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7) Se ove 00 uN wa ost Hg, Cot miners more, essrsaut oe at ytminey) shit vc campord Of ma eee atnns We MV eTHIEYING piTreRem THPEH OF LUT eoemicaleyy cataniaed anuaas variou’ 4 ~tton FYing pirreee ca a omg Ones homo, aed t0 fan otner aroun PO hwnd OF mon are horned Se . «nang Mt Mune eon OF MOF MEE egg count -# Br CNET gn FoF 1 fompaciteon and proper be in, cyeup, & ante Hebe goatee moxtone AHN im KENNET gi ey Weeyyeeeane tM ax a seVOHt con of at eager 0 SE yy on wnitor , envi coLuTion 5 2 OTe mn - v FEME Component grat te vivatty present Seno oenens Hmporoes earougnas OL COWROD Ad Weare quantity ,it algo determines Me sate Of domposs and uraer waver ond crank POW Molter oy which the golvion erst foutlon OF OM a wwtion Of waite card e TRE pow of aroluncn (nat daidlve [ME LOWE , dol wt eemion mount t PryoKy gre greater aniount Ferme amount of solves, AtAOND 1M O SPEAARE 2 © Soure of coutton THC usuatty ME component Uh (EsKer QUANTITY - i. : part ot, at vbaing diuolved. ~ amount of soUMe OF amount of SOWCON. anercatton SAT Neel = tu Of the retrad ucays 09 compu Et ei FUevatty kt steer amount oF cotton iC tmeugh puremt py was and por (Per oF saunon) your « © Gurer saturate sorution —r Comprues O large amour g Mars PeFcUN LonceNiTRATION OF OWE at a kemperature wertin it will De reduced ay 7Mast perant Cmjer) ontentrahen W 2 rauit te extra come will crystallize quickty # The pucunt by mass of cote I solution - © unsarveaten sorunoa—eis @ solution wich acavent —# CaLvLared using thy fOrmivLa » i€ caper i mare golste at a giv . tempereeret MAONING OMG ME SURE BO FN Mays rcaunt (46) mats ot 1) ¥199%t0 ‘ (abot cote ¢(4) 04 solvent © samueaten sorution wean ne defined ac a golution S ie Which 9 COlvent mot Capable OF dicoIving any Mas punt (te) = Wall Of CUKLA) y WGO%o F wore solute at a given temperature. was of fowtton (4) (FORME OF coLUTION) (Claleutating Min, Peout) ©agueous corurio DY Te Catowlanon OF mass porcumt (mmm) requires tee ioumen a sowute ic distolved in water tre colunon ig — BATIME OF cOWwte (g OF KCI) and - called GN Aqueous Couutton, E.q. fait in water, ang Hqrums oF cotton (q Bt KCI coluton) : copper cuifate in water. @Non-aaveovs souution Seeded = bmg u , OF folvent (uarer) = 42. 00g ‘ Ipwhen a solve Ie digoled 100 colven 4 : caer g oF KCL (olution = 60.00g water, iF Ke colled & NOM aqueous 45.5 OF Noon | ——— «1004 345g (auton eax umn) conceMTRATONC) 4 and needed eonwntvatton 1 needed (nauentration (OuIDe TO FALCANATING STEP OL: SHAK tHE QE ser pn a plans ww cakeviok rer go: waite quater avel epavertion. ackors cet up prnbteny b0 CaLUeAG Miner, funtt eer od Canon cxAmPLCY ; © G 80% {m/en) Ha Cy ce a colution ic preparedt ait 15.0 g OF Nay Wy and ges 9 oF HO What 1 ENE Mask POTENL Corfe) OF Unt cauen (over 01) Gwe: 150g OF No,CDy ; 2559 of HO Need east perant (00/4) OF Noy CO> (SPOT) Mast pent (en/m) =_Q OF COUeL 100%, 4 OF souution {OLUTION = MAK OF solu t Mass OF solvent (cauatare ere masc oF colurton) gor mution= (5.0g 1209) 2 260g oF Na, CO, coWtion (sree 08) write try uatifies and convuTion pactors: (5:0g OF No,005 = 250g soluton 0g Na l0s gg 190 9 coution 169g Nays 190g souion (SUP OF) Cex up problem: mass prtant (evi) = 18-0g Nar0y y gory = 0-009 * 150 g soweion 00%e mast Pott (m fm) 90 “fe (mim) Na, COs a yowume PeRcutT The volume percunt (uf) e-. + pout by volume oF colute Lliquid) in ao couton e volume *o(vIV) = volume OF SOLU y O94, volume oF cowtlon s volume coture (mL) in 100 mL OF colton volumt, ‘Jo (v/v) = mt Of Sole _ fOOmL oF soutton 4 MASS /VOLUME PeacenT Te mars /volume Pount (m/v) mass jvaume Yo (m/v) =_Qramt oF LOWY 199 Vvouune{mt) oF couxton (eeceat canuntemion) YY 15 fe Cmpon) KCL ? (meanine) # Teel Ort 15q oF KCI 19 1009 OF Jowvtton (eomencion Fociues) tig HCL gg 100g colton 1004 cowon 18g FOL 1) 5% (m/v) glucose (ynearime), smut art. 5g OF (wovrion Fectoes) _ Dg WO ong (00 mL coustton queare 19 160 mL oF sourton oO mL colon (era 5g guucok 3) 12"fo (v/v) etnanot (mennini) sThase are Let of etmmol 1 160 mL oF solution (conversion Fectoet) (amt exnanol yg 100 mt solutron, 100 wl soutien iz wl cenanol (uote, exounpley) 4.9.60 fe (m/m) NaOh B80 GNoOK ang WO g soLron 100 g cowwtion $-40 g NaOH B.5.7C% (v/v) etnanot SAS me amano 4100 mL coltan [00 mt (oUean 5.78 MIL eklaawol €. 4b'le Condy) HOU 4-9 g Het 100 wi Colution (Oo mt soursen ao COvIDE TH ULMY CONUNTRATION TO CALCULATE, MAKS /VOUN cand © fea ty given and waded quantities © Witt O plan to Carouaw mais oF volume. lurite equatiner and wonvercion Fated inducing conuntration, Ow up problan fo calaMaty mast or volume CEKAMPLE OF LLML PEEEMT LONUATRATION (efor) FACTOR) S) How many Gros oF NaCl art needed to prepare 125 OF A 19:6%0 (fer) NaCl soletton? (ste? of) Wen =126g oF souutten; 10-O%» (wn/en) Mal Need: 9 oF Wact (cole) a mag. of solvte(d) in 1WOmL couron = Gor coud [SIKR OL) plan: gegadwutan ——* g oF Natl (Om oF colton PERCUT CONVERSION FACTORS = LpTeo COnvertion Factor con be, written For ean type OF pomnt Lonuntrntion, Cote ba) Write Aqalities And canvertignn Factors 12 Oqeenac +1006 oF Hat! sound? AOE G Nat and 100g Natl cotutton 100g Nac\ sowxion 10.09 Naa mh . (ng A OAK = WOM OF VEL mUAtor o 4 ‘" 04) Fe Up protien to canat Qilene OF coKtOn ala nee r eo Y (Cg Matt fF SHER] We ae ve wren tog vo Deu oa Het agnor {ae 66) (oF up ewe prment MANY gram) oF Und one headed te prepare 480 eonCerail " aa se Sit tH V (00 pt FEL eetON AIT TAT or FOF Cam) ut eee? ‘ THE + (00 9 pegat erect} 1 10 q Fee F) Hoos many qromy ng NaOH GFE casted ro peagare (26 my ae OF ROG (m/v) MoO elution” \ v Noow 4) 1.04 4 oF Naot (Arehutiion, bY 16 gy oe Neon CE OY Givens 38.0 g OF NOUH eoluton; OK ( ma) eon — 6) Magog NaOH VW 5 g oF Moons YY 28.0 4 of Noo nepal (retution Weed 4 of Nowe (solute) S\89 G0¢ tow GRP eX} g OF goto —— 4 oF NOH (A180) Gre 125 mo Nad (yoLvtion); & W"Ie Con/V) (See o8) ware quatines aNd Lonveddon FREE: Noon caution 16.0 g OF WogH= Oye NogH LoWNO” fe Weed. q oF pope a fF NoOH Pion: mi. oF Neo ——? 9 oF Nat OLMM, om MELE MON Gegenwart pce . BQO mi oF Nath = 160 Jor NaOH (St 02) Le vp prottear tO CALL TAL Qyany OF SOWRON, —_aomLeE NAOH IA 4.4 100g oF Nader 2.0 Taper x MO g NoOH 00g oF \laow % 80 mi of Nadtt OLAton (00 s-HicoHTEWtON Gtep 06) (ek up tHe proviee S) How mamy eile OF 5-4T% (v/v) eohanul woven [av WrOPNeGHuctan x oo gor Neon = 1420-409 Can te prepared From TLS mL OF exnanor’, SC homeptmasen 2.5 mt (reas) (2-9 mL © wars \c often repered ko aL tre Uvivesal solvent becauxe TE mas $0 many dipfecnk Hinds OF ©) Ft mt downens, why! Captudauon) Mikix waters Cumrical compondon and physical ornbute COP Dr) Given. 1.1T mL OF etnanol (sole), Hhak mae Wb sun on exalient COivent , SAT Ye (iv) Meant cownen ware moines have o PeLar arrangement OF SxyGan Ned: ML OF Etnundl (olution Bnd hydrogen growy — OMe Kae (Hydrogen) has & Porvitive ewcmeal Marge nd te Ohaus “ide (Oxyden) had a negative charge, MC auowK tL waker molecule ko neLoML ateracted WO mony Olu aigfeEMe type oF molecules Cote G1) Pan, ml oF exnunol —p mt of dotution (50 04) Write equauines and convertion Factor. (00 mL np elution = 5.9T Mi OF etnunol 5:75 ral CUAL gag WO mL Coton (water. tHe unweesat molecuLe sewenry, 00 mt cownen SAF mil Cohort swale didolues more WoékuMes tan any OtRLr tiqdid (sree 04) fu up problem eo cunul wu mil oF crranol; — # HL DENY MOICOUL ChapE mater iF polar .WgiveL tne bal La rac Teomedly sont wun “ETAL SE REET] MAM one fed ee ond Me +) ©The Partral rarge, arroek Party OP Polar molecules CELAMPLE ULINY PeReMT GonWATR ANON (m/v) FACTOR fo diccotwy WnLuN « Dh wow Many WL OFA 4.20% (m/v) wll dontala $.45g FCI? —& Warr doe Mok dlctolve AONROLAT mwotecuLY , (GEEPOD) WLU 5.15 g OF HEL (OCU); 4.10% (m/v) ECL @© How did our wadneys aNd water make a great pale, qouxion Our Own Kidneys Und WAH Koluene Propertiet mare a Need ml of KCI SoUtion Gros PALE In HReplng UL ative aad Healtny.. 8 Te idneys ore reipontinle por FiIKMING gut Mackantes (atte 01) Plan’. 4 of HKA——v mak oF FEI soluton tak enker GUC hodles FEM FOOdI and hes Oe voncune (ett? 09) writ equauher and vonventon Falter ! bet es Havens na, gO ger n0 of these suoctomees gi geen @ grea soivent wwe in toni bution out bein ‘ SWC posits mae er vids alcvolves ue, Krone Revte asain Was wie Sean raion) , awe sauhiag SFOUG aoa fonds thin an YOY O “WE negative when wes in water : Ew i erway tots WA ¥AKEY AVE LO ex00NGioW) WAL tne moleGUlOr chant and due. tO ime Fact Mut bot water CENDOMIORME yc! sad ait compounds ore polar , with peti ond Maw i sania, ee | On upporite fides WM tne, MoleuLte te perdi in Catt compounds are calted Tonle becaute mney othr hue an electrical charge — tnt chioride lon > tnvoreemg ic negatioly charged and tre sodium jon re Pouieuely ue . pi moleaite IClonle in Mature but tne bond 1c Se wat catted covalent with MO hydrogen gkomu hot clivatt a ae onsets UI MBE PAINE Charge on Ont Me oF tne > Frome : oxygen abim, una Mor A aeqative Cnarge.. teuthion X Hotter BH tunen catt TC mined with wate, OW (ALE digolues hecawte a Hoge BS wale POPOL oF wake Are CrORgUr Caan Ene lone Fiabe enwgy to tan, body bends in te salt molecres , BW Outteg eouryy \. OM Foun oF utr (MODULE 08) DIIMGUIEHING THE EneRLY CHANGE in EL = Theat cregy HAL boy hairy cunny ‘ital CHEMICAL REACTIONS tote, 7 ORTERMIC PL WOE rat descrbes o process tryg FEES ToeUl erugy taut boy IC hang duing by, Felearee energy 1 HL For oF heat . Float cea, + Forming O Chumical bond releaser erugy and WRU Em body gatas Q arount OF enurgy ou shown Rutpore Can exowurmic prow « 10 teu about tmaye And ater cometnu er body 1 F Exotnumne reacrians urvatty Feel hot becute It ls giving heak bo yo SPunding som W ameuni of eHug in Aoiny wort. ~ Bena te wed change y ; 7ENDOTHERMIL —P A. Process oF action nat obcerbs \eghun a = Mn tka enagy OF Hu body enuegy in hL FoKm GF heat gy y #Preaking achumical bond requires ergy ond — 8 tr boys Weal urgy War FY Gra tne it becom Er. turrore 1c tndotwrmic. Mus, nis change in total trargy is notwing but + Endotnucmic reacttony ULV ALL iN FEAL (old became it 14 eile AaHOg hear away ero you , B Abou, Statenunt can be mathematic atty witien ay DEFINITION: 4°* LAW. OF THER MODY NHAMIC( tl-tL © O-w ATL First Law OF Thermodynamics care, nat onergy =a-w can be converted From wre Form bo anoener wit tre OF Wrtgon , DE=@ lnteradtion 9F hunt work and (atenat Ercegy but FIRT LAW OF THRMODYNAMICS —¥The net change in COMME he Created nor detroyed, under Oey Gecumitor Eat tobal enugy OF a Systten (WE) HS equal to tre hat UA. Matrunaticaily MIC repreientid as Adced to tue cyte (8), talnus wore done boy the Usatw yc (w) with... e 4 Wn DU oboe equation Gung example rccoraing wo Prt aw OF Churmodynamics Od Gut work dont on Usage : SU= (623) 5 5) ] bv-Q-W . ( (tas ; = 2243 - 150) 5a T ' (08 Joules (Gassircenow \ Moonkemiy, Eyorneemc, DY At onw bar preswure. te VOlUML OF Gas Lc OU Litre, 7 Photosyntnesic vLiguemous | IE the gas receives 122 Joule OF heat ar one Y BaLOn Into Wok prt pan 4 Flavitignet atmosphere presiue, 0% volume beLomes 2 tibeg then ¥ Electte blankets heat you ue 1 Comppires Calculate iC intomal energy. V frott prom outtioe of a vest tubes heaks, Ci titre bar = [01.52 owes), beaker up (notation) (rommutad, Y Preps #Prewure P24 bar Oveva-vs hg = -0.0 were dont A initnar volume of gas (Wa O.~ ine AV*2L-0-0L on the = L-4Libe lama energy Cin Final volume oF gas (Ve= 2 4 ese WP py =(25T-104T = (4) C4 Ute) =F Uke tor | S029 KF TP Pu 1 bie oar = te142 Joules Neen Catoulaty tL change 1a 0) L@rt25 Fj wetog sd © A stam undergoes 9 proves vonsising tne cotoue P80 We 1ay 101.34 = I41.85 youe ee TF Her, te work UW ond by te sys fem SEP OL: TAL Cystemn Obcorbs FH) Op heat while 95) oF 50, We 4141.85 joute ain TET heat Ootuinedl by be cyslen (0. 122. Joule) “u at oS Feoaing to Goumodynamios Ficck law ener ior = 190-14. 85 SEEPOL: The system docorlot 355 oF heat white Perporming 72d OF Work. Calctare tne change i4 internal energy Por tne Overarl proesc(ia T) Au = Q-W bU= (003 +33) “ #0 determined by Heaving te change Ia fea can 0G 4 By Weaning enon exatremit Cra Mat lay et, eondoukey ® A veariery homes a chumicar reactien wo EWract Guay MPOYL & Luge Port OF eve ie a ag Vere Form oF were weumtcat var - A cortala nesta rae n haart 0 Oe bakery met o Foy buck ond baomes Parrany Ciara | 44 Fanovenc te Pedy WO (eo eww process sit perrorm! a robal oF WVOs of vor CFOrMWLA FOE CALORIME on i tmvmecione durpundingt «It also gues ore FOSer — Q=MCDT Wear vwhich AL caroundings ablorh “No OHrur UOMO” WhAL; ere wt mii Hs A a (tO (and Av oF we battery malany sure cada quantiry hes yeu (3) : Ame mass in Hiegrams (K4 tow prep sign. : Oth wy = 17-07 (becante Ht batty PurPONMS Us OM EM — 4 E = specipe heat Capacity Teg °C (& Yreg-) ‘ surround aye) 4 AT 2 temperature onange to oor i) Lege -b.0 5 (oecome tHe battury guei heat fo tw “owe coun determine te magnitude OF EME heal FIOM) ‘ gonoundting!) boy muaaring re magniiede OF fe kumpuature 2 Change tre Weak prow pvedues or)t (-307) Mu prow pr . = ee by treba Lipedete Heat capacities oF comma ssottonus?) BU = —120T (ducharged by tru pattay {VAAN JIg "© £ (Fa@d s water(t) = 4184 SJ. thaw is Frecting an eyottuMiG process 1 + wor (> 208 5 uren tw water 1 placed in a preezer, tae water 16 clu i ° = "out haat tote eaording eid ai. + Water (9) t Sg Th walur moleualts On Loring energy begin bo move — + Atvminum( SY ~ 0.04 (louy ,come dager ancl PGK clase Crovgin FOCMANAY 6 gM (<) - 9-45 tole: . Nn - 4 © fa tHe prowss , AL waka THLEAIES beak Fo be CUiToUNdings berary(1) ee + IELGN erothenmic prowss. ‘Cumon() - 9th fli at te + Sil (0 ~ 0.24 7 {imme (Freee sGeldt) - 9.4 (ep pt® veya ® 1 enpentang ‘exonvemic 4184 Joules = 4 catone 2. why Ih malting ind eaporating endoteecen’ (semoye proaven) ATH heat goat Inte break te athraution tre parece’ pave FO ean Orner... MoleCVLEs Mut are evaporatieg Gre axorbing hat, A chontistry student dicsolves 4-51 grams oF sodium hydroxide jo 490.0 mL oF waker at 19.5% (in @ 7 cawamarur up). A bre codiwn hydroxide di A DULAUGY WL wioteLies are oocorbing heat eaporaben i — fy tumperatun, OF tne cunounding water eae ; : Caned ENDLTHERINIC, to 314°C. Determine Ore heat ge SolutON OF ERL 3:1 TR Fleck law OF thumedyrumics always true’, sodium hydroxae in T/g - FHCW COM km Fictt Law icconstantly Sox foe tue + DAW MOR tnt Colution to twlc prololed’ ic bated On Or ve cath TO SeHHEE aw Yar ve-can't cay EL KL reoguitton Hrak Ke quantity 9% | 1 AWGN) Yeheakc Ut equation bemind it V4 tr... THe Fart tow OF Coan hrydeonide diicotuer Te equok bo bne Quantity OF Tumodynamics AL cqvaton(s) desunbaing bar enugy alosurmed by EAL watur ra bau Colovingter th: Conesvation oF wnergy UL “HUE IM En genie that Cavan Form, ° 4 vary dtpendapi Qiuson dissolving = ~Pearonwear (Mode 07) DesceiBine THE Hear FLQW AND CALORIMETRY Ce inne ALTE negative slan indicates Wak Ot Hal \ loving Tia oe ontrgy and WML Waker YN tne CalOmimener ix gaining, mug SiMe try Ma and kenPUatL Chan HUE POW. OF Measuring ERC amount OF Hemk FeleasEd OF gre BU MuGUeeD , Cre a dined eee abcerbed during a chumteal reuthoe . Ceatrimaor) 8 be ducing. SY SoM i el . (FAQ — eae : J)Evptain tre, anergy) TAMIFEE MY ConvEctEn Gog ig Qeownmeser = ((90-0g) (418.5 /9/9C) (449 ¢ 19:50) Umctatian wll tne, Cauy FULD slate Goutorautur > 5099 .t0 J Sp fhure are. Dee Moin Lead’ WN cursus hye mucwods i0dude tHe co ATRL Asumption Yc mak Dme Magy gained wy tru vaker Patrer Mu MIAO etre iC egok fa rtty ug read by oe SOdiwM hydOvide whi i Q Grndratly « is PU 0 to, St B0d whun dlapwing. Co Brac diccoidny compoiinion oF tat 06% eUk Toe eg ene, eget gn nia on ergy“ vnwcoun ic ene OF I ME baer way Wy Se Auonhty Ve OL amount OF Mak MeLeate a, IE Mex 8 wet 9 PUI: Me Asolving 4-51 gram oF WU sodvomn hydlrOAEL in og - | Wala tos mat or cowtton Kc dacrndded 06 6 pur quem nvuaion prouss heak i trangpered by tra, ase Tne ORR. T OP crugy mat be avec by wae moung parttae, ond W rpemed 04 convection AL mas OF Sodium hydroHde May \¢ boeing Hold aie mua trampur ii Uimiked por PADS fin Pubds| » —— Ateuton = Ganon cruviig /Maaon clin ale Cen met of, dirpudon, mobenuat. | 2Bhnann © (-beeUTD/E4819) ethis can’t toxe place wimnin nigid coils uhowy | we Partities Ar’ co Compacr FOr movemunt. | oe 45 /g Aan cond wave generate heat? | Bimounion = -1.19 x10" T/g P Yes, sou waves Can genera hewk - 1m Fadl, 6ovnd Raves dimoik aluoys Gentrat o Little bit OF heat Os solv YG) One gram oF cedium Myarowae (woo) We dcelved truth 0nd amet always tnd up Rene uhUn rey mn 0 WO ml ef water at HO" CHE MAE COPAHA) one anion, O€ Wake or foie temperature 1s 4.104 T/tg. °C +" 5) Wey doer gre oadert Home OF tru year align wit qd 4Oml water has @ mass gf FO grUms OF 0-04Ky pesca oF te yeart : ule He Fonperatine OF Ore Colueten Increatt to 89°54" 919 ganurak ne coldet Hime OF EL Yeay dog not How much heat is gained by ene calorimebeyr aUGn win tre darkest te oF OU year’ Captures) 9 the bate rayon FOr tm dicorepanay 1! OM Fat cor nak O28 tony time 40 G90L drown ancl hea OP - 30° g.0d) (4 104) (35:22-20°C) (MODULE 40) Dereemmnine FACTORS AFFeETINY Recon oe Rare. crurgy required bo huat — ReAenOn HanerICs 2 ogo", Vis Ow study OF OW ra OF Chumicak reactions , and © cwioiawe to joules OF reautian rakes can vary greaty over a Large range OF 7 4b4.5q OF water prom 5-4 - QemoAt gam, scales z( ~# Com, readkiont Can prowed a explosively rout rads We ere detenakron OF Firworus, wii Ofrund CoM aver ak a sluggith Ck, ove many year Me tre itn OF bared uit expoied w0-kae tlemunty FIREWOREL AT MIGHT OVER RIVER —7 KUL Chumicad reaLton Fe in Fireworks happan at an explotive vate EQ ust cqootty oF eaurgy (in T ond cui) requned to RULED BARBeD ARE? tnt wuting, OF aroed wre, ecluns 6 Ola a pitt OF Iron wating 919 prom 2r.0e | OW many years Oy Au. 0104 GOLLCION THEORY a ‘ “9710 undeatund Wik Haeicg UF chemical reauran sar Wnt Factors teat OFFect Hina , We choud pat examine wha happent duing a eatkton on tre molecular Led. vacwording fo mw toLLKon THAR OF FLacTIM™ , Feauon wwe utun readiont molecules Serecovely — ~ coltide.” @ vemeeaarven Foran « cemmptrasing bypicaiy WOU TT ag, ae oe etn WoILLGon” fo occur, KML ALLAN mole o teat = Gas Wa tumperatene ar : atin oe in space coneetty to fauili tere Ue avicage Route AWgy) oF tra, sean ae vara rnin) oF WondL Inc, Yre reonrtoyernen ‘ fae eae ee pimeoer ee pans Trutgare 0 greater orapertor s oe ceeentv’ wn ae AL mninimurn Gatcgy ae ] emperors Sa (rtute 05: vemmeaetune, m0 S| pe 9 SS (Mom 09 tower —puacnon Rate tetit om LE S O® TO Wuvuaueanon), ANLY Urergy didintion OF 5 & 6 FFective (UMiON ATL vLivatizovion shout —noLewly in acomply) — § wa 00 Be i GW fe wollen bared on a. Wolecrar onentation, Too . MOEA LOLLION mOlecULeL Mut a0 potas Neen OMURE BE autre energy FOr ON Crpectivt, UEION ko OCT TK enyy vane FOr. eu FeaLK'ON, ONGC Moun oO: FL ACTIVATION ENERGY (Eo) WNL Yate OF reaction oanecore, Aepends on ene OLAwatiOn rum, a Righur activation enogy war, imu Poin molecules with Wave SUFFICE Onurgy to undergo Products On CrFeckye COUN. (Fours 04: porermar ented Ano ACTWATIEY Ene), eine powRNral, energy} Aegon OAK HNL auKVAnON enegy OF a NYpomnetical rauton (Factoes THAT AFFecr RAC) rut art Four main Touro Eat Can aereck TL reAUTON Fake OF 0 ChunticaL reactron, ‘© eeactanr conwnmeanon TS tncreaying bt Canumeation OF one OF more reaLEans WAU OPHUn ‘Mcrae ONL Tae OF reacon , PML Oca Pecaarte A hignue conantrarton OFA reaLKONt wilt lead 10 more COuions ax tnar reactant 0 © apecigte tin penod © Poysicar srare OF me Reactanrs a If ReLLKUN (HOLeGLEL exit iM ipForent PAK , O19 0 nueroqondos midune, BU rake OF reattion Wi be timcled Oy Ene SUrFAKL arta Oe Ht halts thuk- ore, In contuLr- AV For gxcample iF A FOL MUG reaLEAMVE ond gat Feartank Ore med ,Gnly Ene moar prucnt On kh SUA OF FAL MAL Gie OOLe FO COWLide when Ine gar roles Thberore,, IncreaNA OM CUrPaL BLM OF LM musa by poring {k Flak Or axing iE Into many pies ik UNAS Ot reaoon Take - fa jeeactonts Pounta\ entegy Reaction PeoureL @ Puen OF A CATALYST: 5 =v CATALY (Tis @ subttane Enat GCA «aes ae bby Paridpuriny i ir watnort being, Lancumed . © PHONE On OlteKnative reaumOn PAX uy we Gobaln pein Or. RaW . THUY ae GrinAl te many brodnunicar 7 aug uA We Gramined FuryAUT In tL gecko “CATALYS

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