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TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Quarter 2 — Module 2 HORTICULTURE Department of Education * Republic of the Philippines MODULE IN TLE 8 ~ HORTICULTURE Second Quarter LAND PREPARATION AND PLANTING METHOD Week 4 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY LO1: Explain the steps/procedure in preparing the land. OBJECTIVES: Discuss the steps/procedure in preparing the land. Explain the characteristics of a good seeds. Appreciate the importance of preparing the land. Pre- Test Directions: Read the following questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. What process is used by the farmers to eliminate weeds and soll-borne diseases? A. Weeding B. Land Preparation C. Spraying D. Applying compost 2 Grade 8 Holticulture 2. What is the first step in preparing the land? A. Clearing B. Harrowing C.Tiling —_D. Applying compost 3. Which of the following steps in preparing the land where the farmers used a harrow drawn by an animal fo pulverize the soil and level it? A. Clearing B.Harowing —C.Tiling_D. Applying compost 4. Which of the following step in preparing the land that will improve soil fertility and soil texture? A. Clearing B.Horrowing —C.Tiling_D. Applying compost 5. Which among the following step in preparing the land where they use a light hoe to eradicate weeds, to help plant roots penetrate deeper into the soil? A.Tiling B. Lay-outing, staking, and marking C. Clearing D. Harrowing 6. What is the last step in preparing the land? ATilling B. Lay-outing, staking and marking C. Clearing D. Harrowing 7. The following are the characteristics of how to test if the seed will not germinate, except: A. High moisture B. Long storage C. Good seed D. Immaturity 8. Why do we need to test the viability of the seeds? A. To avoid wasting bad seeds B. To be mature B. To save time, energy, and money D. To know its market 9. What is a fertiized and ripened ovule that may develop into a plant by germination? 3 Grade 8 Holticulture A. Seedling B.Seed — C. Leaves D. Roots 10. The following are the characteristics of good seed, except: A. Fresh B. Fully Matured C. Viable D. Damaged ee fc’ LAND PREPARATION AND PLANTING METHODS MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY qQ ) What's In Uy A. Land Preparation Land preparation is inevitable in crop production. When properly done, it can eliminate most of the weeds and soil-bome diseases. It also improves the water holding capacity, drainage, and aeration of the soil Likewise, it makes field operations, such as furrow irrigation and mechanized weed control, easier. Steps in Preparing the Land 1. Clearing - clear the area of weeds, humps, rocks, and other debris by using bolo, scythe, and other tools needed. A clean area will make planting, weeding, and fertilzing easier. 4 Grade 8 Holticulture 2. Tiling - fill the soil by plowing or by using light hoe or pick mattock depending upon the physical condition of the soil. This is done to eradicate weeds, to help the plant roots penetrate deeper into the soil for more nourishment and better anchorage. Other barriers for plant growth ate also removed. Tiling is done at the beginning of the rainy months. 3. Harrowing - this can be done using @ harrow drawn by an animal or @ machine in bigger farms. It can pulverize the soil, level it, and remove the plowed weeds as well 5 Grade 8 Holticulture 4. Applying compost - this will improve soil fertility and soil texture. Another way of improving the soil is through green manuting. This is a process by which a legume crop is plowed under soil at its flowering stage to be decomposed before the planting of crops. 5. Lay outing, staking, and marking follow - Tomatoes, eggplants, okra are planted in hills while plots are prepared for leafy vegetables such as Pechay, mustard, radish, celery, and others. Beds are elevated to provide drainage especially during rainy season. 6 Grade 8 Holticulture B. Planting Crops Seeds are very important to animals and human beings because almost all plants which are the sources of food come from seeds. Human on the other hand, needs clothing, medicine and shelter which also come from plants. Aseed is a ferfilized and ripened ovule which may develop into a plant by germination. For example, a grain of palay or a kernel of comis a seed. A seed has three parts: a) cotyledons (seed leaves) b) plumule (future shoot) c) radicle (future root). Characteristics of a Good Seed It must be: 1. Viable - a viable seed has the capacity to germinate. 2. Fully matured - a mature seed comes from aripe and mature fruit which has grown from a healthy plant. Fresh - its germinating power must be preserved. True fo type - this means the seeds are not mixed with other varieties Free from seed-bome disease Damage-free Free from weed seeds and other foreign matter. NOAae 7 Grade 8 Holticulture Testing the Viability of Seeds Not all seeds can germinate due to the following: a. High moisture- temperature condition prevailing in our country all year round. b. Long storage - the seeds were kept too long. ¢. _ Immaturity - too immature when harvested. Testing seeds avoids wasting good seeds. There is no need of replanting; therefore, allowing uniform germination and maturity of the crop. In other words, germination tests will save you time, energy, money, and planting space. ‘Common Methods of testing the viability of seeds Rag-doll method Seed box method Petri dish method Floating in water method REND ‘Computing the Percentage of Germination no.of seeds germinated x 100 no.of seeds sown Percentage (%) of Germination After inspecting the seed box, you find that only 85 seeds germinated out of 100 seeds that you have sown. The percentage of germination will be no.of seeds germinated x 100 no.of seeds sown 8 Grade 8 Holticulture Percentage (%] of Germination = 85x100 100 8500 = 100 Percentage (%) of Germination = 85% This means that only 85 percent of the total number of seeds germinated. To calculate the exact number of seeds needed to plant a hectare, use the following formula: Recommended seeding rate (RR) New seeding rat Percentage of germination Where: a.) recommended seeding rate is given based on 85% b.) percentage germination is calculated using the first formula 9 Grade 8 Holticulture Example: The recommended seeding rate of pole beans is 35 kg per hectare and the percentage of germination is 85. The new seeding rate will be; 35kg ha New seeding rate -B5 = 41 kg/ha Post Test Directions: Read the following questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. What process is used by the farmers to eliminate weeds and soil-borne diseases? A. Weeding 8. Land Preparation C. Spraying —_—_—D. Applying compost 2. What is the first step in preparing the land? A. Clearing B. Harrowing C.Tiling —_D. Applying compost 3. Which of the following steps in preparing the land where the farmers used a harrow drawn by an animal fo pulverize the soil and level it? A. Clearing B.Harrowing —C.Tiling_D. Applying compost 4, Which of the following step in preparing the land that will improve soil fertility and soil texture? 10 Grade 8 Holticutture A.Clearing BB. Harrowing —C. Tiling. Applying compost 5.Which among the following step in preparing the land where they use a light hoe to eradicate weeds, to help plant roots penetrate deeper into the soil? A.Tiling 8. Lay-outing, staking, and marking C. Clearing D. Harrowing 6. What is the last step in preparing the land? A.Tilling B. Lay-outing, staking and marking C. Clearing D. Harrowing 7. The following are the characteristics of how to test if the seed will not germinate, except: A. High moisture B. Long storage C. Good seed D.Immaturity 8. Why do we need to test the viability of the seeds? A. To avoid wasting bad seeds B. To be mature C. To save time, energy, and money D. To know its market 9. What is a fertilized and ripened ovule that may develop into a plant by germination? A. Seedling B. Seed C. Leaves D. Roots 10. The following are the characteristics of good seed, except: A. Fresh B. Fully Matured C. Viable D. Damaged 11 Grade 8 Holticutture Answer key 1.8 eB NEHA EN 2 O0F BQ 10.D References * Agricultural Arts for Secondary © Agricultural Arts (T.H.E., SEDP, NSEC series) by Ramon G. Asuncion et.al. MODULE IN TLE 8 - HORTICULTURE Second Quarter LAND PREPARATION AND PLANTING METHOD Week 5 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY LO1: Identify the different methods of planting. OBJECTIVES: Identify the two methods of planting Discuss the different methods of planting Follow the steps in transplanting seedlings. Pre-Test Directions: Read the following questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which among the following method of planting refers to where the seeds are sown in seedboxes to produce seedlings and transplanted in the field, A. Transplanting B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Thinning 2. Which among the following is done when seedlings have attained 12 - 15 cm in height and 3 - 4 leaves have developed? A Transplanting _B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Thinning 13 Grade 8 Holticutture 3. Which among the following method of planting where seeds are planted directly in the field? A Transplanting _B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Pricking-off 4, Which of the following process of planting when removing excess seedlings is done? A Transplanting _B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Thinning 5.Which among the process of planting wherein the seedling are planted apart to give a greater space. A Transplanting _B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Pricking-off 6. Which of the following seeds are best sown using direct planting? A.Pechay B. Okra C. Tomatoes D. Eggplant 7. Which among the following seeds are best sown using indirect planting? A.Com — B.Squash _C. Tomatoes D. Peanuts 8. What is the first step in transplanting seedlings? A. Water the seedlings before pulling. 8. Pull the seedlings carefully without shaking off the media from the roots. C. Plant the seedlings immediately to prevent the roots from drying out. D. Gently press the soil around the roots. 9. Why thinning or removal of excess seedlings are done? A. Inadequate space B.Forbetter growth —_C. Pest attack D. avoid droughts 14 Grade 8 Holticutture 10. How many leaves should appear before seediings are ready for transplanted? A. 1-2 leaves B. 2:3 leaves C. 3-4 leaves D. 5-4 leaves ee f) LAND PREPARATION AND PLANTING METHODS MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY ) What's In Methods of planting: 1. Direct planting means that the seeds are planted directly in the field where they will grow permanently up to harvesting. This is usually done to plants with big seeds such as beans, cor, peanuts, okra, patola, upo ond ampalaya. Many big farms and commercial growers use this method to make the work easy. However, if seedlings sown in direct planting exceed the normal number of plants per hill, thinning is done. Thinning is the removal of excess seedlings, 15 Grade 8 Holticutture which germinated or are spaced too closely for better growth. Seedlings thinned out can be used as replacement. In the case of seedlings planted in seed boxes or seedbed, pricking-off can be applied. Pricking-off means planting apart to give the seedlings greater space in which to grow prior to transplanting in the field especially if they sprout too close to each other. 1. Indirect planting is practical among plants with small seeds such as cabbage, pechay, mustard, tomatoes, eggplants, and spinach. They are sown in seed boxes or seedbeds in rows to produce seedings which are then transplanted into the field. As soon as seedlings have grown three or more leaves, they are now ready for transplanting 16 Grade 8 Holticutture Transplanting Transplanting is done when seedlings have attained 12-15 cm in height and 3- 4 leaves have developed. How & When To TRANSPLANT SEEDLINGS © 17 Grade 8 Holticutture Steps to follow in transplanting seedlings: 1. Water the seedlings before pulling 2. Pull the seedlings carefully without shaking off the media from the roots. How to Prepare Seedlings for Transplanting 3. Plant the seedlings immediately to prevent the roots from drying out. 18 Grade 8 Holticutture 5. Water the seedlings at the soil surface with a gentle stream of water to settle the soil around the roots. 19 Grade 8 Holticutture Post Test Directions: Read the following questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which among the following method of planting refers to where the seeds are sown in seed box to produce seedlings and transplanted in the field. A. Transplanting B. Direct planting C Indirect planting D. Thinning 2. Which among the following is done when seedlings have attained 12 - 15 om in height and 3 - 4 leaves have developed? A. Transplanting B. Direct planting C Indirect planting D. Thinning 3. Which among the following method of planting where seeds are planted directly in the field? A. Transplanting B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Pricking-off 4, Which of the following process of planting when removing excess seedlings is done? A. Transplanting B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Thinning 5. Which among the process of planting wherein the seedling are planted apart to give a greater space. A. Transplanting B. Direct planting C. Indirect planting D. Pricking-off 6. Which of the following seeds are best sown using direct planting? A. Pechay B.Okra —C. Tomatoes D. Eggplant 7. Which among the following seeds are best sown using indirect planting? A.Com —_B.Squash_C. Tomatoes D. Peanuts 8. What is the first step in transplanting seedlings? A. Water the seedings before pulling. 20 Grade 8 Holticulture B. Pull the seedlings carefully without shaking off the media from the roots. C. Plant the seedlings immediately to prevent the roots from drying out. D. Gently press the soil around the roots. 9. Why thinning or removal of excess seediings are done? A. Inadequate space B.Forbetter growth —_C. Pest attact D. avoid droughts 10. How many leaves should appear before seediings are ready for transplanted? A. 1-2 leaves B. 2-3 leaves C. 3-4 leaves D. 5-6 leaves ANSWER KEY Le SPN HEY BD 7 >OF7 00 10.8 References * Agricultural Arts for Secondary © Agricultural Arts (T.H.E., SEDP, NSEC series) by Ramon G. Asuncion et.al. MODULE IN TLE 8 — HORTICULTURE Second Quarter HARVESTING AND MARKETING Week 6 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY LO1: Determine the time of harvesting and marketing of crops according to their purposes. OBJECTIVES: Discuss the pointers for harvesting crops. Determine the factors to consider in marketing crops. Identify the different types of marketing. Pre-Test Directions: Read the following questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which of the following is the process of seliing or purchasing in a market? A. Wholesale B. Marketing C. Harvesting D. Retailing 2. Which among the following is the process of picking fruits from the tree. A. Wholesale. B. Marketing C. Harvesting D. Retailing 22 Grade 8 Holticulture 3. Which of the following is the process of selling directly products to the end-users. A. Wholesale B. Marketing C. Harvesting D. Retailing 4. Which of the following is the process of selling products through middlemen? A.Harvesting —_B. Marketing C.Wholesale —_D. Retailing 5. What is needed by the businessman to produce a product continuously? A. Manpower — B. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 6. What is the most important resource of production? A. Manpower B. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 7. Which among the following should businessmen buy to make work easier and faster? A. Manpower 8. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 8. What method of production is when a businessman tries his best to be: updated with the current market trends? A.Manpower — B. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 9. What method of maturity when the fruit allowed to ripen after harvest A. Physiological maturity B. Finance maturity C. Harvesimaturity D. Commercial maturity 10. What method of maturity when the plant part possesses the necessary characteristics preferred by consumers? A. Physiological maturity B. Finance maturity C. Harvest maturity D. Commercial maturity 23 Grade 8 Holticulture CITI = HARVESTING AND MARKETING What's In Definition of Terms Harvesting - the process of picking fruits from the tree Market - c place where people meet to sell and buy things Marketing - act or process of selling or purchasing in a market Retailing - selling directly of products to the end-users Wholesaling - selling of products through middlemen Mature - having completed the natural growth and development Harvesting Harvesting of Horticultural Commodities Horticultural crops are very perishable and continue to respire even after harvest; therefore, maximum care is needed during harvest to reduce damage and losses. The proper harvest management of fruits and vegetables is not the same for all commodities. The nutritional value, freshness, and flavour of fresh produce (includes all fruit and vegetables marketed fresh) will depend on the stage of maturity and the time of day at when they are harvested. If the harvested produce is overly mature, they will be stringy and coarse. Produce picked too soon may be too tender and will lack substance and flavour. Production ends at harvest time. Harvest means the careful separation of a commodity from the parent plant, Ways of harvesting different kinds of crops. 24 Grade 8 Holticulture Some Pointers for Harvesting some Crops: 25 Grade 8 Holticulture 1. Tomatoes are harvested before they reach the ripe stage. Cabbages ore picked when heads are full grown Peppers are gathered green but should be allowed to ripen when used for seasoning. Green beans are best picked before the pods become stringy. Lettuce is gathered before seed stalks begin to develop. Okra is best picked when young and tender. Young corn when harvested early in the morning is sweeter than those harvested at noon. 7. Pechay and mustard have higher consumer appeal when harvested between 9:00AM to 8. 3:00 PM because damage in stem and leaves is lessened. 9. Mangoes should be harvested from 9:00AM to 3:00PM to minimize latex flow. 10.Tomatoes are harvested before they reach the ripening stage. NN sane Types of maturity: 1. Physiological maturity. It is the stage of development when the commodity has attained full growth and development, the stage at which the external and internal characteristics of the fruit allow normal ripening after harvest. 2. Commercial or horticultural maturity. It is the stage of development when the plant part possesses the necessary characteristics preferred by consumers. It is used as a basis for declaring when to harvest for commercial purposes, but it varies specially for vegetable depending on the intended use of the commodity and the preference of the consumers, Characteristics of commodities harvested at the proper stage of maturity: 1. Longer storage life 2. Greater resistance to physiological disorders 3. Greater resistance to mechanical siresses and water loss 4, Ripe fruit possesses all desirable characteristics Marketing 26 Grade 8 Holticulture Marketing is the process of selling harvested crops, either on wholesale or retail basis. Two Types of Marketing 1. Wholesale marketing - selling produce on a large scale, usually to middlemen or directly to large consumer groups like restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets. 2. Retail marketing - selling on a smalll scale. It is selling directly to the buyers, usually the home consumers One of the most important features of marketing is record keeping. You should list all the expenses spent and the sales from the harvest. Subtract your expenses from your total sales to determine if you are losing or gaining. Retail marketing 27 Grade 8 Holticulture 28 Grade 8 Holticulture Factors fo consider ensuring success in marketing of vegetables: 1. Buyers usually consider size, appearance, and quantity of the vegetables 2. Some vegetables like onion have their skin removed before being sold, 3. Freshness of appearance is maintained when vegetables are harvested and marketed on the same day. 4, Cucumber, eggplants, and gourds are preferred when they are young and when their seeds are about to be formed. 5. Leaf crops, like lettuce and mustard, are sold when they are about six or more leaves on each plant. 6. Green pods like beans, cowpeas, and seguidiilas sell best when pods are of good size and not when they are tough or stringy. 7. Some vegetables, like radishes, potato, beets, carrots, and tumips, should be washed thoroughly before they are sold, 8. Proper handling of newly harvested vegetables in woven baskets minimizes bruises and injuries. Remember, the best quality commands the best price. 4.M's of Production 1. Manpower = This is the most important resource in production. If you have good people, you can make saleable products 29 Grade 8 Holticulture 2. Machine- After acquiring highly capable people, you must acquire a good if not the best machine. Nowadays, itis very important to acquire technologically updated machines. 3. Methods- Today, we see that every business tries to keep track of technology. Businesses are trying their best to be updated with the current market trends. 4. Materials- A businessman must not forget that to produce a product continuously, abundant raw materials should be available. Post Test Directions: Read the following questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which of the following is the process of selling or purchasing in a market? A. Wholesale B. Marketing C. Harvesting D. Retailing 2. Which among the following is the process of picking fruits from the tree. A. Wholesale B. Marketing C. Harvesting D. Retailing 3. Which of the following is the process of selling directly products to the end-users. A. Wholesale 8. Marketing C. Harvesting D. Retailing 4. Which of the following is the process of selling products through middlemen? A. Harvesting 8. Marketing C. Wholesale D. Retailing 30 Grade 8 Holticutture 5. What is needed by the businessman to produce a product continuously? A. Manpower B. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 6. What is the most important resource of production? A. Manpower B. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 7. Which among the following should businessmen buy to make work easier and faster? A. Manpower B. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 8. What method of production is when a businessman tries his best to be updated with the current market trends? A. Manpower 8. Machine C. Methods D. Materials 9. What method of maturity when the fruit allowed to ripen after harvest? A. Physiological maturity B. Finance maturity C. Harvestmaturity D. Commercial maturity 10. What method of maturity when the plant part possesses the necessary characteristics preferred by consumers? A. Physiological maturity _B, Finance maturity C. Harvest maturity D. Commercial maturity 31 Grade 8 Holticutture Answer key 1.8 CP eneneen >oOF > 9000 10.D REFERENCES hitps://www.agriseta.co.za/downloads/LearningMaterial/116201_LG.paf https://ww.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological- sciences/horticuitural crops https://www.google.com/search?source=univatbm=isch&q=harvesting+a nd+marketin gtinthorficutture &sa=X8.ved=2ahUKEwjF7 JmfhZfqAhVYeXAKHQCzCHk Q7AISBAQKEDI&.cshid=159288.45106339938biw=13668bIh=657#imgrc=d mapoxOgRpsl-M

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