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Powerhouse NMA OD) oYTam Cleat AOE L Comm ST RN SMA COLT Prof. C. Zamfir -STUDY BOOK- Peter Strutt FORMING AN IMPRESSION | usually make up my mind about a man in ten Seconds, and I very rarely change it Margaret Thaicher, former Brtish prime minister In the book Riding the Waves of Culture, Fons Teompensars describes his impresions on meeting a man in a shopping gallery in Amsterdam Look ae the photo of the man. Which of chese adjectives would you use co describe your frst, impressions of him: well-off successful well-dressed unemployed shy homeless 2 the story has besa jumbled below: Read ic through and put tint the cote one He looks at me incredulously and says, ‘I ned this corer to light my paper’ He throws ime the pack of cigarestes because he does not smoke He buys a pack of cigarettes and takes a box of matches When T stand back I see that he lights the newspaper and holds his hands above the ames i pztoach him and ask if can smoke a cigarete with im and whether he would mind IE read the second section of his paper, 1 On cfd winter night in Amitrdam Lsce someone ete cigar shop. His Burberry ‘coae and tinted glasses reveal him 19 be well off He euens out co bc homicess, searching for warmth and too shy to pureh hase a single box of matches without the cigarects, He then visits the newspaper stand, purchases @ Dure fh newspaper and quickly walks to a wind-free corner near the shopping gallery. 3. Which of ha cprsions suns up the sory bee? 1 Look before you leap 2 Don’ judge a book by is cove 3 Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. DRESS cone YOU MIGHT think that golf is an old-fashioned game played by overweight mon. But at the smart modem offices ofthe Professional Golfers’ Association, things look vary different. From the pleasant receptionist. who signs you in to the efficient secretary who glides effortlessly Vouossany # ogide to move smoothy, 18 1f notort is involed toban topo 1 Read chis artic! Dress code or discrimination down the stairs to meet you, it seems that everywhere you tum there is a woman. It is somewhat surprising, given the rather male- dominated image of golf. But among the elegant dresses and skirts worn by the female employees lies a clue that all ‘may not be as it seems: none of 3° Match the adjectives in the box He and underline the adjectives that could describe your impression ofa person, \ them are wearing trousers. It is not that all the women here would choose to wear trousers; rather that, at the offices of the PGA, trousers for women are not considered smart enough, and so they are banned ~ unless, that is, The Indopandent 6.1.99 2 Lise che adjectives you have underlined under these headings, GENERALLY Positive GENERALLY WeBaTIVE to the dictionary definitions unkempt shabby Stylish below. Then add the adjectives : tothelita shove. impeccable chevelled overdressed scruffy fashionable 1 unkempt, not neat or tidy 5 _ dirty and untidy 2 vue nee popular style Of 6 dressed in clothes that clothes, hair, ete. 3 clothes, hair, ete ‘are very untidy completely perfect are too formal for the occasion 7 old and worn 8 attractive in a fashionable way +909 EEE PRESENT SIMPLE {1 Complete the articles below using cisher the cwiey expend ww ite PRESENT CONTINUOUS ——prsentsimpleorpresec continuous form of «SY MAN the verbs in che bones ne | Bisabeth Delahaye is a Belgian entrepreneur who 1_,rune. her "removals business from twn headquarters in Paris and Landon. She 2 in the top end of the market, packing expensive possessions ‘and transferring them fram place to place. Her business all the time and now she 4 to {gat into the Narth American market so she 5 candidates with the right profi, But her ambition is not to conquer the worl. | 5 my job and 17, the camaraderie with my stoft ‘At the end of the day everyone's satished, not just the clients Burobusiness Aug 99 cme provide think othave mastermind bid B This is Lena Bjorck. She * from Stockholm and 2 @ catering company called Inn and Out Limited which 2 food and drink ot major functions for ambassadors, ministers, prosidants or royety, Spurred on by her success, sha 4 for @ contract to cater for the British Prime Minister. Although she is seltuaugiit and 5 background in catering, she ® services she offers, ‘of adding cookery classes to the Furobusiness Sepe 99 2 Whac arc your firse impressions of the two women in the articles? Decide which oft ese P i photos is of Elisabeth Delahaye and which is of Lena Bjrck PAST SIMPLE / The story you read on page 4 was weitten in the PAST CONTINUOUS, ive account of the same story. | Several years ago Ima waking 2 (ee) a jut of the shop a few moments later he 2 anda box of matches. He then ® and " (ook) at me incredulously and "2. the paper to fight a fre and warn his hands. Th i (be) homeless and "6 ‘warmth on that cold winter night HOW DID THEY MEET? Do the fotlowing correct verb forms, 2. Match 1-3 10 A-C 10 show how the people met. 1 2 3 3. Fill in che gaps with one charming of these adjectives. clum: 1 caRoL Twas an English language trainer in the company, Fe (sed (0 give up / was giving up) his lunch break in order ta have a lesson with ‘me. But I remember that he wasn'ta particulaly good ersince. He (always used to dof was always doing) the strce minimum and U (ele / was Feeling) he was lazy and 2 MARIA “Twas a sales manager and (used co go / was going) to the same restaurant moet lunchtimes with colleagues or clients, I thought he was very elegant, very police but occasionally 3. usa ‘As a project manager in the information technology department I (used co have to f was having eo) dea slaey difficult problem. We (got / were getting) a software tengincer in co sort ie out, bat my fre impression was very negative when he turned up. He (was wearing F used « wear) jeans and (had J was having) long, hai.” See eee eee eee Complete the text by puting the verbe in brackets into cither the | (valk) around the streets of Amsterdam when T | 2 an about to enter a ciger shop. He © | © Burberry coat and a pair of tinted glasses. When he # | —(buY) 8 copy ofthe evening paper and quickly ® (valk) to a sheltered part of the shopping gllery. 1? -—-~» (sk) if T could read part of the papet. He " present simple to create dramatic impact. Below past simple of the past wea | (come) | (cary) a packet of cigarettes | ~ (walk) to @ newspaper stand, ' (approach) him 7 (ced) (wealise) he (ty) to find some shelter and (say) he ent | i | | | 1 1 Read what each of these people says abour meeting one ofthe others and underline the ye unmotivated conservative A perer “She was impeccably dresed and T eine she gota shock when she rst saw me (dws to think J wasn thinking) ic was imporant but now Tin older 1 guess Tm more _t B Marin "(vas going 1 be Fused robe) ceansered to our subsidiary in London 501 (had / was having) co be proficient in English, But there was a vat amount of work ro do a the time and thete are only 24 hours in a day. I (though / thinking) she was very 4 : © ton "Tfoas er ‘customers whe f untorcunsately (spl ‘was spilling) a glass of wine down her blouse. I yas very embarrassed but she and {didn't make / diduit use co male) Kass ng F served) ane af the BUSINESS JARGON beFintriows PRONUNCIATION: ff se Match the argon on the lle with the npler equivalent on the right rcamanscncnnanne ot semneccrenene f {1 winpenen 2 wide 3 a paragm 4 4 touse i 4 to ive more contol © to schedule evens in chronological order 4 toempower <4 planning in detail but failing to act \ f 8 ara paraysis ‘attacking a probiem tyr by lyr, by bit } Match the business terms on the lft co the definitions on the righ. 1 a portfolio worker 4 a method of planning a large project so thae there will be few delays and che cose will be as low as possible 2 busines proces re-engineering \ when a company obtains control ofits competitors | © visiting employees at their workstations and \ 3 titical path analysis discussing their work ' 'd_ someone who freelances in diferent companies or for 4 management by walking about differen people € total change in the design of company systems an J horizontal integration processes Ff ensuring maximum efficiency throughout a compa 6 empowerment to provide the best possible service greater responsibilicy for employees lower down in the 7 management by ebjectives ‘organisation pyramid 4 conwolling an activiy and measuring performance 8 coral quality management relation to particular aims 1. Gd wat sound is common wal ofthese word? Listen othe words and repent che accurate accommodate assistant suspicious regular fever jargon wailed insider aggressive 2 Ga Listen ose phos below and undetine the ound. Then ten again and epee 1 cen per cent 4 the way Look at ie 2 asupplier in Geneva 5 simple, elegant, impoocable 3 for instance 6 notorious American gangster 3 @ Undetne where you think there afl sound inthe sentences blow: Ten liten to cach sentence and epee 1 Claudia works her cellular phone. 2 She used to be a ‘ruser’ but now she’ a switchboard operator. 3 She's punctual, polite and accurate and never gets aggressive with a caller 4 He arrived at che best howls ina limo driven by a Japanese chaulfeur 5 ‘Tm never om another line, I'm in a meeting, TELEPHONE — G88 Liscen to the f x phone convertion. aympatheti IMPRESSIONS — Choose am acctive rom the box to describe 1 PAPh EBC efficient the mae spear in each eal. curt perptune a icious call cata call2 cat's calls EFFECTIVE You will hara potential client (Mr Hamilon) and a salesman talking about a new line TELEPHONING of products, 1 BB Listen to the first version of the conversation 1 What isthe product 4 ceramic well tiles plastic wal ils, © wallpaper 2 Why iat Mr Hamilton interested? 4 He docsn have b The discoune isnt © We don't know. 2 Gat The conversation is repeated but with a differen conclusion. Listen tothe version and answer the questions. 1 Inwhar way can the salesman help Mr Hamileon? 1 By sapplynys hi oie some puted he warts, By changing the design on the tiles By changing the carpee design, 2 Inwhat way was the salesman more effective inthe second version? a He was more a b He made a spec © He listened ro his client, People always ask, ls the change over? Can we stop now?! You've got to tell them, ‘No, is just begun.’ Leaders must areata an atmosphers where people understand that change is a continuing process, not an event ack Welch, American industrialist WORDS OF CHANGE The underined verbs inthe sentences below all expreas change or resistance to change. Write che infinitive of each verb in the box (A~G) which best describes its meaning. These are two verbs for each box. B to change often or —_. continually (0 change your mind about something you intended ¢o to fluctuate co dung: soncthing fra >) parslr ude purpac ovat ssid you would do managing change ) ce deliberately change information | thc ioe } im var ee, D7 dunes aay caching | ——) |=) F ‘0 refuse to change you ‘mind 1 The car induscry’s annual production fluctuates between 5.1m and 9.2m vehicles, i 2 They tied o make him change his mind but he stood his ground. 3 Some computer programs can be customised for individual users, 4 We had to alter our plans because of the new political situation, 5 The minutes of the meeting completely muisteprese 6 what [such They should be amended, ‘Whee you know you are right you have ro stand fiem and defend youe principles, A frst she was very Z ntrested in the et but daen seemed to gut eld fe & She fbf herbie certificate to get the job but they Found ou and she was fed 9 They've qvethaled che procedure and aow it’s simpler and much ster 10. Nie can til the insurance policy to meet the needs of your business 411 The computer industry inevitably finds thai isin a sate of lux ast hs to cespond al che time to changes in technology 412 Wiehad to restructure our divisional headquarters af he cakeowe: ‘The Incemec is beginning to revolutionise the way we do business 14 Ven bang ssondl choughis about leaving. [havert found ante jo. PRESENT PERFECT / PAST SIMPLE e),’, 1 Complete the aril by putting ne verbs in brackets into cicher dhe present perfect or the pas spe | Charles Cornvrall, the boss of the electronic games maker Eidos, !.haa always viewed | (aways view) Hollywood as reactive environment rather than proactive one. When | (go) there to set up a movie deal involving one of his games characters, Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series, he (be) astonished by the behaviour of studio executives: ‘I (be) incredibly "underwhelmed by the type of people involved. The heads of the seudios were arrogant, shallow, lacking in vision, or a combination ofall thtee’ Commercially, Lara Croft thtee versions of Tomb Raider 6 | (ake) the world by storm, So fat the fist Gel) over 15 million copies. She (become) a glbal icon, Her idealised figure ® (appear) on 100 magzzine covers and? (be) splashed acros billboards and buses from London to New York. Last yea alone, she " fappear) | cand ‘eriow publications from The Timea | [Newsweek Senior staff at Eidos refer to hee almost aa living person. And pechaps to | them and her millon ffm she is Whar dhe ees © | in pop videos, a French car advertiseme (drive) growth of 3,600% at Eidos over the past three years. So Charles Cornwall (become) one of the world’s most successful enerepreneurs, As they say, ‘Behind every successfil man, there's a great wornan.” Fuiobusiness Dee 99 fonossary & Uunderwbeimed unimpressed to sash across to splay prominenty we Underline the correct verb form in exch sentence 1 Sorry T'm late I (drove f have driven / have been driving) around the block for about half an hour looking for parking space. 2 Vlidvt speak havent spoken { havent been speaking) cw her since the lve sales meeting, 3 In 1997, a typical employee in a multinational (sept / has slept has been sleeping) for an average 6.5 hours a night 4 With flacer managemenc structures, the old career ladder (went {has gone / has been going) 5 The mania for high-tech stacks (continued / has continued / has been coneinsing) when Psion (announced I has announced / has been announcing) its ambitious plans to take the Internet off your desc and into your pocket [Now indicate which rule of use corresponds to each sentence above. 4 We use the past simple when we say when the action happened, or Fie is clear from the context. 2 We ws the present peslecr continuous eo describe repeated! or ongoing events over an extended period of time, whose effects continue into the presenc. ¢ We se the present perfecr simple to describe completed aetions that have a result in the present d We use the past simple with time adverbs such as ‘yesterday, ‘last wee’, ‘in che nineteenth century We use the present perfec sin 0 refer co states leading ftom a po pase up to the present oe 6/2 EM BUZZWORDS: NOUNS 1 Match these nouns ending in ~ingwith the dictionary definitions below. ENDING IN -1NG | i ‘ hiring and firing downsizing temping —_restructuring commuting hotdesking wenebmariMS outsourcing * 1 hotdesking... when people working in an office s -- when the managers of a company ddo not have their own workstation, but work where decide to reduce the number of people working for the there is one available company in order to save money or increase profits 2 using the performance that one ——— working, usually as a secretary, in company has achieved to judge the performance of ‘an office for a short or limited period of time while other companies of the same type ‘Someone is absent or while there is a lot of work to do 8 employing another company to do 7 e regularly travelling a long distance some of the work from home to work and back 4 changing the way a company is B oncom the process of employing and organised or financed dismissing people 2 Complete eet sentences, chosing fom the word above 1 Wehad enough of cis t2mPiaa. I'm going eo get a false secretarial job. 2 Allahis ‘makes me so tired. I'm going to get a flat neater work, 3 has helped them cut their payroll buc they’ve lost some key petsonnel 4 3 portion of our production needs has enabled us to use the expertise of other firms J. We've introduced new working practices since the ‘exercise with the French firm, PRONUNCIATION: 1 G8 All che words below end in -zta Listen to the words andl repeat them. SHPAIX-ATE —joti scaumié corps fomunae uments separate felty amalgemare associate estimate innovate cemunerite terminate fat associate cerificte imate conglomerate estimate graduate How i the pronunciation affected by what part of speech the wotd ix? Complete these 1 All che words ending /94/_ are either or 2 All the words ending fev are 3 Gh Read dese sentence an chink about how they shouldbe spoken, ‘Then listen 0 check and repeat. 1, The only accurate estimate we received suggested we should terminate the eoneact. 2. Graduates are very fortunate if they can go sight iin niversiy eo cosponte position where che are well remunerated, \ 3 An associate of mine plans to estimate the likly growth ofthe private sector COPING WITH CHANGE 1 Read chs exvze fram a management Pasir esarvE hhancibook, written in a relatively formal style Decide which of the underlined words and phrases have a positive connotation and which have a negative one. Sercan charges ofien BP rots a rei fe a ong nee ; | tonnage time to happen and it is Seay case that morale iment mage recheck ene ikem meoathe Fe i Okan wy aula ee ; PAE tics oe ge aiehate bere an a ¥ We BD rei” ome Deas to ne ual sore A ase mens ; ce nay ee oti ao ay Past but after the idea is fi a any benefit at all is [ casted wan vt : , Bye aus ao ae item | cL Be ie enon ove wit ow mane Es ote Emenee, Tow temretinen teen | Svs ate he ‘ni eokeson the ded Gan ota nde al own, people may ‘not perceve war ne | ‘ow it was possible to cope belore the changes jnells and are ‘dappcinied if no tangible were mplonereea 2 imagine cha fier reading this extract you are now explining what you have inderetood to a get into it keep at it Complete che following text using the words and phe inthe bon. They comtspond og by igy fo up ballyhoo words and phrases used above but are al informal and eypieal of conversation, get cold feet get better ee Phrere eee a when things dent ® That's when the managers 8 In tis interview a sales manager, Simon Hales, has just been free by one ofthe company's directors, Simon goes straight into the CEO’ fice co demand an explanation, 1. @ Lien co the dialogue. What isthe main season for Simons dismiss? f i 2 Novsalsiewgead alienated almost everyone ‘match these words and igible f 7 words in the dialogue. ina difficult sil avoid the issue q persevere with terrible : separate quickly and completely h —_ See) SIMON tye ust ben fred. | was out al morning seeing cans, economical with the truth, you've Sout aetty wel _ {came back and that man David Peacock fied me, said everybody’ tack up since you joined. So, weal hink = hewn ay etn et ot at is nt we ala lak mw 1 | ‘nou wats goin on. SIMON ma dara god sls. ff CEO Calm down, Simon. Did he give you any reason? CEO dnt say you werent and! think you shqud “sicko ‘SIMON - He said something about being a "lousy manager, don't that, but not here. t's my fault as much as'yours. 1 t know hows hare peopl, bathe got no night ane inlrvwed you sr shold have ofred you tejob iment oa mont matic. Ad aay, have ary and you shuld have taken i. | CEO Ne, tev Den no complains on that score, though CEO. but RS no out poly to eave peopl inihe sed | production says tat when ads ae mada you dot wie they nd anther ob Yost get mons sary put them thraugh quickly enough but that’s not the in lieu of notice and we're willing to give you another t \ ‘point, | won't beat around the bush with you, Simon, ‘wo months on top of that. } ‘but the truth is I've talked to David at great length and ‘SIMON What about the car? k wet ik Bsr the ight plc or you EO. Youcan kep that to unt the notice runs out: And SIMON iat do you mean by hat? vee quite happy for you to receive career counseting f CEO Look, two my best salespeople nave threatened to qt 2 wo you tink thai hl. ‘ i ang sles are algo. Were smal frm whee alle SIMON Cater counseling! You've goto be joking, t fine managers depend on each ter, nd, oto be i (1 aoysingemneraton — | «yea 4 being economical with the truth | sick { 4 TELEWORKING eos 2 - « 1. Read the rexe and decide which ofthe sentences below provides the best summary Broadly speaking, teleworking is documents were kept, Bat in an arrangement which enables the Age of ‘Information, employees to work at any time or and Telecommunications physical place in an effective and efficient location is no longer so important. | manner It is now possible to transmit is becoming an anachronism, the right drawer in an old | equipment was sited and the teleworking a 1 Lack of investment in cransport infrastructure has made the daily commute too stressful for many office workers. 2 Information transmission and retrieval has developed to such an extent that itis no longer s0 important for employces to go to the office 3 The development of networks of personal computers has made the old office mainframe redundant. 2 Gs Listen co an interview about the development of eleworkng and complet the table Ses a | BESCRIAIONS 1 tte ment cameon om lcevaig— us ea fe 2 ‘nvig stout a eign cat with cent ake 8 asia press sey sea fs sali eis 4 Wocxannting 5 3. Gx Liseen to four people talking about the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking and decide whether they fel basically positive (2) or negative (-) about it Listen again and write down the main reason) each person gives. as Spade ‘Sorker2 4 _ pated Spates u ae 6 the boss ‘The prince is ke the wind and the Deople like the grass; itis the nature ‘of grass to bend withthe wind, Confucius, Chinese teacher, philosopher and political theorist LEADERSHIP OR 1 Read che following staccinens and decile ityou apie with them, MANAGEMENT? © Leaders don’t need people shi @ Leadership isn't the monopoly of one person in charge. © Leaders have a cream, managers count sheep. © Leaters are neroes not coaches. © Leaters determine strategy, managers put It nto practve, ACE below are responses othe statements above, Match thet co the statements Leadership is fundamentally about showing other p people the direction they should follow, mainly by achievin something and setting an example. The abiliey to teach isa useful asse but those who have it don't necessarily make good leaders B_ Managers have administrative checldists of to dot items, whereas leaders have a long-term vision ~ they're fundamentally diferent roles, In an increasingly complex workl, goo! decision-making depends on the coordination of many diferent types of knowledge and skills, Anyone may take the lead on a subject they are expert on 1D Leadesship is all about taking ~ leaders don't have to be nice, they just have to take charge and not give a damn about what others think of them, E Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success. Leadership determines whether che ladder is leaning against the right wall fusts MODALS REVIEW 4 Correct the underlined movlals in the sentences wing the moni in the bow,” may Pouldn’s gust should 1 AF you tik, 1 6. mus book you into 3 hotel nearer the airport 2 absolutely say member to phone her before she goes home. 3 You shoul never ell what she’ thinking 41 ca have kno she woul be late she alvay ie 51 must no be ale oatend the meting, mai & You probably musta keep your walle in your back pocket: it 7 think you ‘can try to get to the shareholders meeting, but i's not an absolute obligation, 2 Complece the sentences with murentor dont have to, 1 Companies mustn't. real the laws ofthe country in which theyre based 2. She'll be aking a taxi from the airport so we fo and meee her. 3. Employees use the office phone to make personal calls 4 You weer shoes if you enter a mosque. 5 You speak 3 foreign language if you'te a waite, but it helps 6 Leaders be good managers; some are, bue most ofall chey deciee what direction to cake. Getting chere iss management task 3 Inthe Coursebook you rea about Arta the Hun The passage below i about another Complete the passage wich she verb forms in the box. did not have to had had to LEADERSHIP TACTICS: how Napoleon led his men to victory at Austerlitz liv AUGUST 1805 Napoleon’ army was on the point of invading England, But the Emperor | "A5.unable £0. do so because one of his admirals, Villeneuve, was blocked in Spain So Napoleon decided to lunch a suprise stack against the Austrian and Rssian army instead. In October his troops entered Vienna ~ they 2 tarch 2,000) kms in less than two months. The Austrians believe their eyes;the French had no uniforms and were dressed like peasants, At Austerice the Austrian and Russsian army * besten the French because they urnumbered their opponents two to one. But on the day of the battle Napoleon 5 worry too much about this disadvantage because he was helped by the weather. (On the morning of 2nd December it was foggy ancl although the French & soe the Russians from heir position, the Russians” see the French, The French ehus benefited from an element of surprise and after six hours of fighting the day was thers, could not Coulg Was/were unable to should have eT 20:3) CHARACTER Aes datee PRONUNCIATION: WORD STRESS WORD BUILDING 1 Complete the definitions with rea aggressive aloof ingratiating charismatie 9°€Garious dynamic vivacious charming 41 Chariematic...pcople like Mastin Lusher King are able to attract and influence other people because of their powerful personality 2 Someone who is deliberately stays apart feom other people and refuses «talk to them, especially because they think other people are inferior 3 Awoman who is has a lot of enetgy and a happy, ousgoing character. 4 Someone who is tries too hard co get other people's approval 5A Person is full of enesgy and new ideas, and determined wo succeed, 6A person is someone who has a very pleasant, attractive personality 7A person prefers to be with others rather chan alone. 8 A person who is behaves in an angry, cheeatening manne 2 Which ot the adjectives above a usually positive (4)? usually negative (2 Match che character adjectives above to che correct word stress pattins below, Then listen to check and repeat. 100 2000 3000 4000 charming 5 00 6 0000 7 0000 8 00000 Complete the table with the corresponding nouns and adjectives. ‘aggression ges ows ming ac ow oat lesson sopeioty ta DELEGATING AND MOTIVATING! tty to create an environment in which others make decisions. Success means not making them myself. Ricardo Semler, Brazilan industiast ‘Complete the table with the verbs thae correspond ro the nouns. Loe ‘ominan commit ‘onpetion Aorintn scone inpeton ob bien persuasion net VERB PATTERNS 1 Which ofthese verbs refer to ways of geting people ro do things widow cele agreement? Tick the elevane boxes. convince compel force influence inspire oblige order motivate persuade request All the verbs above fit into ase the following pattern. somicone co do something 8 pal = i 2 Vee this pate and one ofthe ves above co rece he sextncst without changing the meaning. It may be possible to use more than one of che verbs for same sentences. 1. [finally managed to tll him into spending more money on the project. [finally managed to persuade him to spend more money on the project. 2 Executives work hanter with the motivation of profit-sharing. Profie-shating i 3. She made him leave the company. She Z HEC ect 4 We asked our bank manager for help with our debs. We <= 5 Some leaders ate so charismace chat ther followers achieve unexpected result Some leaders 6 Her arguments were so convincing that I dd sec up my own business She finaly " JOB SATISFACTION suitable sentence (A-E), Read through this article about job satisfaction, Begin each paragtap A. Give all employees as much meaningful work to do as possible, B Publicly recognise and personally congratulate employees for good work Give employees the information they need to do the job, D Ask employees for their feedback and suggestions and involve them in decisions that affect their jobs. E Pay people what they are worth, company owners, man- agers and supervisors have always been frustrated and confused by the employee with little or no motivation. We have all seen the employee who has cut off al emotional contact with the organisation, has. little commitment and just goes Uwough the motions. ‘They park their enthusiasm for life in the car park every morning but avoid doing anything that might be a reason for dismissal, are content to do the minimum and volunteer nothing, In the modern economy a job for life has gone and many people feel it is foolish to be loyal to a company that is not loyal to them. So what have management gurus Produced in terms of new techniques to inspire employees and stimulate motivation? The answer is, it seems, not much, Ideas in motivation get renamed and repackaged but that does not prevent many managers from ignoring them. So what are the more popular techniques currently in use? These ate the most 2 ‘Make sure they know their Priorities and give them the tools and taining for the job. Despite much talk, many people still cannot articulate what their key priorities are. If a person's work is not intrinsically interesting then more needs to be done to make it acceptable: job rotations, job sharing or job enriching, a Take into account market forces and the competition as well as an individual's contribution. Most people benchmark their salary more regularly than their employers do, 4 - More specifically, after the good work occurs. Celebrate’ success; create heroes, - People work better when they feel their opinions are valued and they have a say in the decisions that influence their working lives. In conclusion, if you work in a company culture based on ‘If you use me, I'll uso you' the above advice is well worth bearing in mind. ph (1-5) with the mos i i se+ 9 RIE - GETTING THINGS Gm Lisun so she ve lepine conversion ext an DONE White the umber af the extn in the lean bon id identify the purpose of each one 4 Someone is asking a colleague ro replace him 4 Someone is dealing with a request for product information, © Someone is having to do the work ofa sick colleague. 4” Someone is having the company’s web pages redesigned, © Someone is following Pon a customer complaine. MISSION STATEMENTS A mission statement has been defined as ‘x long awkward sernence thar demonstrates -managementsinabilicy co think clearly’ 1 The following mission sratements correspond ro the above definition. Match each statement (1-4) with its ‘ansacion in simpler English (A-D). (You don't aced to understand every word t@ do the task) 1 ‘which will synergistically leverage personnel coordination. — | Our mission is to enhance effective methods of empowerment | Ae geet management policies so that emerging tendencies can be anticipated ' (OUR CHALLENGE is to enthusiastically pursue proactive | and timely solutions found A - — a (Our task has been to utilize planet-wide interactive infrastructures | in order to capitalise on the ensuing interdependent benefits arising from the new paradigm of the global network. | | 4 We ent to provide access to highimpac intlletal cape so that organisstions can implement solutions in response tothe challenges ofthe 21st century, A. We ate consultants, B. We prepare for the futre We get people co work cogether. We use e-mail 2 White your own translation for che flowing mission statement. | Our mission is to make available to consumers cutting edge, market-driven | technology that enables peripatetic users to interact vocally across distance | froma variety of locations. a face to face Mootings aro indispensable when you dont want to do anything, John Kenneth Galbraith, economist MEETINGS Read che exact fom a management handbook below. Which of thes psa verbs could i replace the more formal linguge undedind inthe extrac? 1 gecto the point 5 takeover | 2 um into 6 sick to f 3 talk things over 7 find out i # aumiap 8 get together | Meeting members of staff | centhing or cooling we need. | When manager and sbexinate mes o dics mauss infamy hereis | toned anew, batt oneroane snares fe geinsaethe || tame for anyother meeting ' sch she important sis icy ' » flaw the agenda k > conclu the end E atlas and make sure that te other person ares with the suenmry | f Inde vent of dagen te mest maybe acenentaon and heen be atendeney oe || the manager to dominate the conversation and create relationship of vontol and submission, On the, | other certin amoun ofra otonaton uy be pee hay adres | PRONUNCIATION: 1 GBB Listen co these phrases and notice how vowel and consonant sounds ae inked LINKING AND : DELETION ce x i oa af 2 Ga When ovo consonants occur next co each other one of the consonant sounds tends to disappear. Listen to these phases, mee(®) to discuss no fixe(d) framework the meetin(g) may 3a Linen and prcie sying the pasage aloud, making sue yout inking and deletion appropiate Franklin was upsee over a discrepancy in his invoice, Before I could gee a word in, he began «o read the roe ‘Tm sorry, si, but I dont have any of the details. Pleas let me check this and get back to you tomorrow.’ MEETINGS AND TECHNOLOGY FACE TO FACE ‘The passage below describes an application which enables campany members to present information and interact over distance by using new technologies, T. Read che text and decide if these statements are true or false. 1 The system is not easy to use 2 You can see all the speaker's slides in the order you want to 3 You can modify one of the presenter’ slides. 4 Audience members can send each other notes. 5 The presenter and the audience ean hear a person asking a question. 6 Everyone automatically sees an audience members written comments. ‘As many firms are now organised on several sites either at hhome or abroad, they are looking for technology to help support communication and training to distant locations 4s a resull, an application has been developed that broadcasts live audio and video presentations, while providing a mechanism for audiences to ask questions. It fenables the speaker to interact with the audience anonymously, and it allows audience members to send ‘written comments tothe speaker. ‘The way it works is simple. To give a presentation, speakers sit in front of a workstation and talk to a camera Participants watch the speaker's image in the left portion ‘of the main (upper left) window on their laptop screen and view the speaker’ slides in the window below. By default, the slide window displays the speakers slides in. the sequence they are shown, but audiences can also move through the slides independently by clicking on the arrow buttons to the right of the main slide. The speaker and each audience member can type or draw on the slides, but only the speakers marks are seen by everyone, ‘Audience members interact with the speaker through spoken question, or a writen comment. To ask a question, audience members press the Ask to Speak button, which puts their-name in the In Line to Speak list. When called ‘on, they press the Speak button and speak into their microphones. Everyone else hears the question and sees & small picture of the audience member who is speaking. Audience members can also send the speaker written ‘comments. The Comments button brings up a window in which they ean type a note and then send it in. But only the speaker sees these comments, unless he/she chooses to present one to the audience asa slide. 2 Look at che picture ofthe laptop sreen that a member ofthe audience would see, Label the picture with the underlined words or phrases in the tex, 1 Could you ple es mare about fm ot sure this would work because. r { +3 EO Read che article and choose che best headline. INITIVE / GERUND 1 Read ; i 1 MEN AT WORK ARE TOO TACTILE 2 HANDLE WITH CARE : 3 WARNING — TOUCHING IS OFFENSIVE ‘en who avoid physical Mi erne owl ae simply out of touch, A body language expert has shown that women. communicate better than men because 65% of face- to-face communication is non-verbal and women are more tactile ‘| ‘Certain body language | such as a light touch on the oth person's elbow can enable colleagues to create more positive outcomes at | work,” says the expert “Men really need to work on this so they can avoid slipping behind in the promotion race, Simple | gestures can certainly help to improve a man’s career it is also true, to say that traditional male'leadership styles area Prospects, an thing of the past.’ | However, lawyers warn men tobe always easy to Judge what is simply a careful or they risk finding themselves friendly gesture and what is an unwanted on the wrong side of the law if they try sexual advance. As fee as women are Wrenn, 8 colleague who finds” it concerned, we recommen telling their ollensive. ‘I would not encourage men to male celle gues if follow the advice of body language uncomfortable about being touched, paberts says a spokesperson for a Certainly from a legal perspective it is leading employment law firm. ‘It isn’t unwise io touch colleagues.” they” feel ES 2 Read he tessa hee verb fo pu under cach ofthe headings VERR FOLLOWED DIRECTLY VER FOLLOWED BY AN’ vere FOLLOWED BYAN INFINITIVE OMECT AND AN INFINITIVE DIRECTLY RY A GERUND 3 Add ewo of the followi g verbs under each heading, allow postpone finish refuse remind offer 4 Notice his example of e+ ajeine + infin inthe lat emenes of he aril + Its unwise to touch colleagues, Find the other ewo examples of his structure in the article 5 Complee she flowing vx by uring the ntect ve om in exch eae COACHING STAFF Being a good manager often involves \(to talk / talking) to staff in order to encourage them %(to.raise /:Yaising) their performance at work and help them *(to realise / realising) their full potential Coaching is an inherent part of the whole management process and it is important ‘(not to confine / not confining) it simply to performance reviews or annual appraisals, As a manager, you should not hesitate S(to take / taking) the initiative and set clear goals. It is also sensible Sto be / being) available if colleagues wish "(to discuss / discussing) problem areas and learn new techniques COUNSELLING STAFF People with problems generally appreciate %to talk / talking) about difficulties in their work or personal lives with a trained counsellor. Very often a good counsellor ~ if he or she is consulted early enough ~ can offer ‘(to provide / providing) the kind of assistance necessary to solve the problem But it is unwise “(to try / trying) to take the place of a professional counsellor if the problem is too complex. In such cases, make sure the ‘employee can have time off work so they can see a specialist. 28 iH TAKING PART — 1 6885 Liston co Jim, Rachel and Paul having a ‘meeting and answer chese questions, i a accounts Hl 4 feedback from customers € product launch 2 Who gets angry towards the end of the meeting? 2 es Listen asin snd fil in the gaps in the script. erent eneennenei My Sonar se Rachel? RACHEL Wal think we're ignoring the most important people in th chain ~ the people who actually sell our products Paul 2 JIM Sorry, Pau, just let Rachel fash i FACHEL | think we need to got ou and have meetings wih stop assistants, slore managers, ‘hose kinds of peopl, and tnd out from them how the pubic is responcing. PAUL 8 FRAGHEL 1 said think we need to gt out and have mectins with shop assists, store managers, those kinds of people, Thats the way to find cut what people realy think. "mean, ve might have go his whole thing complotly wong, PAUL But the whole pont nee that we've tying to do soming dierent, H you ask ‘hose people, they just tell you that they want more ofthe same oH eee | PAIL Mi oedema pinata ay | nevis hate hts uhatn wse | moves * i Weve aot any ot curbestas ton itis id oan i wm Ye j é 3 Whee in this table would you pur phrases 1-6 above? gba pon hing rion ‘ing or epaton Inerptiag aig Dsigeeig 4 Puc these phrases int the appropiate places inthe table Tea go along wih tha I want to sy something Tim sory could you be more specif? tf you say wo. om i “The Coursebook tales abous two ways oF answering questions: Acsraight answer = answer + reason + example [Ae I= answer + control phrase + your point 4. Lookeae ehese three questions chat you wil hear on the recording, oe eos eet ars a ist Inetese h cot xbusieses wih ety stupging in vay fc ana? 4 ERRIZI - + hun wit we see concn mang he ea fps tt sarod were promise tte at aul Greta Meet? Ceanyou pan wy is poet is ‘lead i mont tain sche? 2 Gs Now listen co the questions and answers. Which ithe ‘etaigh answer and which use the ‘A+ V formula? ae 2 3 3 Answer these questions. What effect might the increase have in dhe short term? “What isthe bank committed to? ‘When will the company hie its profic target? "Twoinai Gen ween et fe walching a mechantal do you think the implied message i? excavator ona bul sie | 1 Technological progress works baclovands, mae for tat moat oer, tial progessis nota dhrat, | Swab manana tran ory 2 Technological prog : shoves coud bo Nome nae 3 Technological progres creates social oing at." teaepoons ould be doing that problems Whae (happen) i here (be) no advertising? lFposter and billboards disappear), ciy sects (be) less colousfil, itv {bave) no commercials, most TV seations (shut down). newspapers and magazines (00t catty) advers, hey (60s: aloe more. IF products (not advertise), we (10% know) about thei we (not know) about products, we (ot purchase) them, Where ©) no advising, many products, companies and jobs (ease) to exis oer t ADVERTISING COPY °° 6 EE 1 The out ofan advertisement often contains many adjectives to make the product sound as aucractive as possible deny which adjective goes with which produc). 1 andy 2 hand-painted 3 sparking 4 blondes 5 tea, coffe, tobacco {machine toot champagne, soda procision-bult 6 fragrant 1 tue performance 2 oven saving naive 3 record- efcent maintenance space. siee porato casserole 5 touble baking pcket of washing powder 6 conor ready furiture 3. Advertning copy ofencraggerits dhe producrs Features to make it sound moe atactive than it relly Use he words and expression inthe box ro replace the words in alc so thatthe message s made more appealing. stylish easy-to-understand —Well-drawn a high degree giveaway jnutes high-class matter of minutes the finest ‘ ¢ are delighted to offer our readers this standard garden furniture at? low prices Crafter from 4 some Lapland | wood, the range combines a sturdy : : construction with § «certain ammount of comfort. The § functional desig allows the parts to be assembled in at siort time. Each self- assembly item of furniture comes with 7 simple structions and s 00d illustrations, ar mor information write NOW while stocks Inet Jardeen or telphnme 0800 114115, °C EEE SUPERMARKET 1. Kal this article abour Hovalty cand schemes in supermarkets and decide whether the | STRATEGIES —_sutcments below are eruc or fuse THe or i ttesbic. with the obtained on spending habits ig ‘schemes vary from eee the tem lon of te ese Digher spending is sustainable, 1% discount, plus special offer Bea | | smcy has ta cone than sobaone Seprer this makes more aiuto jt gives £9 dee ‘Tade it in for sccm gt 10 Alewaysowned pon scheme et Spending nee a USONIS Me guste he acuelaion stra ineimargoers can collect a free cinema SENOS more and the information What ae the beac Da ard ticket, worth £7.50, ——— a Financial Times 27.9.97 Icuossary 4 7.9.9) laughing stock object of ile To {- Gastomes ike the idea of geting something for nothing, 2, Customers have to pay for thei fe gifs and speci offers, 9, Castomes wll definitely goon spending more 4 is easy forthe customer to see what he or she is geting as 4 result of the points scheme. 2. The company’s marketing rep gave everyone a 3 With our ~~ $0 L wasnt (00 unhappy. © Air UK are currently offering fights ata 2596 1) Why have some people criticised loyaley 3 Which of these points docs he nor card schemes? ‘make to answer this criticism? 4 They have increased the price of goods, 4 They give supermarkets too much information. © They ate 100 complicated. 4 The lew protects the consumer 4 They provide the consumer with What he or she wants, ©The shoppers get back some of 2 What criticism docs the journalist Sis money chey have spene smake about supermarkecs 4 The loyalty card creates loyal 4 They use daca to exploit customers 4% They make excessive profits, © They force small shops to close down, SELLING A CAR PRONUNCIATION: INTONATION 1 Go acon a ca salesman talking to a potential customer. Choose the most suitable ending to che following statement, 5 (Phe salesman's approach could be beter, because he is 1 t0 honest. i 2 con enthusiastic. 3 too technical 4 too casual. B= Nove listen to the salesman communicating the same ideas in ways that the customer is smote likely co understand. Complete what he says instead ofthe following: 1. equipped with filly independent hydro-pneumasc swpension, with Magpheron seats a the fone, and rear railing ars Ks avery = That cco 7 tour wich Z 2 it has a pretty impressive 15.4 cubic fet of rear axle load expacity Wel, 5 a 16 bare, swin eam, divee injection unit, delivering 160 brake horse power at 7,600 rpm “The engine is peefecly iH Te will Z and ies very - Z (BB. stem again to these questions in the recorded dialogues on these pages. Are they said swith acsing (_) oF filling (L. )intonation? “Why do people eiticise these lyaly card schemes? (L, ) “The ideas to manipulate customers for your profi, an ie? So how does that help? ‘wht exacey fant clear, madam? Hhave you gor a brochure! AL eee Lees have a look, shall we? 7 We quite big, isnt itt 8 Oh well, chars good, ine it? Now complete the rules by underlining the correct word. 1-When we ask Wh- questions (beginning with We, Waar, How, et.) we use (ising / falling) inconation, 2 Tn yes/no questions, we use (rising / falling) intonation. 3 With tag questions, we use (ising / filling) intonation when there isan expected answer “4. -With tag questions, we us (sing /flling) fitonation when there is no expected answer “ "envy paranoids; they actualy feel people are paying attention to them, THE MILLENNIUM BUG Susan Sontag, American essayist 1” Read quickly though se newspaper arte and ans hese qusions 1 Whar does Y2K stand for? Why is it referred to here as YOK? 2 What lesson. can be earned from this experience? 2 Complete the article sing thee linking word and phe Whatever happened to the millennium bug? is have periodcilly oncom Ae end OF 1999 soite people edited 2 catastrophe because computer tlluare mache ee 2000" with 1300. f these forecasts, nothing mul ‘oppenod ring many people wondering wheter Uns gear plied de destruction of our compuct World woe ian ‘0 the othor hand as aresull ination but “in conclusion “so. despite > ‘couutriesthae started work late and dd fitle “outhem Enon, kane ‘puch of Asia = had troublesce Nees wee : waa the money wasted? dpoeilY 29t- One spinca isa wiser approach to infomation technology and semble nak manager’ 2 vat \necable a the eligionsprophow of the fn ca of formation on pica prtiens and lies Co foes ling seroplans aid mo exploding powee OE Of in jnluris “such as Gane, amaton at sto Such ideas were alwaye the sa of rey 5 communications, ouutees and organisations tha maligned ts juralias “wee “trven to ipaning COM {0 eh problem wees aie to bene fromthe svpeien t ‘maltunctions in the ‘eri by the Hong Kong police Ai so, while these wes ket robles mote, in the vst majority of een Y2K tanned ca Eey20K, Cre exoluation is the the billions of dolls spent on the problem works: Many onpnitions cared out elf Sele ine ‘nveatories and invested in new equipment 3 hoot linking word or phe om the box above oma 2 co sum up 2 consequently 4 Match the underlined words in the article co these det ‘of thote that had conve fine " Wwe ‘have leant to hive a. more informed ues tome echoologia sags. The bop wr mene stroma in suction of empiri tie mai dite The leon to be lear stat poop ae take semibe precautions but notte pane ‘The Evonemiet 8 1.2000 these words and phrases, 3 in spice of 4 moreover ations io which alo of people Become fightened sbout soneth ing Possible, when dhe necessary circumstances exist i 2 sry which many people believe, but which is nov nee 4 set oF instructions that can destroy infoemati 5 an unexpected but useful —— ion in a computer ‘result of something happening THE FUTURE Underline the correct verb form in each sentence. 1 Weil better take a taxi ~ it looks a if (5 going to rain / will be raining). 2 Yim fed up with my job. I'm going t0 apply ! will appy) for another one. 3 Could you ring the airport and aske what rime the firs light co Bangkok (shall eave / leaves)? Fi sue Albania (will become / wil be becoming) an important oui destination 5 Problems with theca? Dente worry, I give 'm giving) you life i you like. 6 1. have finshed Fe finishing) the tepore on Wednesday afternoon and it should be realy for Thursday 7 By 2015, digital money and virtual currencies (will bave been replacing / will have replaced) conventional money. 8 We (will have fare having) an office party for Vanessa after work on Friday. She (ill work / will have been working) for us forten years. Complete these grammar notes by writing dhe number of each of the sentences above in one of the spaces provided, “The present simple can be used to refer toa epulr schedule For example ‘The present continuous can be used eo refer co arrangements. For example Wallcan be used to make spontaneous offers For example: 1 2 3 Willcan be used to make a frtual prediction. For example 4 5 Ging to can be use to predict fawure events based on a presene aseasment of the sination, For example: 6 Going t can be wsed for personal decision or intention, For example: 7 The future continuous (will be + verb + -ing) can be wd for events which are in progress at a particular time in the furure, For example: 8 The future perfect (will have + past participle) can be used for an event thae will be completed ata given fueure time. For example: 9. The future perfect continuous (wil have been + verb + -ing) is used eo focus on the continuous nature of an event up toa moment in che fucwre. For examples 3. Complete these sentences using an appropriate face frm ofthe vers in brackes. There may be mote than one posible answer. 1 Pechaps by 3000 the world (be) so polluted char che human race _-- live) on other planets 2 ‘Telonit know how co get there." “Donit worry, I (cake) you with me. 3. By the end of the year we hope we (recover) our initial invesement. 4 The next erin (et in) a€ 15.34. 5) Have you heard the news? Sandra... on (have) a baby. 6 Suely by now the insurers (realise) heir mistake in paying, out such a Jnage sum in compensation. 7 By next summer, the cOMtFACIONS om (ovork) on the ste for over nwo years and even then they sil (not Finish laying the foundations! a t BUSINESS IMAGERY — susiVESS AND War 1 Many metaphors we in busines are ated on images of coi, Complete the sentences | below with these expressions. fighting aosing bate = = bate of wits ~ to do bate wit 'o win the atte but ose the war hal toate 1 es a hostile wakeover bid and the two firms are ready thes Luntl one of 7 Het a good salesman: he not afraid ro let his customers tll hin: what he doing wrong and that’s 3 The miners’ strike went on for a year and became beoween the union and the government. 4 ‘Whe ccolagises ave preparing a cal fina dais said to be damaging dhe 5 The police are against Internet erime: they havea got the resources to deal with the problem. & Dorie gt ino confice with your hos: however ad you fight youre likely 2 ead seve susimnary cuties and complete the sentences, to make a killing informal in the firing tine likely co be { make alot of money in a short Dlamed for an organisation's mistakes time with litle effort to be gunning for sb informal tobe wing to id x oporty to be up in arms informal to be ery angry and eady fra fight 1 He fed up with being the spokesman forthe nuclear i when there is a public healch scare, 2 Those shates are at rock 3 The local residents are Power industry as he’ constandly botwom. Ifyou buy them now youl aboue the government’ decision to allow a chemicals facory to be buile neat the town, 4 Theve are several dissatisfied members ofthe boat who are president ar the moment the coceeces 7 UNE: BUSINESS AND SPORT 1 Many business idioms ae taken Geom ball sports, Complete the sncencs below with the i exprestions th base cout \ oa ~ ae | Dalpark gue bat con the bat —— to cany the bal i wo sta the ba ottog a wnole now bal gare | 1 I dos't know how much ie'l east bur $50,000 would be a good 2 She's rally knows-exacrly whar’s happening. 3 T've told her what inks the ow bu Africa is (OK, everybody here? Yes. Right, craining is the first item on the agenda ~ anyone want We've had experience of exporting to Scandinavi 6 Pre heen doing everything | 1 For years nove its rime for someone ele 2 March she undelined idioms with the spre that they come from: 1 Fle came in fora lor of criticism but he ggok iton che chin and did't lose confidence 2 We very difficule~ they keep moving che goalposts and changing che rules so you dont knove where you stand. 3. fie cwo yeas of fuitless negotiation we gave up and shrew in th rowel 4. We know ic may not be plain sailing for a while buc changes are necessury t0 kev the business alive 5 Ler's get chis meeting starred, shall we? Whos going to kick off 6 I neatly got the job but wae pipped atthe post by the other candidate 7 Were neck and neck with our neatest competitors but I think our bid will Our fir has never had co counter eakoover bid so were now sling uncharted waters. 5 fh °° NET WHEN IT PAYS Complete the following article using these phrases TO COMPLAIN Proof of purchase demanded a refund marketing coups I impressed with the gesture reap hevietits: umtonter legally customer complaints department i pass on the good news | I WHEN A DISSATISFIED customer rolled a set of oon tHE 88 Unhappy customer tells between ten and { {es into the middle of a shop and sari eet thee experione, but acustomer we | a the ‘ks assistant iimediately agreed. The response HES unusual because the shop, pat ofthe Nowdszom chin of clothes stores in the United Sues, doesn’t expensive ad campai sell ytes, and the customer tad no will aso & - fh cepa § WAY that islkely to have more inact than ay Betsy Sanders, a former vice-president at Nordstrom, ‘dnits she has no idea wi ether the tyre incident setualiy jPpened. What is more important isha the tale har become a great advert for Accompany’s 3 pranteh viéved by managers as no more than & way of Pateeting Uiemselves rom the public. But Ms Serdang Delite th boneing 4 ssraplai property ars One atthe airline did" have his the company. 2 and the passen, EF continued wy be reminded of it the magazine I every time landed on his doormat foo in everything Product development and cost savings ‘The Guardian 24.2.98 tirana 1 Some nous and es oem go ost fer xe ‘ap bene and anole a compli GOMPLAINTS For each noun and verb combination decide which te ate can be used with the noun, Joa make 3 # sorcou & deal with a complaint b fis problem © resolve © satisfy 2 4 anivea 4 a make 6 seule a compromixe & put forwan! a solution © reach © find 2 comple hesenencs — pesoiyy using these eb object air file Kick up take uP } 1 In respons co recent lyofs the union is going to an induseeal tribunal 2 Would you ITT parked my cain fron ofthe gate? 3 Why dori you the mater 4 She was very upeee but she didit wane co 5 There are regular meetings where staff can & Were doing everything we can to an official complaint wich with your member of parliament? a fiss in public their grievances. she dispuce, | ++ 7 EINIMNMN- + EFFECTIVE 1 GS Listen roa guest complaining tothe manager ofa hotel and ick the correct answers MANAGEMENT? 1 Whar is che man complaining about? a The waiter has brought the wrong dish, & Theater is impolice, ¢The-vater has forgorten ther oder 2 What e Yanation does the manager give? «They are short of sal ‘The uniter may nor understand The vextnuran x very bury 3 What problem does the waiter have in taking che onder? 4¢ The in speaks t00 fst. The ote confuses certain sounds The shes are not on the men, 2. Ge Listen io another gucst complaining co hotel manager and answer the questions 1 What is the woman complaining about? 2 How dors the manager answer her complaints? 3 Why di ¢he say ‘be my guest’? PRONUNCIATION: GBI Listen co ome pairs of words on the recording. Sometimes you will hea the same word EASILY-CONFUSED twice. Sometimes you will hear both words, Just tick the words you hear, For example, if you WORDS ear chicten al check-in, ick both words: iFyou hear check-in owice, just tick check-in 1 chicken checkin 2 achief achieve 3 chaie share 4 back pack 5 base pace 6 bill pill 7 cheap sheep cheat sheet 9 watch vwash 10 tight right 2 filed fired 12 lace rae Fair exchange is no rabbery proverb Complete the questionnaire to find out Sree resctceae eee 1 You nae deceed to upgrase Seger Forae ant eben 5 ones moves your $150,000. 1 point pier $4,000 bya supper Hon much sees youtryto get 3) none? 3 exon the ret pero by another tre ment 2) 1687 9) 98% or more? 2 A pests aged pbs yur ook How be 2 Boer 6) relent tke them to court? aaa. You have asked tr 75000 ees on syeagec re 1OW LOOK AT THE ANSWERS TO Ste HoW You aor o alae ty Oy BreRsred oar you S0.000aninants, NOW LK AONE TEE HOW YoU Gor on 237470000 compan of te masa Wat vost 2) acep thao? sia A ne dood a Re °) oteran stent peposar $1112 fis pace i fe 6) ttn goo a penta seo es at won 5 fee a oa rt tty sae jn gto ‘ar te mm eo ine ee rer sews fe Janes YO WAM ae rice at $20 each, You wrt ae aoe yous? 2) Heres $80 thon 2) Take tour pots but ned a god aecoun 6) Tove you 850 far fou pa, 4 ou a ina sr ung an Teo yo hve hasan i eae ait abbsman ora discount tt he la yaa fo bay er ce ao aed omer tah a the Do yor: 2 cap athe say as prota rg? 2) Inston discount or rae eet er oe year? compli tothe manager about hi ates Invest make | TIME IS MONEY These five verbs all combine with both sme and money. Use the Se! | appropriate verb to complete the sentences belove ie (omer nt 25% of my salary on rent every month, Se =e 2 Heb decided to 4 great deal of money in Incerner stocks. | 3 Dorie your time tying co sll spaghetti to the Italians, 4 Vin very busy but Pl ty to time to see her inthe affernoon, | 5 Welt ‘lor of cme if we go by cari takes oo long by public anspor, I PHRASAL VERBS ° ‘1 Mach the phrasal verb in dhe box on the ef with ther meanings in che box on the righe Then complete che sentences helow with the correct Form ofthe appropriate phrasal verb. 1 buyout 5: ing w cole —¢ here ‘2 stepup = 6 runout 6 establish —f stop burning 5 tepup 7 setup ¢ invnt—g end i 4 goat — & makeup d mention — get financial eantrol *serasurenmomme: Toansgencrceasummna: 1 think you'd Better nen the Subject anu a¢ the meeting, She wants to hher own business in che Middle Fast Twas erying to 2 good exeue for being late ween We need 10. production if we're going co meet the delivery dealin My boss is very pleased and hhas told me t0 ons the good work Tim doing on this project. 6 Our company was by a competitor last yeas, 7 My contract in Seprember. 8 “The lights have all over Europe; we shall not se them lit again in our lifetime." (Lord Grey, 3 August 1914) ‘Complete the passage below by replacing the underined ves POMBE out come across put UP shes! deal with — 0220 go back ‘ 0 ahead puto #104 OF Qo Uy put in A few years ago I think Iwas ' cheated by a sma salesman when I wanced buy a new washing machine. The one I had was old and had been... dismantled several times by various mechanics. It had now stopped working once and forall Then 1° founelby-chance a warehouse which was selling 2 good German model for 30% less than the recommended real price, so 4... placed an order and awaited delivery. Three days late I gota phone call to tll me thatthe German supplier had 5 increased the price by 20% because ‘the exchange rate had & increased He? indicated that the new price was sill advantageous, and the idea of going round all the other dealers 8 Aliscouraged-me from arguing so [told his €0 proceed with the order. The new washing machine was delivered soon ater, but 1 subsequencly dliscavened that the exchange eae had no changed ae all and a st returned to tis place again of recomended i eo my Bend So although the ploy worked in eh shore erm, this particu salesman isnot someone t would wane ro lysines: with again a result, F neve Most of the phrasal wsbs in the liste on this page are separable. Seven nf thems sve insepatable, e.g. go aut Lise the other six inseparable phrasal verbs 0 | DEAL The word web below shows some of the most common tse of the word deat fir deat leqree) a good deal ( an equtabe agreement ( good value for ho price pata) to deat with ( toa enquies or tho action fo sove problems) to make a deal todo a deal (to come to an agreomens) 10 deal a biow to to damage) ‘a great cea! (oral expression» fon te deal in tts 90 bg dea (© 10d business, usualy (+ tte not important) rbuvea na saa 2 a0 deal ( untar eament) ‘Complete these sentences using each of the phrases above in the appropriate farm 1 Mrs Barker all requests for product information, 2 1 coulda find a clenes phone number yesterday. +L thought, but my boss was furious 3 The laes rade figutcs may the government’ hopes ofan early recovery 4 Women stil fen gt 8 work — Les pay forthe same work and fewer ‘opporcunities for p 5 The agreement included n artractive discount and ewo years Free maintenance, so it wis 6 1 wih you ifyou pce meon Tees I work firyouan Sanday f 7 ewe sso bh buen ser went sy apy 8 esa lag spor company, hich Alpe faciqe utr and jewel 9 OF cou we ee shout the uly of sve we prvi 10 A: I wane $1,000, B: Make ic $950, Ac OK then, $950— STARTING OVER — G8) Listen to the story of how Jolin Lennon and Yoko Ono signed a deal with a record company executive called David Geffen. As you listen, choose che cotrect ending for each of the following scarements 1 Executives in the music industry wanted to sign wich Lennon after «4 he sent them tapes of just one new song, they heard rumours chat he had started recording again, © his previous recording deal had collapsed. 2 When music industry executives demanded to speak to Lennon they were cold to speak to his agent 4% Yoko hung up. © he was always eager to answer their queties. COUNTER TACTICS 3 When David Geffen sene telegram addressed co Yoko 4 Lennon was delighted. % Yoko was pucaed, © ithad no effoce at all 4 Geffen made a bad first impression 7a because he was weaving odd socks & because he was haan hour ate for the meeting © because he didnt know Yoko's music 5 Yoko decided to sign with Geffen because 4 Geffen liked her musie very much, 4 heshowed her chat he trusted her «he offered her more money than she had expected. Match the tactics a-Fto the descriptions 1-6, a Imposing a deadline 4 Dividing and ruling & Bullying and intimidstion Making emotional appeals Appealing to a higher authoricy L- Making a tase-msinute clainy 1 saying that they are not in a poscion to make a decision and tha dhey have ro reer back to head office 2 applyi 7 exploiting potential disagreements among members of your team hy appeating to the person mose sympathetic to their own position pressure by saying chat a deal must be reached by a certain time 4 questioning the performance of your company or the quality of your produc or service, warning of unwelcome repercussions ifthe terms an offée are turned down ‘making a demand when the other team thought chat che negotiation wis over and @ cefinitive agreement reached 6 accusing you of acting unfairly andl claiming tobe offence by your seeming lack of ‘rust and integrity ‘Which of these suggestions can be used to avoid being manipulated by tactics «-Fabove? 1 Suggest that you agree on what can be decided at rhe meeting and request thar next time participants have a full mandace to make all the importane decisions. ? Tee clear om exactly what you have agreed « and avoid going hick over of ground or ‘opening up new areas of potential dispute, Make regular summaries of whatever sectlement has heen reached and stick to it 3. Tell the other party that you cannot negotiate under time constraints and hae any Fuel items must be the subject of a separate session 4 Affirm your commitment to reaching a settlement on fair and equitable business terme Calm dovn the situation by stessing that you wan a win-win outcam 5 Make sure all members of your ceam ate briefed thoroughly beforehand). Allocate roles and work together ro achieve the objective, 6 Sway calm and do not lose your temper, Reaffirm your company’s postive results and its good repucacion, But if the oher party continues to show a threatening aninnd ssarn ther that you will have ro break aff the nett, EN PRONUNCIATION: 1B iow do you pronounce these words? Match them otis tres patra, hen Intent WORD STRESS check and wepoxe aggression bullying compromise hostility conviction modesty courtesy pressure frankness YY — hypoctisy 100 - 2 000 .agareasion. 3 Ooo a 4 0000 in eae 2 Underline the words in these sentences chat you think carry the main ses. The rnumberin brackets tel you how many words co undedne. Then sent check, 1 Lunch? You've got to be kidding, Lunch is for wimps. (3) 2 Loved ie at forty. Is an insult at fifty. (4) 3. Cheistmas is over and bu ness is business. (4) 4 In my book, either you do it right, or you get eliminated. (4) 3 GB Now listen co these sentences and underline the one word which carries most stress. 1 No, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I cat’t make lunch today. No, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't make lunch today. I don't think I can accepe ita that price. Idonit think I can accept ie at that price ‘We've gor to be realistic about this 2 3 4 J We've gor to be realistic about this 6 7 We tally can' afford any mistakes. 8 We really cant afford any mistakes. VIOLENT LANGUAGE — Match the sentence halves to form sentences using violent language. «by the CEO drassed in a porta suit | & down our toa, $10 fora cup of coffe is absurd — infact N Whe wants me to work during the holidays, he can go ewe a dt reyes weet sped as net | Tegra vases © Something o at, i 4 the power ofthe unions, and get stute. | f wsarealdp-ot pauau | | | ‘ | BUSINESS IDIOMS COLLOCATIONS Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiomatic expression, "lose your temper got to be kidding Get to the p, : t got more than you bargained i right" big deal 7 cards rive a hard bargain PLAY YOU" put your cards on the table take you for a ride UP for grabs beat about the bush 1. The director’ job is if you wane to apply fori 2 Wenevera good idea to «you only look ridiculous, 3 You thought that exporting to China would be cay ~ bu you + didnt your 4 You're tough negotiator and you're very astute, so no one ean ever 5 Lets not any longer. IF you give me three monchs ice credit, I'l take che goods off your hands : oe 5 I wish she would — it all seems inelevant to me. 7 75% cut in price! You've 1 8 IF you and keep cool, you should be able to get a good price 9 Tes time you ‘Tell us whac you really want, 10 Wes if we dont get the conmiract ~ we won't malee much ofa profit from ie anyway. 11 You want £300 for char ld printer. You certainly ! Complete the text below with the verbs in the box to make common combinations with the underlined nouns. apply break reach get bogged down in put forward clinch take conduct In any negotiation there are a number of separate stages. Fi aye a.proposal which becomes the basis of discussion, There certain amount of debate and at this stage the leaders of the opposing teams will probably 2 negotiation. After some time, there is always a rsk thatthe wo sides will detail and not be able to * agreement on the terms and conditions of a deal In order to% the deadlock, it may be necessary for one party to & pressure on the other alternatively, one negotiating team may * surisk and gamble on the other team making some sort of concession. After this bargaining stage its probably necessary to make ‘one final offer which will the desl and allow both parties to conclude the negotiation to their mutual satisfaction. Globes make my head spin. By the time | locate the place, they've changed the boundatos. TOP 5 GLOBAL Choose one of these diversified computer hardware ‘Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore silicon chips BRANDS —indasty sectors foe ie cach brand in the Software 1008 '08CC0 feverages table below, telecoms 'e entertainment automobiles ces ey RITE Cc us ‘0000 Mast us 5000 wu us 4840 Gensateesic us samo Fo us saw GLOBAL BRANDING —Reud the ail and lin the gape with csc nouns an noun phi branding household names ye glove global identity focal brands marketing mix identical packaging { ands, as Andy Warhol understood when he Beets im cages ae niversal icons. They have a. powerful pull on consumers in cosmopolitan cities such as New York or ‘Sao Paulo. And they touch the lives of people living in emote rural areas across | But global brands are about much more than logos and advertising campaigns, they are the foundations on whieh ‘multinational fiems are built. Companies such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Walt Disney and Sony are recognised the world over, By becoming synonymous with their products they almoc J own thei categories. Others, like PepsiCo, Danone andl { Nestlé have “done the same by. 2 Particular products. Doritos tortilla chips, Evian mineral j Nailer and Nescafé instant coffee are dhe me that competitors strive to beat. Strong brands bring other advantages, not least in cast savings, ys Frito-Lay, PepsiCo's snack food division, is introducing Doritos across Europe with 4 for every market, "We have a good idea of the & that works,” says Martin Glenn, commercial Vice-President { for Frito-Lay in Europe, the Middle East and Africa ‘People differ in the way they eat snacks. The thing is to fet people to try them,’ ( There are circumstances when it makes sense to retuin which have strong appeal in their own markets. Where the company has a strong brand image - in Mexico with Sabritas or the UK where Walkers crisps is the market leader Frito-Lay will preserve this, {We're not seckng uniformity forthe sake of it’ says Marin Glenn. “But we will move towards Lay's design Standard with its distinctive logo featuring on all packete ~ areal? : 6 Financial Times 22 10.97 °° o EEE MOUNS AND MOUN 1 Decide which ofthese words ae pled belo or afer the word rindand write them inthe PHRASES appropriate box. awareness global, Wixury geretchind loyalty managep image cquity leader BRAND 2. Now match each phrase with drand to che dictionary definitions below. | 1 the use of an existing brand name ona different type of product, hoping that people will buy it because they recognise the name 2 the collection of ideas and beliefs that people have about a product a ~ the degree to which people know about a particular brand 4 the concept of people regularly buying one type of product and refusing to change is) 1 brand that is sold all over the world 6 the brand with the most sales in a particular market fae oon the value of a brand tothe company that owns it and to possible buyers of the company 8 Z fan up-market brand with social status 9 esse Someone in @ company responsible for promoting one particular brand 10 the name a company uses for a product so that the product can be easily recognised ss EUROCONSUMERS Hi Listen to the extract from a radio programme about whether or not ther is ‘ypical European consumer and answer this question Is thete a Euroconsumer or no® Yes No 1 What docs the answer to the question above depend on 4 what youre tying to make i 4% wha youre teying to market € what youre tying to make 2 How many people like 1 good breakfast before they go to wok? % 4 18% 6 48% eg Which of these i a ‘good breakfast 4 cup of coffee and a cigareue in Sweden? & eggs and bacon © ayoghuse in lealy 4 cereals plus bread and jam 4 What is said about successful idealists (SI) and affluent materialises (AM)3‘T appropriate box. stoaM @ They are well-off 6 They buy BMWs, © They ate interested in thet health, 4 They like buying prestige foreign products, © They are k concerned with making moncy. Ff They enjoy displaying theie symbols of wealth t | | I | | THE THIRD CONDITIONAL 1 Quickly read the passage about Michael Moore, Are these statements true or false? 1 Michael Moore is always agains redundancies. 2 Heis tical of union leader lack of militancy 3 Phil Knight refused accept any of Moore's suggestions, MICHAEL MOORE'S film The Big One is an account of his tour across the length and breadth of the United States to promote his book Downsize this! Both the book and the film are an amusing but Savage criticism of the way American corporations have gone global, shutting down their US plants in order to relocate their operations in the Third World, He does not attack legitimate layoffs when a company 's losing money. But firms such as General Motors, AY &T and General Electric have fired thousands of ‘employees despite making record profits. This leads interesting question; “if the companies hadnt made such huge profits, would it have saved jobs?" He also attacks union leaders for allowing this state of affairs to happen. For example, in 1981, President Reagan fired 11,400 striking air trafic control workers 2. Real he panage spin and complete the following fom ofthese verb 1A American corporations had made less profig, the workers might 2 labour leaders a general s ‘and permanently replaced them. The controllers’ union had even backed Reagan Presidential campaign! But labour union leaders Fefused to call a general strike that would have shut | ‘the country down until Reagan rehired the controllers, Union members crossed toy. {In the film, Moore meets Phil Knight, the CEO of Nike, and asks. to travel with him to. visit Nike's factories in Indonesia, where children of 14 are ‘employed. Phil Knight refuses to accept Moore's offer Of @ froe ticket. He also refuses to set up a shoe factory in Flint, Michigan, where General Motors hed Suppressed 30.000 jobs. But, to his eredit, Phil Knight finally agrees to make sure that no one under the age of 18 is allowed to work in a Nike factory in indonosie and gives $10,000 to the unemployed in Flint. Picket lines and continued see find support Set reinstate“? accept keep heir obs, . Reagan would probably... the coneelles, 3 IFPhil Knight Michael Moores fre flight, he could the factory conditions for himself. 4 IFKaighe a shoe Factory in Flint, many unemployed Americans anew job Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same asthe Fis 1 Moore's book was published by Random Hous, 9 nationwide publisher guaranteeing bi sales, and not by a small publisher If che book by a small publisher, Moore might ou. $0 many copi 2. The firm was chreatened with bankruptcy but avoided it by reducing payroll cost. I the firm a way of reducing payroll costs, it... hankrup. 3. There would have been na improvement in standatds of living in developing counties nt of multinationals, IF multinacionals in developing countries, standards of living 4 Without downsizing, ic was impossible ro remain competitive in a global market. Ifthe firm vie competitive ina global marker. 5. When the factory workers ost their jobs, they had to more ro another city to find work. to another ciry. che factory workers... their jobs, they 7 INTERNATIONAL PRONUNCIATION: Look at che way che word rate can combine with other nouns. Which three ‘expressions mean the same? unemployment inerest of inceres exchange rate rate of return, marker ofexchange base going 2 Complete senences using appropriate phases rom above.‘Thet i smtines more han fone possible answer, Ie Tia hha fallen Jot recently and now is the tine to borrow money 2 In Havana, che black... for pesos is 60 to the dollar, 3 The investment promises a high atleast 80 cents co the dollar 4 Arestrctive government contract force the company to purchase its supplies well above the 5 The thas reached 9% of the otal adult working population. 6 The banking sector has reduced its by 29% for first-time borrowers, Complete the crossword, 1 the opposite of surplus 1 2 the money used in Indonesia fel 3 the money wsed in Brazil 4d money used ia Malaysia leis R 5 another way of saying cureny: egal 5 ST 6 che money used in South Koiea atest 7 foreign 5 the activity of buying and "| —| sling careces 8 7c 8 the cureney used in China aly FB Listen wo the way these words ate pronounced Mf reach chip departure Ad5/ average journey bualgee 2 Add these words to the lists above according to the consonant sound. advantage junk bond percentage speech, major image purchase challenge Ie eullure —jetage tual 8 GB Listen ta the recording, check Your answers and repeat the words. JOKES AND HUMOUR 1 Read this article and answer the questions below. / quiet joke at your expense i= h = ne tz «(sxe mu ww omy sa vy so 40) Fig roam, nos modem scctey? Bid appar to vale io highly? Iie 4 Provided itis Renewoient, icon is not such important. to disinguish for? froma eas. Both irony and sarcasm involve} t Ne working as The conamis's bad thing, H sugges a Sete Mens | ima in Suton Aun Tales) shut once, one's valves md ones siping he oppadcaf hare nee he | semling pei aheut Brith lions tier ony wna abe wer sonehedy a hehe Sane 5 Giolomars, Their briefing aout the tse to sly rrogemmes of conquest or Sse doubt hex ae Te inte | 4) countries im which they were ased ad extermiaation fo “understand {one thing in common. ‘They used to sta The British urge to puncture grandiose that's tenbly: chew || with. “straightforwand account of ‘the visions is captured in a some aboot "I sppose you think ays the sareatic | teacher tothe supid child. Hony, however, | FOMERL aid anomie sition, followed Oliver Fanks, Britain's ambassadoe in ty efferent: Many peuple, when Reena see they hae no sense a iony. Rohert Cooper, warrenty head byaafew anecdotes, And then ~as often as Washington ater the war.'Ajoumalist an ironie remake Pare fot eae ey att man in Manila or Bangkok or asked leading ambassadors what they itis mean! ah a ioe So rory nee Wherever. would say of the locals; "You desired in the coming af. The Russian subversive than Svetsry aid Mock aite ambassador mentioned the liberation of fun — those "who recognise an ionic of the colonial peoples; the French ambassador

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