Speaking Ingles

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v. Hello, good morning welcome to Compunting and Technology S.

L My name is ______ what

can I help you ???

c. hi ______ I was looking for anassher

v. perfect. Are the computer you want to love you or a laptop?

c. Good question. I would like it to be a laptop but have a large battery for a long duration of

v. A very important question. The maximum price?

c. Ooo, well or so € 600 but we can always a little more

v. perfect. Let's see what we can find here

v. I have several laptops here. Would you like a special brand?

c. No, I don't care about the brand

v. And he wants some type of hard drive or RAM in particular

c. Well, hard disk, I would like M.2 of 256gb at least

v. Good I have this computer here, an Ideavo Lenovo 3 with an i5, 16 GB processor of RAM and
500 GB of hard drive for € 600

c. And what else do you have ??

v. Well, I have this Asus Zeenbok 14 with I5, 12GB of RAM and 480GB of hard drive for € 580

c. I like both well, but I'm going to stay with the Lenovo that I like the characteristics more

v. Perfect I get it right now, thanks for the purchase

c. Thanks for your attention, goodbye

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