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Republic of the Philippines

City of Puerto Princesa


September 22, 2020


Name : Jofel Tulya

Age : 45 years old
Date of Birth : November 10, 1974
Place of Birth : Pangasinan
Religion : Roman Catholic
Educational Attainment : High School Graduate
Occupation : Saleslady
Income : Php. 3,200 per month/Irregular
Address : Brgy. Sicsican, Puerto Princesa City



Rodrigo Husband July 4, 1987 33 yrs. Married 1st Year H.S. None
Rahim Daughter November 5, 16 yrs. Single Grade 10 None
2003 Old
Fatmawati Daughter April 29, 2006 14 yrs. Single Grade 9 None
Edwin Son Feb. 1, 2009 11 yrs. Single Grade VI N/A
Romena Rose Daughter Dec. 14, 2014 5 yrs. Old Single Kindergarten N/A


The client “Jofel Tulya” was referred by DEncy favela Pepito, Social Welfare Officer I/ WCPU In-
Charge of Ospital ng Palawan for Social Case Study Report as requirements for Psychological Examination
and Evaluation which was scheduled on September 22, 2020.



According to the client, she was born in Bolinao, Pangasinan. She is the second from the eldest
among the four children of Jan Oliver of Pangasinan and Mae Ann Dublin, a Cuyuno from Palawan. When
he was 6 years old they moved to Palawan where his father managed to get a job in Lucbuan, Puerto
Princesa. She completed her primary school at Lucbuan Elementary School while she finished her
secondary school at Sicsican National High School. She recalled that when she was still young, she wanted
to learn to make dress and gowns, thus, she took a vocational course in dress making at Alfonso Training
Center in Alfonso, Cavite. After she finished her course, she worked as dressmaker in several garment
factories in Cavite but the wages that she received was too low. She could not save money for her future.
The earnings she received was just enough to pay for the rent of the boarding house and sustain her daily
basic needs; hence, she decided to look for another job. She stated that she was hired as saleslady at NCCC
Department Store at Alfonso, Cavite where she met her husband Rodrigo Tulya.

According to the client, she and her husband Rodrigo met at NCCC in Alfonso, Cavite. She was
working as a saleslady in the said department store while Rodrigo was the bagger. She recounted that on
year 2002, Rodrigo courted her for several months thus her feelings fell on him. They decided to live
together outside marriage. Their first child Rahim was born year 2003. After three years, she gave birth to
their second child named Fatmawati. It was at this point that their combined income is no longer enough to
sustain their daily basic needs. They started to encounter difficulty budgeting their salaries. Fortunately, her
younger sister invited her to go to Puerto Princesa City and look for a job there because the said city is fast
booming; hence, the couple both decided to transfer to Puerto Princesa City on year 2006. At the city,
Rodrigo landed a job at a Hardware while she became a housekeeper and taking good care of the children.
While staying in this city, she gave birth to another 2 children namely: Edwin who was born on February
19, 2009 and Romena Rose who was born on November 20, 2014. They decided to get married on 2019.
Later on, her husband became the hardware supervisor and he is also receiving good salary. She further
stated that in those days, problems began to appear. She learned from the workmates of her husband at
Hardware that Rodrigo has other woman. At first, she did not believe it but she was eventually convinced
after she observed that her husband always stays for several weeks in Aborlan, Palawan.

Their house measures 5 x 4 square meters. It is made only of light materials. The roof is made of
galvanized iron, the walls are covered with plywood, the kitchen area was made of knitted bamboo while
the sala area is cemented. There are 2 small rooms with a partition made of plywood. They have appliances
in the sala such as 24 inches flat screen television, long wooden sofa and two (2) stand fan. In the kitchen,
they are using liquefied petroleum gas as fuel for their stove. The family also has a toilet located at the back
of their house. When it comes to the water source, they are connected to Puerto Princesa City Water
District while they also have electricity connected to Palawan Electric Cooperative. The ground where they
built their house is owned by the client’s step-father.


Sicsican is a barangay in the city of Puerto Princesa. Its population as determined by the 2015
Census was 15,861. This represented 6.22% of the total population of Puerto Princesa. According to the
2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Sicsican is 15 to 19, with 1,771 individuals.
Conversely, the age group with the lowest population is 80 and over, with 73 individuals. The population of
Sicsican grew from 1,513 in 1990 to 15,861 in 2015, an increase of 14,348 people. The latest census figures
in 2015 denote a positive growth rate of 8.25%, or an increase of 5,402 people, from the previous
population of 10,459 in 2010. The purok where the client resides is located in the interior portion of the
community composed of households which are extended in nature. Majority of the houses are made up of
light materials such as wood, galvanized sheet, “pawid” and knitted bamboo. Most of the dwellers owned
the land they occupy. The said purok is generally peaceful. The roads inside the said purok was already
concrete. Majority of the houses have electricity connected from Palawan Electric Cooperative and water
supply coming from Puerto Princesa City Water District. The basic facilities available nearby include wet
market, church and small medium enterprise. The community is around 7 kilometers away from the nearest
hospital and more or less 3 kilometres away from the City Hall and Police Station. With regards to
transportation, they have tricycles and multicabs available in the area.


According to the client, her problem started last June 29, 2020 after she caught her husband “
Rodrigo Tulya” and his certain live-in partner “ Develyn” at Brgy. Isaub, Aborlan, Palawan. She alleged
that the said incident was recorded in a police blotter in PNP Aborlan, Palawan. After the said event, she
disclosed that her husband began to psychologically and economically torturing her such as: Always
shouting bad words at her, blaming and accusing her for the loss of his job. She further revealed that there
are also three (3) lending companies such as the Home Credit, Duek Sam and Private money lending that
kept on pestering her and keep on collecting payments for the loans of her husband even though she did not
know anything about those loans. To date, client stated that she is now having trouble sleeping, having low
morale, unable to think and became forgetful thus affecting her health and workplace performance. Client’s
strength is her faith in God. She believes that her never ending faith in the Lord will help her to surpass her
problem. Her weakness is her children. She doesn't want to see that her children are struggling with their
situations. She is motivated to change the current problem with her husband. She does everything just to
win back her husband’s love in her and their children. Her capacity to change the problem is high since the
CSWD office and Public Attorney’s Office are available to help her and it is just within reach from the
adjacent area. The said psychological problem can be serious, it is considered as irregularities in mind that
result in persistent behavior patterns that can seriously affect her day-to-day function and life. If left
untreated, it can possibly lead to other potential complications such as social and work problems, suicide,
and violent behavior.
In terms of social aspect, she is quite ashamed to talk to her acquaintances. She feels that she is no
longer complete with herself. She feels that she no longer have the self-confidence that she had before.
Client's strength is her family, especially her mother who always talks to her and cheer her up. Her
weakness is to think that her friends are laughing at her fate. That is her weakness, she do not want to hear
that her family was being talked about by others. This problem occurred because of the embarrassment that
her husband was doing to her. The potential to change the problem is quite high because the client is highly
motivated and very much willing to change the current situation. She will do everything she can to bring
back her self-confidence and no longer felt ashamed to talk to acquaintances. One of her plan to do is to
imprison the woman of her husband so that it will stop deceiving her husband and destroying their family.
This problem is quite serious since her husband may be included in the filing of case. If she let it, her
family will be completely destroyed and her confidence will be lost.

In terms of spiritual aspect, from her knowing that her husband had another woman, she also
stopped attending church not because there is covid-19 Pandemic but because she wanted to ask the God
Almighty what she was falling short that this trial happens to her family. Nevertheless, the client draws her
strength from her belief in the creator our lord, God Almighty. On the other hand, her weakness is the
severe test that she is experiencing so far. The potential to change this problem is high because the
community church is close to their home. It is only 2 blocks away from their house. Client is motivated and
her capability to change is high. Her mother and other cousins are Catholic devotee. This problem with
faith in questioning God is quite serious because without faith an hesitant individual could be easily
deceived by the devil to do the bad thing. Christ is necessary for salvation and whatever the punishment
that is waiting for losing the faith only God knows.

Furthermore, based on the referral letter made by Police Master Sergeant Jordanne Marie G. Goh,
WCPD Duty Investigator of Police Station 2, Brgy. Sta. Monica of this city, and from the referral letter
forwarded to our office by SWO I/WCPU In-Charge Oscar Lebrojo Carceler Jr. of Ospital ng Palawan, the
undersigned assessed that the client really needs to undergo Psychological Examination and or Evaluation.
However, the said Psychological Examination/Evaluation is quite costly when performed by a private
licensed Psychologist.


Client needs to be evaluated by a licensed Psychologist to identify psychological factors that may be
preventing her ability to think, trouble sleeping, low morale, forgetfulness, and to arrive at a diagnosis.
However, the family is indigent. The client’s source of income is insufficient to sustain the family’s daily
basic needs, much more to shoulder the fee of the said Psychological Examination/Evaluation.

In view of the above, the client is highly recommended to undergo Psychological

Examination/Evaluation as soon as possible; hence, this request for possible intervention from the licensed
Psychologist of Ospital ng Palawan.


General Goal

At the end of December 2020, the undersigned worker will be able to enhance client’s social

Problem/Objectives Interventions/Activities Person Responsible Time Frame

Trouble sleeping Bring the client to a Social Worker September 23, 2020
Psychologist for evaluation to September 30,

Low morale Encourage the client to Social Worker October 1, 2020 –

always think right for October 7, 2020
nothing good will bring
evil and remind her that
evil does not always win

Unable to think and Encourage the client to Social Worker September 23, 2020
became forgetful have some conversations to November 23,
with her family, 2020
relatives and close
friends so that she can
regain thinking and have
an alert mind. Remind
her to make a diary of
important events in her
life as well as her

Lack of self- Micro counseling the Social Worker October 16, October
confidence client on the importance 30, 2020
of having self

Losing faith in God Encourage the client to Social Worker September 23, 2020
renewed faith in God, to December 25,
keep on praying and go 2020
to church whenever she
needs spiritual guidance
from the Lord

Prepared by:

Name and Signature

SW 111B Student



SW 111B Instructor

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