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1. Start the day with a task completed.

Make your bed.

roll up the blinds

2. Find someone to help you through life.

A mentor,
like minded partner,
hihgly motivated or passionate person.

3. respect everyone.
No matter who stands before you, never laugh at someone, never humiliate,
degrade or belittle..

4. Life is not always fair, move forward.

That girl might have been perfect, everything you asked for, you did
everything right but didn't get her. Its fine.
You tried your best in that test or job interview, literally rehearsed it
several times, it didn't work. Its fine.
You have been trying now, for several years to overcome the harmful traits of
your personality, hasn't quite worked. Move forward.
You are lonely, alone and overworked sometimes and want people to recognize
this and empathize with you, you seek empathy and or sympathy but dont get it. It's
fine. Move forward.
You want someone to understand you as you are and with whom you can have no
filters, it will not happen. Accept and move forward.
Accept the bitternes and realities of life yet NEVER give up on your mission
and our goals.

5. Do not be afraid to fail-often.

If your life is in a state where you can't fail then you are too risk averse.
Take risks but manage your risk by considering all factors.

6. Take risks.
linked to the above point, push the comfort zone, take a risk, fail and

7. Face down the bullies.

If someone is disrespecting or belittling you, treating you unfairly, then
face them down.. the best way you can. Never succumb to bully pressure, never give
up the fight. Fight against every muscle and all the anxiety and fair to STAND UP

8. Lift the down-trodden

Lift up people along the way and motivate them to carry on with their journey
in life.

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