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Credit : 2 SKS
Code : TTMA110042
Semester/ class : I/ A1, B1, C1 Pagi &A2 Siang.

1. Objectives

Upon the completion of this course, students are expected:

a. to have a deeper understanding of English basic structures, vocabulary of mechanical

engineering and some daily expressions in English.
b. to improve students’ capabilities in four skills of English (listening, reading, speaking
and writing).
c. to be able to speak English confidently for learning purposes and their future career

2. Course Description
This course is mainly designed and developed to improve students’ understanding,
awareness and skills about basic English structures, vocabulary of mechanical engineering,
some daily expressions in English and topics relate to student’s future career (job
descriptions, job vacancy, job application letters and job interview). This course will be
presented with integrated basic skills in English namely listening, reading, writing and
3. Main topics

1. Introduction to syllabus and contract of study

2. Pronouns
3. Reading Comprehension (Engineering)
4. Reading Comprehension (Automotive)
5. Vocabulary (Tools)
6. Vocabulary (Materials)
7. Expressions of Apologizing
8. Ujian Tengah Semester
9. Expressions of Gratitude
10. Expressions of Offering and Making an appointment
11. Expressions of Asking and Giving an opinion
12. Job Descriptions
13. Job Vacancy and Job Application letter
14. Job Interview
15. Descriptive Text
16. Ujian Akhir Semester

4. Learning Activities
a. Lectures, Interactive Learning, Problem Solving, Task-based learning and Project-
based learning.
b. Individual work/ Group Presentation/ Group Project
c. Test (Quiz, Mid Term Semester, Final Term Semester)

5. Media
Projector, handout, whiteboard and E-learning.
6. Evaluation

a. Quiz
b. Individual/group work
c. Student’s attendance and discipline
d. Mid Term Test
e. Final Term Test

7. References

1. Frank, Marcella. 1972. MODERN ENGLISH: a practical reference guide. New

Jersey, USA: Prentince-Hall Inc.
2. Gagic, S. Milena. 2009. English for Mechanical Engineering. Zavod IRC, Ljubljana.
3. Michael, P. A., Munoz, Ellen, Mary. 1991. Test of English and Foreign Language
Preparation Guide. Singapore: John Wiley&Sons.
4. Trustworthy sources

8. Tata tertib yang harus dipatuhi mahasiswa/-i:

1. Hadir tepat waktu sesuai dengan jadwal yang sudah ditetapkan oleh fakultas, sebelum
mengikuti perkuliahan, mahasiswa/-i diwajibkan mengisi presensi E-learning terlebih
dahulu. Toleransi keterlambatan baik pada presensi platform E-learning (online) dan
kehadiran di kelas (offline) hanya 30 menit. Lebih dari 30 menit, dianggap absen dan
tidak diizinkan mengumpulkan tugas pada hari tersebut.
2. Jika anda permisi meninggalkan kelas, waktu toleransi untuk kembali ke kelas hanya
10 menit. Lebih dari 10 menit, tidak diperkenankan kembali memasuki kelas.
2. Total kehadiran di kelas online/offline minimal 11x kehadiran
3. Jika anda tidak hadir, beritahukan alasan anda langsung ke dosen via WA (WhatsApp)
pribadi. Jika anda sakit dan memerlukan penyembuhan lebih lama, sertakan surat
keterangan dokter.
4. Selama proses perkuliahan berlangsung, anda harus berpenampilan rapi dan sopan
(menggunakan kemeja dan sepatu).
5. Gunakan bahasa yang santun dan formal saat menghubungi dosen. Ucapkan salam
terlebih dahulu, perkenalkan diri dan sampaikan tujuan anda dengan jelas. Waktu
menghubungi dosen dari jam 07.00-21.00 WIB di hari kerja.

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