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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000

7th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2022

GoldPoint: Implementation of Web-based Application to Manage

System Business of Jewelries Store in Dashboard and Sales Report
Fendy Wirya Atmajaa, Immanuel Kurniawana, Rafqia*
School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480


This study aims to develop a website-based application to assist jewelry stores in carrying out business processes where jewelry
stores can view real-time sales reporting in the form of a dashboard, view sales reports in the form of reports, organize and store
business data and view transaction history. The research method used in the data collection process uses interview techniques and
similar application analysis, while website-based application development is developed using the Waterfall methodology which
consists of 5 stages, including communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. In its development, this
application uses the Node.js, Express.js, React.js programming languages which are supported by JavaScript and MongoDB as
data storage. From the evaluation carried out in this study, it can be concluded that the application built can make it easier for
jewelry stores to find out the price of gold, help jewelry stores in making business reports and data recording, help jewelry stores
in storing data, make it easier for jewelry stores to find transaction history. and make it easier for clients to find products and
jewelry stores that match their preferences.

© 2022 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th International Conference on Computer Science and
Computational Intelligence 2022
Keywords: Jewelry Store; Application, Website, Interview, Watetfall, Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +0-000-000-0000 ; fax: +0-000-000-0000 .
E-mail address:

1877-0509 © 2020 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th International Conference on Computer Science and
Computational Intelligence 2020
2 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000

1. Introduction

Within today’s advances in technology, lots of business opportunities and ways to simplify the business
processes through electronic media have been developed. Regarding with those technology developments, many
people have used technology in the form of website-based application for helping with business purposes, such as
providing a safe space to store important data, also review the reports based on the running business. On the other
hand, technology was used to introduce products of a business, usually offered in the forms of goods or services,
which could educate buyer about its strength and advantage.

Gold stores are business engaged in jewelries, which offers gold as a product especially focused on certain level
of market. Business activities carried out in gold stores includes quite huge amount of money because of the gold
prices are pretty expensive, that’s why high accuracy and integrity required to manage and process data. Based on
the interview that has been done with 10 gold stores, 8 of them runs business process with paper-based record,
meanwhile the other 2 also used paper-based record and Microsoft Excel. Lots of business reports were done by
recapping data to produce accurate results, but it takes lots of efforts and time because they need to count their sales
income, outcome, profit, etc. to match their product quantity.

Data stored in paper-based vulnerable to water, washed-out ink, torn apart, and could go missing if the person
didn’t take good care of the data. The average amount of customer whom about to do transaction, didn’t have a
complete understanding about the products they want to buy. With some business system applied to these stores, it’s
possible to cause human errors, that can hamper the business process, which leads to inefficient information
processing. The idea of this application can be an alternative solution that could help jewelries stores run their

This website-based application offers lots of features such as data storage, business reports in the form of
dashboard, even educational media like blog or article to help customer understands more about the product they
about to buy, especially jewelry that consist of golds, and diamonds. The user of this application can input and
update every transaction that’s been happening in their business, which will be stored inside the database system.
User can also see their business data reports in real-time based on inputted data in the system.

2. Related Works

CRM for Online Jewelry Shop

In research on jewelry stores, along with the increasing demand for jewelry needs, people realize the
importance of managing customer relationship management. Customer relationship management (CRM)
implementations unify interactions with customers and provide a means to track customer information. The goal
that is expected to be achieved is to ensure customer satisfaction at every encounter with the store. The survey
method was used to collect data from jewelry stores and customers. In implementing CRM, several
programming languages are used, namely: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the Front End, PHP and MySQL on
the back-end, while the software used is sublime, xampp and browser1.

E-Commers using Jewelry Shop Application

In research on jewelry stores, billing and storage systems are usually used paperless, but there are still many
institutions on a small scale that still use paper-based systems. Paper-based procedures are not recommended to
be used because they face security risks such as paper loss and damage. With this research, it is hoped that
jewelry stores can back up their database and can view sales/purchase statistical information in digital form. In
implementing the application, using the PHP and MySQL programming languages 2.

Jewelry Shop Management System for ORIX Gems and Jewelers Mount Lavinia
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000 3

In jewelry store research, storage management has become an important factor in the modern business
environment. Most storage management systems provide storage for ongoing, planning in storage, ensuring
management makes the right decisions and minimizing storage wastage while saving time. This research is
expected to provide solutions in the form of software to overcome problems that occur when using manual
systems and other predictable problems. In data collection, the interview method is used to obtain data based on
what is currently happening. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL are the programming languages used to
implement this research3.

Sales System and Safe Tracking for Anurada Jewelers Negombo

In research about jewelry shop, Anuradha Jewelers is a well-known seller in Negombo area. Within the last 4
years, they managed to earn trusts from lots of people that made their business successful. Now, the system they
use still being done manually, where the client will spend quite time to process the data. The purpose is to
minimalize workload manually on paper, also ease the process of tracking and reporting real-time data. In the
implementation they used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL as programming language 4.

Website Creation for Elze Jewelry Company

In research about jewelry shop, Elze Jewelers is a new top-class jewelry company in Moscow which has
specific market target. The factors that causes their loss is because of the narrow visibility of market, and small
company's dimension so their sales are quite small compared to other companies. The purpose of this research is
to increase the market growth, especially in jewelry industries, and expand client base. In the implementation of
this website application, they use Wix, Weebly, and Sales Boost5.

Table 1 Related Research Comparison

Store Product Dashboard, Stock, Transaction Universal

Research Articles
List Collection and Invoice System Usage

CRM for Online Jewelry Shop ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

E-Commers using Jewelry

✕ ✓ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✕
Shop Application

Jewelry Shop Management

System for ORIX Gems and ✕ ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓ ✕
Jewelers Mount Lavinia

Sales System and Safe

Tracking for Anurada Jewelers ✕ ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓ ✕

CRM for Online Jewelry Shop ✕ ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓ ✕

E-Commers using Jewelry

✕ ✓ ✓ ✕ ✓ ✕
Shop Application

3. Research Method

The methodology used in this developmental process of application is Waterfall Model by Pressman. Waterfall
model has 5 steps of developmental process consisting of:
4 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000

1. Communication
This is the first step in waterfall model, which contains the process of requirement gathering to help analyse
user needs with purpose to resolve the problems and achieve the application goals. This information was
collected by interviewing gold store’s sellers and clients regarding their needs. After the results of interview
process concluded, it will be used to help design and construct in early stages of project development.

2. Planning
This is the second step in waterfall model, which contains the process of detail planning according to the
information that has been gathered in communication step before. The planning process calculates estimated
time needed to develop the application from communication step until the deployment step. This step also
includes tracking process to make sure the development process of application goes well according to the
plan, so it can be deployed right on time.

3. Modelling
This is the third step in waterfall model, which contains the analysing process of user needs to understand
well about the existing problem, so a blueprint of system model can be designed in order to help with the
application development. Those process includes designing Unified Modelling Language (UML), with use
case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, and sequence diagram.

4. Construction
This is the fourth step in waterfall model, which contains the process of turning a design system made in the
modelling step, into code structures. The code developmental process divided into front-end and back-end.
The scripting language HTML, CSS, and bootstrap were used in the making of front-end side, meanwhile
JavaScript were used in the making of back-end side. After the constructing process has been done, there will
be testing stages to make sure that there are no bugs, and the application works fine, so it can be deployed
right on time according to the planning step.

5. Deployment
This is the final step in waterfall model, which contains the process of analysing regarding the possible
problems that could happen, also evaluating the system that has been developed and maintain the system
while fixing the application based on the feedback given by user. This step is to ensure the application run
smoothly and helps user fulfil their needs.

4. Results and Discussion

In order to run this application smoothly, there are several system requirements, divided into hardware and

Table 2 Hardware Specification for User

Specification Minimum Recommended

Operating System Windows 7, and after Windows 10
Processor Intel Pentium 4 Intel Core i3 7th Gen
Memory RAM 2GB RAM 4GB
Storage 200MB of free space 500MB of free space

Table 3 Hardware Specification for Admin

Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000 5

Specification Minimum Recommended

Operating System Windows 7, and after Windows 10
Processor Intel Core i3 5 Gen
Intel Core i5 7th Gen
Memory RAM 4GB RAM 8GB
Storage 2GB of free space 4GB of free space

For software specifications, the following specs are recommended to access GoldPoint application:
1. Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and after (for Windows OS), OS X EI Capitan 10.11 or after (for Mac OS),
and Android Marshmallow 6.0 or after (for Android).
2. Supported Browser: Google Chrome.

After the evaluation process has been done, below are the results of the software evaluation

Fig. 1. Gold Prices Evaluation

Based on the figure above, there are 93.3% respondents thinks the application helps them in searching for
gold prices that’s up to date, meanwhile the other 6.7% respondents didn’t think it helped.
6 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000

Fig. 2. Business Reports Evaluation

Based on the figure above, there are 96.7% respondents thinks the application helps them in making business
reports, meanwhile the other 3.3% didn’t think it helped.

Fig. 3. Important Data Safe Space Evaluation

Based on the figure above, there are 90% respondents thinks the application helps them in providing a safe
space to save their important data, meanwhile the other 10% didn’t think it helped.

Fig. 4. Data Recap Evaluation

Based on the figure above, there are 90% respondents thinks that the application helps them in doing data
recap process and visualize them in reports, meanwhile the other 10% didn’t think it helped.
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000 7

Fig. 5. History Transaction Evaluation

Based on the figure above, there are 93.3% respondents thinks that the application helps them in showing the
history of made transactions, meanwhile the other 6.7% didn’t think it helped.

5. Conclusion

Based on the results of the evaluation and testing that has been carried out through the google form on the
development of the GoldPoint application, there were 50 respondents who participated in filling out the
questionnaire. Overall, it can be concluded that:
1. The GoldPoint application was developed on a website basis to assist jewelry shop owners in finding out the
ever-changing gold price , helping to generate business reports efficiently and briefly, helping to store
important data, assist the process of recording data and displaying it in the form of a report, and making it
easier to find transaction history files.
2. The GoldPoint application was developed on a website basis to assist clients in finding products and stores
that match their preferences.
3. The GoldPoint application has followed the principles of The 8 Golden Rules of Interface Design.
4. The GoldPoint application has followed the theory of 5 Measurable Human Factors.
5. Based on the test results using the blackbox-testing method on the GoldPoint application, it can be concluded
that the application has been functioning properly as expected.


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8 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000

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