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How to Rank Higher on Google Maps

When speaking to clients, often they know about paid search ads and SEO for organic
search results. But I am amazed how many are unaware that you can turn Google Maps
(or the Google 3 pack) into your best and most reliable lead generation tool. And for
good reason.

In 2017, Advanced Web Rankings released a study showing a whopping 47.79% of all
search tra c went to the top 3 businesses listed in Google Maps. Making the Google 3
pack a must have for small businesses, but it is also the single fastest way to get on page
one and start generating leads.

So How to Rank Your Business in the Google 3 Pack?

So now that we understand why ranking in the 3 pack of Google Maps is so important,
let’s cover the how. We have researched and studied the best methods and streamlined
them down to the top 7 areas that will have the best impact on your Google Maps

1. Fully Optimize your Google My Business (GMB) 

So often I nd businesses with incomplete information in their GMB pro le. Skipping
necessary information, providing the wrong information or worse yet, entering false
information will only hurt your rankings. With that said, and taking this a step further, the
simple advice is to FILL OUT EVERYTHING. The more you enter, the more Google will
trust your business and give you that extra push to rank above everyone else. If you are
in a competitive city or industry, you can guarantee your competitors are already doing
Name / Address / Phone Number (N.A.P.)
When rst starting your GMB account, this is pretty easy. But often businesses will move
down the street change phone numbers etc. Making sure that your business name,
address, and phone number are exact matches (and always updated) is critical to your
success. I will touch on the importance of having your N.A.P. data being an exact match
later. Another important factor is using your main keyword in your business name. If your
business name is John Smith LLC and you are a business consultant, your GMB should be
John Smith LLC, Business Consultant. Many businesses miss this piece, doing this is an
easy way to outrank most competitors.
Optimize Your Listing Description
Your description needs to be more than just listing out your services or pricing. Take your
time and create a read-worthy high-level overview of who and what you are. Make sure
you utilize the main keyword(s) you are targeting for your search results as well. As an
example, if you are a roofer in the Dallas Texas market, use ‘Dallas Roofer’ somewhere in
your description.
Within your GMB account, there are multiple categories for you to enter in information.
Starting with your service areas, list each city or town that you service. Your business
hours are also equally important. But the focus here is the services section. We
recommend you perform your keyword research before completing this section. Once
you have your targeted keywords, match your services with your list to optimize your
GMB listing. If done correctly, users can quickly see what you do and call you directly
from there!
We all know the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, this is no exception. Adding
high-quality photos of your o ce, the work you do, your employees, and more all help
with your rankings and engaging your audience. But did you know this little trick? By
changing the le name of your photos, you can boost your rankings. Yup, in the world of
changing the le name of your photos, you can boost your rankings. Yup, in the world of
local SEO even the le name of a photo can give you an advantage. As an example, if
your business name is Smile Perfect Dentist and you are in Chicago, the le name of your
lobby should be Smile Perfect Dentist Chicago IL Lobby. Naming photos with relevant
keywords and the city/state can help your map ranking.

2. Build Niche and Local Related Citations

I mentioned earlier that having an exact match matters, and here is why. Let’s pretend
our business name is Joe’s restaurant. I am going to guess that there are a ton of Joe’s
restaurants in the U.S., so how does Google know which one is mine? You guessed it, by
the name, address, and phone number. And if you happen to be in a city with a business
that has a similar name standing out just got more complicated. Enter citations. A
citation is listing your business on reputable listing websites. The more you have with
exact matches, the easier it is for Google to nd and rank your business.

Selecting the appropriate niche listing sites are equally important. Having a plumbing
business listed on a travel-related listing website does your business no favors. While
quantity does matter, for citations relevancy is more important. Anchor text, linking
domain authority and linking domain quantity are all important factors when building
your citations.

3. Embed a Google Map on Your Website

If you have not guessed it by now, Google loves it when you use their tools and
resources. For that reason, embedding a google map view of your location on your
website is a must. Add this to your contact us or about us page along with the exact
name, address and phone number listed in your GMB pro le. Even businesses without a
physical address can do this, click here to learn how to embed a Google Map.

4. Get More Reviews!

If you did not know, pro les with reviews get more attention. We know that 84% of
people trust online reviews as much as friends, but how does that impact Google Map

According to a recent study by Moz, review signals are the 3rd highest factor in local
search and map rankings. Meaning, your local SEO and review management process is
very important to your business. Standing out online is as simple as asking your clients
for their feedback. Not only does this show your prospective clients that people love
you, but it also shows both the client and Google that you are an engaged and
trustworthy business.

5. Create Posts
I hope you have been paying attention, if Google has an outward facing tool…. use it.
Utilizing the post feature within your GMB account is no exception. Not only is this a
great way for users to see what special o ers you have running or learn more about your
business, but it can also help in uence your Google Maps rankings. But don’t post just to
post. Just like with any social media account, be smart with your messaging and be
engaging. Your goal is to provide value with each of your messages and utilize yet
another free tool to market your business.
6. Get a Press Release Written to Improve Your
Google Maps Ranking
Early on, I referenced the importance of inbound links in both volume and domain
authority. A great way to build up these links is from press releases. Doing this gets your
business name listed on multiple news websites and, if well-written and newsworthy,
can get you real high-quality links and social signals. Adding in press releases into your
overall SEO strategy is well worth your time. You reach new clients quickly and help
boost your online presence is a simple and e ective manner.

Have you tried any of these tactics to help you rank higher on google maps? For some
business owners, doing this themselves is part of running their day-to-day business
operations. For many, this can be a di cult task. Having a partner that has the experience
and knowledge to help you rank could be the di erence between a good or great year.
Contact us today, and we can help your business win in 2019.  
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