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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

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Quantification of embodied energy and carbon footprint of pervious T

concrete pavements through a methodical lifecycle assessment framework
Avishreshth Singh, Poornachandra Vaddy, Krishna Prapoorna Biligiri

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh 517506, India


Keywords: This study provided a systematic lifecycle assessment (LCA) methodology that was used to quantify the total
Lifecycle assessment embodied energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions involved in construction of a new pavement.
Pervious concrete pavements Furthermore, a comparative LCA was performed to adjudge the benefits offered by pervious concrete pavement
Total embodied energy (PCP) over Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) for different mixing procedures, and distinct base layers.
Greenhouse gas emissions
The system boundaries included the following phases of pavement LCA: raw material production, transportation,
Capital cost analysis
Resource conservation
and pavement construction. The total embodied energy and GHG emissions were quantified for a functional unit
of 1 km single lane road, 3.5 m wide, and 0.35 m thickness. The relative contribution of each component to
energy consumption and GHG emissions was estimated and the variability of LCA model parameters was un-
derstood using sensitivity analysis. The results dictated that the total embodied energy and GHG emissions in
PCP with aggregate base layer were reduced by up to 3% and 2.7%, respectively, compared to that of PCCP with
similar configuration. Further, a capital cost analysis was conducted due to non-availability of maintenance and
end-of-life data, which indicated that PCP is almost 1.21% costlier than PCCP for RMC mixing, and 4.13%
cheaper for in-situ mixing. The conceptual approach developed in this study provided a generalized methodical
framework that could be used to assess the environmental credibility of pavement systems for site-specific

1. Introduction 2014). Thus, it becomes imperative to design novel roadway (pave-

ment) systems using innovative materials to develop sustainable in-
The unprecedented shift of human fraternity from rural to urban frastructure.
conglomerates has intensified over the last few decades. It is expected While energy consumption and emissions in transportation sector
that by 2050, more than 53% of the emerging regions and 83% of the are often related to burning of gasoline through vehicles, construction
developed world will shift to urban establishments (Cohen, 2004). The and maintenance of pavements is also causative for substantial energy
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs has revealed consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is estimated that
that India is the largest hub of urban transformation in the twenty-first by 2020, the demand for coarse aggregates and sand in construction
century with real estate sector as being one of the major contributors to industry will be more than 2 billion tonnes and 1.4 billion tonnes, re-
urbanization (World economic forum, 2019). Building sector in India spectively (Material consumption patterns in India, 2016). Raw mate-
consumes 40% energy, 20% water, and 20% land cover; while its oc- rial extraction, processing, production, transportation, and handling are
cupants generate 30% of solid waste, and 20% of water effluents. Ad- energy-and-carbon-intensive processes. Amongst the various raw ma-
ditionally, 22% of India's annual carbon emissions are caused by the terials for cement and concrete, cement manufacturing had the highest
construction sector (The construction sector in India and climate environmental footprint, which was responsible for consumption of
change, 2019). Although the environmental impacts of building sector about 74% energy while also producing 88% GHG emissions
are significant, they constitute about 20% of the total natural land (Chaote, 2003). Further, the energy required to produce 1 ton of con-
cover, whereas the pavement infrastructure encompasses 40% of the crete is 1.4 GJ, mainly generated by burning of fossil fuels
urban fabric (White et al, 2010; Qin and Hiller, 2014). Of the total (NRMCA: concrete CO2 factsheet, 2008). Additionally, the embodied
carbon emissions generated annually in India, roads and vehicles to- carbon dioxide (CO2) for concrete is approximately 5–13% of its total
gether contribute to around 161 million metric tonnes (Sreedhar et al., weight. An investigation reported that the average energy consumed

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Singh), (P. Vaddy), (K.P. Biligiri).
Received 1 November 2019; Received in revised form 11 May 2020; Accepted 12 May 2020
Available online 31 May 2020
0921-3449/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

and GHG emissions produced from asphalt and/or plain cement con- design and build pavements comprising of permeable materials in the
crete pavement structures were 700–1000 MJ/m2 and 52.5–130 kg/m2, surface wearing course and subsequent underlying layers. Pervious
respectively (Chappat and Bilal, 2003). Another investigation suggests concrete pavement (PCP) systems have proved to be successful tech-
that for high volume roadway applications, the global warming po- nologies having potential to alleviate problems pertinent to runoff
tential (GWP) of asphalt pavements was 8% higher than cement con- (Tennis et al., 2004; ACPA, 2009). Additionally, PC has been found to
crete pavements (Miel, 2006). conserve resources (specifically, sand) as it does not require fine ag-
Researchers reported that CO2 emissions released and energy con- gregates at all. Further, PCP systems have been utilized in low-volume
sumed due to production of high-strength concrete were 160 MJ/kg and roads, parking lots, residential streets as well as shoulders and medians
1.07 MJ/kg, respectively (Hakkinen and Makela, 1996). Additionally, in high-volume roads.
when the depth of Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) was Literature reports that GHG emissions were 78-95% lower for
reduced by 10% of its initial depth, CO2 emissions reduced by about permeable pavements and bio-retention basins than conventional
7.5%, whereas sulfur and nitrous emissions were of similar magnitudes. drainage systems (Sousa et al., 2012). Another study reported a re-
Another research developed a lifecycle assessment (LCA) toolkit that duction in energy consumption (by about 73.48%) and GHG emissions
comprised of material, distribution, construction, congestion, usage, (by about 46.70%) when permeable pavements were used instead of
and end-of-life modules (Yu and Lu, 2012). LCA was performed over conventional asphalt pavements (Wang et al., 2018). From economic
three overlay systems: Portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay, hot-mix perspective, researchers reported that LCC of permeable pavements was
asphalt (HMA) overlay, and crack-seat and HMA overlay option. It was about 30% lower as compared to conventional pavements (Wang et al.,
found that materials, congestion, and usage were the dominant con- 2010). Further, studies have also accounted for the cost involved in
tributors to energy consumption and GHG emissions. In a recent study, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and stormwater treatment of
a comparative LCA was performed to investigate the environmental four pavement alternatives, i.e., HMA, PCCP, porous asphalt, and PC.
impacts associated with production of asphalt and concrete (Ivel et al., The results revealed that maintenance costs of permeable pavements
2019). Based on the results, it was observed that production of asphalt were lower compared to HMA and PCCP (Rehan et al., 2018). Some
had almost 80% higher impact on the resources than concrete, thus other benefits pertinent to permeable pavements are mitigation of
adjudging concrete as a more sustainable pavement material than as- urban heat island effects, noise reduction, better skid resistance, and
phalt. Huang et al. (2018) reported that energy consumption and improved quality of stormwater (Li et al., 2013; Chu et al., 2017;
emissions through cement pavements was about 22 to 28% lower than Roddin et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2018).
asphalt pavements. Overall, studies indicate that there are differences of environmental
In another study, a comparative LCA was performed over six dif- impacts and economic aspects due to disparity in design, construction,
ferent PCCP systems consisting of alternative materials such as fly ash and utility of conventional impervious pavements versus pervious pa-
and steel slag aggregates (Anastasiou et al., 2015). It was concluded vement systems. However, pervious pavements have been found to be
that the use of alternative materials in PCCP reduces CO2 equivalent, prospective candidates for low-impact development. In this direction,
and concurrently GWP could also be reduced by minimizing GHG there is a need to develop an approach to quantify environmental im-
emissions during construction phase. A study compared three green pacts of unconventional pavement systems such as PCPs while also
concrete mixtures comprising of alternative materials such as foundry comparing the results with those of conventional pavements. Thus, the
sand, steel slag, and fly ash with four conventional concrete mixtures major objective of this study was to quantify the embodied energy and
and inferred that the reduction in energy consumption and GHG GHG emissions for a PCP system, which was further compared with
emissions in green concrete was about 17.6–23.5% and 5.6–26.4%, PCCP using cradle-to-gate LCA approach. Additionally, the initial ca-
respectively, in comparison with conventional concrete (Turk et al., pital invested for the construction of PCP and PCCP have been com-
2015). Another research provided a generalized model that predicted pared to estimate sustainable credibility of one material over other up
CO2 equivalent during the stages of raw material production and pa- to the phase of construction. It is envisioned that this research will
vement construction for different pavement systems to predict their provide a methodical framework that can be adopted by routine en-
impact on climate change (White et al., 2010). Elsewhere, researchers gineers and practitioners to compute the embodied energy and kg CO2
stated that more than 50% emissions occurred during the material equivalent in PCPs, and develop strategies for construction of eco-
production and construction stages of concrete pavements, while the friendly pavement systems.
activities associated with end-of-life were other major contributors
(Loijos et al., 2013). 2. Research significance
It must be noted that in order to meet the sustainability criteria, it is
essential to quantify the economic dimensions of a pavement system Historically, several studies have been performed to investigate the
pertaining to construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation along with environmental burdens of conventional concrete and asphalt pavement
environmental impacts over its design life (Santero et al., 2011; systems. Albeit, the contribution of alternative pavement systems such
Santos et al., 2017). Past investigations indicated that although the as PCPs in reducing the total embodied energy and kg CO2 equivalent is
initial cost of construction for asphalt pavements was low, their overall still emerging. In this direction, a systematic LCA framework was de-
life cycle cost (LCC) was higher than concrete pavements when all the veloped to quantify and compare the environmental impacts of PCP and
phases of LCA were considered (Embacher and Snyder, 2001; conventional concrete pavement systems suitable for application in
Batouli et al., 2017). This was primarily attributed to minimal main- low-volume roadways. The LCA model developed in this study can be
tenance and rehabilitation activities associated with concrete pave- directly utilized by researchers, practitioners, and engineers to quantify
ments. the energy consumption and GHG emissions from the stage of pro-
Moving forward, the increasing crude oil prices have augmented the duction of raw materials to the construction of pavements as well as
overall cost of asphalt concrete pavements, while continued mining of end-of life phases. Although the LCA methodology established in this
quarries to obtain coarse and fine aggregates have led to excessive study is conceptual, it is certainly adaptable for site-specific conditions
consumption of natural resources (Kowalski et al., 2016). Additionally, and offers an advantage for optimization of model parameters with
impervious pavement surfaces do not allow for water percolation into appropriate modifications. Furthermore, the capital cost analysis per-
the ground during precipitation, thereby resulting in situations such as formed on various pavement systems to quantify the initial cost benefits
flash flooding and surface runoff. Thus, there is a need to develop pa- could be well-utilized as part of a detailed LCA in future that involves
vement systems that assuage the problems associated with high impact maintenance and exhaust of the products at the end-of-life. For in-
development of pavement infrastructure. One such approach is to stance, the capital cost of PCP was slightly higher than PCCP for RMC

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

mixing, and lower than PCCP for in-situ mixing, which showcased the Table 2
economic aspects offered by the two pavement systems, consequential Configurations of different pavement systems with base layers and equal service
of formulating a futuristic framework that could be extended for a life.
comprehensive LCA of these special materials, with capital cost being Scenario Surface course Base layer Material mixing method
the seed value for a rational LCCA as well. Overall, this study provided
a conceptual framework that is expected to pave way for rational as- A Pervious concrete Granular RMC
B Portland cement concrete Granular RMC
sessment of environmental credibility of different pavement systems a-
C Pervious concrete Granular In-situ
priori pavement design process. D Portland cement concrete Granular In-situ

3. Materials and methodology

scenarios of pavement systems are summarized in Table 1.
In order to understand the environmental impacts of alternative The configurations of two pavement systems and the two con-
pavement systems such as PCPs over conventional concrete pavements, struction scenarios adopted for this study are given in Table 2. In all the
a comparative LCA was performed. Different pavement systems were four scenarios, thicknesses of surface and base layers were considered
systematically characterized to represent common conventional pave- as 0.15 m and 0.2 m, respectively. It is noteworthy that a PCP parking
ment designs that are built across the world. This investigation pri- lot of area 50 m × 6 m was constructed in the premises of Indian In-
marily utilized the realistic data provided by the “construction agency” stitute of Technology Tirupati, State of Andhra Pradesh, which served
in combination with statistics derived from the “India construction as the basis for selecting the input model parameters for this com-
materials database of embodied energy and GWP, 2017”. Due to the parative study, whose details can be found in (Vaddy et al., 2020).
absence of fine aggregates in PC surface wearing course and rigid semi- One of the tasks of this study was to quantify the energy consumed
permeable base layers underneath, it was assumed that the construction and emissions generated due to a PCC surface course layer overlaid on
of PCP systems in regions with low traffic and susceptible to frequent dry-lean concrete (DLC) base (as a replacement of granular base). Along
rainfall would assist in reducing high environmental impacts of pave- with those mentioned in Table 2, RMC (Scenario E) mixing and in-situ
ment construction, and help achieve sustainability in construction (Scenario F) mixing methodologies were employed for preparation of
sector. PCCP with DLC base. Three different cement-to-aggregate (c/a) ratios
(1:5, 1:10, and 1:14) were adopted for the preparation of DLC to cover a
wide range of mixture proportions as per IRC: SP-49-2014. Further, the
3.1. Materials and pavement systems minimum cement content of 140 kg/m3 as given in IRC:SP-49-2014 was
adopted, and the aggregate content was varied accordingly.
Past studies have shown that cement is the major source of en- Despite the fact that limited studies are available on the utilization
vironmental burden during concrete production, which further depends of PC in low-volume roads, highway shoulders, and driveways; an at-
on total clinker content (The construction sector in India and climate tempt was made to compare their environmental footprints with PCCP
change, 2019; Material consumption patterns in India, 2016; Dam et al., consisting of a DLC base. Having said that, a comparison between PCP
2012; NRMCA: concrete CO2 fact sheet, 2008). Thus, for the sake of and PCCP (with DLC base) seems premature in the present scenario due
comparison, ordinary Portland cement 53-grade (with equal total to the differences in their configuration, structural performance, and
clinker content) conforming to IS:12269 was used for the production of durability. Nonetheless, this comparison is expected to pave way for
PC and PCC. Crushed aggregates indexed as 12.5 mm and finer size futuristic comparative LCA between PCCP and PCP systems with known
were referenced as coarse aggregates for the design of two pavement advanced structural performance characteristics.
systems. Additionally, manufactured sand (M-sand) produced at the
same stone quarry was input as fine aggregate for preparation of PCC.
PC specimens were prepared per the tentative mixture proportions 3.2. LCA methodology
provided in Tennis et al., 2014 and ACI 522R, 2010, to achieve the
target compressive strength of 25 MPa, whose proportions are given in In the absence of data pertinent to serviceability and end-of-life
Table 1. Further, a standard concrete mix design was carried out to phases of PCP systems, this LCA study followed cradle-to-gate ap-
prepare M25 grade PCC as per IS:10262. The specific gravities of ce- proach, including the stages of raw material production, material
ment, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates were reported as 3.14, transportation to the site, and pavement construction. For analysis, the
2.55, and 2.7, respectively. Furthermore, the bulk densities of cement, lifecycle inventory data was collected from a variety of sources such as
M-sand, and coarse aggregates were considered as 1440, 1650, and construction agency, India construction materials database of embodied
1600 kg/m3, respectively. The mixture proportions for the different energy and GWP, Central Pollution Control Board of India, and ex-
amined for each of those phases. Once the data was collected, a model
Table 1 developed by White et al. (2010) was utilized to quantify the en-
Proportioning of PC and PCC pavement systems. vironmental burdens of the various pavement systems considered in
this study. This model was further refined by the authors to incorporate
Material Proportion
the consumed embodied energy and carbon emissions (carbon footprint
Target compressive strength (MPa) 25 equivalent) produced during compaction phase of different layers
Pervious Concrete within the pavement systems. Note that a series of equations were es-
Cement (kg/m3) 400 tablished for various input model parameters and phases, as illustrated
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 1500
Water (kg/m3) 120
in subsequent sections (Section 3.6). The functional unit chosen for the
Cement-to-aggregate 1:3.75 comparative analysis consisted of 3.5 m wide, 1 km single lane road
Water-to-cement 0.30 designed to handle low-volume traffic. The thicknesses of surface
Superplasticizer (by mass of cement) 0.5% course and underlying base course layers were 0.15 m and 0.20 m,
Portland Cement Concrete
Cement (kg/m3) 409
Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 779
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 976
3.3. System boundaries
Water (kg/m3) 202
Superplasticizer (by mass of cement) 0.5%
The system boundaries represent the unit processes that are

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

modeled to quantify the energy consumed and GHGs emitted right from proposed framework following study and location requirements.
the stage of production of raw materials to the pavement construction.
The energy required for compaction of different layers in a pavement 3.5. LCA model
will depend on the type of subgrade, base course, and workability of
surface wearing course layers. For this study, the compaction effort for The models developed for the quantification of total embodied en-
subgrade, granular base course, and DLC was considered similar for all ergy and total kg CO2 equivalent per km for the different pavement
pavement types and configurations, i.e., using 10 passes of an 8-ton systems are given in Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively.
static steel wheel roller of 76 horsepower engine and 1.7 m drum width
such that the compaction velocity was 3 km/h. For the actual PC sur- Total embodied energy (MJ / km)= (1000 x W x
face wearing course (slump 12 mm) constructed in the field, the com- (T x Dn x (Pe + Me + (Te x Di )) + Ce )
paction was performed using a surface plate vibratory compactor run- (1)
ning with 2 horsepower engine and 0.3 m width such that it imparted a
compaction velocity of 0.36 km/h. Similarly, for PCC (about 100 mm Total kg CO2 eq. / km = (1000 x W x (T x Dn
slump), a needle vibrator of 2.2 horsepower engine was used and the
x (Pg + Mg + (Tg x Di )) + Cg ) (2)
compaction effort was attained at a rate of 0.15 m2/s (ACI 309R, 2005).
Further, a screed roller compactor of 2.5 horsepower was used to attain Where,
the finished surface at a rate of 0.097 m2/s. Moreover, the material for W = Width of the road in m
the base layer was spread at the rate of 0.12 m2/s through a backhoe T = Thickness of layer in m
loader of 36 horsepower engine. The different phases and components Dn = Density of pavement material in kg/m3
of the LCA that constituted the system boundary in this research are Pe = Material production value in MJ/kg
shown in Fig. 1. Pg = Material production value in kg CO2 eq./kg
Me = Material mixing value in MJ/kg
3.4. Limitations Mg = Material mixing value in kg CO2 eq./kg
Te = Transport from production site to application site in MJ/kg-km
It is noteworthy that there exists inherent variability in the database Tg = Transport from production site to application site, kg CO2 eq./
developed for the present study. For example, the GHG emissions kg-km
generated from cement production are primarily dependent upon the Di = Distance from material production site to application site in
clinker content, which in turn depends on the energy source and type of km
kiln. The material production factors (embodied energy and kg CO2 Ce = Material compaction value in MJ/m2
equivalent) for coarse and fine aggregates were adopted from “India Cg = Material compaction value in kg CO2 eq./m2
construction database for embodied energy and GWP”, and considered
similar throughout the study. However, a more refined approach would 3.5.1. Material production values
be to segregate the environmental contribution of both fine and coarse In general, material production value refers to the total energy
aggregate fractions. Further, the emissions derived from electricity consumed or GHG emissions produced during production of a unit
were considered for Indian conditions only, thus modifications must be quantity of the pavement material. According to India construction
made depending on the mode of electricity generation for global sce- materials database of embodied energy and GWP, the material pro-
nario. Additionally, the fuel consumption and speed of vehicles were duction values for cement, coarse aggregates, and m-sand were 6.4,
based on field experience. The traffic delays due to congestion and/or 0.11, and 0.11 MJ/kg, respectively. In terms of GHG potential, the
expansion/maintenance/repair of pavements were not considered in material production values for cement, coarse aggregates, and M-sand
this study. Moreover, other impact categories such as source of water were 0.91, 0.009, and 0.009 kg CO2 eq./kg, respectively.
supply, production of superplasticizer, and soil-treatment processes
were not accounted for in this conceptual framework. Similarly, the 3.5.2. Material mixing value
energy consumption and GHG emissions due to compaction metho- It is defined as the energy consumed or quantity of GHG produced
dology will vary depending on the anticipated traffic, thickness of pa- due to mixing of a unit quantity of the pavement material. With regard
vement layers, characteristics of surface wearing course (open/gap/ to embodied energy, the mixer engine power and mixing frequency
dense/uniformly graded), type of sub-base/base course, nature of sub- were provided by the contractor, and the material mixing value was
grade, type of soil treatment, and environmental conditions. The em- calculated using Eq. (3), using RMC mixing. In the absence of such data,
bodied energy and CO2 equivalent for the present study represented the the mixing value can be calculated using the fuel consumption and its
average Indian scenarios, so relevant modifications must be made to the thermal energy, as shown in Eq. (4) for in-situ mixing.

Fig. 1. Lifecycle phase and components within system boundary for different pavement systems.

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

3.6 x Engine power (kW ) Tg (kg CO2 eq. / kg km)

Me (MJ / kg ) =
Mixing frequency (kg /hr ) (3) Vehicular emissions (kg CO2 Eq. / km hr ) x Travel time (hr )
Fuel consumption (l/ hr ) x Thermal energy of fuel (MJ /l) Quantity of material transported (kg ) (9)
Me (MJ / kg ) =
Mixing frequency (kg / hr )
(4) 3.5.4. Material compaction value
With respect to energy, material compaction value may be defined
In terms of kg CO2 equivalent, the material mixing values for fossil fuel
as the energy required to compact unit surface area of a pavement
based concrete mixers and electric concrete mixers were calculated
layer. For PC, granular base course, and subgrade, the material com-
using Eq. (5) for in-situ mixing, and Eq. (6) for RMC mixing.
paction values were estimated using Eq. (10), whereas for PCC and
Mg (kg CO2 eq. / kg ) DLC, Eq. (11) was utilized for computation of total energy consumed.
Fuel consumption (l/ hr ) x Emissions from fuel (kg CO2 eq . /l) 0.0036 x Number of passages x Engine power (kW )
= Ce (MJ / m2) =
Mixing frequency (kg / hr ) (5) Speed of vehicle (kmph) x Width of roller (m) (10)
Mg (kg CO2 eq. / kg ) = E x Energy consumed in mixing (MJ / kg ) (6) Engine power (kW )
Ce (MJ / m2) =
Where, Compaction rate (m2 / s ) x 1000 (11)
E = Electric energy and GHG emission factor, which was taken as In terms of emissions, material compaction value may be defined as the
0.037101 kg CO2eq./MJ. quantity of GHGs emitted during the compaction of unit surface area of
In the absence of plant-specific data pertaining to the emission of a pavement layer. For computation of material compaction value with
GHGs during generation of electricity, a systematic procedure was respect to CO2 equivalent in PC, granular base layer, and subgrade, Eq.
utilized for computation of “E”, which is discussed below: (12) was utilized, whereas for PCC and DLC layer, Eq. (13) was used.

• The latest power generation details based on the data of Central Cg (kg CO2 eq. / m2)
Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power (MoP), Government Number of passes x Emissions from fuel (kg CO2 eq. / l)
of India is given in Table 3. Width of compactor (m) x Milage of vehicle (m / l) (12)
• Guttikonda and Jawahar (2014) suggested that carbon monoxide
Cg (kg CO2 eq. / m2) = E x Compaction energy (MJ / m2) (13)
(CO) and nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions from thermal power plants
be taken as 100 t/PJ and 189 t/PJ, respectively. Where, E = Electric energy and GHG emission factor (0.037101 kg
• For electricity, the kg CO2 equivalent due to CO and NOx emissions CO2eq./MJ)
were chosen as 1.90 and 265, respectively (Forster et al., 2007;
Myhre et al., 2013). Furthermore, kg CO2 equivalent generated 4. Capital cost analysis
during transportation due to CH4 emissions was taken as 28
(Myhre et al., 2013). Due to the absence of inventory pertinent to maintenance, re-
• The emissions due to hydro- and renewable energy resources were habilitation, and end-of-life of PCP systems, the cost analysis for this
neglected. Furthermore, due to a very small contribution of nuclear research study was restricted to the expenditure incurred up to pave-
energy sector to overall power generation in India, it was neglected. ment construction stage alone. Additionally, the capital cost analysis
• “E” was calculated using the relationship given in Eq. (7): performed in this study utilized locally available materials and labor
Electric Energy GHG Emission Factor = % of Thermal Energy costs, which are bound to vary from one region to another across the
x ((1.90 x CO (kg / MJ )) globe.
Moving forward, the cost incurred during the construction of pa-
+ (265 x NOx (kg / MJ ))) (7)
vements was broadly divided into three categories: material cost (Mc);
transportation cost (Tc), and construction cost (Cc). Mc encompassed
the cost of raw materials such as cement, coarse aggregate, and fine
3.5.3. Transportation distance aggregate. Tc comprised of the cost incurred in transportation of raw
Past studies have shown that the transportation distance amongst materials from source to the application site. In case of RMC mixing, Tc
other factors is one of the major contributors to high environmental covered the cost involved in transportation of raw materials to the RMC
impacts of pavement construction. The energy consumed due to plant and transportation of RMC to the construction site; whereas in-
transportation of raw materials for preparation of unit quantity of pa- situ mixing only included transportation cost of raw materials to the
vement material was computed using Eq. (8). construction site. Cc included concrete mixing cost, equipment (con-
crete mixer and vibrator) rental charges, and labor charges. The total
Te (MJ /kg km) cost of the different pavement systems was calculated using Eq. (14).
3.6 x Engine Power (kW )
= Total cost (Rs . /km) = (T x W x (Mc + Tc + Cc ))
Speed of vehicle (kmph) x Quantity of material transported (kg ) (8) (14)

Similarly, Eq. (9) was utilized for computation of GHG emissions due to Where,
transportation of raw materials. T = Thickness of layer in m
W = Width of the road in m
Table 3 Mc = Material cost in Indian Rs./km/m2
Power Generation in India (Ministry of Power, 2019). Tc = Material transportation cost in Indian Rs./km/m2
Cc = Construction cost in Indian Rs./km/m2
Power type Power generated (MW) % of total

Thermal 2,27,644 63.15 5. Results and discussion

Hydro (Renewable) 45,399 12.59
Nuclear 6,780 1.88
The results included the quantification of total embodied energy
Renewable energy sources 80,633 22.37
Total 3,60,456 100.00 and total kg CO2 equivalent per lane km length of the pavement sys-

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

5.1. Inventory for quantification of environmental impacts of pavement Table 4

systems Environmental impacts of pavement systems.
Scenario Surface course Base course Subgrade Total
The material production values in terms of embodied energy and kg
CO2 equivalent for different layers of the pavement systems were calcu-
Total embodied energy (x 10 MJ/km)
A 1538.33 210.35 1.40 1750.08
lated as weighted average of their individual production values, and the
B 1590.24 210.35 1.40 1801.99
results are tabulated in Table 1 of Appendix A. The material mixing values C 1518.64 210.35 1.40 1730.39
pertinent to embodied energy and kg CO2 equivalent were computed using D 1573.34 210.35 1.40 1785.09
Eqs. (3) through (7), and the results are shown in Table 2 of Appendix A. Total GHG emissions (x 103 kg CO2 eq./km)
Based on the data provided by the construction agency, the RMC plant A 205.28 14.83 0. 00552 220.11
B 211.10 14.83 0. 00552 225.93
mixer had a power of 60 kW with mixing frequency equal to 60 m3/h.
C 206.81 14.83 0. 00552 221.64
However, for in-situ concrete mixing, the mixing frequency of the batch D 212.89 14.83 0.00552 227.73
mixer was equal to 3.8 m3/h with diesel consumption at the rate of 1 L/h.
The details of vehicles that were used for the transportation of individual
pavement materials and the concrete mixtures are shown in Table 3 of environmental impacts associated with cement are highest as compared to
Appendix A. It is noteworthy that the pavement mixtures, including PC, other raw materials such as fine and coarse aggregates for a cradle-to-gate
PCC, and DLC were transported in quantities of 4 m3 at one time instead of LCA (Loijos eta al., 2013; Van Dam et al., 2012; Chaote et al., 2003).
6 m3 using RMC transit mixers to avoid wastage due to stiffening of the Furthermore, there is a need to design and construct PCP test sections
material product within the truck. The velocity of trucks was adopted based utilizing supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) and blended ce-
on experience, and accordingly the travel times were computed. The en- ments instead of hydraulic cements, which are promising technologies
ergy consumption and GHG emissions, respectively, due to transportation having potential to suppress the high environmental impacts of concrete
distance of materials were calculated using Eqs. (8) and (9). Further, the pavements (Anastasiou et al., 2015; Van Dam et al., 2012). Moreover, sand
total energy and emissions due to material transportation were calculated was not utilized for the preparation of PC mixture, resulting in reduced
as the weighted average of individual material transportation values, as energy consumption and GHG emissions during pavement construction.
shown in Tables 4 and 5 of Appendix A for RMC mixing and in-situ mixing,
respectively. The material compaction values for different layers of PCP
and PCCP systems were calculated using Eqs. (10) through (13), and the 5.3. Impact due to dry lean concrete base on scenarios E and F of pavement
results were reported in Table 6 of Appendix A. Note that the material systems
production values, mixing values, and material transportation values (for
RMC and in-situ mixing) are provided in Tables 7 through 10, respectively. For the different scenarios (E and F) of DLC base course considered
in this study, the embodied energy and GHG emissions are reported in
5.2. Impact due to pavement systems Tables 3 and 4 of Appendix B. It was observed that the embodied energy
and GHG emissions for the DLC base course with c/a ratio of 1:14 were
The environmental impacts of PCP and PCCP systems were calcu- 18.47% and 9.95% higher than the scenario when c/a ratio was 1:5 for
lated by adding the individual environmental contribution of each pa- RMC mixing, and 22.18% and 11.81% higher for in-situ mixing.
vement layer. Since the subgrade soil was assumed good for construc- Further, the embodied energy and GHG emissions for PCCP with
tion, no treatment was provided. The embodied energy involved in granular base were lower than PCCP with DLC base layer by about
construction of subgrade was 1399 MJ/km, whereas the GHG emissions 32–40% and 36–40%, respectively. This obviously suggests that with
were 5.52 kg CO2 eq./km. Note that one of the system boundaries of increase in the proportion of materials, i.e., cement and aggregates, the
this study was to discount the emissions and embodied energy that may environmental impacts of pavements would increase.
have been generated if subgrade soil were treated. Nonetheless, the Although limited studies have discussed the performance of PCP in
quantified magnitudes of subgrade soil as aforementioned were utilized highway shoulders, low-volume roads, shoulder retrofit of impermeable
in the calculation of overall carbon footprint and embodied energy of pavements, in regions of slow-moving heavy vehicles, driveways
the pavement systems. (Wanielista and Chopra, 2007; Izevbekhai and Akkari, 2011; Li et al.,
The input variables that affect the embodied energy and GHG 2012a; Geode and Haselbach, 2012), there still exists a vast scope to
emissions of base courses are primarily: material production, material enhance the pavement performance characteristics. Even though it is
mixing, transportation, and material compaction, and the results are unfair to compare PCP (with granular base) and PCCP (with DLC base)
summarized in Table 1 of Appendix B. Since a granular sub-base was systems due to their distinct compositions and serviceability, still an
utilized for the preparation of PCP and PCCP systems, the embodied attempt was made to differentiate between energy and carbon foot-
energy and GHG emissions were similar as reported in Table 4. prints of these two pavement systems. Based on the results, it was
The energy consumption and kg CO2 equivalent due to the pave- concluded that the total embodied energy and GHG emissions in PCP
ment materials utilized in the construction of surface wearing courses of were lower than PCCP with DLC base layer by about 35–44% and
PCP and PCCP systems for a 1 km long and 3.5 m wide roadway are 40–45%, respectively for increasing c/a ratio.
shown in Table 2 of Appendix B. Additionally, the environmental Unlike the untreated granular base used in the PCP system, the base
contributions of PC and PCC surface course layers in different pavement layer used for PCCP had higher volume fraction of cement (DLC base
construction scenarios is shown in Table 4. Note that the mixing pro- course) that played a critical role in increasing the environmental impacts
cedures did not have a very significant impact on the environment. of pavement infrastructure. However, future research must focus on en-
For RMC mixing, it was observed that the embodied energy and kg hancing the structural and functional performance of PCP to establish
CO2 equivalent of PCP were lower than PCCP by about 2.97% and 2.84%, unbiased and more rational comparisons between two pavement systems.
respectively. On another account, for in-situ mixing, the embodied energy One way to achieve this could be the utilization of a limited percentage of
and kg CO2 equivalent of PCP were lower than PCCP by about 3.16% and fines (Singh et al., 2019) or small maximum sized aggregates (Li et al.,
2.94%, respectively. In general, lower embodied energy and carbon foot- 2012b) in base course to provide strong support to PC surface wearing
print in PCP may be attributed to the fact that the quantity of cement course. Some other attempts could be the addition of SCM (Sun et al.,
(recall that cement production is a major contributor to kg CO2 equivalent 2018; Wang et al., 2019) and fibers (Harry et al., 2018) in PC mix pro-
and embodied energy, as mentioned earlier) used in PCCP was high. This portioning and innovative PCP designs to advance their suitability for all-
result agrees with some other studies, which reported that the weather-all-traffic roadway systems.

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

5.4. Capital cost analysis infrastructure. However, a detailed lifecycle analysis must be performed
till the end-of-life phase to further investigate the sustainability benefits of
The cost analysis was carried out for the individual layers of six PCPs.
different pavement systems to quantify and compare their capital costs.
It was assumed that for RMC mixing, the rate of installation of PC and 6. Sensitivity analysis
PCC was 6 and 10 meters per hour (m/h), respectively. On the other
hand, for in-situ mixing, the rate of installation for PC and PCC were 4 In order to capture the uncertainty in the total embodied energy and
and 6 m/h, respectively. A detailed cost analysis was first performed for total kg CO2 equivalent due to variability in the LCA model parameters,
the individual layers of PCP and PCCP systems, which were further sensitivity analysis was performed. The model developed for the com-
substituted in Eq. (14) to arrive at the overall cost of pavement systems. putation of total embodied energy and total kg CO2 equivalent were
The inventory was first sub-divided into three distinct components, as tested for sensitivity variations in the input parameters: transportation
already described in the methodology section. The rates for the total distance, material production, material mixing, material compaction,
raw materials, labor charges per day, and equipment and transportation and density of materials, as shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b), respectively.
vehicle charges per day were provided by the construction agency. Note The two outputs under study were tested for a uniform variation
that the rates used in the present study are applicable for Indian sce- of ± 20% in the input parameters to understand their impacts on PC
narios, specifically in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The cost involved in (RMC mixing) surface wearing course layers. It was observed from
the construction of PC and PCC surface courses for RMC mixing is given Fig. 2 (a) and (b) that though the density of pavement materials had
in Table 1 of Appendix C, whereas for in-situ mixing the cost for two greater sensitivity than material production, the magnitudes of varia-
distinct surface wearing courses is given in Table 2 of Appendix C. As tion in density and material production were similar. This result fell
observed from Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix C, the cost of PC surface well within the hypothesis that the energy consumption and GHG
wearing course was higher than PCC surface layer by 2.05% in case of emissions required for production of unit quantity of concrete will in-
RMC mixing, and lower by 6.45% for in-situ mixing. Similarly, for RMC crease with increasing density of materials, and thus resulting in high
mixing, the capital cost of PCP system was higher than that of PCCP by impact on the environment. Further, it seems that the contribution of
1.21%, whereas for in-situ mixing capital cost was lower by 4.13%. The transportation distances was not significant (lower) for total energy
total and layer-wise cost of pavement systems is shown in Table 5. consumption and GHG emissions. However, this hypothesis may fail if
These results imply that the initial cost of construction of PC is there is a significant difference in the transportation distances (over 100
slightly higher than PCC in RMC mixing. Similar outcomes were re- km for one-way) of the pavement materials, as discussed in the litera-
ported by some other investigations, where the initial cost of con- ture (Anastasiou et al., 2015; Turk et al., 2015).
struction of PCP was higher as compared to traditional pavements
(Rehan et al., 2018; Terhell et al., 2015). However, studies have shown 7. Conclusions and recommendations
that LCC of permeable pavements is much lower than conventional
pavement systems due to multiple benefits offered by PCP such as mi- This research presented an LCA methodology that was developed to
tigation of stormwater runoff (Terhell et al., 2015; Jones et al., 2010). quantify the total embodied energy and total GHG emissions expected
Additionally, for in-situ mixing, PC proved to be a cheaper alternative during the various phases of concrete production and pavement con-
than PCC, which may be attributed to the fact that PC matrix does not struction. The methodology provided a practical and convenient tool
comprise of sand, as it is just a mixture of cement and coarse ag- with well-defined system boundaries and elaborated calculation pro-
gregates, therefore, utilizing fewer resources and contributing to sus- cedures that allows for easy adoption by researchers and agencies
tainable pavement infrastructure. across the world.
Similarly, the cost involved in the construction of aggregate, and A comparative LCA was performed to quantify the impacts of PCPs
DLC base layers (Scenario E, and c/a - 1:14) for RMC mixing is shown in with respect to conventional concrete pavements. It was observed that
Table 4 of Appendix C, and that for in-situ mixing (Scenario F, and c/a - the energy consumption and GHG emissions produced by PCP were
1:14) are given in Table 5of Appendix C. It was obvious that due to the lower than that of PCCP systems. A sensitivity analysis was performed
inclusion of cement for preparation of DLC, its cost was higher by for the various input model parameters, which confirmed that the major
41.45% as compared to aggregate base layer. For RMC mixing, the contributors of energy consumption and GHG emissions included
capital cost of PCCP with aggregate base was lower than PCCP with amount of pavement materials and corresponding material production
DLC base by 17.15%, whereas, for in-situ mixing, the cost of con- value. In addition, it was observed that for PCP system, the environ-
struction of PCCP with DLC was higher than PCCP with aggregate base mental burdens were lower than that of PCCP with aggregate base layer
by 14.33%. Additionally, for RMC mixing, the cost of PCP was lower by about 2.7–3.0%. The results of capital cost analysis suggested that
than PCCP with DLC base by 15.74%, and for in-situ mixing it was PCP is slightly expensive as compared to PCCP when RMC mixing was
lower by 19.05%. adopted, and about 4% more economical than PCCP for in-situ mixing.
These results are promising in the sense that the capital cost of PCP Thus, reduced environmental loads and lower capital cost seems to be
was lower than PCCP (aggregate base), except for RMC mixing scenario. the inherent advantages of PCP over PCCP.
However, the total embodied energy and GHG emissions were lower in all Albeit several intriguing findings from the study, the following are a
scenarios, thus making PCP a sustainable pavement system that has high few recommendations for future research and implementation. First,
potential to curb the negative impacts of impervious pavement this research does not consider all phases of LCA. Thus, there exists
significant room to advance the current LCA methodology to quantify
Table 5 energy consumption and GHG emissions during operation, main-
Total and layer-wise cost of pavement systems. tenance, and end-of-life phases. Secondly, a complete LCCA must be
undertaken for PCP systems to adjudge their economic advantage over
Scenario Surface course Base course Subgrade Total (INR)
PCCP systems in a comprehensive manner. Next, the factors considered
A 3349205 2318622 2667 5670494 during different components of LCA were geared for scenarios in India,
B 3280709 2318622 2667 5601997 and hence must be modified based on site-specific requirements else-
C 4119556 2318622 2667 6440845 where. Additionally, the cost of pavement materials, labor, and ma-
D 4385282 2318622 2667 6706571
chinery were based on local rates, and must be modified for other lo-
E 3280709 3279632 2667 6563007
F 4385282 3279632 2667 7667581 cations. Very importantly, LCA must be carried out for different
configurations of PCP, PCCP, and several other pavement systems to

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

Fig. 2. Sensitivity of density, production, mixing, compaction, and transportation distance for: (a) Embodied energy; (b) GHG emissions.

quantify the change in environmental burdens, suiting the requirements Prapoorna Biligiri: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology,
for site-specific development of pavement infrastructure. Project administration, Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing -
review & editing.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Avishreshth Singh: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal
analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software. The authors gratefully acknowledge Mr. Sanat Kumaracharyulu, Mr.
Poornachandra Vaddy: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Srikar, and Mr. Vijay Kumar of Harini Constructions Private Limited,
analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software. Krishna India for providing the necessary inventory for this illustrative research.

Appendix – A: Inventory analysis for quantification of environmental impacts of pavement systems

Table 1. Material production values of embodied energy and GHG emissions for surface and granular base layers of PCP and PCCP

Material Quantity (kg/cum) % Weight Pe (MJ/kg) Total Pe (MJ/kg) Pg (kg CO2 eq./kg) Total Pg (kg CO2 eq./kg)

PC production
Cement 400 19.78 6.40 1.347676 0.91 0.186696
Coarse aggregate 1500 74.18 0.11 0.009
PCC production
Cement 409 17.27 6.40 1.186907 0.91 0.163842
Fine aggregate 779 32.90 0.11 0.009
Coarse aggregate 976 41.22 0.11 0.009
Aggregate base material production
Coarse aggregate 1600 100.00 0.11 0.110000 0.009 0.009000

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

Table 2. Material mixing values for PC and PCC layers

Material / Method Me (MJ/kg) Mg (kg CO2 eq./ kg)


RMC 0.001780 0.001520 0.000066 0.000056

In-situ 0.004672 0.003990 0.000349 0.000298

Table 3. Characteristics of transportation vehicles and their pavement material capacities

Trip Purpose Engine power Distance (Di) Velocity Travel time Material transported Density of materials Total material transported
(kW) (km) (km/h) (h) per trip (kg/m3) per trip (kg)

Cement source to RMC plant 242 182 60 3.03 25000 kg - 25000

Coarse aggregate source to R- 242 35 60 0.58 6 cu.m 1600 9600
MC plant
Fine aggregate source to RMC 242 35 60 0.58 6 cu.m 1650 9900
PC from RMC plant to con- 177.1 15 30 0.50 4 cu.m 2020 8088
struction site
PCC from RMC plant to con- 177.1 15 30 0.50 4 cu.m 2400 9472
struction site
Cement source to construction 242 192 60 3.2 25000 kg - 25000
Coarse aggregate source to co- 242 50 60 0.83 6 cu.m 1600 9600
nstruction site
M-sand source to construction 242 50 60 0.83 6 cu.m 1650 9900

Table 4. Energy consumption and emissions due to transportation of PC, PCC, and aggregate base material (RMC mixing)

Material Quantity (kg/cum) % Weight Te x Di (MJ/kg) Total Te x Di (MJ/kg) Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg) Total Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg)

PC transportation
Cement 400 19.80 0.105706 0.099596 0.021138 0.006579
Coarse aggregate 1500 74.26 0.052938 0.002036
PC 2020 100.00 0.039414 0.000888
PCC transportation
Cement 409 17.27 0.105706 0.090617 0.021138 0.005897
Fine aggregate 779 32.90 0.051333 0.001974
Coarse aggregate 976 41.22 0.052938 0.002038
PCC 2368 100.00 0.033654 0.000758
Aggregate base material transportation
Coarse aggregate 1600 100.00 0.075625 0.075625 0.002036 0.002036

Table 5. Energy consumption and GHG emissions due to transportation of PC, PCC, and aggregate base material (in-situ mixing)

Material Quantity (kg/m3) % Weight Te x Di (MJ/kg) Te x Di (MJ/kg) Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg) Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg)

PC transportation
Cement 400 19.80 0.111514 0.078162 0.023525 0.007736
Coarse aggregate 1500 74.26 0.075625 0.004155
PCC transportation
Cement 493.01 20.54 0.111514 0.074553 0.023525 0.007101
Fine aggregate 564.91 23.54 0. 073333 0.004155
Coarse aggregate 1095.58 45.65 0. 075625 0.004029
Aggregate base material transportation
Coarse aggregate 1600 100.00 0.075625 0.075625 0.004155 0.004155

Table 6. Material compaction values for different layers of pavement systems

Pavement layer Ce (MJ/m2) Cg (kg CO2eq./m2)

PC surface course 0.024847 0.010694

Granular sub-base 0.699885 0.024815
PCC surface course 0.030475 0.001131
Aggregate base course 0.699885 0.026391
Subgrade 0.399885 0.001576

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

Table 7. Material production values of embodied energy and GHG emissions for DLC layers with different mixture proportions.

Material Quantity (kg/cum) % Weight Pe (MJ/kg) Total Pe (MJ/kg) Pg (kg CO2 eq./kg) Total Pg (kg CO2 eq./kg)

DLC production (a/c - 14:1)

Cement 140 6.35 6.40 0.504127 0.91 0.065778
Coarse aggregate 1960 88.89 0.11 0.009
DLC production (a/c - 10:1)
Cement 140 8.66 6.40 0.649351 0.91 0.086580
Coarse aggregate 1400 86.58 0.11 0.009
DLC production (a/c - 5:1)
Cement 140 15.87 6.40 1.103175 0.91 0.151587
Coarse aggregate 700 79.37 0.11 0.009

Table 8. Material mixing values for DLC layers with different mixture proportions.

DLC (a/c ratio) Me (MJ/kg) Mg (kg CO2 eq./ kg)

14:1 10:1 5:1 14:1 10:1 5:1

RMC 0.001633 0.002226 0.004082 0.000061 0.000083 0.000151

In-situ 0.004285 0.005843 0.010711 0.000159 0.000217 0.000397

Table 9. Energy consumption and emissions due to transportation of DLC (RMC mixing).

Material Quantity (kg/cum) % Weight Te x Di (MJ/kg) Total Te x Di (MJ/kg) Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg) Total Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg)

DLC (a/c – 14:1)

Cement 140 6.35 0.105706 0.089910 0.021138 0.003803
Aggregate 1960 88.89 0.052938 0.002036
DLC 2205 100.00 0.036143 0.000651
DLC (a/c – 10:1)
Cement 140 8.66 0.105706 0.104271 0.021138 0.004481
Aggregate 1400 86.58 0.052938 0.002036
DLC 1800 100.00 0.049286 0.000888
DLC (a/c – 5:1)
Cement 140 15.87 0.105706 0.089910 0.021138 0.006599
Aggregate 700 79.37 0.052938 0.002036
DLC 840 100.00 0.090357 0.001628

Table 10. Energy consumption and emissions due to transportation of DLC (In-situ mixing).

Material Quantity (kg/cum) % Weight Te x Di (MJ/kg) Total Te x Di (MJ/kg) Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg) Total Tg x Di (kg CO2 eq./kg)

DLC (a/c – 14:1)

Cement 140 6.35 0.111514 0.074302 0.023525 0.005187
Aggregate 1960 88.89 0.075625 0.004155
DLC (a/c – 10:1)
Cement 140 8.66 0.111514 0.075131 0.023525 0.005634
Aggregate 1400 86.58 0.075625 0.004155
DLC (a/c – 5:1)
Cement 140 15.87 0.111514 0.077720 0.023525 0.007031
Aggregate 700 79.37 0.075625 0.004155

Appendix – B: Environmental impacts of different layers in pavement systems

Table 1. Embodied energy and GHG emissions from granular base.

Embodied energy
Pavement Layer Pe Me Te x Di Ce Embodied energy (MJ/km)

Aggregate base 0.110000 0 0.075625 0.699885 210349.60

GHG emissions
Pavement Layer Pg Mg Tg x Di Cg GHG emissions (kg CO2 eq./km)
Aggregate base 0.009000 0 0.004807 0.026391 1037.07

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

Table 2. Total embodied energy and GHG emissions of PC and PCC surface courses.

Embodied energy
Pavement layer Pe Me Te x Di Ce Embodied energy (× 103MJ/km)

A 1.347676 0.001780 0.099596 0.024847 1538.33

B 1.186907 0.001520 0.090617 0.030475 1590.24
C 1.347676 0.004672 0.078162 0.024847 1518.64
D 1.186907 0.003990 0.074553 0.030475 1573.34
GHG emissions
Pavement layer Pg Mg Tg x Di Cg GHG emissions (× 103kgCO2eq./km)
A 0.186696 0.000066 0.006579 0.010694 205.28
B 0.193160 0.000056 0.005897 0.001131 211.10
C 0.186696 0.000349 0.007736 0.010694 206.81
D 0.193160 0.000294 0.007101 0.001131 212.89

Table 3. Total embodied energy and GHG emissions of DLC base layer (RMC mixing).

Embodied energy
a/c ratio Pe Me Te x Di Ce Embodied energy (MJ/km)

14:1 0.504127 0.001633 0.089910 0.699885 921865.50

10:1 0.649351 0.002226 0.104271 0.699885 857994.00
5:1 1.103175 0.004082 0.089910 0.699885 778154.62
GHG emissions
a/c ratio Pg Mg Tg x Di Cg GHG emissions (kg CO2 eq./km)
14:1 0.065778 0.000061 0.003803 0.026391 107583.58
10:1 0.086580 0.000083 0.004481 0.026391 103257.56
5:1 0.151587 0.000151 0.006599 0.026391 97850.03

Table 4. Embodied energy and GHG emissions of DLC base layer (In-situ mixing).

Embodied energy
a/c ratio Pe Me Te x Di Ce Embodied energy (MJ/km)

14:1 0.504127 0.004285 0.089910 0.699885 901868.59

10:1 0.649351 0.005843 0.104271 0.699885 829103.59
5:1 1.103175 0.010711 0.089910 0.699885 738147.34
GHG emissions
a/c ratio Pg Mg Tg x Di Cg GHG emissions (kg CO2 eq./km)
14:1 0.065778 0.000159 0.005187 0.026391 109871.34
10:1 0.086580 0.000217 0.005634 0.026391 104714.72
5:1 0.151587 0.000397 0.007031 0.026391 98268.94

Appendix – C: Capital costs of different layers in pavement systems

Table 1. Cost analysis of PC and PCC surface course by RMC mixing method.

Task Rate Unit PC PCC

Quantity per day Cost (Rs) Quantity per day Cost (Rs)

Material cost (Mc)

Cement 5.8 Rs/kg 10080 58464 17178 99632
Coarse aggregate 1.57 Rs/kg 37800 59346 40992 64357
Fine aggregate 0.83 Rs/kg 0 0 32718 27156
Sub total 117810 191146
Transportation of materials from source to plant (Tc)
Cement 7000 Rs/day 0.20 1411 0.34 2405
Coarse aggregate 7000 Rs/day 0.98 6891 1.07 7473
Fine aggregate 7000 Rs/day 0 0 0.83 5783
RMC 6600 Rs/day 2.10 13860 3.50 23100
Sub total 22162 38761
Construction cost (Cc)
RMC mixing 700 Rs/m3 25.20 17640 42.00 29400
Operators (Transit mixer) 300 Rs/day 1 300 1.00 300
Labor 350 Rs/day 4 1400 4.00 1400
Mason 550 Rs/day 2 1100 2.00 1100
Vibrator 350 Rs/day 1 350 1.00 350
Sub total 20790 32550
Grand total 160762 262457
Cost per km 3349205 3280709

A. Singh, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161 (2020) 104953

Table 2. Cost analysis of PC and PCC surface course by in-situ mixing method.

Material Cost Unit PC PCC

Quantity per day Cost (Rs.) Quantity per day Cost (Rs.)

Material cost (Mc)

Cement 5.8 Rs/kg 6720 38976 10307 59779
Coarse aggregate 1.57 Rs/kg 25200 39564 24595 38614
Fine aggregate 0.83 Rs/kg 0 0 19631 16294
Sub total 78540 114687
Transportation cost (Tc)
Cement 7000 Rs/day 0.13 941 0.21 1443
Coarse aggregate 7000 Rs/day 0.88 6125 0.85 5978
Fine aggregate 7000 Rs/day 0 0 0.66 4627
Sub total 7066 12048
Construction cost (Cc)
Mixer 2000 Rs/day 1 2000 1.00 2000
Labor 350 Rs/day 10 3500 10.00 3500
Mason 550 Rs/day 2 1100 2.00 1100
Compactor 350 Rs/day 1 350 2.00 700
Sub total 6950 7300
Grand total 131826 210494
Cost per km 4119556 4385282

Table 3. Cost analysis of granular base and aggregate base.

Material Rate Quantity Cost, Rs.

Material cost (Mc)

Coarse aggregate 1.57 56000 87920
Sub total 87920
Transportation cost (Tc)
Coarse aggregate 7000 1.94 13611
Sub total 13611
Construction cost, Cc
Labor 8000 1 8000
Compactor 6400 1 6400
Sub total 14400
Grand total 115931
Cost per km 2318622

Table 4. Cost analysis of dry lean concrete base course.

Material Rate RMC In-situ

Quantity Cost (Rs.) Quantity Cost (Rs.)

Material cost (Mc)

Cement 5.8 3920 22736 2940 17052
Coarse aggregate 1.57 54880 86162 41160 64621
Sub total 108898 81673
Transportation cost (Tc)
Cement 7000 0.0784 549 0.0588 412
Coarse aggregate 7000 1.91 13339 1.43 10004
DLC 6600 2.33 15400 - -
Sub total 29288 10416
Construction cost, Cc
Mixer 2000 - - 1 2000
Labor 350 4 1400 10 3500
Compactor 6400 1 800 1 800
Sub total 2200 6300
Grand total 140385 98389
Cost per km 3509632 3279632

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