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In our solar system,

there is only one star.
It's our sun. It is the
closest star to Earth.
That's why it looks so
much bigger than all
other stars. Other
stars you see are light
years away, so they
look very small for us.
Copyright© 2021 by : FB group (free pdf worksheets)
Soil is home to all kinds of
living things. Earthworms
are nice creatures that live
in the soil. When they wiggle
through the soil, they make
tiny tunnels that help let in
air and water. They also
move soil around, mixing and
moving the nutrients.They
eat tiny bits of dead leaves
and other organic materials.
Copyright© 2021 by : FB group (free pdf worksheets)

Our body is a wonderful

creation of God. We see
with our eyes. We hear with
our ears. We chew food with
our teeth. Our lungs help us
to breathe in oxygen.Our
hearts pump blood and beat
all day and all night. We use
a digestive system to digest
our food. All these parts and
organs work in coordination
with each other.
Copyright© 2021 by : FB group (free pdf worksheets)

A plant uses pollen to produce

new seeds.The new seeds need
a new place to grow up. Some
seeds can move in the wind as
they are very light. Some seeds
can stick to an animal's fur or
wool. These animals travel
around and take the seeds with
them. Other seeds can travel to
a new place by floating on
water. These seeds are usually
big and light.
Copyright© 2021 by : FB group (free pdf worksheets)

Bats have furry bodies, big

ears and wings like leather. They
sleep in caves during the day and
fly out at night to feed at night.
They are the only mammals that
can fly. They use sound to find
and catch insects in the darkness.
They are very fast and acrobatic.
They sleep upside-down. Bats
are very important because they
help to spread the seeds and
pollen of many plants.
Copyright© 2021 by : FB group (free pdf worksheets)

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