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The Effect of Sleep Deprivation to the Academic Performance of the Students in Saint Joseph’s


l. Introduction

There is no uncertainty that sleep, including oxygen, water, and food is essential for

healthy brain function. A naturally occurring physical and mental state known as sleep is

characterized by altered consciousness, largely inhibited sensory activity, inhibition of nearly all

voluntary muscles, and diminished interactions with the outside world (Bethesda, 2017). Sleep

is essential to both human health and survival. It is necessary for growth, effectiveness, and

physical and mental well-being (Amin, 2015). On the other hand, sleep deprivation is a

psychological state that occurs when a person is unable to get enough sleep. It can be caused

by a variety of factors, such as stress, anxiety, and excitement.

Sleep deprivation has been proven as a negative factor for learning ability and memory

because lack of sleep leads to decreased concentration and attention as well as slow reaction

speed. Furthermore, insufficient sleep will also affect cognitive functions such as problem-

solving and decision making which are essential in academic tasks such as problem-solving in

mathematics or writing essays for class presentations. In addition to causing physical issues for

those who have it, this condition also has an impact on how well they function at work or in

school. Lack of sleep has a negative impact on academic performance, including memory loss

and poor attention. Students may find it challenging to recall what they learned in class and do

well on quizzes and exams as a result. The degree to which a student has met either short- or

long-term educational goals is considered academic performance. The student's academic

achievement is determined by their cumulative grade point average (GPA) and the grades they

received in their high school or bachelor's degree courses (Rose, 2017). Furthermore, various

behavioral issues including depression and anxiety attacks might result from sleep deprivation.
It is well-recognized that students' academic performance is impacted by sleep

deprivation. It has been discovered that many students who don't get enough sleep have low-

grade averages. They may become less focused as a result, which will negatively impact their

academic performance. If they continue to experience sleep deprivation, it could harm their

health permanently. In summation, it can be said that for students to do well academically or

professionally, they must get enough restful sleep before going to school or working.

ll. Background of the Study

Students frequently suffer from the disorder of sleep deprivation. According to (Patrick,

2017), university students frequently experience sleep deprivation, which has been linked to

both physical dysfunction and poor academic performance. Lack of sleep has grown to be a

significant problem for students' academic performance. Lack of sleep can result in increased

exhaustion, fatigue, and physical and mental impairment. Studies and research have shown that

lack of sleep negatively affects students' academic performance.

Due to its effects on physical and mental weariness, sleep deprivation has an impact on

academic performance. The inability to accomplish or finish tasks effortlessly or without effort is

referred to as fatigue. However, (Gilbert, 2010) states that sleeping problems frequently occur

independently of depression rather than as a subsequent disease. Studies have shown that

cognitive processes including memory and attention are impacted by sleep deprivation. Lack of

sleep can also lead to mood issues and irritability, both of which have a negative impact on

students. Moreover, according to (Ranasinghe, 2018), students in today's generation struggle

greatly with sleep deprivation. There are several contributing factors. Consequences

include irritability, mood fluctuations, lack of motivation, eye puffiness, and headaches

that might seriously impair one's health.

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of sleep deprivation on academic

performance, the capacity to comprehend lectures, communication skills, mood, and decision-

making, as well as the prevalence of sleep deprivation among students. To determine how

sleep deprivation affects students' academic performance and cognitive abilities, the current

study sought to answer this question.


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National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, US National Institutes of Health.

Available at: https://www. ninds. nih. gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Understanding-

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functions among the college students: a cross sectional study. Journal of Chalmeda Anand Rao

Institute of Medical Sciences Vol, 14(2), 52.

Patrick, Y., Lee, A., Raha, O., Pillai, K., Gupta, S., Sethi, S., ... & Moss, J. (2017). Effects of sleep

deprivation on cognitive and physical performance in university students. Sleep and biological

rhythms, 15(3), 217-225.

Gilbert, S. P., & Weaver, C. C. (2010). Sleep quality and academic performance in university students: A

wake-up call for college psychologists. Journal of college student psychotherapy, 24(4), 295-306.

Ranasinghe, A. N., Gayathri, R., & Vishnu Priya, V. (2018). Awareness of effects of sleep deprivation

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