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Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a kind and generous king who ruled over his
people with fairness and compassion. One day, a terrible dragon came and threatened to
destroy the kingdom. The king, not wanting to harm the dragon, decided to offer it a daily
portion of sheep from the royal ock in exchange for leaving the kingdom in peace. The
dragon accepted and the kingdom lived in harmony for many years.

2. In a small village, there was a little girl named Rose who loved to pick wild owers in the
meadow. One day, she came across a magical fairy who granted her three wishes. Rose
wished for an endless supply of wild owers, a never-ending summer, and for all the people
in the village to be happy. Her wishes came true, and the village was lled with color and
joy for all eternity.

3. A group of animals, a rabbit, a fox, a bear and a wolf, were living together in a forest. They
were all the best of friends and would often play together. One day, a hunter came to the
forest and started to hunt the animals. The rabbit, being the fastest, suggested that they
should all run away together. And so, they did, and they found a new home in a far-off land
where they lived happily ever after.

4. A little boy named Timmy loved to play in the woods behind his house. One day, while he
was playing, he stumbled upon a magical tree. The tree told Timmy that if he promised to
take care of the woods and all the animals living there, it would grant him one wish. Timmy
promised to take care of the woods, and he wished for a friend to play with. And that's how
he got his best friend, a talking squirrel named Sammy.

5. A group of farm animals, a horse, a pig, a cow, and a chicken, were tired of being treated
poorly by their farmer. One day, they decided to run away and start their own farm. They
traveled far and wide and nally found the perfect spot. The horse plowed the elds, the pig
fed the animals, the cow provided milk and the chicken laid eggs. They all lived happily
ever after and were never mistreated again.

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