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1. What is your own concept of philosophy? In your own opinion, why should we study
Answer: Philosophy is about the ideas of understanding the self, seeks knowledge to look for
the truth, and develops human perspective of reality. Person with difficulty to know the
identity of himself finds the answer upon understanding the essentials of philosophy, which
life functions whys and wherefores challenges with doubtful queries. Philosophy must study
to guide a person to be in the right path, where she/he experience life to the fullest without
any queries. Foremost, studying philosophy could develop the enhancement of a person’s
mind from the way they look rational and critical even logical to analyze the truth to the
reality of life.

2. Have you known bright people who are not wise? Why do you think so? Make two lists, one
containing the characteristics of intelligent people, the other the characteristics of wise people.
Compare the similarities and differences in your lists. What kind of wisdom would you like to
Answer: There always have that kind of person in this world, I known several of them but I
will identify the worst among them all. He is a bright man indeed, getting a highest GWA, an
active student and a school representative it comes to quiz completion, etc. but he is less
than a wise man. That person knows what to say, think quick intellectually, and his confident
with his abilities however his attitudes, the selfish side of him tainted those good qualities. A
person may know as intelligent when they acquire and apply knowledge very quickly and
they feel satisfied when they can solve problems effectively while a person may know wise
when they take more time to develop knowledge but understand it deeply and they feel
satisfied when they can inspire others. Partly, bright and wise man has experience to learn,
live and share knowledge from others. And after all, I want to belong to as a wise people, I
just want to say less, and listen more.

3. Explain the commonality and difference between lovers of wisdom and keepers of
Answer: Lovers of wisdom and keepers of knowledge are meant to give self the purpose to
share love, experience, and each other’s awareness to the existence of oneself from others.
Particularly, Lovers of wisdom are the people who worship and devoted the words of god
that brings Christ as the center of their life. This people are in powered of learnings that takes
time for them to figure the right thing to face the struggles with a solution, this strength
feeling of love and awareness is visible to the wise man. On the other hand, keepers of
knowledge are the one who keep believing to the existence of itself. This are the lesson that
keep them from moving to grow, the lesson they learned from their true self.

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