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Technology as a Way of Revealing art & word - Technē and logos of Technology means

Instrumental Definition - Technology is a tool, a
device or an instrument that gets things done. *True* - Each person in the society is directly and
indirectly affected by technology whether he will it or
Anthropological Definition - Humans determine the not.
function or purpose of technology.
*True* - Technology is already an inevitable part of the
calculative thinking - Which refers to people's view of society.
nature as something that can be controlled, putting
orders and systems so it can be better understood *False* - Science has had very little impact on our
based on their desires? society and culture.

Art - It is an activity of the mind which has the capacity *True* - Many counties in Northern Europe rely on
to shift the minds of the people according to renewable resources of hydroelectric power.
*True* - In South America, the government and the
*False* - Scientists should strictly follow the steps in public are actively seeking ways to have better soil
scientific method. conservation.

*False* - Collaboration and diversity are insignificant in *True* - Science is valued by society because it can
the scientific community since these may bring answer questions to problems that will help improve
conflicts or disagreements. overall living conditions and quality of life.

bringing forth” or revealing - Poiesis means *True* - Farming is increasingly becoming more reliant
on technology, like harvest automation, drones and
*True* - The danger of technology lies on how humans autonomous tractors to help increase food production.
make use of the technology.
*True* - Scientists predict that in the future, there will
Significance - The true essence of technology is be no need for smart speakers like Amazon Alexa
revealed by its because all appliances will come equipped with them.
meditative thinking - This kind of thinking does not *True* - Critics say that the desalination process is
use technology for nature to forcibly reveal itself expensive and not an option for less developed
instead nature alone reveal its beauty to humanity, countries.

Global Warming and Food Production rates - When

When technology and Humanity cross making predictions about earth's capacity to feed the
growing population, scientists must take into account
Robot - Often referred as androids. It contain some _____________________.
combination of the following attributes such as
mobility, intelligent behavior, sense and manipulation All of the above - How does technology gives people
of environment. happiness and pleasure?

Technology - The study and transformation of

techniques, tools, and machines created by humans Anything outside like food, housing and clothing is
Humanity - The qualities that make us human, such as considered a luxury. - At present, which of the
the ability to love and have compassion, be creative, following does not tell that technology becomes a
and not be a robot or alien. necessity and no longer a want?

Greek Mythology - Has an example of a robot that rice cooker - Which of the following is not considered
comes from the stories of Pygmalion, said that the as "celebrities" in the field of technology?
statue of Galatea that would come to life. All of the above - According to Kantar media, 92% of
Robotics - The branch of technology that deals with urban homes and 70% of rural homes owns at least
the design, construction, operation, and application of one television, what does this imply?
robots. electric telescope - It has 18 lines of resolution that
Greek - Where does the word "technology" comes send images through wires with the aid of a rotating
from? metal disk.
Paul Gottlieb Nipkow - Who invented machine that
send images through wires with the aid of a rotating
metal disk?

Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton - Who created a Genetically Modified Organisms

new system of television by using the cathode ray tube *True* - humans have been changing genes of
in addition to the mechanical scanner system? animals and plants for thousands of years?
mechanical & electronic television - What are the two b) Choosing the traits you want - What is genetic
types of television systems? engineering?

b) The spreading of engineered DNA. - What is the

The Information Age (Gutenberg to social media) first issue with genetically modified plants?

Tribal Age - They believe that hearing is more b) No - Are GMO's dangerous to eat? Yes or No?
important than seeing. a) Pesticides engineered in the plant. - What is the
Print Age - According to this age, they believe that second issue with GMO's?
"the truth will set you free".

Age of Literacy - Hearing is no longer trustworthy. Gene Therapy

Seeing it in writing becomes proof that it is true.
b) 1974 - When was the first genetically modified
Electronic Age - What we feel is important than what organism born?
we think.
a) Rotting - What type of gene was suppressed in the
1995 - In what year did the internet was exploded. tomato?
2000-1500 - Invention of Phonetic Alphabet. c) Viral DNA - What do bacteria store using CRISPR
Content - A messages is best described as ______. *True* - CRISPR works for EVERY type of cell
Medium - It is a means of Communication. b) over 3000 - At this time, how many genetic diseases
Print, Tribal, Electronic, Age of Literacy [TAPE] - The do we know of that are caused by ONE incorrect
order list of Media as Age. nitrogenous base in human DNA?

Global Village - It is a place where the community are

literate of using technology for the improvement. Climate Change
Nanotechnology d) change - "We need to ______ the way we talk about
a) In the right order - Where do all the atoms have to climate change."
be in order to work correctly? c) real - Many people think of climate change as a
a) Because it determines the way the material will ______ problem
behave - Why does it matter that atoms are arranged a) CFC's - What did scientist discover were destroying
in a specific order? the ozone layer?
b) We would rearrange the atoms. - If we were b) carbon (CO2) - The release of too much _____ from
smarter, we would... where it was stored is causing climate change.
*True* - If were still smarter, we could be able to b) Unlike other types of pollution, CO2 is invisible to
create new things that could work in unusual ways. humans. - Why did people say no one has done
b) Solar panels - An example of nanotechnology, that anything to fix the problem?
could be useful would be?

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