DAT 2022 PerDev

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During development in the early years, our constant approval to our immediate
relations is a crucial aspect in forming our actual and ideal self. The previous
statement is ____.
a. False, because we sometimes create our own destiny and sometimes
does not need approval from others.
b. Sometimes true, for every positive and negative criticism is a development
of our “true” self.
c. True, our family, especially our parents are the best observers of our
character and behavior.
d. Sometimes false, neither our immediate familial ties nor the environment
knows what is best for our ideal self and eventually our actual self.
2. Having criticism in our lives is a necessity in shaping our self-concept.
Which of the following is contrary to this statement?
a. Alejandro tells those who criticize his work, to leave him, because they are
not the ones who actually had a hard time doing his work.
b. Ben constantly tells his/her students to be open-minded and open for new
developments for people who show approval or disapproval of their work.
c. Mario is usually upset when someone criticizes his TVE project, but after
soiling, he gets back to his work and show more determination and
enthusiasm for his homework.
d. Patricia, always tell herself, that both constructive and disapproval
statements are key ingredients in becoming a better person.
3. According to dictionary.com –this is the product of mental activity and the
capacity or faculty of thinking, reasoning, and imagining.
a. Belief
b. Behavior
c. Feelings
d. Thought
4. His Personality Theory goes into depth about how human behaviors are
developed. Basically, his theory entails that human learn through observing
others' actions, behaviors, and the outcome of these behaviors.
a. B.F. Skinner
b. Erik Erikson
c. Albert Bandura
d. Sigmund Freud
5. The largest difference during this developmental stage between male and female
is the way they view their appearance. It is assumed at this age that a more
attractive person has more social power. By the time they reach college-age.
Which of the following gender continue to have lower physical self-concepts?
a. Male
b. Female
c. Lesbian
d. Both
6. Katrin was invited in a Wedding party as a facilitator. She manifested in
speech, appearance, dressing gait and physical condition. It is said to have
a. Develop determination
b. Develop self- confidence
c. Develop persistence
d. Develop creativity
7. It is said that our level of achievement is always lower than over level of
aspiration. This suggest that,
a. We should aim high
b. We should not be over ambitious
c. We should think and act local
d. We should set over aspirations because it is damaging if we cannot
realize them
8. "Creating concepts essential for regular living" is part of what developmental
a. Middle Childhood
b. Adolescence
c. Early Adulthood
d. Middle Adulthood
9. When you feel stressed about your school works and started acting
inappropriately, what kind of skills do we need to improve to manage our
a. Choosing your mood
b. Emotions of adolescence
c. Managing emotional reactions
d. Understanding how others feel and why
10. Your friend tried to open up matters about himself, but you ignored him and thinks
he is just overreacting. He told you are insensitive and do not want to be your friend
anymore. What kind of skills do you need to improve in managing emotions?
a. Being aware of your emotion
b. Choosing your mood
c. Managing your emotional reactions
d. Understanding how others feel and why
11. A Latin word meaning “pertaining to the temples”, they are involved on processes of
memory, perception, emotion and language comprehension.
a. Auditory Complex
b. Parietal Lobe
c. Spinal Cord
d. Temporal Lobe
12. The brain structure that regulates movement and balance
a. Cerebellum
b. Hypothalamus
c. Pituitary gland
d. Spinal Cord
13. Your value is reflected in the following:
a. Choices you make
b. How you spend your time
c. Your interest
d. All of the above
14. The Self-Concept is the collection of ___.
a. Hardships and sufferings that we experience inside of society
b. Our beliefs, unique qualities and typical behavior that manifest to that
unique individual
c. Our compelling comparison of ourselves to the future and present self.
d. Our feelings inside and constant re-assessment of these emotions as
we respond to our environment.
15. The following are the strengths of Filipino character, EXCEPT?
a. Family Oriented
b. Frankness
c. Human Fellowship
d. Joy of humor

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