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9/4/22, 12:50 PM


Interpretation Detail  
Standard Designation: BPV Section IX
Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description: Section IX, QW-322
Date Issued: 11/02/1981
Record Number: BC-81-455
Interpretation Number : IX-81-47
Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Concerning the renewal of performance qualification
given in QW-322, must the welder be in the continuous employ of
the Manufacturer?

Reply (1): No.

Question (2): If a welder leaves the employ of a Manufacturer and

later returns to that same Manufacturer, can his qualifications be
renewed for all previous qualifications per QW-322?

Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): When a welder is being tested for renewal of his

qualifications, is it necessary to test him using all the essential
variables for which he was qualified using a specific process?

Reply (3): No. QW-322 allows the welding of a single test joint to
reinstate the welder's previous qualifications for a specific process.

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