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Accounting Introduction

kelompok 1

Nama : Andika (220302003)

Anggi radita (22030206)

M. Ardhan khadaffi (220302024)

Riky Aldriansyah saputra (220302046)

Zakiyah Mahfuza (220302004)


Praise is said for the presence of God Almighty for His grace and mercy so that the writer can complete
this paper entitled "Introduction to Accounting" on time. that the writing of this paper is still far from
perfect, given the limited knowledge and experience they have. Therefore, we as authors expect
criticism and suggestions that can help readers for perfection in making the next paper


(Zakiyah Mahfuza)

Table Of Contents

CHAPTER I ................................................................................................................................4
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................4
1.1 HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNTING ..................................................................4
1.2 ACCOUNTING PURPOSES ...................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II ...............................................................................................................................5
THEORY AND DISSCUSION .....................................................................................................5
2.1 DEFINITION OF ACCOUNTING .........................................................................................5
2.2 BENEFITS OF ACCOUNTING ..............................................................................................6
2.3 ACCOUNTING FIELD ..........................................................................................................6
2.4 ACCOUNTING PROFESSION ...............................................................................................7
2.5 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM IN TYPE OF COMPANIES IN GENERAL ..................................7
CHAPTER III .............................................................................................................................9
3.1 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................9



1.1 History of the Development of Accounting

Ways about making financial records, trade transactions, already born in ancient Egypt. Notes
on finances were written on papyrus Development of government, economy and trade encouraging the
development of recording systems and techniques finance. At the end of the XV century Lucas Paciolo a
Vanessa wrote a book entitled "Summa Arithmatica". Geonitria propocion et propotionalita, which was
published in 1494. This book made several sections on accounting for para businessman. The Lucas
Paciolo system was then developed by new authors, especially in Europe. Advances in technology and
development of the economy, industry and trade accelerated the development of systems and
techniques accounting, especially in the United States. Administration modern-day accounting along
with technological developments computer sophistication. The development of accounting in Indonesia
begins with using European system (continental system) known as bookkeeping (bekhouden). Industry
and trade economy in Indonesia is growing. Collaboration with (joint venture) in Industry and commerce
are growing rapidly. All of these demand that the accounting system be used (the American system). In
Indonesia both systems apply. In 1971 The Indonesian Accounting Association (IAI) decided that it
should be used a system, namely accounting, and applying the principles Indonesian accounting (PAI

1.2 Accounting purposes

Accounting aims to prepare a financial report information that can be used by managers, policy
makers, and other interested parties, such as shareholders, creditors, or owners. Daily record keeping
involved in this process is known as bookkeeping.


2.1 Definition of Accounting

Accounting is measurement, elaboration, or giving certainty about information that will help
managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions
within the firm, organizations and government agencies. Accounting is an inner art measure,
communicate and interpret activity finance. Broadly speaking, accounting is also known as “language
business". According to the term committee (Committee on terminology) of American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, definition Accounting is as follows: “Accounting is the art of recording,
classifying and summarizing in the significant manners in terms of money, transactions and events which
are, in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the result there of.” The definition above
means "Accounting is the art of proper recording, classification and summarization expressed in money,
transactions and events which is at least financial and interpretive and interpretation of the results”.
According to the book of laws - the law of trade (KUHD) article 6 title 2 book 1, everyone who does
trading business must make records so that at any time can prove the right – rights and obligations.
Keeping records in an orderly and orderly manner systematically in accordance with the principles of
Indonesian Accounting

Daily record keeping involved in this process is known as bookkeeping. Financial accounting is a
branch of accounting where financial information on a business is recorded, classified, summarized,
interpreted, and communicated. Auditing, one disciplines that are related but remain separate from
accounting, are a process by which independent examiners assess reports a financial organization to

provide an opinion or opinion – reasonable but not fully warranted – regarding fairness and conformity
with accounting principles generally accepted

2.2 Benefits of Accounting

Administration of accounting is very useful, for:

1. Obey the law. As a good citizen we carry out the provisions of the law.

2. Know their rights and obligations at any time.

3. Can control efficiency (prevent waste).

4. Provide financial information for those who interested, that is

a. The head of the company

b. Company owner

C.. Cemployees

d. what creditors

e investors or potential investors

f. government as a tax collector

g. resident.

2.3 Accounting Field

1. General or financial accounting namely process accounting collection, analysis, printing and
compilation financial reports and their interpretation.

2. Cost accounting; namely accounting specializing in work in the printing process, classifying,
summarizing and presenting costs manufacture and sale of products as well as the interpretation of

3. Budgetary Accounting; that is accounting for the purpose of the use of accounting data as the basis
for preparing a financial plan for upcoming period.

4. Tax accounting namely accounting used for the purpose of calculating tax payments income. 5.
Auditing accounting; namely accounting includes auditing the results of accounting accounting work
which has been done.

6. Accounting system namely determination patterns of accounting records and reports and
development procedures in collecting, recording the preparation of accounting data.

7. Governmental Accounting; namely the accounting used by the government (State, province and so on)

2.4 Accounting Profession

What is meant by the accounting profession is all fields jobs that use expertise in the field of accounting.
Broadly speaking, the accounting profession can be classified as: following :

1. Public accountants

2. Internal accountants

3. Government accountants

4. Accountants educators

2.5 Accounting Systems in Types of Companies In general

there are 3 (three) types of companies with legal entities in Indonesia, namely:
1. Individual Company (Persero)

2. Firm,

3. Limited Partnership (CV)

4. Limited Liability Company (PT)

5. Cooperative

The accounting system is also influenced by the type of company there are three type of company

1. Service Company Service companies sell services. Profit obtained if the income from selling services is
higher than operational costs. Vice versa. Which classified as A.L service companies: transportation
companies, repair shops, hotels, insurance, lawyers' offices, notaries, transportation offices, my
architectural bureau, doctors, cosmetology, educational institutions, etc

. 2. Goods Trading Company Goods trading company activities are buying merchandise for resale. If the
difference between the selling price with a basic price that can cover operating costs company, you will
get profit. As well otherwise, and drinks, bookstores, and stationery, building materials companies,
motor vehicle shops, shops clothing, etc

3. Industrial Companies Industrial companies whose activities process raw materials and finished goods
auxiliary materials. Profits are obtained if the price Selling goods produced is higher than the cost of
goods sold production. Vice versa. Company example industries are convection, test factory, medicine,
car tires etc.



3.1 Conclusion

Basically, in everyday life, many people apply the accounting function. this is manifested in the form of
records that are carried out in order to know and control their finances. Because the function of
implementing accounting is to provide quantitative functions, especially those of a financial nature,
especially business entities that are seen as useful in making economic decisions in implementing the
right choice among various alternative actions

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