Home Invasion Script Better

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Home Invasion

An Original Radio drama by

Sam Thomas

Scene One

Narrator: Somewhere on Saint Road there is this family

fortune hidden in the miller’s house.
Its believed that the fortune is so expansive
that winning the lottery wouldn’t even cover
the insurance

Music Slow Ominous music

Narrator: The story starts with 2 harden criminals named

Henry and Ethan.
Ethan is small and fat but he is the clever one
of the duos
Henry is tall and strong and he is the brawn of
the duo
The story starts with them outside the Millers
house in their van.

Scene Two

Sound Cars passing by, car horns, birds chirping wind

blowing, dog barking

Music Faster music

Ethan: Let me tell you that plan one more time. We

breaking into the house using our crowbar
Then we sneak up the stairs and into the attic
And steal their fortune, that easy

Henry: that easy boss

Ethan: Yes Henry

Sound Van door opening and people getting out of van

Ethan: Now Henry remember to stay quiet

Sound Henrys footsteps


Sound Ethan whacking Henry

Henry: OWWW
Ethan: Did u bring the crowbar

Henry: No

Ethan: Well go get it

Sound Henry running to van to get crowbar

Ethan: Hurry up

Sound Henry Running faster

Sound Crowbar opening the door

Ethan: Now Henry we need to be careful for traps this

place is probably heavily guarded

Narrator: Ethan then walks into the kitchen then


Narrator: A Hammer flew down smashing Ethan Straight in

the nose

Sound Ethan Screaming

Henry: You ok boss

Ethan: What do you think you twit

Narrator: Henry walks into the kitchen and sees a toy

train set in his bath

Henry: Boss there is a train set in here

Sound Toy Train noises

Narrator: Henry tries to step past the train set but his
feet are to big so he accidently steps on the

Sound Train toot Whoosh Smack

Narrator: Henry is swept from his feet and taking flying

Ethan: Henry your such an idiot

Henry: It’s not my fault boss

The trains tricked me
Narrator: They both walk into the hallway where they are
met with a grid of lasers

Sound Laser sounds

Henry: How are we going to get though without setting

off the alarm boss

Ethan: Well I have a cunning plan

Narrator: Ethan gets down on his belly and craws under

the lasers and jumps over some

Sound Person shuffling and jumping

Narrator: Henry looks left at the power box and turns it


Henry: I found the power boss

Ethan: (out of breath) Good job Henry

Narrator: They make it to the first set of stairs and are

more cautious knowing more about the traps
They creep up the stairs.

Sound Twang

Ethan: Watch out Henry

Henry: Watch for what

Sound Marbles falling down the stairs

Narrator: Both slip and fall down the stairs

Sound Both falling down stairs

Sound Thump hitting floor

Both: OWWW

Narrator: They both stand up o

Sound Slip

Henry: OWWW

Ethan: Get up you idiot

Narrator: The slowly walk up the stairs

Sound Stair creaking

Narrator: They make it upstairs and walk across the hall

Ethan grabs Henry

Ethan: Stop, there could be traps

Sound: Floors creaking

Narrator: They tiptoe across the hall

Then all of a sudden

Sound Slipping sound

Sound Thump

Narrator: Both slip over on grease that sends them


Ethan: What are you doing fool you should have warned

Henry: Sorry boss

Narrator: They both try to get up

Sound Slip and thud

Ethan: GET UP

Henry: I can’t boss

Sound Slip

Ethan: You Idiot just get up.

Like this

Sound Slip

Henry: Did you do it boss

Ethan: No, you moron

Ethan: Just try slide across to the other side

Sound Sliding

Ethan: Give me a push

Narrator: Henry Pushes Ethan and slides backwards himself

Sound Slide
Ethan: What are you doing over there
Come this way

Henry: Trying boss

Sound Slipping

Henry: Pull me across

Narrator: Ethan reaches out with his fat chubby hands

Henry: PULL ME


Sound Slide

Narrator: Ethan Pulls Henry so far that he flies into the


Sound Smash

Henry: Ouch

Ethan: Get up idiot

Narrator: They both make it to the stairs to the attic

Ethan: The fortune should be here

Narrator: They both creep up the stairs

They make it to the attic
And there in middle of the attic
A Box

Ethan: That’s its Henry we did it

Henry: Nice work boss

Narrator: They walk up to the box

They open the box

Sound Box opening

Both: A Coin??

Henry: Maybe its old

Ethan: No idiot it’s a current coin

Narrator: Ethan Searched franticly

Ethan: There is nothing here
Just the coin

Henry: Good heist Boss nice work

Ethan: No, you idiot

Narrator: Henry walks to the window

Henry: Isn’t that the house with the fortune boss

Narrator: Ethan walks to the window

Ethan: Yes Henry

Narrator: Ethan’s face goes icy white with embarrassment

Henry: Better luck next time boss

Narrator: If there is a moral to this story it should be

Check you have the right house.

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