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At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

1. Discuss the various classroom discussion strategies in enhancing student thinking.

2. Discuss the discourse patterns in the classroom.

PRE-LESSON ACTIVITY: Something to think about:

1. Please explain briefly.

Anything that is worth teaching can be
There’s a lot of ways or
presented in many different ways. These strategies to whatever things
multiple ways can make use of our that is good or necessary to
teach even though each
multiple intelligences. –Howard Gardner person has different ways of
learning and different
intelligences. It is up to the
giver of information/educator
on how he/she will handled it.

1. Please explain briefly.

Hearing is not as good as

seeing, seeing is not as good
as experience, and true
learning is only evident when
experience produces an

Please watch this short video

Make a short reaction paper.

The use of teaching tactics in the classroom is important. Teachers would be

aimlessly projecting information that doesn't connect with students or interest them
without the usage of a technique. Strategies help learners participate, connect, and add
excitement to the content being delivered.

There are many effective teaching strategies that educators are using to engage
their students and better connect them to their learning. By trying out strategies or
methods use to convey information such as modelling, by demonstrating a skill and
explaining each step with a reason, the teacher engages the class. This gives students
a verbal and visual example of what will be required of them. Feedback, feedback helps
learners understand what needs to be done and how to perform better. A teacher can
also use it to see how their methods might be improved and which teaching and
learning techniques are most likely to be successful. Give each student feedback to
help them fill in their learning "gaps". Experiential learning, by engaging students in
hands-on experiences and reflection, they are better able to connect ideas and
knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations. Student-Led classroom, it
makes learning fun by giving them creative freedom and empowering them to have
control over their own learning. It also instills values such as motivation, self-discipline,
and curiosity. Mistakes, as students reflect on their errors, mistakes serve as both a
teaching opportunity and a time for brain development. The goal is to normalize
mistakes and educate students that making mistakes is normal, especially while
learning something new. Class discussion, discussion is important to learning in all
disciplines because it helps student’s process information rather than simply receive
it. Cooperative learning, it promotes social interactions, by having the students explain
their reasoning and conclusions, cooperative learning helps develop oral
communication skills. Inquiry-Guided Instruction, this helps foster more curiosity about
the material and teaches skills students can use to continue exploring topics they are
interested in. Lesson Objective Transparency, it help students understand how and why
they are learning course content in a particular way and promotes students' conscious
understanding of how they learn. And lastly, Graphic organizer, it simplifies the teaching
and the learning process while making it more enjoyable and interactive for everyone.

There are many effective teaching strategies that educators are using to engage
their students and better connect them to their learning. By trying out strategies such as
these, teachers can find the platform that best suits their student’s needs.

IV. Assessment Task: Answer this.

Based from your observations and experiences as a students, which classroom
teaching strategies is more effective during this time of pandemic? Why?

In my observations and personal experience, the best teaching style is

active student-teacher interaction, particularly in synchronous classes. This technique
raises students' academic achievement. Students are less likely to become interested in
what they are taught when they are actively participating in the learning process.
Students who are actively participating in class had higher exam performance and lower
dropout rates. Additionally, the teacher-student relationship is essential because it
allows teachers address the academic, emotional, and developmental requirements of
their students while also creating classroom conditions that are more suitable for

V. Assignment:
Answer this.

1. Make your own teaching Philosophy and reflect using this following questions.
A. How will you treat your students?

As a teacher I will support them in all aspect like a mother to their children.
I will give personal attention to every student in my class. Always be fair, always
be consistent and organized. Have everything ready and well prepared. I will
avoid criticizing or punishing them too often or too harshly because students
don't learn very efficiently when they're fearful.

B. What will you teach?

As their teacher, I will teach everything they need. Give them knowledge
and learnings that will motivate, inspire and change them to be a better person
and have a better future.

C. How will you teach?

Same as the other teacher’s strategy, I will appreciate feedback because it helps
learners understand what needs to be done and how to perform better. It can
also use by the teacher to see how their methods might be improved and which
teaching and learning techniques are most likely to be successful.

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