Academic Intervention and Support

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Academic Intervention and Support

Home Visit (For parents or students who do not have any gadgets for communication, and
Emergency Assistance)

Procedure and Guidelines:

1. Identify learners who need to be visited due to lack of communication tools and require
special assistance due to disability, emergency reasons and educational aid.
2. Assigned the nearest teacher to conduct the home visitation and observe social distancing,
proper sanitation and disinfection.
3. Should enforce regular hand washing with safe water and soap, alcohol rub/hand sanitizer
or chlorine solution.
4. Wearing of face mask must be strictly observed.
5. Teach and model creating space and avoiding unnecessary touching
6. Assess student’s need and document the whole process and explicitly ask students to help
the teacher address specific needs, reassuring them that the teacher will do his/her very
best to support their learning as well.

Consultation Hour
Procedure and Guidelines:
1. Every subject teacher will be given a schedule to entertain queries or questions on the
modules, home tasks, or activity sheets given to the students.
2. The said schedule will be posted on the school’s Facebook page for a possible wide
dissemination of the information.
3. Set up “virtual office hours” on a video conferencing tool like Zoom.
4. Simply log in at the appointed time and wait for students.
5. Focus on providing support and checking if any issues need to be addressed
6. Make meetings optional and be relaxed. No need to be frustrated when no one shows
up: students are still happy to know that this option is available.
7. Set up online group spaces for small groups of students and ask them to support and
consult with one another before sending emails to the teacher directly.
8. Explicitly ask students to help the teacher addressed trouble or challenges, reassuring
them that the teacher will do his/her very best to support their learning as well.

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