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Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centre, Shyamnagar [Sr.

Pre Board Exam2O222-23
Sub: English
std. xll M.M.80
Date: t7.t2.22 TIME:3Hrs.

l. Read the following passage carefully.

l.Philosophy of Education is a label applied to the study of the purpose, process, nature, and ideals of
education. lt can be considered a branch of both philosophy and education. Education can be defined
as the teaching and learning of specific skills, and
the imparting of knowledge, judgement, and wisdom,
and is something broader than the societal institution of education we often speak of. Many
educationalists consider it a weak and woolly field, too far removed from the practical applications of
the real world to be useful. But philosophers dating back to Plato and the Ancient Greeks have given
the area much thought and emphasis, and there is little doubt that their work has helped shape the
practice of education overthe millennia.

2.Plato is the earliest important educational thinker, and education is an essential element in ,,The
Republic" (his most important work on philosophy and political theory, written around 360 B.C.). ln it,
he advocates some rather extreme methods: removing children from their mothers' care and raising
them as wards of the state, and differentiating children suitable to the various castes, the highest
receiving the most education, so that they could act as guardians of the city and care for the less able.
He believed that education should be holistic, inciuding factg skillq physical discipline, music, and
Plato believed that talent and intelligence are not distributed genetically and thus is be found in
children born to all classes, although his proposed system of selective public education for an educated
minority of the'population does not really follow a democratic model.

3.Aristotle considered human nature, habit, and reason to be equally important forces to be cultivated
in education, the ultimate aim of which should be to produce good and virtuous citizens. He proposed
that teachers lead their students systematically, and that repetition be used as a key tool to develop
good habits, unlike Socrates' emphasis on questioning his listeners to bring out their own ideas.
emphasized the balancing of the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects taught, among which he
explicitly mentions reading, writing, mathematics, music, physical education, literature, history, and a
wide range of sciences, as well as play, which he also considered important.

4.During the Medieval period, the idea of Perennialism was first formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas
his work "De Magistro". Perennialism holds that one should teach those things deemed to be of
everlasting importance to all people everywhere, namely principles and reasoning, not just facts (which
are apt to change over time), and that one should teach first about people, not machine or
It was originally religious in nature, and it was only much later that the theory of secular perennialism

S.During the Rehaissance, the French skeptic Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

was one of the first to
critically look at education. Unusually for his time, Montaigne was willing to question
the conventional
wisdom of the period, calling into question the whole edifice of the educational
system, and the
implicit assumption that university-educated philosophers were necessarily wiser
than uneducated
fa rm workers,for example.

passage, answer the questions that
on the basis of your understanding of the above [10]
follow: t1l
Q.l.MajordifferencebetweentheapproachesofSocratesandAristotlewasthat: on dialogic learning'
a) Aristotle felt the need for rote-learning; Socrates emphasised that students need to be
b) Aristotle felt the need for interminablJ learning; Socrates felt
PerPetuallY challenged'
believed in implausible thinkers'
c) Aristotle believed in virtuous citizens; socrates
emPhasised uPon rationalitY'
philosophy a 'weak and woolly' field as
Q.2. Educationists consider
a. lt is not rational or Pragmatic'
b. lt's theoretical concepts are uncomplicated'
lt is irrelevant for education
d. lt's not evolving with time'
'Perennialism', in the context of the given
passage? t1I
a.3. Wh;; ;" ,o, ,,.1J"rsiand by the term on facts because: t1I
Q.4. Aquinas proposed a model of
education which did not lay much emphasis
b' Facts do not lead to holistic education
a.Facts at times are irrelevant'
d' Facts are frozen in time'
c. Facts change with the changing times'
d. He believed that all pupils are not talented'
approach to education was: t1l
Q6.The first person trhave an analytical
a.ThomasAquinasb.Aristotlec,MicheldeMontaigned.Socrates t2l
QT.GivetwopointsofcomparisonbetweentheviewsofAristotleandPlato. t1I
Q8. 'Pragmatic' is similar in meaning
to: [refer to paral]
a.ancientb.millenniac.practicald.efficientanduseful t1l
conventional c' aasumption d' Wisdom
a. skeptic b.

(Population Growth) has

Delhi forever in the news, but a third P
Q2.politics and now Pollution keep
population growth, which has soared during the last
gone missing from the discourse on the capital:
two decades, and its disastrous fallout'
most populous urban agglomeration' The future
Already, lndia's capital city is the world's second be the world's
released in mid-201-8 says Delhi could
even more frightening: a United Nations report
mostpopulouscityby2o2Swith3T.2millionpeople.Thatiseightmillionmoreinjustl0years. the uN
Prospects 20L8 by the Population Division of
According to the report called world Urbanisation
popuration of Derhi and its immediate neighbourhood
Department of Economic and sociar Affairs, the
Tokyo with 37 million people' But Delhi will zoom
is now estimated to be 29 million, second only to
escape the pressures put on it by an ever
Will Delhi be worth living in? Can the city state of Delhi we prepared at all for
as far as Alwar now? Are
expanding National capital Region (NcR), which touches
this population explosion? ,-.-. -.-- ^, ]. to the
ln a small office in Delhi,s lndiaHabitat centre, a group of urban planners - all belonging
just started coilecting base[ne data on land, housing,
Nationar rnstitute of Urban Affairs (NrUA)-have
for Delhi (MPD) 204!. "our
irrrrorn, unrironr.nt, heritage, water, ,*oni others, for Master Plan it won't be a flat 20 year
plan is 2021. But unlike its earlier editions,
deadline for preparing the Master

plan. This one will be divided into various achievables, say,
for every five years," says Nilesh
The NIUA- an autonomous research and advisory body
that comes under the Ministry of Housing and
Urban Affairs - has been roped in by the Delhi
Development Authority (DDA)to undertake this colossal
plan, MPD-2021, which was notified in 2007 and was
strategy plan for Delhi 2041. The current master
prepaied by an in-house team of the DDA, would expire in
missing. Many crucial elements of MPD-2021 still
The concern is that a sense of urgency to fix Delhi is
plan to expire' AK Jain' former Commissioner-planning
remain on paper, with just two years left for the
what have not been implemented' The
in DDA and key architect of MPD-2021, gives a long list of
colonies such as Lajpat Nagar' Old
master plan talks about brownfield redevelopment oirehabilitation
meant for partition refugees' Nothing has
Rajendra Nagar and Mukherjee Nagar, whicir were originally
of 45 resettlement colonies such as
been done on that front so far. Nor for the redevelopment
during emergency to rehabilitate slum dwellers'
Ambedkar Nagar and Trilokpuri ,which were developed
river remains severely polluted in the Delhi
The rejuvenation of the Yamuna is also on the plan, but the
st retch.
be a highly liveable city even if the
will Delhi be liveable? Jain is not very hopeful. He says Delhi won't (NCR)' So'
part of the National capital Region
master plan is implemented in its entirety. "Delhi is
Delhi's development can't happen in isolation," he explains'

-E 20--

New York Tokyo Beijing Delhi l\4umbai Mexico

.1ggQ ';ii 1 970 {:i1980 @1990 K2000 tr201 0 il 2020 I 2030

Projections lor 2020 and 2030.

Population Growth in Major Global Cities

questions from the eleven given

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any ten
l.What does the given passage want to drive attention on?
(a) Problem of PoPulation in Delhi
(b) lncreasing population around the globe
(c) Measures to curb PoPulation.
(d) Need for proper facilities to cater the increasing population
2. The urban planners are collecting data based on:
(a)Heritage (b) land (c)transport (d) All of these

passage, choose the option that lists the
3. Based on the given graphical representation of data in the
statement that E:

a) The population of New York had grown exponentially'

b) The population of Tokyo is expected to remain the same over L0
c) Beijing and Delhi will see a decline in population growth'
d) Mexico is expected to see a very inconsistent growth'

of Delhi'
4. The Delhi Developmental Authority has hired............ to look into the development
Planner b)Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
a) The Urban
c)NIUA d)Allof these

S..,The concern is that a sense of urgency to fix Delhi is missing". With reference to this statement,
select the correct inference from the following:

(a) Delhi needs to be evacuated sooner or later

(b) The need to control population in Delhi is crucial
(c)The resources in Delhi nggd,f to be readjusted according to its rising Population

.. ,$ffiff;H:','fiyffIilfil'""::ll" ,, u,rn,.ning ror the rndian capitar citv?-Etis dr^p,h *r,t -

a) Rising population b)Falling population (c) Rising popularity d)Falling temperature
7. What is the crucial issue regarding Master plans created for Delhi?
a. There is urgency in implementing the plan to completion
b. There is no urgency in implementing the plan to completion
c. They are not enough to improve the conditions of the city
d. None ofthe above
8. problem will prevail if the master plan is implemented in its
9. What does the author mean by ' it won't be a flat 20- year plan ' in the
10. Why does Jain say: that Delhi will not be liveable?
ll.The countries projected to be the lowest population in 2030 and the highest in 2030 respectively
are ------


just celebrated ' are Gauri/Gaurav of ABC Public School, Gandhi Nagar, Meerut. Your school has
Science Weekt .As the Secretary of the club, draft a report in about 150 words
to be published in the school magazine. tsl are Narendra , living in Bharatpur. Your cousin Aabhas, from Pune has opened up a beautiful
resort 'Serenity' . He has extended the invite to you to spend a weekend there .Draft a letter of
acceptance mentioning the relevant details. 15]

3. The recent killing of Avni,thetigress,wh ich had two 1O-month -old cubs has disturbed
You realize that human encroachment an d the greed of land grabbing companies are the cause
of this. Write an article to be published in 'The National Times' about your concern and the
need to take urgent action to stop the de,ctine in the number of tigers in lndia. You are Avnita/
Amit Shukla. lsI

4. You are sports captain of st. Joseph's Public school, Patna.
Draft a notice informing the students
about the lnterschool Basketball match to be played between
your school and XYZ School'ts]

QIV. Read the following extracts and answer

the questions that follow: [6]
,He and silent audience-no one knew what he
A. couldn't have addressed a more dazed
what he was
was talking about and his accent defeated any attempt to understand
1. Who is 'he' referred to here?
2. Why was the audience silent and perplexed?
a. speake/s accent was unfamiliar b. topic of speech was not
understood by the audience
c. his voice was very faint d. both a and b
3. What was the topic of visitor's speech?
a.English as second language in lndia b. problems with democracy
c. problems with communism d. monarchy and its problem
4. lf the audience failed to connect with the speaker, why do you think was 'he'
called at the Gemini Studios ?
5. ldentify the wordfrom the extract which means the same as 'stupefied''
6. ldentify the author ofthe given extract.
B. l4I
'Aren't you interested?
you,re a boy who came into the garden. PIenty do. l'm interested in anybody. Anything'
beside the
There,s nothing God made that doe*it interest me. Look over there......over
far wall. What can You see?
Rubbish? Look,boy, look.....what do you see?
Just ......grass and stuff. weeds.
L. ,Aren,t you interested? This line has been said in the context of....'.
c. Derry's purpose d' Derry's dilemma
2. Mr. Lamb is interested in anybody because......"'
a. He is friendly with others b. he has positive outlook in life
c. he loves to help others d. he didn't want anybody in trouble
3.What was the purpose of Mr. Lamb asking Derry to look at the far wall?
4. What was special about Mr. Lamb's garden?
c. t5I
'Here far from the city we make our roadside stand
And ask for some city money to feel in hand
To try if it will not make our being expand
And give us the life of the moving pictures' promise
That the party in power is said to be keeping from us.
1. What is'city money?'
a. money for survival b. money for luxury c. both a and b d. cash flow
2.What does the roadside stand sell?
a. wooden cart of wild berries b. paintings of mountain landscape
c. golden squash d. both a and c

3. Explain 'our being expand'.
4. What was promised to these poor people?
5. What is the poet's attitude towards the plight of the poor?
6. What do the peasants want from rich?

V.Answer the following questions briefly: [anyS] [2x5=10]

1.The boss of the Gemini Studios has nothing to do with Spender's poetry but not with his'
thrt failed'. Bring out the significance of this line.
2.Comment on the silnificance of the symbol of car in the poem The SOadside Stand'
3. What picture of male chauvinism do we find in the poem 'Aunt Jennifer's tigers'?
4.Why did Rudyard Kipling dislike being interviewed?
5. How did Civil disobedience triumph for the first time in lndia?
6.What was the reaction of Edla on receiving the gift of the peddler?

VI. Answer the following questions briefly: [any2] l2x2=41

1.Why does the author say that to visit Antarctica is to be a part of history?
2.'Our people should never run errands for these fellows'.What forced Bama to make this
3.Which of these slogans /taglines would you use to desc ribe Mr. Lamb and whv?

V.itiltE -
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Vtl. Answer the foltowing questions: [any{ 15]

l.Every teenager has a hero/heroine celebrity to admire. So many times they become role
models for them. What is wrong if Sophie fantasises about Daney Casey and is ambitious in
2.lmagine you are Christopher Silvester. You have been invited to a seminar series titled-'
Ethics and techniques of lnterviewing'. The organisers would like you to speak about the
challenges of conducting interviews and skills interviewers must have in order to conduct
good and ethical interviews.Based on your reading of the lesson 'The lnterview' ,draft your
speech including relevant details from the text.
Vlll. Answer the following questions: [anyl] tsl
t. Derry says' lt (acid)ate me up'.How did this fact affect his attitude towards life? How
can his situation be improved?
2. As the author of 'Journey to the end of the earth' , write a diary entry discussing the
impact of 'Students on lce programme' on your life.

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