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(304 MKT)- Services Marketing

(2019 Pattern) (Semester –III)

Time: 2.00 Hours Marks- 50

1. All Questions are Compulsory.
2. Each Questions has an internal options
3. Your answer should be specific and to the point.

Q 1. Multiple Choice Questions (Answer any 5) (10)

I. ______________ Which of the following is not a type of Service encounters?

A) Remote encounters
B) Phone encounters
C) Face to face encounters
D) Check in Encounters

II. ___________ is a tool for simultaneously depicting the service process, the points of customer
contact, and the evidence of service from the customer’s point of view.

A) Front end planning

B) Service Blueprinting
C) Service Standardization
D) None of these

III._________ is the physical surroundings or the physical facility where the service is produced,
delivered and consumed.

A) Servicespace
B) Servicescape
C) Serviceplace
D) Servicescope

IV. A triangle of Company, Customers, Employees, Internal Marketing, External Marketing

communications and Interactive marketing is known as…………..

A) Marketing Triangle
B) Service Triangle
C) Communication Triangle
D) Both a and b

V. Which of the following is not a component of service firms physical evidence?

A) Parking
B) Employee appearance
C) Billing statements
D) In-house process equipment
VI. Word-of-Mouth communication networks are particularly important for service firms because

A) Service customers tend to rely more on personal than the non-personal source of information
B) Service firms only offer one brand of service.
C) Service firms can seldom afford to pay for promotional efforts.
D) Service customers tend to rely more on non-personal than personal sources of information

VII. The primary role of a service firm for the customer in the communication mix is to ……

A) Confuse customers
B) Inform and remind customers
C) Oppose the competitor s claim
D) Persuade the dealers

VIII. Which pricing strategies encourage the customer to expand his/her dealings with the service

A) Relationship pricing
B) Price bundling
C) Benefit-driven pricing
D) Efficiency pricing

Q2. Solve any Two. (10)

I. What is service mix?

II. What is meaning of physical evidence?
III. What are the different types of service scapes?

Q3. Explain the role of service sector in Indian economy. Discuss its importance in developing economy
like India. (10)
Q3. Explain the service gap model and the methods to measure the gaps of the services.

Q4. “The need & variety of services would depend on economic and social factors”. Illustrate this view
point with example. (10)
Q4. What is service quality? Explain the SERVQUAL Model with examples.

Q5. Develop a flow chart to depict the delivery of the following services: (10)
i. Hotel Catering
ii. Banking

Q5. “Hotel and transportation industries support the tourism.” – Discuss


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