Oral Comm Test Questions

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Republic of the Philippines


Grade 11
S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: ____________________________________________Date: _________________
School: ___________________________________________Score: ________________
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
1. How would you describe good/effective communication?
a. It is when people focus on what you say versus how you say it.
b. It is an interconnected system where people and ideas flow quickly, comprehensively and
c. It’s when you measure the context and people.
d. Spending more time on talking than listening
2. To become more effective in communication, you need to take control of?
a. The audience b. The material c. Yourself d. All of the above
3. Which of the following does NOT define an effective communication?
a. Speaking clearly and expression oneself correctly whether in a group or face to face.
b. Listening and showing interest and respect when others speak.
c. Making too many repetitions when speaking
d. Presenting one’s ideas in a logical way. Talking with enthusiasm and conviction
4. Which of the following demonstrates communication?
a. Ringing of the alarm clock
b. Having a nap
c. Reading a book without comprehension
d. Having a day dreaming
5. Which of the following does NOT distinguish good features of communication.
a. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
b. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
c. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
d. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
6. Which of the following is NOT an example of barriers of communication?
a. You are having a bad day.
b. You are asked to share something about your day or weekend, but you are hesitant because
you are shy.
c. You sit in a meeting or class where you think the speaker is boring.
d. looking for a quiet area where you can resume the conversation.
7. Which of these do NOT deal with precise information?
a. Engineer b. Fiction Writer c. Scientist d. Technician
8. Talking comes under which type of communication?
a. Dramatic b. Non-verbal c. Verbal d. Written
9. A writer must NOT convey information with____
a. Clarity b. Precision c. Randomness d. Truth
10. How is good technical writing achieved?
a. By practice
b. Naturally
c. Listening
d. Speaking
11. You have a discussion with a friends about politics. You don’t agree with them. What should you do?
a. Persuade your friends to change their thoughts and ideas about politics
b. Say what you believe never mind if they’re interested or not.
c. Get angry with your friends to pinpoint your point of view.
d. Keep on talking until they change their mind
12. You have an emergency at home and you were NOT able to go to school. How would you communicate
with your teacher?
a. Send a text
b. Talk to him/her personally
c. Send a postcard
d. Phone call
13. Tomorrow is your birthday, you wanted to invite your neighbor in your natal day. How would you
communicate with your neighbor?
a. Send a text
b. Visit their house
c. Send a postcard
d. Phone call
14. An indirect speech act occurs when…
a. There is no direct connection between the form of the utterance and the intended meaning.
b. There is a direct connection between the form of the utterance and the intended meaning.
c. There is no direct connection between the intention and the intended meaning.
d. There is a direct connection between the intention and the intended meaning.
15. This refers to the ability of a speaker to use linguistic knowledge to effectively communicate with others.
a. Interpersonal communication
b. Communicative competence
c. Social Instruction
d. Communicative strategy
16. Which of the following statements show a Commissive Speech Act?
a. “ I want to eat some cake”
b. “She went out!”
c. “I’ll be here tomorrow at 6 pm.”
d. “I’m sorry I was so angry at you yesterday.” 
17. Which of the following is NOT a Speech Context?
a. Intrapersonal communication
b. Dyad communication
c. Long Distance communication
d. Mass communication
18. Which of the following is an example of a Frozen Speech Style?
a. Panatang Makabayan
b. The President’s SONA
c. A commencement speech
d. Opening remarks
19. Which statement reflects Termination?
a. Well then, I think we’re good. See you!.”
b. “ I didn’t know about that”
c. “ So, have you heard about the forest fire in Davao?”
d. “You’re hired!”
20. An international communication involves…
a. One speaker
b. Two speaker
c. A small group
d. A speaker and an audience
21. Which of the following does NOT distinguish good features of communication.
a. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
b. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
c. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
d. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners. 
22. Which of the following is NOT an example of barriers of communication? 
a. You are having a bad day.
b. You are asked to share something about your day or weekend, but you are hesitant because you
are shy.
c. You sit in a meeting or class where you think the speaker is boring. 
d. Looking for a quiet area where you can resume the conversation.
23. What is the First Stage in Speech Writing?
a. Determining the purpose
b. Selecting a topic
c. Analyzing the audience
d. Rehearsing
24. Which of the following is NOT a power principle in speech editing?
a. Edit for focus b. Edit for clarity c. Edit for continuity d. Edit for harmony
25. This refers to the stage in speech writing when a writer chooses a structure for his/her speech.
a. Editing
b. Choosing a writing pattern
c. Data gathering
d. Outlining 
26. Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy in writing a speech?
a. Avoid jargon
b. Be sensitive to your audience
c. Write whatever comes to mind
d. Use contractions.
27. Which part of the speech restates the main idea?
a. Body b. Conclusion c. Introduction d. Transition
28. Which of the following is an effective speech delivery technique?
a. Pause to emphasize words.
b. Rarely look the audience in the eye.
c. Always be formal and serious.
d. Use filler words to avoid dead air.
29. Your friend is feeling down, exhausted and stress, how will you calm him/her?
a. Share insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
b. Share personal frustration about life too.
c. Orient her/him about the kinds of people in the world.
d. either c or d
30. You disappoint your parents with your decision in your career. How will you make it up to them?
a. Get ready to cry out loud to get their sympathy.
b. Explain to them sincerely why you end up with your decision, and ask for their blessings in your
chosen career.
c. Present them strategies on how you will succeed in your career.
d. either a or c
31. If you were given a chance to become a Barangay Captain, how will you impose regulations to keep our
barangay safe and peaceful?
a. Let the people in your barangay enjoy their lives as long as they are happy.
b. Orient the men in uniform, CVOs, and the barangay on how to help you manage the policies.
c. Create a very idealistic plan on how to keep your barangay safe.
d. either a or c
32. If you were given a chance to make an announcement on how to prevent dengue, how would you do it?
a. You will used your friends to shout that dengue is dangerous.
b. You will ask permission to the priest to contextualize the dengue in his sermon.
c. You will used your media accounts to disperse on how to avoid dengue and its symptoms.
d. either a or b
33-38. Identify the speaker’s purpose in the each situation; choose your answer from the ff;
a. Control b. Emotional expression c. Information dissemination d. Social Interaction
33. A parent telling a child not to misbehave
34. A teacher looking sharply at noisy students
35. Girls discussing what happened at the party they all attended
36. Lia greets Peter; then, they start talking their plans for the holidays.
37. A policeman directing pedestrians not to jaywalk but cross on the pedestrian lane
38. The school dentist telling a kindergarten class the proper way of brushing one’s teeth
39.Which of the following is an effective speech delivery technique?
a. Pause to emphasize words.
b. Rarely look the audience in the eye.
c. Always be formal and serious.
d. Use filler words to avoid dead air
40.Which of the following is NOT a type of speech according to delivery?
a. Extemporaneous speech
b. Impromptu speech
c. Informative speech
d. Manuscript speech
41.The following are different delivery situations except for one.
a. Speaking in different venues
b. Speaking in a concert
c. Speaking with a microphone
d. Speaking with a podium
42. Which of the following should be emulated from good speakers?
a. How they walk and dress up 
b. How they laugh
c. How they connect with the audience
d. How they walk away from the stage
43. Which of the following statements about speech delivery is true?
a. Speech delivery is about pronouncing words perfectly
b. Public speaking is a talent and cannot be learned.
c. Effective speech delivery means connecting with the audience and communicating the message. 
d. Good delivery lies in the intellectual words used in the speech.
44. Which of the following persons is most likely to deliver a manuscript speech?
a. A comedian
b. A father
c. A media personality
d. A teacher
45. Which of the following is the most essential tip in memorizing a speech?
a. Remember the difficult words
b. Memorize every word
c. Understand the main ideas by heart
d. Memorize only the major details
46. Which of the following speeches is delivered with little or no time at all?
a. Manuscript speech
b. Extemporaneous speech
c. Entertainment speech
d. Impromptu speech
47. Which strategy of organizing a speech does a redefining of the topic into something that you want to talk about?
a. Point-Reason-Example-Point method
b. Bridging
c. Reframing
d. Playing Devil’s Advocate
48. Which speech is delivered with the help of short notes or a clear outline?
a. Extemporaneous
b. Impromptu
c. Manuscript 
d. Memorized 
49. Which extemporaneous question is centered on whether a topic or principle is moral or immoral?
a. It is a question of fact?
b. It is a question policy?
c. It is a question of morality?
d. It is a question of value
50. Which of the following is the ultimate goal of an entertainment speech?
a. To introduce new jokes
b. To discuss tips on how to be a comedian
c. To share goodwill and pleasure
d. To share the funny side of life

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