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PART II. Directions: Answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible.

1. What is the general impression of the elementary school heads about the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum?

2. What is the general impression of the early grade teachers about the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum?

The 8-week Learning Recovery was very much appreciated by the teachers as it gives the learners a chance to overcome the
learning-loss during the pandemic and a chance to learn the basic learning they need to acquire.

3. What specific components of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum are appreciated by early grade teachers? Why are these
components appreciated?

Proper materials and worksheets were given as it is formulated to develop the social, motor and other readiness of learners as it
consists of objectives which are developmentally appropriated to the levels of the learners.
4. What specific components of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum are challenging to the early grade teachers? Why are these
components challenging to them?
Each lessons was too much elaborated that the learners find it bored and uses too much time during discussions.

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5. In the implementation of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum, did the early grade teachers make adjustments to suit the
context of their learners? Discuss briefly the adjustment/s made by the teachers.

The teachers made not just few adjustments but as many as we could to searched, printed and laminated the instructional
materials needed in teaching-learning process, we used the ICT in teaching the learners like videos and songs suited to the
levels of the learners, the preparedness of the classrooms by following the health protocols, having alcohol, wearing of
facemasks, seating arrangements/ seat plan, 1-meter distance. We also attended the seminar in conducting the 8-week

6. In your assessment as Division Literacy and Numeracy Team, were the objectives of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum (a.
provide access to a comprehensive educational program for all learners in Grades 1-3 who experience learning loss because of
COVID-19 pandemic; b. provide foundational skills to learners in literacy and numeracy in order for them to catch up and be grade-
level ready, and c. ensure the holistic development of early grade learners by providing them with opportunities that will enable them to
acquire foundational and readiness skills in school) met, or not met? Why or why not?

The 8-week curriculum’s objective was not yet met due to some reasons like the pupil’s ability to grasp the knowledge, the
needed resource materials and facilities, and the preparedness of the teachers and school itself.

7. Based on the monitoring that you have conducted, what enabling factors contributed to the success of the 8-Week Learning Recovery
Curriculum in your division?

Following the guidelines and proper implementation of the 8-week curriculum

The teacher’s perseverance to help the learners and patience to make the learning aids needed to support the curriculum

8. On the other hand, what were the hindering factors that affected the implementation of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum in
your division?

The preparedness of the teachers before conducting the 8-week curriculum.

The late distributions of needed materials like laminator, laminating film and bond papers.
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9. As a team, what recommendations can you give to further enhance the implementation of the 8-Week Learning Recovery

Provide teachers the materials needed for their teaching like complete set of handouts and pictures
Provide video lessons so that we will have an equal way of teaching to learners
Lengthen the number of weeks so that the pupils who belong to slow learners can cope up to the fast learners

10. Would you recommend for the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum for Grades 1 to 3 learners to still be implemented, at least in
the next two school years? Why or why not?

In our case, as one of the schools located in an isolated place in Buhi, I would recommend to use this 8-week curriculum as it
provide pupil’s with a fast-paced, direct, and immersive in learning environment.

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