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"Connected but Alone?" is Sherry Turkle's Ted talk. She contends that technology
has a significant impact on our psychology and social relationships. She claims that
technology connects us but also separates us from reality. When people are looking
for Friendships and Companionships, they will most likely use their phones to
communicate with others. Rather than attempting to connect with people in person.

It's such a problem nowadays because we've forgotten how to communicate with
people in real time, which is especially difficult for young people who are trying to
learn. Some people in social gatherings simply look at their phones instead of
paying attention to what is going on around them. And in this situation, our friends,
families, and colleagues feel neglected because they do not receive the attention
and interaction they deserve.

They say that we live in a world dominated by our phones, and we let this
rectangular piece of metal take us somewhere we don't want to go. Our messaging
apps enable us to hide and project an image of ourselves over which we have no
control. We don't have the ability to delete or unsend messages when we're
conversing in real time. However, I believe that the problem is not with our
phones, because they are just another tool for us. The problem is that we let it do
what humans do best, That is Socializing and Connection. We should not sacrifice
Conversation for the sake of an Illusionary Connection.

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