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Fuzzy Self-tuning PID Controller for a Ship Autopilot

Conference Paper · June 2017

DOI: 10.1201/9781315099132-15


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1 author:

Miroslaw Tomera
Gdynia Maritime University


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Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, TransNav 2017
21-23 June 2017, Gdynia, Poland

Fuzzy Self-tuning PID Controller for a Ship Autopilot

M. Tomera
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland

ABSTRACT: The paper examines the application of a fuzzy self-tuning controller for ship course steering.
The controller is composed of fuzzy and linear PID controllers. Following the control system heading error
and its change combined with fuzzy control rules, the fuzzy controller can adjust parameters of PID controller.
The initial values of PID gains were calculated with the use of the classical linear control theory and the
placement method. The PID controller was synthesized using the Nomoto model of ship dynamics identified
on the basis of standard Kempf’s zigzag manoeuvre and the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm (ACO). The
ACO algorithm is a bio-inspired optimization method that has proven its success through various
combinatorial optimization problems. The research of the designed control system was carried out on the
training ship Blue Lady in the Ship Handling Research and Training Centre on the lake Silm in
Ilawa/Kamionka. The results of full-scale trials have revealed that the proposed scheme has smaller overshoot
and shorter settling time.

1 INTRODUCTION characteristics of the ship change in the navigation

process, following changes of ship’s speed, load, sea
The automatic steering device commonly known as conditions, and other factors. Consequently, their
the ship steering autopilot controls the motion of the performance in various conditions is not as good as
vessel in accordance with passed course changes, or desired (Le et al. 2004). To overcome these
a set track. The development of ship steering difficulties, various modified types of conventional
autopilots is the field where control theories were PID controllers, such as auto tuning and adaptive
applied very early and good results were achieved. In controllers, have been developed recently (Astrom et
the early 1920s Minorsky (1922) published the al. 1992). Moreover, some sophisticated autopilots
theoretical analysis of automatic steering and the are proposed which are based on advanced control
specification of the three-term or proportional- engineering concepts, where the gain settings for
integral-derivative (PID) controller for course- proportional, derivative and integral terms of
keeping control. Whilst Minorsky developed the PID heading are adjusted automatically to suit the
controller for automatic ship steering, PID dynamics of the ship and environmental conditions.
controllers have largely remained an industrial The list of such autopilots includes model reference
standard in automatic control systems (Roberts adaptive control (Amerongen 1982), self-tuning
2008). Today, conventional PID controllers are (Mort & Linkens 1980), optimal (Zuidweg 1981),
extensively used for dynamic process control due to H theory (Fairbairn & Grimble 1990), model
their simplicity of operation, ease of design, low reference adaptive robust fuzzy control (Yang et al.
cost, and effectiveness in the majority of linear 2003).
systems. However it has been known that Nowadays, a tendency which gains much interest
conventional PID controllers generally do not work is the combination of various methodologies taking
well in nonlinear systems, higher order and time- advantage of each one. One of most effective
delayed linear systems, and vague systems that have solutions here is a combination of the linear control
no precise mathematical model. theory and fuzzy logic control (FLC). He et al.
Ship autopilots designed based on proportional- (1993) applied the fuzzy self-tuning method to tune
integral-differential (PID) controllers are simple, the gains of PID controller. The fuzzy self-tuning
reliable and easy to construct. However, dynamic controller combining the fuzzy system with the

traditional adaptive control has the same linear performed on a training ship Blue Lady sailing on
structure as the conventional PID controller but has the lake Silm in the Ship Handling Research and
self-tuned proportional, integral and derivative gains, Training Centre in Ilawa/Kamionka (Foundation
which are nonlinear functions of the inputs signals. 2012).
Fuzzy control has appeared to be one of the most
active and important applications of fuzzy sets
theory since the first realization of the fuzzy 2 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF SHIP
controller using fuzzy logic by Mamdani (Mamdani DYNAMICS
The essential part of the fuzzy logic controller is a The equations describing the horizontal motion of
set of linguistic control rules. The resultant control the ship (u, v, r) are well established. These
law has an analytical PID controller form and a equations can be derived from Newton’s laws
linguistic form. Different applications of the fuzzy expressing conservation of linear and angular
self-tuning PID controller can be found in the momentum, in the form given by Clarke (2003)
literature. This controller was examined in
m(u  vr  xG r 2 )  X (1)
simulation tests oriented on controlling dynamic
processes (Chen et al. 2009, Yang & Bian 2012),
aircraft pitch control (Nurbaiti & Nurhaffizah 2012), m(v  ur  xGr)  Y (2)
and ship steering control (Shen & Guo 2008, Liu et
al. 2010, Zhao et al. 2011). I z r  mxG (v  ru)  N (3)
Recently, several nonlinear controllers have also
been proposed in the literature to deal with nonlinear Here xG is the distance from the centre of gravity
steering conditions. However, attempts to use this to the midship point, m is the constant mass of the
method in real marine applications of ship steering ship, Iz is the moment of inertia about the z-axis and
have revealed numerous problems which needed u, v and r denote surge, sway and yaw angular
solving. In order to obtain optimal quality of control velocity, respectively X and Y are the components of
for the designed nonlinear course controller, its the hydrodynamic forces on the x- and y-axes, and N
parameters need tuning. Well known design methods is the yaw moment about the z-axis. Abkowitz
presented in the literature make use of the (1964) suggested the following functional form for
backstepping method (Fossen & Strand 1998, X, Y and N
Witkowska et al. 2007, Witkowska & Śmierzchalski X  f (u, v, r, , u, v, r) (4)
2012) and the sliding mode control (Tomera 2010,
Yoazhen et al. 2010, Perera & Soares 2012). Y  f (u, v, r, , u, v, r) (5)
The article presents results of examination and
development of a course changing control system N  f (u, v, r, , u, v, r) (6)
which controls the heading angle of a ship with the
aid of a fuzzy self-tuning PID controller. The fuzzy He approximated the functions (4-6) with Taylor
self-tuning PID controller is combination of series expansions about the steady state condition
conventional PID and fuzzy logic control scheme. u = u0, v = r =  = u = v = r =0, where  is the rudder
The performance of PID control strategy and fuzzy angle.
self-tuning with respect to the heading angle of ship
yaw dynamics was examined. The tests were
q Earth-fixed
x r, N
z Sway
p, K
v, Y

Surge Pitch
u, X q, M
w, Z
Figure 1. The coordinate systems for ship steering.

Yaw angle y
50 y

0 100 200 300
500 400 600 700 800 900 1000
t (s)
Figure 2. Time responses of zigzag manoeuvre (y – ship heading, c – command rudder angle).

2.1 Linear ship models r ( s) K ( sT3  1)

 (13)
For surface vessel moving at constant (or at least  ( s) ( sT1  1)( sT2  1)
slowly varying) forward velocity
where K is the static yaw rate gain, and T1, T2 and T3
U  u v u
2 2
(7) are time constants. The sea trial data-based
identification indicates that the values of parameters
the ship control problem is usually solved by T2 and T3 in (13) are not very different (Saari &
applying the classical method which takes into Djemai 2012). This suggest that further
account only two coupled movements, which are simplification of (13) is possible, after which the
yaw and sway. Linearising the equations of motion first Nomoto model takes the form:
(1-3) about v = r =0 and u = u0 gives the Davidson
and Schiff (1946) model r ( s) K
 (14)
 (s) sT  1
Mν  N(u0 ) ν  B (8)
where T = T1+T2T3 is the effective yaw rate time
where  =[v r]T. The equation (8) bases on the constant. Since the yaw rate is actually the time
assumption that the cruise speed derivative of the ship heading angle y  r , the
u  u0  constant (9) model can be written in time domain as
Ty y  K (15)
and that v and r are small. The matrices M, N(u0)
and B in equation (8) are defined as The first Nomoto model defined by (9) is widely
 m  Yv mxG  Yr 
used in the ship steering autopilot design. The yaw
M (10) dynamic is described by parameters K and T which
 mxG  N v I z  N r 
can be easily identified from standard ship
manoeuvring tests. In practice, ship steering
 Y mu0  Yr 
N(u0 )   v (11) autopilots are designed for heading angle control.
 Nv mxG u0  N r 
Hence it is the transfer function relating the heading
angle y and the rudder angle  which is needed in
Y 
B   (12) autopilot design
 N 
y (s) K
 (16)
where Yv -force against sway, Yr - sway force due to  ( s ) s ( sT  1)
yaw velocity, N v - yaw moment due to sway, Y , N -
hydrodynamic coefficients due to rudder, N r -
moment against yaw, moment due to rudder, Yv - 2.2 Identifying the Nomoto model for Blue Lady
added mass due to sway acceleration, Yr -sway force from zigzag manoeuvre
due to yaw acceleration, N v - yaw moment due to
sway acceleration, N r -added mass due to yaw A few ship manoeuvres have been proposed for
(SNAME 1950). testing the manoeuvre ability and identification of
The second-order Nomoto model (Nomoto et al. manoeuvring characteristics (Kempf 1932; Nomoto
1957) can be derived by eliminating the sway et al. 1957; Nomoto 1960). To determine the
velocity v from the earlier model derived by Nomoto model for the training ship Blue Lady the
Davidson and Schiff (1946) and described by zigzag manoeuvre, which is most often used in such
equation (4). This way we get the second order cases, has been applied. The zigzag time response is
model: obtained by moving the rudder angle by 20o from an
initially straight course. The rudder angle is held
constant until the heading is changed to 20 degrees,

then the rudder is reversed. This process continues account, so in this case the rudder angle is equal to
until a total of five rudder step responses have been the command rudder angle ( = c).
completed. Common values for the rudder angle are For each parameter of Nomoto model (K1 = K,
20/20 and 10/10, although other combinations can be K = T, K3 = r) was created a set of possible
applied as well. For larger ships the rudder angle of solutions between the minimum K min and the
10 degrees is recommended to reduce the time and maximum K max values. To simplify, the proposed
waterspace required. The zigzag manoeuvre was first values are equally distributed between these bounds
proposed by Kempf (1932). Hence, the name (Bououden et al. 2011).
Kempf’s zigzag manoeuvre also is used in the i
K max  K min
literature. Ki1  K min
, Ki 2  Ki1  , ... , KiJ  K max
, (18)
J 1
A widely used technique determines the
parameters in the Nomoto model from the zigzag where J is the number of possible values of
manoeuvre using an index estimator published in identified parameter Ki.
(Nomoto 1960). Further work in the field of Therefore, for each parameter Ki obtains the
parameters identification from zigzag trials was following set of potential values of the optimal
accomplished by Norrbin (1963). Journee (1970) solution
developed a method to deal with overshoot and
transient effects caused by rudder delay and K i Ki1, Ki 2 ,...., KiJ , (19)
limitations. Using Nomoto’s first order model, a i
Limits K min i
and K max for each searched
large number of zigzag manoeuvres have been parameters are contained in Table 1.
calculated within a practical range of K and T values. This method allows to assign the distribution of each
These data were analyzed and the relation between parameter of the vector K= [K1, K2, K3]T, J possible
the zigzag manoeuvring characteristics and the values. Graphical representation of the optimized
Nomoto parameters were presented in graphs. Based problem is shown in Figure 3, where searched
on the results of towing tank tests and sea-trials data, parameters are distributed in three vectors. Each of
Azarsina & Williams (2013) used computer the possible values is represented by one node. The
simulations to predict the Nomoto indices for problem is to find the best parameter combination
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle during constant- that minimizes the cost function (20).
depth zigzag manoeuvres. The Nomoto's first-order
model for the rate of turn of the vehicle during K1 K2 KN
horizontal zigzag manoeuvres in response to a
square-wave input for the rudder deflection angle K11 K21 KN1
was solved analytically. 21 N1
The well-known methods for determining the 11 K12 K22 KN2
12 22 N2
parameters of the Nomoto model (15) from the K13 K23 KN3
zigzag manoeuvre are quite complex and, therefore, 13 23 N3
in order to facilitate the process of finding the
1J 2J NJ
parameters K and T, in the present study ant colony
optimization were used (Dorigo et al. 1996). K1J K2J KNJ

Figure 3. Graphical representation of the optimization problem

2.3 Ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO) by ACO.

A colony of artificial ants cooperates to find good Table 1. Bounded values of parameters in estimated Nomoto
solutions, which are an emergent property of the model.
ant’s co-operative interaction. Based on their Parameter Min Max
similarities with ant colonies in nature, ant K1 = K 0.0 1.0
algorithms are adaptive and robust and can be K2 = T 0.0 1000.0
applied to different optimization problems. K3
= r 2.0 0.0
The ant colony optimization algorithm (Fig. 4)
was applied to estimate the manoeuvring indices K The cost function used as the identification
and T of the Nomoto’s first order model from full- criterion is a discrete version of the integral of the
scale zigzag trial data, described as follows absolute error (IAE)
Ty  y  K (   r ) (17) N

 y
Jc  i (20)
where T is the time constant (s), K is the N
i 1
proportionality constant (1/s),  is the level of the
rudder angle (deg) and r is the rudder angle at where N is the total number of iterations in the
which the ship sails at a straight course (deg). The zigzag test simulations, yi is the i-th heading angle
rudder servomechanism has not to be taken into error between the measured heading and that

obtained in the simulation making use of the Matrix  ijk has the same size as the global
Nomoto model. The ant optimization algorithm tend pheromone matrix (21) and are stored the
to minimise the value of function (20) so yi will be pheromone updates for the whole population of ants
minimised too. M.
For each set of parameters, the node visited by the Step 3. For every ant, iteratively is built a path to
ant is selected as the value of parameter. Selection of the food source using the following equation
a parameter value is based on pheromone trails
 ij (t )
between parameter vectors. The size of global pijk (t )  (23)
pheromone matrix ij is 3xJ, i =1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2, 
 ij (t )
j 1
..., J.
Equation (23) represents the probability for an ant
START k located on a node i selects the next node denoted
by j. N is the set of feasible nodes connected to node
i with respect to ant k, ij is the total pheromone
Initialize – number of ants, tuning
concentration of link (i, j), and  is a positive
parameters, global pheromone matrix
constant used as a gain for the pheromone influence.
After determining the transition probabilities for
Initialize temporal pheromone matrix each node j, takes the draw method of the roulette
wheel, the next node in the next vector. The greater
the value of the probability of connection pijk for the
Calculate the probability of choosing nodes, ant k, gives the greater chance of selection of a
Draw nodes in columns particular node.
Step 4. Run the simulation zigzag manoeuvre
Run the process model with Nomoto model (17) contained the values of
parameters selected by the ant k.
Evaluate the fitness function
Step 5. For the obtained results, compute the cost
function J ck (20) and check if it is better then the
best solution J c* obtained so far.
Update pheromone in temporal matrix Step 6. Each ant after passing its path saves in the
temporal matrix your pheromone trail to the formula
Last ant ?  ijk (t )   ijk 1(t )  , k  1, 2,..., M (24)
J ck
Step 7. Update of the pheromone concentration
Upadate pheromone in global matrix using the following formula
 ij (t  1)  (1   ) ij (t )   ijk (t )     ij (t ) (25)
Last No
iteration ? 1
where  ij (t )  .
Yes J c*

Figure 4. Graphical representation of the optimization problem 3 FUZZY SELF-TUNING CONTROLLER
by ACO.
The fuzzy self-tuning controller used for course
The general steps of ACO (Fig. 4) are the changing concerns the change of ship heading as a
following: response to a step command passed from the
Step 1. Place a number of ants M in the nest. Set a autopilot (Fig. 5). These commands are usually step
maximum number of iterations. Initialize a global changes in the heading reference which are then used
pheromone concentration ij to each link (i, j) by the controller to change the heading of the ship y
1 by manipulating the rudder deflection angle . The
 ij  (21)
J c0 value of the heading angle change is determined by
the amplitude of the step command yref (McGookin
where J0c is random obtained the expected value of et al. 2000).
the performance index.
Step 2. Initialize a temporal pheromone
concentration  ijk
 ijk  0 (22)

yref 3.1 Digital PID controller
Heading c Ship y
A classical conventional PID controller used to
controller model
control ship’s course changes is described by the
following control rule
Figure 5. Ship course changing control system.
 t
dey (t ) 

 c (t )  K P ey (t )  ey ( )d  TD  (29)
The course steering controller made use of fuzzy  Ti dt 
 0 
self-tuning PID digital controller (Fig. 6). The main
idea of this control is to adjust PID controller where ey(t)=yref(t)y(t) is the heading angle error
parameters in order to improve the quality control of between the desired and obtained heading, and c is
the entire system. the set rudder deflection. A discrete version of this
controller was implemented in the ship steering
control system after replacing the continuous time by
Fuzzy a series of discrete sampling points
1–z1 cy(kT) controller
T t  kTs , k  0,1,2,...

KP KP KD where Ts is the sampling period. Then, the

ey(kT) c(kT) continuous integral part of controller can be replaced
PID controller by following approximate numerical integration
Figure 6. Structure of self-tuning fuzzy PID controller t k k
parameters.  ey ( )d  
j 0
ey (kTs ) Ts  ey (k )
j 0
The fuzzy PID controller has the following
and the differential part can be substituted by the
special properties:
subtraction of the neighbouring error
1 It has the same linear structure as the
conventional PID controller, but has self-tuned dey (t ) ey (kTs )  ey [(k  1)Ts ] ey ( k )  ey ( k  1)
  (31)
control gains, among which the proportional KP, dt Ts Ts
integral KI and the derivative KD are nonlinear
functions of the input signals. By substituting (31) and (30) to equation (29), the
2 The controller design bases on the theory of control law is formed as
classical discrete PID controller. k

3 The fuzzy controller consists of the fuzzy rule  c (k )  K Pey (k )  K I ey (k )  K

j 0
ey (k )  ey (k  1)  (32)
base, the fuzzy inference system, and the
fuzzification and defuzzification interfaces. The where
membership functions are simple triangular
functions. KI  , KD  P D
The inputs to the fuzzy controller are the error
ey(kT) and the error derivative approximated by To avoid the sum in equation (32), we can get
first-order difference k 1
cy(kT) = [ey(kT)  ey(kTT)]/T, while its outputs are
KP, KI, KD changes in the PID controller (Fig.
 c (k  1)  K Pey (k  1)  K I ey (k )
j 0 (33)
6). This allows to modify the controller parameters  K D ey (k  1)  ey (k  2) 
according to the following relationships
K P  K P'  K P (26) By substracting (27) and (29) the output of the
controller is obtained as
K I  K I'  K I (27)  c (k )   c (k  1)  ( K P  K I  K D )ey (k )
 ( K P  2 K D )ey (k  1)  K Dey (k  2)
 K D (28) In the block diagram schematically shown in
where KP, KI, KD are the PID controller parameters Figure 5, a mathematical model of ship dynamics
after modification, KP, KI, KD are the values of described by equation (34) was used to control the
changes, and KP, KI, KD are the values of controller ship on the course. The parameters of the linear PID
parameters before modification. The initial values of controller were selected using the pole placement
the parameters used by the linear PID controller method with Nomoto model of the ship (16), in
were determined by standard methods. details described by Fossen (2002) where
KP  (35)

2nT  1
TD  (36) Rule base guP
K Pk ge


Fuzzy guI KI(kT
TI  (37) cy(kT) gc inference
n system
guD KD(kT
In equations (35-37) n is the natural frequency
computing by the formula
Figure 7. Structure of self-tuning fuzzy PID controller
b parameters.
n  (38)
1  2 2  4 4  4 2  2
m(ey) ge ge
where b is the bandwidth and  is the relative 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
damping ratio of the designed control system which
was shown in Figure 4. 0,5 NB NM NS ZE PS PM PB

3.2 Fuzzy tuner 1,0 0,67 0,33 0,0 0,33 0,67 1,0 ey(kT)
Figure 8. Membership functions for input eψ(kT).
The parameters KP, KI and KD which have to be
tuned by the fuzzy tuner depend on the configuration
m(KP) gu1 gu1
of the fuzzy controller. The fuzzy tuner has two
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
inputs: the course error (ey) and the course error 1,0
change (cy), and three outputs: KP, KI and KD, as
shown in Figure 7. The membership functions of
these inputs and outputs are shown in Figures 8 0,0
1,0 0,67 0,33 0,0 0,33 0,67 1,0 KP(kT)
and 9. The fuzzy sets for each input and output
variables consist of seven linguistic values {NB, Figure 9. Membership functions for output ΔKP(kT).
NM, NS, ZE, PS, PM, PB} representing the levels
described as ”negative big”, ”negative medium” and
so on. The same set of linguistic values can be 4 COURSE CHANGING COST FUNCTION
shown in the numeric form as {3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2,
3}, more convenient to write in computer software. Evaluating the quality of operation of the examined
Let us notice in Figures 8 and 9 that the widths of controllers makes use of the cost function used as
the membership functions are parameterized by ge the design criterion in course steering and defined by
and guP and will be adjusted by changing these equation (36). This function is a discrete version of
values. The membership functions on the universe of the integral least squares criterion.
discourse and the linguistic values for the second J E  y E   E (40)
inputs cy(kT) are the same as for ey(kT), with the
exception that the adjustment parameter is denoted
 
1 1
yE  (y i ) 2 ,  E   2
by gc. Respectively, the same situation is for the next N i 0 N i 0

outputs KI and KD, which have the same member

ship functions as for KP with the exception that the  = 0.1. The first term of this equation refers to the
adjustment parameters are denoted by guI and guD. course change, where N is the total number of
Therefore, there are five parameters for changing the iterations in the control system process,  is the
fuzzy controller ge, gc, guP, guI and guD. weight coefficient, yi is the i-th heading error
Assuming that there are seven membership between the desired and obtained heading, i is the i-
functions on each input universe of discourse, there th rudder deflection. The quantity y gives an
are 49 possible rules that can be put in the rule base. indication of how close the actual heading is to the
For the considered fuzzy controller consisting of two desired heading, thus showing how well the
inputs and two outputs, each fuzzy rule takes the controller is operating. The component  is used to
following form keep the magnitude of the rudder angle to a
minimum. The main task of the weight coefficient 
  
IF ey is Ei AND cy is C j THEN  (39) is to amplify the course error term to the same level
 K P is K Pk   K I is K Ik   K D is K Dk  as the term representing the rudder deflection.
In addition, the overshoot Mp and the settling time
Generally, fuzzy rules are dependent on the plant ts values are given. The overshoot Mp is the
to be controlled and the scope of designer’s maximum value to which the ship heading
knowledge and experience. overshoots its final value divided by its final value,
expressed as a percentage. The settling time ts is the
time required for the transient of ship heading to

decay to a small value and to be almost in the steady
state. Here, the measure of smallness amounting to
5% is used.


In order to evaluate the quality of the derived

algorithm of fuzzy self-tuning controller, simulation
tests were performed using Matlab/Simulink and
full-scale experiments using the training ship Blue
Lady which was navigated on the lake Silm in
Ilawa/Kamionka in the Ship Handling Research and
Training Centre (Foundation 2012). Moreover, to
compare the obtained results, additional tests were
performed on a classical PID controller (34). The
PID controller parameters were determined within Figure 10. Zigzag test for identification of the Nomoto model
the aid of the first Nomoto model identified from (yme – measured heading, yid – heading from the identified first
full-scale zigzag manoeuvre. Nomoto model, c – command rudder angle, Ue – ship
First, the ant colony optimization algorithm
(Fig. 4) was applied to estimate the manoeuvring Table 4. Parameters calculated for the PID controller.
indices K, T and r of the Nomoto’s first order model __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ KD
(17) from full-scale zigzag trial data. The tests of
parameter’s estimation of the first order Nomoto PID controller (PID) 1.88 0.0048 92.1
model were performed and their results are collected
in Table 2. The minimum value of the performance The full control system with the fuzzy self-tuning
index (20) was obtained for Test no. 4. controller shown in Figure 6 was modeled in
Figure 10 presents the results of zigzag Matlab/Simulink used for performing simulation
manoeuvres obtained in the full-scale test and in the tests. In the simulation tests the complex
simulation test making use of the identified first mathematical model of the training ship Blue Lady,
Nomoto model (17). described in details by Gierusz (2005), was applied.
To obtain perfect performance of the whole control
Table 2. Results of estimation the parameters for the first order system, it is necessary for fuzzy tuner to follow
Nomoto model using the ant colony optimization algorithm fuzzy control rules, which is difficult to obtain. The
 = 3.0,  = 0.2.
__________________________________________________ knowledge of the functions performed by the
Test no. K T r Jc
__________________________________________________ parameters KP, KI and KD along with observations of
1 0.074 339.3 1.565 12.7450 dynamic characteristics of the process being
2 0.110 641.6 1.469 14.4752 controlled and analyzes of numerous simulations,
3 0.161 677.7 1.455 16.6680 have made the basis for formulation of the fuzzy rule
4 0.041 158.1 1.620 9.7040
5 0.059 425.4 1.485 14.4461 base presented in tabular form in Tables 5-7.
6 0.095 765.8 1.315 16.4155
7 0.035 192.1 1.729 11.2180 Table 5. Rule table for KP (Fig. 5)
8 0.125 888.8 1.691 16.8357 | Ei
9 0.038 178.2 1.167 15.2787
| 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
10 0.059 908.9 0.941 20.2486
3 | 3 3 2 1 1 1 0
2 | 3 3 1 1 1 0 1
The best values of parameters of ten Nomoto 1 | 2 1 2 1 0 1 1
model were collected in Table 3 and in this model Cj 0 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
the rudder angle r at which the ship sails a straight 1 | 1 1 0 1 2 1 2
course was omitted. 2 | 1 0 1 1 1 3 3
3 | 0 1 1 1 2 3 3
The parameters KP, KI and KD of the PID
controller with constant coefficients were calculated
from equations (35-37) and are collected in Table 4. In these tables the premises for the input ey are
These parameters are also the initial values of the represented by the the linguistic values found in the
fuzzy self-tuning PID controller. top row, the premises for the input cy are represented
by the linguistic values in the leftmost column, and
Table 3. Parameters estimated for the first Nomoto model (16).
__________________________________________________ the linguistic values representing the consequents for
K T each of 49 rules can be found at the intersections of
First order Nomoto model 0.041 158.1 the row and column of the appropriate premises.

Table 6. Rule table for KI (Fig. 5)
| Ei
| 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
3 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 | 0 0 2 1 0 0 0
1 | 0 1 3 0 0 1 0
Cj 0 | 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
1 | 0 1 0 0 3 1 0
2 | 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
3 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 7. Rule table for KD (Fig. 5)

| Ei
| 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
3 | 0 0 2 3 2 1 0
2 | 0 0 0 2 1 1 1
1 | 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
Cj 0 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 | 1 1 1 1  0 1
2 | 1 1 1 2 0 0 0
3 | 0 1 2 3 2 0 0
Figure 12. Experimental results of time-histories of controllers’
During the simulation tests, the scaling gains for setting values: PID controller (PID), fuzzy self-tuning PID
controller (fstPID).
fuzzy tuner inputs and outputs (Fig. 7) were selected
controllers, which were the conventional linear PID
ge  40,0; gc  0,8; guP  0,6; guI  0,001; guD  50,0; (41) controller (34), the results for which are marked with
a dashed line, and the fuzzy self-tuning PID
After completing the simulation tests, the controller (Fig. 6), marked with a solid line.
proposed algorithms were tested in full-scale trials The experimental results of the time-histories of
performed on the training ship Blue Lady on the lake parameters of the examined controllers are shown in
Silm in Ilawa/Kamionka. For this purpose the Figure 12. The exact values of the time performance
control and measurement system was used which indices, determined from the step response of these
had been worked out in the Department of Ship controllers are collected in table 8. The step
Automation, Gdynia Maritime and described in responses shown in Figure 11 reveal that the use of
detail in (Pomirski et al. 2012). Figure 11 presents the fuzzy self-tuning PID controller gave better
the experimental results of full-scale tests of two results.

Table 8. Values of time performance indices obtained in

experimental results with PID controller (PID) and fuzzy self-
tuning PID controller (fstPID)
yE E JE Mp
_________________________________________________ ts
PID 112.8 166.9 129.5 27.9 309.0
fstPID 109.4 199.2 121.4 15.4 235.0


Two points of interest have arisen from this

study. First it has been shown that the ant colony
based optimisation technique can be successfully
used to obtain the parameters of the first Nomoto
model from the full-scale zigzag manoeuvre data.
Another interesting point arises from the
application of the fuzzy self-tuning PID controller in
course changing operations. However, course
changing is effective in manoeuvres in which the
positional course is not of particular importance (e.g.
Figure 11. Experimental results of PID control (PID) and fuzzy in open waters). The proposed control system
self-tuning PID control (fstPID) to step reference input. cooperating with the fuzzy self-tuning PID controller

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