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Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Benny.

Benny loved honey, but he didn't like to

work for it. He would sneak into the bees' hive and take as much honey as he wanted. But one day,
the bees got fed up with Benny's stealing and they swarmed him. Benny learned his lesson and from
then on, he worked hard to make his own honey.

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit named Rosie. Rosie loved to play in the elds, but she
was always too scared to explore the dark forest. One day, her friends dared her to go into the forest.
Rosie was scared at rst, but she found that the forest was full of beautiful owers and delicious
berries. She realized that she should not be afraid of the unknown.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sophie who loved to read. She would spend hours in
the library, reading every book she could nd. But one day, the library was closed for repairs.
Sophie was so sad that she couldn't read her books. But then she had an idea. She started a book
club with her friends and they would take turns sharing their favorite stories.

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack who loved to play video games. He would
spend all day and night playing, neglecting his school work and his friends. But one day, his video
game controller broke and he couldn't play anymore. Jack realized how much he missed spending
time with his friends and how much his grades had suffered. He decided to balance his time better
and focus on his studies and friendships.

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