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Verb group

- Auxiliary
- Tenses
 Present tense
 Past tense
- Modality / modal
- Aspect
 Progessive
 Perfect
- Voice
- Active voice (implicit)
- Passive voice (explicit)


- Auxiliary modifies verb by indicating Tense, mood, aspect, and voice.

- Vgp – AUX + V
- “setiap kata kerja yang terdapat pada sebuah klausa atau kalimat mengandung auxiliary.
Auxiliary memberi dampak yang beragam pada kata tersebut berupa tense, mood, aspect,
atau voice.
- Samples of auxiliaries in English
 Can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, do/does/did, must/had to+…
 Am/is/are/was/were+…
 Am/is/are/was/were/has/had/have+…
 Ought to, have to, used to, be about, be going to+


Based in Thomas (1993) there are two tenses in English, Present and past tense

- Kate hugs the baby (present tense)

- Kate hugged the baby (past tense)
- The dog eats the bone (present tense)
- The dog ate the bone (past tense)
- She is hungry. (present tense)
- She was hungry. (past tense)

A verb contains present tense uses infinitive form/v1, or the copula verb containing present tense
are; BE (am, is, are).

A verb contains past tense uses form v2, or the copula verb containing past tense are; was and were.

In tree diagram, tense is marked / signed as (tense).

(tense) is immediately dominated by (aux) mode in a verb group (Vgp).

Vgp = aux + v

Here, aux = (pres) + (past)

Modality / modal auxiliary

Modality / modal auxiliary indicates a states of affairs is likely, possible, necessary, and so on.

Modality is marked by (mod).

Modalities: will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, would, must, ought to.

Certain modalities: need, dare, used to

(mod) doesn’t carry tense.

Thus, a clause or sentence containing (mod) only van be followed by an infinitive verb (v1)

Suffix (-es) or (-ed) cannot be there because (mod) cannot be influenced by (tense)


- Will invites (incorrect)

- Could helped (incorrect)
- May help (correct)

(mod) in the tree diagram is immediately dominated by (aux) node in a verb group (vgp)

A modal auxiliary has to follow an infinitive verb to complete a verb group

An infinitive verb is a kind of verb carries no ending either for person or for tense. So it is only in the
form of a v1

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