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Reflection Paper 6

General Mathematics

Platon, Alessandra Marie E. 11 / ABM / A Gold

225483 06/12/2022

The lesson six in General Mathematics is about Logic. One area of

mathematics that has its roots deep in philosophy is the study of logic. Logic is the
study of formal reasoning based upon statements or propositions. (Price, Rath,
Leschensky, 1992). Logic evolved out of a need to fully understand the details
associated with the study of mathematics. For lawyers and judges, logic is the study
of correct reasoning. They often use logic to communicate more effectively, construct
valid arguments, analyze legal contracts, and make decisions. This module introduces
me to the general forms of logical reasoning applicable to real-life arguments. The
lessons of this module are focus on the concepts, principles, and methods to obtain
good and reliable arguments. The topics developed my own reasoning and proving
During the days that I’m answering my sixth module in General Mathematics,
at first, I felt really problematic on how can I answer this lesson all by myself due to
the particular reason for the circumstances that no one can teach me and explain the
lessons for me to completely understand it and for me to be able to answer the problem
sets and activities. I have no idea what logic are. I have heard about them but I never
really pay attention on what are those. Now, I have learned that Logics are a way
thinking that uses reason and judgement to arrive at a conclusion. This reason the
judgement must be based on the truth that can sufficiently support the conclusion in
order to be considered logical. In the same way that people arrive at certain conclusion
by observing and citing the connection between a proven fact or the truth of a matter
into another set of matters. Laws are interpreted and applied and cases are decided
based on proper use of logic.
When we were kids, our mother used to tell us that candies can cause us tooth
ache. Since we were only kids, we keep on asking them why it cause tooth ache. But
then our parents always have reasons and keep on reasoning just for us to obey and
believe on them. She therefore convinces us not to eat candies by using an Analogy,
which is a form of logic.

And now, I have realized that in answering and understanding the modules in
General Mathematics you have to be patient in yourself and believe in yourself
considering that Mathematics is not an easy subject. It takes time and effort for you to
completely understand the lessons. You need to set an enough time for you to
understand the lessons. And when you are privilege or have someone that can teach
you or explain the lessons for you, seek for help because from my point of view
answering Mathematics need a lot of attention, understanding, and analyzation. You
can watch videos on YouTube, that’s what I always do, and that’s why I can answer
completely the problem sets and activities in General Mathematics. And also, General
Mathematics are all about analyzing and problem solving. You have to enhance your
analyzation and your skills in problem solving because that is what really needed in
this subject.

Therefore, as I have already done answering the problem sets and activities in
General Mathematics, I have learned that Logic doesn’t teach you to think. You think
naturally and intuitively as a human being who is already capable of careful thinking.
What logic can do is bring order, consistency, and carefulness to your thinking. My
college students had bright minds and were eager to think carefully, but their thinking
was often scattered, disordered, and somewhat careless. The study of logic builds
ordered minds that are capable of clear, careful, and cogent thinking. Logic also
teaches people how to construct a reasonable argument—a claim (conclusion) that is
genuinely supported by facts, reasons, or evidence (premises)—and how to recognize
when the reasoning process breaks down (often in form of specific fallacies). Knowing
how to reason properly and being aware of common mistakes is invaluable in life and
in the pursuit of truth.
I have learned that if you have a weak determination, you can never completely
understand the lessons. But if you’re determined to learn and to be able to answer the
activities, nothing’s impossible to a strong determination. This lesson is not that hard,
you can understand it completely if you keep on studying it over and over again. You
just have to patient and never lose hope. Believe in yourself. Always believe that you
will be able to understand it and be able to answer it correctly. Therefore, next time, to
my upcoming modules in General Mathematics, I’m going to put my full efforts, time,
and attention when answering my modules. Thus, I can answer it smoothly and without

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