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Dr S. & S. S. Ghandhi Collage of Eng. & Tech.

Civil Department
Rubrics Marks
Subject Name : Basics of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Course Code:- 43000110

Enroll no of Student: 226120306060

Name of Student: Mansuri Mohmed Mujib


CO1: Classify various computer hardware, peripherals, and software for various purposes.
CO2: Prepare professional documents, analyzing data, creating a presentation.
CO3: Use computer Networks for data and device sharing.
CO4: Use Internet services for various applications.
CO5: Create a webpage using HTML.

Lab Q&A or Print/ Viva
ng of
Sr Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Records Writing Result voice Total Sign
5 steps ex. 20 15
Identify various parts of computer systems
1 & peripherals.
Install Windows/linux Operating System.
Use various tools / utilities available in
accessories of Windows/Linux OS.
Install printer, scanner, web cam, projector
4 with the computer system.
Create a text doc incorporating diff
5 formatting feat., inserting images and
tables as per given sample.
Create a text doc. setting page layout
6 feat., backg., shapes and smart arts as per
given sample.
Use mail merge feature for sending
7 invitation letter for expert lecture to 10
Create spreadsheet, analyse data using
8 formulas and functions and present it
through charts.
Create Pay bills/ Pay slips/ Electricity
9 bills/student mark sheets using
spreadsheet and take a print.

Create a prof. present. incorporating

10 various formatting feat., inserting media
and action.
Create a prof. present. incorporating
various formatting feat., inserting media
and action.

Connect two Computers/laptops and

12 transfer/share data using
Connect a Remote Desktop and share data
13 using any remote login method.
Create an E-Mail account for sending and
14 receiving mail.
Create an online form for registration of
15 students (for any activity) and download
its response.
Organize an online video meeting inviting
16 10 students.

Develop HTML/Web page using various

17 formatting tags as per given sample.

Conversion out of 15
Micor Project Marks out of 10
Pr Assesment + Micro Project (15+10=25)

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