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Before I write my reflection, I would like to thank you Sir, for sharing yet another impactful blog. The
blogger Rebecca Pohl’s service towards the Ukrainian refugees is indeed commendable. After
reading the blog I understand that Rebecca, being an IB practitioner, she not only demonstrated the
learner profile attributes, but also passed on and gave an opportunity to her students to exhibit
these traits. It very much relates to the IB core of CAS. The very fact that she welcomed the mother
daughter and few other Ukrainian refugees into her house, shows her open-mindedness and
international mindedness. Though packing might be considered as a menial task, it still has its own
significance and PYP students pitching in to pack the hygiene kit shows that they are caring and are
trying to contribute to the noble cause in whichever way possible. By proactively handing over the
keyboard stickers by the DP student shows the learner attributes of being understanding, caring and
knowledgeable. The fundraising campaign for the Ukrainian refugees and the huge fund raised
through it by the PYP, MYP and DP students of the American School of Warsaw, the school where
the blogger worked, speaks volumes of the students’ service to the community. It proves to be an
authentic example of CAS – designing a grocery delivery program (creativity), Raising fund through
humanitarian campaign, organizing fun activities(activity) and reviewing and fulfilling the requests of
the refugees (service). It has not only had an impact of the IB students but also on the lives of
several Ukrainian refugees. Their unconditional service, non-judgmental disposition and empathy
towards the needy will surely make them life-long learners and global citizens.

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