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Utility Formula Factors

Methods of Educational Cost

Reliability Validity Acceptance
Assessment Effect Efficiency

MCQ (objective )
- +/- +/- +/- +

Pen paper test +/- +/- + + -

Group assignment + + + +/- -

Utility Formula Template

Write a conclusion about the Utility of your assessments for your course.
Make sure to include all factors of the Utility Formula into your answer and
that your conclusion justifies the choices you make.
I have taken objective(MCQ) type test, subjective type (open question/ pen paper/
written ) test and a group assignment as method of assessment for the sub-topic
“Volcanoes” under the unit “Forces Beneath” for grade 7 students.
I have taken MCQ test because it is highly cost efficient and low on validity,
educational effects and acceptance as it won’t accurately test if a child is able to
make a working model of a volcano. Moreover , students can guess and choose the
answer as it has options. So you never know if the student has actually understood
the concept. Hence, the reliability is nil.
Next , I have taken pen paper test as it has high educational effect, can give
feedback, feed forward , feed up. The result of such assessment is generally
accepted by all the concerned stake holders.

Finally, I have included a group assignment. In this context, the students will form
groups and make a working model of a volcano. This method of assessment is high
on reliability and validity. The outcome will almost be the same if given to any
comparable group of students and it is valid as students learn the concept through
hands on activity.
Conclusion: Therefore these three methods of assessment will cover all the five
components of the utility formula and thus will help in assessing the students in a
holistic and effective manner.

Utility Formula Template

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