Artikel Virtual Drama

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The coronavirus pandemic requires educators to conduct remote learning activities.

The biggest
challenge of distance learning is that learning still has to put creative, innovative, and fun elements
ahead. The use of technology in the form of learning applications is an alternative solution to address
these problems. One example of learning that applies technology to its implementation is virtual drama.

A virtual or online communication is a communication network connected to a spoken opponent.

According to the Indonesian Dictionary of Major Language (KBBI), virtual performance is performed or
present using computer software, such as the internet. In fact, virtual communication not only relies on
the internet, but also uses applications as its space.

According to Krauss (2019), drama is part of a form of art that comes from various elements of singing
and dancing with systematic or organized composition of dramatic dialogue, a conflict and its resolution
are depicted on stage. According to Gallagher and Schenker (2020) virtual drama is a show that is
perfomed or broadcased online through certine apliication

So virtual drama is the presentation of elements of singing and dancing along with dramatic dialogue
and conflict through virtual communication or using app media as a space and broadcased online
through certine apliication.

Based on the author's experience of virtual drama performance, there are steps that need to be taken
before performing virtual drama, namely first to prepare the story to be performed. The selected story
is then used as a dialogue that matches the plot. For example, the author displays a local story
originating in Palembang under the title "Dulmuluk". In the creation of the dialogue manuscript for the
dulmuluk story, the author added several dialogue jokes related to the current problems in the
neighborhood. It should be noted that for the dialogue that contains current issues, the dialogue is not
used as a main diagogue only as a supporting diagogue of the story. The addition of the dialogue should
not be out of the theme of the story.

Then the second step is to discuss the media, costumes and music settings that will be used during the
virtual play. Because the play was not performed on stage directly in front of the audience, it was
created through virtual media. Therefore, required media supporting the course of the drama process,
one of the virtual media that writers always use during the virtual drama process is the zoom meeting
application. The reason the author uses this app is because it is very appropriate and suitable for
creating virtual dramas. Moreover, there are features that can be used to adjust the setting of the
story's place background, the feature is virtual background. Not only are zoom meeting other
applications that the author of the guanakan is able to replicate canva and pinterest to search for
references to the appearance of virtual dramas. Then an inshot and kinmaster application for the video
editing of the play. For the determination of the costume, the author adjusts the costume according to
the origin of the story, since the author chooses the dulmuluk drama originating from Palembang, hence
the author uses the custom costume of Palembang according to the story. And then for the background
song the writer determines based on the plot and the state of the story's course.

The third step is the process of performing the play, the play begins with the narration reading by the
narrator and proceeds with a scene-by-scene. Then there are some things that the author thinks are
important to note during the virtual drama. The first is that the conversion of dialogue by the actor must
be lancier and unsteady. Then facial expressions must be seen in the camera. It also needs to be noted
for the placement of the story background based on the previously selected background. Then the
placement of the delivery music must also match the scene being played and the volume of the music
should not exceed the voice of the cast.

According to the author's view during the virtual drama performance process, there are many new
experiences that the author has gained. From lessons on how to perform virtual dramas, how to use
previously-unused applications to teamwork. Additionally, the author feels that virtual drama
performance is an appropriate alternative as a pandemic learning project. Virtual drama performance is
also not linked at the class level. Virtual Drama performance can be a learning project for both students
and students.

According to the author, this activity is good because it can add creativity and expression to students.
Virtual drama performance can sharpen students' creativity, such as learning editing, creating
interesting scripts, dramatic performances, and also adding to students' confidence. In addition, there
are a lot of interesting and innovative things in drama play learning, which is more attractive because
the participants not only read the material but also express it in the form of role play and then upload it
on social media. There's pride when their work gets appreciation from many. In addition, they are also
more skilled at video editing because it is one of the criteria for evaluation. This became a valuable
provision for them while in the middle of society. However, this activity is less effective because the
performance is better if it is performed live because the expression and dialogue will be clearer and
students will have more totality in performing the play. I hope this play can be performed live and the
students are better prepared and confident so that the performance can be even more maximal. And
there's also a lot of confusion when learning, especially about how to make good, systematic text plays.

Krauss. (2019).Pementasan Drama Virtual. Yogyakarta: Deepublish

Gallagher and Schenker. (2020). Drama virtual in the modern era. Jakarta: Whiteboard Journal

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