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Jyluord C.

Canlas 11-ABM B
225520 Earth and Life Science

Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life, it is special and unique.
Earth is the fifth planet in solar system with highest density. About 70% of the surface of the
Earth is covered by liquid or frozen water. Earth is called “blue planet” since it’s covered of
water, planet Earth is habitable for the reason that it has the right distance from the sun. It can
provide water, oxygen, useful biological products for human, and has suitable weather and
climate. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are terrestrial planet because they have solid
surfaces, dense and metallic core, nitrogen and carbon dioxide are abundant in their
atmosphere while Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are Jovian planets because they have
gaseous surface; less dense core supposedly molten rock, hydrogen and helium are vastly
present in its atmosphere.
Everything in Earth’s system can be placed into one of four major subsystems; land, water,
living things, and air. Scientists increasingly view earth as a dynamic system, a combination of
interrelated independent or interacting parts forming a collective whole or entity. The four
central components known as the subsystems are the Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, and
Hydrosphere. Atmosphere it is the gaseous layer above the Earth’s surface, primarily composed
of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. “ATMOS” means vapor, other gases like argon, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and other inert gases made the remaining 1%. The
atmosphere supports life because animals and oxygen, and plants need both carbon dioxide
and oxygen. Biosphere “BIO” means life, this serves as the ecosystem of all living and non- living
organisms. It consists of all living things, plants and animals, from microbes to human.
Biosphere is a very thin layer of the earth’s surface. Next is the Geosphere, “GEO” means stone
or rock. the solid part of the Earth that consists the entire planet from the center of the core to
the outer crust. It includes core, mantle, and crust of the Earth. Last component is Hydrosphere,
“HYDRO” means water. The water part of the Earth which circulates among oceans, continents,
glaciers, and atmosphere. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth and contain 97.5% of its water.
The four subsystems are important since it’s helps us in are daily life and living in this planet.
Atmosphere protects us from harmful solar radiation through the ozone layer, and plays a role
in driving ocean currents that redistribute Earth’s heat. But in this time, we experience the
impact of sun since our ozone layer is getting thin because of our wrongdoing. Atmosphere
protects us but we living in this planet doesn’t protect the atmosphere. The structures we live
in, the rock formations we see, and the ground we walk on today are all product of the
geosphere. The biosphere is responsible for all the life that we observe on earth. The plants
that give us moisture, air and other necessities and the animals that we eat are all product of
biosphere. The hydrosphere is accountable for the seas that are wonderful to look at, the
waters we use for bathe and most importantly the water that we drink.
I’m glad that I learned in this topic since my knowledge about the earth subsystem are not
good enough. When my professor introduce the topic I had a background knowledge about the
Earth subsystem because we discussed it already when I was junior high. However, only a few
specifics of the earth subsystem were covered in junior high. I'm relieved right now because I
know enough about the earth's subsystem and understand its importance.
The four subsystems are significant and applicable to our daily lives. We are provided with
the necessary water, food, and air as a function, as well as the foundation for our homes. Given
that we are part of the earth's subsystem and would not exist without it, we must care for our
home planet. If we keep up our destructive behavior, it will have an impact on the ozone layer,
which shields us from the sun and the spread of the climate change. Therefore, we must halt
the harmful actions if we want to keep inhabiting the earth.

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