My Fingerprints Are on the Knife?
Harriman  Forbidden under Islamic law,
especially as relating to banking and the Hawthorne effect  Improvement in worker
charging of interest on loans. performance as a result of supervision and
observation, more than from external or
Harrington, H. James Author and con- environmental factors. This was a conclu-
sultant in the field of process improvement. sion of the Hawthorne study.
His books include The Improvement Process
(1997) and High Performance Benchmark- Hawthorne study Research conducted at
ing (1996). the Western Electric Company’s Haw-
thorne plant in Chicago in the 1920s and
Harsanyi, John Hungarian-Australian- 1930s, which formed the basis for modern
American economist and winner of the No- industrial human relations. Its principal
bel Prize in Economics in 1994. He is best conclusion is known as the Hawthorne
known for his contributions to the study of effect. The study explored the effects and
Game theory and its application to eco- benefits of the physical environment on
nomics, especially for his developing the productivity, and discovered that workers’
highly innovative Bayesian Games, which positive perceptions of a company’s labor-
are based on incomplete information. He friendly attitudes were more consequential

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in raising productivity than were actual re- tions. For example, the purchase of a large
forms in the manufacturing process. quantity of securities or raw materials can
be hedged by insuring against the risk of
Hay method  Job evaluation system based their failure through purchase of a Fu-
on three core factors: know-how, problem tures contract.
solving, and accountability, developed by
the Philadelphia-based Hay Group. Hedge fund Speculative, largely unregu-
lated fund that provides very high returns.
Hayek, Friedrich August von (1899– Typically these are mutual funds or part-
1992)  Austrian-British economist best nerships that exploit market anomalies to
known as a defender of classical liberalism. make substantial gains. They accept only
He is one of the major political philoso- investors with large portfolios and many
phers of the 20th century. In 1974 he shared are domiciled in offshore tax havens.
the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences with
Helgeson, Sally Business consultant and
Gunnar Myrdal for his “pioneering work
author whose book The Female Advantage
in the theory of money and economic fluc-
(1990) studied female management styles
tuations and penetrating analysis of the
and examined the effects of changing tech-
interdependence of economic, social, and
nology, demographics, and the knowledge
institutional phenomena.” His classic work
economy on leadership patterns.
was The Road to Serfdom.
Helicopter factor  Influence of leadership
Hayes, Robert H. (1936–) Professor at
that views a whole field in a panoptic or
Harvard Business School. Author of Re- stereoscopic fashion, rather than in narrow
storing our Competitive Edge: Competing segments, and thus gains a broad perspec-
Through Manufacturing (1984). tive on an operation.

Headcount  In business, the number of Henderson, Bruce Australian-born founder

employees in an organization. of the Boston Consulting Group, respon-
sible for introducing the terms Boston
Headhunter  An employment agency or its matrix (Boston box) and Experience
representative that specializes in recruiting curve.
Herding cats  Description of managing a
Heavy-half theory  In marketing, the idea disparate group of people with conflicting
that half the customer base for a product is interests and values.
responsible for 80% of its purchases.
Herfindahl index  In marketing, a tool to
Hedge  Financial transaction designed to measure the degree of competition in a par-
mitigate the risk of other, related transac- ticular industry, examining the proportion

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of market shares of all known players. The Heuristics  Problem-solving techniques

index reflects the distribution of those mar- that help managers arrive at solutions
ket shares, giving weight to the largest players, through experimentation, trial and error,
and is thus a better measure than Concen- and evaluation.
tration ratios.
Hidden unemployed  People who, though
Herstatt risk  Potential that a transaction unemployed, do not appear in govern-
may not be settled as expected and that the ment statistics. This group includes work-
party may renege on its obligations. Named ers who are chronically unemployed, those
after the Herstatt Bank failure in 1974. Also who have stopped looking for work and no
termed counter-party risk. longer qualify for unemployment benefits,
and the long-term unemployed who have
Herzberg, Frederick Irving (1923–2000)  opted out of the labor market.
American psychologist, noted for intro-
ducing the concept of job enrichment and Hidden persuader  Motivational and ma-
the motivator-hygiene theory, also known nipulative technique used in advertising;
as the two-factor theory. His 1968 article term popularized by popular writer Vance
“One More Time: How do you Motivate Packard.
Employees? in Harvard Business Review
sold millions of reprints. Hierarchy of effects  In marketing, meas-
urement of the impact of advertising and
Herzberg’s two-factor theory Explanation promotion on a target audience, progress-
of employee motivation, introduced by early ing from awareness to action.
work theorist Frederick Herzberg and
covering the quality of supervision, job se- Hierarchy of needs  See Maslow’s moti-
curity, remuneration, and physical working vational hierarchy.
conditions, whose absence may cause dis-
satisfaction but whose presence may not Hierarchy of objectives  Taxonomy of cor-
create satisfaction. Herzberg divided moti- porate objectives, proceeding from short
vational factors into two classes: motivators term through intermediate to long term.
(or satisfiers) and dissatisfiers (or hygiene
factors). The latter, though not motivators High-contact culture  In international busi-
in themselves, cause dissatisfaction if absent. ness, a society in which it is acceptable to have
physical contact, such as hugging, in public.
Hesiflation  State of reduced growth in the
economy, combined with strong inflation- High-context culture  In international busi-
ary pressures; term coined by Henry Fowler, ness, a society in which feelings or emotions
Secretary of the Treasury during the Eisen- are not openly expressed. Verbal commu-
hower administration. nication can be understood only within the

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cultural context and their meaning is tied to nential growth of a company, in which the
its cultural nuances. trajectory resembles a hockey stick.

High-involvement management Approach Hofstadter, Douglas Richard (1945–)  Ame­

to management that encourages employee rican expert in cognitive sciences whose
participation in decision making, training, book, Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Gold-
incentives, and sharing of information as a en Braid, won the Pulitzer Prize in non-fic-
means of cementing loyalty to the company. tion in 1979.

High-involvement product  Consumer pro­ Hofstadter’s law  Formulated by cognitive

duct that is not purchased lightly or offhand, scientist Douglas Hofstadter, the ob-
but only after considerable deliberation and servation that everything takes longer than
comparative shopping, and thus the pur- planned, and that planning must always
chase represents an informed and deliber- take into account delays and roadblocks
ate choice. that will lengthen the time for completion.

Hirano, Horoyuki See FiveS Method- Hofstede, Geert Dutch business execu-

ology. tive and consultant who investigated the
interaction between culture and business in
Hired gun  In business, an outside consult- transnational settings.
ant or adviser who proffers advice during
crises. Holding company Parent company that
holds shares in other companies with-
Histogram  Graphical display of data using out necessarily managing them. Holding
bars of different heights. companies have a distinctive management
structure, made up of the CEOs of the
Historical cost  In finance, the value of a subsidiaries. In some cases, subsidiaries of
unit of stock or other asset calculated on holding companies have considerable au-
the basis of its original cost, rather than in tonomy, although their operations are sub-
terms of current dollars after Inflation. ject to tight financial control. Traditionally,
holding companies are unstable because
Historical cost accounting Bookkeeping the companies acquired through diversifi-
system in which assets are valued at their cation often have dissimilar corporate cul-
original cost rather than in current dol- tures and different operating procedures.
lars after Inflation. Inflation often makes Often, there is little strategic fit between the
this type of accounting misleading, but it is acquirer and the acquired. But as the two
fairly objective and difficult to manipulate are integrated, new priorities emerge, as do
or inflate. new structures. Holding companies often
exist for legal and fiscal reasons, as well as
Hockey-stick growth Very rapid, expo- to cushion the tax burden.

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Holding pattern  Undesirable human rela- Horizontal structure Organizational op-

tions situation where an employee is in lim- eration primarily formed around a small
bo after return from an overseas assignment. number of core processes or work flows
linking the activities of employees to the
Holdout  In finance, a creditor who refus- needs of suppliers and customers. The
es to renegotiate with a firm in financial work is performed by teams rather than in-
distress, holding out in the hope of getting dividuals, and while still hierarchical, it is
better terms. flatter than a traditional organization. In a
horizontal structure, the focus of decisions
Holism  Philosophy that the whole is great-
and resource allocation is on continuous
er than the sum of its parts and that there-
performance improvement. Information
fore an organism needs to be judged in
and training occur on a Just-in-time ba-
totality. In business, a holistic brand is one
sis rather than on need to know, and career
that is seen to be emblematic of an entire
progression is within the process rather
company or corporation.
than by function, making the individuals
Holistic evaluation  Assessment of a plan generalists rather than specialists. Com-
or project not simply on its economic mer- pensation is based on team performance.
its but also on its impact upon all human The four key quantitative performance
and environmental elements. indicators are based on customer need
and are tied to work flow. These indicators
Home run In business, an excellent or are order generation and fulfillment, new
memorable performance. product development, integrated logistics,
and branch management. Cross-functional
Homoffice  Blended term for home office. teams are created based on work flow and
not individual tasks, and these are connect-
Hooper rating Percentage of people lis-
ed both upstream and downstream. A team
tening to a radio program or station; simi-
leader is appointed, and everyone involved
lar to Nielsen ratings.
receives an assignment, with measurement
Horizontal communication Communica- systems set up. Leadership is important but
tion between employees at the same hier- so are teams that own the processes. Hier-
archic level. Distinguished from Upward archy is also important, but the teams con-
communication and Downward com- stitute the rungs of the ladder. Work teams
munication. are self-managed and empowered; as prob-
lems develop, decisions are made quickly
Horizontal integration  Meshing of mar- and action is taken in real time, without in-
keting or production departments han- terrupting work flow. Delayering is used
dling products or services with comparable to combine related but formerly fragment-
consumer bases. ed tasks, eliminating activities that do not

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add value or contribute to corporate goals. gaining more interest or avoiding politi-
The work is driven by a desire to achieve cal instability.
customer value and product improvement,
rather than shareholder value. Hot stove In human resources, discipli-
nary action that is immediate, consistent,
Horn effect  Carryover results of a nega- impersonal, and swift—similar to the ef-
tive first impression of a person, especially fects of a person touching a hot stove.
a candidate for employment, affecting later
judgment during an interview. See also Hotelling, Harold (1895–1973)  American
Halo effect. mathematician and economic theorist. He
served as Professor of Mathematical Statis-
Hoshin planning (Japanese for “compass tics at the University of North Carolina at
needle”)  Japanese management strategy Chapel Hill. He played a prominent role in
by which organizational goals are deployed the development of mathematical econom-
throughout an organization and consist of ics. A number of theories and principles
five elements: vision, targets, planning, ex- in this field bear his name: Hotelling’s T-
ecution, and audits. Square Distribution, Hotelling’s Law, Hotel-
ling’s Lemma, and Hotelling’s rule. He
Hostile bid  Takeover bid for control of a made pioneering studies in nonconvexity in
company, made against the wishes of the economics associated with market failures.
board of directors or its shareholders.
Hotelling’s rule  In environmental econo­
Hot desking Working without one’s own mics, the principle that the satisfactory rate
desk in an office; instead, using the desks of of depletion of nonrenewable resources is
other employees who are away on assign- achieved when the extraction costs rise at
ments. As a result of increased technology the same rate as the interest rate. Developed
and greater mobility of personnel, the defi- by economist Harold Hotelling in his
nition of an office as a desk and a chair is 1931 paper on the subject.
being displaced by that of a peripatetic situ-
ation, or wherever the employee is working House of quality  Planning tool that brings
at the time. Support services can be trans- engineers and customers together in the de-
ferred easily, and all communication devic- sign process and that integrates customer
es can be mobile. Formerly, the corner office needs into the design and development cycle.
was looked upon as a status symbol, but sta-
tus now goes wherever the employee goes. Howard Sheth model  Category of consu­
mer behavior that illustrates the influence
Hot money In finance, money that of advertising and promotion, developed
moves at short notice from one finan- by market research experts John A. Howard
cial instrument to another, in the hope of and Jagdish N. Sheth.

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HRM  Human resource related factors in motivating employees,

management such as professional pride, self-actualization,
sense of belonging, and quest for achieve-
Hub and spoke  Organizational model re- ment. Leadership styles, attitudes, and rela-
sembling the hub and spoke of a wheel, in tionships can influence these factors.
which the subordinates form the spokes
and the supervisor or manager is at the Human resource accounting Theoretical
center. approach to quantifying the contribution of
Human capital, showing it on the assets
Human asset accounting Measurement side of the balance sheet.
of the value of a company’s personnel and
their expertise, applied to accounting as are Human resource management  Direction
other physical assets. of the activities of employees with a view
to maximizing their potential and profes-
Human capital  Coined by economist and sional participation in achieving corporate
sociologist Gary Becker, a term that de- goals and targets. Also termed Personnel
notes the general or specific skills acquired management.
by a worker in the course of training or on
the job. It characterizes wages as a return Hurdle rate Minimum acceptable return
on human capital invested in work. on a project or development.

Human engineering  See Ergonomics. Hygiene factor  See Hertzberg’s two-

factor theory.
Human information processing Cogni-
tive action in which thought, memory, in- Hyperinflation  Condition of economic
terpretation, and decision making convert Recession during which money loses so
information into usable ideas. much value as to become useless and the
monetary system breaks down to be re-
Human relations school School of in- placed by barter, as occurred in the Weimar
dustrial sociology associated with Austral- Republic in the 1920s.
ian psychologist and sociologist Elton
Mayo, which sees better relationships be- Hypothecation  1. Authority given to a ba­
tween management and workers as the key nker to sell goods pledged as security for a
to greater productivity. The role of man- loan. 2. Dedication of a tax to meet a specific
agement is, therefore, supportive and not need or obligation, as in taxes on cigarette
directive. sales that are channeled into healthcare.

Human relations theory Management

philosophy that studies the role of non-work-

American Management Association

IAS  International accounting Ideogram  Graphic symbol that represents

standards an idea or concept. Thus, ideographic.

Icarus factor  Tendency of leaders to em- IFRS  International financial reporting

bark upon grandiose projects to stoke their standard.
own ego, only to fail; after the story of
Icarus in Greek mythology. Illegal contract  Agreement prohibited by
law, especially when it promotes an illegal
ICE  Involuntary career event, a euphe- or tainted activity or is drawn up for ille-
mism for dismissal. gal purposes. It is considered void and its
terms are not actionable.
Idea hamster Person with a seemingly
endless supply of new ideas. Illth  From 19th-century British critic John
Ruskin, the opposite of wealth in terms of
Idea generation  Systematic search for new well-being. Today, products or things that
product ideas in the marketplace. are harmful.

Idea screening  Systematic review of new Imaginization  Blend of the words imagi-
products to determine their viability and nation and organization, the generation of
market potential. new perspectives and ways of understand-
ing complex situations, and the interac-
Identity management  Creation and pro- tion between capability and reality. Also,
motion of a corporate or brand identity so imaginer, a person who integrates creative
as to present a positive image to consumers ideas with the practical and possible.
and hide negative features or developments.
IMF  International Monetary Fund
Identity theft Crime of stealing another
person’s identity and financial information Immediate holding company Compa-
for personal gain. ny with a controlling interest in another

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company, although it itself is controlled rate at which the quality of a product or ac-
by a third company. tivity improves in response to changes and
innovations. Also Experience curve.
Impact  In marketing, the total measurable
effect of an action or product on a market, Impulse buy  Purchase of a product with-
group, or person. out serious forethought and as a result of
the product’s emotional appeal and appar-
Imperfect competition  Situation in which ent need-fulfillment.
buyers or sellers have the right to alter
prices, and where prices and supply are not Imputed cost  Expense not actually incur­
subject to normal market forces. red, but introduced at the accounting stage
to make pricing comparable with similar
Imperfect market  Situation in which there products.
are constraints on market freedom, such as
barriers to entry or a paucity of sellers or In the black  State of being profitable; from
buyers. the black color used on the positive side of
a bookkeeping ledger; opposite of In the
Impersonality  Style of management that is red.
mechanical and devoid of human interest.
In the red State of being unprofitable;
Implied term  Provision of a contract not from the red color used on the negative side
spelled out explicitly but regarded as cru- of a bookkeeping ledger; opposite of In the
cial by statute, and therefore implied. black.

Import substitution Manufacturing that In-basket training  Method of training by

produces products currently being import- which employees are given routine business
ed. The action is designed to make a coun- correspondence and papers and are asked
try self-sufficient. to handle them.

Impression management  Control of how Incentive  Inducement or reward that mo-

a person makes an impression on others, tivates a person to do something. Rewards
especially to advance personal interests. may be in the form of bonuses, share op-
tions, health benefits, gym memberships,
Improshare  Productivity payment system tickets to sports events, and awards or other
developed by Mitchell Fein, in which em- forms of public recognition.
ployees are paid a cash bonus based on a
percentage of their pay. Incentive-compatible contract Agreement
designed to ensure mutually beneficial be-
Improvement curve Graph showing the havior by both parties.

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Incestuous  In business, descriptive of tran­ Trickle-down economics and thought

sactions between related companies de- to yield economic growth.
signed to evade regulations.
Income smoothing Manipulation and cre­
Inchoate instrument Negotiable instru- ative corporate accounting involving cer-
ment in which certain clauses and particu- tain items in financial statements to hide
lars are omitted. large movements in profits by spreading
them over a number of years.
Incidence of taxation  Impact of a tax on
those who ultimately share the burden, Income tax Direct tax on individual in-
rather than on those who are nominally the come. It has an exemption threshold, after
taxee. which the rate often rises progressively in
relation to the size of the income and the
Incident process  Case study in which par- number of exemptions.
ticipants collect further information at giv-
en stages and refine their responses based Income velocity of money  Average num-
on the new information. ber of times a currency, such as the dollar,
is spent in purchasing goods and services.
Income  1. Flow of money to an individual,
group, or corporation over a course of time. Incomes policy  State policy aimed at con-
2. Sum of money earned by a person or or- trolling inflation and maintaining full em-
ganization as a salary or as profit, rent, or ployment by holding down wages, prices,
interest. and income and by adjusting interest rates.

Income distribution Division of earned Increasing returns Situation in which

money across segments of a population. greater input of resources leads directly to
a proportionately larger increase in output.
Income effect Result in amount of pur-
chasing power caused by changes in per- Incremental cost of capital Overall cost
sonal income. of raising money. It reflects the combined
costs of borrowing, market expectations,
Income redistribution Use of taxation as and related risks.
a means of adjusting the distribution of
wealth across segments of a population. Incremental innovation  Process of mak-
When redistribution is downward, it is gen- ing continuous but small improvements to
erally viewed as a corrective social policy a product or service, as in the Japanese sys-
and sometimes includes a Progressive tem of Kaizen.
tax and various forms of income subsidies.
When redistribution is upward, it is termed Incremental learning Education that takes

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place in orderly steps, rather than through market index. It provides broad market ex-
sudden revelation; opposite of Insight posure, low operating expenses, and low
learning. portfolio turnover.

Incremental pricing  Two-tier pricing sys- Indexation  Act of linking such economic
tem, one tier covering the full cost of pro- variables as wages, taxes, annuities, and
ducing a product and the other including pensions to the Cost of living index as
the marginal cost of further production. a means of mitigating the effects of Infla-
tion. In practice, indexation favors bor-
Incrementalism  Management approach of rowers over lenders and savers.
considering a number of alternatives and
then testing them by implementing them Indicative planning Using a broad con-
one at a time. sultative process, this is planning that seeks
agreement from all affected parties.
Incubation  Period of time for fledgling
industries and start-up companies during Indicator  Measurable variable that has
which they test their viability and create proven a reliable clue to performance or
and test new products. potential. Indicators are used in economics,
psychology, and statistics. Macroeconomic
Indemnity  Sum to be paid by one party of indicators include the money supply, pric-
a contract to make good on losses suffered es, income, exports, and imports.
by the other party as a result of actions or a
failure to act or from negligence, loss, dam- Indifference curve Graphic representation
age, or intentional deception. linking the benefits to the risk of any ven-
ture. At any given point in the curve, the
Independent demand  Situation in which benefits are available only if the risk is taken.
market demand is independent of the pro-
duction schedule and can be affected by Indirect costs  Overhead that is not direct-
variables over which the manufacturer has ly assignable to a product or service. In ac-
no control. counting, such costs are generally assigned
to various centers of production.
Index  Forecasting technique that links the
amount of change to the pace of change, Indirect demand  Need for an unfinished
with a certain base period as the norm, thus product that is a component of another
showing trends over time. product.

Index fund  Passive fund management such Indirect discrimination  De facto discri­
as the S&P 500. It is a mutual fund with a mination that results from meeting certain
portfolio constructed to match a standard regulations and working conditions, such

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 145 I

as frequent transfers that handicap married garding wages, terms of employment, or

couples. benefits.

Indirect labor  Workers not covered by an Industrial dynamics Introduced by sys-

employment contract but who are employed tems scientist Jay Forrester, a concept
by contractors for the duration of a project. used to describe the behavior of industrial
systems and to demonstrate how interre-
Indirect taxation  Taxation of persons or lated policies, decisions, structures, and de-
organizations that is transferred or passed lays influence growth and stability.
through to others, such as customers.
Industrial engineering 1.  Applied science
Individual retirement account (IRA) Pen- concerned with the planning and improve-
sion plan for individuals that allows a set ment of operational efficiency and quality.
amount of nontaxable income to be set 2. Application of work-study techniques and
aside annually and that accumulates in a the laws of physics, medicine, anatomy, and
fund that pays interest when the funds are psychology to create ideal mechanisms, tools,
withdrawn at retirement, at which point the and machinery on the floor of the workshop
income taxes are also paid. as a part of Total Quality Management.

Industrial action Coordinated effort by Industrial espionage  Use of spies and spy-

an industrial union to force an employer to ing devices to gain access to trade secrets so
settle a labor dispute by threatening any of as to gain competitive advantage.
several means, including strike, work-to-
rule, go-slow, and sit-down. Industrial medicine Healthcare methods
provided by employers for their employees,
Industrial democracy  Introduction of dem- including occupational safety and improve-
ocratic principles of governance in an organi- ments in the work environment that reduce
zational setting. This includes worker par- stress. Also includes routine physical check-
ticipation in management decision making, ups and encouragement of physical activity.
representation on corporate boards, profit
sharing, and worker councils that resolve in- Industrial organization economics Bra­
dustrial disputes and grievances. nch of Microeconomics that studies the
strategic behavior of firms in a state of im-
Industrial disease Occupational-related perfect competition. It explores the differ-
health problem prevalent in certain pro- ent approaches of industrialists and how
fessions, such as miners and construction markets behave under conditions of Mo-
workers. nopoly, Oligopoly, and Monopolistic
competition and their competing strate-
Industrial dispute  Labor disagreement re­ gies in areas such as pricing, production,

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marketing, and advertising. It also studies Industrial sociology  Study of social rela-
the effects of government regulations on tionships in the light of industrial develop-
market forces and is influenced by Game ment and the effect that industry has on
theory and Behavioral finance. society, and vice versa.

Industrial park  Site established for select- Industrial tribunal  Court that decides la-
ed types of factories and industrial plants bor disputes, employment conflicts, dis-
with some common facilities, usually as crimination cases, and pay disputes; the
part of a development strategy. court has mandatory jurisdiction.

Industrial psychology  Application of psy- Industrialization  Process of transition

chological principles and concepts to the from an agricultural economy to one based
study of business problems, especially re- on manufacturing, which began with the
cruitment and training of employees, deci- industrial revolution in Great Britain.
sion making, leadership, and worker welfare
and motivation. Also termed organizational Industry  1.  Organized activity toward a
psychology. goal. 2.  A sector or organization in which
labor and management work together to
Industrial relations Linkage between labor produce goods. 3.  A group of companies
and capital, represented by management engaged in similar production activities.
in the conduct and evolution of productive
sectors of the economy. It governs the en- Industry structure  Way in which a discrete
vironment in which products are manufac- industrial sector is organized in terms of its
tured or built and the climate of goodwill or opportunities or barriers to entry, degree of
ill feeling generated as a result of actions by competition, infrastructure (suppliers, im-
the workforce or management. porters, and exporters), types of needs the
produced goods meet, and the labor force
Industrial revolution Transformation of and skills needed to produce those goods.
the economy from one based largely on ag-
ricultural production and farm labor to the Inertial marketing  Reliance on consumer
production of consumer goods and manu- inertia to continue the sale of products,
facturing by machines that began in Eng- with no active canvassing for customer
land in the late 18th century and has spread loyalty. For example, book clubs that send
around the world. books monthly to customers unless they
cancel the order.
Industrial sabotage  Actions by workers
engaged in a dispute with management Infant industry  Fledgling group of compa-
that deliberately delays or destroys pro- nies that needs government tariff protection
duction. to enable it to survive foreign competition.

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Inflation  Economic period in which pric- Infomercial  Television commercial of more

es and interest rates rise, accompanied by than 30 minutes that simulates regular tel-
lower purchasing power and fallen value of evision programming but is actually pro-
money. Varying in degree, inflation when moting a product or service.
severe often leads to a dysfunctional market
or economic collapse. Informal communication Exchanges of
information via rumor and the grapevine,
Inflationary bias Tendency of a market as well as casual office conversation.
to focus on Inflation for political rea-
sons, forcing policymakers to adopt ad hoc Informal economy Underground econo-
measures not sanctioned in traditional eco- my run by unlicensed businesses and con-
nomic thinking. ducted largely Off the books.

Inflationary gap Difference between the Informal organization  Casual group with-

amount of public and private spending in in an organization that conducts its activities
an economy and the spending required to largely through informal and unrecorded
sustain full employment. communications, such as the grapevine and
outside the formal hierarchy.
Inflationary spiral  Repeated periods of In-
flation fueled by wage and price increases, Information acceleration Virtual reality
which in turn lead to further inflation. system that simulates a real-life buying en-
vironment to study how consumers make
Inflation targeting  Monetary policy that
purchasing decisions, measuring their pref-
sets a target rate of inflation in the medium
erences, intentions, and perceptions.
term, as measured by an index, and then
uses various means to achieve this rate.
Information age  General term for the pe-
riod beginning at the end of World War II
Inflection point Stage at which impor-
and continuing into the present. The period
tant organizational changes take place in a
is marked by the increasing proliferation of
information resources and communication
Infobahn  Another name for the informa- technology and the emergence of informa-
tion superhighway, patterned on Germa- tion as a commodity, albeit a nonmaterial
ny’s Autobahn. one.

Infomediary  Intermediary business who­ Information industry  Sector of the econ-

se income derives from supplying busi- omy in advanced societies that assembles
nesses with detailed profiles of consumer and communicates information as a basic
groups that have been developed from mar- resource for innovation and change. Also
ket studies. termed knowledge industry.

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Information management  Executive con- Infrastructure  Complex of facilities, physi-

trol of the flow of accurate information to cal installations, and public works that under-
all those entitled to it, and also provision of gird a nation’s economy, especially industry.
disinformation to those who would use it These include roads, electric grid, railways,
for negative purposes. airports, and communications networks.

Information overload Situation in which Initial public offering (IPO) Process by

the amount of information in a pipeline is which a private firm sells shares of stock to
more than can be easily absorbed, controlled, the public for the first time. It is a rite of
or processed, thus creating bottlenecks. passage that marks an important phase of
corporate growth, as well as providing ac-
Information revolution  Big change in the cess to public capital markets, enhancing
creation, use, and transfer of information, the company’s visibility, and establishing its
marked by the speed and volume of infor- credit rating. The process is overseen by the
mation flows. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
which has rigorous registration procedures,
Information technology (IT) Process- including audit. IPOs are usually handled
ing and distribution of information elec- by large investment banks, which some-
tronically, through satellite links, telephone times share the risk.
lines, and cellular networks. In addition to
communication channels, IT enables the Innovation  New approach or breakthrough
electronic transfer of funds, automated in design or structure, or new idea that adds
trading in stocks, and online sales such as value to a product or makes its production
Ebay. By substituting labor, IT helps reduce simpler and faster. Innovation is an or-
the cost of operations and time, while in- ganizational enhancement that can be used
creasing efficiency. It has become so pow- within an existing process, distinguished
erful that it is the principal managerial and from invention, which represents a radical
decision-making tool, integrated through- concept that has not been done before.
out business activities both horizontally
and vertically and linking customers, man- Innovation-intensive industry Industrial
agers, and suppliers. IT helps to streamline sector such as electronics or biotechnology,
operations in the factory as well as in dis- which depends on continuous innovation
tribution. It allows entire layers of man- to sustain its growth.
agement to be deleted from the hierarchy.
Intercompany and international transac- Innovation management Stimulation of
tions are also handled by IT, virtually abol- creative technology, leading to the discovery
ishing geographic borders and time zones, of new products with commercial potential.
and accelerates cross-border flow of goods
and services. Innovative efficiency  Efficiency in creative

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 149 I

and proactive marketing, which anticipates Institutional investor Large organizations,

needs and offers products that best meet as distinguished from private individuals,
those needs. such as pension funds, endowments, or la-
bor unions. They generally employ their
Inorganic growth  In business, the expan- own investment advisers and because of
sion of a business from takeovers and merg- their size, are able to influence market trends
ers, rather than from internal innovations. and share prices.

Input-output analysis Set of marketing In-store promotion  Sales offer within

statistics that analyze patterns of buying the premises of a retail store, advertised
and selling, so as to establish patterns and through signs and posters.
trends over time.
Insurance  Contract that guarantees a stip-
In-service training  Training of staff during ulated party against a known peril or risk,
working hours by their associates or super- in return for a premium. Distinguished
visors, using informal training methods. from Assurance, which is a guarantee
against an event that is certain to take place
Inside director Employee of a company at some time (such as death).
who is named to the board of directors.
Intangible asset  Something of value that
Insider trading Dealing in securities by has no physical existence, such as goodwill,
using price-sensitive information not avail- copyright, patent, or trademark.
able to outsiders. It is a prosecutable offense
under U.S. Securities and Exchange Com- Integration  Merger of two companies or
mission rules. systems and a pooling of resources for the
purpose of reducing competition, capturing
Insight learning  Form of education that re- a larger market share, cooperating on re-
lies on sudden bursts of understanding, rather search and development, and/or combining
than gradually through study and analysis of physical facilities In Horizontal (lateral)
data. Opposite of Incremental learning. integration, businesses that produce the
same products and services combine forces
Insolvency  Inability to pay one’s debts or to create a near Monopoly. In Vertical
meet financial obligations, preliminary to integration, a company obtains control
Bankruptcy or Liquidation. of its suppliers (Backward integration)
or its buyers (Forward integration).
Insourcing  Use of in-house personnel to
execute specific jobs, rather than outsourc- Integrative bargaining Negotiation with
ing them to external providers or foreign a view not of gaining absolute advantage
suppliers. and victory at all costs but of arriving at a

American Management Association
I 150 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

win-win settlement in which both sides gain visions a desirable future and then marshals
something. the resources to achieve it within a given
time frame.
Integrative growth  Expansion of a firm’s
operation through acquisition of its suppli- Interdependence  Condition of co-­depen­
ers, customers, or competitors. dence, mutual assistance, or reciprocal reli-
ance, essential for growth and survival.
Intellectual capital  Knowledge and know-
how, information systems, brand names, Interest  In finance, the cost of borrow-
reputation, and related intangible assets. It ing money, usually expressed in a percent-
is an amalgam of Human capital (compe- age per annum. Interest may be simple or
tencies, expert knowledge, and experience), compounded. Rates of interest are set by
Structural capital (IT, communica- the lending institutions, based on the cur-
tions technology, and databases) and Rela- rent money supply, economic regulations,
tional capital (customer bases, brands, the demand for money, risk of default, and
trademarks, and reputation). Often, in the period of the loan. In Islamic banking sys-
case of companies like Google or Microsoft, tems, interest is prohibited but the ban is
the intellectual capital may be four or five usually circumvented.
times the market capitalization or value of
physical assets. Interest rate  Amount charged for a loan
of money, usually expressed as a percent-
Intellectual property  Intangible assets of age on an annualized basis. Interest-rate
a company, including copyrights, trade- futures guarantee protection against ad-
marks, patents, trade secrets, inventions, verse movement of interest rates and high-
and computer programs, which are protect- er costs of borrowing.
ed by law against piracy or misuse. Intellec-
tual property may be licensed in return for Interest-rate future Financial derivative
appropriate royalties. such as a futures contract with an interest-
bearing instrument as its asset. They are
Intensive distribution  Strategy for distri­ used to hedge against the risk that interest
buting consumer products, aimed at obtain- rates will move high.
ing maximum exposure at as many retail
outlets as possible. Interest-rate risk  Potential risk associated
with or resulting from volatility in interest
Interactive communication  Two-way co­ rates, especially when bank loans are tied
mputer system that allows the viewer to to fixed rates despite rising interest rates
respond to prompts or questions and thus generally.
encourages respondent participation.
Interests  In marketing or human resourc-
Interactive planning  Forethought that en- es, the personal or occupational likes and

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 151 I

dislikes of a customer or candidate, as re- ployee that receives products, information,

vealed through questionnaires. or services from another unit in the same
organization, and is treated in the same
Interlocking directorate Complex situa­ manner as external customers in terms of
tion that occurs when some members of communications and billing.
boards of directors of related companies
hold multiple directorships and have con- Internal growth  Means by which a com-
trolling interests in more than one company. pany tries to expand the scope of its terri-
tory and product range. Internal growth is
Intermediary  Firm in the distribution achieved through increased market share
pipeline that buys and resells goods, or firm at the expense of competitors, new prod-
that helps manufacturers find customers. uct development, and new applications
and markets for existing products. Internal
Intermediate goods In manufacturing, growth is driven by innovation and sensi-
goods used as input in a manufacturing tivity to market needs.
process and that do not have an independ-
ent status. Internal labor market  In a large company,
the pool of talent that can transfer from one
Intermediation  Role of a bank or other fi- unit to another.
nancial institution acting as a go-between
in a transaction and taking on some of the Internal marketing Application of mar-
associated risk for a fee. keting principles to sell ideas and directives
to the staff of an organization.
Internal audit  Review of accounting that
is initiated by a company for reasons other Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Federal
than state regulations. The goal is to en- revenue collection agency in the United
sure that a transaction has not resulted in a States, concerned primarily with income
breach of protocol and that there has been tax. It is comparable to Inland Revenue in
no theft of property or funds by employees. the United Kingdom.

Internal control  Measures enforced by a International Accounting Standards (IAS) 

company to prevent or minimize fraud and Any of the accounting standards issued by
embezzlement and to ensure integrity in the International Accounting Standards
intramural affairs. These controls may in- Committee (IASC), which were supplanted
clude the use of more than one signature on in 2001 by the International Financial Re-
documents, security checks, special pass- porting Standards, issued by the Interna-
words, and enforcement of professional tional Accounting Standards Board.
standards of conduct.
International Accounting Standards Bo­
Internal customer  Unit, division, or em- ard (IASB)  Successor to the International

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I 152 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Accounting Standards Committee, an inde- International Securities Exchange Elec-

pendent, privately funded body that serves tronic market for securities and securities
as the watchdog for the accounting profes- options, launched in 2000 and comprising
sion worldwide. Its stated goal is to develop a stock exchange, options exchange, and al-
a single set of transparent and comparable ternative markets platform. It is owned by
protocols and rubrics in financial informa- Eurex.
tion and reporting.
Interpolation  Estimation of the value of
International Bank for Reconstruction an unknown quantity that lies between two
and Development (IBRD)  The full name known values, as for example the popula-
for what is popularly known as the World tion of an intercensus unit from two broad-
Bank, set up by the Breton Woods Confer- er census figures.
ence of 1944 to help governments finance
public projects, make loans to govern- Interpretive research  In marketing, anal-
ments, and guarantee loans from private ysis of buying consumer behavior against
banks. The World Bank includes the In- the backdrop of consumer lifestyle.
ternational Finance Corporation and the
International Development Association. Interstitial  Something that occurs within
Its funds are raised in commercial markets two cycles or work periods.
and it makes long-term loans on subcom-
mercial terms. It is owned by the govern- Intervention  In organizational develop-
ments of 185 countries but the dominant ment, an action that brings about purpose-
partner is the United States, which makes ful change.
all crucial decisions.
Intervention price  Guaranteed minimum
International Monetary Fund (IMF) In- price that triggers government action, such
ternational organization established in 1947 as purchase, usually regarding agricultural
to enhance the convertibility and stability products.
of the international monetary system. The
IMF assists any member country that expe- Interventionism  Managerial philosophy
riences a Balance of payments shortfall that permits top-level managers to continu-
by supplying its own funds in Hard cur- ously monitor the performance of subordi-
rency in return for a small fee. High levels nates and to intervene when necessary.
of borrowing are conditioned on the imple-
mentation of IMF-devised monetary poli- Interview  In human resources, a struc-
cies that usually dictate austerity and leaner tured, one-on-one meeting designed to as-
budgets. The IMF is financed by subscrip- sess a person’s suitability for a job, judged
tion, and the level of subscription deter- by the interviewee’s responses to appropri-
mines the extent of voting rights. ate questions.

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Intranet  Computer network within a com- der quantity calculated on the basis of the
pany that can be accessed only by employ- Just-in-time principle.
ees using a password.
Investment  Purchase of capital goods or
Intrapreneur  Executive or senior man- durable assets for the purpose of leveraging
ager of a company allowed to launch new them into a profitable enterprise.
initiatives, sharing in both the risk and the
profit. These initiatives may, if they are suc- Investment analyst Economically savvy
cessful, later develop into profit centers for person employed as an adviser to study eq-
the company. uities to help identify the most profitable
stocks and bonds. The analyst uses Techni-
Intrinsic  In human resources, relating to cal analysis to single out companies that
rewards, motivations, or values that origi- outperform the market and Fundamental
nate within a person or group, marked by analysis to predict future market move-
self-fulfillment. ments related to the underlying state of the
Intuitive management Supervisory style
that calls for flying by the seat of one’s pants Investment bank Banking institution that
rather than following methods presented in advises customers on mergers and ac-
textbooks and manuals. quisitions and provides finances for large
corporations. Called Merchant bank in
Inventory  1. A business’s stock or supplies, the United Kingdom. Distinguished from
whether raw materials or finished goods, Commercial bank.
available on hand or in transit at any given
time. Inventory is shown on the balance Investment club  Group of investors who
sheet as Current assets. 2. Total and ac- pool their resources to make large-scale
cumulated resources or materials within an investments.
operating system, including those locked
up in works in progress. Of these, there are Investment grade  Status of a bond that is
five types of inventory: (1) anticipatory in- given a high credit rating by one of the ma-
ventory, or goods in low demand produced jor credit agencies (generally above BBB),
in anticipation of a later spike in demand; such as Standard and Poor’s, Fitch’s, or
(2)  uncoupling inventory, or raw materials Moody’s.
that are moving within the operating sys-
tem; (3) buffer inventory, or materials held Investment intensity  Net value of a com-
in reserve as insurance against variations in pany’s plant and equipment, plus its work-
supply; (4)  pipeline inventory, or materials ing capital less current liabilities, expressed
in transit or those locked up in the system; as a percentage of sales revenue or a per-
and (5) cycle inventory, or the economic or- centage of the value added by the business.

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The Return on investment drops sharply Irrational exuberance Artificial escala-

as investment intensity increases. tion of asset values in a stock market with-
out any basis in economic theory or past
Investment trust Company that invests experience and driven by speculation and
funds on behalf of other investors, in a wide greed. Term coined by Alan Greenspan,
variety of securities, thereby spreading the former chairman of the Federal Reserve
risk. Board.

Investomer  Investor who is also a customer. Ishikawa, Kaoru (1915–1989) Father of

the Quality circle movement and au-
Invisible hand  From early economist Adam thor of Guide to Quality Control (1982) and
Smith, a term to describe the self-regulating What Is Total Quality Control? (1985).
nature of the marketplace. The pursuit of
self-interest is deemed to lead, when aggre- Issue  Number of shares or amount of a
gated, to achievement of social benefit and stock offer at any given time, at an offering
prosperity. price.

Invisibles  Earnings from abroad that con- ISO Series Internationally recognized qua­
tribute to the Balance of payments re- lity standards developed initially by the
sulting from services and transactions oth- International Standards Organization. The
er than trade, such as insurance, shipping, 14000 series is designed to regulate the en-
and tourism. vironmental impact of industrial activities.
It is a management system standard rather
IPO  Initial Public Offering than a performance standard, and can be
adapted to any national economic system.
IRA  Individual retirement account The 9000 series defines quality of financial
services, setting out consistent procedures
Iron law of oligarchy  Principle regarding
and policies to achieve measurable out-
organizations and institutions, in which
power tends to rest in the hands of an elite
few. IT  Information technology

Iron law of wages Principle that wages Iterative design  Practice of making con-
tend to remain tied to subsistence level, tinuous improvements in the design of a
leaving no room for advancement, and that product, based on testing, evaluation, and
capitalism survives on the exploitation of feedback.

American Management Association

January effect Phenomenon in which words and usage peculiar to that group.

companies with lower capitalization out-
perform large companies in the first month J-curve  In economics, a curve on a graph
of the year. that depicts a small decrease in a variable,
followed by a large increase.
Jaques, Elliott (1917–2003) Canadian psy­
choanalyst and organizational psycholo- JIT  Just-In-Time
gist. He developed the notion of requisite
organization from his stratified systems Job  1. Discrete and identifiable piece of
theory. He developed the concept of social work with a beginning and completion, for
systems as a defense against unconscious which the worker is rewarded monetarily
anxiety. He is also known for his concept or otherwise. 2. Task assigned to a worker.
of time-span of discretion, a measure of
how much discretion an employee has. His Job analysis Detailed study of a specific
books include The Changing Nature of a job, the tools and equipment needed, and
Factory: A Study of Authority and Partici- the qualifications, experience, and apti-
pation in a Industrial Setting (1951), Meas- tudes of the person best suited for it.
urement of Responsibility: A Study of Work,
Payment and Individual Capacity (1956), Jobber  Distributer of goods, a middleman.
Equitable Payment (1963), Product Analysis
Pricing (1964), A General Theory of Bureau- Jobbing  Process by which small numbers
cracy (1976), Executive Leadership: A Prac- of products are made to order, as distin-
tical Guide to Managing Complexity (1994), guished from mass production.
and Social Power and the CEO: Leadership
and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise Jobbing backwards Looking back on a
System (2002). transaction or event, weighing the alter-
natives not taken, and examining the de-
Jargon  Terminology or lingo used by a ficiencies in information that resulted in
professional group, containing technical problems.

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J 156 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Job component method  In job evaluation, remuneration so that comparable tasks are
ranking of jobs on a hierarchical scale de- rewarded comparably.
pending on the behavioral demands they
impose. Job lock  Situation in which benefits more
than pay are the main attraction for an
Job description Official wording that sta­ employee.
tes the title of a job, the qualifications of the
job holder, its tasks and duties, the perfor- Job rotation Sequence of work that re-
mance objectives, the reporting chain of duces boredom through the alternation of
command, remuneration, working hours, tasks, enabling workers to learn new skills
skills, and attributes required. and broaden their competence.

Job design General scope of a job from Job satisfaction Key element in person-

the perspective of the employer, including nel development and industrial relations
the competencies and personality traits re- through empowerment, motivation, and
quired and the specific sequence of tasks. job enrichment. It also reduces accident
It reflects a balance between the personal rates and absenteeism. Objective scales are
needs of the employee, such as a healthy used to calibrate the subjective content of
environment and work ethic, and the cor- work to determine its satisfaction level,
porate needs of the employer, such as a measuring teamwork and esprit de corps,
well-defined responsibility, efficiency, and as well as worker input.
Johari Window  Technique created by Jo-
Job enlargement  Job design that focuses seph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955
on the enhancement of motivation hori- to help people discover and understand
zontally, by increasing the number and va- better their relationships and environment.
riety of tasks, and vertically, by giving the Subjects are given a list of 56 adjectives and
employee more autonomy and responsibil- asked to pick five or six that best describes
ity. Also Job enrichment. their self. These adjectives are then mapped
on a grid. Subjects may also plot the scores
Job enrichment Change in the various from the Personal Effectiveness Scale.
component tasks of a job description so
as to make the job more fulfilling and Johnson, Spencer (1940–)  Physician and
productive. popular management guru. Author of
One-Minute Manager and Who Moved My
Job evaluation Assessment of the work, Cheese (1998), a parable on Change man-
responsibilities, skills, and experience of agement.
workers on the basis of objective stand-
ards, with a view to setting proper and fair Joint stock Shares of a public limited

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 157 J

company that exists between a partnership Journeyman  Skilled worker who has com-
and a corporation, in which shareholders pleted a trade apprenticeship but is not yet
pool their stock and conduct business but a self-employed master craftsman.
are liable for its debts.
Judgmental sampling  In market research,
Joint venture  In multinational business, a a sample based not on statistical data but
strategic alliance with domestic firms with on the researcher’s personal judgment in
or without equity participation. Although assembling a pool of respondents.
they have a high rate of failure, joint ven-
Junior management Employees who are
tures are an effective way of entering a new
hierarchically subordinate to senior man-
and untested market, especially in develop-
ing countries where local contacts are nec-
essary, access to distribution is difficult, and
Junk bond  Bond that offers a higher rate
there are political roadblocks. Joint ven-
of interest than other bonds because of its
tures are symmetric by nature because one higher probability of default.
partner has political clout and the other has
technological expertise. Juran, Joseph Moses (1904–2008) Roma­
Despite their many advantages, joint nian-born management consultant associ-
ventures suffer from serious dangers. First, ated with quality management For many
they are difficult to integrate into a global years he was in Japan where his ideas were
strategy that involves substantial cross- very influential, His Juran Trilogy was an
border trading, especially in regard to approach to cross-functional management
pricing and export sources. Second, they composed of three processes: quality plan-
militate against the trend toward central- ning, quality control, and quality improve-
ment. Among his books are Quality Control
ized financial management, which may
Handbook (1951), Management Break-
limit the impact of the domestic partner.
through (1964), and Quality Planning and
Third, there could be a clash of cultures
Analysis (1980).
and goals, which creates conflicts in reach-
ing normal business decisions. Fourth, the
Jurisdiction  The scope of authority held
cultural clash can extend to personnel se- by an official or person in power.
lection, especially in developing countries
where nepotism and corruption are ram- Just-in-time (JIT)  Computer-aided man-
pant. Lastly, tax laws in a developing coun- ufacturing and inventory-management
try may inhibit the maximization of initial technique of Japanese origin, in which the
losses, and what is advantageous to the for- raw materials needed for manufacturing are
eign partner may be disadvantageous to the available just prior to use. This system re-
domestic partner. duces the need for large inventories, which

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tie up capital and can create bottlenecks in management are, instead, made by work-
the pipeline. It gives managers the leeway to ers. Virtually everyone is involved daily
achieve quality, speed, dependability, and as a member of Quality circles. Deci-
flexibility while bringing down costs. Set- sion making is by consensus rather than
up times are reduced, efficient plant layout confrontation and generalists get as much
eliminates transit time, product designs say as specialists. Excess capacity is jet-
are standardized, maintenance is preven- tisoned. Suppliers take responsibility for
tive rather than reactive, and suppliers are quality, so that producers do not have
integrated with the production schedules. to. Components are standardized, as are
Of necessity, the workforce is trained to be production schedules. Control is also es-
flexible and innovative. JIT also makes ex- tablished by Automation, or jikoda, and
tensive use of robots. production lines come to a halt at the first
In the Japanese system, decisions sign of a defect.
normally undertaken in the West by

American Management Association

Kahnemann, Daniel (1934–) Israeli- encouraged to bring problems before man-

American psychologist and winner of the agement without any bureaucratic red tape
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his and without barriers to communication.
work on Prospect theory. He was Profes- Kaizen has three dimensions: manage-
sor Emeritus of Public Affairs at Princeton ment, group, and individual. Management
University’s Woodrow Wilson School. He
kaizen uses seven statistical tools, includ-
is noted for his work on the psychology
ing Pareto charts/diagrams, Cause-
of judgment, decision making, behavioral
effect, Histograms, Control charts,
economics, and hedonic psychology. He
Scatter diagrams, graphs, and checklists.
established a cognitive basis for common
It also involves waste elimination. Group
human errors using heuristics and biases.
kaizen identifies problems, analyzes them,
implements and test new practices, and es-
Kaidanren  Japanese Business Federation,
tablishes new standards. Groups also learn
the most powerful of Japanese business as-
from other groups; many of these groups
are integrated into the workforce and help
Kaiser plan Adopted by the Kaiser Steel to set goals, build team spirit, improve la-
Corporation and the Steel Workers Un- bor-management relations, heighten mo-
ion, an agreement to guarantee employees rale, and develop skills. Individual kaizen
against possible loss of wages or employ- involves suggestions that contribute to
ment as a result of technological changes. overall savings, idea pools, improvements
in tools, and better customer relations and
Kaizen  Japanese concept of Continuous services.
improvement that undergirds Just-in-
time, Total Quality Management, and Kaldor-Hicks efficiency In economic the­
Kanban. Its key is to put out any fires as ory, any alteration in the allocation of resourc-
soon as they are noticed and to exploit es. An extension of the Pareto efficiency,
opportunities for improvement not epi- in which one person is made worse off when
sodically but continuously. Employees are another is made better off, the Kaldor-Hicks

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efficiency, those who are better off are asked after World War II. It is an industrial or-
to compensate those who are worse off, thus ganization occurring in both vertical
restoring parity to the system. Developed by and horizontal forms. Today there are six
economists Nickolas Kaldor and John Hicks. main horizontal keiretsu: Mitsubishi, Mat-
Also termed Kaldor-Hicks criterion. sui, Sumimoto, Sanwa, Fuji, and Dai Ichi
Kangyo. There is a vertical relationship be-
Kamikaze pricing Predatory pricing stra­ tween the core company and its subsidiar-
tegy of Japanese origin, in which goods and ies, in each of which the parent group has
services are offered at a loss in order to cap- a controlling interest. All keiretsu contain
ture a market and drive out all competition. financial service companies that provide fi-
nancial and insurance services, as well as in-
Kanban  (Japanese, “visible record”) Card vestment banking. Each group also contains
developed by businessman Taicho Ohno of a trading company known as soga sosha.
Toyota, which records the supply and use of
Cross-shareholding makes it virtually
parts and is thus part of the Just-in-time
impossible for outsiders to take over the
companies. Keiretsu continually diversify
Kansei engineering Product design that to maintain their broad-based dominance
places great importance on aesthetics and over a swath of the economy, and they lose
the evocative qualities of a product. no op portunity to exploit new tech-
nologies. Members help each other both
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss  Management ex- through financial aid and through person-
pert best known for her work on organi- nel redeployment. Within each group, there
zation structures, globalization, and the is a presidents’ council, or shacho kai, that
empowerment of employees. forms the supreme command. This coun-
cil meets regularly and sets the path for the
Kaplan, Robert American management group to follow.
guru who developed, with David Norton,
the Balanced score card, which includes Kelly repertory grid  In market research,
consumer satisfaction as an intangible asset a technique to obtain opinions from re-
for corporations. spondents about multiple products, there-
by discovering what appeals most in terms
Karoshi  In Japan, death by overwork. of quality and affordability. Developed in
1955 by clinical psychologist George Kelly.
Keiretsu  In Japan, a group of compa-
nies with cross-holdings and family as Kepner, Charles Higgins  Management
well as professional connections based on consultant whose book with Benjamin
and descended from the prewar Zaibatsu Tregoe, The Rational Manager (1981), de-
family-based groups, which were banned scribed procedures for decision making.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 161 K

Kepner-Tregoe method  Systematic prob- and the Supply-side economics that fol-
lem-solving method and retrospective lowed it. It advocates a mixed economy
problem analysis developed by manage- based on the private sector with a strong
ment consultants Charles Kepner and role for government interventions during
Benjamin Tregoe. recessions. It asserts that production is in-
fluenced by aggregate demand and that ag-
Kerb market  Exchange that deals in shares gregate demand is influenced by a host of
of companies not listed on the stock ex- irrational factors including employment
changes. and inflation. Keynesian unemployment re-
sults when there is insufficient demand in
Keynes, John Maynard (1883–1946)  Brit- the economy.
ish economist, one of the most influential in
the 20th century. Father of Keynesianism, Kickback  Colloquial term for a bribe.
the foundation of modern macroeconom-
ics. His work dealt with business cycles and Killer app  Effective and successful smart-
the use of fiscal and monetary measures to phone application, or App.
mitigate the effects of economic recessions
and depressions. Author of The Economic Killer bee  Investment banker hired to re-
Consequences of Peace (1919), The End of pel a takeover attempt by devising strate-
Laissez Faire (1926), Treatise on Money gies to make the company less attractive to
(1930), and The General Theory of Employ- investors See also Poison pill, Porcupine
ment, Interest and Money (1936). provision.

Keynesian economics  Economic policies, KISS  Acronym for “Keep it simple, stu-
programs, and theories associated with pid,” a maxim for effective communication.
John Maynard Keynes. It is a macroeco-
nomic school of thought that has been in- Knight, Frank H. (1885–1972)  Professor
fluential in the 20th century. It argues that of Economics at the University of Chicago
the private sector in a free market economy and champion of classical economics that
is inefficient and needs to be corrected by extolled the virtues of economics freedom
active policy responses by the public sec- and a free market.
tor, particularly monetary policy actions
by the central bank and fiscal policy ac- Knockdown  1. Product supplied or shipped
tions by the national government to stabi- in kit form, to be assembled by the custom-
lize output over the business cycle. It was er. 2. Something offered at a temporarily re-
first presented by Keynes in his book, The duced price.
General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money (1936) and stands in sharp contrast Knockoff  Poor imitation or unauthorized
to the classical economics that preceded it copy of a designer product.

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Knowledge management  Creation, shar- technique developed by consultant David

ing, and transmission of information or Kolb, which breaks up the learning process
expertise, designed to foster employee cre- into different stages, such as doing, reflect-
ativity and risk-taking within established ing, conceptualizing, and experiencing.
parameters, with the goal of gaining com-
petitive advantage. Also termed knowledge Kondratieff, Nikolai Dmitriyevich (1892–
engineering. 1938)  Russian economist and proponent
of New Economic Policy, which promoted
Knowledge triangle Conjunction of re- small business in the Soviet Union. He is
search (which creates knowledge), edu- best known for his theory known as the
cation (which diffuses knowledge), and Kondratieff Cycle, or long-term (50 to 60
innovation (which applies knowledge) as years) cycles of boom followed by depres-
one of the drivers of corporate growth. sion, which he first proposed in his books,
The World Economy and its Conjectures
Knowledge worker Professional in the During and After the War (1922) and The
information industry, including scientists, Major Economic Cycles (1925)
educators, and information-system design-
ers. This expert must possess factual and Kondratieff cycle Hypothesis first devel-
theoretical knowledge, be able to find and oped by Russian economist Nikolai Kon-
access information, and apply information dratieff that the international economy
to solve problems and communicate these rises and falls in 50-year cycles.
solutions to peers.
Kotler, Philip (1931–)  American market-
Kolb, David A. (1939–) American educa- ing expert. He is Professor of International
tional theorist and proponent of experiential Marketing at the Kellogg School of Man-
learning. He was Professor of Organizational agement at Northwestern University. His
Behavior in the Weatherhead School of Man- ideas on marketing appear in his classic
agement at Case Western University. In the text Marketing Management as well as in
early 1970s he and Ron Fry developed the ex- the nine-volume Legends in Marketing.
periential learning model, which comprised
four elements: Concrete experience, obser- KSA  Acronym for “knowledge, skills, and
vation and reflection, formation of abstract abilities,” key attributes for career develop-
concepts, and testing and repetition. He is ment and professional growth.
also known for his Learning Style Invento-
ry in which there are four types of learners: K-strategy  Management system indig-
converger, accommodator, assimilator, and enous to South Korea.
Kyoroku kai  In Japan, a supplier
Kolb’s learning cycle Management training association.

American Management Association

Labeling theory  Sociological explanation an illustration of the theory that there ex-
for deviance from the norm, as not a con- ists a tax rate between 0 and 100% that will
dition inherent in something itself but be- result in maximum tax revenues. He was
cause others have labeled it as such. a professor at the University of Chicago
Graduate School of Business.
Labor intensive  Description applied to an
industry or production process in which Laffer curve Graph pattern based on
labor costs are so high that they form the economist Arthur Laffer’s principle that
lion’s share of the costs. higher taxation ultimately results in de-
creased revenue.
Labor stability index  Measurement show-
ing degree of labor turnover in relation to Lagging indicator Economic measure-
length of time on the job. ment that trails behind other indicators in a
cycle. See also Leading indicator.
Laboratory training  In human resources,
a form of relatively unstructured group Laissez-faire  Descriptive of a free-market
dynamics in which participants learn to economy, in which government involve-
resolve conflicts. The emphasis is on inter- ment is kept to a minimum and the market
personal skills. essentially regulates itself.

Laches  In law, an unreasonable delay that Laissez-faire leadership  In management,

prejudices the opposing party in a claim. when the apparent leader relinquishes the
right to set standards and regulate behavior
Lady Macbeth strategy  In takeover or ac- and allows members the freedom to do as
quisition battles, a third party that tries to they please.
act as a White knight but eventually joins
the predator. Lame duck In business, a company that
faces intense foreign competition and is
Laffer, Arthur Betz (1940–)  American eco­ unable to survive without government sub-
nomist best known for the Laffer curve, sidies or support.

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Lanchester, Frederick William (1868– and consultant Edward de Bono, used to

1946)  English polymath and engineer who describe a bold approach to problem solving
made important contributions to automo- by attacking it sideways rather than frontally,
tive engineering and operations research. considering unorthodox solutions.

Lanchester strategy From British poly- Laundering  Processing of illegal or tainted

math and engineer Frederick William money though a legitimate, usually foreign,
Lanchester, the application of military bank or other facility so that the origin can-
strategy to business operations. The ap- not be quickly traced.
proach includes two linear equations,
known as the linear law and the square Law of Contracts  Law that governs agree-
law. The Japanese made use of Lanches- ments entered into voluntarily by two or
ter’s ideas to study business competition more parties with the intention of creating
and competitive advantage. Market share a legal obligation, either orally or in writ-
was predicated on the strength of the sales ing. In equity, the remedy can be specific
force; the strategic elements were pricing, performance of the contract or an injunc-
advertising, and product development; and tion. Contract law varies greatly from one
the goal was to “capture” customers. With jurisdiction to another including the differ-
26% of the market share, a company was ence between common law and civil law.
vulnerable, whereas with 74% it was con-
sidered safe. Law of diminishing returns  Theory that
if one factor of production increases while
Last in, first out (LIFO)  1.  A method of the others remain constant, the extra out-
costing units of raw materials or finished put generated by the additional input will
goods issued from stock by using the latest eventually fall.
unit value for pricing, until all stock at that
price is used up. The next earliest price is Law of the situation  Developed by man-
applied to the next batch, and so on. 2. In agement theorist Mary Parker Follett,
human resources, ranking employees by theory that conflict between two parties
the length of tenure; in case of redundan- should be resolved by reference to the facts
cies or layoff, letting go of those with the of the situation and not through a power
least tenure first. struggle.

Late-entry strategy Trying to gain com- Law of triviality  From British historian C.

petitive advantage by introducing products Northcote Parkinson, theory that the amount
after the competitors, so as to learn from of time spent on any task will be in inverse
their mistakes. relation to the monetary sum involved.

Lateral thinking From Maltese physician Layoff  Suspension or termination of

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workers because they have become redun- and styles: (1) traits, or focus on certain key
dant or the production of goods has be- personality characteristics as decisive, in-
come unprofitable. cluding confidence, communication skills,
and organizational ability; (2)  behavior,
LBO  Leveraged buyout or focus on motivation, such as task-mo-
tivated or relationship-motivated activity;
LCS  Life-cycle strategy and (3) cognition, or focus on the ability to
transmit ideas, values, and perceptions as
LDC  Less developed country. performance drivers.

Lead time Amount of time needed to Leading indicator  1.  Economic measure-

complete a cycle of work, a project, or an ment that precedes and heralds other indi-
activity. cators in a cycle. See also Lagging indica-
tor. 2.  Indicator in a time-series analysis
Lead users  First users of a product, who
that changes in the same direction but in
test it to determine its strengths and weak-
advance of company sales.
nesses in relation to its competitors.
Leading and lagging  Techniques used to
Leadership  Position, traits, and character-
bolster a company’s cash position and re-
istics associated with the principal manag-
duce its debt by collecting amounts payable
ers and executives who exercise authority
and delaying payments of amounts due.
and power, set the trends, influence and
motivate their peers and subordinates, and Leading from strength  Idea that a com-
determine the goals and fortunes of an or- pany should concentrate on its strengths
ganization. There are many styles of lead- when fashioning strategies.
ership, and each has a mode of operation:
Authoritarian, Democratic, Charis- Lean  Descriptive of an efficient and waste-
matic, Laissez-faire, Transactional, less operation, with no fat or unnecessary
Transformational, and Bureaucratic. frills. Also known as Toyota production
Some leaders are disciplinarians or marti- system or Just-in-time.
nets, while others are more permissive and
tend to delegate power to subordinates. The Lean back Period of cautious inaction
test of leadership is the quality of the per- before a government agency intervenes to
formance of the organization as a whole, as correct an anomaly in a market.
evidenced by the desired outcome.
Lean supply model  Supply chain example
Leadership theories  In industrial and or- developed by economist L. R. Lamming,
ganizational psychology, a taxonomy of in which the flow of materials moves from
theories that define leadership qualities suppliers to producers in an efficient way.

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Learning curve Relationship between pro­ of a person or institution, confirming author-

ductivity and manufacturing time and costs ity by law and custom, and not in violation of
so that as productivity rises, manufacturing any rules.
time and costs decline.
Letter  Legal document that confirms or
Learning organization Company that pla­ states a specific intention or plan. A letter of
ces a high premium on Continuous learn- comfort is sent to a bank by a parent com-
ing by employees as a means of ensuring the pany, supporting the loan application of a
firm retains its competitive advantage. subsidiary; a letter of credit is sent by a bank
to a sister bank, authorizing the payment of
Learning plateau Stage in learning at a specified amount to the person named;
which there is pause to allow for assimila- a letter of indemnity states that the issuing
tion of the lessons, resulting in a flattening organization will compensate the person to
of the learning process. whom it is addressed for a specified loss; a
letter of identification is issued by a bank to a
Least-preferred co-workers scale Meas- customer to whom a letter of credit has been
urement to identify the extent to which a issued; a letter of intent sets out a person’s
leader is predominantly task-motivated or intentions to do something specified; a letter
relationship-motivated. of license is sent from a creditor to a debtor
who is having trouble raising money to pay
Leavitt, Harold (1922–2007) Ameri- a debt; a letter of regret is sent denying an
can management psychologist and writer application; a letter of renunciation is sent
whose research explored patterns of organ- when a person who has been allotted shares
izational communications; author of Man- in a new issue renounces those rights.
agement Psychology (1956).
Level of aspiration Degree of ambition
Ledger  Record of all financial transactions that drives a person to do his or her best to
by an individual or a firm that shows in- achieve defined goals.
come and revenue and profit and loss.
Level-output strategy  Regulation of pro-
Left-brained  1 Of or relating to the thought duction at a constant level, regardless of
processes, such as logic. 2. Of or relating to fluctuations in demand. This strategy helps
a person who is less creative and emotional to maintain a stable workforce and reduces
and more analytical. the optimum use of capacity.

Leg  In finance, one element in a complex Leveraged buyout  Acquisition of a com-

set of transactions. pany in which loan capital is used to fi-
nance the purchase and when management
Legitimacy  Acknowledgment of the legality buys out the existing shareholders, thus

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becoming the owner. The debt used is se- psychologist who pioneered the field of
cured with the assets of the target company, Group dynamics and the human relations
and the purchase is financed by substand- school of management. He developed Force-
ard high-yield securities known as Junk field analysis, Change management, Ac-
bonds. The market value of the company tion research, and Sensitivity training.
is reappraised, and the expected cash flows
are based on dramatic savings through the Lewin model  Portrayal of human behavior
Cannibalization of assets and cutbacks in based on an equation, in which behavior is
employment. Management ends with a siz- determined by environment and personal-
able share of the equity, and the investment ity. From psychologist Kurt Lewin.
bankers pocket a large fee. Much of the actu-
al financing comes through what is known Liability  1.  Responsibility assumed acc­
as Mezzanine financing, whereby the in- ording to law or equity or obligation per-
vestors are wealthy venture capitalists and taining to a funciton or office. 2. Pecuniary
pension funds that resell their shares in a debt incurred in the course of a business
few years to realize substantial capital gains. transation that must be legally discharged.

Leveraged firm  Company with a high lev- Liberalization  Loosening of regulations

el of debt. and accompanying expansion of markets
for free trade.
Leveraged marketing  Marketing strategy
in which a company capitalizes on existing LIBOR  London Inter-Bank Offered Rate,
products and processes to create new prod- a widely used benchmark for short-term
ucts at minimal cost. interest rates used in interbank transac-
tions, fixed by the British Bankers’ Associa-
Levitt, Theodore German-born manage- tion. It is derived from a filtered average of
ment guru and Harvard professor who interbank deposit rates for large loans with
taught that the central preoccupation of maturities between overnight and one year.
corporations should be to satisfy customers
and not merely to produce goods. See also Licensing  Act of permitting use of a trade-
Levitt’s total-product concept. mark or product, manufacturing process,
copyright, or patent in exchange for a fee
Levitt’s total-product concept Market- or royalty.
ing concept devised by Theodore Levitt,
recognizing the gap between a producer’s Lien  Legal right to retain or claim posses-
evaluation of a product or service and the sion of property or goods owned by another
user’s or consumer’s perception of it. until the possessor’s claims have been satis-
fied. A lien may be general, where the goods
Lewin, Kurt (1890–1947) German-born are held as security for all outstanding debts;

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or particular, where the claim is against a that is, they could survive as independent
specific property; or possessory, where ac- businesses if divested. The position of an SC
tual possession is not required; or equita- within its industry life cycle is determined
ble, where the claim is independent of the by eight factors: market growth rate, mar-
possession. ket growth potential, breadth of product
line, number of competitors, distribution
Life assurance  Insurance policy that pays a of market share, customer loyalty, barriers
specified amount of money on the death of to entry, and technology. Embryonic busi-
the life that has been insured, or at the end nesses are characterized by high growth and
of a specified period. See also Insurance. a fluid market, whereas natural markets
are characterized by stability. The competi-
Lifeboat  In finance, a fund set up to res- tive position of a business is determined by
cue traders in an exchange in the event of a qualitative factors rather than by quantita-
market collapse or insolvency. tive factors, such as market share. A domi-
nant position results from a near monopoly.
Life-cycle costing Expenses for a fixed
asset, based on the amount of money re- For portfolio balance, using a lifestyle
quired to purchase it and its operating cost model offers a balanced mix of activities,
over its estimated lifetime. with mature businesses generating positive
cash flow and enjoying a solid dominance
Life-cycle segmentation  Marketing strat- in as many markets as possible. For devel-
egy that recognizes the shifting needs of oping a strategy to achieve dominance, the
consumers based on the stages of their life. lifestyle model has a concept known as fam-
ilies of thrusts, with four forks: natural de-
Life-cycle strategy (LCS) Competitive stre­ velopment, selective development, proven
ngth of a business, represented by six cat- viability, and withdrawal. Growth is meas-
egories (dominant, strong, favorable, ten- ured by start-up momentum, gradual gain,
able, weak, and nonviable). An alternative to aggressive gain, defensive tactics, and har-
the growth-share and market-attractiveness vesting. For a generic strategy, LCS presents
models developed by management con- 24 measures, including market production,
sultant Arthur D. Little, in this view, every new products, backward and forward inte-
corporation is segmented into independent gration, development of overseas business,
business units, then the life-cycle position of licensing, rationalization of distribution and
each is assessed and its competitive position production, technological efficiency, cost
determined. Each unit becomes a strategy cutting, and market strategies. The level of
center (SC), similar to a Strategic busi- risk associated with LCS is identified by
ness unit. SCs are described in terms of a number of factors, such as maturity and
competitors, prices, customers, quality, sub- competitive position, past performance,
stitutability, and divestment or liquidation; management, and current performance.

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The stages of a life cycle vary widely in terms Likert scale Collective results of a ques-
of time; markets change and the nature of tionnaire widely used in attitude studies,
competition differs from industry to indus- developed by psychologist Rensis Likert.
try. Innovation and the nature of entry bar- Respondents indicate how much they agree
riers can also affect life-cycle outlooks. or disagree with a series of statements,
graded on a three- or five-point scale in lieu
LIFO  Last in, first out of either/or responses.

Lifespace  Human nature and physical sp­ Limit  In finance, the maximum number
ace within which people conduct their ac- of fluctuations allowed in certain markets
tivities. during one trading day.

Lifestyle  In marketing, the activities, inter- Limited company  Business in which the
ests, opinions, and values of consumers as liability of its members with respect to the
they impact their purchasing decisions. In company’s debts is restricted to the value of
turn, consumer lifestyles are an important their shares or by guarantee. Some partner-
element in marketing strategies and profit- ships may also operate under this principle.
ability. Lifestyle segmentation is the division
of a market based on consumer lifestyles, Limited liability Condition in which share-
useful in customizing marketing strategies. holders are not personally responsible for
the debts of the company in which they
Lifetime customer value  Estimate of the hold shares.
business, and consequently the profitabil-
ity, that an individual customer brings to Line and staff System of management
a company over a specified length of time, with two hierarchies: Line management is
based on the assumption that the customer responsible for deciding policies and run-
will continue to buy those products during ning the company’s main activities; Staff
that time. management is responsible for providing
support services such as accounting, per-
Lifetime employment  Guarantee of full em- sonnel management, and warehousing.
ployment throughout a person’s working life.
Line extending  Increasing a line of prod-
Likert, Rensis (1903–1981) American psy- ucts by adding variations, as for example
chologist noted for his contributions to the when a soft drinks producer adds a diet
study of management and organizational drink under the same brand name.
theory, including the concepts of Human
asset accounting, Likert scale, Link- Line filling  Adding products to an exist-
ing-pin management structure, and ing product line in order to leave no oppor-
System four. tunities for competitors. Line filling may be

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horizontal, whereby the manufacturer adds Lipstick effect  Indicator of adjusted con-
features to an existing product and pro- sumer purchasing behavior, based on the
duces expensive as well as cheaper models; economic situation. Reference to the sale
or vertical, whereby the manufacturer pro- of lipstick; that is, during hard times, sales
duces a wide variety of brand names within of lipstick increase as consumers indulge
a single product line. their buying habits by buying cheaper items
rather than more expensive ones such as
Line management  Classification of super- designer dresses or handbags.
visors in a business, in which each manager
fulfills a discrete function and is responsi- Liquid market  Financial market in which
ble for a particular department within the the spread between asking and selling pric-
organizational chain of command. es is narrow, with many sellers and buyers
at hand and where market prices are not af-
Line of command  See of Chain of fected by large transactions.
Liquid ratio  The relationship between liq-
Line production  Mass production, in which uid assets and current liabilities, used to as-
high volumes of identical or similar products sess the liquidity of a company.
or product parts are made in a set sequence
of operations. Good product design and effi- Liquidation  Distribution of a company’s
cient plant layouts make it possible for lower assets among its creditors prior to its dis-
skilled workers to operate the machinery. solution; usually handled by a liquidator.

Linear time  Time viewed as an independ- Liquidity  Ability of an asset to be easily con-
ent entity governed by its own laws and verted into cash, with little or no capital loss.
moving in a straight line to a goal. Opposite
of Cyclical time. Liquidity trap  In the liquidity preference the-
ory of economist John Maynard Keynes,
Linear trend  Data presented in a time se- the concept that when interest rates are low
quence, represented on a graph by a straight and savings are high, investors favor cash over
line. bonds, in anticipation of higher interest rates.

Linking-pin management structure Way List renting  Sale of a mailing list of poten-

of conceptualizing management structure, tial customers to a direct-mail company,
developed by psychologist Rensis Likert. usually for one-time use.
In this model, an organization consists of a
series of interlocking groups connected to a Listed company  Business that is listed on
coherent whole, with individuals as the key one of the stock exchanges and whose stock
links having overlapping responsibilities. is publicly traded.

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Listening  Flip side of speaking, including with multiple locations for production and
recall listening and empathic listening. The distribution.
former focuses on memory and the latter on
overt expressions of approval or disapproval. Lockheed model  Management form that
identifies relevant variables for establishing
Livery company (chiefly British) One of Spans of control, coordination of subor-
80 trade associations in the City of London, dinates, and direction of supervision.
descended from the medieval guilds.
Lockout  Action taken by an employer in
Living company Business that is managed the course of an industrial dispute, deny-
for long-term success rather than for short- ing workers access to the workplace. It is a
term profits and is sensitive to changes in management response to a strike.
the business climate.
Locus of control  Center of gravity in an
LLDC  Least less-developed country organization that conveys a sense of control
over events.
Lloyd’s of London Corporation that is a
group of independent brokers and under- Locus poenitentiae  (Latin, “opportunity to
writers grouped into syndicates. Begun in repent”) Time and opportunity to back out
London in 1689 and named after its owner, of a deal before it becomes a legal document.
Edward Lloyd, its original business was main-
ly maritime insurance during Britain’s role as Logistics  Detailed plan for a complex op-
a mercantile power in the 19th century. It still eration, usually involving physical trans-
publishes the Lloyd’s Register of Ships. port and assignment.

Loan  Money lent on the condition that it is Long position  Owning shares in a com-
repaid, usually with interest, at the end of a pany with the intention of selling them in
given period. the future, after some appreciation in value;
opposite of Short position.
Local  Regional branch of a labor union.
Long tail 1.  In marketing, the sale of a
Localism  Development approach using broad range of products, each in modest
different strategies for different localities, quantities but with large collective volume.
based on varying cultural and environmen- It is common in niche marketing, in which
tal conditions. a company makes a profit by selling small
quantities of a very large number of items.
Location strategy Process and mode of 2. In economics, a situation in which a large
choosing an industrial or commercial lo- number of companies are performing be-
cation, important for large corporations low par because of a depressed economy.

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Long term 1.  Description of a contract Low-involvement product Cheap prod-

that spans two or more accounting periods. uct that calls for little or no deliberation on
2. Name for a debt that need not be paid for the part of the purchaser and is largely an
at least 10 years. 3. Classification for a bond impulse purchase.
that does not fall due for at least one year.
4. Category of unemployment that lasts for Loyalty  Faithfulness to a brand or service
more than a year. provider, built up as a result of repeated
positive experiences over the years. Loyal
Longitudinal design  1. Marketing research customers are the mainstay of good busi-
approach that measures consumer or audi- ness because they do not require costly per-
ence preferences over a long time, sometimes suasion. Loyalty may be reinforced through
over a generation. 2.  In strategic planning, coupons and discounts offered to frequent
projections of past events to develop future buyers.
plans and scenarios.
Luddite  Person who opposes new ma-
Lorenz, Max Otto (1876–1959)  American chines, processes, and technologies, often
economist who developed the Lorenz curve feeling threatened by them. Evolved from
in 1905 to describe income inequalities. His Ned Ludd, a leader in the 19th-century
principal work is Methods of Measuring the English protest movement by textile arti-
Concentration of Wealth (1905). sans against increasing industrialization of
cloth production.
Lorenz curve Graphic representation of
the distribution of income and wealth in Luft, Joseph U.S. psychologist who de-
a target population. Developed in 1905 by vised the Johari Window along with Har-
economist Max Otto Lorenz. rington Ingham in 1955. He is the author of
Group Processes: An introduction to Group
Loss leader  Product or service offered to Dynamics (1984) and Of Human Interac-
the public at cost or below cost in order to tion (1969).
entice customers who may buy other prod-
ucts over the long haul. Lutine bell Hanging in the underwrit-
ing room of Lloyd’s, this bell is rung only
Low-hanging fruit  1. Metaphor for a good on rare occasions, but to mark important
short-term opportunity for profit without events; formerly it was rung once for bad
much effort. 2.  Term for consumers who news (such as the sinking of an insured
are easy targets. ship) and twice for good news.

American Management Association

Ms  The different types of money in the Macho management  Style of management
Federal Reserve System, classified in a that is aggressive in protecting its rights and
range from M0 (narrowest) to M3 (broad- is dismissive of the rights of employees and
est). For example, M1 is money held in unions.
banks; M1-A is cash held in bank accounts
excluding deposits by foreign-owned banks Macroeconomics  Branch of economics
and nonbank depositories; M1+ is the basic that studies large functioning economic
money supply; M1-B is M1-A money plus structures and trends rather than the be-
other checkable deposits at all depository havior of particular economic agents or
institutions; M2 is M1-B money plus sav- phenomena. It is largely concerned with
ings and time deposits under $100,000 and such factors as money supply, employment,
money market funds; M3 is M2 money plus interest rates, government spending, in-
savings and time deposits over $10,000 and vestment, and consumption. See Micro-
institutional money market funds. economics.

Maastricht treaty Legislation signed in Macroenvironment  Large national and

1992 that created the European Union. It international forces that indirectly influ-
led eventually to the creation of the Eco- ence corporate decisions and affect their
nomic and Monetary Union. profitability and viability. These forces
include political violence and unrest, en-
Machiavellian  From The Prince by Nic- vironmental disasters, social anomie, po-
colo Machiavelli, used to describe political litical instability, demographics, labor force
actions whereby the ends justify the means, composition, and legislative and regulatory
however immoral they may be. actions. See Microenvironment.

Machine bureaucracy  Organizational str­ Macrorisk  Potential harm associated with

ucture that places a premium on punctual- major economic changes that affect an en-
ity, standardization, and efficiency. tire economy.

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Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act  1975 U.S. pecially the higher echelons, known as Top
law requiring written guarantees and war- management. Managers are accountable to
ranties to be made available to buyers at the the owners or shareholders for the conduct
time of purchase, specifying in clear lan- of business affairs. 3.  Academic discipline
guage the who, what, when, and how of the dealing with the study of management as a
warranty. science and the ways and means of admin-
istering an institution or corporation.
Mail order Direct sale to a customer by
the producer through catalogs sent by mail, Management audit  Systematic assessment
with orders received either by phone or of a management’s methods and policies
mail. The Internet has supplanted mail or- and the use of its resources. It involves an
der in many cases. analysis of the management performance
and effectiveness in the light of their stra-
Makework  Work devised to kill time and tegic objectives.
keep workers busy, or superfluous work
engaging more workers than needed. See Management buy-in  Acquisition of a com-
Featherbedding. pany from a group of outside managers,
backed by a team of Venture capitalists.
Managed currency  Money supply that is
controlled by a Central bank as part of Management buyout (MBO)  Acquisition
an overall monetary policy with political of a company or subsidiary by the existing
overtones. management, usually following divestment
of noncore operations by the owner.
Managed float System of floating ex-
change rates with Central bank interven- Management by crisis  Approach to man-
tion to reduce currency fluctuations. Also agement that looks on crises as opportuni-
dirty float. ties, but only provides short-term, ad hoc
solutions. This style deals with symptoms
Management  1.  Control of a company or rather than root problems, but achieves
organization with the goal of making it quick successes.
profitable and sustainable. The operation re-
quires organizational and human relations Management by exception Approach to
skills that are different from entrepreneurial management by which a decision that can-
skills. Management is responsible for set- not be made or a problem that cannot be
ting goals, overseeing change and growth, solved at one level is passed on to the next
measuring performance, planning, cost higher one.
control, pricing, conflict resolution, and
quality control. 2.  People involved in the Management by objectives (MBO) Ap-
operation of a company or organization, es- proach to management by which managers

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 175 M

are encouraged to specify quantitative and ple and concern for production; original
qualitative objectives to be achieved within five styles were identified by Robert Blake
a given time period and they are judged on and Jane Mouton; model was revised in
the basis of their success in achieving those 1999 to reflect nine styles, with optimum
objectives. being Theory Y.

Management by walking around (MB­ Management information system (MIS) 

WA)  Approach to management that en- Comprehensive computer system for pro-
tails maintaining a constant presence on the viding financial and quantitative informa-
floor, meeting regularly subordinates and tion to all levels of management. Access to
associates, and engaging in candid discus- the data is by need to know and is restricted
sions of problems. to areas regarded as useful for particular
managers; confidential information is re-
Management capitalism Form of opera- stricted to top management.
tion in which the dominant administrative
role falls on the salaried executives rather Management letter  Correspondence from
than on the owner or owner’s immediate an auditor to the management of a client
family. company at the end of an annual audit, usu-
ally suggesting improvements that could be
Management consultant Professional ad- made to the accounting system and internal
viser engaged by a company to guide man- controls.
agement in improving efficiency and prof-
itability. These consultants generally are Management philosophy Guiding prin-
outsiders who study existing work prac- ciples of good management that forms the
tices, and their reports generally span de- framework for decisions.
cision making, policies and planning, use
of resources, division of labor, and critical Management science Application of sci-
assessment of industrial relations, produc- entific methods and quantitative method-
tion, marketing, and sales. ology to the practice of management.

Management development Program by Management services Department in a

which managers are trained to hone their company concerned with improving over-
skills in real-life situations. The program all quality and productivity, usually through
often includes mentoring, team-building, work studies and systems analysis.
work studies, systems analysis, and role-
play. Management style  Approach to manage-
ment generally based on the individual’s
Management grid  Tool to evaluate man- personality traits. It varies from democratic
agement styles, based on concern for peo- to authoritarian.

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Management succession planning Strat- near the U.S.–Mexican border; used by

egy to ensure that there is a pool of talented U.S. companies to take advantage of lower
junior managers trained and ready to fill manufacturing costs and looser regulatory
senior positions as they become vacant. compliance.

Manager  Senior executive, usually the March, James Gardner (1928–)  Professor
chief of a department or agency, who is re- emeritus at the Stanford University School
sponsible for planning and decision making of Education best known for his research
and who heads one or more project teams. on organizations and organizational deci-
sion making. He worked on the systemic-
Managerial psychology  Branch of indus- anarchic perspective of organizational
trial psychology dealing with the role of decision making known as the garbage
managers in human relations and decision can model.
Margerison, Charles Professor of Man-
Managing director  Title of the principal
agement at the University of Queensland in
executive or operational head, just below
Australia and Cranfield University School
the chairman. Equivalent to the CEO.
of Management in the United Kingdom.
Along with Dick McCann, he developed
Mandate  Order or commission given to a
the Team Management System.
specific person, a department, or an organi-
zation to carry out the wishes of the gran-
Margin  1.  Difference between production
tor; a higher authority issues a mandate to
costs and income from sales constitut-
a lesser agent.
ing profit, often expressed as net margin
Manual  Document explaining the work- or gross margin 2.  Difference between the
ings of a machine or procedures for com- buying and selling price or between rates of
pleting a process. interest.

Manual labor  Work done by hand, such as Margin call  Broker’s demand for addition-
ditch digging, vegetable harvesting, or con- al money or securities in a margin account.
struction. It occurs when the value of the stock is de-
Manufacturing management Branch of
management that deals with manufactur- Marginal costing  Approach to costing
ing processes and machinery. that separates expenses into two catego-
ries: fixed and variable or adjustable. Also
Maquiladora  Mexican name for a factory termed direct costing, incremental costing,
operating in a free trade zone in Mexico, variable costing.

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Marginal pricing  System of pricing prod- of risk, ease of entry, cultural penetration,
ucts based on Marginal costing, which infrastructure, and profitability. The most
allows future cost variations. common strategies are (1) assembly opera-
tions that use low-cost labor; (2)  contract
Marginal revenue  Additional revenue de- manufacturing using domestic facilities and
rived from the sale of one additional unit of marketing channels; (3) exports, which pre-
production. sent less risk than other strategies; (4) joint
ventures with a host-country partner with
Marginality  In management, state of be- different levels of equity participation;
ing excluded from the mainstream because (5) franchising the trademark, product, or
of a lack of influence on other individuals process; (6) licensing, a variant of franchis-
or groups. ing; (7)  manufacturing based on the host
country’s capabilities and the availability
Margin of safety  Extent to which revenues of skilled labor; (8)  piggyback exporting,
exceed the breakeven point. whereby one company markets through
the distribution channels of another;
Markdown  Reduction in the price of (9) wholly owned subsidiaries, where con-
goods in response to poor demand or to siderable investment is required and com-
create more shelf space. pany employees are subject to frequent
Market  1. Arena in which traders, buyers,
and sellers gather to exchange goods and Market failure  Loss of purchasing power
services, with money as the medium of ex- by consumers, leading to a loss of business
change. 2.  Demand for a particular prod- and inefficiencies and caused by any num-
uct, measured by the number of buyers. ber of disfunctions.

Market challenger  Company whose goal Market follower  Company that is content
is to supplant the market leaders by increas- to take its cues from trendsetting market
ing its market share. leaders, following in their wake.

Market development Actions to enlarge Market forces  Events, factors, and trends

the market territory or constituency by ac- that influence business activities in a Free
tively soliciting new customers and intro- market economy, especially the laws of
ducing new products. Supply and demand.

Market entry strategy Deliberate plan to Market niche  Small, specialized  segment

enter a foreign market and establish a pres- of a market suitable for exploitation.
ence in manufacturing or selling based on
factors such as amount of capital, degree Market leader  Company with the largest

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market share, or the bellwether in innova- family size, ethnic group, occupation, so-
tion and distribution. cial class, and lifestyle.

Market maker  In finance, an intermedi- Market share  Portion of the total sale of
ary who creates a market for a financial all brands of a product competing in one
obligation. market captured by one product, usually
expressed as a percentage. It is a critical
Market overhang  Situation in which sell- factor in determining competitive position
ers, worried by falling prices, postpone and profitability. Market share may denote
their sales until there is a market recovery.
absolute share or relative share. Absolute
market share is per capital income. Rela-
Market penetration  1.  Extent to which a
tive share is the share of business divided
company’s product satisfies a demand or
by the sum of the shares of its three leading
felt need, as determined by its share of that
competitors. Market share also is subject to
market. 2. Process of entering a market to
establish a new brand or product, often definition because it may pertain to a global
supported by a low pricing strategy and ex- market, national market, or local market.
tensive promotion. Market shares may be described as
high, medium, or low, and the strategies in
Market power  Ability of a company to in- regard to each are different. For high-share
fluence the prices in a market on the basis competitors, the three most effective strate-
of its large market share. gies are (1) building barriers against entry
by raising the cost of entry; (2) introducing
Market research Systematic collection
alternative brands; (3)  maximizing price
and analysis of data on the size of a market,
range offering; (4) broadening the product
consumer behavior and preferences, the
line; and (5) increasing production volume.
extent to which current products meet con-
For medium-share competitors, the strate-
sumer expectations, and social trends that
gies are different because they do not have
might impact sales.
the resources to take on larger companies;
Market risk  Chance of failure in a mar- instead, they focus on customer segments
ket subject to wide price fluctuations, often ignored by the leader, supplying the needs
moderated by Hedge trading. of specialized markets, catering to custom-
ers who demand and can pay for superior
Market segmentation Breakdown of mar- quality, and maintaining a sufficient speed
ket demand by homogeneous groups of to keep pace with the leader.
consumers, each of which responds best to
a different marketing approach. The tradi- Market skimming Setting the price at a
tional segmentation is by age, sex, income, level that maximizes sales, irrespective of

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the costs of production, targeting those Marketing management Planning and

consumers who are willing to pay a higher oversight of a company’s marketing opera-
price. tions and the efficient implementation of a
marketing plan.
Market value  Dollar worth of a company
obtained by multiplying the number of Marketing mix Four factors (called the
its issued ordinary shares by their market Four Ps) that together influence sales:
price. product, pricing, promotion, and place.
This is based on findings of the company’s
Marketability  Extent to which a product is own market research.
suitable for commercial sale and the extent
to which it can be easily bought and sold. Marketing objectives  Elements of a mar-
keting plan that specify the targets to be
Marketing  1.  Planning and implementing achieved within a given time frame and the
innovation, pricing, promotion, and the resources needed.
distribution of goods and services to the
widest possible clientele. It consists of an- Marking to market  In accounting, valuing
ticipating demand, supplying felt needs, financial obligations and products accord-
conducting research and promotion, and ing to their current market prices, consid-
ensuring quality and availability. 2. Distri- ered controversial in some contexts.
bution of goods to consumers through a
wide variety of channels. Marketing warfare  Aggressive marketing
plan based on military strategies and tac-
Marketing environment  External cli- tics, where marketing terms are borrowed
mate in which Marketing takes place, from the military lexicon and are designed
including social, ethnic, and cultural ethos; to overpower or outwit the competitor,
technology; depth of competition; politi- though direct confrontation is avoided in
cal stability and its pro-business policies; favor of guerrilla-style campaigns.
distribution facilities; infrastructure; and
transportation. Marketization  Introduction of markets
and marketing into developing economic
Marketing information system (MIS)  systems or into the public sector.
Organized and focused collection of infor-
mation and its timely dissemination and Markowitz, Harry Max (1927–) Ameri-
transmission to the personnel of evaluation can economist and winner of the Nobel
and analysis. The information covers the Prize in Economic Sciences in 1990 and the
business environment, customer base, sup- John von Neumann Theory Prize in 1989.
pliers and distributors, government agen- He was Professor of Finance at the Rady
cies, and competition. School of Management at the University of

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California, San Diego. He is best known for Massify  Produce a good for the mass
his pioneering work in modern portfolio market.
theory studying the effects of asset risk and
return. Master of business administration (MBA) 
Postgraduate degree in business and man-
Markowitz model Method of selecting the agement, awarded after four years of train-
optimum investment portfolio, devised by ing in a business school.
Nobel economist Harry Max Markow-
itz. It assumes that investors are risk-averse Material fact  Information that influences
and should diversify by mixing the propor- a decision and the suppression of which in
tions of their portfolio. a legal document constitutes a crime.

Markup  Dollar amount by which the pro- Materiality  Extent to which any piece of
duction costs of a product or service are information is crucial in decision making
hiked to arrive at the selling price. and affects the veracity of the statements at-
tested to in a document.
Maslow, Abraham (1908–1970) American
psychologist whose contributions to man- Materials management Optimum utili-
agement science include the concepts of hi- zation of materials for the efficient flow of
erarchy of needs (see below), Peak experi- production without loss of manpower or
ence, and Self-actualization. time.

Maslow’s motivational hierarchy Model Matrix departmentation Hybrid man-

of human motivation developed by Abra- agement structure that combines product
ham Maslow. The model posits a hier- departmentation and functional depart-
archy of human motives and needs, with mentation leading to employees reporting
five levels: physiological (food and sleep), to two supervisors.
security, love and affection, esteem and
recognition, and meta needs (fulfillment, Matrix management  Organizational struc-
aesthetics, and intellectual achievement). ture in which vertical and horizontal links
Of these, the physiological make up the between managers are active at the same
primary and the other four constitute the time.
Matrix organization  Task-oriented man-
Mass marketing Marketing of products agement structure in which an employee
with the same pricing, customer base, and reports to more than one manager in dif-
packaging so as to bring down prices. ferent departments.

Mass production  See Line production. Matrix structure  Organizational structure

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based on vertical and horizontal relation- financial decision making under conditions
ships, found mostly among multination- of uncertainty.
als. The production facilities are localized
but industrial policies are set by the global Maximin criterion Pessimistic approach
office. Each country is treated as a profit to financial decision making under condi-
center, but the management of taxes is im- tions of uncertainty.
portant and profitability is calculated glob-
ally. Executives report to more than one Maximum slippage Period between the
date when a new company’s venture capi-
central unit; below the country manager
tal runs out and the date it starts receiving
level, operations are divided by product
earnings from sales.
group, which takes precedence over coun-
try managers. The headquarters, managed
Mayo, Elton (1880–1949) Austrian psy-
primarily by home-country nationals, sets
chologist and management expert whose
the strategies for overseas subsidiaries and
seminal contributions to the field of in-
in doing so may impose its own values. For
dustrial psychology bore fruit in the Haw-
example, the Japanese coordinate their ma-
thorne Study. He stressed the importance
trix structure by product, geography, and of human relations and interpersonal rela-
function, thus cutting across divisional tions, and encouraged management to meet
boundaries and eliminating rivalries. one-on-one with workers on the shop floor.

Mature economy  Developed economy that MBA  Master of business

has reached a high level of sophistication administration
and stability, and in which growth is accom-
panied by accountability and transparency. MBO  1.  Management buyout 2.  Man-
agement by objectives
Maturity grid Organizational structure
conceived by Philip B. Crosby with five lev- MBWA  Management by walking
els of maturity: Uncertainty, Awakening, around
Enlightenment, Wisdom, and Certainty.
McCallum, Daniel (1815–1878)  As gen-
Maturity stage  Longest period in the life eral superintendent of the Erie Railroad,
cycle of a firm, industry, or product dur- McCallum developed principles of man-
ing which sales peak and start to decline. agement that included discipline, division
In macroeconomics, the final stage of eco- of labor, detailed job descriptions, and
nomic growth characterized by a high level merit-based promotions. He also devel-
of mass consumption. oped organizational charts and sophisticat-
ed information-management systems using
Maximax criterion Positive approach to the telegraph.

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McCann, Dick Australian management thinkers in the 20th century. He coined the

expert who, with Charles Margerison, terms medium is the message and Global
developed the Team management wheel. village and predicted the World Wide
Web 30 years before it was invented. His
McClelland, David American psycholo- major works include The Mechanical Bride
gist and leading contributor to the study (1951), The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962), Un-
of motivation. He elaborated on the con- derstanding Media (1964), The Medium is in
cept of the Need for achievement as a the Message (1967), and War and Peace in
driver of human performance, especially in the Global Village (1968).
entrepreneurs. He also stressed the Need
for power as an essential ingredient of MD  Managing director
Mechanistic organization  Company cha­
MCDM  Multiple-criteria decision racterized by rigid hierarchies, largely verti-
making cal command modes and interactions, and
clearly defined roles and boundaries. Term
McGregor, Douglas (1906–1964)  Ameri- coined by management consultants Tom
can psychologist and leading contributor Burns and George Stalker.
to Organizational theory. He rejected
Theory X in favor of his own more hopeful Media analysis  Investigation into the rela-
Theory Y. tive effectiveness and costs of mixing vari-
ous formats and media in an advertising
McKinsey 7S Model Framework devel- campaign to achieve maximum impact.
oped by management gurus Robert Wa-
terman and Tom Peters, linking shared Mediation  Intervention by a neutral state-
values (all starting with S): structure, sys- sponsored agency or person to settle an
tems, style, staff, skills, strategy, and shared industrial dispute. This generally results in
values. These broad areas are integrated to a compromise solution that is acceptable
achieve overall successful strategy imple- to both sides. If the mediation results in a
mentation. At the core of the model are su- binding award, it is known as Arbitration
perordinate goals and shared values around and if it is a nonbinding award, it is known
which the firm pivots, and which define as Conciliation.
corporate culture. Transformation of a
company requires a change in these values. Medium-size  Relating to a second-tier
company based on its net worth, turnover,
McLuhan, Herbert Marshall (1911–1980)  and number of employees.
Canadian philosopher of communica-
tion theory and one of the most influential Medium-term  Relating to the period of

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time when liabilities or maturities become Mercantile law  Commercial law as it ap-
due and are payable, varying according to plies to banking, contracts, copyrights, in-
the nature of the obligation. solvency, insurance, patents, sale of goods,
shipping, trademarks, transport, and ware-
Megacorporation  Large corporation with housing.
multinational offices and thousands of
workers. Merchandising  Promotion of goods being
sold by a retailer or merchant, especially
Megatrend  General and widespread cur- through discounts, rebates, and free sam-
rent thinking or paradigm affecting large ples, so as to persuade customers to patron-
countries and markets. ize the establishment.

Meltdown  From nuclear energy, a fatal Merchant  Trader in goods and services or
disaster that cannot be repaired and that
a middleman.
causes enormous losses.
Merchant bank Bank dealing in deriva-
Membership group  In social psychology,
tives, hedge funds, venture capital, takeover
a group in which people are enrolled as
bids, credit cards, new initial public offer-
members, as distinguished from a Refer-
ings, investment portfolios, and unit trusts.
ence group.
Formerly specialized in lending to mer-
Memorandum  1. Document providing es- chants engaged in foreign trade. Because of
sential information on the structure and its access to large amounts of capital, it is
purposes of an association or organization, willing to take more risks than a Commer-
its rationale, and officers. 2.  Brief office cial bank. Also Investment bank.
Merger  Combination of two or more
Mensualization  Of French origin, term businesses with equal standing, resulting
describing the transition of Blue-collar in the creation of a new company. Unlike
workers to Staff status, with monthly in an Acquisition, no one party acquires
salary. the other, and the management of the new
company has representatives from both
Mentor  Senior employee who is training entities. Only equity shares are exchanged,
a junior employee and providing guidance rather than a sale. True mergers are rare
and encouragement, especially with the in- where the resulting union is not lopsided,
tricacies of corporate culture and protocols. however.

MEPT  Managerial, executive, professional, Merit rating  Calibrated system of rewards

and technical (staff). based on performance, used cumulatively

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to assess an employee’s contribution to an and with varying interest rates. This is a

organization. tool used in Management buyouts.

Meritocracy  Social system in which ad- M-form  Organizational structure, known

vancement is based on ability and skills, also as multidimensional structure, consist-
rather than on birth and privilege. ing of a relatively large number of relatively
small semi-autonomous units, each with its
Metcalfe, Henry (1847–1917)  Management own budget and financial target set by the
expert who, as manager of the Frankford main office.
Arsenal, developed a system of controls.
His book, The Cost of Manufactures and the Microcredit  In the developing world, the
Administration of Workshops, Public and Pri- lending of small amounts of money at non-
vate, was published in 1885. commercial rates to encourage initiatives
such as cottage industries and rudimentary
Metcalfe’s law  Principle that the value of a
network of people using the same Internet
sites increases with the square of the num-
Microeconomics  Analysis of economic
ber of participants. Attributed to Robert
behavior at the detail level, consisting of
Metcalfe in 1980.
individual households or small businesses,
often reacting to Macroeconomic forces
Method study Critical examination of
work practices and protocols in an effort such as taxation and cost of living.
to single out employees who are more ef-
Microenvironment  Situation where a lo-
ficient, productive, and cheaper.
cal company flourishes, affecting the health
Metrocorporation  Corporation with re- and well-being of its employees and its im-
sponsibilities that transcend those to the mediate customers.
shareholders and extend to several other
social sectors. Micromanagement  Form of over-mana­
gement characterized by excessive controls
Metropolitan statistical area (MSA)  Ge- and intensive attention to details, usually
ographic unit of the U.S. Census Bureau, translating to constant interference in the
marking either a city with 50,000 or more work of subordinates.
inhabitants or an urbanized area with at
least 100,000 inhabitants. Micromarketing  Marketing focused on
the needs and behavior of a small segment
Mezzanine finance  Funding provided by of the population.
specialized institutions, constituting a mix
of equity and secured or unsecured loans Midcareer plateau Dead-end stage in a

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career, where opportunities for further Minimum wage  Legal floor for wages for
promotion do not exist. workers on the bottom rung of the employ-
ment ladder. It is revised upward periodi-
Middle management Level of manage- cally based on the cost of living.
ment below senior management but above
junior management. Middle managers ex- Minority interest Small proportion of
ercise very little decision-making power shareholders in a company where control of
but have significant supervisory functions. more than 50% is held by a dominant group
or holding company.
Middleman  Intermediary in the flow of
goods and services who makes a profit by Minority protection Legal protections,
facilitating or reselling the goods. including audit and inspection of accounts,
afforded to minority shareholders against
Miles, Lawrence Delos (1904–1985)  Ameri- abuses by majority rule, such as Steam-
can engineer. He created the concept of roller tactics during annual meetings.
Value engineering in his book Techniques
Mintzberg, Henry Canadian management
of Value Analysis and Engineering (1961).
theorist known for his empirical observa-
tions on managers at work, especially the
Milestone scheduling  Use of set markers
differences between what they are supposed
to monitor progress.
to do, what they actually do, and what they
think they are doing.
Milgram, Stanley (1933–1984) Ameri-
can psychologist noted for his contribu-
MIS  Management information
tions to social psychology, especially his
concept of conformity to authority by pas-
sive subordinates. MIS  Marketing information system

Milk round  Annual visit to universities at Misery index Measure of economic dis-

graduation time by personnel managers, tress, calculated by adding the unemploy-
using job fairs to find new employees. ment rate to the inflation rate. Sometimes
the index also incorporates the number of
Mindmap  Graphical tool for visualizing bankruptcies and annual gross domestic
and clarifying ideas; it resembles a tree, with product.
a central trunk and spreading branches.
Misperceptions theory  In economics, the
Minimax strategy In Game theory, a concept that business cycles are caused by
strategy of minimizing loss rather than imperfect information rather than struc-
maximizing gain. tural flaws.

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Mission creep  Expansion of a project be- ments in the proper order, which can be
yond its original scope, often without plan- used as a template or to extrapolate data.
ning or an exit strategy. Models may be physical, mathematical, de-
scriptive, solution-driven, or deterministic.
Mission statement A simple and direct
expression of a company’s goals and ob- Model-embedded decision-support sys-
jectives, as well as the vision animating its tem  Method of decision making based on
products and activities. Mission statements mathematical models.
define what a company stands for.
Modus vivendi Arrangement whereby two
Missionary sales Information by sales- parties in a dispute settle on the terms of
persons who tout the company products engagement and work out a compromise.
to prospective customers but do not take
orders. Mojo  Slang for magical or special powers
to achieve a desired goal or to influence
Mixed capitalism  Imperfect capitalist sys- people to act in a certain way.
tem with both Free market and state-run
sectors. Moller, Claus Danish management con-
sultant and advocate of effective customer
Mixed economy Economy in which the relations to promote products; he originat-
private and public sectors coexist and in ed the concept of putting people first.
which the state has no overriding commer-
cial interests to protect. It is an intermedi- Monetary policy Procedures available in
ate economic status, between a Command a regulatory toolbox to control and affect
economy and a Laissez-faire economy. Macroeconomic conditions by adjust-
ing the flow of money. There are four main
MNC  Multinational company tools in the toolbox: (1) using open-market
operations to buy or sell government debt;
Mobility  Freedom to move upward, down- (2) raising or lowering the reserve require-
ward, or horizontally in a profession or in- ments of banks; (3)  through short-term
dustry (occupational mobility) or from one funds; and (4)  lowering or raising interest
geographical location to another (geograph- rates or rates on Treasury bills. Generally a
ical mobility). In stratified societies and in tight monetary policy is used as a means of
command economies, there is little or no controlling inflation. Keynesian economic
mobility. theory holds that monetary policy is a blunt
instrument with indifferent results.
Model  Representation of a process or pro-
gram that includes all the necessary ele- Monetary system Network of mechanisms

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and institutions governing the supply of price. When the settlement is financial, the
money and exchange of currencies. difference between the strike price and spot
price determines the moneyness.
Money  Medium of exchange that serves
as a unit of account, a store of value, and Monochronic culture  Organizational cul-
a means of deferred payments. Currencies ture where the norm is to divide time se-
replaced barter in the early stages of eco- quentially into segments and dedicate each
nomic history. segment to a particular task. The main
instruments of such a culture are timeta-
Money laundering  See Laundering. bles and the main emphasis is on punctu-
ality. Distinguished from Polychronic
Money market Wholesale exchange for culture.
short-term loans and debt instruments,
consisting of money brokers, discount Monopolistic competition Market for a
houses, and banks. The main vehicles are particular product or service in which there
bills of exchange, Treasury bills, and trade are many competing sellers offering similar
bills. Money market funds generally earn but nonidentical goods. There are few bar-
higher rates of interest than bank deposits. riers to entry, and there is a multiplicity of
buyers and sellers as in Perfect competi-
Money supply  Total amount of money in tion, but each product is unique and can
the Monetary system, under the authority be obtained from only one producer. In
of the Central Bank. The types of money effect, each product is a Monopoly on its
are as follows: (1)  MO notes and coins in own.
circulation; (2) M1 notes and coins in circu-
lation plus private-sector current accounts Monopoly  Market in which there are mul-
and deposit accounts that can be transferred tiple buyers but only one seller, who is thus
by check; (3) M2 notes and coins in circu- able to control the terms of trade, especially
lation plus non-interest-bearing deposits; pricing. There are natural monopolies, as
(4)  M3, M1, plus all other private-sector for example public electric utilities and wa-
bank deposits plus certificates of deposit; ter supply.
(5)  M3C, M3, plus foreign currency bank
deposits; (6)  M4, M1, plus most private- Monopsony  Market in which there are
sector bank deposits, plus holdings of many sellers but only a single buyer, who
money market instruments as T-bills; and thus is able to control the price and avail-
(7) M5, M4, plus bank deposits. ability of the goods offered.

Moneyness  Relationship between the strike Monte Carlo simulation  Generation of

price of an option and the current trading random data from specified distributions

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that are then used as input into predictive Morgenstern, Oskar (1902–1977) German-
models. In finance, such simulations are born economist who, in collaboration with
used to price complicated derivatives and John von Neumann, founded the math-
portfolios and to calibrate risks. ematical field of Game theory and its
application to economics in the Neumann-
Moonlighting  Holding down a second job Morgenstern Utility Theorem. His major
in addition to a primary day job. works include On the Accuracy of Economic
Observations (1950), Predictability of Stock
Moore, Gordon (1929–) American co-
Market Prizes (1970), and Mathematical
founder and chairman emeritus of Intel
Theory of Expanding and Contracting Econ-
Corporation. He is the author of Moore’s
omies (1976).
law, which governs the rate of innovation
in computers.
Mortgage  Loan extended for purchase of
real estate, with the real estate serving as se-
Moore’s law Named after Gordon Mo­
curity, for a specified number of years and
ore, cofounder of Intel, law that computing
on mutually agreed-upon interest terms
power will increase every two years expo-
and conditions.
nentially through the production of new
Most-favored-nation clause  Portion of a
trade agreement between two or more na-
Moral hazard  Situation in which a person
has no incentive to act honestly or with dili- tions under which each party gives the oth-
gence or prudence. er the same favorable conditions as regards
tariffs and quotas.
Moral suasion Regulatory body’s appeal
to morality and the use of persuasion rather Motion study Business efficiency tech-
than legislative authority to induce a com- nique combing the time-study work of F.
pany to act in conformity with legal re- W. Taylor and the motion study of Frank
quirements. and Lillian Gilbreth. It is a part of Tay-
lorism. It has evolved into a technique for
Morale  Collective motivational energy of improving work methods. Also Time and
a group; known in French as esprit de corps. motion study.
It determines the sense of well-being and
satisfaction that employees demonstrate, Motivation  The drive in human beings that
and it is the basis for auditing the ability of a causes them to act in a certain way; in busi-
company’s leadership to provide employees ness, this is often in the form of inducements
with comfort regarding company activities and appeals to self-interest. Motivation is re-
and policies. lated to other drivers, such as purpose, desire,

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 189 M

need, preference, perception, attitude, recog- Multidimensional scaling Technique used

nition, and sense of achievement. Sometimes by marketers to assess consumer percep-
motivation is expressed in monetary terms tions of competing brands.
and sometimes as psychic income. It is one
of the key elements in understanding con- Multidomestic company  Company where
sumer behavior, and it also plays a role in hu- each division operates independently.
man resources. Autonomy and responsibility
add to the motivational menu of employees, Multilateral netting  Centralization of in-
while discounts, low prices, and perquisites ternational payments and receipts in differ-
add to the motivational menu of consumers. ent currencies, so as to reduce the cost of
Dissatisfaction stifles motivation and thus processing.
inhibits ability to respond appropriately.
Multinational company (MNC)  Conglo­
Motivation-hygiene theory  Developed by merate operating in more than one country
and having plants and offices in countries
theorist Frederick Herzberg, a principle
outside its home base. Multinational enter-
that identifies working conditions as lead-
prises have a different setup from national
ing to either employee dissatisfaction or
companies, with efficient, cost-effective op-
erational networks and the ability to exploit
Motivational research Inquiry designed the cheapest labor, take advantage of tax
to discover the psychological drivers of hu- loopholes, and bypass protectionist barri-
man actions, especially in the consumer ers. They are also the agents of technology
world. transfers across borders. Because they are
more concerned with the bottom line than
Mousetrap, build a better  To build a bet- with the welfare of the countries in which
ter and more efficient product; presumably, they operate, they are often guilty of cor-
build a better mousetrap and the world will rupting local officials, contributing to high
beat a path to your door. pollution levels, and flouting employment
safety regulations. Also termed transna-
Mouton, Jane Srygley (1930–1987)  Amer- tional enterprise.
ican management theorist who developed
the Management grid model with Rob- Multiple-criteria decision making (MC­
ert R. Blake. DM)  Polygonal approach to decision mak-
ing and problem solving that takes into ac-
MRP  Manufacturing resource planning. count all the factors that have impacted the
problem directly or tangentially. It is an ad-
MSA  Metropolitan statistical vanced field of operations research devoted
area to the development and implementation of

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M 190 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

decision support tools and methodologies Muth, John Fraser (1930–2005) Ameri-

when confronted by needs and goals of con- can economist, considered the father of the
flicting natures. Vilfredo Pareto was the rational expectations revolution. He was a
first to place the aggregation of such con- professor at the Graduate School of Indus-
flicting data into a single evaluation index. trial Administration at Carnegie Mellon
Multiple niching Marketing strategy in
which several offers of sale are made for a Mutual  Company owned by its members
product, each designed to appeal to a par- or depositors, where all profits are distrib-
ticular segment of the consumer public. uted to the stakeholders.

Munsterberg, Hugo (1863–1916) Father Myers-Briggs type indicator  Psychomet-

of Industrial psychology. In 1893, he ric questionnaire of personality, in which
established the Harvard Psychological the subject answers personal questions.
Laboratory, which became the center of the
industrial psychology movement. He stud- Myopia  Cognitive bias that screens out
ied telephone operators, trolley drivers, and undesirable information that contradicts
naval officers to find out how to match peo- previously held biases. From nearsighted-
ple with the right kind of work, where they ness, extended to imply a lack of foresight.
could function effectively. In 1913, he wrote
Psychology and Industrial Efficiency.

American Management Association

N Ach  Need for achievement changes in supply and demand, resulting in

fluctuations in price.
N Aff  Need for affiliation
Narrow money  Informal name for M0 or
Nader, Ralph  American lawyer and con- M1, or that part of the money supply used
sumer advocate; the father of Consumer- as a medium of exchange.
ism. His early investigation of the safety of
GM’s Corvair automobile gave birth to the NASDAQ  National Association of Securi-
consumer movement and made the safety ties Dealers Automated Quotations System,
of consumer products a national issue. an electronic marketplace for securities,
founded in 1971.
NAFTA  North american free trade
agreement Nash, John Forbes, Jr. (1928–)  American
mathematician who made important con-
NAICS  North American Industrial tributions to Game theory, differential ge-
Classification System ometry, illustrating the forces that govern
chance and events in daily life. His theories
NAIRU  Nonaccelerating inflation are used in market economics, computing,
rate of unemployment artificial intelligence, and military theory.
He was a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in
Naive quantitative method  Technique us­ Economic Sciences in 1994.
ed to forecast future trends, using histori-
cal data plotted in a time series. It displays Nationalization  Takeover by the state of
the underlying trends, seasonal and cycli- companies and utilities that have a vi-
cal variations, and random elements that tal national interest and their operation
are then decomposed to reveal underlying henceforth under government control. Na-
patterns. tionalization generally occurs in a socialist
economy and reflects the view that private
Narrow market  Market that is sensitive to enterprise is more interested in profits than

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in public welfare. Nationalization is more a others, which can cause aggressive and an-
political move than an economic one. Op- tisocial behavior. The need for power stems
posite of Privatization. from an inherent sense of insecurity and is
an effort to affirm one’s own worth.
Natural capital  Land as a factor of
production. Need to make sense  Basic human need for
relevance, a sense of purpose, and validity
Natural wastage  Reduction of the work- that can come only from the external en-
force through attrition rather than layoffs. vironment and the projection of one’s own
values onto the world.
Near-market research Scientific research
with commercial potential. Need-pull  Unmet need, or a new regula-
tion or opportunity that creates a new need
Near money Assets, such as bills of ex- or demand.
change, that are immediately transferable
and may be used to settle some, but not all, Negative equity Difference between the
debts. Also termed Quasi money. value of a property and the outstanding
amount borrowed against that property,
Need  Any of several drivers in human psy- where the latter is greater than the former.
chology, such as the need for achievement,
need for affiliation, need for power, and Negative income tax Income redistribu-
need to make sense. tion program by which the state pays those
with income levels below a stated amount
Need for achievement Concept developed a subsidy.
by social psychologist David McClel-
land, describing the human need for Negotiability  Characteristic of a docu-
achievement as a strong driver of perfor- ment entitling its owner to pass on legal
mance, especially in entrepreneurs and ownership by endorsing it. Bills of exchange
managers. and checks are negotiable when they are
signed on the back by the endorser.
Need for affiliation  Concept in social psy-
chology developed by David McClelland, Negotiate  To confer with a view toward
referring to the basic human need for com- arriving at mutually acceptable terms for a
pany and a sense of belonging, which enable contract or agreement.
us to thrive in a corporate environment.
Nellie, sitting next to Informal training
Need for power  Concept in social psychol- program, whereby the learner sits close to
ogy developed by David McClelland, de- an older worker and learns how he or she
scribing the thrill of exercising power over operates.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 193 N

Nemoto’s principles of leadership From Net national product Gross national

Masao Nemoto, managing director of Toy- product less capital consumption.
ota, his ideas of Continuous improve-
ment, coordination among divisions, Netiquette  Informal rules and regulations
better communication, rotation of best em- that govern Internet communications.
ployees, setting deadlines, action following
inspection, and rehearsal of presentations. Network  Arrangement of parts, as in an
organization, with interconnecting lines of
Nenko  Human resources management communication and support, but function-
system used in Japanese organizations. ing independently and simultaneously.

Neoclassical economics  School of Micro- Network analysis  Use of a network to plan a

economics developed in the late 19th cen- series of activities, to make the best use of re-
tury, focusing on the allocation of capital sources, or to ensure control over a schedule.
and individual-level supply and demand.
Network marketing  Selling of products or
In combination with Neo-Keynesian eco-
services through a network of self-employed
nomics, it was a dominant school of eco-
agents and representatives.
nomic thought in the 20th century.
Neumann, John von (1903–1957) Hun-
Neo-Keynesian economics  Application of
garian-American mathematician and poly-
the Macroeconomic theories of Keynes-
math, considered a towering intellect and
ian economics to the postwar period. It
one of the greatest mathematicians of mod-
was combined with Neoclassical eco-
ern times. His contributions straddle many
nomics to form the neoclassical synthesis,
disciplines, including mathematics, phys-
which became the mainstream economic
ics, economics, computer science, and pro-
approach until the latter part of the 20th gramming and statistics. He was a principal
century and the introduction of Chicago member of the Manhattan Project and a
school monetary theories. member of the Institute of Advanced Study
at Princeton.
Nepotism  showing favoritism in employ-
ment or promotion, based on family ties Neurotic organization  Dysfunctional or-
rather than merit. ganization that exists at the whim of its top
executive, whose capricious demands cre-
Net  Amount remaining after specific de- ate instability at all levels. Ford Corporation
ductions are made, as in net assets, net under Henry Ford is an example.
earnings, net dividends, net income, net in-
vestment, net profit, receipts, net value, and New economics  See Keynesian
net worth. economics.

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New product development  Marketing str­ the Tokyo Stock Exchange, launched in
ategy by which new and untried ideas are 1949.
developed and converted into marketable
innovations and inventions, through tests Noise  1.  In communication theory, dis-
and analysis of their profitability, viability, ruption in communications through chat-
and need. Prototypes are then made, tested, ter and background static. 2.  In statistics,
refined, and then test-marketed. random fluctuations in data. 3. In finance,
excess volatility in stock prices induced by
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)  Prin- nonstandard techniques for analyzing and
cipal U.S. stock exchange, founded in 1792. valuing stocks.
It moved to Wall Street in 1793.
Nominal group technique (NGT)  Group
Next in, first out (NIFO)  Method of valuing problem-solving technique in which each
raw materials or finished goods issued from member of a group is asked to write down
stock, using the next unit price at which con- ideas without consulting colleagues. These
signments will be received. Compare First ideas are then discussed, without aware-
in, first out; Last in, first out. ness of the origin. Similar ideas are grouped
or merged, and the remaining ideas are
NGT  Nominal group technique ranked on the basis of potential. The indi-
vidual rankings are combined mathemati-
NIC  Newly industrializing countries. cally and the ideas at the top are adopted.
NGT avoids the distortions associated with
Niche market  Tightly defined market with Groupthink, caused by deference to au-
relatively few customers, who support high thority, peer pressure, office politics, and
levels of demand for a specific product or personal idiosyncrasies.
Nominal price Minimal price, fixed for
Niche width Size of a niche market in considerations other than market value and
terms of the number of customers and the generally a concession to a most favored
depth of their demand. Generally, this is di- party.
vided into broad niche markets and narrow
niche markets. Nominee  Person named to act on some-
one’s behalf, generally to conceal the iden-
NIH  For “not invented here,” a deroga- tity of a stakeholder.
tory term applied to foreign inventions and
ideas, reflecting reluctance to benefit from Nomothetic  Approach to the study of hu-
globalization. man behavior that emphasizes general or
universal principles. Opposed to Ideo-
Nikkei stock average  Index of prices on graphic.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 195 N

Nonaccelerating inflation rate of unem- Nonexecutive director Executive of a

ployment (NAIRU) Rate of unemploy- company not involved in its day-to-day
ment that does not affect wage inflation. management but, rather, to provide inde-
pendent and objective advice and counsel.
Nonadjusting event In accounting, an
event occurring between the date of the Nonfinancial performance Measure of
balance sheet and the date of the financial performance that cannot be quantified and
statements reflected on the balance sheet. does not appear on the company books. It
incorporates an array of techniques, such
Nonaka, Ikujiro (1935–)  Influential Japa- as defect rates, response times, and delivery
nese writer and Professor Emeritus of Hi- commitments, that serve as strategic weap-
totsubashi University Graduate School of ons, differentiating one firm from another.
International Corporate Strategy. He was
also a Distinguished Scholar at the Drucker Nonmonetary  considerations Relating
School and Institute, Claremont Graduate to aspects of an employee’s hire, includ-
University and Distinguished Scholar at the ing commuting time, boredom, morale,
work environment, recognition, and self-
University of California, Berkeley. He is best
known for his study of Knowledge Manage-
ment, a field that he founded with his book,
Nonnegotiable  Relating to a negotiation’s
The Knowledge-Creating Company.
demands or points that are outside the pur-
view of discussion, and therefore where no
Noncompete agreement Contract in wh­
concession is likely.
ich one party agrees not to compete with
the other or to divulge any secrets to a third Nonprobability sampling In marketing, a
party. Such agreements are most common sampling procedure in which the sample is
in employment contracts or in licensing chosen on the basis of personal preference
agreements. rather than at random, and where bias in
selection is likely to skew the responses.
Nondisparagement clause Agreement that
bars a present or past employee from criticiz- Nordstrom, Kjell Anders (1958–)  Swed-
ing the employer, especially on the Internet. ish economist. Writer of popular business
books, including Funky Business: Talent
Nonequity share Share in a company, Makes Capital Dance (2000) and Kara-
whereby the shareholder receives payment oke Capitalism:Management for Mankind
for a limited amount without reference to (2003).
the company’s assets, profits, or dividends;
or whereby the share is redeemable on the Normal distribution In Gaussian terms,
request of the issuer. the symmetrical or bell-shaped frequency

American Management Association
N 196 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

curve that appears when a range of values Mexico, and the United States. The last digit
is plotted on the vertical axis and the values designates national industries. The first two
of a random variable are on the horizontal digits designate the largest business sector,
axis. The bell shape results because extreme the third digit designates the subsector, the
values are infrequent toward the ends while fourth digit designates the industry group,
median values are clustered around the and the fifth digit designates the industries.
Norton, David P. American founder of
Normative  Conforming to an ideal or de- the Palladium Group and co-author of The
sirable standard, as in work behavior. Execution Premium: Linking Strategy to Op-
erations for Competitive Advantage (with
Norming  Process by which an individual Robert Kaplan).
melds into the group and adopts the atti-
tudes and values that are exhibited by the Nostro account  Domestic bank’s account
majority in the group, thus contributing to in a foreign bank, in the currency of that
a cohesive corporate culture. foreign country; used primarily to settle
money exchanges.
North  General reference to the developed
or industrialized countries of the Northern Nostro and Vostro (Italian, from Latin,
Hemisphere, including Japan, the United noster, ours and voster, yours)  Accounting
States, Canada, and Europe, as well as Aus- terms used to distinguish an account from
tralia in the Southern Hemisphere. Com- an account held by another entity. The enti-
pare South. ties in question are almost always banks.

North American Free Trade Agreement Not-for-profit  Classification of charitable

(NAFTA)  A commerce trade agreement or public service institutions that are not
among Mexico, the United States, and designed to create profit and that therefore
Canada. enjoy tax-exempt status.

North American Industrial Classifica- Novation  Replacement of one legal agree-

tion System (NAICS)  Taxonomy of busi- ment with a new obligation, done with the
ness establishments according to the type consent of the parties involved.
of economic activity that replaced the older
Standard Industrial Classification System. Numeracy  Ability to understand and work
Its numbering system employs a six-digit with numbers and statistical data.
code at the most detailed industry level.
The first five digits are common to Canada, NYSE  New York Stock Exchange

American Management Association

O&M  Organization and methods Obsolescence  Fall in the value of an asset

as a result of the passage of time and wear
Object-oriented programming (OOP)  and tear, rather than from a breakdown.
Programming that focuses on grouping, It has special application to Consumer
simplification, streamlining, and stand- durables, which are built to endure for a
ardization. certain period of time but will need to be
replaced with newer models that are more
Objective(s)  Goal, or the end toward efficient. The concept has applicability to
which an effort is directed and resources manufacturing as well, where it has given
and strategies are focused. birth to Planned obsolescence. Most
products continue to function reasonably
Objective and task method  Procedure for
well after they have become technically ob-
preparing a promotional budget, setting out
solete, and it is in the interests of the manu-
the Objectives and the budget required to
facturer to maintain consumer demand by
achieve those objectives.
making sure that consumer durables have a
short lifetime.
Objectivity  Accounting concept that elimi-
nates or minimizes bias and subjectivity in
Occupational hazard  Risk of accident or
the examination of accounts and ensures full
illness at a place of work, or injury or ill-
comparability and consistency over time.
ness directly or indirectly caused by work-
Obligation  In financial transactions, the ing conditions. Occupational hazards are
assumption of responsibility with regard governed by government regulations and
to the payment or repayment of legal and supervised by Osha.
financial dues.
Occupational segregation Informal dis-
Observation research Market research crimination in employment, based on the
without the intervention of a physical in- traditional dominance of certain jobs by
terviewer. privileged ethnic communities.

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Odd-even pricing Pricing of a product Offshore operations Deals involving a

that ends in 9, as in $4.99; a psychological company not registered in the same coun-
gimmick to lead consumers to think that try as its principal stakeholders, executives,
they are paying less than a full dollar price. or investors.

OECD  Organization for Economic Offshoring  Locating a company’s opera-

Cooperation and Development tions or offices in countries outside the
home country. Compare Outsourcing.
Off the books  Accounts that are not re-
corded in the financial ledgers or reported Ohmae, Kenichi Japanese management
to the authorities or shareholders. consultant, whose book Mind of the Strate-
gist (1982) introduced Japanese production
Off-balance sheet  Relating to a company’s techniques to the West and popularized
accounts and finances that do not appear on such concepts as innovation, creativity, and
the official balance sheet. It is also known strategic planning.
as Creative financing because it creates
illusory profits by adding transactions that Ohno, Taiichi (1912–1990)  Japanese busi-
are bogus, such as factoring and consign- ness executive who is considered the father
ment stock that inflate profits and conceal of the Total Production System, known as
liabilities. Many of these transactions are lean manufacturing in the United States.
legal, but they are the result of the manipu- He wrote several textbooks about the sys-
lation of numbers (Cooking the books) tem including Toyota Production System:
and concealment of debt obligations. Off- Beyond Large-Scale Production (1988) and
balance sheet accounts are particularly de- Workplace Management (1988).
signed to hoodwink shareholders and the
stock market. Okun, Arthur Melvin (1928–1980) Ameri-
can economist who served as chairman of
Office politics  Juggling for power and in- the Council of Economic Advisers (1968–
fluence in a corporate office, often by ma- 69). He is the author of Okun’s law.
nipulating the information channels and
creating a climate for personal advancement. Okun’s law  Concept developed by Ameri-
can economist Arthur Okun that relates
Offshore account  Company, fund, or bank declines in the idleness rate of workers to
account set up in a foreign country, such increases in the Gross national prod-
as the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, or the uct, using data that exclude the first two
Channel Islands, with the goal of evading quarters of every economic recovery.
the tax laws of the home country. Also Tax
haven. Old Lady of Threadneedle Street Nick-

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 199 O

name for the Bank of England, coined Omnibus research Marketing surveys that
by Restoration playwright R. B. Sheridan. are broad in scope and that ask wide-rang-
ing questions.
Old-boy network Social and business
connections, generally the alumni of pres- On approval  Allowance for potential buy-
tigious state and private schools, who dom- ers to receive goods for inspection and trial
inate a firm or institution. before deciding to purchase.

Old-school ties  Networking based on cl­ One-pack giveaway Gift given with the
ass, status, and wealth derived from child- purchase of a good, designed to encourage
hood and early adult friendships and part- further purchases.
On-the-job training Informal job train-
Oligarchy  Organization controlled prima­
ing, in which colleagues serve as teachers
rily by an elite or clique; in business, a com-
and actual work experience is counted as
pany with senior management making all
decisions and whose personal interests of-
ten override those of the company.
One-two-three bank  Member of the sec-
ondary banking sector, whose status is only
Oligopoly  Market in which relatively few
slightly above that of a moneylender.
sellers supply multiple buyers, and who
thus control the supply and the prices.
OOP  Object-oriented programming
Generally, it is a market in which the largest
four players control more than 40% of the
Open-door policy  1.  Relating to imports
from all countries, without discrimination
Oligopsony  Market in which there are nu- or favoritism. 2.  Management philosophy
merous sellers but only a limited number that is receptive to ideas from subordinates.
of buyers, especially in soft commodities,
where the buyers have the advantage in set- Open economy  Economy in which a large
ting prices and choosing sellers. portion of the national income is derived
from exports and imports, rather than from
Ombudsman  Official charged with han- domestic industry.
dling grievances and acting as go-between
for both parties in an attempt to reach a Open-ended  Activity without an assigned
resolution satisfactory to both. termination date or an exit strategy.

Omikoshi  In Japanese, bottom-up Opening  Job vacancy for which applica-

management. tions are being accepted.

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O 200 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Opening bell  Bell that marks the opening Operating system  Configuration of activi-
of a trading day on a stock exchange. It is ties through which management maintains
usually rung by a celebrity. control of the business activities that trans-
form resources into assets, trying to achieve
Open market  Purchase or sale by a Cen- an optimum match between capabilities
tral bank of government bonds in exchange and outcomes.
for money, with the intention of influencing
liquidity in the private banking sector and Operation  Activity encompassing the tran­
thus controlling the money supply. sformation of inputs into outputs, the har-
nessing of resources, and the aggregation
Open-plan office Large single room for and oversight of responsibilities, skills, and
employees that has been divided into work- functions for achieving stated goals and ob-
stations, with no fixed halls or partitions. jectives.

Open position  Situation in which a trader Operational research Element of scien-

had stock on hand that is unhedged or un- tific management that designs models and
sold, and thus is vulnerable to sudden fluc- scenarios representing best possible solu-
tuations in price. tions and strategies to real problems, espe-
cially those outside the textbook. It makes
Open system  Management system that is use of Game theory, Critical-path
continuously receiving inputs and produc- analysis, and Simulation.
ing outputs.
Operations manager Manager entrusted
Operant conditioning Systematic program with responsibility for a particular opera-
of rewards and punishments to influence tional division or department and synchro-
behavior. It grew out of B. F. Skinner’s nizing that operation with that of the entire
theory of Behaviorism, which states that company.
actions have consequences and that aware-
ness of consequences can be used to moti- Operations strategy Conversion of pro-
vate performance. duction blueprints and objectives into de-
liverable products, ensuring acceptable
Operating cycle  Average time, expressed quality and costs.
in days, between the purchase of materials
and receipt of payment. Opinion leader  A person whose opinions
are highly valued by his or her peers so that
Operating statement  Financial and quanti- they subscribe to them.
tative statement outlining key performance
indicators, especially providing comparative Opportunity cost  Economic cost of non-
data for a selected budget period. action, measured in terms of the benefits

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 201 O

lost by not pursuing a course of action, as tingencies. With a European option, the
when returns on an investment are judged buyer can exercise his or her rights only on
against the potential profits of other invest- the expiry date, whereas with an American
ments using the same amount of money. option, this right may be exercised at any
time up to the expiry date, thus giving the
Optimization  Process by which all factors holder more chance of buying at the most
affecting a decision or plan are weighed to favorable price. An option is distinguished
produce the most effective outcome. from Futures, which do not bind the pur-
chaser by bid and may lapse.
Optimized production technique  Manu-
facturing control based on the elimination Option to purchase  Right of a shareholder
of bottlenecks in getting the materials to to buy shares at a reduced price in certain
the output stage. specified circumstances.

Optimum bias In management psychol- Ordinary activity Activity that furthers

ogy, the tendency of planners to underesti- the normal business of a company designed
mate risks and overestimate benefits, based to increase its profits or help it comply with
on their own biases or past experiences. It the regulatory environment.
leads them to take increased risks, over-
look uncertainties, ignore the need for exit Ordinary share Fixed unit of the share
strategies, make unfounded assumptions, capital of a company.
underestimate costs and overestimate ben-
efits, and fail to heed critics. Organic organization Company structure
with the freedom to reinvent itself in re-
Option  Right to buy or sell a fixed quan- sponse to emerging needs; it is open, flexi-
tity of a commodity, currency, or security ble, and informal, with control and decision
at a particular date at a particular price. A making decentralized, little reliance on au-
traded option may be bought or sold at any thority as the final arbiter, and interactions
time on any exchange, as opposed to a tra- both vertical and horizontal.
ditional option, which once bought cannot
be resold. An option to buy is called a Call Organismic theory Developed by Hun-
option and an offer to sell is a Put option. garian-American psychiatrist Andras An-
Options allow traders to hedge against the gyal and applied to business, the concept
risk of wide variations in prices; they also that the link between producer and indi-
allow dealers and speculators to gamble for vidual consumer or group of consumers is
large returns with limited initial payments. organic.
Traders purchase combinations of options
to cover a variety of expectations and con- Organization  Structured corporate entity

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O 202 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

operating under defined rules, protocols, continuously add value. It involves strategic
roles, and responsibilities, with a stated visioning and planning.
goal. It may be for profit or nonprofit.
Organizational analysis Development of
Organization and methods (O&M)  Form models and theories that provide a basis for
of work study involving procedures and how an organization functions and how it
controls, and management oversight in- can initiate change.
volving efficiency and productivity.
Organizational audit  See Management
Organization behavior Discipline con- audit.
cerned with the study of human behav-
ior in the corporate setting. It integrates Organizational chart  Diagrammatic rep-
performance, attitude, commitment, and resentation of an organization in the form
leadership. of a family tree, showing the flow of author-
ity, chain of command, titles, and functions.
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD)  Group of de- Organizational behavior  Social behavior
veloped countries that act in concert to determined by the interaction of individu-
protect their economic interests and to as- als in a corporate environment and shaped
sist developing countries to bridge the eco- by a corporate culture.
nomic divide.
Organizational climate  Atmosphere cre-
Organization hierarchy  Vertical layers of ated by a mode or style of management,
management within an organization and determining the degree of teamwork, cohe-
the echelons that constitute the pyramid of sion, commitment, creativity, and employ-
authority. ee participation.

Organization man  Title of William Why­ Organizational commitment  Psychologi-

te’s classic 1956 novel of a man totally de- cal devotedness to a company’s culture and
voted to the corporate culture and to the a desire to remain attached to it. It is nor-
advancement of his career within it. The mally measured by attitudinal vectors and
book led to critical examination of the idea identification with the goals and values of
of lifelong commitment to an organization. an organization.

Organizational agility An organization’s Organizational culture  Norms and proto-

capacity to anticipate changes in market- cols by which an organization conducts its
place conditions and trends and preemp- business and the codes of communication
tively adapt policies and technologies to and behavior that govern interpersonal

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relations and individual responses to cor- Organizational learning  Culture of lear­

porate values. Organizational culture is of ning and constant improvement within an
three kinds: (1)  integrative culture, which organization, marked by the pursuit of ex-
emphasizes consensus and consistency, cellence.
predictability, and clarity; (2) differentiated
culture, which tolerates subcultures with Organizational life cycle  Evolutionary mo­
some variations in values and behavioral del of a corporation from founding to growth
vectors; and (3) fragmented culture, which to maturity; and the organizational structure,
allows diversity to be the rule rather than leadership style, and strategy that support
the exception. each stage of growth.

Organizational design  The flow of author- Organizational mirror  Technique by wh­

ity within an organization, outlining the ich each group in a corporation is critiqued
duties, tasks, privileges, and responsibilities by other groups, in order to explore weak-
of each member, the chain of command, nesses and to learn from each other.
and the resulting hierarchy of relationships.
Organizational multiplier  Factor by which
Organizational development  Long-term, a primary change in a particular sector of an
systematic, and prescriptive approach to organization is multiplied to determine the
planned organizational change. Each or- total change to the whole organization.
ganization is similar to a social or biologi-
cal unit, which responds in rational ways Organizational pathology Factors taken
to external stimuli. Organizational devel- together that affect the health of an organi-
opment tries to modify these responses to zation and the climate in which it func-
maximize output. tions, such as reality testing, adaptability,
identity, and unity.
Organizational ecology  Biological princi-
ples at work in an organization, determin- Organizational planning Design of the
ing its evolution and response to change, structure of an organization and the divi-
stress, and natural selection. sion of its responsibilities and chains of
Organizational knowledge Knowledge
shared by a group and based on its common Organizational structure  Framework of
values and experiences. It encompasses all responsibility and the chain of command
knowledge resources within an organiza- in an organization to achieve optimum
tion. In professional terms, it is communal efficiency.
knowledge embedded in the structure of
the mission of the firm. Organizational theory  Study of the design,

American Management Association
O 204 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

structure, and process of decision mak- les. His first successful book was Theory Z:
ing in an organization and the sociology of How American Management Can Meet the
its organizational system. It focuses on the Japanese Challenge (1981). It was followed
ways in which decisions are made and how by The M Form Society: How American
they are influenced by reason and the bot- Teamwork Can Recapture the Competitive
tom line, rather than by altruism or abstract Edge. He described three types of organi-
theory. zational control: bureaucratic, market, and
Orientation  Induction training or a re-
fresher course for a new task or new set of Outbound logistics Movement of mate-
working conditions. rials from a production center comprising
storage, transportation, and distribution.
Orphan product  Drug that is not devel-
oped for commercial use because the num- Outplacement  Counseling of laid-off em-
ber of prospective users is not sufficient to ployees to help them find work.
justify its high production costs.
Outsourcing  Contracting out work to for-
Osborn, Alex Faickney (1888–1966) Ame­ eign or domestic companies for the pro-
rican advertising executive and pioneer of duction of materials, spare parts, or services
brainstorming. Along with Sidney Parnes, such as telemarketing. This is an effort to
he developed the Osborn-Parnes Creative reduce the workforce or downsize a com-
Problem Solving Process. He wrote exten- pany’s production facilities, invariably lead-
sively on creative advertising. His books ing to considerable savings, especially when
included A Short Course in Advertising the work is outsourced to countries like
(1921), Wake Up Your Mind (1952), Applied China and India where labor costs are low-
Imagination (1953), and The Goldmine be- er. The downside is that outsourcing leads
tween Your Ears (1955). to or reinforces domestic unemployment
and creates dependence on foreign exper-
OSHA  Occupational Safety and Health tise. It also leads to a general weakening of
Administration, a federal agency that over- industrial dominance in the countries that
sees safety in the workplace and regulates outsource.
industrial policies regarding accidents.
Outwork  Work by generally poorly paid
OTC  Over the counter workers, done outside a company’s premises
by freelance workers. Also termed telework.
Ouchi, William G. (1943–)  American ex-
pert in business management and a profes- Over the counter (OTC)  Market in which
sor at the Anderson School of Management financial obligations are bought and sold
at the University of California at Los Ange- outside the jurisdiction of recognized fi-

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nancial markets or stock exchanges. The Overshooting  In financial markets, the

OTC markets are specifically designed for tendency for a security, commodity, or cur-
Derivatives. rency to experience extremely volatile ups
and downs before settling into equilibrium.
Overachiever  Person who exceeds the ex-
pectations of peers in terms of performance Oversubscription  Situation in which sub-
and rise to positions of authority. scribers are willing to invest more in shares
than the company’s required capital. In
Overall reciprocity  Unrestricted trade con- such cases, applications are scaled down or
cessions, as among members of trading shares are allotted by ballot.
Owens, Robert (1771–1858)  Scottish in-
Overcapitalization  Condition of having dustrialist, believed to be the first manager
too much subscribed capital, caused by an of a manufacturing firm. He was concerned
overestimation of financial needs. with management problems such as moti-
vation, productivity, and attitudes.
Overhead  Recurrent daily expenditures in-
curred in running a company, apart from Own brand Product sold under the
labor costs and materials. Included in over- name or trademark of the distributor and
head are rent, repairs, heating, and lighting. through its own outlets at a price consid-
These overhead costs are due and payable erably less than the manufacturer’s brand.
whether the company makes a profit or not. Chain stores and grocery outlets have their
own brands that compete directly with a
Overheated economy Situation whereby known manufacturer’s brand. Also known
very high aggregate demand leads to higher as house brand.
prices but not necessarily higher output.

Overpositioning  Attempt to give investors

a narrow and skewed profile of a company’s

American Management Association

P2P  Peer-to-peer journalist and social critic. In his Hidden

Persuaders (1957), he explored the use of
Paasche, Hermann (1851–1925) Ger- consumer motivational research and sub-
man statistician and economist. He is best liminal advertising to manipulate expec-
known for his Paasche index, which pro- tations and induce demand for wasteful
vides a calculation of the Price Index. products. He followed up in later years with
a number of other books examining social
Paasche index  Pricing index invented by
trends. Among them were The Status Seek-
German economist Hermann Paasche
ers (1959), The Waste Makers (1960), The
that compares prices of goods bought by a
Pyramid Climbers (1962), The Naked Soci-
specific population during one year to the
ety (1964), The People Shapers (1977), and
prices of the same goods in a base year.
The Ultra-Rich: How Much is Too Much?
PABLA  Problem analysis by logical
Pacman defense  After the pocket calcula-
PACE  Price, assortment, convenience, en- tor game, a technique by which a company
tertainment; an acronym for the benefits of threatened with a hostile takeover counters
e-commerce. with a bid to take over the challenger.

Pacing  The amount of time required for Paired comparison Rank order of ele-
the performance of a task. ments by comparing their relative values.

Packaging  1.  Design of wrappers or con- Panic  In business, a condition of irrati­

tainers for goods, as part of marketing. onal thinking in which participants fear
2. Delivery of a finished product, combin- the worst and overreact, leading to further
ing all the downstream activities. problems; usually applied to stock market,
divestment and devaluation, and decisional
Packard, Vance (1914–1996) American paralysis.

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Panoptic view  Perspective of an entire op- where individual values are represented by
eration from a strategic vantage. bars in descending order and the cumula-
tive total is represented by the line.
Paradigm  Example or pattern; a set of val-
ues and norms that constitute a stable state. Pareto efficiency  From Italian economist
A change in paradigm leads to a paradigm Vilfredo Pareto, the name for an al-
shift. teration in the allocation of resources that
leaves at least one person better off and no-
Paradox of community size  Principle that body worse off.
small groups have more active and com-
mitted members, who participate in com- Pareto rule  From Italian economist Vil-
munity activities for the greater good. fredo Pareto, and commonly called the
80-20 rule, states that 80% of national in-
Paradox of thrift  Theory developed by Bri­ come comes from 20% of the population.
tish economist John Maynard Keynes, The rule can be extrapolated to apply to a
that efforts to increase the level of savings number of proportional situations: 80% of
have the opposite effect. systems failure is a result of 20% of possi-
ble causes; 20% of a population is respon-
Par banking  Practice, enforced by the Fed- sible for 80% of that nation’s progress; 80%
eral Reserve System, of one bank’s hon- of a company’s profits come from 20% of
oring checks drawn on other banks at full its products; 20% of a company’s prob-
face value, with no check-cashing charge. lems take up 80% of a manager’s time. Also
termed Pareto principle.
Paralysis by analysis  Inability of managers
to make decisions as a result of being pre- Paris Bourse  French stock exchange.
occupied with meetings, writing reports,
collecting statistics, and analyzing data. Parity  Equity in pay between different
groups of employees and the absence of
Parenting  As applied to business, nurtur- discrimination in determining pay scales.
ing of a subsidiary company by the direc-
tors of a parent company, with the degree Parity of authority  Management principle
of control and support extended vertically. that a superior has the right to issue orders
and the employee has the responsibility to
Pareto, Vilfredo (1848–1923)  Italian eco­ obey them.
nomist who is noted for the Pareto rule,
or 80-20 principle. Parking securities  Hiding the real owner-
ship of stocks by buying and holding them
Pareto chart  Chart, named after Vilfredo under an assumed name.
Pareto, containing bars and a line graph

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Parkinson’s laws Observations attributed whose behalf they are acting, without guar-
to humorous British writer Cyril Northcote anteeing their solvency.
Parkinson, which state that work expands
to fill the time available, that expenditures Passive management Portfolio manage-
rise to meet income, and that the number ment that involves holding assets over the
of employees multiplies independent of the long term, aligned to a market index; see
amount of output. See also Peter princi- Index fund.
ple, Dilbert principle.
Patent  Grant of an exclusive right to ex-
Participant observation  Research techni­ ploit an invention registered with the U.S.
que in social science whereby an observer Patent Office or under appropriate Intel-
joins the group being studied in order to lectual property laws.
acquire a stake in their activity.
Paternalism  Authoritarian management
Participating interest  Controlling interest philosophy whereby a manager acts as a be-
in a company through ownership of more nevolent dictator.
than 20% of its shares, entitling the holder
to a seat on the Board of directors. Paterson method  Job evaluation technique
devised by business consultant Thomas T.
Participative management  Style of man-
Paterson, which classifies jobs according
agement that encourages worker participa-
to the degree of decision making involved.
tion on governing boards, as in an Indus-
Also termed Paterson grading.
trial democracy.
Pathfinder prospectus Initial prospectus
Partnership  Association of two or more
for a new company that does not include
persons for the operation of a business
details but is designed to test-market reac-
under existing commercial laws. Partners
tions and to garner support.
are generally liable for the debts of their
company, unless it is a limited partnership
Path-goal theory of leadership  Manage-
where the liability is limited to the extent of
ment approach that sees the task of senior
the investment.
management as primarily setting goals for
Pascale, Richard Tanner  American man- junior managers, outlining the paths to
agement guru who developed the McKin- reach those goals, and giving them suffi-
sey 7s model. He originated the concept of cient responsibility to achieve the goals.
Organizational agility.
Patriarchal management Close manage-
Passing a name Disclosure by a firm of ment style, usually found in family-owned
brokers of the names of the principals on businesses where the senior-most member

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of the family is also the chief operating of- as a result of which the injured party has
ficer or chairman with absolute powers. suffered damages. 2. Fee assessed for a vio-
lation of rules, late payment, or disregard
Pattern bargaining  Negotiating tactic that for procedure.
brings pressure to bear on one party by cit-
ing other agreements made in similar cases. Penetration pricing  Introduction of a new
product to a market at a low price so as to
Paula principle Belief that women em- attract new customers, with the intention
ployees are always held below their level of of raising the price after the product gains
competence. See also Peter principle. acceptance.

Pay secrecy  Company policy maintain- Per proc (short for Latin, per procura-
ing confidentiality about salaries and tionem) Denotes an action by an agent not
perquisites. on his own authority but on that of a princi-
pal who has assumed responsibility for the
Payday loan  Small, short-term unsecured action.
loan, also known as cash advances, that
carry high interest rates. Perceptual mapping Use of mathemati-
cal psychology to understand the struc-
PDCA  Plan, do, check, act ture and behavior of a market; the track
records of competing products are shown
Peak experience Transpersonal and ec- on a map or graph, and success or failure
static state, especially one characterized is charted to show how each fares relative
by euphoria, harmonization, and ineffable to the others.
peace. Term coined by Abraham Maslow.
It is generally associated with religion but Perfect competition Market operating
may also be induced pharmacologically. under ideal conditions, in which no prod-
uct or company has an undue advantage
Pecking order Hierarchic status in an over others. For such a market to exist,
organization, showing the relative impor- there would be no barriers to entry and
tance of individuals and their associated there would be equilibrium between sup-
status symbols. ply and demand. Perfect competition does
not exist in the real world, but it serves the
Peer group People who are of equal age comparative purpose of exposing the inad-
and standing and have similar tastes and equacies of real-world markets.
Perfect information  In a state of Perfect
Penalty  1.  Compensatory payment req­ competition, information on products
uired for breach of contract or agreement, and their benefits is available to all, so that

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no one has to act on the basis of misinfor- relating to staff and management, attitudes
mation or incomplete facts. and values, strikes, disputes, absenteeism,
turnover, and accidents; (5)  confidence,
Perfect storm  Unusual conjunction of se- relating to company reputation, share-
vere circumstances, whose cumulative ef- holder satisfaction, customer satisfaction,
fect is disastrous. and contributions to community welfare;
and (6)  ethical, relating to the behavioral
Performance  Overall quality of work, standards and how they have been met.
judged in terms of standard norms and the Distinctions are sometimes made between
completion of stated goals over a period of financial indicators, such as return on capi-
time. tal and economic value added, and non-
financial indicators, such as the company’s
Performance appraisal  Formal review of ranking in compliance with legal regula-
an employee’s performance for purposes of tions and ethical standards and employee
training or review of remuneration, using welfare.
accepted standards, indicators, or a cali-
brated scale applied without partiality. Performance standard Level of work re-
quired or expected, spelled out in company
Performance bond (p-bond) Bond that memoranda relative to the level of remu-
indemnifies one party against losses caused neration.
by the failure of the second party to per-
form to specified specifications. Performance tolerance Acceptable level
of variance from professional standards
Performance management Style of man- tolerated during job evaluation.
agement that enables employees to reach
their optimum level of performance, indi- Perishable dispute  Industrial dispute that
cated by setting clear markers and standards. becomes moot because the primary issues
being contested have grown irrelevant or
Performance measurement  Tool for jud­ have been overtaken by recent events.
ging an employee’s suitability for the work
assigned, based on objective indicators. Perks  Short for Perquisites.
These indicators are (1)  strategic, related
to efficiency and compatibility; (2)  opera- Permalancer  Blend of the words perma-
tional, related to success and profitability, nent and freelancer; basically, a freelancer
product mixes, and productivity; (3) physi- who has no exit date.
cal, relating to income per member of staff,
per customer, per offering, per outlet, per Perpetual succession Continued existence
square foot, returns on investment, product of a corporation as a legal entity until it is
durability, and longevity; (4)  behavioral, legally dissolved.

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Perquisite  Benefits to which an employee PESTLE  Political, economic, social, tech-

is entitled, over and above the salary. These nological, legal, and environmental; an
may include free housing, free medical acronym used for external issues affecting
care, and free tuition. the development and viability of a company
apart from its markets and products.
Person-job fit  Extent to which a person’s
skills, interests, and personal characteris- Peter principle  Devised by educator Lau-
tics are consistent with the job description. rence Peter and Raymond Hull, in their
book The Peter Principle (1969), a humor-
Person-organization fit  Extent to which a ous observation that every employee even-
person’s skills, interests, and personal char- tually rises to the level of his incompetence.
acteristics are consistent with the objectives See also Parkinson’s laws.
of the company.
Peters, Thomas J. (1942–)  Popular writer
Personal space In social psychology, the on management. His best-selling book,
physical space immediately surrounding a In Search of Excellence (1982), inspired a
person, regarded as inviolable; a violation whole generation of corporate executives.
of this space is considered an invasion of Later, he wrote Thriving on Chaos (1987),
privacy. Also used figuratively to denote a The Pursuit of Wow (1994), and Leadership
person’s ingrained interests and beliefs. (2005).

Personality promotion  Advertising cam- Philadelphia lawyer Legal professional

paign utilizing a celebrity. skilled in finding loopholes in a law.

Personnel  Human resources department Phishing  Fraudulent act of obtaining bank

of an organization, as distinguished from account numbers, credit card details, Social
its material assets. Security numbers, and other sensitive de-
tails via bogus e-mails and text messages.
Personnel management Business function
covering the recruitment, employment, train- Physical distribution Warehousing and
ing, placement, promotion, and welfare of the moving of goods from one point to anoth-
company’s employees. er, planning the logistics of controlling the
flow of materials to markets, and managing
PERT  Program evaluation and the supply chain.
review technique
Piece rate  Payment to an employee for each
PEST  Political, economic, social, and tech- unit of work or a set output, sometimes
nological; an acronym used in analysis. combined with a base salary and bonus.

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Piggybacking  Selling the complementary nation of employment or layoff; dates back

goods of another manufacturer. to 1929, when these notices were slipped
into pay envelopes and were on pink paper.
Pigou, Arthur Cecil (1877–1959)  English
economist who built up the influential Eco- Pipage  Distribution of liquid materials
nomics department. His contributions cov- through pipes.
ered welfare economics, unemployment,
public finance, index numbers, and meas- Pipeline  1.  Materials in transit after they
urement of national output. He was a mem- have been purchased but not yet entered
ber of the Cunliffe Committee on Currency in inventory. 2.  Process of goods through
and Foreign Exchange (1918) and the Royal stages of production, as in “in the pipeline.”
Commission on Income Tax.
Piracy  Illegal copying, distribution, and
Pigou effect  Conceived by economist Ar- sale of Intellectual property, especially
thur Cecil Pigou, the concept that output software, books, and music, across borders.
and employment is stimulated as a result of
higher consumption brought about by an Pit  Trading area of a traditional stock ex-
increase in wealth. change, where traders congregate to buy
and sell stocks.
Pilot production Small-scale production
of a new product so as to check its physical Pitch  Sales presentation, usually made in
specifications and its functionality.

Pilot study  Marketing research concerned

Plain vanilla In finance, a simple and
with making sure that there are no surprise
straightforward instrument, without any
problems when introducing a new product
frills or bells and whistles.
to consumers.
Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) A four-
PIMS  Profit impact of marketing
stage supervisory technique for continuous
improvement of work procedures. The plan
Pin-drop syndrome  Stress caused by eerie involves defining goals, do involves prac-
quietness and/or silence in a work space. tice, check involves feedback control, and
act calls for modifications in the light of
Pink-collar  Relating to jobs tradition- experience.
ally reserved for women. Compare Blue-
collar, White-collar. Planned obsolescence  Strategy in manu-
facturing of shortening the lifetime of a
Pink slip  Metaphor for a notice of termi- product through built-in inadequacies, and

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often matched by bringing out new and im- Pluralistic theory  In industrial psycholo-
proved models featuring improvements. gy, the existence of common and divergent
interests among employers and employees.
Planning  Act of anticipating future needs
and resources and matching them, with Poaching  In business, the unauthorized
a view to maximizing output and profits. recruitment of employees or customers
Planning can be either long term and strate- from a competing company, or a raid on
gic or short term and mostly for scheduling. another’s sales territory.

Planning fallacy  Demonstrated tendency Point method  Analytical means of job eva­
of underestimating the time required for luation, in which jobs are scored on fea-
completion of a task. The fallacy derives tures such as skills, responsibility, and work
conditions, and then used as a basis for cre-
from natural optimism combined with the
ating a graded pay structure.
assumption that all things will go accord-
ing to plan, with the result that there are
Point of equilibrium  When supply equals
no provisions made for unintended conse-
quences and roadblocks. There is a further
tendency to screen out potential or un- Point of ideal proportion  In a production
pleasant details, so as to reinforce the feel- process, the point at which profitability is at
ing that everything is under control. its optimum because of the ideal conjunc-
tion of labor and overhead.
Planning, organizing, staffing, directing,
coordinating, reporting, and budgeting Point of indifference  When revenues bar­
(POSDCORB)  Management functions and ely cover expenses.
roles defined by economist Henri Fayol.
Poison pill  Tactic of repelling an unwel-
Plateau  Career stage at which an employee come or hostile takeover by ensuring that
has paused at a particular level of achieve- a successful bid will reduce the value and
ment and there is little or no prospect for attractiveness of the company, and will trig-
further promotion. ger developments detrimental to the new
owners. Poison pill strategies have multi-
Plough back  To reinvest profits, convert- plied since the middle of the 20th century.
ing them into capital assets. They include:
1. Flipover rights plan. The holders of
Pluralistic ignorance Common belief held common stock of a company re-
by an employee that he or she is an excep- ceive one right for each share held,
tion to the general rules that apply to eve- allowing them the option to buy
ryone else. more shares.

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2. Flip-in rights plan. The holder has convertibility, (4)  discriminatory taxation,
the right to purchase shares in the (5) embargo, (6) expropriation of property,
target company at a discount, when (7) war, (8) nationalization, and (9) exces-
a potential acquirer accumulates a sive fees for bonds or guarantees of perfor-
specified percentage. mance. Also termed sovereign risk.
3. Poison debt. The target company
issues debt securities under condi- Polluter pays  Principle that the company
tions designed to discourage the responsible for violating environmental
hostile takeover. laws, and consequently adding to the pol-
lutants in water, land, and air, must take
4. Put rights plan. The target com-
full responsibility for cleanup, as well as
pany issues rights in the form of
payment of damages to those adversely af-
fected. See also Cap and trade.
5. Voting poison pill plan. The target
company issues a dividend of secu- Polychronic culture  Society in which time
rities conferring special privileges is organized horizontally, so that people en-
to stockholders. gage in various activities at the same time
and not sequentially. In such a culture, in-
Poka-yoke (In Japanese, “mistake-proof- terpersonal relationships are more impor-
ing” or “fail-safety”)  Range of techniques tant than time-conscious punctuality.
used in Japan for avoiding human errors;
developed by Shigeo Shingo. It consists of Polyspecialist  Person who is neither a
three strategies: (1) source inspection to de- Generalist nor a specialist, but is knowl-
tect errors at their source; (2) one hundred edgeable in a broad range of subjects.
percent inspection for defects using sensing
devices; and (3) immediate actions to stop Ponzi, Charles  See Ponzi scheme.
operations when an error is detected.
Ponzi scheme Fraud in which investors
Political correctness  Consciousness of and are enticed into investing via promised high
adherence to popular attitudes and beliefs, returns, and sometimes are asked to recruit
without differing or questioning of as- other investors. In this Pyramid scheme,
sumptions. the money obtained from the later inves-
tors is used to pay the early ones. Named
Political credit risk  Chance that a sove­ after Charles Ponzi, an Italian-born Ameri-
reign foreign nation will fail to honor its can swindler.
legal obligations and commitments, for
political or other reasons. The principal Pooled interdependence Relationships
forms of political risks are (1) confiscation, among parts of an organization that have
(2)  contract repudiation, (3)  currency in- the same goals but different functions and

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structures, and that cooperate in working (3)  threats of alternative substitutes or

toward a common outcome. comparable products, (4)  strength of the
consumer public, and (5)  strength of the
Population  Group of people sharing com- supplier power. Competition and rivalry
mon characteristics and who, for marketing are considered under this paradigm as neg-
purposes, may be considered homogene- ative forces in business growth.
ous from which a marketing sample can be
taken. Portfolio career Career spanning a suc-
cession of short-term freelance jobs, as op-
Population hypothesis In market research, posed to a career that shows progression up
the assumed characteristics of a target the ranks as a full-time employee.
population, based on studies conducted on
their suitability as consumers. Portfolio theory Developed by Harry
Max Markowitz, the theory that rational
Porcupine provision  Form of Poison pill investors are averse to taking increased risk
by which the management of a takeover unless the risk is accompanied by potential
target company hopes to deter unwelcome increased income. Most investors prefer
or hostile takeovers. Also termed shark re- safe investments and a lower level of risk.
Portfolio worker  Worker who works for
Portal-to-portal  Relating to pay for time several employers and holds several jobs.
spent in traveling to and from place of
work. POSDCORB  Planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, coordinating,
Porter, Michael  Influential Harvard Busi- reporting, and budgeting
ness School writer on strategy, especially
concerning Competition and Competi- Position audit Systematic assessment of
tive advantage. See also Porter’s five the current situation of an organization, es-
forces. pecially its strengths, weaknesses, opportu-
nities, and threats.
Porter’s five forces  Framework developed
by business professor Michael E. Porter Position trading In finance, holding a
for analyzing the balance of power within long-term Open position, with an eye
a particular industry and its profitability. toward achieving profits from calculated
the five forces in the Microenvironment risks.
that drive competition and weaken a firm’s
profitability are (1) rivalry among existing Positioning  Marketing strategy by which
competitors, (2)  threats of new entrants, a company plans to carve out for itself its

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 217 P

space in a field of competitors and build a suit- or influence, as in a power nap or a power
able image among its consumers. To achieve lunch.
and maintain this positioning in a crowded
field, a strategy must include (1) cost leader- Power and influence theory of leadership 
ship, which is achieved through lower costs Concept that leadership is based on consen-
of production and distribution and higher sus and relationships, rather than personal
productivity per worker; (2) differentiation, qualities and abilities, and that leadership
enabling competitors and consumers to see flows from networking and interactions.
the company’s distinguishing characteris-
tics; (3) focus, or concentration of strengths Power distance  Employee acceptance of
and historical expertise, rather than dilution the span between the highest level of pow-
of efforts into too many areas. er in a company and the lowest rung in an
Post-hoc segmentation Process of seg-
menting a market after penetration. Power style  Characteristic ways in which
managers influence and massage the be-
Postindustrial society Propounded by eco­ havior of their employees, overcome oppo-
nomist Daniel Bell, the service-sector- sition, and achieve goals. These ways may
dominated economy that will replace the be classified as consensus, confrontational,
manufacturing-dominated era brought or transactional. Confrontational style con-
about by the Industrial revolution. sists of controlling and manipulating infor-
mation and disinformation through spin
Potential market Group of consumers
and is designed to turn employees into peo-
who profess interest in a new product or
ple who rubber-stamp ideas from above.
Consensus style encourages participative
Poverty trap Situation in which an em- decision making and collective groupthink
ployee finds him- or herself when an in- and problem solving, using the manager’s
crease in employment benefits is cancelled persuasive powers to guide employees
out by an increase in payroll taxes. and inspire them toward a shared vision.
Transactional style involves negotiation,
Power  1.  Ability to make things happen incentives, and cooperative undertakings
and exert influence on people, based on to bring people together without making
one’s hierarchic standing, acquired author- them feel coerced.
ity, knowledge, or charisma. Power is neu-
tral by nature, and may be used for good Prahalad, C. K. (1941–2010)  Indian-born
or evil. Power is also corrosive and tends academic who, together with Gary Hamel,
to abuse and excess. 2.  Relating to power developed a new theory of competitiveness,

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strategy, organizations, and core competen- ployee is physically present but slacking in
cies in their book Competing for the Future work effort. See also Absenteeism.
President  Chief executive or CEO of a
Prairie-dogging  Working in an Open- company, ranked below a Chairman.
plan office, divided into cubicles with lit-
tle privacy. Pressure group Interested parties who ac-
tively canvass private or public organiza-
Preapproach  Selling or learning process tions for favors or benefits that are not
in which the target is studied in depth available under normal circumstances.
and information is gathered about tastes
and habits before directly approaching the Prestige price Artificially high price cha­
prospect. rged for a luxury product, conveying the
impression that it is of high quality and im-
Predatory pricing Strategy of pricing plying that its cheaper competitors are of
goods and services at such a low level that poor quality.
other firms cannot compete and are forced
to leave the market, opening the door for Prevention costs Expenses incurred in
raising the prices. complying with regulations that enforce
environmental standards or in keeping ma-
Predictive bargaining Approach to col- chinery in proper working order to main-
lective bargaining that tries to anticipate tain efficiency.
future demands.
Price and incomes policy  Program by a
Preemption  Right of first refusal granted state authority to impose strict controls on
to a party, such as a shareholder, either as a market forces in order to rein in Inflation
courtesy or in compliance with a contract. and reduce or freeze wages. In a Free mar-
ket economy, this is usually a temporary
Preference (preferred) share Share in a measure.
company yielding a fixed rate of interest
rather than a variable dividend. It is an in- Price controls  Restrictions on the prices
termediate form of security, between an Or- of goods, enforced by the government dur-
dinary share and a Debenture. Preferred ing times of economic hardship or to con-
shares confer some degree of ownership and trol Inflation.
their claims take precedence over ordinary
shares in the event of a Liquidation. Price discrimination Sale of the same
products at different prices to different
Presenteeism  Situation in which an em- buyers, taking advantage of the needs of

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 219 P

different markets but not necessarily re- surplus products or by cash payments di-
lated to quality. rectly to the producers.

Price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio)  Current Price war Severe competition between

market price of a company share divided two or more firms in the same industry,
by the earnings per share of the company. each seeking to increase its market shares
The P/E ratio usually refers to annual earn- by cutting prices sharply.
ings per share and is usually expressed as a
number, called the multiple of the compa- Pricing strategy Historically, a method of
ny. The multiple corresponds to the num- pricing goods to get them to move out off
ber of years it would take the company to the shelves and into the shopping carts.
earn an amount equal to its market value. Companies use a number of pricing op-
High multiples, associated with low yields, tions, such as (1) markup pricing, (2) value
indicate that the company is growing rap- pricing, (3)  target pricing, (4) going-rate
idly, while low multiples indicate the oppo- pricing, (5) sealed-bid pricing, (6) penetra-
site. Most investment decisions are based tion pricing, (7)  skimming pricing, and
on P/E ratios. (8) experience-curve pricing.

Primary labor market Workers with a

Price-to-sales ratio  Relationship of a com-
narrow range of skills who need retraining
pany’s stock price to its sales for the past 12
for any new type of technology.
months; used as a means of determining its
market strength.
Primary market In finance, the market
into which a new issue of securities is
Price leader  Dominant company in an in-
dustry, which sets the prices in the knowl-
edge that competitors will follow suit. If the
Prime rate Rate at which banks lend to
price leader has an insurmountable lead as
their first-class borrowers, based on the
in an Oligopoly or Cartel, its position
Federal Reserve interest rates.
will be challenged under antitrust laws.
PRINCE  Projects in controlled
Price support  Government policy of pro- environments
viding subsidies for certain basic sectors
or industries, for political or economic Principle of selectivity  Maxim that, in any
reasons; the goal is to shore up prices and given situation, a minority of agents are re-
prevent them from falling below set levels, sponsible for the majority of results or out-
to avoid having the sector or industry turn comes.
unprofitable. Such support may be either
by purchasing, and sometimes stockpiling, Private enterprise  Economic system that

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allows or encourages citizens to own capital other times it follows a gradual privatiza-
and property, run businesses, and accumu- tion, with steps such as Deregulation,
late wealth and profits without state inter- Liberalization of regulations, and diver-
ference. Also Free enterprise. Opposite sification. Also termed denationalization.
of Command economy.
Proactive management  Philosophy of ma­
Private equity firm  Investment firm that nagement that emphasizes being ahead of
seeks to own and control public companies the curve, in anticipation of problems and
with a potential for high return. The firm as a way of managing change.
turns these companies into private compa-
nies and subjects them to radical financial Probability  In statistics and mathematics,
and organizational restructuring, usually the likelihood that a particular event or re-
by cutting unprofitable divisions and lay- sult will occur, especially when represented
ing off employees. When the companies on a chart or scale from 1 to 10.
regain profitability, the firm sells them or
floats them on a stock exchange. Most pri- Probation  Trial employment period for
vate equity investment is funded by debt verifying the ability and suitability of a new
and the acquisitions generally take the form recruit before being entered on the rolls.
of highly leveraged buy-ins or buyouts. In
some views, private equity firms engage in Problem analysis by logical approach
asset stripping and industrial cannibalism (PABLA)  A problem-solving method to
strictly to maximize profits. improve design processes using cards.

Private sector Part of an economy that Problem definition  First stage in market

is not under government control. In Free research, consisting of composing a state-
market economies, this sector is the larg- ment that identifies the nature of the prob-
est and most efficient sector. See also Pub- lem and its probable causes.
lic sector.
Problem solving  Act of using a systematic
Privatization  Process of selling a publicly approach to overcoming obstacles in the
or state-owned company or industry to the management of an enterprise, including such
private sector, often for political reasons. techniques as Brainstorming, Fishbone
This generally happens when a government charts, and Pareto charts. Problem solv-
moves from socialism to capitalism. The ing is a seven-step process: (1) identification
move is accompanied by increased efficien- of the problem, (2)  verification, (3)  defini-
cy and a broadening of stakeholders in the tion, (4) root-cause analysis, (4) evaluation
economy. Also gained are liquid funds for of alternatives, (5) implementation of solu-
the state, thereby allowing it to reallocate re- tion, (6)  post-implementation review, and
sources. Sometimes the changeover is rapid; (7) institutionalization and control.

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Process  Specific, structured, and man- partments or subunits on the basis of their
aged set of activities with known inputs, primary organizational operations. See
designed to produce a desired output; or Matrix departmentation, Geographi-
a configuration of operational capabilities cal departmentation, Functional de-
and restrictions that are designed to pro- partmentation, and Product depart-
duce a desired result. mentation.

Process choice Selection of the type of Process improvement  Feature of organi-

process ideally suited to create a particular zational development consisting of a series
product or service, varying from one-off of actions to identify, analyze, and improve
approach (in which third-party contrac- business performance and processes to
tors are involved), to batch production, to meet new goals and objectives and increase
continuous processing. Each option in- profits, reduce costs, and accelerate sched-
volves a different combination of skills, ules. These methods include Benchmark-
design, planning, control, and schedul- ing, capability maturity model, Hoshin
ing. The process also must be in sync with planning, ISO series, IT governance,
consumer needs and preferences. Process Just-in-Time, Lean manufacturing, Reen-
choice calls for costing mechanisms to be gineering, redesign, Six-sigma, software
in place because costs are accumulated over process improvement, Theory of con-
the lifetime of the product and yield differ- straints, trillium model, and twelve lever-
ent unit costs, as well as sometimes normal age points.
or abnormal losses. Different processes also
require different plant layouts in which re- Process management Integrating qual-
sources will flow through different routes ity and performance excellence into strate-
and workstations. gic management, this is Category 6 in the
Baldridge Award. It includes process de-
Process control Statistical and engineer- sign, process definition, process documen-
ing tool that deals with architecture, mech- tation and description of existing processes,
anisms, and algorithms for maintaining the process analysis and control, and process
output of a process within a desired range. improvement.
It is used extensively in industry to enable
continuous manufacturing of oil, paper, Process mapping  Effort to present all the
chemicals, and electric power. It enables interdependent processes within an organi-
automation by which a small staff can oper- zation on a table or chart. A Process is a
ate a complex factory from a central control coordinated set of activities that meets cus-
room. tomer requirements. This is important, as
many organizations undergoing Business
Process departmentation  Grouping of de- process reengineering change from a

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functional structure to a horizontal struc- Product  Anything that meets a need and
ture. Process mapping analyzes the flow of yields measurable economic value, and that
work across the functions and even within needs to be processed before the consumer
them. There are three phases in which pro- can consume or utilize it.
cess maps may act as a focus: (1)  process
capture and business modeling, (2) process Product bundling Sales of related prod-
redesign, and (3) process support. Compa- ucts together at a combined price that is
nies are typically organized into functional lower than when priced individually.
and vertical hierarchies, such as marketing
Product churning Flooding the market
and finance, with a high degree of hierarchy
with new, similar products in the hope that
in which status, power, control, and rank
one of them will become successful.
are more important than efficiency, coop-
eration, and service. Maps help companies
Product class Broad group of products
to move into a cross-functional manage-
that perform similar functions, meet simi-
ment structure.
lar needs, and provide similar benefits, al-
though they may have distinctive features.
Process principle  Organizational concept
defined by economist Henri Fayol, which
Product departmentation Organization
describes the desirable traits of managers in and division of a firm on the basis of its
the dealing with subordinates. product portfolio, placing a group or team
in charge of each product or group of
Process production  Continuous and cap-
ital-intensive production cycle designed
to fit the requirements of a process, as in Product development Strategy for com-
chemicals, rather than mass production, pany growth that relies on the generation of
as in an assembly line. Process production new ideas and concepts to get new products
requires intensive planning, specifying the to new markets or new segments of existing
sequence and the nature of the end product. markets.

Procurement  Act of purchasing. It inclu­ Product differentiation  Effort to stress un­

des determining needs, identifying poten- ique features of a product. It is successful
tial suppliers, conducting market studies, when there’s a difference that convinces
analyzing proposals, selecting suppliers, consumers that they are getting a better
issuing purchase orders, negotiating with deal. Product differentiation may be gener-
suppliers, administering contracts, check- ally only in packaging and design, but may
ing the quality of received materials, and sometimes extend to content and operabil-
maintaining records. Also called supply ity. Producers also offer new and improved
management. versions to distinguish from earlier versions.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 223 P

Product liability Legal responsibility as- Product mix Spectrum of product lines

sumed by the manufacturer and seller for offered by one company, covering a variety
any material loss or damage suffered by of needs.
users of its products, often as a result of a
defect in manufacturing or raw materials. Product-process matrix  Tool for analyz-
ing the relationship between the product
Product life cycle Lifetime of a product life cycle and the technological life cycle, a
in terms of its use, sales, or profitability. A concept introduced by business consultants
product has five distinct stages to its life Robert H. Hayes and Steven C. Wheel-
cycle: (1)  development, (2)  introduction, wright.
(3)  growth, (4)  maturity, and (5)  decline.
Many products reappear in a reincarnation Production  Output in a manufacturing
stage. process that results in the creation of an
identifiable and marketable product, by
Product line Group of related products hand or machine.
with similar functionality, comparable in
price and utility, and sold through the same Production orientation  Goods produced
channels to the same markets. for sale whose production determines the
selection for consumers, rather than con-
Product management  Development of pro­ sumer demand.
ducts, including invention, design, produc-
tion, and marketing. Production system  Management guru Pe-
ter Drucker’s classification of production
Product-market strategy Marketing plan- methods, including process production,
ning model in which companies try to achieve mass production, and unique product pro-
a optimum mix between existing products duction.
and new products. Using the Ansoff matrix
gives a choice of several models: (1) market Production unit  In accounting, a method
penetration, in which companies sell more of of computing the depreciation charge for a
their existing products in the existing mar- given period on a piece of machinery, based
kets through price manipulation and better on the number of units manufactured.
advertising and promotion; (2) product de-
velopment, by which companies modify or Productivity  Measure of output per unit
improve their existing products for their cur- by input such as labor, raw materials, or
rent customers; (3) market development, by capital; used as an indicator of profitability
which companies sell their existing products and efficiency.
to new customers; and (4) product diversifi-
cation, by which new products are developed Productivity ratio Measurement of the
for new markets. relationship of input to output, yielding

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output per person, per unit of raw mate- data on market environments, competitive
rial or unit of time. situations, costs, asset structures, and profit
performances. Key determinants include
Professionalization  Introduction of pro- marketplace standing, market environ-
fessional standards into an occupation, so ment, differentiation from competitors, and
as to bring uniformity to the credentials capital and production structure.
of its members, institute requirements for
training, evaluate performance, and stand- Profit sharing Incentive plan in which
ardize the claims and qualifications of the companies distribute a portion of their
field. profits to their employees in addition to
their wages. There are three types of profit-
Profile  Collection of parameters on a sub- sharing plans: (1)  cash, (2)  deferred, and
ject or person or activity either as text or (3) combination.
Profit variance  Difference between stand-
Profit  Revenues above and beyond the ard operating profits in a budget and actual
costs of producing and distributing a prod- profits made.
uct, or income beyond expenditures for a
business. Profit-volume ratio  Sales revenue less vari-
able costs, divided by sales volume; this
Profit-and-loss account Assignment of shows which products are most profitable
monies showing profits and expenditures. at which levels of sales.
Profits may be classified further as net prof-
its and retained profits. Profit warning  Official statement from a
company that its profits may be less than
Profit center  Unit of an organization that expected for a coming quarter or year.
is treated as a separate entity for purposes
of financial control and that is allocated in- Profitability  Return on capital employed
come targets for a specified period. and the ratio of net profit to sales.

Profit impact of marketing strategies Profitability Index  Ratio of payoff to in-

(PIMS)  Widely used database that pro- vestment. It is a useful tool for ranking pro-
files characteristics of successful marketing jects. Also profit investment ratio or value
strategies and products and brands. Also the investment ratio.
name of a database examining the relation-
ship between marketing outlays and profit- Profiteer  Person who makes excessive pro­
ability. At the heart of the PIMS program is fits by charging inflated prices for a com-
a database of thousands of businesses with modity in short supply.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 225 P

Program Evaluation and Review Tech- Project financing  Money borrowed for a
nique (PERT)  Statistical tool used in pro- specific project, secured only by the project,
ject management designed to represent and and payable upon completion.
analyze tasks. It is commonly used in con-
junction with the critical-path method. It is Project management  Oversight of a project
designed as a decision-making tool for sav- with time-limited objectives and a budget
ing time in achieving goals and for meas- that crosses departmental boundaries; usu-
uring and forecasting progress in research ally involves work with dedicated teams.
and development.
Projects in controlled environments
Progress chaser  Person responsible for (PRINCE)  A method of project manage-
monitoring the progress of a project and ment in which the project moves through
ensuring that it is completed on time. its cycle under predetermined and struc-
tured variables, using standardized proce-
Progressive consumer Prospective con- dures. The controlled environment enables
sumer who has an interest in buying newer the managers to concentrate on content
and more advanced versions of the same rather than process.
Promoter  Principal person involved in se-
Progressive tax  Tax in which the tax rate curing approvals and funding for a project,
advances as the taxable base increases. It and in organizing the people who will take
reduces the tax incidence of people with a charge of it.
lower ability to pay and shifts the incidence
proportionately to those with a higher abil- Promotion from within  Policy of promot-
ity to pay. It also applies adjustment of the ing junior staff to senior positions when the
tax base by using tax exemptions or tax openings occur, rather than advertising and
credits, as in the case of lower sales tax on recruiting from outside.
food and higher taxes on luxury items. Op-
posite of Regressive tax. Propensity to consume  Proportion of in-
come in an economy that enters the circu-
Project  Set of activities or tasks designed lar flow from consumer to producer, and
to produce a desired result within a speci- that stays there and is not withdrawn into
fied time. Since the activities are interre- inactive savings.
lated, they are prioritized and the tasks are
assigned to specialists. Proportionate stratified sampling Prob-
ability sampling method for identifying dif-
Project champion  Manager in charge of a ferent social and demographic strata, and
particular project, with full responsibility the elements drawn from each stratum pro-
for bringing it to completion. portional to their numerical strengths.

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Proprietary accounts Accounts showing instrumental in launching the Industrial

assets and liabilities. revolution and especially in the develop-
ment of U.S. industrial strength.
Prospect theory  Developed by psycholo-
gists Daniel Kahnemann and Amos Protocol  Rules governing professional con-
Tversky, the theory that improbable events duct, or the guiding principles of a field of
are more frequent in real life than probable study or particular discipline.
events, and that losses are more consequen-
tial than gains. This work seeks to explain Prototype  Preproduction model devel-
how individuals make decisions when oped to evaluate the feasibility of new ma-
faced with uncertainty. It is an attempt to terials, technology, or design, as part of
link psychology and financial decision New product development.
making, and has three components: deci-
sion frames, mistakes in evaluating prob- Provision  Amount set aside out of profits
abilities, and risk preference. for a known liability of an uncertain amount.

Prospector strategy Aggressive business Prudence  Concept that anticipated or ex-

strategy seeking large gains and taking sig- pected revenues and profits should not be
nificant risks. It is willing to bet on unprov- included in a company’s accounts unless
en technologies. they have been realized in cash, lest they
skew the financial information.
Prospectus  Manifesto of a new organiza-
tion or project, stating its goals and objects, Psychic income  Satisfaction derived from
its resources, its principals, its likely prof- a job, over and beyond the salary.
itability, and a description of its principal
markets. Psychological contract  Relationship based
on expectations and implied assertions.
Prosuming  Situation whereby a company They may take a number of forms: (1) coer-
or person is both consumer and producer. cive contract, such as between a public util-
ity and its customers, where the corporate
Protean career Career that involves fre- entity has the law on its side; (2) alienative
quent changes of organization, work profile, contract, where the workers have no control
and job content; there’s no pattern of loyalty over work procedures and quality; (3) remu-
to a single company or career path, but, rath- nerative contract, as between management
er, is shaped by an individual’s own needs. and staff, which is based on monetary and
quantitative terms; (4)  calculative contract,
Protestant work ethic  Belief in the virtue where there is a direct correlation between
of thrift, hard work, and self-discipline. It worker skills and the remuneration and
is believed that this guiding principle was work satisfaction, as is between a doctor and

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 227 P

a hospital; and (5)  normative contract, in tionalized industries and public corpora-
which there is professional camaraderie and tions. See also Private sector.
ideological affinity between workers and the
administration, as in religious organizations, Public utility In a mixed economy, the
trade unions, and political parties. sector that is owned and run by the govern-
ment or by utilities that serve basic public
Psychological price  Retail price that me­ needs.
ets little consumer resistance because it ap-
peals to the consumer’s aesthetic sense. Publicity  Use of the media to spread infor-
mation about a company, product, or per-
Public company Company whose shares son in a favorable light or to mitigate the
are available to the public through a stock effects of wrong or misleading information.
exchange. Publicity, in essence, is free Advertising.

Public corporation  State-owned business Pull manufacturing  Systems, such as Just-

that operates as a branch of the government in-time, in which production takes place
and is fully or partially funded out of the only in response to demand from the cus-
state’s budget. It is generally accountable to tomer.
the legislature.
Pull strategy Tactic that requires high
Public limited company  Company legally spending in advertising and consumer pro-
registered as corporation, but with limited motion to build up customer demand.
liability and operating under the relevant
regulations. Pulsing  Scheduling of advertisements and
commercials in short bursts over a short
Public policy  Decisions that advance the period.
interests of a community, rather than par-
ticular segments of it. Pumping  Injection of money into the
banking system by the Federal Reserve
Public relations Manipulation of images Board.
and information in the media, with the
ostensive purpose of creating a favorable Punter  Speculator in the financial market
impression and softening a negative image. out to make a quick profit.
It is work done by professionals who main-
tain good relations with journalists and Purchase method  Type of accounting in
other information gatekeepers. which cash and other assets are distributed
as liabilities incurred. The net assets are re-
Public sector  Part of the economy that is corded as acquired at fair value and any ex-
owned and run by the state, including na- cess is recorded as goodwill.

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Purchasing power  Ability of a currency to but not the obligation to buy and the seller
be exchanged for goods and services. Mon- has the obligation to buy.
etary assets have less purchasing power in
times of Inflation, and companies with Pygmalion effect The greater the expec-
outstanding loans gain purchasing power tation placed upon people, the better they
while lenders recover money that has lost perform. Named after the character in the
value. play by George Bernard Shaw.

Purchasing power parity Principle that Pyramid hierarchy  Organizational struc-

the value of a currency is based on its pur- ture in which there are fewer people in each
chasing power in terms of a consistent bas- succeeding higher level of management.
ket of goods and services. See Tall organization.

Pure competition Ideal state in which Pyramid scheme  Nonsustainable and ille-

there are no barriers to entry, and there is gal business model that promises incentives
unlimited freedom for all traders. for enrolling people in a scheme without in-
volving any direct sale or products or invest-
Pure monopoly Market in which there ments. The most common pyramid scheme
is only one seller for each commodity or is the Ponzi scheme.
Pyramid selling Method of selling fran-
Push manufacturing  System in which pro- chises using an array of part-time entrepre-
duction is driven solely by demand. neurs, with the principal instigator recruiting
others who are required to take stock in the
Push strategy Strategy by which a com- company. They may then resell to their asso-
pany creates demand for a product or need ciates on the same conditions, in a pyramid
that did not exist before. that broadens as it descends. It is a con job,
comparable to a Ponzi scheme, by which
Put option  Contract between two parties the principals take all the money while those
to exchange an asset at a specified price lower down do all the work and never realize
(strike price) by a predetermined date (ma- any return.
turity or expiry). The buyer has the right

American Management Association

Q ratio  Devised by American economist tion charged with maintaining strict Qual-
James Tobin, a ratio of the total value of a ity control and compliance with specifi-
company to the replacement value of its to- cations, targets, and procedures.
tal assets. The ratio is used to measure the
impact of intangible assets. Quality circle  Members of a workforce or
team charged with solving problems and
Qualified audit Review of a financial generating ideas for improving a process or
statement that is qualified either because product.
the auditor has found some irregularities,
the audit itself was limited in scope, or all Quality control  Monitoring a process or
details have not been disclosed but there is work operation so as to ensure it conforms
insufficient cause for a negative report. to the desired output in terms of quality;
this entails inspection at various stages and
Qualitative forecasting Predictions that periodic sampling.
rely on expert opinion rather than statisti-
cal data. Quality engineering  Branch of engineer-
ing that deals with a manufacturing system
Qualitative marketing research  Study of at all stages to improve the quality of the
the beliefs, motivations, perceptions, and production process and the output.
opinions of respondents, using in-depth in-
terviews and group discussions. Quality function deployment  Technique
for designing services or products based
Quality  Totality of the features, character- on consumer expectations, which are then
istics, and traits that encompass the func- built into the finished product.
tionality and appearance of a product or
service and its ability to satisfy the custom- Quality of life  Nebulous concept embrac-
er’s need as intended. ing positive factors that affect one’s overall
physical comfort, sense of security, and
Quality assurance Strategic corporate func- well-being.

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Quality planning roadmap Systematic ef- components arrive in the system, enabling

fort to project goals and targets in a qual- study of the most effective ways to process
ity-driven campaign or program and note them.
the milestones and benchmarks needed to
achieve them. Quick fix  A simple, fast-acting solution to
a complex problem, usually without deal-
Quango  In the United Kingdom, short for ing with its root causes.
quasi nongovernmental organization; an
unofficial organization that serves the state, Quick ratio  Relationship between existing
either directly or indirectly. liabilities and available funds.

Quantitative easing  Monetary policy that Quit rate Speed at which workers leave
increases the money supply in an effort to employment, an indicator of employee dis-
promote increased lending and liquidity. satisfaction.

Quantitative forecasting Predictions ste­ Quorum  Required minimum number of

mming from statistical research and his- persons for holding a meeting, especially to
torical trends. pass any motions or make decisions.

Question mark Marketing situation in Quota  1. Set proportional share of a whole,

the Boston matrix characterized by high often applied to a person or group qualified
growth but poor market position. to be hired or considered for admission.
2. Limit on the number of exports and im-
Quantitative marketing research Study ports allowed.
involving collection of data gauging re-
spondents’ reactions to stimuli and percep- Quotation  In finance, the price of a se-
tions of a product. curity, usually the bid, asked, and the last
prices of the day on a stock exchange.
Queuing theory In business, the way

American Management Association

Race to the top  Competition among peers Rainmaker  Well-connected person who
to achieve the distinction of being the lead- can make things happen, especially in
er, usually the market leader. transactions with a government.

Radar chart Graphical method of dis- Rally  Rise, extended or short term, in pric-
playing multivariate data in the form of a es on a stock exchange, sometimes in reac-
two-dimensional chart of three or more tion to positive news or after a fall in prices.
quantitative variables represented on axes
starting from the same point. Also known Ramping  Attempt to boost the prices of
as web chart, spider chart, start chart, cob- a stock by artificially raising demand and
web chart, polar chart, kiviat diagram, or purchasing large quantities, then selling
irregular polygon. them as soon as the price reaches a plateau.

Radar mapping  Device that permits man- R&D  Research and development
agement to see at a glance the financial sta-
tus of the firm. Rand formula  In Canada, a way of ensur-
ing employees pay union dues even when
Radical innovation A new product that they decline membership; this is to avoid
represents a quantum leap, rather than a the situation whereby employees benefit
sequential progression. Henry Ford’s intro- from the gains achieved by the union but
duction of the assembly line is an example avoid paying dues.
of a radical innovation in manufacturing.
Random variation  Unplanned shift away
Raider  Corporation, or its representative from a normal level of performance, as a
(Corporate raider), that attempts to take result of factors beyond control, such as
over another company that it has deemed weather or the quality of the input.
having undervalued assets by making a
hostile bid. Rank-order scale  In market research, tool

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used by respondents to rank various prod- theory developed in the 1960s by econo-
ucts in terms of stated criteria on a progres- mists John F. Muth and others, that eco-
sive scale. nomic transactions are made on the basis of
all available information, and although the
Rat race  Common expression for the in- forecasts may turn out to be wrong, they
tense pursuit of career success. were nonetheless legitimate because they
were based on rational premises.
Rate of return  Annual amount of income
from an investment, expressed as a percent- Rational management Style of manage-
age of the original investment. ment that is overly concerned with input
and output, and not with human impacts of
Rating  Work measurement technique for
comparing data from a series of time stud-
ies against an accepted standard norm. Rationalization  Reorganization of a com-
pany by cutting out the dead wood and
Rating agency  In finance, an organization,
streamlining operations, thereby making it
such as Standard and Poor’s or Moody’s,
leaner, more efficient, and profitable. This
that rates the creditworthiness of institu-
involves layoffs, closing some units while
tions, bond issues, and other forms of cor-
expanding others, merging stages of pro-
porate or government borrowings.
duction, Downsizing, Rightsizing, and
Ratio analysis Use of accounting ratios weeding out product lines that have low
to evaluate a company’s operating perfor- returns.
mance and financial stability.
Reaction  In finance, a reversal of a current
Ratio covenant Clause in a loan agree- market trend or sudden response to posi-
ment stipulating conditions relating to tive or negative news; usually means sud-
Gearing ratio and interest that indicate the den selling in a Bull market and buying in
company’s stability. Breach of the covenant a Bear market.
enables the lender to request immediate re-
payment. Reactive  Actions or approach to problems
as they occur, rather than in anticipation of
Rational appeal In marketing, the ap- them. This is a policy marked by lack of ad-
proach to potential customers using their vance planning.
basic interests and instincts of a company’s
promotional advertisement. Reactor strategy  Strategy in strategic man-
agement that is limited to delayed responses
Rational expectation Macroeconomic to market conditions and opportunities.

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Reaganomics  Economic policies and phi- Rebundling  Changing the product mix
losophy associated with President Ron- in a firm’s portfolio to achieve sustainable
ald Reagan, focusing on Deregulation, growth, especially through mergers and
Supply-side economics, and smaller gov- acquisitions, thus leveraging economies of
ernment. scale. It may also require unbundling or the
divestiture of nonperforming divisions and
Real interest rate  Actual interest rate less subsidiaries.
the current rate of Inflation.
Recall  Manufacturer’s announcement of a
Real-time marketing Sale of goods and product defect that requires the consumers
services customized to incorporate cus- and dealers to return the affected product
tomer needs continuously, without input for repair, replacement, or refund.
from customers or sales personnel.
Recapitalization  Process by which the
Reality check  Effort to ascertain whether balance between debt and equity is adjusted
something that works well in theory or on without adding to total capital.
paper also works well in practice.
Receiver  Manager handling the settlement
Realized profit/loss  In regard to a com- of debts for a bankrupt business, with the
pleted transaction, the full amount either authority to liquidate property.
gained or lost, as opposed to a gain or loss
on paper only. For example, if a stock is Recency, Frequency and Monetary analy-
purchased at $50 and its price decreases to sis (RFM)  Marketing tool used to analyze
$40, the $10 loss in value is realized only customer behavior in terms of how recently
when it is actually sold at that lower price. they have made a purchase, how frequently
they make purchases, and how much mon-
Rebalancing  In finance, adjustment of a ey they spend.
hedge to reflect its effectiveness in a rapidly
changing market and to its relative standing Recession  Downturn in an economy that
among various securities. is less severe than a Depression but more
severe than Stagnation, a determination
Rebate  Partial refund on the price of a based on many economic factors. Accord-
good or service, constituting a discount but ing to the National Bureau of Economic Re-
paid after the sale. search, a Gross domestic product for two
successive quarters is commonly but errone-
Reboot  Restart a computer or resume ously considered to constitute a recession.
a project that has been dormant for any
reason. Reciprocity  In business and trade, mutual

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extension of favorable terms and conditions, Redundancy  Unnecessary or duplicated

as between friendly equals. There are four employment. This usually leads to loss of
types of reciprocity: (1) identical; (2) affinity- a job because it has become superfluous or
based, as in a trading bloc; (3)  overall or has been eliminated for economic reasons.
broad; and (4)  sectoral, or limited to spe- Often, this entails dismissal with or without
cific products or sectors. notice, for any reason other than Breach
of contract.
Recognition dispute  Industrial dispute that
follows when a company declines to recog- Reengineering  Approach to introducing
nize a labor union as the legitimate repre- change in an organization from the top
sentative of its workers. down, popularized by management experts
Michael Hammer and James Champy. It
Recommended retail price Suggested pr­
focuses on processes other than traditional
ice of a product sold at retail, set by the
functions and makes extensive use of in-
manufacturer and not binding on the re-
formation technology to help rethink the
tailer, who is free to charge what the traf-
business from scratch. It requires Delay-
fic will bear. For example, automobiles are
ering, Downsizing, and Employee em-
listed with a suggested price but dealers ne-
gotiate with customers and offer discounts.
Also termed manufacturer’s suggested listed
Re-exports  Goods that have been imported
and then exported without material changes
Recourse  Right of redress should the in their value or composition. Re-exports
terms of a contract not be fulfilled to the are the staple of the Entrepot trade.
satisfaction of the injured party.
Reference group  Group with which a per-
Red circling  Practice of protecting the sal- son identifies emotionally, without refer-
aries of employees whose jobs were down- ence to membership.
graded during a Recession.
Reference rate  Base rate at which a bank
Reddin, William James (1930–1999)  Brit- offers loans relative to the interest rates
ish-born Canadian management guru whose prevalent in the financial markets.
book Managerial Effectiveness (1970) ex-
plored Three-dimensional management. Referent power Influence exerted on a
subordinate by a powerful superior, by
Reductionism  Simplification or even over- which the former adopts the mannerisms
simplification of a complex event or idea, and style of the latter.
either to demonstrate its fallacy or to exam-
ine its validity. Refinancing  Process of repaying some or

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all of a loan or mortgage by obtaining a new of the option that causes least regret if it
loan at a lower rate of interest. turns out to be the wrong one.

Reflation  Policy of stimulating a sagging Reinforcement theory  Process of shaping

economy by government stimulus, either behavior by controlling its consequences,
by government spending, lowering taxes, most often through a combination of re-
or increasing the money supply. wards and punishments. It is also called
Operant conditioning because it estab-
Refreezing  State of an organization that lishes a relationship between action and
has undergone radical changes, in which consequence.
employees have to relearn their work and
adjust to new experiences. Term intro- Related diversified strategy  Expansion by
duced by German-American psychologist a firm into activities that bear strong simi-
Kurt Lewin. larities to their current or original activities.
Firms in technology and the skill-based in-
Regiocentric  Focused on or promoting dustries were among the first to adopt this
the interests of a region or bloc, as opposed strategy.
to those outside the region.
Related party transaction  Transfer of re-
Regression  In statistics, a method for es- sources or obligations between related par-
tablishing functional relationships between ties, regardless of a monetary nexus.
Relational capital  Cumulative trust, expe-
Regression analysis Statistical technique rience, and knowledge that form the core
that measures the extent to which one vari- of the relationship between a firm and its
able is related to two or more other vari- clients.
ables, often for predicting the future of the
dependent variable. Relations analysis One of three tech-
niques introduced by management guru
Regressive tax  Taxation in which the rate Peter Drucker to analyze organizational
decreases as income increases; more com- strength. It examines the actual relations
monly, a tax that is based on consumption among key managers, rather than what
rather than income, such as a sales tax, their relations ought to be according to the
which by default negatively impacts the textbooks.
poor much more than the rich. See also
Progressive tax. Relationship  1. In marketing or banking, a
long-term, sensitive, positive, and support-
Regret rule  In decision making, the choice ive relationship based on mutual interests.

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2.  In management, leadership concerned company that is in financial difficulties or is

with avoiding causes of friction and lifting under Chapter 11 for bankruptcy.
morale, treating subordinates as associates
whose ideas and contributions are valued. Repatriation  Return of capital from a for-
3. In banking, the extension of special priv- eign investment to its home country.
ileges to long-term or most valued clients.
Replacement demand Need for second-
Relationship role Any of several roles on and later-generation products, driven by
a team, such as encourager (who uses the concept of model year and the annual
praise), harmonizer (who mediates oppos- introduction of new versions.
ing views), gatekeeper (who keeps channels
of communications open), and comedian Representations  Information given by one
(who uses humor). party to another in furtherance of a trans-
Relative share  Ratio of per capita income
to that of the rest of society. Representative heuristic  Quality of a pro­
duct judged on the basis of its price or on its
Relevance  Importance of particular infor- similarity to a familiar product.
mation to those reaching decisions.
Resale price maintenance  Agreement be-
Relevance analysis Study of existing re- tween a manufacturer and wholesaler or
search programs to determine their effec- retailer not to sell a specified product below
tiveness in advancing the company’s core a fixed price recommended by the manu-
interests. facturer.

Reliability principle  Belief that every pi­ Rescission  Right of the party to a contract
ece of information is faithful to facts, neu- to have the agreement set aside and condi-
tral, complete, and free of error. tions restored to the precontract position
on the grounds that the contract is unfair
Reluctant manager Introduced by busi- and based on misrepresentation.
ness consultants Richard Scase and Rob-
ert Goffee, description of a manager who Research  Scientific investigation with a
feels alienated from his or her peers because purpose. It can be applied research or
of being left out of key decision making. pure research, and it forms the basis for de-
This alienation reduces the person’s effec- cision making. As a process, research begins
tiveness as a team member. with a question and a proposal is designed
to answer that question. The research design
Reorganization  Process of restructuring a may be experimental or nonexperimental,

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with the former conducted in the field or in reached but never exceeded, and therefore
the laboratory. The next stage is data collec- is considered its ceiling.
tion, which may be primary or secondary;
a survey design provides the methodology Resistance to change Tendency to resist
and parameters of the survey. the forces of change and fear of the uncer-
tainties brought about by change.
Research and development (R&D)  Work
to discover new applications of old ideas or Resolution  Binding decision adopted by
new ideas based on technology, for com- the governing body of a corporation or
mercial exploitation and particularly the organization.
gaining of new patents. R&D may be of the
Blue sky type in pure science and technol- Resource appraisal Management review
ogy, without immediate commercial poten- of corporate resources available for making
tial, or it may be an extension of existing decisions about diversification, takeovers,
technology into new fields to satisfy new and acquisitions.
Resource-based  Relating to a strategy
Reserve  Part of the capital of a company based on a company’s internal resources,
other than the share capital, arising from re- such as its assets, intellectual capital, pat-
tained profits or surpluses not yet distributed. ents, or managerial talents, rather than on
external factors such as market conditions.
Residual  Payment received by a person, The strategy holds that sustained competi-
such as an actor, musician, or producer of tiveness requires resources characterized
a movie or television commercial, every by the VRIN criteria: valuable, rare, imper-
time the movie or commercial is played in fectly imitable, and nonsubstitutable.
a commercial setting.
Restraint of trade  Activity that restrains
Residual income  Net income of a subsidi- a person’s right to carry on a trade or pro-
ary or division after deduction of a certain fession or to compete in the marketplace;
percentage for the use of assets, facilities, or often a clause in a contract but also part of
property owned by the parent company. Antitrust legislation.

Residual unemployment  Unemployable Restrictive covenant  Clause in a contract

people, such as prisoners and sick people, that restricts the freedom of one of the par-
as a segment of the population. ties in some way, especially relating to com-
petition or employment.
Resistance level Point at which a price
for a good that represents the maximum Restrictive trade practice Collusive

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agreement between two or more parties calculations, profit is defined as that earned
with a view toward restricting prices, con- before interest and taxes, while capital is
ditions of sale, quantities offered, processes, defined as fixed assets plus current assets
and territory, especially in a way that is prej- minus current liabilities.
udicial to the public interest and contrary to
fair and nondiscriminatory dealings. Revaluation  1. Rise in the exchange rate of
a currency, especially in relation to foreign
Résumé  Document that outlines pertinent currencies. In general terms it is the calculat-
career and personal information of a can- ed adjustment of a country’s official exchange
didate for employment, particularly in the rate relative to a baseline. 2. Adjustment of a
context of a specific job opening. tax level to slow or stop the rise in tax rev-
enue as taxable assets increase.
Retailing accordion  Manner in which the
range of a product mix changes over the Revaluation of assets  Accounting method
lifetime of the products. to reassess value against new baselines or
new accounting methods, so as to create a
Retention marketing Practices focused new set of values.
on keeping the loyalty of existing custom-
ers, rather than on acquiring new ones. Revenue  Form of income that is incorpo-
rated into the Profit-and-loss account.
Retirement on the job  Actions of an em-
ployee on the verge of retirement, who tries Revenue management  Use of sophisticat-
to do as little as possible or does his job per- ed computer systems to analyze consumer
functorily. behavior, forecast demand, and adjust pric-
ing schedules; used in industries where the
Retrenchment  One of the tools in com- resources are fixed and perishable, such as
pany downsizing whereby the existing staff theaters, airlines, hotels, stadiums, and res-
is reduced in number or their pay curtailed taurants, and where the loss of income from
and expenses are scaled down. a particular flight or event is irrecoverable.
It is an attempt to optimize yield through
Retrogressive consumer Consumer who market segmentation, price discrimination,
values low prices and economy over quality and differentiating the product.
and new features. Compare Progressive
consumer. Reverse culture shock  Experienced by an
employee who returns to his or her home
Return on investment (ROI)  Accounting country after an extended stay abroad; this is
ratio expressing the profit of a company as a a sharpened perception of changes that have
percentage of the capital employed. In these taken place during the period of absence.

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 239 R

Reverse engineering Act of taking apart are visual and intuitive, rather than analyti-
a competitor’s product and examining it cal and verbal. Compare Left-brained.
to find what makes it work, then figuring
out how to make it better. It is usually done Right first time  Concept integral to To-
to explore ways of redesigning without in- tal Quality Management, whereby the
fringing on patents. production process does not have any room
for mistakes or afterthoughts.
Reverse evaluation  Evaluation of a super-
visor by the subordinates. Rightsizing  Restructuring and Rationa­
lization to improve effectiveness and to
Reverse takeover Purchase of a larger cut costs without severely Downsizing
company by a smaller one, or the purchase and only moderately reducing expenditures
of a public company by a private one. and staffing.

Revolving credit  Credit that can be drawn Rikutsupoi  (Japanese, “the brash ones”)
upon at any time, without limit as to the Younger workers who are bright but pushy
manner and amount of the Drawdown. and short on experience or wisdom.

RFM  Recency, frequency, and mon- Ringelmann, Maximillien (1861–1931) 

etary analysis Professor of Engineering who discovered
the Ringelmann effect, which states
Rhochrematics  Method of seamlessly man- that workers are more unproductive when
aging material flow covering production working in groups. He is considered the
and distribution by using the most efficient founding father of social psychology.
combination and mix of options.
Ringelmann effect  After agricultural engi-
Ride the curve  Taking advantage of a rap- neer Max Ringelmann, a principle that out-
id growth in demand for a new technology put grows proportionately with the growth
as it becomes more widely adopted. in size, but productivity declines by a simi-
lar percentage, and that smaller groups are
Rigging  Attempt to make a big profit in more efficient per capita than larger groups.
the market by circumventing regulations
and overriding normal market forces. This Ring-fence  1. To block off part of a com-
involves taking a long or short position de- pany or group that goes into liquidation so
signed to influence prices, and then selling that it survives and escapes receivership.
or buying accordingly. 2.  To earmark an amount of money for a
specific purpose so that it cannot be used
Right-brained  Descriptive of people who for any other purpose.

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Ringi system Form of Japanese collec- rates to compensate for potential losses.

tive decision making in which all mem-
bers affected by a decision participate in Risk matrix Method or framework of
its forming. Risk analysis first developed by the U.S.
military to identify operational risk un-
Rising bottoms In regard to the stock der combat conditions; it was then applied
market, a pattern in which low prices in a to business and in that context involves
fluctuating market display a steady upward Brainstorming to establish what needs to
trend over time, presaging a coming Bull be saved during a crisis and what is expend-
market. able. The framework itself deals with the
effects of a business decision on the com-
Risk  Possibility of a financial loss, in abso-
pany’s assets.
lute terms or relative to expectations, that
is built into a speculative endeavor under- Risk premium  Difference between the ex-
taken for gain. Risk arises from uncertainty, pected rate of return on a risk-free invest-
the vagaries of nature, or human nature and
ment and one in a risky investment, often
cannot be forecast.
serving as an added cost for a loan.

Risk analysis  Consideration of the extent

Robinson-Patman Act 1936 federal law
of a risk involving an enterprise, especially
intended to halt discriminatory pricing
its identification, classification, and man-
policies by specifying when a seller is per-
mitted to charge different prices to different
Risk-averse  Tendency to prefer safer op- buyers.
portunities or investments over those pre-
Robotics  Automated assembly of parts
senting greater chances of failure or ruin
and products through the use of automa-
and lower returns.
tion technologies and nanotechnology;
Risk capital  See Venture capital. intended to reduced the need for manual
Risk management  Understanding and ev­
aluating the risk involved in a business prop- Robust design  Design system, devised by
osition or transaction, so as to prepare for the Genichi Taguchi, that improves the fun-
eventuality of failure or loss and to mod- damental function of a production process
erate the effects of such a loss. Common and facilitates flexible design and concur-
forms of risk management include insur- rent engineering. It reduces costs, im-
ance, derivatives as a hedge against sudden proves quality, reduces development time,
market fluctuations, and higher interest cuts down component deterioration, and

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 241 R

enhances consumer satisfaction. Also Ta- son feels that his or her assigned role is un-
guchi Method. dervalued or inadequate.

Rogue product Manufactured good that Romalpa clause Clause in a contract, in

suffers from a high degree of technical which the seller retains interest in the
problems or is prone to malfunction. goods sold to a third party until they have
been paid for. Named for a 1976 decision
Rogue trader In securities trade, an in- involving Romalpa Aluminum Company.
dividual whose rash and unsupervised in-
vestment activities can cause irreparable Root-cause analysis  Problem-solving tech-
damage or loss to the company or clients. nique to identify the underlying reasons
something has gone wrong and show ways
ROI  Return on investment it could have been avoided.

Role  Functional niche assigned to each Rostow, Walter Whitman (1916–2003) 

member of a group, carrying the expecta- American economist and political theo-
tions of peers regarding individual contribu- rist. He developed important concepts in
tions to that group. Roles are differentiated
the theory of modernization of underde-
and should be unambiguous.
veloped societies. His take-off model of
economic growth was used by social sci-
Role ambiguity  Lack of clarity on the part
entists to illustrate development trends in
of an employee regarding the expectations
emerging nations. In his book The Stages
of team members concerning work or con-
of Economic Growth (1960), he identified
tribution to a joint effort.
five stages of economic growth: traditional
Role culture Style of corporate culture society, preparation for take-off, take-off,
described by management consultant drive to maturity, and mass consumption.
Charles Handy as a rational one where
roles are clearly defined and stable. Route sheet Document showing the su­
ccession of manufacturing processes thr­
Role-play  Training technique in which ough which a product passes.
subjects assume temporary identities in or-
der to increase sensitivity or empathy. Royalty  Fee paid for permission to use a
property or right that belongs to another,
Role reversal  Training situation in which such as the work of an author or composer,
employees deliberately switch assignments a patent or other such Intellectual prop-
to experience the differentiation. erty, or a landowner’s mineral rights. Roy-
alty is considered a Wasting asset because
Role underload  Situation in which a per- it runs out at the end of a specified period.

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Rucker plan Gain-sharing scheme to in- Rust belt Former manufacturing zone,

crease the equitable share of labor in the prof- with many closed factories; usually refers
its of a company, usually through bonuses. to the upper Midwest in the United States,
where automobiles formerly were built.
Run  In manufacturing, the time span of a
good’s production, from start to finish.

Run-out time Length of time that will

elapse before an item is out of stock.

American Management Association

Sacred cow  Inviolable traditional assump- Sales representative Principal contact bet­

tions, ideas, and theories; reference to the ween manufacturer and retailer or con-
animal that is venerated in Hindu culture. sumer; usually works in an assigned sales
territory, either as an employee or on com-
Safety  See Osha. mission. Responsibilities include dissemi-
nating product information, generating
Sagacity segmentation Subdivision of a new sales leads through cold calling, and
market to differentiate by stages of life, not- gathering information about competitors’
ing levels of income, demographics, and products and activities.
Sales resistance  Customer lack of interest
Salary  Fixed, regular payments to employ- in a product, particularly when confronted
ees in return for their services, expressed in with the standard sales pitch or price ad-
annual earnings. justment.

Salary grade  Bracket in which a person’s Sample  In market research, a representa-

salary falls, based on seniority and with a tive selection of people or products with a
maximum and minimum but excluding bo- certain characteristic that is assumed to be
nuses, allowances, and perquisites. true of all members of the group.

Sale  Transaction in which a good is pur- Sandbag  Stalling tactic used by an unwill-
chased by a user or consumer from a manu- ing target company in a takeover bid. It con-
facturer or merchant, following inspection, sists of prolonging the discussions, making
by description from a salesman, or by sam- unreasonable requests for documents, and
ple on the basis that the quality of goods re- postponing the day of reckoning.
ceived will be as good as the sample.
S&P 500  Standard and Poor’s 500
Sales orientation Sales strategy focused Stock Index
on selling existing products through ag-
gressive techniques and advertising. Sapiential authority Aura of authority

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invested in a person because of his or her diate superior to the immediate subordi-
superior knowledge, wisdom, or experi- nate, and that there should be only one link
ence, rather than by management status. at any given time.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act  2002 federal legisla- Scanlon plan Cooperative relationship bet­

tion to establish and enforce new standards ween management and labor, devised by
in corporate governance, financial report- and named after cost accountant and union
ing, and auditing, passed in the wake of the activist Joseph Scanlon, in which labor re-
Enron collapse. ceives a percentage of the profits resulting
from increased productivity.
Sacrificing behavior  Action by a company
or individual aimed at achieving a satisfac- Scase, Richard Leading British business
tory immediate return in lieu of long-term strategist and Emeritus Professor of Organ-
growth. izational Change at the University of Kent.
Author of Global Remix.
Satisfaction  Organizational morale that is
not quantifiable in monetary terms. Scatter diagram Mathematical diagram
using Cartesian coordinates to display val-
Satisficing  Situation in a negotiation or ues for two variables in a set of data. The
sales targeting in which the outcome is less data are displayed as a collection of points,
than optimal but is the best possible under each having the value of one variable on the
the circumstances. horizontal axis and the other variable on
the vertical axis. Also, Scatter plot.
Satisfier  Frederick Herzberg’s term for
an activity that brings satisfaction to the Scatter plot  Mathematical diagram using
worker beyond the wages. Cartesian coordinates to display values for
two variables in a set of data. The data is
Saving face  Maintaining one’s self-esteem displayed as a collection of points with the
and the respect of peers in a conflict or situ- value of one variable determining its posi-
ation that is potentially humiliating. tion on the horizontal axis and the value
of the other variable determining its po-
Savings and loan association  Financial in- sition on the vertical axis. Also Scatter
stitution that offers loans with a fixed rate diagram.
of interest and greater investment flexibility.
Scenario analysis Forecasting technique
SBU  Strategic business unit similar to the Delphi technique, in
which a battery of experts offer their views
Scalar principle In management, theory of possible and probable futures and iden-
that authority should flow from the imme- tify major trends and challenges. The final

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 245 S

integrated scenario examines strategic op- tain to career development. He identified

tions and challenges existing assumptions eight career anchors: Autonomy, Security,
and practices. Technical Competence, Managerial Com-
petence, Creativity, Dedication, Challenge,
Scenario planning  Method of visualizing and Lifestyle.
alternative features and adopting strate-
gies for achieving them. Many scenarios Scheme of arrangement  Compact between
begin in the past and use past events and a company and its creditors on restructuring
historical data to develop future plans. Sce- the business to avoid bankruptcy or a
nario plans may be broad or narrow de- takeover.
pending on the kind of data used and on
the assumption that certain phenomena Schumpeter, Joseph (1883–1950)  Austrian-
will continue to produce the same results American economist who popularized the
as they did in the past. The process begins expressions “small is beautiful” and “crea-
with a Pest analysis from which critical in- tive destruction.” From 1932 to 1950 he
dicators are selected and future events are served on the staff at Harvard University.
impacted against them using the Delphi
technique. A series of usually no more Schumpeterian growth Endogenous eco-
than three scenarios can then be developed nomic growth driven by innovation, de-
on the basis of alternative predictions. A scribed as Creative destruction, as
cross-impact analysis examines the effect distinct from growth driven by exogenous
of contrary variables. All scenarios must be factors, such as a growth in national in-
internally consistent and they must be pos- come or government spending.
sible or plausible.
Scientific management Classic approach
Schedule  1. Plan of work aligning resourc- to management that emphasizes application
es with the tasks at hand and allocating them of scientific principles and enhancement of
to the person or persons most qualified to efficiency, performance, and productivity
handle them. 2. Tax classification system for through rational analysis of the components
returns that specifies details and sources. of production. Developed by F. W. Taylor in
the 19th century, the theory forms the basis
Schein, Edgar Henry (1928–) Professor of what is now known as Work study. Also
at the Sloan School of Management at MIT called Taylorism, it has the elements of re-
who coined the expression management sponsibility, efficiency, planning, selection
culture. He also made important contri- and training, and monitoring. Taylorism
butions to the study of group consultation is credited with improvements in produc-
and career development. He developed the tivity, but by the same token, it made work
concept of career anchors, which consist boring and repetitive and dehumanized the
of talents, abilities, and values as they per- workplace.

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Scope economies Increase in efficiency Secondary market 1.  In finance, an ex-

and sales, resulting from Economies of change for resale of stocks, bonds, options,
scale and Mass marketing. and other financial instruments, distinct
from the primary market, where these are
Scorched-earth policy  From the military, purchased from the issuers. Sometimes
a tactic taken by a company under threat of called an aftermarket. Also, market in
takeover by which it makes itself less attrac- which mortgages are resold, as to Fannie
tive, often by borrowing unnecessarily at an Mae. 2.  In sales, an additional market for
exorbitant rate of interest. a product or good beyond its primary use.

Scorekeeping  In management accounting, Secondary sector  Manufacturing sector of

the monitoring of managerial performance the economy, as distinguished from agri-
and its incorporation in periodic financial culture (primary sector) and services (ter-
statements. tiary sector).

Scott, Walter Dill (1869–1955)  A pioneer Secondary worker  Retired worker who is
in motivational studies, Scott devised a sys- rehired for a seasonal job.
tem for classifying personnel and testing
candidates. Secondment  Transfer of personnel for a
temporary period without affecting their
Scrambled merchandising Sale of prod- seniority.
ucts in nontraditional outlets, such as the
sale of financial services in supermarkets. Second-tier market Exchange for riskier
investments, often in new and developing
Scrap  What is left of an asset at the end of companies, that are exempt from the com-
its useful life. plex regulations governing sale of primary
Screwdriver operation Factory where only
the parts of a product are assembled, espe- Secular  In finance, denoting a long-term
cially prevalent in Third World countries trend, in contrast to seasonal or cyclical
where labor is cheap. phenomena.

Seasonality  Descriptive of predictable cha­ Securities and Exchange Commission

nges in certain economic phenomena, such (SEC)  U.S. government agency created in
as unemployment tied to harvests or holi- 1934 and charged with the responsibility of
days. overseeing compliance of public companies
traded on the various exchanges. Its princi-
SEC  Securities and Exchange pal divisions are corporation finance, mar-
Commission ket regulation, enforcement, investment

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 247 S

management, and compliance inspections ing up a market into smaller units. Geo-
and examinations. It enforces seven major graphic segmentation may be region, size,
securities legislation: Securities Act of 1933, density of population, or climate. Demo-
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Public graphic segmentation may be by age, gender,
Utility Holding Act of 1935, Trust Inden- family size, family life cycle, income, occu-
ture Act of 1939, Investment Company Act pation, education, religion, race, or nation-
of 1940, Investment Advisors Act of 1940, ality. Psychographic segmentation may be
and Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. personality, lifestyle, or social class, as well
as by such characteristics as user status, us-
Securitization  Process by which assets age rate, loyalty, attitude, and interests.
are turned into securities; one party sells a
portfolio of assets, such as home mortgages Self-actualization  In psychology, the mo-
or bank loans, to an issuer that finances the tivation that drives people to find satisfac-
purchase off-balance sheet by packaging tion and meaning in their job and their
the cash flows from these assets as tradable needs for challenge, responsibility, crea-
financial instruments or securities, which tivity, variety, self-worth, and pride in ac-
in turn are sold to investors. complishment. It provides them with a self
identity that is lost when they lose their job.
Security  Asset against which a borrower
receives money from a lender and which is Self-concept  Individual’s perception of
forfeited if the borrower defaults. Also col- him- or herself and perception of others;
lateral. one of the prime motivating drivers in a
person’s economic decisions.
Security of tenure  Constitutional or legal
guarantee that an officeholder cannot be Self-discipline  Quality of a person that
dismissed or removed from office except enables him or her to do a task at hand
in exceptional circumstances specified in a without distraction.
Self-fulfilling  Descriptive of a prediction
Seed capital  Amount of capital required to or statement, the tendency of a desire to ac-
jump-start a company and draw up a busi- tualize itself because the speaker or writer
ness plan. unconsciously creates the conditions that
facilitate its fulfillment.
Segmental reporting Disclosure in the
annual accounts of the results of subsidiar- Sellers’ market  Situation in which demand
ies of a diversified conglomerate; the report exceeds supply, so that the seller can
accurately reflects the quantitative perfor- charge what the traffic will bear. See Buy-
mance of the subsidiaries. er’s market.

Segmentation  Business strategy of break- Selten, Richard (1930–)  German economist

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and professor emeritus at the University of Seniority  Rank and status gained on the
Bonn. He won the Nobel Prize in Economic basis of longer chronological service, irre-
Sciences in 1994. He is well known for his spective of merit.
work in bounded rationality and is consid-
ered the founding father of experimental Sense of mission marketing  Definition of
economics. He also developed the game a company’s raison d’etre, in broad terms en-
known as Selten’s Horse. compassing its rationale rather than in terms
of the product or service that it creates.
Semantic differential  Method of compar-
ing the strengths and weaknesses of a prod- Sensitive market  In finance, an unstable
uct or company image by asking respondents market in which the prices and volume of
to describe, in so many words, the qualities trading fluctuate wildly because of the po-
they associate with the product. tential for unforeseeable events.

Semi-manufactures  Semi-processed ma- Sensitivity analysis Method of judging

terial, ready to use in a final manufacture. the validity of a decision by fine-tuning
the assumptions and premises on which it
Semi-variable  Describing a cost structure
is based. By altering one or more of these
that is part variable and part fixed, and in
premises, the analysis tests the strength of
which the fixed cost remains even when the
each assumption.
variable ceases to apply.

Sensitivity training Developed by psy-

Sempai Kohai In Japan, the practice of
chologist Kurt Lewin in 1947, training
mentoring junior managers by their more
experienced seniors. designed to ensure the quality of interper-
sonal relationships in an organization by
Senge, Peter  Management guru who pop­ open and honest discussion that exposes
ularized the theory of the Learning or- weaknesses, residual prejudices, and biases.
ganization, as described in his Fifth
Discipline: The Art and the Practice of the Sequence arrow  Part of a diagram show-
Learning Organization (1990). ing the sequence of events in a network.

Senior capital  Capital in the form of se- Sequencing  Establishing the priorities and
cured loans, which need to be repaid first order of work to be done, taking into ac-
in the case of Liquidation. count queuing times and job interference.

Senior management  Team of managers at Sequential product development  Approach

the top of a hierarchy, generally including to New product development in which
the chairman, directors, president, CEO, one stage is completed before the next one
CFO, and senior vice presidents is begun.

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Serendipity  Unanticipated happy expe- graphical proximity, because services pro-

rience of finding something new while viders must be close to the consumer geo-
searching for something else. Term coined graphically and therefore tend to be local.
by Horace Walpole and drawn from the Isle
of Serendip (or Ceylon, now Sri Lanka), Service factory  Term coined by business
which was discovered in the story The Three consultants Richard Chase and Warren
Princes of Serendip. Erikson, designating a factory that also
serves as a showroom, customer service fa-
Serial organization  Type of organization cility, and laboratory.
in which the entire task is assigned to a par-
ticular department, division, or unit. Service industry Sector of the economy
outside of agriculture and manufacturing,
Served market  Segment of the total mar- including financial services, personal ser-
ket that a firm is actively trying to serve and vices, business services, sales, distribution,
that is always on the firm’s radar. A firm ob- entertainment, health care, legal services,
viously knows more about its served market and education. In the United States, it has
than about other segments, and is therefore been the fastest-growing sector since the
poised to target it more effectively. 1980s.

Service economy Sector of an economy Servqual  Combination of high-quality

that provides direct services to the consum- products and high-quality customer service,
er, especially in four categories: (1) finance, an ingredient in customer satisfaction. Serv-
insurance, and real estate; (2)  transport; qual is based on a number of factors: tan-
(3)  professional, as in accountants, law- gibles, reliability, consistency, dependabil-
yers, doctors, and architects; (4) consumer ity, responsiveness, promptness, assurance,
services, as in restaurants, cleaners, and credibility, competence, access, and empathy.
mechanics. The service sector is character-
ized by (1)  intangibility, because there is Set-up time  Period of time used for pre­
no transfer of ownership, and the product paration and start-up of a machine or op-
is experiential rather than concrete and the eration.
assessment of quality is subjective; (2) con-
sumer participation, because the consumer Sexism  Prejudicial actions or beliefs aga­i­
is an active participant in the transaction; nst members of the opposite sex, especially
(3)  simultaneity, because production and in recruitment and promotion.
consumption are simultaneous; (4) interac-
tion, because it is a unique experience and Sexual harassment  Physical or verbal abuse
may not be replicated exactly at another directed against others in the workplace,
time; (5) seamless, because the provider also especially sexual advances and sexually ori-
sells and delivers the service; and (6)  geo- ented communications, which are prohib-

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ited by law; often manipulative, reflecting a group, making the group more cohesive
an unequal power relationship. than otherwise.

Shadow pricing  Best price estimate for a Shareholder  Person who holds a Share in
product that has not reached the market a company. Also a stockholder.
and therefore lacks the demand on which
to base an actual price. Shareholder value  Worth of a company’s
stock, in terms of dividends, price, and po-
Shakeout  Change in the traditional struc- tential. A common corporate outlook today
ture of an industry or market that drives regards maximizing the value of its shares
the weaker players to leave the market or as a high priority. Thus, shareholder value
go bankrupt. may be increased through greater dividend
payments, appreciation in the value of the
Shamrock organization  Described by psy- share, and better performance results.
chologist Charles Handy, an organizational
structure consisting of four levels: profes- Shareholder value analysis Method for
sional; labor, including flexible-time workers; valuing Equity in a company, using the
contractors; and consumers. Only profes- formula: shareholder value equals value of
sional workers are on the payroll. business debt.

Share  Portion of the title to a company, as Shark repellent  See Porcupine

evidenced by a share certificate. Shares are provision
divided into Ordinary shares with voting
rights and Preferered shares without Shark watcher Business consultant who
voting rights. Shares in a public company specializes in helping companies identify
are bought and sold in an open market, as raiders and provides early warning of stock
in a Stock exchange. Also termed Stock. warehousing that would be preliminary to a
takeover attempt.
Share index  Average of a selected number
of prominent stocks traded on an exchange, Sharpbender  Firm that has been under-
compared to a baseline, such as their rela- performing its rivals in an industry but
tive value at the beginning of a year. Also suddenly takes off and joins the overachiev-
stock market index. ers, often as a result of a new management
team, a new product, or a new strategy.
Share option Right of employees to buy
shares in their company at a favorable fixed SHEEP  Sky-high earnings
price or at a stated discount over the market expectations
Shelf life  Longevity of a product, especial-
Shared value Value held in common by ly a perishable commodity.

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Shell company  Nontrading company with position, which is the conventional pur-
or without a stock exchange listing, used as chase of shares in anticipation of a price
a cover for illegal activities, such as money rise.
Short-termism  Policy that maximizes cur-
Shewhart, Walter A. (1891–1967)  Origi- rent or short-term profits at the expense of
nator of the Shewhart cycle, formulated in long-term development and investments.
his Economic Control of Quality of Manu-
factured Product (1931). He is also credited Show stopper  In business, legal action in
with the development of theories of Pro- which the target firm in a hostile takeover
cess control and the Shewhart transfor- seeks a permanent court injunction against
mation process. the other party, citing potential injury to its
Shigeo Shingo (1919–1990) One of the
pioneers of Just-in-time and one of the Shunto  In Japan, annual wage negotia-
world’s leading experts on the manufactur- tions every spring.
ing process. Author of A Study of the Toyota
Production System from an Industrial En- Shut-down cost  Expense incurred in clos-
gineering Viewpoint (1989), Revolution in ing down an operation or company.
Manufacturing: The SMED (Single Minute
Exchange of Die) System (1985), and Zero SIC  Standard industrial
Quality Control: Source Inspection and the classification
Poka Yoke System (1986).
Sick building syndrome  Widespread and
Shop floor  Area of a factory where pro- simultaneous illnesses claimed by occu-
duction takes place, as distinguished from pants of a building where there is suspected
an office or retail space. pollutants, poor ventilation, ill-cleaned air
conditioners, or pathogens in the air.
Shop steward  Employee who represents a
trade union and who is charged with nego- Signaling  Transferring information from
tiations of labor contracts. one party to another, as a form of com-
munication that is less overt than a formal
Short position  Spectulative selling of se- notification.
curities, commodities, or currencies be-
fore they are purchased, in anticipation of Signaling hypothesis Principle that acti­
a decline in price. The securities are usu- ons by economic agents are motivated by
ally “borrowed” from a broker and then the desire to send a positive signal rather
returned when purchased. Also termed than the stated purpose. It explains the
selling short or shorting. Opposite of Long mismatch or asymmetry between the

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investment on an advertising or produc- Simulation  Recreating or modeling a hy-

tion budget and the anticipated benefits. pothetical situation through the use of ran-
Every action is interpreted as a message to dom numbers in order to preview likely
the wider market that the company is doing outcomes and develop problem-solving
well and is standing by its commitments. strategies. The best-known method is the
Monte Carlo simulation, which meas-
Silver bullet Magic, quick solution to a ures uncertainty.
difficult and persistent problem; from the
popular radio and TV series The Lone Sin tax  Tax levied on undesirable activities
Ranger, who used silver bullets in pursuit of and products, such as cigarettes and liquor.
Sinecure  Job or position that involves little
Simo chart  Basic motion-time chart used work but is a reward for past favors.
to show the simultaneous nature of mo-
tions, commonly a Therblig chart with Singer, Peter Albert David (1946–)  Aus-
motion symbols plotted vertically with re- tralian moral philosopher. He is the Ira W.
spect to time. Also motion-cycle chart. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princ-
eton University and a Laureate Professor
Simon, Herbert A. (1916–2001)  Ameri- at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and
can social scientist, one of the most influen- Public Ethics at the University of Mel-
tial in the 20th century, His research ranged bourne. He is a humanist concerned with
across cognitive psychology, cognitive sci- human and animal rights.
ence, computer science, public administra-
tion, economics, management, sociology, Single business strategy  Industry in wh­
and political science. He was a professor ich 90% or more of sales come from one
at Carnegie Mellon University. He was the buyer, product, or business. There is no at-
founding father of several of the frontier tempt at diversification and management
sciences including information process- concentrates on traditional strengths.
ing, artificial intelligence, decision mak-
ing, problem solving, attention economics, Single loop learning  Concept in organi-
organization theory, and complex systems. zational learning where the effects of feed-
He coined the terms “bounded rationality” back from previous learning are used to
and “satisficing.” He won the Nobel Prize in change present behavior.
Economics in 1975.
Single sourcing  Purchasing policy of us-
Simulated market test Market research ing only one supplier for a component or
technique to forecast and measure repur- service.
chase rates and numbers of repeat custom-
ers. Also called Hall’s test. Single status Japanese concept under

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 253 S

which all employees have the same stand- founded the branch of philosophy known
ing in nonfunctional roles, thus all em- as radical behaviorism. His analysis of hu-
ployees wear the same uniform and use the man behavior culminated in the work Ver-
same canteen. bal Behavior (1957). He identified the rate
of response as a dependent variable in psy-
Sit-in  Industrial action involving workers chological research and devised schedules
who physically occupy a company’s prem- of reinforcement. His other major works
ises and refuse to leave in an effort to fore- are Walden Two (1948) and Beyond Free-
stall Lockout. dom and Dignity (1971).

Situational analysis  Process of analyzing Skunkworks  Special operations division

past and present situations facing an or- of a corporation engaged in or charged
ganization in order to prioritize them by with radical innovation, operating outside
degree of complexity. the hierarchical structure.

Six-markets framework  Model showing a Sky-high earnings expectations (SHEEP) 

firm’s six constituent markets: internal, re- Describing investments that promise unre-
ferral, influence, recruitment, supplier, and alistically high returns.
Sleeper  Product or service for which there
Six-Sigma  Data-driven method for achi­ is a steady demand and that takes off to be-
eving faultless perfection and quality with- come a bestseller.
out defect. Sigma is the Greek letter used to
denote standard deviation. The greater the Sleeper effect  Gap between discover and
number of sigmas, the fewer the defects; application, or other types of time lapses
six sigmas indicate a defect level of 3.4 per between conception and execution, usually
million. relating to research.

Skewness  Asymmetrical nature of a statis- Sloane, Alfred P. (1875–1966)  American

tical distribution curve. industrialist and long-time president of
General Motors in its heyday. Sloane intro-
Skillware  Blend of hardware and software. duced the concept of a professional man-
agement style, in contrast with the personal
Skinner, Burrhus Frederick (1904–1990)  and highly autocratic style of Henry Ford,
American psychologist and professor of his competitor.
psychology at Harvard University until
1974. He founded his own school of ex- Slumpflation  Economic downturn chara­
perimental research psychology, invented cterized by declining output and rising
the operant conditioning chamber, and prices.

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Slush fund  Clandestine fund set apart for Smokestack industries  Traditional manu-
promoting illegal activities and not report- facturing industries, such as steel.
ed to the authorities.
Smurfing  Dividing a large financial trans-
Small business  Privately owned corpora- action into smaller ones that then fall below
tion, partnership, or sole partnership with the threshold for reporting to regulatory
typically fewer than 500 employees. They agencies.
fall under the purview of the Small Busi-
ness Administration. Social accounting  Record keeping that em-
phasizes charitable contributions, commu-
Small office, home office (SOHO) Place nity involvement, environmental and health
where many self-employed workers con- causes, advocacy, education, product safety,
duct their business. and other nontraditional expenditures.

Small print  Conditions and obligations of Social audit  Assessment of the nonfinan-
parties to a contract or agreement, printed cial impact of a corporation on society, the
in small letters and usually in legalese, in environment, public welfare, political ad-
the hope of avoiding closer scrutiny. vocacy, and education and training.

Smart money  Knowledgeable investors who Social capital  Cumulative social skills of
avoid common pitfalls and have inside in- employees considered as a company asset,
formation on better opportunities. enhancing teamwork, encouraging demo-
cratic decision making, and helping devel-
Smartsizing  Alternative to Downsizing, op a sense of community.
involving laying off only incompetent em-
ployees and eliminating highly wasteful ex- Social control  Control exerted by societal
penditures. norms on individual opinions and attitudes.

Smith, Adam (1723–1790)  Scottish econo- Social costs  Financial effects of a project
mist and philosopher, author of The Wealth on society and the environment. Also social
of Nations and other works, whose theories opportunity costs.
on the Free market and rational econo-
my undergird Capitalism. Smith argued Social Darwinism  Charles Darwin’s theo-
that all human activities are driven by ry of evolution applied to economic and so-
self-interest, and the cumulative effect of cial situations. Generally disregarded today,
self-interest works toward the good of all but some previously applied a “survival of
members of society. He also argued for the fittest” view to show that the strong get
the division of labor and specialization in stronger at the expense of the weak, and the
manufacturing. rich get richer at the expense of the poor;

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 255 S

the implication was that this inequality is well as between human behavior and social
legitimate because it is nature’s pattern. infrastructure. The focus is on procedures
and structures and the knowledge that gov-
Social loafing  Tendency of people to expend erns their mutual growth.
less effort on a task when working as part of a
group than when working individually. Soft core Unaggressive, unsophisticated,
or elementary.
Social media  Various forms of electronic
communication, including Facebook and Soft landing Downward economic spi-
Twitter. Also termed social network. ral, slowing down without going into a
Social responsibility Fashionable con-
cern for nonmonetary and societal issues Soft sell  Sales pitch characterized by gen-
by corporations, as expressed in annual tle and nonaggressive tactics, with respect
statements detailing financial contribu- to the customer’s wishes.
tions to social causes, health projects,
charities, and educational scholarships, as Soga shosha  Massive international trading
well as community involvement designed companies, such as Mitsubishi and Mitsui,
to boost corporate image. Also termed so- created in Japan during the Meiji restora-
cial responsiveness. tion. Other major soga shosha include Ito-
chu, Mayuberi, Sumotomo, Nisho Iwai,
Social status  Rank in a classification based Tomen, Nichimen, and Kanematsu. Soga
on social standing, educational and profes- shosha operate in a number of ways: as pure
sional attainment, and contributions to so- traders, as project organizers and managers
cial welfare. for complex projects, as market intelligence
coordinators, as enablers of Japanese com-
Societal marketing  Linkage of marketing panies who want to enter foreign markets,
programs with popular social goals, such as brokers for strategic raw materials, and
as the environment, antismoking, fitness, as sources of trade finance.
medical research, literacy, safety, and child
welfare, mostly to create a favorable public SOHO  Small office, home office
image. Societal marketing operates at the
intersection of public relations and mer- Solvency ratio  Accounting measure used
chandising. Also termed social marketing. to judge a company’s long-term solvency,
measuring a company’s after-tax income
Sociotechnical system Term coined by against its total debt obligations.
Eric Trist, Ken Bamforth, and Frederick
Emory to describe the interaction between SORC  Stimulus, organism, response,
people and technology in the workplace as consequence

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Sore thumbing Technique in job evalu- with the market as a whole; a specific risk
ation of identifying people who stand out can be corrected by Diversification.
as odd, and therefore are a distraction to
others. Speculation  Practice of engaging in risky
financial transactions, especially in a stock
South  Popular but imprecise term for un- market, in an attempt to profit from short-
derdeveloped countries, which are found or medium-term fluctuations in their mar-
mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. Con- ket value. It absorbs excess risks, which
trast with North, or the industrialized may be offset by larger profits in the future.
Spend management Systematic effort to
Sovereign wealth fund Investment fund maximize corporate expenditures by achiev-
owned by a sovereign nation. ing best value for every dollar spent. Unlike
simple cost-cutting, this analyzes spend-
Span of control  Number of subordinates ing behavior patterns in all areas, especially
who report directly to a given manager in procurement, contract management, supply
a Chain of command. The concept affects chain logistics, and invoicing.
Organizational design, including speed
of communications, employee motivation, Spinoff  Less profitable division or subsidi-
reporting relationships, and administrative ary that is divested by a corporation; the re-
overhead. sulting smaller entity sometimes becomes
more valuable in the process.
Spear carrier Loyal official in a second
tier of command, charged with carrying Spokesperson  Representative of a group
out orders and ensuring the compliance of or organization charged with expressing its
subordinates. position on issues or problems.

Special drawing rights (SDR) Standard Spondulik  Physical unit of money, such as

unit of account used by the Internation- coins.
al Monetary Fund.
Sponsor  In finance, an institution, such as
Specialization  Segment of a larger task, an Investment bank, that handles new is-
handled by a worker who is a specialist in sues of stock.
that segment. The smaller the segment, the
greater the specialization. Spot contract  Contract for buying or sell-
ing a commodity, security, or currency for
Specific risk  In finance, a risk associated payment and delivery and settlement on
with an individual asset in a portfolio, as the spot date, which is normally two busi-
opposed to a systematic risk associated ness days after the trade date. The settlement

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price is called the spot price or spot rate. employees, shareholders, suppliers and dis-
Contrast with Forward contract or Fu- tributors, and all other persons affected by
tures contract. Also spot transaction. a firm’s decisions and actions.

Squeeze  Controls imposed by a govern- Stakeholder analysis Study of the diver-

ment to control the rate of Inflation, such gent interests of all those who have a stake
as limits on lending or increases in wages in the operation of an organization and
and salaries. therefore its management decisions.

Staff  Full-time White-collar workers, Stale bull  Trader or speculator who has a
whose conditions of work, pay grades, and Long position on a commodity that shows
fringe benefits are different from those of a paper profit, which cannot be translated
Blue-collar workers. into actual profits because there is no de-
mand for it.
Staff management Personnel having a
specialist or advisory support function, but Stalemate industry Industry in which
there are few opportunities to create com-
who are not in the Chain of command.
petitive advantages against existing prod-
Stagflation  Blend of terms Stagnation ucts. Economies of scale do not produce
significant cost advantages. Such industries
and Inflation, reflecting an economic
are high in capital intensity and have large
downturn where income and output are
fixed capital. This makes exit from such
declining while prices are rising.
businesses difficult, as the assets are diffi-
cult to resell and environmental legislation
Staggered directorship  When election of
requiring cleanup after closure forces them
members of the Board of directors is
to continue production despite losses.
spread over a couple of years, so that they
don’t all begin and end their terms simul-
Standard and Poor’s 500 Stock Index
taneously; this has the effect of prolonging
(S&P 500)  General market index of lead-
any attempts at a hostile takeover, as only a
ing U.S. stocks, produced by Standard and
fraction of directors can be replaced during Poor’s, a McGraw-Hill company.
a single election.
Standard costing System of cost control
Stagnation  Stage in economic develop- that sets predetermined standards and then
ment when there is little forward activity. compares them with actual costs to estab-
lish the variance.
Stakeholder  Member of a community with
interest in the fortunes of a company or Standard industrial classification (SIC) 
organization, and who possibly benefits Codified classification system used to de-
from its success and profits, including scribe different types of industries.

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Standard performance Concept used in determining, by sampling, whether a prod-

work measurement to achieve comparabil- uct or service is conforming to its original
ity of data or range of observations and to specifications.
provide a basis for calculating wok-related
bonuses. Statistical quality control Statistical in-
ference to determine tolerance levels for in-
Standardization  Setting of acceptable stan­ spection of process output on which to base
dards in production and quality of prod- decisions to accept or reject.
ucts, or of uniform measurements and
specifications for products in the manufac- Status  Position and rank within a hierar-
turing process. chy of persons or products and the respect
Standby credit  Letter of credit that guar-
antees a loan or a third-party guarantee to Status consensus Agreement among mem-
honor a loan to an investor who has a low bers of a group regarding the relative po-
credit rating. sition of each member. Also termed status
Star  In the Boston matrix, an investment
opportunity with high growth potential. Status symbol Representation of some-
one’s importance; in business, tradition-
Start-up costs Preliminary expenses asso- ally the corner office, perquisites, and other
ciated with the launch of a project or opera- signs of importance.
tion, usually until it becomes self-supporting.
Steady state  Stable organizational cycle in
State of the art Exhibiting the most ad- which routine activities predominate the
vanced techniques and expertise, and rep- calendar.
resentative of the best knowledge on the
subject. Stealth marketing Subtle form of mar-
keting that utilizes noncommercial outlets
Stateless globalism Borderless multina- where promoters do not reveal their identi-
tional business activity that is under so ties. Also termed buzz marketing.
many jurisdictions that it is virtually under
none and can thus flout local ordinances. Stealth tax Tax obligation, the incidence
of which may be concealed under various
Statistical demand analysis Set of stati­ rubrics through the abolition of allowances
stical procedures used to examine major and adjustment of thresholds.
influences on sales, such as prices, promo-
tion, and product quality. Steamroller tactics Rough and ruthless
pressure tactics designed to intimidate and
Statistical process control  Technique for smother opposition and achieve a given

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goal without regard to its human cost. Stimulus, organism, response, consequence
(SORC)  Behavioral model used in Or-
Step change  Discontinuous change in which ganizational development.
there is a quantum but orderly leap from
one stage to another. Stock  1. Share. 2. Inventory.

Stepped cost Operating costs calibrated Stock exchange  Market in which securi-

for a certain range of output and then al- ties are bought and sold; its primary func-
lowed to rise by steps upon the addition of tion is to raise capital.
more elements.
Stock watering  Practice by which a com-
Stereotyping  Making blanket assumptions pany inflates the value of its assets and ex-
about individuals or groups, based on prej- aggerates its profits as a pretext for issuing
udices and folk beliefs. new shares and thus diluting the equity.

Stewardship accounting Recording and Stockpile  Hoarding of products or raw

monitoring of business transactions for the materials as a hedge against shortages or
purpose of oversight rather than analysis. price increases, or as a means of profiting
from subsequent shortages.
Stewart, Rosemary Gordon  British man-
agement guru respected for her research on Stop-go  In the United Kingdom, fiscal
managerial behavior. Author of The Reality policy that vacillates between growth and
of Management (1963). slowdown.

Stewart, Thomas A.  Editor of the Harvard Stop-loss order  Directions placed with a
Business Review. He pioneered the field of broker to sell shares when they drop to a
intellectual capital in his book Intellectual specified price; used in a volatile market by
Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations speculators.
(1997). He expanded the concept in his
second book, Wealth of Knowledge: Intel- Straight-line method Calculation of the
lectual Capital and the Twenty First Century amount by which a fixed asset is to be ap-
Organization. preciated, in which the depreciation is
based on the original cost or valuation less
Stickiness  Tendency of certain economic the asset’s net residual value, divided by its
indicators and variables to pause at or near estimated life in years—in effect, depreciat-
their existing levels, despite changes in sup- ing the charges against profits annually.
ply and demand. Stickiness is related to lim-
ited information, the existence of long-term Strategic alliance  Friendly effort of two or
contracts, and the hidden costs of repricing. more companies to build on their mutual

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strengths and expertise for a specified time tions and the experience gained in past suc-
to reach a particular goal. Such alliances are cesses and failures. It makes corporations
less far-reaching than Joint ventures. As more conservative by discouraging forays
a strategy, alliances enable companies to into untried areas.
gain access to markets, exchange technolo-
gies, form defensive shareholding blocs, Strategic fit  1.  Extent to which diversifi-
and share expenses. They are easily formed cation into another field harmonizes with
and disbanded. Despite these advantages, plans for growth in terms of costs and
the alliances also pose risks, especially cul- product mix. A good fit measures the syn-
tural clashes with firms based in different ergy that results from mergers involving a
nations with different cultural values. fusion of skills and know-how, as well as
cost reductions from Economies of scale.
Strategic asset  Source of competitive ad- 2.  When two businesses reach the same
vantage, based on exogenous factors rather consumers through different distribution
than internal core strengths, such as access
channels or are marketed and promoted
to new government subsidies.
through the same channels; the cost shar-
ing can take place in procurement, R&D,
Strategic behavior Corporate behavior
and administration.
designed to influence the structure of the
market positively, especially by diluting
Strategic gap analysis Examination of a
the Free market or restricting consumer
business strategy to determine how it ad-
choice and regulating the supply of goods.
vances the company’s overall standing and
Strategic business unit (SBU) Autono- position in the market. If there are gaps,
mous division of a large company, re- they need to be closed before the Strate-
sponsible for a particular range or mix of gic plan can be adopted.
products, with a specific set of strategic ob-
jectives and investment policy. Strategic group  Group of firms in a mar­
ket or industry that hold a controlling posi-
Strategic choice Alternatives available to tion in regard to range, coverage, and distri-
decision makers for using available resourc- bution; comparison of members of the group
es and manipulating a competitive edge. can help identify the closest competitors and
potential challenges and opportunities.
Strategic core competences  Combination
of competences required by an organiza- Strategic inflection point The point at
tion to dominate existing markets or create which an organization decides to change its
new ones. corporate direction and pursue a different
strategy of growth.
Strategic drift Self-imposed limitations
on strategic choices driven by past assump- Strategic intent Clear statement of the

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overall direction of a company’s growth and the options; (7)  development of two sets
the paths it intends to take to get there; in of strategies, one long term and the other
essence, this is a manifesto that brings the short term; (8) budgeting of allocations and
team together in pursuit of a common goal drawing up of implementation schedules;
and vision. and (9) review and evaluation.
Strategic management occurs at three
Strategic management Philosophy that
hierarchical levels: (1)  the corporate level,
focuses on long-term objectives and de-
where the parameters are defined; (2)  the
velops policies designed to achieve them
business-unit level, or cluster of business
through concrete steps that harness the
units, where the plans are drawn up and
resources of the organization. The process
portfolio models are adopted determining
begins with a Position audit that analyzes
growth, life cycle, competitive position,
Swot. This leads to a statement of Stra-
and direction; and (3)  the business level.
tegic intent and a Strategic plan. Im-
Companies evolve by stages toward strate-
plementation of the plan will require the
gic management, not at one quantum leap.
allocation of sufficient financial, human,
According to McKinsey and Company,
and technical resources; establishment of
they proceed through four stages: (1)  fi-
appropriate mechanisms and structures;
nancial planning, (2)  forecast-based plan-
and continuous monitoring and analysis
nings, (3) externally oriented planning, and
of results and performance. The plan must
(4) strategic management. Leading compa-
also allow a process of constant reevalua-
nies go into decline because they fall into
tion and reassessment of the plan as new
any one of three traps: (1) they use unreal-
opportunities and challenges emerge either
istic or obsolete criteria to assess strengths
internally or externally.
and weaknesses; (2) they become compla-
Strategic management consists of both cent and thus inflexible; and (3) they fail to
decision making and implementation. The recognize industry changes and respond.
decision-making process comprises a se-
ries of nine steps: (1) determination of the Strategic management accounting Sys-
mission of the corporation; (2) assessment tem that provides results-oriented informa-
of the internal environment and corpo- tion, not merely mathematical calculations;
rate culture; (3)  analysis of the firm’s ex- the method is not static but dynamic.
ternal environment through Pest analysis;
(4) use of SWOT analysis to match external Strategic misrepresentation In planning
environments with internal strengths and and budgeting, the tendency to deliberately
weaknesses; (5)  identification of manage- minimize the negative and accentuate the
ment options in navigating the maze of positive, or to understate costs and over-
problems and opportunities; (6)  choice of state benefits. Planners tend to acquire a
relevant strategies and policies to address personal bias in pushing the projects that

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they direct and therefore they tailor the could be an opening for a new product or
data to fit their conclusions. the failure or vulnerability of a competitor
while threats might come from plans for a
Strategic plan Future-oriented statement similar venture by a competitor or new gov-
that presents all the information and data ernment regulation. SWOT is also used for
needed to determine the direction of a com- Position audits.
pany or project. There are several elements
that go into a corporate plan: vision, as- Stress  In human beings as well as institu-
sumptions, objectives, information, analysis, tions, structures, and machines, the cumula-
measurement, evaluation, and opportunity. tive effect of wear and tear and the weakness
of constituent parts brought about by struc-
Strategic style Ways in which a parent tural defects or breakdown, which may in
company directs the growth of a subsidi- time affect the integrity of the entity.
ary through full control, financial control,
or strategic control, the last allowing some Stress audit Review of the stress factors
leeway for the subsidiary to have input into identifiable through an analysis of vulner-
strategic decisions. abilities in a corporate environment.

Straw boss  In a workplace, a foreman with Stress interview  Meeting with a prospective
no formal title or status. employee, conducted in a hostile manner
with the intention of testing the interviewee’s
Straw man, building  Forming an initial, ability to cope with stress.
somewhat tenuous plan to solve a problem,
thereby providing a starting point for fur- Stress testing  Method of risk analysis in
ther development. which simulations are used to estimate the
impact of worst-case situations.
Street, the  Wall Street, as in “heard on the
street.” Strike price  Fixed price at which the own-
er of an option can purchase (in the case of
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and a call) or sell (in the case of a put) a security
threats (SWOT)  Analysis and audit pro- or commodity. Strike price is the key vari-
cedure of internal or external elements in able in a derivatives contract between two
consideration of a proposed undertak- parties. Also Exercise price.
ing. Strengths and weaknesses are internal
while threats and opportunities are exter- Stroking  In transactional analysis, giving
nal, and both are weighed before approval. another person a sense of recognition and
Internal strengths are a good distribution support.
system and good cash flow, while weak-
ness could be an extended product line and Structural capital Supportive infrastruc-
poor servicing capabilities. Opportunities ture, processes, and databases that enable

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human capital to function. It includes or- Structured investment vehicle  Arbitrage

ganizational capital, such as buildings, fund that raises money by selling asset-
hardware, software, patents, and brands. backed commercial paper and medium-term
Process capital includes techniques, proce- notes, and invests the money in asset-backed
dures, and programs that enhance delivery securities.
of goods and services. Innovation capital
includes intellectual properties and intan- Structure of organizations  Five base lev-
gible assets. els make up an organizational structure:
(1)  operating core or persons in produc-
Structural unemployment Long-term un- tion and distribution; (2) strategic apex, or
employment resulting from the changing supervisors and managers responsible for
nature of an industry and not the result of overall direction; (3) middle line, or man-
seasonal variations in production. agers who connect the apex with the op-
erating core; (4) support staff, social, legal,
Structure-conduct-performance model 
human relations, and accounting; (5) tech-
Common paradigm in Industrial or-
nostructure, or people who monitor and
ganization economics that states that
supervise others.
the structure or form of a particular market
(the ease of entry versus barriers to entry)
Subculture  Specialized group within a lar­
will determine the conduct or strategic be-
ger corporate culture, subject to the societal
havior of buyers and sellers, and the overall
influences of the larger culture.
performance and social efficiency of that
market. As the number of players increas-
Subjective goodwill  Accounting of com-
es or decreases, the ability of any one firm
pany assets, calculated by deducting its net
or group to influence prices also changes,
tangible assets from the net present value of
thereby affecting overall efficiency.
its estimated future cash flows.
Structured finance Creation of complex
debt instruments by Securitization or Submarginal  Relating to a yield less than
the addition of Derivatives. It involves the cost of production.
pooling of assets, Tranching of liabilities,
Suboptimization  Failure of individual co­
and reduction or dilution of risk.
mponents of a system to work together to
Structured interview  Quantitative research achieve desired Synergy. This may result
method employed in survey research in from the failure of any component to meet
which each interviewee is presented with the the output goals, poor communications
same questions in the same order. The choice and inadequate information, or growth of
of answers is often fixed or close-ended. Also contradictory Subcultures that deviate
standard interview. from the common direction.

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Subprime  Categorization of loans to bor- retirement or attrition. It requires a fore-

rowers with poor credit ratings, usually casting technique that matches future needs
entailing greater risk, thus requiring Secu- in personnel with available resources.
ritization with high-risk, Off-balance
sheet instruments. Successive approximation  Method of es-
timation that begins with a rough approxi-
Subsidiary  Enterprise owned and contro­ mation and is refined with additional data.
lled by another, usually larger one.
Sucker effect  Reluctance to appear gullible
Subsistence agriculture  Self-sufficiency when in a team, contributing more than the
farming in which farmers grow enough minimum effort.
food to feed themselves and have little left
over for the markets. Suggestion scheme  Attempt to encourage
employees to share with management their
Subsistence crop  Crop grown by a farmer ideas on improving quality and productiv-
to feed his family and not intended for sale ity, and making monetary awards or offer-
in the market. ing other inducements to do so.

Subsistence theory of wages In classical Sugging  Short for “survey under the guise
economics, the theory that personal earn- of research,” a marketing ploy by which
ings are always influenced by a person’s telemarketers masquerade as researchers to
level of minimum subsistence. gather valuable information on consumer
Substance over form  Accounting princi-
ple that transactions are governed more by Sumptuary law Legislation that minimizes
their commercial rationale than their legal the sale and consumption of goods believed
form, especially as applied to creative and to be harmful to human beings or society.
Off-balance sheet accounting.
Sunk costs  Expenditures that have already
Substitution awareness effect Consumer been incurred and cannot be recovered.
resistance and sensitivity to prices as de-
termined by the existence of alternative Sunlighting  Continuing in full-time em-
choices. ployment after retirement.

Succession management  Human resourc- Sunrise industry Industry in the early

es effort concerned with ensuring that there stages of its life cycle that experiences
are qualified candidates available to take growth as a result of a wave of technologi-
positions as they become vacant through cal advances.

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Sunset industry  Industry in decline or in es) will increase the supply of goods, thereby
the later stages of its life cycle, unable to lowering prices and benefiting consumers
meet competition because of poor planning, as well as encouraging overall economic
redundant products, or unprofitability. growth; this is usually achieved through tax
cuts to businesses, and it’s a concept usually
Sunset law  Law that expires on a certain associated with conservative ideology, the
date unless it is renewed. opposite of Keynesian economics. See also
Trickle-down economics.
Superordinate goal Principle that when
people cooperate on reaching a goal of Surface bargaining  Negotiation in which
equal importance to them all, the effort will there is a hidden agenda and stated issues
bring them closer together. Used in busi- are secondary.
ness to encourage teamwork.
Survey research  Form of market research
Supervisor  First-level manager who con- in which data are gathered through face-
trols workers and takes full responsibility to-face and telephone interviews and by
for their conduct and performance. mailed questionnaires.

Supply and demand  Economic model of Sustainable development In the develo­

price determination in which the price for ping world, economic policies designed
a good will vary until it settles at a point to promote growth without depleting or
where the quantity demanded by consum- undermining the country’s ecology or re-
ers at current price will equal the quantity source base.
supplied by producers.
Sustainable growth  Rate at which a com-
Supply chain  Series of linked stages in a pany can achieve a healthy growth rate
supply network, along which flow goods while not depleting funds.
and services in an orderly fashion.
Swap  See Credit-default swap.
Supply chain management Management
of the links in a Supply chain to maximize Sweatshop  Factory employing cheap la-
the orderly flow of materials and inventory bor, for long hours and under unsafe condi-
of stock. It includes logistics, the timing of tions, so as to mass-produce goods. Though
purchases, quality of supplies, and informa- largely produced for the developed world,
tion on suppliers. today these goods are made in underde-
veloped countries where there are few laws
Supply-side economics  Macroeconomic protecting workers. The term, however,
policy based on the idea that stimulating dates back to early U.S. factories, especially
growth by producers (manufacturers, servic- the garment industry.

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Sweep  Banking facility that automatically more than can be achieved singularly. The
transfers funds from one account to a high- effect is based on the principle that the re-
er or lower interest-earning account when a sult is greater than the sum of its parts. It is
threshold is reached. used as rationale for corporate mergers, but
may occur in sales, operations, investment,
Sweetheart contract Agreement between and management.
a manufacturer and a supplier, not based on
the lowest bid received but on special rela- System  Integration of components into a
tionships, favoritism, or nepotism. harmonious whole that works seamlessly
and therefore can be understood and stud-
Swing shift Flexible work schedule by ied as a single unit.
which workers have variable hours of work
but are required to work for a certain num- System Four Form of Organizational
ber of hours per week at their convenience. development designed by organizational
psychologist Rensis Likert, which em-
SWOT  Strengths, Weaknesses, phasizes participation, employee-centered
Opportunities, and Threats leadership, open communication, and
group decision making and goal setting.
Symbolic information Data processed
by computer, involving numbers, names, Systems analysis  Study of systems, espe-
and words that can be handled in a binary cially in technology and management, for
manner. ensuring that the parts work in conjunction
to produce the desired outcome. It stud-
Syndicate  Group that pools its resources ies the feasibility of the system, the choke
in an enterprise in which all members have points, the risk and liability of failure, the
a stake. technological imperatives, and the costs of
Synectics  Problem-solving methodology
that simulates thought processes of which Systems dynamics  Computer-based system
the subject may be unaware. It was devel- developed by the Massachusetts Institute of
oped by George M. Price and W. J. Gordon, Technology for modeling the behavior of
originating in the Arthur D. Little Inven- transient systems. It determines the adequa-
tion Design Unit in the 1950s. cy of the systems by interjecting the ques-
tion, “What if?” at every junction.
Synergy  Added value that results when
two or more entities join forces to realize

American Management Association

Tactical asset allocation In finance, en- and is followed by the drive to maturity
hancing the portfolio returns by altering stage and then the age of high mass con-
the asset composition and mix. sumption stage.

Taguchi, Genichi (1924–2012) Japanese Takeover bid  Offer to the shareholders of

management consultant who developed the a company, over the heads of its manage-
concept of quality engineering through his ment, to buy their shares at a specified price
Taguchi method and author of Introduc- and thus gain control. Such a bid may be
tion to Quality Engineering. He is credited with the blessing of management or it may
with such concepts as robust design and be a Hostile bid. In the case of an uncon-
Taguchi loss function, designed to improve ditional bid, the bidder pays the offered
engineering quality and productivity. He price irrespective of the number of shares
introduced three stages in production: sys- acquired, while in the case of a conditional
tem design, parameter stage (in which the bid, the offer is good only if sufficient shares
product is defined under several param- are acquired to gain a controlling interest.
eters), and tolerance design.
Tall organization  Pyramid framework for
Taguchi method  Devised by management management of an organization, with a rel-
consultant Genichi Taguchi, a method of atively large number of intermediate levels.
testing the design of a new product under Compare Flat organization.
the most adverse circumstances, through a
battery of permutations and combinations Tannenbaum-Schmidt continuum  Model
and statistical analysis. of leadership that sees the role as a contin-
uum stretching from autocratic to demo-
Take-off stage Period of development cratic. In any given situation, the impact of
marked by rapid development, stage 3 leadership will be judged by three criteria:
in economist W. W. Rostow’s stages of (1)  the leader’s self-confidence, charisma,
growth. It follows the traditional society and philosophy of management; (2)  the
stage and preconditions for take-off stage complementary qualities of the followers or

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employees, such as experience, sense of re- and measured performance. It involves

sponsibility, and responsiveness; and (3) the planning feedback from participants and
nature and complexity of the circumstances concern with the quality of outcome.
and problems addressed.
Task roles People with discrete capabili-
Target costing Method of costing prod- ties, assigned to problem solution and de-
ucts or services to reflect the price that cision making, as initiator, opinion seeker,
customers are willing to pay and the price and summarizer.
charged by competitors. The target cost
must include a specified profit margin. It Taskforce  Group of people charged with
differs from the actual cost, which may be the execution of a specific plan or program.
based on the cost of raw materials and pro-
duction. Target costing was popularized by Tax haven Country with a low tax rate,
the Japanese, who used techniques such as used by wealthy investors and companies to
Just-in-time, Kaizen, Tear down, To- relieve themselves from a high tax burden.
tal Quality Management, Value engi- Often requires residence for a given part of
neering, Activity-based costing, and a year, citizenship, or corporate headquar-
Benchmarking to achieve target costs. ters. Four of the most popular tax havens
are the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Monaco,
Target marketing  Marketing aimed at me­ and Liechtenstein.
eting the needs of a specific group of cus-
tomers. See also Niche market. Tax treaty  Agreement between two coun-
tries for providing relief from double taxa-
Task  Unit of work; one of the elements of tion, applied to income earned in both
a job. countries.

Task analysis Disaggregation of the ele- Tavistock method Approach to manage-

ments of a task to identify the skills re- ment and management studies initiated
quired. It assesses what people, machines, by the Tavistock Institute for Human Rela-
or a combination thereof are needed and tions in London.
Taylor, F. W. (1856–1915)  American engi-
Task culture  Term coined by management neer who invented Work study and pio-
consultant Charles Handy to describe neered scientific management, sometimes
corporate behavior focused on the comple- known as Taylorism. He emphasized Task
tion of tasks. analysis and stressed the importance of
good communications, recruitment, and
Task orientation Leadership style con- training. Taylor was the author of Principles
cerned with setting goals, structured tasks, of Scientific Management (1911) and Shop

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 269 T

Management (1903). He developed many nese, who expanded it to include eight dif-
management concepts, such as functional ferent steps: (1) dynamic tear down, which
authority, which stated that all authority reduces the number of assembly operations;
was based on knowledge and not position. (2) cost tear down, which reduces the cost
of the components vis-à-vis those used by
Teaching company  Corporation in which competitors; (3) material tear down, of ma-
each employee is expected to both learn terials used in surface treatments; (4) static
and teach others. tear down, by disassembling competing
products; (5)  process tear down, by com-
Team  Group of employees organized to ac- paring manufacturing processes for similar
complish a common purpose. There are six parts; (6) matrix tear down, by identifying
major types of teams: informal, traditional, the volume of each component used by a
problem solving, leadership, self-directed, model per month; (7)  unit-kilogram price
and virtual. tear down, which plots the value per kilo for
all the products in the same group against
Team building Relating to exercises or their weight; and (8)  group estimate tear
programs designed to construct group down, which combines basic Value reen-
functions and create teams that are cohe- gineering and tear-down methods.
sive, united, and emotionally bonded.
Teaser rate  Low interest rate designed to
Team management wheel Visual aid for attract new customers, available for only a
the efficient coordination of teamwork short period.
and for Team building and training, de-
vised by management consultants Charles Technical analysis  Method used to fore-
Margerison and Dick McCann. It helps cast the direction of prices through the
team members to choose the work they study of past market data, especially prices
prefer to do and volume.

Team role  Position on a team and the na- Technocrat  Technical expert alternating as
ture of the participation. There are 11 distinct a manager, who brings technical skills to
roles played by members of a team: team management problem solving.
worker, completer, shaper, monitor, evalu-
ator, planner, resource person, investigator, Technological change  Improvement in the
coordinator, implementer, and specialist. ratio of productivity and output to labor
brought about by inventions, automation,
Tear down  Method of comparing a com- and computerized methods of production.
pany’s products and components with those
of its competitors. Originally devised by Technological risk  Chance that a business
General Motors, it was adapted by the Japa- may be overtaken by technological advances,

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making certain of its products and services Tenor  In finance, the period between issu-
obsolete. ance of a security and its maturity, or the
period of a loan or contract.
Technological unemployment  Reduction
in the labor force and loss of employment, Terms of trade  Formula that measures the
brought about by automation and comput- trading position of a country by dividing
erized production. export prices by import prices. When the
former is stronger, a country’s trading posi-
Technology assessment Collection of data tion is favorable.
on a firm’s utilization of currently available
technology and potential use of technologi- Terotechnology  Branch of technology
cal breakthroughs. dealing with the use of management, en-
gineering, and financial skills in the opera-
Technology management Science that tion of a factory.
links engineering, science, and manage-
ment to plan, develop, and implement Test marketing Pilot marketing attempt
technological capabilities that can shape that assesses consumer reactions in a lim-
the strategic and operational objectives of ited market and extrapolates the results to
an organization. cover the broader market.

Technology transfer Transfer of techno- T-group  Training group that uses infor-

logical know-how, mostly through licens- mal roles to help participants enhance their
ing, usually across borders and especially interpersonal skills and relationships.
from industrially advanced countries to
underdeveloped countries. Theory  Set of integrated ideas, conclu-
sions, hypotheses, and concepts used to
Telecommuting  Nontraditional employ- describe a phenomenon or investigate pat-
ment pattern in which employees work terns, and whose validity has been tested in
from home and communicate with em- a scientific setting.
ployers via telephone and Internet.
Theory E Orienting an organization to
Teleconference  Discussion or meeting in focus primarily on the creation of share-
which participants are geographically sepa- holder value, through the actions of its top
rated but are linked via telecommunication. managers.

Telemarketing  Direct sales of products or Theory J Japanese approach to manage-

services via phone calls by trained repre- ment developed by management professor
sentatives. William Ouchi.

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Theory O  Model of organizational change put forward by management professor

based on a corporate culture that includes Douglas McGregor, which states that
human development, empowerment of em- human beings are inherently lazy, unmoti-
ployees, and organizational learning. vated, and irresponsible. They prefer being
led and directed, rather than being autono-
Theory of constraints Approach to pro- mous, and the only time they are creative
duction that focuses on potential bottle- is when they find ways to circumvent the
necks, as well as the refinement of process system. Their only motivators are money
and redesign of products to maximize out- and coercion.
put. The theory was developed by manage-
ment guru Eliyahu Goldratt to identify Theory Y  Concept of human motivation
constraints that block success in any system put forward by management professor
and how to remove such constraints. Douglas McGregor, which states that
human beings are capable of genuine altru-
Theory of the firm Branch of manage- ism and pursuit of excellence, and may be
ment concerned with the nature of the inspired by creativity and ingenuity given
corporation, rather than the nature of the the right incentives. They are capable of be-
market. It incorporates insights from psy- ing responsible and disciplined and enjoy
chology, sociology, and Game theory, and recognition and encouragement.
focuses on reducing transaction costs. It
asks the questions: (1) What is the rationale Theory Z  Alternative theory of human mo-
for a corporation as the most efficient agent tivation borrowed from Japan, put forward
for economic transactions? (2)  Why do by management professor William Ouchi.
some firms change while others collapse? It proposed that employees seek better ca-
(3) What are the external and internal forc- reer prospects, more secure employment,
es that shape a corporation? and (4) How greater participation in decision making,
does an organizational culture emerge in a greater emphasis on team spirit and cama-
corporation and what are its distinguishing raderie, and greater mutual respect.
Therblig  Reverse spelling of Gilbreth, after
Theory of the horizontal fast track  Prin- Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, pioneers in
ciples developed by management guru motion study. It is a unit of measurement
Charles Handy for developing company used in motion economics, one of 18 fun-
versatility by moving people from job to job damental units of every operation, whose
to test and hone their capabilities. configuration is essential for the successful
completion of a task.
Theory W  Variation of Theory X.
Thin market  Demand for a security, com-
Theory X  Concept of human motivation modity, or currency with few transactions,

American Management Association
T 272 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

where the spread between bid and offer is outlining a management style developed
wide and where even small transactions by management experts William Reddin,
have a large impact. Robert Blake, and Jane Mouton.

Think tank  Research organization that as- Three Ss  Strategy, structure, and systems—
sembles experts in a given field, with the three classes of decision making.
goal of stimulating fresh thinking.
Tichy, Noel  U.S. business guru known for
Third sector Nonprofit and charitable or- his research on Transformational lead-
ganizations, a group of businesses that con- ership; author of The Transformational
stitute a powerful and influential voting Leader (1997).
Tiger market  Group of Asian countries—
Third wave  From futurist Alvin Toffler’s Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong
description of society’s development as a Kong—seen as emerging markets in the
series of waves. The first wave is agricul- 1990s. Compare Dragon markets.
tural, the second is industrial, and the third
is postindustrial, or basically the Informa- Time and motion study  Business efficien-
tion age. cy technique combining the time study of
F. W. Taylor and motion study of Frank
Third world Term used during the cold and Lillian Gilbreth. It is an element of
war to describe nonaligned countries (vs. scientific management or Taylorism. The
Soviet or Western world), then extended integrated system is also known as methods
to mean the underdeveloped countries in engineering.
contrast to the industrialized countries of
the West. It was a translation of the French Time-based competition  Analysis of the
term tiers monde, even extending back to time elapsed between order receipt to de-
references to the Third Estate, meaning the livery, as a way of compressing the process.
peasant class during the French Revolu- It also adds value by aligning promised
tion. The term has been replaced by other lead times with actual lead times, promised
descriptors, such as the South and three- quality with actual quality, and promised
fourths world. See also Fourth World. quality with actual quality. It is an exten-
sion of Just-in-time to every aspect of the
360-degree evaluation  Technique used in product delivery cycle.
personnel management, in which opinions
regarding an employee’s performance is ob- Time budget  Detailed timetable assigning
tained from superiors as well as peers. times for each unit of work.

Three-dimensional management Theory Time fence  Period during which a master

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 273 T

production schedule may not be changed, Tire kicker Consumer who superficially

lest it destabilize the production schedule. checks out merchandise, without any real
intention of buying it.
Time horizon  Time frame for completing
a task as it extends into the future. Title inflation  Practice of giving employ-
ees high-sounding titles without the ac-
Time management Efficient use of time companying increase in authority, pay, or
through prioritization of tasks and elimina- status.
tion of unimportant or unproductive tasks.
Tobin, James (1918–2002)  American eco­
Time pacing Practice of producing or nomist who served on the Council of Eco-
introducing new products according to a nomic Advisers taught at Harvard and Yale
given schedule. universities. He was a Keynesian who advo-
cated government intervention in the econ-
Time-series analysis Market research te­
omy. He pioneered contributions to the
chnique for forecasting sales by breaking
study of investment, monetary and fiscal
down trends, cycles, seasons, and other
policy, and financial markets. He received
the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in
Time sovereignty  Control over the way a 1981. His book, Is Growth Obsolete? (1972),
person spends his or her work time, espe- introduced the Measure of Economic Wel-
cially the ability to manage time without fare for economic sustainability assessment.
reference to the clock.
Toehold  Initial stake in a company, ac-
Time span of discretion Setting salary quired as preliminary to a formal Takeo-
scales and differentials on the basis of a for- ver bid.
mal evaluation of performance, especially
the way an employee handles responsibili- Toffler, Alvin (1928–)  American futurist,
ties without supervision. Term coined by author of The Future Shock and The Third
economist Elliott Jaques. Wave. His work studied the digital revolu-
tion, communication revolution, and tech-
Time to market Period between initial nological singularity.
concept and finished product, including its
introduction in the market. Tokenism  In human resources, a superfi-
cial effort at diversity by having a nominal
Tipping point  Point at which a new idea minority representation, without assigning
or product attains the Critical mass to real power to the employees.
become commercially feasible and repro-
ducible. Tolerance  Defined limits within which

American Management Association
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deviation or a departure from the norm ture. Bottom-up assembles or links smaller
may be tolerated, as in quality control or subunits to create the grand picture or form
engineering. a complex whole.

Tolerance for ambiguity  Ability to handle Top management Highest echelon in a

complexity or lack of clarity in situations corporate organization.
and to welcome conflicting interpretations
and perspectives. Total market demand  Total volume of the
potential demand for a product or service
Too big to fail Notion developed dur- by a defined group, in a defined area, and
ing the financial crisis of 2008 that some during a defined period.
financial institutions have such a decisive
influence on the economy that their failure Total productive management (TPM) 
would cause massive losses and bring great Management approach that empowers em-
disruption. This notion carried the impli- ployees operating equipment to take re-
cation that Central banks and govern- sponsibility for routine maintenance and
ments would bail out such institutions even to develop a proactive schedule of failure
if they failed because of their own greed prevention.Considered an integral part of
or improprieties. The principle creates a Just-in-time and Total Quality Man-
Moral hazard by suggesting that there agement. TPM eliminates downtime and
will be no consequences for illegal or very thus increases productivity.
risky actions.
Total Quality Management (TQM) Ho-
Top-down  Originating and proceeding listic approach to management that inte-
from the top echelons and percolating to grates all elements of production to achieve
the bottom, as opposed to Bottom-up. quality and efficiency. The approach was pi-
oneered by management experts including
Top-down design Approach to product W. Edwards Deming, Armand V. Feigen-
design based on general principles or de- baum, Kaoru Ishikawa, Joseph M. Juran,
ductive reasoning, rather than empirical and Genichi Taguchi. Also termed total
research or user feedback. Compare Bot- quality control.
tom-up design. TQM ensures that all parts of an or-
ganization are working in unison and have
Top-down or Bottom-up design Strate- a part in the success of the program. The
gies of information processing and knowl- principal elements of TQM are (1)  long-
edge ordering mostly concerned with term commitment by management;
software. Top-down (also called step-wise (2)  commitment to getting things right
design) involves analysis, decomposition, the first time; (3) commitment to continu-
and synthesis and begins with the big pic- ous improvement; (4)  understanding of

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 275 T

the relationships that sustain quality, espe- 4. Each production worker has the
cially between producers and consumers; ability to stop production if work is
(5)  understanding that costs are defined substandard.
not merely in terms of money but also as 5. Workers assume full responsibil-
quality, that monetary savings may not al- ity for all shortfalls in quality. The
ways be quality-friendly; (6)  aligning sys- workforce is expected to work late
tems to organizational needs, and where to make necessary corrections.
they are not so aligned, work processes
6. Every item of output is inspected,
are redesigned; (7)  streamlining commu-
not merely random samples.
nications between staff and management
with appropriate training; (8) empowering 7. Achievement is for project-by-pro-
and enabling workers; and (9)  constantly ject improvement.
measuring, evaluating, commending, and
rewarding performance. The primary re- Facilitating Concepts
sponsibility for TQM is assigned to pro- 1. Responsibility for quality rests with
duction workers rather than a department. line workers and not the depart-
The principal TQM concepts and cat- ment. It also rests with the suppliers,
egories are: who receive appropriate training.

Goals 2. Small lot sizes make inspection

1. Habits of improvement are based
on Continuous improvement or 3. Factories are keep immaculate.
Kaizen. 4. Machines are checked daily, not
2. Perfection is based on zero defects by specialists but also by workers
and continuous cost reduction. themselves with the help of check-
Basic Principles
Techniques and Aids
1. Process control is based on con-
tinuous inspection by the work- 1. Problems are exposed early.
force rather than supervisors. 2. Work process is redesigned to
2. It should involve measurable and avoid mistakes. Machines are fit-
easy-to-see quality through dis- ted in Japan with bakayoke, which
play boards and signs monitoring checks automatically for abnormal
achievements. functions.

3. Insistence on compliance and qual- 3. Manual inspection is required for

ity takes precedence over meeting lower volumes. 100% of production
quotas. is inspected in the case of unstable

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T 276 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

processes, but in the case of stable companies engaged in the same business to
processes, sample inspection may further their common interests.
be used, restricted to the first and
last pieces of a production run. Trade description Principal characteris-
tics of a product, designed to inform con-
4. Statistical tools are used, such as
sumers of exactly what they are getting for
Cause-effect diagram.
their money.
5. Every corporation has Quality
circles to which all employees be- Trade dispute  See Industrial dispute.
Trade fair  Exhibition of products in a spe-
Towne, Henry (1844–1924) Pioneer of cial category, bringing together manufac-
Scientific management who inspired turers, distributors, and consumers.
American engineer F. W. Taylor. His best-
known work is The Engineer as an Econo- Trade name  Informal name used by a
mist (1886). He coined the term Gain company.
sharing as part of an attempt to increase
worker productivity. Trade secret  Proprietary formula for a pro­
duct or process, integral to its success and
Toyota Production System Manufactu­ appeal, the disclosure of which is a criminal
ring system developed by Toyota that offense.
increases productivity and efficiency by
avoiding waste, such as waiting time, over- Trade union  Labor union.
production, transportation bottlenecks,
and unnecessary inventory, It was devel- Trademark  Distinctive symbol that iden-
oped by Japanese businessman Taiichi tifies a product, producer, or trader. It is
Ohno. It integrates such methods as Lean usually registered with the government and
production, Just-in-time, Kanban, and unauthorized use is an infringement that
production smoothing. carries penalties.

TPM  Total productive management Tradeoff  Compromise based on a balance

of advantages and disadvantages or a num-
TQM  Total Quality Management ber of options.

Trade  Economic activity oriented toward Trading down Reduction of prices and

the selling of products and services for a services to customers for increased sales
profit. volume.

Trade association Professional group of Trading halt Cessation of trading in a

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 277 T

financial market when the price reaches a efficiencies, increase the hierarchical levels
threshold, or on the basis of a development through which they have to pass, and affect
affecting the stability of the institution. the quality and quantity of the information
Trading stamp Stamp or coupon once
popular with consumers that can be col- Transactional leadership Introduced by
lected, traded, or redeemed with certain management guru James M. Burns, a term
participating retailers for goods of choice. to describe a manager who pursues the
achievement of goals without being sty-
Trading up  Introduction of a product in a mied by a concern for the nature of these
new market or in a more exclusive market, goals. Contrast with Transformational
without raising prices to compensate for leadership.
the additional costs.
Transfer of training Continued applica-
Training loop  Process that assesses, deliv- tion of skills and learning gained during
ers, and reviews training needs. training to the actual work environment.

Trait theory  Related to the great man the- Transfer price  Price at which goods and
ory, a belief that all leaders display the same services are bought and sold between di-
key personality traits. visions or subsidiaries within a group of
Tranche  1.  Part or installment of a large
sum of money available to the borrower on Transformational leadership  Visionary
reaching a milestone. 2. In a securitization, leadership style that inspires loyalty and
any of several classes of debt instruments confidence among followers and motivates
created from the same pool of assets but them to do more than they are required to
with different risk ratios to attract different do. Transformational leadership acknowl-
classes of investors. edges the individual contributions of team
members, encourages free exchange of
Transaction costs  All aspects of a transac- ideas, shares credit for achievements, and
tion, including negotiations, monitoring, takes responsibility for failures. See also
and enforcement, with two main compo- Transactional leadership.
nents: transaction uncertainty and perfor-
mance ambiguity. The basis for an economic Transnational organization See Multi-
theory developed by economist Richard national company.
Coase, which stresses the influence of these
transaction costs on economic behavior. Transparency  In business, the quality of
High transaction costs add to allocative in- being open about goals and methods and

American Management Association
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sharing positive as well as negative develop- to indicate that a set of accounts is a fair
ments, as well as in compliance with legal presentation and complies with all legal
and moral requirements. requirements.

Tribology  In engineering, the interaction Trust  1.  Form of monopoly in which the
of surfaces through friction, including owners of merging corporations yield their
design of bearings and the application of stock to a board of trustees empowered to
lubricants. act on their behalf. It is outlawed under
Antitrust laws. 2.  Arrangement under
Trickle-down economics  Belief that wea­ which property is held by an appointed per-
lth earned at the top, by large corporations son (trustee) on behalf of the beneficiaries.
and wealthy individuals, makes its way
down slowly but surely to the underclasses. Trust-control dilemma Problem confront-
ing managers regarding how much to dele-
Triple I organization  Identified by man- gate to employees, how much to trust them
agement guru Charles Handy, a cor- to do the work, and how much to control
porate culture in which the focus is on that work.
three areas—information, intelligence,
and ideas—contrasted with a hierarchical Turbulence  In business, unpredictable and
culture. swift changes in the organizational envi-
ronment and structure, leading to a shake-
Triple witching hour Third Friday in down in the functions and authority of the
March, June, September, and December employees.
(quarters) when stock index Options, Fu-
tures, and individual stock options all ex- Turkey farm Part of the organization to
pire at the same time, adding potential of which the most inefficient employees are
volatility to the markets. assigned or exiled, so that they do not affect
the morale of the remaining employees.
Troubleshooting  Dealing with unexpect-
ed problems in production, distribution, or Turnaround  Strategy to reverse a decline
personnel. in profitability or sales, thereby putting
the company back on the road to recovery.
Trist, Eric (1909–1993)  British pioneer in This may be achieved through Downsiz-
the field of organizational development and ing, divesting the company of all but its
founder of the Tavistock Institute for Social core operations, and managerial changes.
Research in London. The areas where turnaround strategies fo-
cus are (1) management vision; (2) leader-
True and fair view Accounting term ship role of CEO and chairman; (3) board

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 279 T

of directors; (4) core businesses; (5) diver- Twinning  Partnership of companies and

sification; (6) financial control; (7) organi- universities, especially in R&D.
zational structure; (8)  competition, price,
and product; (9)  cost structure and dis- Two faces of power  Duality in the exercise
advantages; (10)  operating inefficiencies; of power, one benign and the other self-
(11)  changes in market demand; (12)  ad- aggrandizing; inherent in the control func-
verse movement in commodity prices; tions of authority.
(13)  lack of marketing effort; (14)  under-
estimates of capital requirements; (15)  ca- Two-factor theory  Concept of work-study
pacity expansion; (16)  failed acquisitions; engineer Frederick Herzberg that job
(17)  high debt/equity ratio; (18)  financial performance is driven by motivators in
policies; and (19)  overtrading. Successful what he termed “hygiene factors.”
turnaround strategies include: (1) change in
management, (2)  strong financial control, Type A personality Person with hyper-
(3) decentralization, (4) new product focus, active personality traits, who is impatient
(5) improved marketing, (6) growth through with delays, dictatorial in dealing with as-
acquisition, (7) asset reduction, (8) cost re- sociates, hard-driving, and aversive to lei-
duction, and (9) debt restructuring. sure.

Turnover  Total sales of a company for a Type B personality  Person who is easy go-
stated period. ing, a good listener, slow and deliberate in
manner and speech, has extensive interests
Tversky, Amos Nathan (1937–1996) Is- outside of work, and is articulate.
raeli psychologist. Much of his early work
was concerned with measurement. He co- Type T personality Person who deliber-
authored Foundations of Measurement. ately enjoys taking risks and does not con-
Together with Daniel Kahnemann he de- sider consequences in adopting a course of
veloped Prospect theory, which explains action.
irrational economic choices. It is one of the
seminal theories in behavioral economics.

American Management Association

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)  Col- Understandability  Accounting principle

lection of laws and statutes relating to busi- that financial information presented in a re-
ness and commerce, as regards contracts, port is both in language and content easily
leases, negotiable instruments, and letters grasped by a reasonably intelligent layperson.
of credit. It should not be so dense that it overwhelms
the reader, and it should not be so perfunc-
Ultimate holding company  Parent com- tory that it leaves out important facts.
pany or group that, through an interlock-
ing system of directorships, controls and Undifferentiated marketing Advertising
owns subsidiaries, each of which oper- and selling a product for the widest possi-
ates under its own name and with its own ble base of users, with the broadest range of
management. interests, tastes, and needs.

Ultra vires  (Latin, “beyond the powers”) Undue influence  Applying unfair pressure
Denoting the act of an official or corpora- on a person to sign a document or advocate
tion for which there is no authority in law for an outcome that is to the advantage of
or the memorandum of association. the person wielding the pressure.

Unbundling  Separation of a business into Unemployment  Inability to find employ-

its constituent parts, with the purpose of ment, even when actively sought; usually
selling off some of them. a reflection of employers not hiring, often
because of a drop in demand.
Uncontrollable costs  Expenditures that are
beyond the discretionary powers of man- Unfreezing  First of psychologist Kurt
agement to restrict or check. Lewin’s three-step process of change in an
organization, the others being transition
Undermanning  Deliberately using fewer and refreezing. It requires management to
workers to do a job and thus overworking force a revision of ideas and practices be-
them. fore introducing new ideas.

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U 282 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Ungluing  Breakup of the traditional sup- Upset price  Minimum sale price at an
ply chains by removing the nexus of inter- auction.
est or the rationale for partnership.
Upstream  Denoting a short-term loan
Unique selling point (USP)  The most dis- from a subsidiary company to a parent
tinctive feature of a product, advertised in company.
its promotion.
Upstream progress  In marketing, advan­
Unit pricing  Display of the price of a sin- cement made against competition.
gle unit in a multipack bundled product,
useful for comparison shopping. Upward communication Process of in-
formation flowing from the lower levels of
Unitary firm  Organization without inter- a hierarchic organization to the upper lev-
nal divisions, where all management func- els. It is more democratic than traditional
tions are centralized or where only a single forms of communication.
product is manufactured.
Ure, Andre (1778–1857) Scottish doctor
Unity of management Management ex- and chemist, an early pioneer of manage-
pert Henri Fayol’s classic principle, call- ment science who published one of the
ing for a direction by one manager, with earliest textbooks on manufacturing in the
undivided authority and single vision. Also textile industry. Ure was a defender of the
termed unity of direction. emerging factory system.

Unorganization  Organizational design Urwick, Lyndall (1891–1983)  British busi-

that dismantles traditional structures and ness management expert. He formulated
processes by Delayering management, a comprehensive theory of management
Outsourcing projects, and encouraging drawing from the work of Henri Fayol, F.
teleworking. W. Taylor, Mary Parker Follett, and
others. His best-known work is The Ele-
Unstructured interview Discussion with ments of Business Administration (1943).
an applicant for employment that does not
follow a routine and is free-flowing, em- USP  Unique selling point
phasizing flexibility for the interviewer and
scope of expression for the interviewee. Usufruct  Right of enjoyment that enables
a holder to derive profit or benefit from a
Upselling  Sales technique of encouraging property owned by another or is under
consumers to buy add-ons to a product, common ownership.
such as a warranty for an appliance or a
carry-on case for a cell phone. Utility theory  View of behavior, strategies,

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 283 U

and processes to deal with risky choices and tem, the proportion of output to design
decisions, stressing the subjective value at- capacity.
tached to a particular course of action or
outcome. Utilization management  Techniques used
by efficiency experts for analyzing and im-
Utilization  Regarding an operating sys- proving productivity.

American Management Association

Valorization  Stabilization of a currency and delivery process in order to reengineer

or commodity by artificial means, such as the design more efficiently.
state intervention.
Value chain  Series of activities that direct-
Value  Agreed-upon worth of a product or ly create value, by which a good or service is
service, as distinct from its retail price or produced, distributed, and marketed. Each
cost to produce. step contributes different values and incurs
different costs. As Value is the amount that
Value added Greater worth added to buyers are willing to pay for a product or
goods and services at each stage or step in service, Profit is the differential between
the chain of production, which becomes value and the costs incurred. The activi-
the basis for levying a Value-added tax. ties include outbound logistics, operations
and production, marketing and sales, and
Value-added tax Form of consumption service, as well as support activities such as
tax or excise added incrementally on the human resources, technology, and infra-
value added at each stage of processing or structure.
the production and distribution of a com-
modity and is ultimately passed on to the Value dimensions Dutch researcher Ge­
consumer. Unlike a sales tax, it occurs each ert Hofstede’s classification of values as
time a business in the supply chain pur- they impinge on behavior: (1)  power dis-
chases products. tance; (2)  uncertainty avoidance; (3)  indi-
vidualism; and (4)  masculinity. Hofstede’s
Value analysis Technique developed by values are learned qualities imparted by a
educator and engineer Lawrence D. Miles culture.
to maximize the utility provided by a prod-
uct or service and to minimize or eliminate Value engineering Design of a product
waste. It measures the value-added and to eliminate costs that do not contribute
non-value-added elements in a production to the Value of the product. It has three

American Management Association
V 286 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

aspects: (1) value target; (2) development of pacity and displacing their products on the
new products from concepts and increas- shelves.
ing functionality without a corresponding
increase in cost; and (3)  manufacturing Veblen, Thorstein Bunde (1857–1929) 
value engineering, which identifies the best American sociologist and founder of the
method to produce a part with the trade-off institutional economics movement. He was
between cost and quality. a critic of capitalism, which he lambasted
in The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899).
Value-instrumentality-expectancy theo- He combined a evolutionary and Darwin-
ry  Proposed by business professor Victor ian approach to economics with an institu-
H. Vroom, a theory of motivation that the tionalist approach to economic analysis. He
level of effort exerted by an individual on discredited the conspicuous consumption
any task is based on three variables: (1) in- and waste of capitalists, whom he equated
strumentality, or the belief that the action with parasites.
will be successful; (2) confidence that suc-
cess will bring rewards; and (3) valence, or Veblen effect  Economic phenomenon first
the desirability of the reward. noted by American sociologist Thorsten
Veblen, where high levels of consumption
Value migration  Flow of Value and Pr­ lead to increased demand or higher prices.
ofit away from companies with outmoded
business models and toward those with Velocity of circulation Average number
more efficient models. Companies that are of times a unit of money is used in a speci-
more flexible thus gain Competitive ad- fied period, equal to the total amount of
vantage. The value stabilizes as a competi- money spent during that period divided by
tive equilibrium is reached. the total amount of money in circulation.

Value planning  Planning designed to max­ Venture capital  Money loaned to start up
imize the value of a corporation to its share- businesses, usually by venture capital funds,
holders, with value being the present worth which then own equity in the start-up. This
or estimation of future cash flow. is private equity funding that is considered
high risk but can also give high yields. Also
Value reengineering Radical redesign of venture capitalist, a person involved in ven-
processes to achieve a dramatic improve- ture capitalization.
ment in performance, such as cost, quality,
speed, and service. Vertical integration Process whereby a
company extends its business interests into
Variety wars Competition based on the all stages of its production and distribution.
introduction of new products, aimed at Vertical integration may be achieved through
overwhelming competitors’ productive ca- Backward or Forward integration at

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The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 287 V

any stage of a company’s history. Vertical in- a financial year, usually to make up for a
tegration adds to the capital investment, in- shortfall.
cludes additional risk to a firm’s position in
the industry, makes it more difficult to exit, Virtual organization  Business form with-
and may require careful coordination. See out physical properties, such as a defined
also Horizontal integration. location or full-time employees, and that
provides products or services through third
Vertical linkage analysis  Tool for analyz- parties or by Outsourcing.
ing the Value chain to determine where
opportunities exist for enhancing competi- Virtuous cycle  Cycle of company growth
tive advantage. that replicates itself by producing positive
returns at every turn. Opposite of vicious
Vertical marketing system  Channel str­ cycle.
ucture of distribution in which producers,
wholesalers, and retailers act as a single Visible management  Philosophy that top
system. managers should not hide behind their
desks but instead make themselves acces-
Vested interest  Involvement in an enter-
sible to their subordinates.
prise or business in anticipation of personal
Visibles  Earnings from exports and pay-
ments for imports of goods, as opposed to
Vestibule training Education of future
services such as banking.
employees in which they learn a job skill in
a simulated environment.
Vision  Leadership quality of formulating
Vineyard organization Model structure ideas, plans, or dreams that help shape the
in which the parent group is viewed as the future and ability to persuade colleagues
vine and the subsidiaries or employees as and associates to share those dreams.
clusters of grapes. The clusters are relatively
autonomous, but are dependent on the vine Vision statement  See Mission
for sustaining power. statement.

Viral marketing  Strategy that relies on the Vital statistics  In business, data relating to
Internet, social media, and word of mouth demographics that can influence marketing
to promote products and services. strategies.

Virement  System of budgetary controls Vitalist theory  Management principle that

in which funds may be transferred from the entire organization needs to be designed
one part of the budget to another during before the parts are put into place.

American Management Association
V 288 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Vitamin model Eight factors that affect Vulnerability analysis  Method of evaluat-

job satisfaction: money, security, social po- ing threats to a company in different areas
sition, clarity, variety, control, use of skills, and functions: resources and assets, cus-
and contact with peers. tomer needs, cost position, consumer base,
technology, corporate identity, regulations,
Vroom, Victor Herald  Canadian author- social values, customer goodwill, and com-
ity on management who explored motiva- plementary products and services. Vulner-
tion, leadership, and decision making in ability analysis identifies the threats, ranks
his Work and Motivation (1964). See also them on a scale, estimates their probability,
Vroom-Yetton-Jago model. and determines the firm’s capability to deal
with them.
Vroom-Yetton-Jago model  Theory of lead-
ership that leaders should vary the extent to Vulture capital Investment in firms or
which they allow followers to participate in properties that are facing liquidation, then
decision making, according to certain fac- turning them around in order to sell them
tors constructed in a Decision tree: the at a profit.
nature of the task, the extent of possible dis-
agreement, and the willingness of followers
to accept the ultimate decision.

American Management Association

Wa Japanese  Term for a situation in which Warranty  Clearly defined guarantee of

there is complete harmony, with no possi- performance or quality, often with clauses
bility of conflict. ensuring the repair or replacement in the
event of defects or shortcomings, in a con-
Wage compression  Reduction in the gap tract, usually covering a specified period of
between the higher salary scales and the time. The warranty may be expressed (clear-
lower ones so as to make compensation ly stated) or implied (mutually understood).
more equitable.
Wasting asset Resource that has a finite
Wage differential Difference in earnings life and is consumed when used, such as
between workers with similar skills in dif- coal or oil.
ferent industries, or between workers with
different skills in the same industry. Waterman, Robert H.  Business guru and
associate of Tom Peters, with whom he
Wage freeze Government-imposed pro- coauthored In Search of Excellence (1982).
hibition of wage increases for a specified
time, usually an effort to curb Inflation. Watt, James (1736–1819)  Scottish inven-
Distinguished from wage restraint, which is tor and mechanical engineer who was one
a recommendation for freezing salaries. of the pioneers of the Industrial Revolu-
tion. He developed the concept of horse-
Waiver  A formal setting-aside of a require- power and the SI unit, the watt, is named
ment; nonenforcement of a right. after him.

Wall Street  In lower Manhattan, the street Weakest link  Descriptive of the least effi-
on which the New York Stock Exchange is cient or least durable component of a ma-
located; however, generally a reference to chine or organization, which determines
the entire U.S. financial system, including the longevity of the whole, as in the weakest
the stock exchanges. link of a chain.

American Management Association
W 290 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Wear and tear  Diminution in the value of Whistle blowing  Public exposure of ille-
a physical asset from use or age, one of the gal, corrupt, unethical, criminal, or antiso-
elements of Depreciation. cial activities in an organization, reported
by one of its members.
Weber, Max (1864–1920) German soci-
ologist and philosopher who also wrote White collar  Relating to office employees,
on Industrial organization and is con- in contrast to manual workers or Blue-
sidered the father of Industrial sociol- collar workers.
ogy. He held that managers should not be
managers, and that management should be White-collar crime Criminal offense as-
based on a Chain of command. sociated with corrupt business actions, in-
cluding embezzlement, fraud, and Insider
Welfare function Management’s respon- trading.
sibility for the physical and mental welfare
of employees, including health and safety, White elephant  Asset whose maintenance
Affirmative action, maternity leave, costs are greater than the possible benefit or
sick leave, and other benefits mostly also profit.
required by law.
White goods Consumer durable goods
Wheel of retailing  Concept that retailers such as refrigerators and washing machines,
begin as low-margin and low-price opera- which are traditionally painted white. Com-
tions, and then evolve into higher-priced pare Brown goods.
stores as they move up the status scale.
White knight Friendly person or busi-
Wheelwright, Steven C.  Emeritus profes- ness that makes a bid to take over a com-
sor at Harvard Business School and presi- pany under favorable terms, often to offset
dent of Brigham Young University. He is a Hostile bid.
author of Strategic Management of Technol-
ogy and Innovation. Whyte, William Hollingsworth (1917–
1999)  U.S. sociologist and, author of The
Whipsawing  Pitting one group against Organization Man (1956), a study of the
another in order to gain a bargaining ad- impact of corporate culture on society.
vantage, as for teams of employees or la-
bor unions in an industry with different Wildcat strike  Local strike, often without
employers. formal notice, by a local union without of-
ficial union backing.
Whisper stock  Share in a company about
which there are whispers in the market Willie Sutton rule Maxim that business
about a change in value or a takeover. should focus on its most profitable areas,

American Management Association
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management 291 W

based on Willie Sutton’s statement that he taining a healthy home environment; a

robbed banks because that was where the healthy balance is said to neutralize stress.
money was.
Work permit  Issued by a local government,
Win-win  Situation in which both parties a permit that allows underage employment,
to a dispute or a negotiation gain some- construction, or other applications, usually
thing and lose less. with stipulated controls; a license granted
to a foreign national to work for a limited
Window dressing  Practice of making an period within a country.
offer or situation appear better than it re-
ally is, often through addition of frills or by Work simplification  Idea pioneered by
disguising negative factors. work-study team Frank and Lillian Gil-
breth as part of Scientific management,
Woodward, Joan (1916–1971)  British au- in which work that does not add Value to a
thority on organizational sociology. She was process is wasteful and therefore expendable.
a pioneer in empirical research in organiza- The goal is to eliminate complexity altogeth-
tional structures that established the link er or at least reduce it to the bare minimum.
between technology and production. She is
associated particularly with Contingency Work study  Measurement and analysis of
theory. In 1970 she published Industrial the flow of work and other parameters and
Organization: Behavior and Control. processes, with a view to identifying their
effectiveness and efficiencies. The study is
Word of mouse  Internet-driven publicity. associated with Time management, Mo-
tion study, Scientific management,
Word of mouth  Favorable or unfavora- and Total Quality Management.
ble reviews or comments conveyed orally
by customers and users and considered Work-to-rule  Form of industrial action,
influential in sales because it is based on short of a strike, in which workers do not
experience. walk off the job but limit their work strictly
to the minimum requirements under law. It
Work ethic  Driving force that makes work is the same as Go slow.
enjoyable and fulfilling. Usually, Protes-
tant ethic. Workaholic  Person who is addicted to
work, sign of a Type A personality.
Work-in-progress  Project that has been
begun but is not yet completed. Workfare  Social program that replaced
welfare, by which applicants perform useful
Work-life balance Relationship between work in order to be eligible for government
meeting the demands of work and main- assistance.

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W 292 The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management

Working capital  Part of the capital of a com- Wren, Daniel  Expert on management his-
pany employed in day-to-day operations. tory and author of The Evolution of Man-
agement Thought, in its 6th edition in 2011.
Worksharing  Act of spreading work among
several people; often a solution to labor re- Write off  To reduce the value of an asset or
dundancy, elimination of overtime, or re- debt to zero, and thus take it off the books.
duced working hours.
Writer  In Rosemary Stewart’s taxono-
World Bank. See International Bank my, a manager who spends most of his or
for Reconstruction and Development. her time on paperwork.

World Trade Organization (WTO) UN WTO  World Trade Organization

agency charged with monitoring interna-
tional trade. Under its auspices are held WYSWYG  “What you see is what you get,”
discussions known as rounds, which set referring to computer displays of intended
conditions for free trade and also deter- printed items.
mine tariffs.

American Management Association

Xenophobic  (From Greek, Xenos, stran- one of the main drivers of extreme nation-
ger, and phobia, fear) Fear of foreigners, alism.

American Management Association

Yield curve  Line on a graph showing the a flat or humped curve indicates market
yield for deposits or fixed-interest secu- uncertainty.
rities, plotted against the length of time
they have to run to maturity. An upward Yield gap  Difference between the yield on
curve indicates a strong market, a down- a safe investment and that on a risky invest-
ward curve indicates a falling market, and ment.

American Management Association

Z score Multivariate formula devised by that starts from scratch every year and re-
finance professor Edward Altman that gards all expenditures as new items, with
measures the susceptibility of a business their own rationals that need to be assessed.
to failure by applying beta-coefficients to a
number of selected ratios. Zero defect  Component of Total Qual-
ity Management aimed at changing
Zaibatsu  Japanese conglomerate or group worker attitudes toward quality by stressing
of companies that coordinate their activi- error-free production or Six-Sigma.
ties to maximize profit. Each zaibatsu usu-
ally includes a bank, trading company, and Zero-sum game  In Game theory, a situ-
service company, with linked equity. ation in which one person’s loss is another’s
gain because the total remains the same.
Zelenik, Abraham U.S. academic who
wrote the influential article “Managers and Zone of indifference Range of authority
Leaders: Are They Different?” in Harvard of a superior, not questioned by subordi-
Business Review (1977). nates and accepted as a legitimate exercise
of power.
Zero-based budgeting Record keeping

American Management Association
About the Author

George Thomas Kurian is president of the Encyclopedia Society,

an international group of encyclopedists and knowledge builders
who have produced more than 61 encyclopedias, dictionaries, at-
lases, chronologies, and other reference works. He lives in Yorktown
Heights, New York.

American Management Association

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