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Course Handout (Part II)
Date: 29 Aug. 2022
In addition to part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table), this portion
gives further specific details regarding the course.

Course No. : ME G515


Instructor-in-charge : Shyam Sunder Yadav

1. Course Description: Philosophy of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); governing

equations of fluid dynamics; mathematical behaviour of partial differential equations and
their impact on CFD; finite volume and finite difference discretization on nonuniform grids,
stationary and non-stationary convection-diffusion equation, the incompressible Navier-
Stokes equations. Iterative methods.

2. Scope and Objective: This course is intended to develop the skill of solving fluid flow, heat
transfer, mass transfer and related phenomena numerically. This course starts with a
discussion on mathematical behavior and physical meaning of governing equations of fluid
dynamics. Then it covers different discretization methods. Finally, students will learn
different CFD techniques and they will apply these techniques for solving fluid flow
problems in geometries of engineering interest.

3. Text Book:

T1: J.D.Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mcgraw Hill Inc., 1995, 6th Edition.
T2: An introduction to computational fluid dynamics: The finite volume method
H.K.Versteeg and W.Malajasekra, Longman

4. Reference Books:

R1: J H Ferziger, M Peric, Computational methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer, 2002, 3rd
R2: Doyle D. Knight, Numerical methods for compressible flows, Cambridge University
R3: Charles Hirsch, Numerical computing of internal and external flows, Vol. 1, Elsevier,
second edition
R4: Pletcher, Tannehill, Anderson, Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer, CRC
press, 3rd edition,
5. Course Plan:
Chapter in
Lect Text /
Learning Objectives Topics to be covered
No. Reference
Philosophy of Computational Fluid Dynamics: Why, Computational Fluid
Computational Fluid Dynamics as a Research Tool, Computational Fluid Dynamics as
1-3 Chapt 1, T1
Dynamics a Design Tool, The Impact of Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Applications, Computational Fluid Dynamics
The Governing Equations
of Fluid Dynamics: Introduction to the models of the fluid flow, Finite Control
Their Derivation, a Volume, Infinitesimal Fluid Element, The Substantial Derivative,
Chapt 2, T1
Discussion of Their The Divergence of the Velocity: Its Physical Meaning, The
4-8 Chapt 5, R4
Physical Meaning, and a Continuity Equation, The Momentum Equation, The Energy
Presentation of Forms Equation, Summary of the Governing Equations for Fluid
Particularly Suitable to Dynamics.
Introduction, Classification of Quasi-Linear Partial Differential
Equations, General Method of Determining the type of Partial
Mathematical Behavior of
Differential Equations: The Eigenvalue Method, General Behavior Chapt 3, T1
Partial Differential
9-14 of the Different Classes of Partial Differential Equations: Impact Chapt. 3, R3
Equations: The Impact on
on Physical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hyperbolic Chapt. 2, R4
Equations, Parabolic Equations, Elliptic Equations, The
Supersonic Blunt Body problem
Introduction, Introduction to Finite Differences, Difference
Chapt 4 T1
15- Basic Aspects of Equations, Explicit and Implicit Approaches: Definitions and
Chapt 4 R3
20 Discretization Contrasts, Errors and an Analysis of Stability, Stability Analysis:
Chapt 7 R3
A Broader Perspective
Grids with Appropriate
21- General Transformation of the Equations, Metrics and Jacobians,
Transformations Chapt 5 T1
25 Form of the Governing Equations Particularly Suited for CFD
The Lax-Wendroff Technique, MacCormack's Technique,
Conservation Form and Space Marching, The Relaxation
Some Simple CFD Technique and Its Use with Low-Speed Inviscid Flow , Aspects
26- Chapt 6 T1
Techniques: A Beginning of Numerical Dissipation and Dispersion; Artificial Viscosity,
29 Chapt 6, T2
Introduction The Alternating-Direction-Implicit (ADI) Technique, The
Pressure Correction Technique: Application, Computer Graphic
Techniques Used in CFD
Numerical Solutions of Introduction to the Physical Problem: Subsonic-Supersonic
Quasi-One-Dimensional Insentropic Flow, CFD Solution of Subsonic-Supersonic Chap 7 T1
Nozzle Flows Isentropic Nozzle Flow: MacCormack's Technique.
CFD of Incompressible
Flow: Numerical Solutions
34- Lid driven cavity problem solution using the Projection method, Chap 9 T1
using Projection method
36 Pressure Correction Method, SIMPLE algorithm etc. Chap. 12, R3
and Pressure correction
Compressible Flow over a Introduction, The Physical Problem, The Numerical Approach:
Flat Plate: Numerical Explicit Finite-Difference, Solution of the Two-Dimensional
37- Chap 10 T1
Solution by Solving the Complete Navier-Stokes Equations: The Governing Flow
38 Chapt.12, R3
Complete Navier-Stokes Equations, The Setup, The Finite-Difference/Volume Equations,
Equations Initial and Boundary Conditions
6. Evaluation Schedule:
Component Duration Weightage(%) Date & Time Remarks
Mid Sem 1 hr 30 min 25 As per AUGSD CB
Class Tests 50 minutes 20 Will be announced in class CB
Project Work -- 20 Will be announced in class --
Compre Exam. 3 hrs. 35 As per AUGSD OB

7. Assignment/Project Work: Periodically, there will be demo/practice sessions. Students

must bring their laptops and practice some coding, meshing and simulation problem. Assignment
/ Project work's final submission date will be announced in class.

8. Chamber consultation hours: TBA.

9. Notices: Notices pertaining to this course will be sent via Email.

* TBA: To be announced in Class

CB: Closed book
OB: Open book

ME G515

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