My Inbox Fiori Cloud

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My Inbox in SAP Fiori Cloud

Generated on: 2023-01-19 09:38:45 GMT+0000

SAP Fiori Cloud for SAP Business Suite | 2.0 2019-04


Original content:

US&state=PRODUCTION&version=2.0 2019-04


This document has been generated from the SAP Help Portal and is an incomplete version of the official SAP product
documentation. The information included in custom documentation may not re ect the arrangement of topics in the SAP Help
Portal, and may be missing important aspects and/or correlations to other topics. For this reason, it is not for productive use.

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App History: My Inbox


 Note
Starting with the initial delivery date, the app is delivered with each support package stack of the respective SAP Fiori
product. This document only lists support package stacks in which the app has been enhanced or changed. If the app was not
changed in a particular support package stack, then this support package stack is not mentioned in this document.

The My Inbox app has been enhanced as follows:

SAP Fiori for Request Approvals 2.0 SPS 06 (Delivery Date 04/2018)

New/Enhanced Key Features New key features:

Custom attributes

In the Expert view you can sort and lter tasks based on
custom attributes.

Custom Action Buttons

You can disable and enable custom action buttons via My

Inbox JS API .

SAP Fiori for Request Approvals 2.0 SPS 05 (Delivery Date 01/2018)

New/Enhanced Key Features New key features:


In the Master-Detail view you can lter your own tasks in a

substitution scenario.

SAP Fiori for Request Approvals 2.0 SPS 04 (Delivery Date 05/2017)

New/Enhanced Key Features New key features:

Task log

You can view details about the work ow of a selected task

and events relevant to it chronologically. You can also view
the name of the user associated with these tasks.

SAP Fiori for Request Approvals 2.0 SPS 03 (Delivery Date 08/2016)

New/Enhanced Key Features New key features:

Expert view

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You can con gure an alternate view of My Inbox for expert
users for All Items tile or scenario speci c tile, where tasks
can be viewed in tabular form

Open Task action on mobile

You can now use the Open Task action on mobile by

executing an intent.

SAP Fiori for Request Approvals 2.0 SPS 02 (Delivery Date 05/2016)

New/Enhanced Key Features New key features:

Additional attributes

You can have custom attributes in the List View.

Navigation from My Inbox to other applications

You can navigate from My Inbox to various applications by

integrating these applications using an intent.


You can add the business card as contacts on mobile



You can add reminders to tasks in the application, which in

turn re ects in your mobile device calendar.

SAP Fiori for Request Approvals 2.0 SPS 01 (Delivery Date 01/2016)

New/Enhanced Key Features New key features:


You can view the completed and suspended tasks with the
Outbox tile.


You can lter the tasks based on substituted users.

Unplanned substitution

You can assign a substitute for unplanned absence.

Create and Manage Substitution Rules

You can use My Inbox to create substitution rules to manage your tasks in your absence. The substitution rules can be created
for planned and unplanned absences.

Planned Substitution
Planned substitution is usually targeted for a scenario where in you know the start date and the end date for your absence. Your
substitute will then see your tasks directly displayed in his/her Inbox for the period de ned by you.

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To create a substitution rule for a planned absence, proceed as follows:

1. In My Inbox navigate to Manage My Substitutes screen.

2. Select Planned tab.

3. Choose Add New Substitute in the footer of the screen.

4. In the Substitutes dialog, search and select the substitute you want to nominate.

 Note
Please note that you can search by rst name, last name, and you can also perform wildcard (*) search in the search

5. Select the pro le of the substitute and choose Save.

 Note
The planned substitution rules are automatically activated on the start date you have selected, and are automatically
deactivated on the end date, respectively.

On the start date of the substitution rule, your substitute will receive the tasks you have de ned in the substitution
rule automatically.

On the end date of the substitution rule, your substitute will stop receiving the tasks you have de ned in the
substitution rule automatically.

Tasks, which have been already claimed by the substitute prior to the end date will stay in substitute's inbox.

You will see Active, or Inactive status for each substitution rule you have created.

Unplanned Substitution
To create a substitution rule for an unplanned absence, proceed as follows:

1. In My Inbox navigate to Manage My Substitutes screen.

2. Select Unplanned tab.

3. Choose Add New Substitute in the footer of the screen.

4. In the Add New Substitute dialog, search and select the substitute you want to nominate.

5. Select the pro le of the substitute and choose Save.

As a result, the successful creation of an unplanned nominee is con rmed and you can see the entry in the Unplanned
Substitution tab.

 Note
In this case, your substitute will need to accept the substitution in order to see your tasks in his/her inbox.

Take Over Tasks as an Unplanned Substitute

You can take over or stop receiving tasks from users, who have nominated you as their unplanned substitute.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Navigate to Me area.

2. Select Substitute For tab.

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You will see the list of users who have nominated you as their unplanned substitute. By default, you will not be receiving
their tasks. If you want to take over, you will need to activate the substitution for that particular user.

3. Click on the switch button to activate the substitution rule for the selected user.. Once activated, the switch button turns

4. After you activate/deactivate the user, choose Done.

If you deactivate the substitution rule, you will stop receiving tasks from the selected user.

My Outbox
With My Inbox, you can view Completed and Suspended tasks within the My Outbox tile. You can also resume a suspended task
in My Outbox.

Your My Outbox tile needs to be con gured by an administrator. For more information see the Con guring the SAP Fiori
Launchpad for the My Outbox Tile section of App Implementation: My Inbox.

Task List
The task list in My Outbox shows your Completed and Suspended tasks. By default, 300 tasks will be visible in My Outbox.

To look for a speci c task from the task list, you can do a free text search.

To manually refresh the task list you can select the refresh icon in the list view.

To sort tasks in the task list, you can use the following criteria: Created By, Priority, Task Title, Completed On.

To view a subset of your tasks you can lter by Completed, Resume In, and Task Type.

 Note
Please, note that the task type result is the same as in My Inbox. There is no dynamic handling based on the task
types available in My Outbox (completed, suspended tasks).

You can also group tasks according to Priority of the task, Status or Task Type.

Task Details
The task detail screen gives you detailed information of a selected task in the task list.

In the different tabs, you can view the following information about each task:

In the Information tab, the description of a task.

In the Attachments tab, all attachments to a task.

In the Comments tab, all comments made to a task.

In the Related Objects tab, all objects with a technical reference to another objects, attached to a task.

Execute Actions
You can perform Show Log action to view the task log and the related work ow log for each task.

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You can perform Resume action on a Suspended task.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 6

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